I.A. Bunina "The Gentleman from San Francisco". earliest childhood


A feature of Bunin's work is the ability in the most ordinary domestic scenes finds its zest, something that we passed by repeatedly. The author, using the most diverse techniques, through soft strokes and details, but nonetheless clearly and vividly, brings his impressions to us. Reading the works, we seem to feel, feel the objects described by the author.

In many stories, Bunin does not name the main characters. He captivates us by other means than external entertainment, the "mysteriousness" of the situation, the deliberate exclusivity of the characters. Bunin suddenly draws our attention to something that is, as it were, quite ordinary, accessible to the everyday course of our life, past which we have passed so many times without stopping and being surprised, and we would never have noted for ourselves without prompting.

In terms of colors, sounds and smells, “everything that, in Bunin’s words, is sensual, material, from which the world is created”, previous and contemporary literature did not touch such, as his, the finest and most striking details, details, shades.

Another feature of Bunin is also interesting: story line. Very often we become witnesses of the denouement at the very beginning of his work "Light Breath". Often only a few words hint to the reader about this, but this is already enough. This technique allows you to better understand the problems raised in his works. The understatement of the plot attracts the reader with the opportunity to bring the story to its logical end himself.

Bunin, like other writers, could not pass by such eternal problems human being like the problem of love, the problem of the meaning of life. Much attention is paid to the beauty of Russian nature, which has a strong impact on Bunin's sensitive nature.

The problem of the meaning of life, the purpose of life is raised in many works. Most of Bunin's heroes, even despite the seeming ease, well-being, have to think about their existence. But very often this thought is terrible, and not many are able to adequately accept it. In many works, the theme of the meaning of life is closely intertwined with the theme of love, which is especially carefully studied by the author. Perhaps love is the purpose of all life.

Among other themes of Bunin's work, socially stands out - philosophical theme. For example, in the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco", the author widely opposes "mechanical", thoughtless people who devoted their whole lives to the pursuit of the golden calf, for false values. The author encourages people to remember that they are people.

One can consider only a few features of Bunin's work, a few features of a huge creative heritage left to us by the author, but it is impossible to know all the work of such an author.

Lesson topic: Preparation for the final essay based on the story by I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco" (direction "Aims and Means").
During the classes
1. Conversation with students, based on the parable "Taste of the air"
Tell me, can you taste the air?
Are taste and smell the same thing?
Let's lament the parable, which is called "The Taste of the Air."
One day Master asked me:
- Can you taste the air?
I sniffed the forest air and named a few scents.
Yes, you have a good nose. But what about taste?
I stuck out my tongue like a dog several times, but remained perplexed.
- Okay, teacher smiled and, jumping up from behind, grabbed me and covered my mouth and nose.
I realized that resistance was useless, but after a minute the instinct of self-preservation made me twitch my limbs and squirm. Then the Teacher let me go, and I breathed Life in full.
“The taste of life,” I said, catching my breath a little.
- Right. You should always feel this taste. This taste is also in water, in food and in many other things. Do not eat anything that does not have the main taste. Don't talk to someone who is mentally dead. Drink from the Cup of Life with pleasure, but do not rush, because you can empty it ahead of time, or you can even spill it.
What is the moral of this parable? What lesson did the Master teach his student? What is it calling for?
What should be the basis of life? What goals should a person set for himself?
What life values ​​should be prioritized in life so that a person does not regret lost years to truly enjoy life?
2. Mind Mapping Life values»

Can we say that a person does not need material values that he should strive only for the spiritual? Justify your answer?
What values ​​are central to the life of a gentleman from San Francisco? Prove it with text.
Is it bad or good? Can we give a definite answer?
What did the gentleman from San Francisco buy for long years labor?
What did he lose by acquiring wealth?
Does this mean that if a person sets himself the wrong goal, then he loses the “taste of life”?
The hero is 58 years old. Did he really live?
Does he understand that he sacrificed his life for material goods?
Why does Bunin take only a few sentences to describe the life of a gentleman from San Francisco? Read them.
Until that time, he had not lived, but only existed, though not badly, but still pinning all his hopes on the future. He worked tirelessly - the Chinese, whom he ordered to work for him by the thousands, knew well what this meant! - and finally he saw that a lot had already been done, that he had almost caught up with those whom he had once taken as a model, and decided to take a break.
What are the means by which he achieves wealth?
What does money give him?
Find in the story a description of this power over people.
Having power over people, does the hero become happy?
Is it possible at once, at will, as if by a wave magic wand, become happy, learn to enjoy simple little things, experience a variety of sensations and feel the life boiling around?
Does he really enjoy and relax during the holidays? Justify your answer.
What does the gentleman from San Francisco not have, despite being rich?
What leads to the deceitfulness of goals?
Let's put it all in the form of a diagram.



