Projects on theatrical activities for teachers. Project: theatrical activity in the dow according to the federal state educational institution


    To study the level of knowledge of children and parents about the Theater.

    Study literature on theatrical activities preschoolers: tasks, means, methods of work.

    Determine the project strategy.

    Draw up a work plan for the implementation of the project.

    Designing a theater area in a group.

    Develop a card index of conversations, performances, games and exercises, different types of puppet theater, various materials for making attributes for performances, etc. on the topic of the project.

    Create visual material “Artistic word about the theater”.

    Organize an exhibition of children's creative works on the theme "Theater".

    Carry out educational work with parents on the topic “Theatrical activities in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard”.

    Systematize the methodological activities for the development and implementation of the project and present this experience to colleagues in the preschool educational institution.

For children:

    Examination of illustrations, multi-albums, slide shows on the topic “Theater” Interactive games.

    Reading poems and stories, getting to know proverbs, sayings, incantations, guessing riddles about the theater. Listening and learning songs on the theme of the project.

    Performance of children's creative works on the theme of the project.

    PowerPoint presentations, interactive physical minutes, multi-albums, slide shows on the topic.

For parents:

    Questionnaire: "Theatrical art from kindergarten"

    Consultations: "We play theater", "Theatrical classes in kindergarten"

    Booklets: "Theater - at home", "Introducing preschoolers to the world of theater in the process of getting acquainted with the history and culture of their native land"

    Drawing Competition: "The Theater and Us"

    memos and advice

    joint dramatization of "Teremok"

Implementation stage:

    Cultivate a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

    Encourage children to create expressive image in sketches, dramatizations, in song and dance improvisations.

    Expand your understanding of the surroundings. Develop the ability to isolate the signs of objects (color, shape, size), determine the material from which toys, decorations, attributes are made. theatrical performances. Expand knowledge about the characters involved in theatrical and gaming activities.

    To replenish and activate the vocabulary of children (nouns, adjectives, verbs to denote the actions of characters).

    To form the ability to determine and name the location of theatrical characters, objects, scenery (right, left, straight, side), to characterize the state of mind and mood of the characters.

    To consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation with riding puppets.

    Using riding puppets, encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, invent new ones, with the help of a teacher and without him.

    Stimulate children's attention, memory, thinking and imagination.

    Develop ideas about the moral qualities of a person, the emotional state of oneself.

    To teach children to accompany the movement of the doll along the screen with a song, to come up with a given text on their own.

    Continue to develop in children the desire to participate in dance improvisations with and without puppets.

    Support the initiative of children in improvisation on the metallophone

    Encourage children to play with puppets on their own.

    To develop in children the desire to include in stand-alone games song and dance improvisations.

    Support the desire to speak in front of children, parents, employees.

In the middle group, work with table puppets continues. Children remember puppetry techniques, come up with small scenes with table puppets. Work continues on the development of creativity. Children can make up dialogues on their own. actors, based on the plots of well-known fairy tales.

At the end of September, you can introduce children to the theater screen. At this time, it is good to introduce children to a doll on a gapite (a gapite is a stick on which a doll is seated. Controlling a doll on a gapite requires endurance, patience, and certain muscle efforts from the child, since the hand must lead the doll along the edge of the screen without leaning on it To make it easier for the child to control the doll, they are made as light as possible (can be made of cardboard).

At the theater classes, children can already be introduced to puppetry techniques. For this purpose, sketches with a doll are used, the purpose of which is to teach the child to focus his attention on the performance of a clear, rhythmic action by the doll. Etudes for the development of the emotional sphere are also used, which develop in children the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, the ability to adequately express their own. These sketches help the child to look at himself from the outside, contribute to the formation of self-control, increase self-confidence.

Work continues on the development of creativity, which also uses puppets on the gapite. Children can compose small tales and songs that accompany the movements of the dolls. Gradually, noise instruments (tambourine, drum, rattle) can be introduced into action, which give a new sound to the song composed by the child, develop a sense of rhythm

Monitoring the implementation of the tasks of the project "The Theater and Us"

(teacher assessment)

Criteria for evaluation:

1. In the group, conditions have been created for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities:

The performing creativity of children is encouraged (children play various roles in theatrical productions and performances, expressively read textual material in classes, matinees);

Children are calm and relaxed when speaking in front of adults and peers. The active participation of each child in performances and other performances is ensured;

Children actively use the means of facial expressions and pantomime for improvisation;

Distinguish between different experiences and emotional state of the characters;

Children independently choose the means for improvisation and self-expression.

2. The group has created conditions for introducing children to theatrical culture:

The subject-developing environment is organized taking into account the active involvement of children in theatrical culture (there is a stage, a curtain, a dressing room, etc.);

The teacher organizes a visit to the theater, shows slides and videos about the theater and theatrical performances, there is demo material on the study of theatrical genres;

There are various types of theater in the group: bi-ba-bo, finger, shadow, table, puppet, etc.

3. The teacher provides conditions for the relationship of theatrical and other activities in the pedagogical process:

Dramatization games are used in speech development classes and music classes;

Dramatization games are used when reading fiction;

In labor classes, attributes are made for theatrical productions.

4. Conditions have been created for joint events on theatrical activities of children and adults:

Joint performances are held with the participation of children, teachers, parents;

Organized performances for children.

Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of children


Study exercise

Dramatization games

Sketches with dolls

puppet shows



ABOUT- Great X- Fine At- satisfactory - unsatisfactory

Evaluation of the results of theatrical and gaming activities is assessed in the following areas:

Etude training (actor skill)

    Diction (rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters).

    Gestures (studies on the expressiveness of a gesture, including “Tell poems with your hands”).

    Facial expressions (studies for the expression of basic emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits).

    Movements (etudes with musical accompaniment).

Games - dramatizations

    Desire to participate in dramatization games;

    Ability to communicate with a partner;

    The ability to improvise when creating an image.

Sketches with dolls

    Desire to play with a doll;

    The ability to manage it;

    The ability to improvise with the doll.

puppet shows

    Desire to participate in performances;

    Ability to communicate with a partner using theater puppets;

    The ability to create an image with the help of theater puppets.

Working with parents.




Why is theatrical activity necessary?

(discussion of goals and objectives)


Questionnaire to identify the relationship of the family to

joint cultural and leisure activities


Consultation on the topic “Theater in the kindergarten. What is he?


Consultation of the educator on the topic

"Reviving Home Reading"


Discussion of the results of work for the first half of the year.

Drawing up or adjusting the plan for the second half of the year.


Consultation on the topic "How to organize a musical

family evening"


Discussion topic: "How to make a suit in

at home?"


Short term project"Do-it-yourself puppets for the theater".

Theatrical game "Journey to the world of fairy tales" (screening)

Evening of questions and answers


Summing up the work for the year.

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Does your child play theater at home?

2. Do you play theater with your child?

3. What types of theater do you know?

4. What types of theater do you have at home?

5. Do you know that you can make puppets for the theater yourself?

6. Would you like to learn how to make theater puppets?

7. How often do you visit the theater?

8. How often do you visit the theater with children?

9. Why do you think a theater for children is needed?

10. You know that theatrical activities in our kindergarten

is a priority in the development of children?

11. Would you like to know more about the age characteristics of theatrical activities?

12. Does your child participate in theatrical productions, in performances?

13. Your child shares with you his impressions of his successes or failures in this activity.


14. Do you like your child to participate in performances and productions?

15. What dynamics in the development of your child do you observe:

1). positive. 2). Negative. 3). Nothing happens.

16. Do you think it is worth continuing to work in this direction?

Advice for parents.

« Introducing preschoolers to the world of theater in the process of getting acquainted with the history and culture of their native land"

Folk wisdom, carefully preserved by our ancestors, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries, should not be lost, forgotten. It should be passed on to children and how earlier child feels the roots, the more willingly he will turn in the future to the experience and knowledge of people living in distant, hoary antiquity, learn to honor the memory of his ancestors.

Behind last years significantly increased interest in folk art. And it affected work. preschool institutions. Folklore holidays and entertainment began to be held everywhere. It's good that we remembered our roots and gave the children the opportunity to touch the source folk art many generations.

In our kindergarten, children live in a cozy world of warmth and kindness, in a world of creativity and fantasy, questions and answers. After all, all the best that begins to form in kindergarten will be reflected in the future life of children.

For children preschool age available are small folklore forms - nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes and little fairy tales. Since children have visual-figurative thinking, the most striking of the means of getting acquainted with oral folk art is the theater, in all its diversity. Acquaintance of children with works of art, with the best examples of oral folk art should begin from the first years of his life, since the period of early and preschool childhood is a defining stage in the development of the human personality. A brilliant creator - the people created such works of art that lead the child through all the steps of his emotional and moral development.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and finds its expression spontaneously, because it is connected with the game. The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he sees and what interests him. This gives him great emotional pleasure. We see how their sharpness of reaction, the depth and emotionality of their feelings towards the heroes of a fairy tale or performance are aggravated, speech is enlivened, their eyes light up with genuine joy.

In the mood of the children, a feeling of satisfaction and joy appears from participating in playing out a fairy tale, performance, etc. Children share their impressions not only with their peers, but also at home enthusiastically talk about their successes.

During the game - dramatization or in independent artistic activity, children get to know Russian faster folk instruments and in the future they can creatively and interestingly use their sound either as a noise design for a performance, or musically enrich the character of a particular character.

So unobtrusively musical instruments, being in the hands of children, during ritual or theatrical performances help to understand the soul of our ancestors, their idea of ​​good and evil, their cheerful, mischievous disposition, to get to know Russian culture better, its originality and originality.

Familiarization of children with Russian folklore through theatrical activities gives children the opportunity to study and learn about the world around them, live in harmony with it, get satisfaction from a variety of activities, successful completion of the task.

