Courage in the work of Olesya Kuprin. Courage and cowardice in love


People often wonder if courage is needed in love? What is courage? This is the ability of a person, overcoming the fear to do something. Love pushes a person to certain actions, is driving force many feats. But not always people are able to find the courage in themselves to make great sacrifices for the sake of love.

I am convinced of the correctness of this point of view by the story of I.A. Bunin " Dark alleys». Main character Nikolai stops at an inn owned by his first love, Nadezhda.

She is a wealthy woman who devoted her whole life to her beloved work. The characters of the story get to know each other, talk and remember the past years. Nadezhda has always loved Nikolai and has carried this feeling throughout her life. He doesn't have a life. His wife left him, his son grew up a dishonorable, unscrupulous person. Only now, many years later, did he realize that this love was the main thing in his life. But during their youth, a strict unspoken rule operated in society, which forbade marriage between the nobility and the peasant class. Society believed that such an alliance harmed the reputation of not only the nobleman himself, but the entire class as a whole. Nicholas did not have the courage to confront his environment, he was afraid of people's opinions, misunderstanding and contempt. The master considered that he had no choice but to accept his fate. Because of cowardice mutual love Nicholas and Nadezhda was doomed to an unhappy end.

Touching on this topic, I cannot help but refer to the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" main character I was ready to do anything for the sake of a loved one. The master endures creative failure, falls into despair and voluntarily goes to a hospital for the mentally ill. But Margarita does not want to put up with this, her life becomes unbearable without her lover. She will stop at nothing to save the Master. A woman decides to make a deal with the devil and becomes the queen at Satan's ball. Before being with her beloved, Margarita destroys her immortal soul and gives it into the possession of Woland. She even takes revenge on Latunsky's criticism by smashing and flooding his apartment. Woland decides to reward the woman for her courage and self-sacrifice. He gives her and the Master eternal peace and solitude.

Summing up, we can conclude that courage in love is definitely needed and important. For real, high feelings are characterized by courage, willingness to do anything. After all, it is courage that helps people to be close to their loved ones and never part.

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True love is pure, sublime, all-consuming love.
Such love is depicted in many works of A. I. Kuprin: "Garnet Bracelet", "Shulamith", "Olesya". All three stories end tragically: "The Garnet Bracelet" and "Shulamith" are resolved by the death of the main characters, in "Oles" the plot action ends with the parting of Olesya and the narrator. According to Kuprin, true love doomed because she has no place in this world - she will always be condemned in a vicious social environment.
In Oles, the obstacles to the love of the characters were their social differences and the prejudices of society. Olesya is a girl who was born and spent her entire youth in the thickets of Polissya, wild, uneducated, aloof from people. locals they considered her a witch, despised her, hated her (the cruel reception given to her at the church fence is indicative). Olesya did not respond to them with mutual hatred, she was simply afraid of them and preferred solitude. However, she was imbued with confidence in the narrator from the first meeting; their mutual attraction grew rapidly and gradually grew into a real feeling.
The narrator (Ivan) was struck by the combination of naturalness, the “forest soul”, and nobility, “of course, in best sense this rather vulgar word. Olesya never studied, she could not even read, but she spoke eloquently and fluently, "no worse than a real young lady." And the main thing that attracted him to the Polissya sorceress was her attraction to folk traditions, her strong, strong-willed character and freedom-loving, sensitive and capable of sincerely loving soul. Olesya did not know how to pretend, so her love could not be a low impulse or a mask. And the hero had such sincere, genuine feelings for her: he found a soul mate in the girl, they understood each other without words. And true love, as you know, is built on mutual understanding.
Olesya loved Ivan selflessly, sacrificially. Fearing that society would condemn him, the girl left him, abandoned her happiness, preferring his happiness. Each of the heroes chose the well-being of the other. But their personal happiness turned out to be impossible without mutual love. This confirms the ending of the story: “Lord! What happened? - Ivan whispered, "entering with a sinking heart into the hallway." This was the apogee of the hero's misfortune.
Love united them forever and separated them forever: only strong feelings prompted Olesya to leave Ivan, and Ivan to allow her to do so. They were not afraid for themselves, but feared for each other. Olesya went to church for the sake of Ivan, realizing that danger awaited her there. But she did not betray her fears to Ivan, so as not to upset him. In their scene last date she also did not want to upset her lover, to disappoint him, therefore she did not turn her face to him until he “took her head from the pillow with tender tenderness.” She called out: “Don’t look at me ... I beg you ... I’m ugly now ...” But Ivan was not embarrassed by the long red bruises that furrowed her forehead, cheeks and neck, turned away from her, wounded, for him she was the most beautiful even then. He loved her unconditionally and did not give up his intention to marry her. But in cruel society, ossified in prejudice, it was impossible.
Olesya was an outcast of society. People believed that Olesya was inciting trouble, telling fortunes, they despised and feared her, but Ivan believed her. Even when she herself began to assure him that she had witchcraft power, he had no doubt that she was kind and not capable of harming anyone, that the power contained in her was bright, and gossip about her was superstitious fiction. He could not suspect Olesya of anything bad, he trusted her, which means he experienced true love, love based on faith, hope and forgiveness.
Olesya was also ready to forgive Ivan in any situation, to blame herself, but to shield him (although it was because of Ivan that she went to church, she blamed only herself for the misfortune that happened to her). Tears and an inexorable tremor in the reader’s heart are caused by Olesya’s answer to the hero’s request to forgive him: “What are you doing! .. What are you, dear? .. Aren’t you ashamed to even think about it? What is your fault here? I'm all alone, stupid ... Well, why did I really climb? No, honey, you can’t blame yourself ... ”The girl laid all the blame and all the responsibility for what had happened on herself. And for subsequent actions - too. Olesya, who had never been afraid of anything, suddenly became afraid ... for Ivan. Ivan repeatedly offered Olesya to marry him, expressed assurances to her in their future, happy and joint future, but the girl was afraid to put him under the blow of the law and rumors, to cast a shadow on his reputation. And Ivan, in turn, neglected his reputation in the name of love.
Their feeling did not bring them happiness, sacrifices in the name of each other - too. The society had too much pressure on them. But no prejudices could overcome their love. After the disappearance of Olesya, the narrator says: “With a cramped, tearful heart, I was about to leave the hut, when suddenly my attention was attracted by a bright object, apparently deliberately hung at the corner of the window frame. It was a string of cheap red beads, known in Polissya as "corals", - the only thing that remained to me as a memory of Olesya and her tender, generous love. This unforgettable little thing symbolized for Ivan the love of Olesya, which she, even after parting, sought to convey to him.
The concepts of "soul" and "love" for both heroes were inseparable, therefore their love is pure and immaculate, sublime and sincere, like souls - pure, bright. Love for them is a creation of the soul. A feeling devoid of distrust and jealousy: “Were you jealous of me?” - “Never, Olesya! Never!" How could one be jealous of her, pure and bright Olesya ?! Their mutual love was too sublime, strong and strong to allow for a selfish instinct - jealousy. By itself, their love excluded everything mundane, vulgar, banal; the heroes did not love for themselves, they did not cherish their love, but gave their souls to each other.
Such love - eternal, but misunderstood by society, sacrificial, but not bringing happiness, can be granted not to many and only once in a lifetime. Because such love is the highest manifestation of Man. And a person is born only once.