Deceitfulness of goals

The work of thousands of Chinese

Power over people

yellow body


What conclusion does the writer lead us to?
1. We must hurry to live, not postponing life for later!
2. Deceitfulness of goals leads to spiritual and physical death
Is the story of I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco" modern? Justify your answer.
1. Choosing a theme
1. How does the goal set by a person in front of him affect his fate?
2. What is more important for a person - spiritual or material goals?
3. Do you agree with V. Hugo's statement: “Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is as if it had not happened”?
2. Work on the composition of the essay
1. Introduction. A reference to an authoritative opinion on an issue close to the problem under discussion (for example, the words of Academician D.S. Likhachev: “Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy.”)
2. The main part. The answer to the question posed in the topic of the essay:
1) argument 1 + illustration (story by I.A. Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”);
2) argument 2 + illustration (goals of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrey Bolkonsky, heroes of L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" // goals of Alexei Meresyev, hero of B. Polevoy's "Tale of a Real Man", etc.)
3. Conclusion. Appeal, appeal to the reader//reasoning about the relevance of the topic.
Write an essay on one of the suggested topics.

Artwork, author hero The purpose of life
L.N. Tolstoy,
novel "War and Peace" by Pierre Bezukhov Saving the life of a loved one, family members, one's country, mankind
Prince Vasily Kuragin Money, material values
Kuprin, story Garnet bracelet» Telephonist Zheltkov Lyubov
F.M. Dostoevsky,
novel "Crime and Punishment" Sonechka Marmeladova Christian Love
A.S. Pushkin, the story "The Shot" by Silvio Revenge
A.S. Pushkin, novel "Dubrovsky" Vladimir Dubrovsky M. Gorky,
the story "Old Woman Izergil" Danko Life for the sake of people
Larra Life for yourself
A.T. Tvardovsky,
poem "Vasily Terkin" Vasily Terkin Peace on earth, victory over the Nazis
Parable about the purpose in life
The teacher stopped, looked at the river and said to his disciples:
- Look carefully at this river - it is like our life, flowing either rapidly or slowly. At any moment it can change and will never return to its former face.
The students looked at the river intently. Then the sage asked them a question:
- And what would you choose the path to your intended goal?
The younger student replied:
- I would not be afraid of the current and swim towards it in order to reach the goal.
- You are brave, - said the Mentor, - but there is a big risk that you will drown without reaching the goal.
The average student replied:
- I would choose the path, going with the flow, like that branch that confidently floats along the river, and along the way I would gain experience.
- A good answer, but only if the current goes in the direction of your goal, and if not, then you are threatened, like this branch, to cling to the shore of an unfamiliar place and rot, - said the Mentor.
The senior student thought and answered:
- I would swim to my goal, changing tactics, then going with the flow, then against it. If I got tired, I stopped for a halt, and then, gaining strength, moved on to my goal.
- You thought well about the mistakes of your friends, but still your answer was not wise enough.
Then the Master turned around and walked slowly home. The disciples, puzzled, stood for a while by the river and followed the sage. When they caught up with him, they immediately asked:
- Mentor, which way would you choose along the River of Life?
He stopped, looked at his students, smiled and replied:
I wouldn't even go swimming.
“Is your goal already achieved,” the students were surprised.
- No, - answered the Mentor, - but not always, in order to reach the goal, you need to swim. In order to achieve the goal, you must first go ...

Lesson topic: Preparation for the final essay based on the story by I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"(direction "Aims and means").

During the classes


1. Conversation with students, based on the parable "Taste of the Air"

    Tell me, can you taste the air?