In order for the child to be able to apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities, the group needs an appropriate subject-developing environment. In the play corner there are Kuban costumes, utensils, towels, which contributes to the inclusion of elements of the native culture in the daily life and activities of children. In the cognitive corner, children can see photos of their native places, sights hometown and the region, photographs of historical monuments, the symbols of our city, the Krasnodar Territory. All this will expand the child's opportunities for more successful familiarization with the culture of his native people.

There is such a concept as small motherland". And it is necessary to awaken in the child a feeling of love for the small Motherland. “We must not forget about our cultural past, about our monuments, literature, the language of painting...” Considering that in the Ryazan land a lot is connected with the history of the Russian people, their morals, customs, participation in wars, the beauty of the native land is not revealed only in its present manifestations, but also in what is connected with the past

Thematic classes not only expand the horizons of the children, consolidate their knowledge of the nature of their native land, but also activate creative manifestations reveal the individual potential of each child. Undoubtedly, the great educational value of these classes, associated with the formation in children of a respectful attitude towards the national artistic heritage, the desire to preserve and enrich it, as an invaluable treasury of beauty.

Part of the lessons reflects the topic folk holidays"Carols", "Like on Butter Week". We tell the children that groups of children, boys, girls went from house to house, at each house they sang special welcome songs - carols, in which they called the owner, wished health and a good harvest in the new year. With children, we learn carols “Kolyada, Kolyada”, “Good Aunt”. We explain to the children that the very word "kolyada" means (circular food). The lesson “How, at Shrovetide Week” begins with the teacher’s story about the ancient Russian holiday - Maslenitsa. Sometimes this holiday is called seeing off winter and meeting spring. This is the most favorite holiday of the Russian people, the most cheerful, reckless. They also called her the boyar Shrovetide, Madam Shrovetide. In the lesson, we will definitely use a stuffed Maslenitsa, dress it up in a girl's outfit. In addition to songs about pancakes, we also stage the song "We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time."

In the process of introducing preschoolers to the world of theater, it can be concluded that children have an interest in folk culture, the history of the development of their native land, and the history of the Motherland.

Children become more liberated, emotional. Intellectually - emotional connections in the behavior of children are most clearly manifested at the time of the adoption of a particular role, the performance of game, role-playing actions, the development of the plot.

The way of life of the Russian people, its culture excites children so much that they easily fit into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale, peasant children at gatherings, identifying themselves with them, brighter embodying their favorite image, his moral qualities. Children become more attentive to each other, to their relatives. The children have an interest in the history of their family. The speech of children is significantly enriched, children are proactive in conversation, they love books very much.

Creative development of preschoolers through theatrical activities

“The theater is a beautiful art.

It ennobles, educates a person.

The one who loves the theater for real,

always takes away from him a store of wisdom and kindness.

Theatrical activity- This is the most common type of children's creativity. It is close and understandable to the child, lies deep in his nature and finds its reflection spontaneously, because it is connected with the game.
The child wants to translate any of his inventions, impressions from the life around him into living images and actions. Entering the character, he plays any role, trying to imitate what he saw and what interested him, and getting great pleasure.
During classes in theatrical activities, curiosity develops, the desire to learn new and interesting things, new information is assimilated, perseverance and purposefulness. The child develops the ability to combine images, intuition, ingenuity and ingenuity.
Adults should not impose their vision, their tastes on a child, they should be given the opportunity to choose for themselves what type of theatrical activity a steady interest has appeared due to their inclinations and abilities. The theater can be puppet, table, finger, shadow and just a theater where a child can try his hand.

Theater like no other! brings us back to our original roots. He is the only one who preserves and cultivates folk wisdom, regardless of nationality. In an indirect form, he teaches children to be honest and kind, striving and hardworking, capable of truly appreciating and loving the richness of their native word.

Advantages of theatrical activity.
- Children are able to act in concert, being included in the action simultaneously or sequentially.
- Relieve stress from individual groups muscles.
- Remember the given poses.
- Know 5 - 8 articulation exercises.
- They know how to pronounce tongue twisters and pure tongue twisters at different tempos, in a whisper
- They can pronounce the same phrase or tongue twister with different intonations.
- They are able to read the dialogic poetic text, pronouncing the words correctly and clearly with the necessary intonations.
- Able to make sentences with given words.
- They know how to compose etudes based on fairy tales.
- Able to build a simple dialogue.

Theater in kindergarten. What is he?

From time immemorial, the theater has always fascinated the audience. Theatrical game is a historically established social phenomenon, an independent type of activity inherent in man. Theatrical activity in kindergarten has its own characteristics. "This is a magical land where the child enjoys playing, and in the game he learns the world." At first leading role in theatrical activities, the teacher takes over, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. But, already starting from the age of 3-4, children, imitating adults, independently beat fragments of literary works in free activity.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. During the spectacle, imagination allows the child to endow the heroes of the play with human properties, to perceive what is happening as a reality, to sympathize, experience and rejoice for the heroes of the play. Children learn to notice good and bad deeds, to show curiosity, they become more relaxed and sociable, they learn to clearly articulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and learn more about the world around them.

The importance of theatrical activity cannot be overestimated. Theatrical games contribute comprehensive development children: speech, memory, purposefulness, perseverance develop, physical skills are developed (imitation of the movements of various animals). In addition, theatrical activities require determination, diligence, and ingenuity. Today, when against the background of redundant information, abundant various impressions, the emotional underdevelopment of children is acutely felt, the significance theatrical genre It also lies in the fact that it emotionally develops the personality. After all, parents often have no time to read a book to their child. And how the eyes of a baby light up when an adult reads aloud, intonation highlighting the character of each hero of the work!

Theatrical games always delight, often make children laugh, using their unchanging love. Children see the world around them through images, colors, sounds. Kids laugh when the characters laugh, sad, upset with them. With pleasure, they transform into their favorite image, the kids voluntarily accept and appropriate its characteristic features. Variety of topics. The means of representation, the emotionality of theatrical games make it possible to use them for the purpose of a comprehensive education of the individual.

Leading in the center of the circle with eyes closed. Everyone moves in a circle with the words: We played a little,
Now we are in a circle.
You solve the riddle.
Who called you - find out!

The driver calls by the name of the one who told him: “Find out who I am?”

Game "Foreigner"

You are in another country whose language you do not know. Ask with gestures how to find a cinema, a cafe, a post office.


1. Using facial expressions, express grief, joy, pain, fear, surprise.

2. Show how you are sitting at the TV (an exciting film), at a chessboard, fishing (bites).

Games with tongue twisters

The tongue twister must be worked out through very slow, exaggeratedly clear speech. Tongue twisters are first pronounced silently with active lip articulation; then in a whisper, then aloud and quickly (several times). Tongue twisters help children learn to pronounce difficult words and phrases quickly and clearly.

Variants of tongue twisters: Mother Romash gave whey from yogurt. The king is an eagle, the eagle is a king.

Senya and Sanya have catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Broken phone The first player receives a card with a tongue twister, passes it along the chain, and last member pronounces it out loud. (two teams play)

Finger games with words

Finger games help prepare the hand for writing, developing fine motor skills hands, attention, imagination and memory.

Two puppies, Fists of the right and left hands alternately stand on the table with an edge

Cheek to cheek, fists rubbing against each other.

Pinch the brush Right palm grabs the fingertips of the left, and vice versa. In the corner

Pantomimic studies and exercises Give children tasks at home: observe, remember, repeat the behavior of people and animals, household items in the simplest situations. It is better to start with objects, because children remember them visually well and this does not require special observations.

Show how:
- the goalkeeper catches the ball;
-zoologist catches a butterfly;
- a fisherman catches a big fish;
The child is catching a fly.

Try to picture:
Hairdresser, firefighter, builder, astronaut.

Great importance for the child has a theater, theatrical activities. The value of theatrical activity is that it helps children visually see the content literary work, develops imagination, without which a full-fledged perception of fiction is not possible. After all, the ability to vividly imagine what you read or hear about is developed on the basis of external vision, from the experience of real ideas. Dramatization serves for the child as a means of displaying artistic abilities, developing speech, and moral experience. Playing theater is very close to a child who strives to express all his experiences and impressions in action.

Consultation for teachers

"Theatrical games and exercises for younger preschoolers"

For children of primary preschool age, it is typical to accept the actions of adults as a model. It is through a role in a theatrical game that a child learns the norms of behavior adopted in the world of adults. In the amateur game of children, literary and artistic material is reflected, with which the teacher introduces them throughout the year (reading works of art and showing their performances in the theater).

Bright artistic images, memorable become the basis for free children's play. When reading fiction, it is necessary to captivate children not only with the plot, but also with a shining example presented material. Theatrical games contribute to the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech, attention. Such a game makes it possible to unite children with a common idea, experiences, allows each child to show their activity, creativity. When we introduce children to works, it is impossible to distort the author's text, but it is not worth memorizing it with a child before the start of the game.

Expressive reading of fairy tales helps them to hear the intonational features of speech, to imagine the appearance of the hero. Toddlers like to listen to fairy tales several times; with each reading, the teacher should set new artistic and game tasks and apply various forms of role-playing. At the first reading, children learn the general outline of the plot, get acquainted with the characters. At the second reading, you can apply exercises: depict the heroes of a fairy tale with the help of gestures, facial expressions, and movements.

Use exercises in pronouncing the most familiar words with different intonation: "Hello"(joyfully, angrily, affably) Choose a quatrain and read it to children with different intonations: surprised, mocking, joyful, sad. Say the phrase, putting the stress on a new word each time ( "I love my horse").

Children like exercises that develop facial expressions and pantomime. For the development of pantamimic expressiveness, use exercises for the memory of physical actions (washing the dishes, swinging the doll, watering the flowers). In games, invite children to show how a frog, a hare jumps; walking gray wolf, bear. The next stage of acquaintance with a fairy tale may be its fragmentary playing out. When telling a fairy tale, the teacher stops at any episode and invites the children to show the actions of the hero. For example, you can ask them to show how the mouse ran to the tower, how she asked: “Who, who lives in the little house? Who lives in a low place? children in the course of telling a fairy tale, depict different heroes voice, movements, gestures, facial expressions. This does not interfere with the perception of the tale, since these short imitations are considered as its accompaniment by a specific action.