The theme of love is the main theme in the work of A. I. Kuprin. It is love that makes it possible to realize the most intimate beginnings. human personality. Especially dear to the writer are strong natures who know how to sacrifice themselves for the sake of feeling. But A. Kuprin sees that a person in the modern world has become trivialized, vulgarized, entangled in everyday problems. The writer dreams of a person who is not subject to pernicious influence Wednesday, and embodies his dream in the image of the Polissya sorceress Olesya, the heroine of the story of the same name.

Olesya does not know what civilization is, time in the thickets of Polesie seems to have stopped. The girl sincerely believes in legends and conspiracies, believes that her family is connected with the devil. The norms of behavior accepted in society are absolutely alien to her, she is natural and romantic. But not only the exotic image of the heroine and the situation described in the story attract the attention of the writer. The work becomes an attempt to analyze the eternal that should underlie any high feeling.

A. I. Kuprin pays special attention to close attention how feeling develops in the characters of the story. The moment of their meeting is wonderful, the growth of sincere affection in their hearts is amazing. A. I. Kuprin admires the purity of their closeness, but does not romantic love serene, leads the heroes to ordeals.

Love for Olesya becomes turning point in the life of Ivan Timofeevich, a city dweller. His original focus exclusively on his world is gradually overcome, the need becomes the fulfillment of the desire to be together with another person. His feeling is probably based on vague attractions, but very soon it is reinforced by spiritual intimacy. Kuprin accurately conveys the inner transformation of the hero's personality, the source of which is nature itself.

One of the most important phenomena of love for Kuprin is that even a premonition of happiness is always overshadowed by the fear of losing it. On the way to the happiness of the heroes are the difference in their social status and upbringing, the weakness of the hero and the tragic prediction of Olesya. The thirst for harmonious union is generated by deep experiences.

At the beginning of the story, Ivan Timofeevich seems soft, sympathetic and sincere. But Olesya immediately catches a weakness in him, saying: Your kindness is not good, not cordial. And the hero of the story really does a lot of harm to his beloved. His whim is the reason that Olesya goes to church, although he understands the destructiveness of this act. The lethargy of the hero's feelings brings trouble to the sincere girl. But Ivan Timofeevich himself quickly calms down. At the moment when he talks about the most seemingly exciting episode of his life, he does not feel guilt and remorse, which speaks of the relative poverty of his inner world.

Olesya is the complete opposite of Ivan Timofeevich. In her image, Kuprin embodies his ideas about the ideal of a woman. She absorbed the laws by which nature lives, her soul is not corrupted by civilization. The writer creates an exceptionally romantic image of the daughter of the forests. Olesya's life passes in isolation from people, and therefore she does not care about what many devote their lives to modern people: fame, wealth, power, rumor. Emotions are the main motives for her actions. Furthermore Olesya is a witch, she knows secrets human subconscious. Her sincerity, the absence of falsehood, are also emphasized in her appearance, and in gestures, movements, a smile.