    Are taste and smell the same thing?

    Let's lament the parable, which is called "The Taste of the Air."

One day Master asked me:

- Can you taste the air?

I sniffed the forest air and named a few scents.

Yes, you have a good nose. But what about taste?

I stuck out my tongue like a dog several times, but remained perplexed.

- Okay - The teacher smiled and, jumping up from behind, grabbed me and covered my mouth and nose.

I realized that resistance was useless, but after a minute the instinct of self-preservation made me twitch my limbs and squirm. Then the Teacher let me go, and I breathed Life in full.

- Taste of life ' I said, panting a little.

- Right. You should always feel this taste. This taste is also in water, in food and in many other things. Do not eat anything that does not have the main taste. Don't talk to someone who is mentally dead. Drink from the Cup of Life with pleasure, but do not rush, because you can empty it ahead of time, or you can even spill it .

    What is the moral of this parable? What lesson did the Master teach his student? What is it calling for?

    What should be the basis of life? What goals should a person set for himself?

    What life values ​​should be prioritized in life so that a person does not regret the lost years, so that he can truly enjoy life?

2. Compilation of the mind map "Life Values"

    Can we say that a person does not need material values, that he should strive only for spiritual ones? Justify your answer?


    What values ​​are central to the life of a gentleman from San Francisco? Prove it with text.

    Is it bad or good? Can we give a definite answer?

    What has the gentleman from San Francisco acquired over the years of work?

    What did he lose by acquiring wealth?

    Does this mean that if a person sets himself the wrong goal, then he loses the “taste of life”?

    The hero is 58 years old. Did he really live?

    Does he understand that he sacrificed his life for material goods?

    Why does Bunin take only a few sentences to describe the life of a gentleman from San Francisco? Read them.

What are the means by which he achieves wealth?

What does money give him?

Find in the story a description of this power over people.

Having power over people, does the hero become happy?

Is it possible to immediately, at will, as if by the wave of a magic wand, become happy, learn to enjoy simple little things, experience a variety of sensations and feel the life boiling around?

Does he really enjoy and relax during the holidays? Justify your answer.

What does the gentleman from San Francisco not have, despite being rich?

What leads to the deceitfulness of goals?

Let's put it all in the form of a diagram.

    What conclusion does the writer lead us to?

1. We must hurry to live, not postponing life for later!

2. Deceitfulness of goals leads to spiritual and physical death

    Is the story of I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco" modern? Justify your answer.


1. Topic selection

1. How does the goal set by a person in front of him affect his fate?

2. What is more important for a person - spiritual or material goals?

3. Do you agree with V. Hugo's statement: “Our life is a journey, an idea is a guide. There is no guide and everything has stopped. The goal is lost, and the strength is as if it had not happened”?

2. Work on the composition of the essay

1. Introduction. Reference to an authoritative opinion on an issue close to the problem under discussion (for example, the words of Academician D.S. Likhachev: “Only a vital goal allows a person to live his life with dignity and get real joy. ».)

2. The main part. The answer to the question posed in the topic of the essay:

1) argument 1 + illustration (story by I.A. Bunin “The Gentleman from San Francisco”);

2) argument 2 + illustration (goals of Pierre Bezukhov and Andrey Bolkonsky, heroes of L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" // goals of Alexei Meresyev, hero of B. Polevoy's "Tale of a Real Man", etc.)

3. Conclusion. Appeal, appeal to the reader//reasoning about the relevance of the topic.


Write an essay on one of the suggested topics.



The purpose of life

L.N. Tolstoy,

novel "War and Peace"

Pierre Bezukhov

Saving the life of a loved one, family members, your country, humanity

Prince Vasily Kuragin

Money, material values

Kuprin, story "Garnet Bracelet"

Telephonist Zheltkov


F.M. Dostoevsky,

novel "Crime and Punishment"

Sonechka Marmeladova

Christian love

A.S. Pushkin, the story "Shot"



A.S. Pushkin, novel "Dubrovsky"

Vladimir Dubrovsky

M. Gorky,

story "Old Woman Izergil"


Life for the people


Life for yourself

A.T. Tvardovsky,

poem "Vasily Terkin"

Vasily Terkin

Peace on earth, victory over the Nazis

Parable about the purpose in life

The teacher stopped, looked at the river and said to his disciples:

- Take a close look at this river - it is like our life, flowing either rapidly or slowly. At any moment it can change and will never return to its former face.