Thus, a natural, unlearned playing out of a fairy tale takes place, children involuntarily remember the plot of the fairy tale, the words, the actions of the characters.

Children of the younger group are able to show in « home theater» , that is, in the conditions of its group little performance in which the central role of organizing belongs to the teacher. Such a performance does not require invited spectators; they can be dolls and soft toys seated on chairs. The teacher announces that a performance will take place now and invites the children to think about what they will need for this. With the help of a teacher, children can plant puppets - spectators, find hats and costume elements in the theater corner and dress up as fairy tale characters.

You can invite children to pick up the musical characteristics of the characters, for example, come up with and sing a fox song (“cockerel, cockerel, golden comb, look out the window, I’ll give you peas”). At this stage of fragmented acting out, the use of costumes is undesirable, since most of the time will be spent on this and the children will be distracted from the main thing - entering into the image of some kind of hero.

In a theatrical performance, the presence of costumes is, of course, necessary: ​​this creates a festive mood in children, allows them to feel their role, to realize themselves in it.

In order to accumulate theatrical impressions, to create motivation for theatrical activities in children, older children should be invited to perform performances in front of them. Toddlers perceive older children as real artists. After watching the performance, a conversation is held in which the teacher asks if the children liked the fairy tale, which of the characters they liked more and why, if they themselves like to perform. Thus, children begin to join the world of theater. It is necessary already at this age to give them elementary information that will help them understand this magical world (what is theater, how to behave in the auditorium, who are the artists).

To do this, so that the children are not afraid of the appearance of a terrible hero, it is necessary in advance "acquaint" them with this hero, for example, a teacher with a theater puppet can enter the group on the eve of the performance, theatrical performance.

Then the kids will not be afraid of this hero, they will be attentive, without fear, to watch this performance. This also applies to other, most "terrible" dramatic characters that appear on matinees. The duration of the performance should not exceed 10-15 minutes. To create an interesting performance, educators must build it well "score", subordinating the implementation of the main idea of ​​his plan.

In the younger group, it is advisable to use works of small folklore forms. Dramatization of small songs arouses the interest of children. while singing a song, the kids move in accordance with the text; each in his own way shows the character of the depicted hero.

In games of an improvisational type, various types of table theater puppets are used (knitted, paper, can, flat figures, pictures, etc.) Pictograms that depict the main emotions of a person help to recognize emotions well. These pictures can be correlated with the nature of the emotions caused by this or that work of art. Such a game can be played before graduation to school, gradually complicating. Children's emotions are shown directly and vividly. The child will not be able to portray a sad bunny if you do not think about something sad; will not show a cheerful hero if he does not feel that he is having fun. A teacher working with children must be able to manage their emotions.

In my practice, I use various games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, subject-play actions, speech formation; finger games; games for the formation of acting skills.

Conclusion: with skillful pedagogical guidance and a variety of topics, means of depicting emotionality, theatrical games make it possible to use them for the purpose of comprehensive education and development of the individual. little man.

Theatrical activities (for teachers)

Theatrical activities bring variety to the life of a child in kindergarten. Gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways of corrective influence on the child, in which the principle of learning is most clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

The main purpose of my work is to develop creativity and speech of children through theatrical activities.

During the theatrical games:

Children's knowledge of the world around them expands and deepens.

Mental processes develop: attention, memory, perception, imagination.

There is a development of various analyzers: visual, auditory, motor speech.

Vocabulary, speech structure, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, tempo, expressiveness of speech, melodic-intonational side of speech are activated and improved.

Motility, coordination, smoothness, switchability, purposefulness of movements are improved.

The emotional-volitional sphere develops, children get acquainted with the feelings, moods of the characters, master the ways of their external expression.

Behavior is being adjusted.

A sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other develops, the experience of moral behavior is formed.

The development of creative, search activity, independence is stimulated.

Participation in theatrical games gives children joy, arouses active interest, and captivates them.

The purpose, objectives and content of theatrical activities:

Goal: Formation of a sustainable interest in theatrical activities, independence, active participation in the game with toy characters.

Teach children to interact with each other within a certain plot;

enrich the vocabulary of children, contribute to its activation, improve dialogical speech, grammatical structure;

develop communication skills.

In the process of a theatrical game, the child gradually transitions from watching an adult's theatrical performance to independent play activity; from individual play and "play side by side" to play in a group of three to five peers who play roles; from imitation of the actions of folklore and literary characters to imitation of actions in combination with the transfer of the main emotions of the hero.

In our work, together with the teachers of preschool educational institutions, we strive to create everything the necessary conditions for theatrical activities of children and the most complete disclosure of their creative and speech potential. We have the following types of theatre:

finger theater;

toy theater (any ordinary toys are used);

puppet show; screen (bi-ba-bo);

table theater;

theater of spoons;


theater made of cardboard;

theater from boxes, theater of gloves, theater - topotushki, cone theater, theater on a stick.

First of all, it is necessary to form an interest in theatrical games, which develops in the process of watching real puppet shows, which the teacher shows, taking as a basis the content of nursery rhymes, poems, and fairy tales familiar to the child. It is very important to stimulate the child's desire to be included in the performance, supplementing individual phrases in the characters' dialogues, stable turns of the beginning and ending of the tale. Theatrical puppets are used in the classroom, in everyday communication. On their behalf, an adult thanks and praises the children, greets and says goodbye, participates as a positive or negative hero in educational activities, and the children teach him the rules of behavior, counting, communication, etc. The implementation of this task is achieved by the successive complication of game tasks and dramatization games, in which the child is included. The shortest way to emotional liberation of a child, removal of tightness, teaching sensuality and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasizing, writing. All this can give theatrical activity.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic aesthetic education. It is an inexhaustible source of the development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries, a way of familiarizing with spiritual wealth. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude towards good and evil.

Watching the children, I noticed how our pupils carefully and with interest watch the nursery rhymes, rhymes, fairy tales shown by me, with the help of the toy theater, the picture theater, the parsley theater, and then with pleasure they repeat everything they saw. Toy theater affects young viewers with a whole range of means: these are artistic images, and bright design, and the exact word, and music. Thanks to such game action, our children begin to speak, since theatrical activity is the most effective tool accessible to the understanding of the child.

We include elements of theatrical activity in all types of activities: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, as well as in everyday activities. Children take any theater and portray what they want, sometimes inventing their own dialogues.

By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. At the same time, a theatrical game instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, native word, literature, theater.

Theatrical games are of great educational value. Children develop communication skills, including situational ones, and a respectful attitude towards each other is formed. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of verbal communication, self-doubt. Thanks to a theatrical game, it is liberated inner world child, the “I can’t” complex disappears. Theatrical activity teaches children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise

For children:

    Show interest, desire to theatrical art.

    They are able to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gesture, intonation.

    They independently perform and transmit images of fairy-tale characters.

    Children try to feel confident during performances.

    Object-spatial developing dow environment supplemented by various types of theaters, manuals, drawings, card files of creative games.

For parents:

    Increasing the competence of parents in matters of theatrical development

    Active participation of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution.

    Development of new forms of work with parents.

    Establish close contact with parents.

For teachers:

    In the systematization of the means and methods of theatrical and gaming activities, their reasonable distribution in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the stages of preschool childhood.

    Raise professional level teachers.

1. Participation in the project of 80% of the families of the group;

2. Acquaintance of parents and children with the history of the theater, its types, methods of making and playing;

3. Acquisition and production of theaters by parents for further use;

4. Enthusiastic use of the theater center by children in a group in independent activities and good indicators of "acting skills" for children 4-5 years old;

5. The development of the emotional background and speech of preschoolers.

6. Creation in the team of an atmosphere of creative search for the most effective forms and methods in working with children to educate emotional expressiveness in preschoolers

In accordance with the targets, which are designated by the Federal State educational standard preschool education, the child at the stage of completion of preschool education must have developed imagination, show initiative and independence in various activities, actively interact with adults and peers. All these personal characteristics will develop especially brightly in the course of the implementation of our project “The Theater and Us”.
The presentation of fairy tales and funny scenes, invented personally by children with their favorite characters, is most loved for dramatization and contributes to the development of thinking, speech, attention, memory and creativity, and allows them to show their imagination.
The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. In addition, "playing" a fairy-tale hero, the child gets an idea of ​​good and evil, learns to understand human characters, empathize and help the weak, thereby giving self-confidence, helping to get rid of their own fears. And speaking in front of an audience forms the experience of social behavioral skills in children, contributes to the development of all components of speech in preschoolers. Theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, it will give rise to the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life.
Thus, work on the project reduces the level of anxiety, relieves shyness, self-doubt, helps the development of the child's creative gifts, his comprehensive development. Obviously, theatrical activity teaches children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise. Collective theatrical activity is aimed at a holistic impact on the personality of the child, his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; promotes self-expression of the individual, creates conditions for socialization, enhancing adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, success.
Our society needs a person of such a quality who would boldly, could enter the modern situation, could master the problem creatively, without prior preparation, had the courage to try and make mistakes until the right solution was found.

Information support of the project:

1. Kutsakova L.V., Merzlyakova S.I. Education of a preschool child: developed, educated, independent, enterprising, unique, cultural, active and creative. M., 2003.

2. Makhaneva M.D. Theatrical classes in kindergarten. M., 2001.

3. Merzlyakova S.I. The magical world of theater M., 2002.

4. Minaeva V.M. The development of emotions in preschoolers. M., 1999.

5. Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.A., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten. M., 2000.

6. Reader on children's literature. M., 1996.

7. Churilova E.G. Methodology and organization of theatrical activities of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. M., 2004.

