Goncourt Prize. Dossier


Name "Goncourt" received the most prestigious literary prize France. The prize was named after the Goncourt brothers, naturalist writers. (novel "Germinie Lacerte", 1865). Goncourt Prize – just like Booker – notes best work in the genre of the novel.

The youngest of the brothers Edmond Louis Antoine bequeathed all his fortune Academy of Literature who became famous Goncourt Academy who founded the award of the same name.

The Goncourt Prize is awarded based on the results of voting by the members of the Goncourt Academy. Voting takes place in paris- at the restaurant Drouant". The award itself is given annually- beginning since 1903.

Unlike Booker, the Prix Goncourt in material terms- symbolic (10 euros), but at the same time, the award makes the work prestigious and significantly increases its sales.

The winner is chosen 10 most famous French writers, representing the Académie Goncourt. IN different time The Goncourt Academy was represented by A. Daudet, J. Renard, Roni Sr., F. Eria, L. Aragon, E. Bazin etc. Each writer has 1 vote, which can only be given for one book, although the decisive vote is the vote President of the Academy(he has 2 votes).

The statutes of the Prix Goncourt state that The prize can be awarded to an author only once in a lifetime. The writer is an exception. R. Gary who received his first prize in 1956 for a novel "Roots of Heaven" and the second in 1988 for a novel "Whole life ahead". The second prize was awarded to an author who wrote under a pseudonym "Emile Azhar". Gary-Azhar's hoax was revealed only after he was awarded the prize.

Laureate of the Prix Goncourt 2011 year became A. Jenny who received an award for his book « french art war." In addition to Jenny, the prize was claimed by S. Shalandon("Return to Killybegs") C. Martinez("Murmyur's Domain") and L. Truillotbeautiful love human").

The Goncourt Prize met many celebrities along the way. Yes, in 1916. the laureate was A. Barbusse ("Fire"), V 1919 - M. Proust ("Under the shadow of girls in bloom"), V 1948 G. - M. Druon ("Famous Families"), V 1954 S. de Beauvoir ("Tangerines").

IN 1995 Prix ​​Goncourt received native of Russia A. Makin for the novel "French Testament". The third novel brought its creator not only the Goncourt Prize, but also the Medici Prize, which was originally focused on the avant-garde "new" novel. It was the "French Testament" that gave French citizenship to the grandson of a French emigrant. The novel has been translated into 35 languages, including in Russian, which brought fame to A. Makin.

IN 2010 the world-famous French Antsuzian writer M. Ulbeck (novel "Map and Territory").

The Goncourt Prize is famous for its mishaps. And the case with Gary-Azhar is not an isolated one. Yes, in 1916 the winners were two writers - A. Barbusse and A. Bertrand.

IN 1987 the award was “expanded”: the Goncourt Academy, together with the Ministry of Education and the FNAC company, established a separate award for lyceum students - Goncourt Prize for lyceum students.

  1. Awards
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There are a lot of literary awards in France - more than a thousand. There are prizes that are awarded to the author for the first novel, story, etc. The purpose of such an award is to prevent the work of a young writer from getting lost in the book stream. Some awards are founded by wealthy cultural figures, institutions and publishing houses, and sometimes it happens that they are awarded for works that do not have deep content and artistic value.

most main prize France in the field of literature is Goncourt, officially established in 1896, but it began to be awarded only in 1902.

French writers, the brothers Jules and Edmond Goncourt, started out as artists, making watercolors in Italy and writing travel notes along the way.

They lived and worked in the 19th century, but their favorite time was the 18th century. The Goncourt brothers compiled an extensive collection of rarities and a wide variety of evidence of that era (newspaper notes, book illustrations), bought letters completely strangers, collected all kinds of items of women's toilet (beads, fans, fabrics, etc.). They lived surrounded by real things of the 18th century that could be touched and felt; it brought "art into historical science, but not in order to distort or parody it, but to help and serve it."

Having fenced themselves off from the dull everyday life, the Goncourt brothers lived only for work, they always wrote together, discussing each chapter of their novels in detail.


Then they wrote each one separately, chose the best one or made a contamination. Their cooperation was so close that even today it is almost impossible to determine the share of participation of each of them in joint work. Therefore, when Jules died in 1869, Edmond seemed to have lost his "alter ego". It seemed to him that without the participation of Jules, the end of his work had come: he was "silent" for seven whole years, and only in 1876, in order to overcome spiritual loneliness, he decided to set to work - and even then for a book that they had previously conceived and prepared together ("Girl Eliza").