The students looked at the river intently. Then the sage asked them a question:

- What path would you choose to reach your intended goal?

The younger student replied:

- I would not be afraid of the current and swim towards it in order to reach the goal.

- You are brave, - said the Mentor, - but there is a big risk that you will drown without reaching the goal.

The average student replied:

- I would choose a path, going with the flow, like a twig that confidently floats on a river, and gaining experience along the way.

- A good answer, but only if the current goes in the direction of your goal, and if not, then you are threatened, like this branch, to cling to the shore of an unfamiliar place and rot, - said the Mentor.

The senior student thought and answered:

- I would swim to my goal, changing tactics, then going with the flow, then against it. If I got tired, I stopped for a halt, and then, gaining strength, moved on to my goal.

- You thought well about the mistakes of your friends, but still your answer was not wise enough.

Then the Master turned around and walked slowly home. The disciples, puzzled, stood for a while by the river and followed the sage. When they caught up with him, they immediately asked:

- Mentor, which path would you choose along the River of Life?

He stopped, looked at his students, smiled and replied:

- I wouldn't even go swimming.

- Has your goal already been achieved, - the students were surprised.

- No, - answered the Mentor, - but not always, in order to reach the goal, you need to swim. In order to achieve the goal, you must first go ...

The stories of I. A. Bunin create a feeling of something beautiful, mysterious, mysterious, sad and joyful. They seem to lift us above our being and at the same time lift the veil over the secrets and mysteries of the Universe.

The title of the story by I. A. Bunin "The Book" contains two meanings: one specific - "printing work", and the other abstract-metaphorical - "life".

The Bible speaks of the book of life, where everyone who believes in Christ and fulfills his covenants will be written.

The theme of the story is to correlate the world of the book and the world of reality, in the attempt of the hero - the narrator to find his place in life, in search of the meaning of life. In opposition to the fictional book world and the world of the real, real, and the story is built.

It begins like this: "Lying on the threshing floor in the omette, I read for a long time - and suddenly I was outraged." "Three floor", "omet" are significant details of the text, creating an atmosphere of idyllic village peace and quiet. Why "outraged" and not "outraged"? The impersonal form of the verb conveys the surprise, the impulsiveness of the feeling that gripped the hero. This feeling came somehow instantly, immediately and inexplicably: how long can you read and live other people's sorrows and joys?

The beginning of the text is saturated with details that recreate the image of time - fluid, changeable, transient, leaving like water in the sand and never turning back: "long", "from early morning", "from day to day, from childhood"", " lived half his life, "to the grave."

The world of the book is outlined by a whole series of homogeneous proper names in pairs. Each image of the book world carries symbolic meaning. Abraham and Isaac are the heroes of the Bible, personifying obedience to God, humility before his will. Hamlet with his reflection, the desire to connect the broken connection of times, punish evil and establish justice, and Dante is a courageous and stern researcher of human sins. Gretchen, personifying youth, beauty and love; Chatsky, who entered into a duel with " Famus Society". All these names convey the complexity and diversity of the book world. We see that the reading circle of the narrator is wide.

"Book obsession" and "alien inventions" are opposed to the world of nature. "... a field, a manor, a village, men, horses, flies, bumblebees, birds, clouds - everything lived on its own, real life". Nature teaches to live a real life, and not other people's inventions, teaches one who knows how to observe.

In the description of that important point, when the narrator suddenly woke up from a book obsession, the past tense verbs are replaced by present tense verbs: I look, I see sharply, I hear, I smell, I feel. You need to live not in the past, but in the present, in this moment and rejoice in the fact that you can perceive the world with all your senses. The ability to look with surprise and joy. "with some new eyes" is the greatest gift. Life is "something extraordinarily simple and at the same time extraordinarily complex", "deep, wonderful, inexpressible"", it is something "that is never written properly in books". Life is much wider than what is depicted in art, and it cannot be fully explained. If someone could explain life, it would lose its meaning. Life is a constant movement towards truth. "How does the heart express itself? How can someone else understand you? A thought uttered is a lie," F. Tyutchev's statement about the impossibility of conveying the inexpressible finds its embodiment in the story of I. Bunin.