8. Emotional development of a preschooler. M., 1985.

9. Vasil'eva M.V., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. "The program of education and training in kindergarten"
10. Veraksa N.E., Vasil'eva M.V., Komarova T.S. "Birth to School Program"
11. Burenina A.I. "Program "Rhythmic Mosaic"
12. Kuzinv V.M., Burenina A.I. Magazines: "Musical palette", "Musical director"
13. Zakirova K.V. "Let's have fun together" translation from Tatar
14. Kartushina M.Yu., "Fun for kids"
15. Sorokina N.F. "We play puppet theater"
16. Kartushina M.Yu. "Fun for Toddlers"
17. Besova M.A. "Jokes, games, songs will bring us together"
18. Zaretskaya N.V. "Holidays in Kindergarten"
19. Rylkova A.N. "Musical morning performances in kindergarten"

Project for preschoolers preschool educational institution "Theater where the fairy tale lives"

The proposed project is necessary for the disclosure of the creative talents of the child, for the successful realization of his intellectual and creative potential, for social and communicative abilities, for the cohesion of the family and kindergarten.
The project is aimed at teaching children the art of theater in all types of theatrical activities, at creating their own scripts for performances by all project participants, at showing theatrical performances to children and parents.
Theatrical activity helps the development of the child's creative talents and his all-round development, teaches the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, gives rise to the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life.
Using the methods of fairy tale therapy, modeling fairy tales, various methods of developing verbal creativity in the course of the project, the participants in the theater studio will create new fairy tales and scripts for performances.
Involving parents in joint work will create a joyful atmosphere of joint creativity with the child. The project is designed for three age groups of preschoolers 4-7 years old.
Project participants: Creative group of teachers, children and their parents.
Project relevance
At preschool age, children very easily and quickly acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities. But at present, the communicative development of the child is alarming. Unfortunately, TV and a computer, various computer games began to replace communication and gaming activities. Children stop communicating not only with adults, but also with each other.
Only live communication enriches the lives of children - we must not forget about it!
In many children, the communicative function of speech is impaired. Such children have a poor memory, unstable attention, the child quickly gets tired, his cognitive activity does not develop enough, the grammatical structure of speech is disturbed. In preschoolers, this manifests itself in shyness, constraint, they cannot always formulate their thoughts correctly, answer questions correctly, cannot ask questions correctly, and children find it difficult to establish contact with both adults and peers.
IN modern society, in the age of informatics, the social prestige of intellect and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. All pedagogical installations are aimed primarily at the development of thinking.
An urgent problem in our time has become that the emotional and spiritual essence of the child turns into a secondary value. Children, unfortunately, are much less likely to admire, be surprised and empathize, more and more often they show indifference and callousness.
And there are problems in my work:
How to teach a child everything that is useful to him in this complex modern life?
How to educate and develop his main abilities: to hear, see, feel, understand, fantasize and invent?
How to awaken in children an interest in the world and in themselves?
How to teach children to empathize, understand the feelings of another, fantasize, build harmonious relationships with the outside world?
The shortest way of emotional liberation of a child, removal of tightness, teaching feeling and artistic imagination is the way through the game, fantasizing, creativity.
The theater can give all this to the child, it is in theatrical activity that the child connects artistic creativity and personal experiences.
In my work with children, important tasks are to reveal the creative talents of children, reduce the level of anxiety, self-doubt, and get rid of shyness. These tasks can be solved through theatrical activities.
From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as about the remedial possibilities of theater and the development of gifted children. Therefore, for me, theatrical activity is the most basic and exciting direction in preschool education.
For effective work, the creation of favorable conditions and the manifestation of signs of giftedness of pupils, it is necessary to identify their creative abilities and abilities early, the development and self-development of a personality capable of optimal creative self-realization.
Therefore, I had the idea to open in a kindergarten theater studio for more in-depth work with children on theatrical activities, starting with the middle group of preschoolers, with its phased development, which would become the implementation of my project: "The theater where the fairy tale lives."

Objective of the project: Disclosure of the creative giftedness of the child, the successful implementation of his intellectual and creative potential, which contributes to social and communicative development, the creation of an optimal psychological climate for preschoolers through a children's theater studio.

Tasks for project implementation:
To introduce children to different types of children's theaters: mask theater, finger theater, table theater, walking theater, shadow theater, puppet theater, Bibabo puppet theater, life-size puppet theater, theater of actors. To teach manipulation techniques for children's theaters of various types.
To acquaint with the concepts of "emotions", "pantomime", the ability to recognize the emotional states of others. Develop the emotional and creative potential of preschoolers.
Maintain the desire for friendly contacts in joint dramatization games, create favorable conditions for the development of communication skills.
To expand preschoolers' general awareness of the world around them on the basis of theatrical creativity; to form a certain elementary experience of professional actions in railway transport, about the work of railway workers and other professions through theatricalization.
Develop imagination, fantasy in writing your own fairy tales by modeling. To form independence of thinking, that is, to find their own solutions, to openly express bold ideas, hypotheses.
To form the ability to accept criticism without offense, as well as the ability to find flaws in one's own judgments and assessments.
To develop the ability to adapt to people, correctly perceive and evaluate them and their actions, interact with them and establish good relationships in various social situations.
Develop an interest in making scenery, costumes, table theaters with your own hands together with parents and children.
Involve parents in joint work, creating a joyful atmosphere of joint creativity with the child.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1 - Work with the middle group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance of children with types of theater (finger theater, mask theater, walking theater, puppet theater, shadow theater, puppet theater). Teaching manipulation techniques for children's theaters of various types, puppetry skills.
2. Acquaintance with Russian folk tales, teaching the ability to retell them, playing fairy tales in all types of theater.
3. Acquaintance with the concept of "emotions", recognition of emotions.
4. Creation of the club of parents "Theater Workshop" for the production of theatrical puppets for home theaters.
5. Creation of a photo album "The World of Theater with Your Own Hands".

Summer period (June–August)- Diagnostics for the study of children's creativity.

Stage 2 - Work with the older group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in the theater, famous theaters Russia.
2. Modeling fairy tales by choosing an object or plot.
3. Compilation of fairy tales by methods of developing verbal creativity together with parents.
4. Children for children. Show puppet and shadow theaters for children of younger groups.
5. Puppet theater "Dancing ostriches". Demonstration of puppetry skills at kindergarten holidays.
6. Theater of puppets. Showing the performance by children through the joint creativity of the target group of the project "We Save Kolobok".
7. Creation of a collection of fairy tales of joint creativity of children and parents "Tales of preschool children in a new way."

Summer period (June-August) - Diagnostics for the study of children's creativity.

Stage 3 - Work with children of the preparatory group and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the theater of actors, theatrical terms.
2. Introduction to theatrical professions(what kind of work do people of these professions do in order to put on a performance).
3. Games for the development of acting skills "Country of emotions", "Say without words", "Pantomime", etc.
4. Staging performances according to scenarios of one's own composition by modeling fairy tales:
“How seven kids went to kindergarten”;
"How the engine saved the forest";
"That's how absent-minded."
5. Attracting parents to help in making costumes and scenery for performances.

Conditions necessary for the full implementation of the project
clear planning and implementation of theatrical activities throughout project activities;
the presence and development of performances and children's interest in various types of theater;
the presence of a variety of costumes and the availability of artistic design for performances and dramatizations based on works of art;
mastering by children the rules and techniques of a particular type of theatrical activity;
interaction of children, parents and teachers of the preschool educational institution;
a serious, emotionally positive attitude of the teacher to the games of children in the theater.

Project Implementation Methods
The preliminary work on the project will be to conduct diagnostics to study the ability of children to be creative, which is important to carry out in cooperation with teachers and parents. In middle preschool age, one of the main methods for identifying signs of creatively gifted children is the method of observation. As a rule, creatively gifted children are characterized by a relatively easy, quick assimilation of the ethical norms of behavior available to them, positive social and emotional qualities.
Indicators of giftedness levels in childhood do not remain constant, so some techniques are carried out in all age groups.
Also, for the correction of the psycho-emotional state, theatrical activity is useful for shy children with a high level of anxiety. The complex of psychodiagnostic methods for children of middle preschool age includes:
Methodology "Three steps" for studying the child's self-esteem;

Methodology for studying personality "Three wishes";
Methodology for determining the level of development of creative abilities "The sun in the room."

Project Description

Project work starts with the middle group. Children of middle preschool age get acquainted with the types of theaters.
Types of theater required in project work with children:

1. Mask theater
2. Finger theater
3. Walking theater
4. Table theater
5. Shadow theater
6.Puppet show"Bibabo"
7. Puppet theater
8.Puppet theater
9. Theater of actors

Finger theater- this is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children. Performing finger movements inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones, which ultimately develops the child's brain, stimulates the development of speech, and focuses attention on one type of activity.

dolls walking theater designed in such a way that the child can stick the index and middle fingers into her legs (behind) and make the character "walk". From this, the doll "comes to life" in the eyes of the child. And you can work with different pairs of fingers, different hands and two hands at the same time.

table theater- these are toys and decorations that can be placed on the table. They can be cardboard, wooden or rubber. Thanks to this type of theater, children have a primary mastery of the director's theatrical play.

IN bibabo theater, glove-type dolls are used: the doll, hollow inside, is put on the hand, while the index finger is placed in the head of the doll, the thumb and middle finger are placed in the sleeves of the suit, the remaining fingers are pressed against the palm. Such a theater is played out behind a screen.

shadow theater- this is a screen on which flat cardboard or plywood figures, touching its reverse side, leave shadows. The screen is placed so that it is between the light source and the children (the light source can be a lamp or a window). IN shadow theater you can act out familiar stories. This is an unusual type of puppet theater. In the silhouette shadows, the child recognizes familiar characters, and the fairy tale comes to life in his imagination. Such performances enrich the inner world of the child, teach children to imagine, develop their imagination.

puppet theater. The puppet is a difficult puppet to control, but it is “magical” - it seems that it lives separately from the person who controls it.