Olesya's love becomes the greatest gift that can give life to the hero of the story. In this love there is both selflessness and courage, on the one hand, and contradiction, on the other. Olesya initially understands the tragedy of the outcome of their relationship, but is ready to give herself to her lover. Even leaving her native places, beaten and dishonored, Olesya does not curse the one who killed her, but blesses those brief moments of happiness that she experienced.

The writer sees the true meaning of love in the desire to disinterestedly give to his chosen one all the fullness of feelings that he is capable of. loving person. A person is imperfect, but the power of love can, at least for a short time, restore to him the sharpness of sensations and naturalness, which only people like Olesya have preserved in themselves. The strength of the soul of the heroine of the story is able to bring harmony even in such contradictory relationships as those described in the story. Love is contempt for suffering and even death. It's a pity, but only a select few are capable of such a feeling.

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A special place in the work of A. I. Kuprin is occupied by the theme of love. The writer gave us three stories, united by this great theme, - "Garnet bracelet", "Olesya" and "Shulamith".
Kuprin showed different facets of this feeling in each of his works, but one thing is invariable: love illuminates the life of his heroes with an extraordinary light, becomes the brightest, unique event in life, a gift of fate. It is in love that they unfold best features his heroes.
Fate threw the hero of the story "Olesya" into a remote village in the Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polissya. Ivan Timofeevich is a writer. He is an educated, intelligent, inquisitive person. He is interested in people, with their customs and traditions, he is interested in legends and songs of the region. He went to Polissya with the intention of enriching his life experience with new observations useful for the writer: “Polesie ... wilderness ... the bosom of nature ... simple manners... primitive natures, he thought, sitting in the carriage.
Life presented Ivan Timofeevich with an unexpected gift: in the wilderness of Polissya, he met a wonderful girl and his true love.
Olesya and her grandmother Manuilikha live in the forest, away from the people who once expelled them from the village, suspecting them of witchcraft. Ivan Timofeevich is an enlightened person and, unlike the dark Polissya peasants, understands that Olesya and Manuilikha simply "have access to some instinctive knowledge obtained by random experience."
Ivan Timofeevich falls in love with Olesya. But he is a man of his time, his circle. Reproaching Olesya for superstition, Ivan Timofeevich himself is no less dominated by the prejudices and rules by which the people of his circle lived. He did not even dare to imagine what Olesya would look like, dressed in a fashionable dress, talking in the living room with the wives of his colleagues, Olesya, torn from the "enchanting frame of the old forest."
Next to Olesya, he looks like a weak, not free person, “a person with a lazy heart”, which will not bring happiness to anyone. “There will be no great joys in your life, but there will be a lot of boredom and hardship,” Olesya predicts to him from the cards. Ivan Timofeevich could not save Olesya from trouble, who, trying to please her beloved, went to church contrary to her convictions, despite the fear of the hatred of the local inhabitants.
In Oles there is courage and determination, which our hero lacks, she has the ability to act. Petty calculations and fears are alien to her when we are talking about the feeling: "Let it be, what will be, but I will not give my joy to anyone."
Persecuted and persecuted by superstitious peasants, Olesya leaves, leaving a string of "coral" beads as a memento for Ivan Timofeevich. She knows that for him soon “everything will pass, everything will be erased”, and he will remember her love without grief, easily and joyfully.
The story "Olesya" brings new touches to the endless theme of love. Here, Kuprin's love is not only the greatest gift, which it is a sin to refuse. Reading the story, we understand that this feeling is unthinkable without naturalness and freedom, without the bold determination to defend one's feelings, without the ability to sacrifice in the name of those one loves. Therefore, Kuprin remains the most interesting, intelligent and delicate interlocutor for readers of all time.

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Do you need courage in love?

Courage is the ability of a person to overcome fear. It is human nature to be afraid, it is natural. But the ability to overcome fears, to leave the comfort zone, to act when you are not sure of yourself is very important. Especially in love. A person, falling in love, at first feels insecure, fears appear. But without daring to act, nothing will work out in terms of relationships. It takes decisive action to get noticed.

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin tried to answer the question in the story. The author introduces us to many characters. The story begins with a description of the weather, first in mid-August, and then in early September.

Vera Nikolaevna has a name day and on occasion guests come to visit her. As a gift, she discovers a letter and Garnet bracelet. Soon Nikolai and Vasily Lvovich recognize the sender. It turns out to be a middle-aged man G.S. Zheltkov. He admits that he fell in love with Vera even before her marriage. Why was Zheltkov inactive? At least he could get to know Vera. I think it played a role financial position. Zheltkov was a poor man and did not want to overshadow the life of Vera. But before marriage, Zheltkov is obliged to act. As we can see, inaction does not lead to anything good.

Thus, based on the above, I want to draw a conclusion. A person needs to overcome fears and act decisively towards a loved one or loved one.

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Updated: 2017-10-02

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