The Goncourt brothers left a huge fortune, which, according to Edmond's will, passed into the Goncourt Academy, officially established in 1896. The Académie Goncourt includes ten of the most famous writers France, who receive a nominal fee - 60 francs per year. Each member of the Academy has only one vote and can only vote for one book: the president of the Academy has two votes. Members of the Goncourt Academy at different times were the writers A. Daudet, J. Renard, J. Roni Sr., F. Eria, E. Bazin, Louis Aragon and others.

According to the statute, the prize named after the Goncourt brothers should crown "youth, originality of talent, new trends in thought and art form", that is, to be awarded to young writers for the originality of their talent, for new and bold searches for the content and form of a literary work.


The Prix Goncourt is awarded to the author of the best novel or best compilation short stories of the year written in French, but not necessarily to writers living in France. In the first days of December, after a traditional dinner at the Druyan restaurant, the president of the Goncourt Academy announces the name of the lucky man. The first laureate of the Prix Goncourt in 1903 was John-Antoine Naud, who received this most honorable and authoritative literary award from France for his novel The Hostile Force.

However, the wishes of the founder of the E. Goncourt Prize - to award an award to a young writer for originality - were soon forgotten, and for the entire period of its pre-war existence, only a few examples can be given when it was given to authors of truly outstanding literary works(for example, Henri Barbusse for anti-war novel"Fire"). French writer A. Style on this occasion wrote with regret that "the Goncourt Prize tends, on the one hand, to rise, and on the other, to fall sharply." IN Soviet time When in our country the method of socialist realism dominated in literature and art, all works that did not correspond to it were recognized as insufficiently progressive.

In May 1940, France was occupied by Nazi troops, but the juries of many literary prizes, including the Goncourt Prize, continued to perform their duties.


The provincial writer A. Purra received the 1941 prize for his novel The March Wind. He was the author of large but little-known works, "the inspired singer of Auverne", however wide circles French readers remained unknown. In 1943, during the period of the highest rise of the French resistance movement, the Goncourt Prize was awarded to M. Gru's novel "The Transition of Man", the author of which does not find anything unusual in the events of the occupation and does not protest against them.

The situation with the awarding of the Goncourt Prize did not change even after the war, and its laureates sometimes called French readers sharply negative attitude at best, a disappointment. Therefore, the awarding of the writer M. Druon was met with long-awaited relief. The exception was 1954, when the Prix Goncourt was awarded to Simone de Beauvoir for the novel "Tangerines" - a complex ideological concept and philosophical and psychological solution to the story of the fate of the French intelligentsia of the post-war years.

The current President of the Academy of Goncourt is François Nourissier, who presented this high award- for the first time in the century-old history of its existence - to a writer from Russia.

Andrey Makin won the Prix Goncourt for his novel The French Testament, which has been translated into 30 languages ​​and on which the Americans are going to make a film.1

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TASS-DOSIER. On November 6, 2017, the winner of the Prix Goncourt will be announced in Paris. She is awarded for best novel written in French. The editors of TASS-DOSIER have prepared reference material, containing basic information about this award.

The Goncourt Prize (fr. Prix Goncourt) is the most famous of all literary awards in France. It bears the name of the Goncourt brothers - Edmond Louis Antoine (1822-1896) and Jules Alfred Huot (1830-1870), who gained fame as novelists, memoirists, historians and literary critics. According to the will of Edmond Louis Antoine, drawn up in 1896, the Goncourt literary society, to whom the state of the brothers passed. It later became known as the Académie Goncourt.

Award procedure

Since 1903, the academy has awarded annually a prize for "creative discovery in prose" among novels published in French in the current year. In September, ten of its members (at various times the academy included famous writers and writers Leon Daudet, Jules Renard, Herve Bazin, Louis Aragon, etc.) hold a meeting, the results of which announce the first selection list of 15 applicants. Subsequently, two more meetings are organized, following which the number of nominees is reduced to four. In early November, the final voting of the members of the academy takes place. Each academician has one vote. In case of equality of votes, the winner is the work that was preferred by the President of the Academy. Since 2014, this post has been occupied by journalist and writer Bernard Pivot.

Following tradition, the announcement of the laureate takes place during a gala dinner at the Drouant restaurant in Paris. Academics vote by writing the name of the nominee on their copy of the menu.