Each of first three paragraphs of text begin with the verb "read", that is, lived fictional world, and ends with the antithesis of this invented world of books - a description of reality. AT rural landscape the author seeks to convey the variability of nature, its elusive transitions from one state to another: "While I was reading, changes were secretly going on in nature." The epithet "secretly" emphasizes the holiness, mystery, incomprehensibility and mystery of the very soul of nature. The two landscapes are contrasting: "It was sunny, festive; now everything has faded, quieted down." Clouds and clouds "to the south ... still bright and beautiful." Warm, soft smells of distant field rain. The earthly world, objective, visible and tangible is more beautiful than the fictional, bookish one.

Color epithets are unexpected, picturesque and colorful: "on a dry purple road", "white iron shovel", "blue chernozem".

The image of a peasant, who is opposed to the narrator, is connected with the theme of life and death. A man is happy only because he lives in the world, that is, he does something incomprehensible in the world. He is happy that he planted a jasmine bush on the grave of his girl, and believes that his girl knows about it, believes that she is invisibly present next to him. He does not grumble at God for his heavy loss, resigns himself to fate, is submissive to the will of God and hopes for Providence. The portrait of a man conveys it internal state: "The face is rejuvenated, clear." "The hat is off the sweaty forehead." The peasant happily worked, planting jasmine "on his girl", obviously, he spoke to her as if she were alive, and therefore a miracle of spiritual renewal happened to him. miracle of enlightenment of the soul. A person lives as long as the memory of him is alive.

The narrator "reads everything", "invents everything", but inwardly he is ready to meet a peasant and to change his attitude to life. This seemingly insignificant meeting transformed the narrator. forced him to rethink his mission.

The man uttered only three phrases, but two of them sound like a revelation to a lover of reading and give rise to many questions. "He planted a jasmine bush on his girl ..." But does the girl know about this? The superiority of an illiterate peasant over an educated hero lies in the fact that the peasant believes in future life and don't doubt it for a minute. He believes without reason. believes in eternal life and knows that he will meet his daughter in it. It is no coincidence that the purple road, along which the peasant returns from the graveyard, the earthly last refuge of man, just a guest in this life and the eternal inhabitant of heaven, lies between the threshing floor and the garden. When pronouncing the word "threshing floor" one recalls Lermontov's: "With joy, unfamiliar to many, I see a complete barn..." The barn is a symbol material well-being and prosperity, a symbol of earthly prosperity. The garden is a symbol of eternal nature, and in the Christian sense it is a symbol of eternal human soul. ("Everyone should cultivate his own garden").

The author repeats twice that the oriole sings in the garden. "Playful trills", "flute singing" also give rise to questions in the mind of the narrator: why? for whom does the oriole sing? Whether for oneself, for the life that a garden, an estate has been living for a hundred years. The estate is a symbol of the motherland, family nest. Or maybe this manor lives for the flute singing of the oriole?

Oriole singing is akin to creativity. The theme of creativity is connected with her image. In order to express yourself, your "I", convey your vision of the world or in order to reflect in your work the world. May be, surrounding reality, nature and exist in order to sing them, to try to express the inexpressible?

The final part of the story echoes these questions, born by the singing of the oriole, and she arose under the impression last sentence man: "You read everything, you invent all the books," Why invent? Creativity is a complex and painful process. On the one hand, there is the eternal fear of appearing insufficiently similar to those that are famous. On the other hand, the creator experiences eternal torment - to remain forever silent, not to speak about what is truly yours and the only real one. How to keep your "I" at least in a word?

Thus, the themes of the story, as always with Bunin, are eternal and enduring: nature, creativity, life and death, happiness and the purpose of man on earth. The course of the author's thoughts moves from the book world, creativity to earthly life and to eternal life, and again returns to creativity. Starting with the opposition of the world created by someone else's fiction, real earthly life with its bright, visible beauty, the author ends with the assertion of power and miraculous power artistic word. A word capable of preserving the unique human "I" with its unique world.

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