Thanks to these types of theater, children learn how to manipulate theater puppets. Being engaged in theater with children, the life of our pupils will be interesting and meaningful, filled with its vivid impressions and the joy of creativity. And most importantly, the skills acquired in theatrical games, children can use in everyday life.
Also, children, playing theater, learn to retell Russian-folk tales.
In the process of telling and showing a fairy tale, the child develops speech, fine motor skills, speech and gesture expressiveness, learns to independently convey the image of fairy-tale characters.
With the help of scenes-etudes, children get acquainted with emotions, the ability to recognize them.
A special role is assigned to work with parents. Child and parents are one. And the joint creative activity of children and adults is always effective. To do this, it becomes necessary to create a parent club "Theater Workshop" for conducting master classes in making theatrical puppets and do-it-yourself theaters. The members of the club will be parents with their children. Thanks to such ways of playing the theater at home, the level of self-esteem of the child, confidence in their abilities, and family cohesion increase. In the form of consultations and round tables, parents receive information about the importance of theater in the upbringing of children, as well as the opportunity to visit a particular performance with the child, and then discuss with him what he saw and make illustrations.
At the end of the school year (in May), together with all the members of the parent club, a photo album is created, which will contain all the work done by the theater workshop.

In the summer period (June-August), diagnostics of children of senior preschool age is carried out:

Methodology for the study of child anxiety;
Methodology for studying personality "Flower-seven-flower";

Game test "Three words" to assess creative imagination.

Children senior group with the help of slide presentations, they learn the rules of behavior in the theater, get acquainted with the theaters of Russia.
Scenarios of Russian-folk tales are played by children with various types of theater. Using the methods and techniques of fairy tale therapy, modeling fairy tales, various methods for the development of verbal creativity, you can come up with a new fairy tale, script for the play.
Using the method of fairy tale therapy, the child develops imagination, which is psychological basis creativity that makes him capable of creating something new. For example, after reading and discussing the RNS “Kolobok”, children are asked a series of questions: “What would happen to Kolobok if he lived in our city? Where would he go? If he lived on a high floor? What needs to be done so that Kolobok does not have trouble? How would we help him? etc. Thanks to this method, children develop positive social and communicative qualities, friendly relationships, and a desire to help. Thus, with children, you can come up with a new plot for the fairy tale “We Save Kolobok”.
The modeling method is one of the most effective methods of teaching children how to write fairy tales, which allows them to form various skills in writing fairy tales (by choosing an object, plot, etc.). Since one of the important areas of activity has been identified in our kindergarten - this is work on early career guidance on the railway theme, then the bias in choosing the plot of fairy tales is made on the railway theme. There are few ready-made fairy tales and stories on the railway theme, so all the dramatizations and performances staged by children are a product of children's imagination. Modeling of fairy tales takes place through communication, dialogue, with many leading questions correctly posed by the teacher in advance. And the “right” questions encourage the child to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.
It is proposed to work together to compose fairy tales for children and their parents. Taking Russian-folk tales as a basis and using the techniques of verbal creativity: “twisting a fairy tale”, “complement a fairy tale”, “beginning and end”, etc., new plots for fairy tales are obtained, which will later become theatrical performances.
The fantasies of children have no limits, and not all scenarios of the received fairy tales can be played on stage, but they can be played with other types of theater: finger, shadow, puppet theater.
Children of the older group consolidate the skills of puppetry techniques. Ready-made performances are shown to children of younger groups in the form of shadow and puppet theaters. They perform at the holidays of the kindergarten, presenting their experience of manipulating puppets (in March).
By the end of the school year (in May), the children of the older group are preparing a performance using life-size puppets “We Save Kolobok”.

life puppet allows the child to quickly transform into a particular role. The doll's legs are put on the child's feet, mittens are put on the handles, the doll's head is hung on a strap on the child's neck - and the child is "in the costume" of the chosen hero.

A collection of fairy tales on the railway theme “Tales of preschool children in a new way” is also being created, invented jointly by children and parents (in May).

In the summer period (June-August), children of the preparatory group are diagnosed:
Methodology "Ladder" for studying the child's self-esteem;
Methodology for the study of child anxiety;
Methodology "Diagnostics of natural memory";
Methodology for studying personality "If I caught a goldfish";
Methodology for studying the creativity of a child, Williams' creativity test "Draw a figure";
Fairy tale modeling technique.

In the preparatory group, children are introduced to actors' theatre.

Theater of actors. The largest and most laborious type of theater in which the children themselves perform. Playing in the theater of actors, the child shows a steady interest in theatrical art and theatrical activities, creatively applies knowledge about various emotional states and the character of the characters in performances, uses various means of communication, shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners, creative activity at all stages of work on the performance .
With the help of slide presentations, children get acquainted with theatrical professions, theatrical terms. In order to develop emotional and creative potential and form non-verbal means of communication, children get acquainted with various emotions, pantomime.
Based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", combining two holidays, Mother's Day and the Birthday of the kindergarten, using the "beginning and end" technique, the children will show the play "How the Seven Kids Went to Kindergarten" (November). On the basis of the fairy tale "The Engine from Romashkovo", taking the topic of ecology as a basis, the children will show the fairy tale "How the Engine Saved the Forest" (February). Using the “complete the fairy tale” technique, the guys will show the musical “That's how absent-minded” (May).
All fairy tales invented by children require a lot of preparation not only in memorizing roles, but also in making costumes, scenery, attributes, etc. Therefore, parents of pupils must be involved in participation in theatrical performances, and not only as spectators, but also as co-authors of the text, scenery makers and costumes. This will help them get to know their child better, especially his character and temperament.

(Scenarios of performances are attached under the rubric in other entries)

In accordance with the target guidelines, which are indicated by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, a child at the stage of completing preschool education must have a developed imagination, show initiative and independence in various activities, and actively interact with adults and peers. All these personal characteristics will develop especially brightly during the implementation of my project.
The presentation of fairy tales and funny scenes, invented personally by children with their favorite characters, is most loved for dramatization and contributes to the development of thinking, speech, attention, memory and creativity, and allows them to show their imagination.
The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. In addition, "playing" a fairy-tale hero, the child gets an idea of ​​good and evil, learns to understand human characters, empathize and help the weak, thereby giving self-confidence, helping to get rid of their own fears. And speaking in front of an audience forms the experience of social behavioral skills in children, contributes to the development of all components of speech in preschoolers. Theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, it will give rise to the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life.
Thus, work on the project reduces the level of anxiety, relieves shyness, self-doubt, helps the development of the child's creative gifts, his comprehensive development. Obviously, theatrical activity teaches children to be creative individuals, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise. Our society needs a person of such a quality who would boldly, could enter the modern situation, could master the problem creatively, without prior preparation, had the courage to try and make mistakes until the right solution was found.

Theatrical activity project
"We play theater"
(preparatory group)

Annotation for the project:

This project "We play theater" is intended for children of senior preschool age 6-7 years old.
Different types of theaters have been selected in the project: a cone theatre, a puppet theatre, a table theatre, a theater with disguise and masks, a theater on a flannelograph.
The project used technologies, bright modern visualization, complex thematic planning, various types of theaters for children of senior preschool age.
This project will help children make an exciting journey into the magical world of theater. Overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.

Project participants:
-Children of the preparatory group, educator, parents of pupils
Children's age:
-age of children 6-7 years old
Project type:
-practice-oriented, group
-presentation of the project at the pedagogical council.

Project relevance:

No wonder children love fairy tales.
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending,
The soul already feels.
And for any test
Agree brave hearts,
In impatient anticipation
Happy ending…”
(Valentin Berestov)

Nowadays, children do not suffer from a lack of information. And the main carriers for preschoolers are kindergarten and family. In kindergarten, the child is in a state of constant discovery in various fields: visual arts, music and much more.
Little pioneers in constant search of the unknown. They are driven by interest and endless curiosity.
Our task is to direct the child's interest in the right direction, to open before him the opportunity to develop spiritually and mentally.

Children's theater, due to its huge emotional impact on the child's soul, is able to take on the tasks of development: feeling - emotions, memory, fantasy, ingenuity and resourcefulness, broadening one's horizons, kindness and pity, courage.
Theater is always a holiday for a child, bright unforgettable impressions.
Expression " fairy world childhood" are not empty words. In the life of a child from his very birth there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes.
Does an adult believe that a chicken can lay a golden egg, or will he dream of a magic wand that will solve all problems? Of course not.
And the child is convinced that it is worth waving magic wand and a miracle will happen.
Children believe in miracles and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary fairy-tale land in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship. And this country exists, and it is called Theatre!!!
The fairy-tale world of theater is a country of real fantasies and a good fairy tale, a game of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and mysterious sounds.
The theater is a fertile ground for creativity, everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking.

It is impossible to play in the theater without emotions. That is why one and the same poem at one time will be told by a child expressively and artistically, and another - languidly and monotonously.
"Emotions energize and organize perception, thinking and action"
When memorizing the role, the child tries to convey the mood of the hero of the fairy tale with facial expressions, expressive speech and movements.
This is where the child gets acquainted with various emotions:
Interest, surprise, fear, grief, anger, shame.
Theatrical creativity has an emotional development on children when he plays a role, communicating with peers, or sitting in the auditorium.
Each time, leaving the theater, any child takes with him a discovery, albeit small.
The words spoken by K.S. Stanislavsky about creativity in the theater can also be attributed to the children's theater, since they contain the essence of the basis and success of any theater:
“Creative work on the role and on the transformation of the literary work of the playwright into a stage reality, everything from beginning to end, proceeds with the participation of the imagination”
Theater is an inexhaustible source for the development of real feelings and fantasies for a child.

