Faculty of Theater Arts "School of Russian Drama. Gorbachev


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For 18 years of existence of the institute, 5 graduations of theater and film actors took place. School graduates successfully work in theaters in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tver and other cities of Russia. After the death of Igor Olegovich Gorbachev in 2003, as a sign of deep respect, the Theater Institute was named after him.

In 2011 Theatre Institute became part of the St. Petersburg state university service and economics in the form of a faculty theatrical art"School of Russian Drama named after I. O. Gorbachev". In the same year, the department of theatrical art was opened at the faculty. Today, you can buy a diploma from the School of Russian Drama in St. Petersburg of any year of issue.

Purchase a diploma from the School of Russian Drama named after I.O. Gorbachev

The innovation of the school is that students not only theoretically comprehend the art of an actor, but also participate in professional performances from the first year. Students absorb the playing style inherent in this particular school, and it requires virtuoso acting skills, carefully developed in all voice registers, expressive plasticity, the ability to feel free in historical costume.


1. Acting

2. Theater directing


Artist drama theater and cinema

Artist musical theater

drama director

The form of education is full-time, carried out within the framework of the state budget and on a paid basis. In St. Petersburg, buy a diploma from the School of Russian Drama named after I.O. Gorbachev means to be in demand on the stages of the capital's theaters.

Buying a diploma from the School of Russian Drama named after I.O. Gorbachev

Buy a diploma in St. Petersburg School of Russian Drama named after I.O. Gorbachev is possible within one or two days. The geography of your place of residence, the presence or absence of previous education does not matter. The main thing is the desire of the Client to buy a state standard diploma of standard quality, made on the letterhead of the GOZNAK printing house.

The cost of our service is quite comparable with the financial capabilities of any working person, and is not a limitation for buying a diploma from the School of Russian Drama named after I.O. Gorbachev. Those who took advantage of our offer note high quality documents and ease of purchase.

History of the School of Russian Drama. AND ABOUT. Gorbachev

The beginning of the professional work of theatrical education in our country marked the 18th century. As early as 1738, the activity began Dance school named after J.-B. Lande - a well-known dance teacher, a representative of the gentry cadet corps. When a little time passed, the strength of the pupils was able to center another teacher who began to stage performances - A.P. Sumarokov.

Approximately at the same time period in history in Yaroslavl, the merchant Fyodor Volkov came up with the idea to create an amateur theater. The public reacted to the innovation extremely enthusiastically. The actors of this theater are seeking invitations to St. Petersburg, and then they will be enrolled in cadet corps. There, the leadership belongs to A.P. Sumarokov, and he oversees the study of the basics of acting.

In the summer of 1756, by the decision of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, a decree was successfully signed regarding the creation of a Russian professional theater, whose purpose is "the presentation of tragedies and comedies".

Historically, trends have been important for the whole country theater life St. Petersburg. In the middle of the 18th century in cultural capital there were several theater troupes, in addition to Russian: French and Italian, as well as German. For the Russian theater, the issue of replenishing the troupe with qualified, then still professional actors, became acute. To fill the gap, the leadership in the person of I. A. Dmitrevsky decided to create the first in the country theater school(1779). It was thanks to her that future Russian actors were able to study not only the then accepted subjects, but also special ones. There, for example, they taught dance and the art of recitation, vocals and stage movement. After some time, the courses were given a different name - the School of Russian Drama. And since 1783, the institution was given the status of the state Imperial theater school. Its walls once released famous Russian actors: E. A. Semenova, V. A. Karatygin, A. E. Martynov and others.

After the revolution of 1917, a new initiative appeared. Its organizers were the teachers of the school - they themselves were able to organize theater groups. Then there was the L. S. Vivien School of Actors' Skill, which over time was transformed into the national Institute of Performing Arts.

After the creative refinement of the activity, the students were able not only to theoretically comprehend the art of the actor. They were given a chance in their first year to participate in performances staged Alexandrinsky Theater. His achievements were built on a grandiose acting skills. The voice was carefully developed in all possible registers.

Education at the school of Russian drama

Founding the School of Russian Drama in 1992, an outstanding theater teacher, recognized National artist The USSR, a graduate of the legendary school, I. O. Gorbachev realized that traditions could be revived. So a new theater institute appeared. Since then, more than 5 issues of future stars have taken place. Actors are known for their roles not only in theater, but also in cinema. The school of Russian drama was named after the founder in 2003, when I.O. Gorbachev died. During this time, the new talent workshop was able to flourish.

What specialties are currently open for students at the Gorbachev School of Russian Drama? There are two of them. The first is acting, and the second is theater directing. There are three specializations: for the director of drama, actors of drama theater and cinema or musical theater. When applying, it is important to remember the following features:
· One form of training – full-time;
· Training can be budgetary or carried out on a paid basis;
· Duration of training – from 4 years;
· Admission starts in May.

School of Russian Drama. AND ABOUT. Gorbachev - modern theater based on past achievements.

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