At the beginning of the last century, the monetary part of the Goncourt Prize was 5 thousand francs - a fairly significant amount for those times. Today, its size is symbolic (€10), but the award significantly increases the sales of the winning novel and contributes to the growth of the author's popularity.


As a rule, the award is given to young and little-known authors for one of their first novels (initially it was assumed that the fee was awarded to the winner so that he had the opportunity to publish other works). However, well-known writers such as Henri Barbusse (1916), Marcel Proust (1919), Maurice Druon (1948), Simone de Beauvoir (1954) also became laureates. According to the charter, the prize can be awarded to the author once. Only Romain Gary (real name Roman Katsev) received it twice: in 1956 for the novel The Roots of Heaven and in 1975 for the novel All Life Ahead, which he wrote under the pseudonym Emil Azhar (which became known after the death of the writer) .

In 1995, the Goncourt Prize was awarded to the writer Andrey Makin, a French teacher from Krasnoyarsk, who moved to France in 1987. He received this award for his novel The French Testament, in which the boy Alyosha, who lives in Russia, recreates in his fantasies the image of France at the beginning of the 20th century, according to the memoirs of an emigrant grandmother. The work is considered partly autobiographical, to date it has been translated into more than 35 languages.

In 2016, Leila Slimani, a writer and journalist of French-Moroccan descent, won the prize for her novel The Gentle Song (Chanson douce). A total of 114 awards have been presented since 1903.

Other awards of the Goncourt Academy

Along with the prize for the novel, the Académie Goncourt gives awards to authors of other genres:

For the best novel (since 1974; since 2001, together with the municipality of Strasbourg; the laureate is announced in September in Strasbourg);
- behind the best biography(since 1980; jointly with the municipality of Nancy; in September in Nancy);
- for the best poetic work(since 1985, established by will Goncourt Laureate Henrien Bertrand; at the beginning of the year at the Drouant restaurant);
- for the best first novel (since 2009; together with the municipality of Paris; in the spring in Paris).
- Goncourt Prize for lyceum students (since 1988; in November in Rennes)

The main literary prize of France. Awarded to the author of the best novel or short story collection of the year in French, not necessarily living in France. The award bears the name French classics the Goncourt brothers (Goncourt) - Edmond Louis ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

- (Prix Goncourt) annual French literary prize (since 1903) for achievements in the genre of the novel, awarded by the Goncourt Academy (10 members). The Fund of the Goncourt Prize is the capital left by the will of E. Goncourt. Goncourt ... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Prix Goncourt), the annual French literary prize (since 1903) for achievements in the genre of the novel, awarded by the Goncourt Academy (10 members). The Fund of the Goncourt Prize is the capital left by the will of E. Goncourt. Goncourt ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Goncourt Prize- Race Level Prize... Russian spelling dictionary

Goncourt Prize - … Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

The Académie Goncourt is a literary society founded in 1900 according to the will of Edmond de Goncourt, drawn up in 1896, in which he joined the wishes of his brother Jules, who had died earlier. The Academy of Goncourt annually presents ... Wikipedia

- (Fr. Prix Médicis) a literary award created in France in 1958. The founder of the award, playwright, poet and prose writer Jean Pierre Giraudoux, decided that the Goncourt Prize and the Grand Prix of the French Academy were undeservedly bypassed ... ... Wikipedia

- (Serb. Ninova award, Ninova nagrada) the most prestigious literary award Serbia (formerly Yugoslavia), awarded annually for the best novel in the Serbian language. Founded in 1954 by the socio-political weekly NIN (Nedejne Informative ... Wikipedia

Literary award encouraging achievements in the field literary creativity, which regularly and according to certain rules formulated in the charter of the award, appoints a circle of experts (also elected according to the rules or appointed by the founder of the award ... Wikipedia

The Booker Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the world English Literature. Awarded to an author residing in one of the countries of the Commonwealth of Nations or in Ireland for a novel written in English language. Winner ... ... Wikipedia


  • HHhH, Binet Laurent. Goncourt Debut Novel Prize National Book Critics Circle Award Best Book of the year by The New York Times Second World War- this is a huge tragedy in which - such ...
  • HHhH , Binet L. Goncourt Debut Novel Award National Book Critics Circle Award Best Book of the Year by The New York Times. The Second World War is a huge tragedy in which such ...

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