The child constantly plays, comprehending the world and himself in the game. In the theater, the child involuntarily finds himself in such situations, the way out of which requires some ingenuity. Such moments occur infrequently and only in that case if adults and children take part on equal terms in a game called theater.
IN children's theater Against the background of active emotional development, two more directions in education exist and harmoniously complement each other: the development of the child's intellect and the instillation of social and moral qualities in him.
A variety of children come to the theater. The behavior of some of them can be characterized as constrained, shy, timid, indecisive.
Some children remain so for a short time, their stiffness is associated with the new environment in which they find themselves: new faces, unfamiliar objects.
Speaking in front of the audience, and even more so, in front of friends, will not be a psychological barrier for them.
The relationship that exists in children's theatrical activities forces children to turn to each other more often with requests and questions.
Children become more sociable, they make new friends, which in turn makes them liberated.

Theater for a child becomes an amazing, special world. Where any desire will surely come true, and no matter what happens, everything will certainly end well.

Expected Result:
- Awakening children's interest in theatrical activities
- Children need to master some types of theatrical activities
(cone theatre, puppet theatre, table theatre, disguise and mask theatre, flannelograph theatre) according to their age
- To form the ability to convey the character of the character and intonation expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, gestures
- Learn theater design skills
Involving parents in production different types theatre, costume design
- Communicate all theatrical activities to parents through questionnaires, consultations and conversations.

Objective of the project:
- Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities

-Create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities
-Expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery
-To form in the group an artistic and aesthetic developing subject environment
- Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers closer together (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, employees, organizing performances by older children in front of younger ones).
- To develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in children
- Contribute to the self-realization of each child and the creation of a favorable microclimate, respect for the personality of a small person
- Ensure the relationship with other activities:
music, fiction, design, drawing.

Working with parents:
-Issue of consultations "We play theater with children at home"
-Conversations with parents
-Assist in the production of theater props

Forms of work:

1. Joint activities with children:
- theatrical games
-outdoor games
- speech games
- fairy tales - retellings
- rhythmoplasty
-use of different types of theaters
- views theatrical works
- role-playing games
- visiting theaters
- theater screenings
2. Independent activity of children in the theater corner
3.Integration with other educational areas:
- artistic creativity
- design
-reading fiction
- music
- speech development
4.Interaction with family
- joint theatrical and leisure activities
- preparation of recommendations for parents on the organization of theatrical activities
-Visiting parents with children theaters and performances
5. Interaction with the deputy. head of educational and methodical work
- music director advice
All works allow you to increase theatrical activity.

Thematic plan:

September. Conversation with children:
"Introduction to the theater"

"Curtain and stage for the theater"
Lesson summary
"What is theater"

Russian folk tales
October. Conversation with children:
“How to invent your own theater, what is needed for this”
Psychogymnastics "Imagine yourself different"
Visit to the doll exhibition
Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing)
"Zayushkina's hut"
November. Introduce children to several types of theater
"Cone Theater"
Finger gymnastics:
A selection of board games about animals
December. Conversation with children:
"My favorite fairy tales", "Favorite fairy tale characters"
Hood. - aesthetic development (Drawing)
"Create Your Own Theatre"
Collection of fairy tales and heroes finger theater
"Fox and Crane", "Rocked Hen", "Turnip", "Gingerbread Man"

Reading fiction:
"Tales - retellings"
January. Visit to the puppet theater:
"Friendship of Friends"
Conversation with children:
"The name of the theaters, the heroes of these theaters"
Screenings of theatrical works
Story - role-playing games
February. Reading fiction:
"Masha and the Bear"
Joint activities with parents
Organization of visits to the library
Hood. - aesthetic development (Lepka)
"Fairy tale hero of any fairy tale"
Introduction to puppet theater
March. Participation of children in the performance
"Looking for Cinderella"
Plot - role-playing games in the theater corner
Hood. - aesthetic development (Application)
D / and "Collect a fairy tale"
April. Visit to the puppet theater
« funny friends»
Reading fiction:
"The Ant and the Dragonfly"
Puppet show for kids
May. Working with parents:
Questionnaire "Theatre and children"
Table theater screening:
Stand design for parents
D / and "Guess the fairy tale by description"

Types of theaters:

table theater
The name of this type of theater speaks for itself - gaming activities are carried out on the table. Its peculiarity is that the scenery and characters should be small in order to be able to place all the necessary attributes of the game on the surface.

Theater on flannelgraph
(board covered with cloth)
To organize this type of activity, you will need a self-made flannelograph and figurines-characters of the selected work of art, on which you need to reverse side attach Velcro or velvet paper.
Thus, as the plot develops, the child is invited to attach the necessary figures to the flannelgraph.

Theater with disguises and masks
This is a theater where children take on the role of a chosen character. Children, with the help of an adult or on their own, act out small fairy tales.
For better visibility, children need costumes. You can buy them in the store or sew them yourself. In kindergarten, in each group or at home, it is desirable to have a dressing room, where the costumes are sewn by the hands of parents and children.
Masks are made - caps according to the size of the performer's head. These can be knitted hats or characters drawn on cardboard that are fastened with an elastic band around the head.

Puppet show
This kind theatrical art children really like it, as it allows each child to open up individually in the process of learning to work with a doll and in the rehearsal process, to overcome complexes of constraint and insecurity, to learn to play with the help of a doll, to enliven it with their actions and manner of moving and speaking.

cone theater
Helps to learn to coordinate the movements of hands and eyes, to accompany the movements of the fingers with speech. Express your emotions through facial expressions and speech.

Project conclusions:

Children have an interest in theatrical activities. Children got acquainted with different types of theaters. Thanks to joint activities during the implementation of the project, the relationship between children and adults was strengthened.
Children have become more sociable among themselves, liberated, confident in themselves and in their abilities, they are not afraid to speak to the public.
In the face of my parents, I found support not only preparatory work(making scenery, costumes, toys), but I saw in them talented educators of my children.
I showed my parents that only in joint activities you can get to know your child better, his temperament, friendly relations between children and adults.
Created an atmosphere of creativity. My project made it possible to show the creative activity of children, parents and educators, to fully reveal the emotional possibilities of children.
Thus, we can conclude that the project "We play theater" has created favorable conditions for the disclosure of children's abilities in theatrical activities.

List of used literature:

Artemova L. V. "Theatrical games for preschoolers."
Antipina A. E. "Theatrical activity in kindergarten."
Baryaeva L. I., Vechkanova I. I., Zagrebaeva E. A., Zarin A. A. "Theatrical games with children"
Ivanova G.P. "Theatre of Moods".
Makhaneva M. Theatrical activity of preschoolers
Migunova E.V. Organization of theatrical activities in kindergarten: Teaching aid.
Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten.
Internet resources

Natalia Trofimova

Project "Playing in the theater"

Target: Creation of prerequisites for the creative development of the child's personality by means of theatrical activities


Development of creative abilities

Development of communicative qualities

moral education

Formation of a sense of successful self-realization

Instilling cultural and aesthetic norms

Creation of conditions for joint activities of children and adults


Children, teachers of middle and preparatory groups

Musical director

teacher additional education by activity.


Implementation timeline: September - November

Expected results: The staging of the fairy tale by E. Tilicheeva “Hares and the Fox” (collection “Musical Games”, publishing house “Music”, 1964) - with the participation of children of the middle and preparatory groups of the preschool educational institution.

As a result, children will increase the level of emotional responsiveness, organization, mobility. Theatrical activity will be a powerful stimulus for creative development child, it will have a beneficial effect on the formation of skills of collective work, a responsible attitude to their words and actions. Theatrical activities will promote cohesion children's team, reducing the "distance" between adults and children.

Implementation stages

1. Acquaintance with the theater

Watch videos and presentations about theater

Conversations about the culture of behavior in the theater

Acquaintance with theatrical professions

Visiting children's performances in the theaters of our city

Educators, teachers: selection of didactic materials on the topic "Theater"

Working with parents:

Information stand "Our theaters"

Consultation "Theatrical culture"

Joint visits to children's theaters of the city

2. Acquaintance with a literary source

Work with children:

Reading fairy tales

Choosing a fairy tale to stage

Discussion of the characters of heroes / characters

Moral of the tale (instructive meaning)

Acquaintance with musical characteristics heroes (music material by E. Tilicheeva)

Drawing fairy tale characters, modeling

Production of posters, tickets, programs

Working with teachers, educators:

Scenario discussion

Work on a literary source (editing) in accordance with the program requirements for the development of preschoolers

Making a fairy tale layout

Working with parents:

Acquaintance with the work of E. Tilicheeva, the author of the fairy tale "Hares and the Fox"

A conversation about the importance of theatrical activities in the development of the personality of preschoolers

Consultation for parents' corners “How to instill in children an interest in the theater?

3. Work on the performance

Joint activities with children:

Preparatory studies, exercises

Distribution of roles

Learning the text - expressiveness of speech, diction, articulation, facial expressions,

Learning musical numbers

Work on the expressiveness of movements characteristic of this character

Construction of mise-en-scenes

Work on stage culture

Rehearsals individual, subgroup, united

Educators, teachers:

Preparation (manufacturing) of scenery, attributes, costumes

Selection of musical material

Construction of mise-en-scenes

Makeup discussion

Working with Parents:

Preparation / production of scenery, attributes, costumes

Conversations on the importance of systematic activities with children

4. Demonstration of the results of work

Plot - role-playing game"Theater"

Showing a play for parents at the Autumn Festival

Showing a performance as part of the "Week of the Theater" for all pupils of the preschool educational institution (Appendix)

Educators, teachers:

Exhibition of children's works

Organizational issues related to the performance of children

Working with parents:

Consultation "The art of being a spectator"

Video / photography of a children's performance

Exhibition of photographs "Ladder of Success" - about participation in the children's play

5. Analysis of the results of the work

Educators, teachers:

Encouragement of children of participants in the performance

Discussion of the results of the project at the pedagogical council

Working with parents:

Questioning of parents based on the results of work

Collection of feedback


"Week of theater"

Fairy tale show day for all age groups of preschool educational institutions

Plot - role-playing game "We are going to the theater"

Children - spectators (accompanied by educators) go at the appointed time to watch the play "Hares and the Fox". Along the way, they look at the poster, drawings, the exhibition "Plasticine Fairy Tale" (a demonstration of children's work prepared with the participation of a teacher of additional education in art).

They approach the fake cash desk, where they are met by a child - a cashier ( preparatory group):

Cashier: Hello guys!

Children and teacher: Hello! We want to buy theater tickets for tonight's performance!

Cashier: We do not sell tickets, they are given for guessing!

Educator: How is this "for a guess"?

Cashier: If you guess my riddles, then you get tickets to the theater!

Cashier reads riddles about fairy tales to children:

1. Near the forest, at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

2. Somehow the mouse is small

Dropped an egg on the floor.

The grandmother is crying, the grandfather is crying.

What a fairy tale, give me an answer!

(Hen Ryaba)

3. In a fairy tale, a fox is a cheat

I deceived the bunny deftly,

But in trouble he helped

One brave cock.

(Zaikin's hut)

4. Dragged away by evil birds

Little sister's brother,

But sister, though small

Still saved the baby.

What kind of birds were in the fairy tale

And who did they serve?

(Geese swans and Baba Yaga)

5. He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And left with a nose.

(Fox and crane)

6. Walking briskly along the path,

They carry buckets of water.

(By pike command)

7. There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

8. The mouse found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind

In the house that after all

There were many residents.


9. From flour, he was baked,

On sour cream was mixed.

On the window, he was chilling,

He rolled down the path. (Kolobok)

Cashier: Well done, kudos guys! All riddles solved.

Here are the tickets - ... get it! Come to the theater with us!

The cashier hands the children tickets that were prepared in advance by a group of children in a free activity.

Children: Thank you!

Cashier: Welcome to the fabulous show!

At the entrance to the "theater" hall, the audience is met by a child - the usher.

In the hall: theatrical bell sounds.

Musical director talks to children: Hello guys! I am glad to see you in our music hall! Today we will play "To the theater". Have any of you been to a real theatre? What was his name? What is "theater"? Do you know that we also have a THEATER in kindergarten? Where is he located? (In the music room). It is called " Wonderland". Everything here is like in a real theater! There is a stage, audience rows, scenery, backstage, dressing room, dressing room .... And even a theatrical call. Do you hear? (second bell sounds) And how many times does the bell ring in the theater? The first call you heard before I said hello to you. What does each call mean? (children answer). Right. Before the start of the performance, the audience is in the foyer of the theater, and with the first call, the doors to auditorium and guests can take seats according to the purchased tickets. The second bell is more for the artists, it requires you to be ready to go on stage. The third call announces the beginning of the theatrical action.

How should you behave during a performance? (children's answers)

Children are shown a presentation "Rules of behavior in the theater", during which they memorize the "basics" of theater etiquette and answer questions in the form of "choose the right answer."

Musical director: Today we will see the fairy tale of Elena Tilicheeva - "Hares and the Fox". And they will play it young actors from the middle and preparatory groups.

The third bell sounds: The bell rings, it fills up - our fairy tale begins!

Children watch the play "Hares and the Fox"

At the end of the performance, the Musical Director conducts a short conversation with the children on the topic “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows lesson!". Children tell what the fairy tale has taught them. The facilitator sums up the moral of the story:

1. You can’t let “strangers” into the house,

everyone should know this!

2. We cannot live without friends,

Friendship is to be treasured!

Project: "Development of theatrical activity in preschool children,
as a means of aesthetic education in the preschool educational institution "

Description. This material can be used by teachers of preschool educational institutions.
The project was prepared by Rytsova Lena Igorevna, music director MBDOU "Rainbow", Zainsk, Republic of Tatarstan.
"The theater is Magic world.
He gives beauty lessons
Morals and ethics.
And the richer they are, the more successful
There is development spiritual world children…”
B. M. Teplov

Project relevance:
In our modern, rapidly changing society, children, like adults, are subject to stress, which negatively affects their health and development, the crisis of the age of seven affects.
In theatrical activity, the child is liberated, conveys his creative ideas, enjoys the activity.
Theatrical activity contributes to the disclosure of the personality of the child, his individuality, creativity. The child has the opportunity to express their feelings, experiences, emotions, resolve their internal conflicts. Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children, associated with:
- art education and upbringing of children;
- the formation of aesthetic taste;
- moral education;
- development of memory, imagination, initiative, speech;
- development of communicative qualities;
- creating a positive emotional mood, relieving tension, solving conflict situations through theatrical play.
Therefore, I believe that the implementation of the project allows us to make the life of our pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity.

Objective of the project:
Introduce children to theatrical art, to theatrical activities.
Contribute to the formation of a creative personality; develop speech and communication skills in children.
To create conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities, to provide conditions for interconnection with other activities in a holistic pedagogical process.

Project objectives:
To expand children's understanding of the theater, its types, attributes, costumes, scenery.
To create conditions for organizing joint theatrical activities of children and adults, aimed at bringing children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions closer together.
To form in the preschool educational institution an artistic and aesthetic, creatively developing subject environment.
Teach children to make contacts in joint activities.
To develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers.
To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice)
Contribute to the formation of aesthetic taste.
Provide interconnection with other activities: visual, musical, fiction, design.
Involve adults and children in theatrical and performing activities.
Involve parents in the theatrical and cultural life of the preschool educational institution

The principle of organizing personality-oriented interaction, taking into account individual capabilities - accepting and supporting it, individuality, interests and needs, developing creative abilities, caring for it emotional well-being.
The principle of consistency - the work is carried out systematically, for 4 years (younger group, middle group, senior group, preparatory group). The upbringing and educational process involves the planning of thematic cycles of classes and unregulated cycles of activity.
The principle of integration - the content of theatrical games are interconnected with other sections of the program for educating and educating children in kindergarten.
The principle of seasonality - planning activities takes into account seasonal changes.
The principle of age targeting - the content of activities is built in accordance with and taking into account the age of children.
The principle of continuity of interaction with the child in the conditions of kindergarten and family - parents support the forms of work with children and continue them in the family. The main idea is the idea of ​​developmental education.

Forms of work with children:
- educational activities;
- showing performances, dramatization of fairy tales;
- presentations of different types of theater;
- Exhibitions.

Methods and techniques:
- creative activity (game creativity, song, dance, improvisation on children's musical instruments);
- experimentation;
- writing fairy tales
- dramatization games;
- conversations after watching performances;
- exercises for the emotional development of children;
- correctional and educational games;
- diction exercises;
- exercises for the development of facial expressions, children's plasticity;
- rehearsals and playing out fairy tales and dramatizations.
Using a variety of tools: theater corners in groups, various types of theaters, costumes, scenery, music library, children's musical instruments, visual illustrations.

Working with parents:
The leading idea is the active involvement of parents in the creative process of developing children's theatrical activities.
The task is to interest parents in the prospects for the development of theatrical activities of children, to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, to make them allies in their work.
Forms of interaction with parents:
- questioning;
- individual conversations;
- Team work;
- visiting the theater;
- Exhibitions;
- Assistance in the production of costumes and scenery.

Working with educators.
The leading idea is the active involvement of educators in the creative process of developing theatrical activities in kindergarten.
The task is to involve them in joint activities for the development of theatrical activities in kindergarten, to make them our allies in our work.
Forms of interaction with educators:
- consultations;
- assistance in organizing a subject-developing environment;
- Team work;
- Exhibitions;
- work with educational visual aids;
- individual work;
- holidays and entertainment.

1. The project is based on the idea of ​​forming children's interest in the need to engage in theatrical activities not only with a teacher, but also independently in free time.
2. Idea - do no harm.

Expected result:
The development of a spiritually rich personality of the child as an active participant in the project. Creating favorable conditions for the self-development of the child, so that in a world saturated with information, new technologies, the child does not lose the ability to know the world with his mind and heart, expressing his attitude to good and evil, he could know the joy of creativity.

Project implementation:

"Musical Chamber"

Theatrically - musical lesson in the younger group. In the foreground there is a teremok in which there are toys. Children go to the music room, say hello.
Musical director:
In the meadow near the Christmas tree
Where do they walk angry Wolfs
There was a tower - a tower
He was low and low.
A frog lived in a teremka,
Brown bear, mouse - norushka,
Brave hare and fox.
What miracles!
- Guys, let's go to the forest to the tower? (children answer)
(Children perform movements according to the text of the song)
Song: "This is how we can" E. Tilicheeva

Come on, more fun - top, top, top!
That's how we do it - top, top, top!
Legs walked - top, top, top!
Right down the path - top, top, top!
Boots stomp - top, top, top!
These are our legs - top, top, top!
"Our legs are tired" T. Lomova
Our legs are tired
Run along the path
Let's stroke our feet
And let's get some rest.
Musical director:
Here we are in the forest.
That's the miracle of the teremok!
Smoke comes out of the chimney.
Animals live in the tower
And the guests are probably waiting
The music will tell you
Who will open the doors for us.
(Children sit on chairs).
- Come on, guys, get your ears ready. What animal is the music about?
Play: "The Dancing Hare" by E. Tilicheeva.
- Did you know? (children answer)
- And here is the hare (a hare appears from the tower). The music about the hare sounded: loud, easy, fast.
- Bunny is a musician, and beloved musical instrument- drum. Bunny is smart
fast, so he plays the same way - just as quickly and clearly.

The rhythmic pattern of a bunny sounds. Children follow the rhythm.
Exercise: "Drummers" by D. Kabalevsky
Song: "I have a bunny" by V. Kachaeva

- Listen, the music is playing again, what animal is it talking about?
Play: "The Fox" by M. Milman.
- Who will appear from the tower, did you guess guys? (Children answer)
(a fox appears with a bell).
- This music is about a fox. She sounded gentle and unhurried.
We are a beauty - a fox
I brought a bell.
Play our bell!
Whoever you want, invite!
Game: "Bell"
I walk with a bell
Ding, ding, ding
I play with the bell
Ding, ding, ding
I'll call and turn around
Show all the guys!
Bell blue
Who will go for a walk with you?
(When the game is repeated, the selected child passes the bell to his beloved friend).
Game: “Quiet and loud bells” by R. Rustamov
You ring, bell, hush,
Let no one hear you - 2 times.
You ring the bell stronger
So that everyone can hear - 2 times.
- About whom the music will now tell, we will now guess.
Play: "The Bear" by V. Vitlin (children answer)
- That's right, guys, this music is about a bear. It sounds low and heavy.
(A bear comes out of the tower). Mishka is also a musician - he plays the tambourine.
- What kind of bear? (children answer)
- The bear plays the tambourine heavily and slowly.
(The rhythmic drawing of a bear sounds. Children repeat the rhythm).
Song - game: “The bear is coming, the bear is coming” B. Makshantsev
Go, go Bear,
Bear is clumsy.
Go, go Bear,
Holds a barrel in its paws.
Here comes, here comes
Bear is clumsy.
Here comes, here comes
The bear is fat.
Go, go Bear,
Walks through the forest.
Go, go Bear,
Collects cones.
(Children perform movements in accordance with the text of the song).
- The bear was walking in the forest,
Teddy bear collected bumps
And a little tired.
Song: “Sleep, my bear” by E. Tilicheeva
Brown Bear does not want to sleep -
Wow, what a slut he is.
I will shake the topty
Bye-bye, bye-bye.
- While Mishka is sleeping, we will bake pies for the tenants of the tower.
Finger game "Pies"
I bake, I bake, I bake
To all my pie friends:
mouse pie,
For the hare - baby,
For a frog pie,
Bear, eat and you, my friend!
Pie for you, fox.
Very tasty game!
- Help yourself little animals. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
(Children "leave" on a steam locomotive from the hall).

"The holiday of kindness, mercy and love"

Joint theatrical performance of kindergarten teachers, parents and children.
Friends, guests and loved ones
We're glad to see you again
And invite today
On the holiday of kindness
Spring bright dreams.
/ The music “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds. Children dressed as butterflies, dragonflies, doves
perform a musical-rhythmic composition /

Today is a wonderful day
Come, come, spring!
Nature has awakened!
Mother Earth has awakened!
The song is performed: "Solar drops"
/Mother Earth enters to the music/
Mother Earth: I am Mother Earth. All the riches of the earth are hidden in me, I hide many secrets in myself. All around I see and feel. And now, especially happy! The real Spring has come, nature has awakened from sleep.
All living things rejoice. It’s so beautiful, bright, clean around, my soul rejoices!
The song is performed: "Spring has come"
Presenter: Mother Earth! We, people, see your good deeds every day, at any time of the year you help us, and animals, and birds, and plants, everything, everyone. You feed us, take care of us, give your warmth, love, beauty, fill our hearts with kindness and love.
Mother Earth:
While you live, hurry to do good,
Only the path of goodness is the salvation of the soul.
I like helping you. I rejoice when you yourself begin to help those in need, extend a helping hand to loved ones who are in trouble. You understand that the real happiness is when you make other people happy. After all, as the proverb says: “Do a good deed and throw it into the sea, it will return to you anyway.”
Presenter: Thank you Mother Earth for your true love to us.
We will choose the path of goodness.
We will save all our souls.
Mother Earth: I have a good friend...
Presenter: We know him. This is the Sun!
It happens around
All hears, sees, knows.
Let it tell you about us
What are we doing now
As we go along the path of good,
What we do and how we live! (The sun appears to the music)
Hello dear Mother Earth!
Mother Earth:
Hello Sun!
I am the Sun, illuminating everything around!
I give light to everyone, I give warmth,
I warm the earth, from this I am happy,
And now, Mother Earth, look, admire
How my rays shine until dawn.
Dance is performed: "Doctor Sun"
Mother Earth, listen to what I tell you:
Kindergarten "Rainbow"
Cozy and light.
Like in a bee hive
Bubbling life, good!
Like bees work and learn everything
Both adults and children in kindergarten.
Mother Earth:
I am now calm for you, glad
Your good deeds are my reward.
We all know the magic words.
They are always needed
Both you and me.
And the children will read you poems
About the kindness that we need.
« Good words»
Kind words are not lazy
Repeat to me three times a day.
Just go out the gate
Everyone going to work
Blacksmith, weaver, doctor,
"WITH Good morning!" - I'm screaming.
"Good afternoon!" - I shout after
Everyone going to lunch.
"Good evening!" - so I meet
Everyone hurrying home for tea.
papa smashed
Precious vase.
grandmother with mom
Frowning right away
But dad was found:
Looked into their eyes
Both timidly and quietly
"Sorry," he said.
And mom is silent
Smiling even:
"We'll buy another
There are better ones for sale…”
It would seem that in it such
What a wonderful word...
(Shurale appears to the music)
Shurale:- Ha-ha-ha! Are you enjoying spring? All living things on earth? Arranged a holiday of kindness? You will never see him!
I will tickle everyone, not with pure force to disturb you! Spiders, friends, help! Lure everyone into the web!
(Shurale whistles, calling his friends, spinning with a web in front of the audience threatening them, but he himself gets entangled in it)
Performing "Dance of the Merry Pigs"
Deceived, deceived, turned my spiderlings into pigs...
Mother Earth:
Shurale, I will not let you do evil,
You must be kind.
I have one remedy
Your heart will melt right away.
Performing "Dance with Shawls"
(The dance is performed by parents and kindergarten teachers. Shurale is surprised, starts to smile, at the end of the dance he goes to dance)
So what are you like?
Dance, sing, live together, have fun.
I want to live like this too
Have friends, love children.
You know, I understood everything, now I know what it means to be benevolent, it means to wish others well, not to be evil, rude and cruel.
Mother Earth: Yes, Shurale, benevolence is manifested not only in words, but also in deeds, listen to a fairy tale.
(Sounds in the recording "The Tale of the Sparrow")
What thoughts did this story evoke in you? (children's answers).
Do everything you can for people! Avoid words that offend people, try to live life the way a sparrow lived, so that they can also say about you: “He was a kind and helpful person.”
Mother Earth:
Goodwill, politeness, honesty, kindness please people. Goodwill is manifested not only in words, but also in deeds. To be benevolent, and not seem like it, you need respect, sensitivity, responsiveness, mercy.
Wish each other well!
May everyone be in a good mood today!
Hearts will be filled with kindness, mercy and love!
Mother Earth:
Be attentive to each other!
(Distribution of symbols of kindness)

Finger games in music classes

(Children perform movements according to the text and according to the teacher's show)
Our scarlet flowers
open the petals
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Our scarlet flowers
close the petals
head shake
They fall asleep quietly.
In the early morning all the flowers
The petals will bloom again.
Oh look at the flower
The bug flew in and sat down.
- I'll buzz a little - well ...
I’ll lie down on a camomile - well ...
And I'll look at the fly vz-vz-vz
A fly in the air flies vz-vz-vz
I looked and it's time w-yum, w-yum
For lunch we have bark yum yum yum, yum...
Chew, sing a buzzer
And I'll lie down until the morning
Because it's time to sleep ts-ts-ts.

“I get up early in the morning…”
I get up early in the morning
I sing my song
And in harmony with me
Singing along...
Children: 100 guys! (Raise hands up with fingers apart)
100 hedgehogs sing (They fold their hands into a “lock”, the thumbs are connected, the rest are straightened - “hedgehog”)
100 snakes sing (They connect their palms, make wave-like movements - “it’s already creeping”, the text is pronounced in a loud whisper)
And bunnies sing it (They put their palms to their heads - “bunny ears”, the text is pronounced high voice)
And the foxes sing it (They bend their arms at the elbows in front of them - “fox paws”, the text is pronounced more low voice).
Under the ground the old mole
This song is sung (They squint their eyes, hands in front of them - “cat's face”)
And in the den bear cubs (Spread their arms to the sides, roll from foot to foot, pronounce the text in a low voice)
And in the swamp there are frogs ( They bend their arms at the elbows, spreading their arms to the sides, spreading their fingers - “frog legs”, the text is pronounced in a high voice)
Very important hippo
Sings with pleasure (They put their stomach forward, fold their hands on their stomach - “hippo”, pronounce the text in a low voice)
Even the scary crocodile
Learned this song! (Spreading the fingers of the hands, join the palms, right hand on top - “the mouth of a crocodile”, pronounce the text in a loud whisper)
The cat purred to us (They bend their elbows in front of them - “cat's paws”, pronounce the text in a high voice)
Song sitting on the window (Put head on paws)
Do you hear (raise index finger up)
Like under our roof (Raise hands above head, connecting fingertips, elbows to the side - “roof of the house”)
Is this song sung by mice? (They bend their elbows in front of them - “mouse paws”, pronounce the text in a high voice)
We get up early in the morning
Let's sing a song in chorus.
And what does it sing about?
Children: How fun we live! (Spread hands to sides)

Artistic design of the performance
The artistic design of the performance, including all the elements: scenery, costumes, make-up, is one of the most important components of the theatrical action. The participation of parents especially pleases children.
5. The level of social competence has increased. Children learned to freely communicate with peers and adults, freely ask questions of interest, feel like full participants in this project.
A certain result was achieved by the teachers of preschool educational institutions. Implementing one of the main tasks of the annual plan: "Create an environment in the team for a creative search for the most effective forms and methods in working with children to educate emotional expressiveness in preschoolers."
Improving professional skills and competence permeated the entire educational process.
Conclusion: collective theatrical activity is aimed at a holistic impact on the personality of the child, his emancipation, independent creativity, development of leading mental processes; promotes self-expression of the individual, creates conditions for socialization, enhancing adaptive abilities, corrects communicative qualities, helps to realize a sense of satisfaction, joy, success.

Scientific support of the project
1. Vasilyeva M.V., Gerbova V.V., Komarova T.S. "The program of education and training in kindergarten"
2. Veraksa N.E., Vasil'eva M.V., Komarova T.S. "Birth to School Program" Theater in the second junior group

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