The hypocrisy of silence in the comedy Woe from Wit. The image of famous writers


In the comedy "Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboedov presents the images of the Moscow nobles of the early 19th century, when there was a split in society between the conservative nobility and those who adopted the ideas of Decembrism. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the “current century” and the “past century”, the painful and historically natural replacement of old noble ideals with new ones. Supporters of the "age of the past" in comedy are numerous. These are not only such weighty and influential people in the world as the feudal landowners Famusov and Colonel Skalozub, but also young nobles who do not have high ranks and are forced to "serve" influential people. This is the image of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit".

Molchalin is a poor nobleman from Tver. He lives in the house of Famusov, who "gave him the rank of assessor and took him as a secretary." Molchalin is secret lover Famusov's daughter, but Sophia's father does not want to see him as a son-in-law, because in Moscow it is supposed to have a son-in-law "with stars and ranks." Molchalin does not yet meet these standards. However, his desire to “serve” is very valuable for the Famus society. Thanks to this skill, Molchalin received the post of Famusov's secretary, because usually they take such places only under patronage. Famusov says: “With me, employees of strangers are very rare: more and more sisters, sister-in-law children; Molchalin alone is not my own, and then because of business. Exactly business qualities, and not honor and dignity, are valuable in the Famusov environment.

In the play "Woe from Wit" the image of Molchalin fully complies with the accepted standards of behavior of a young nobleman in society. He curtsies and humiliates himself in front of influential guests in Famusov's house, because they can be useful in his promotion. Molchalin descends to the point that he begins to praise the smooth coat of Khlestova's dog. He believes that while "we are small in ranks," "we must depend on others." That is why Molchalin lives by the principle "In my years, one should not dare to have one's own judgment."

Like everything in Famus society, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" Molchalin is proud of his successes in his service and boasts of them at every opportunity: "As far as I work and strength, since I have been listed in the archives, I have received three awards." Molchalin also succeeded in establishing contacts with the "right" people. He often visits Princess Tatyana Yuryevna, because “bureaucrats and officials are all her friends and all relatives,” and even dares to recommend such a demeanor to Chatsky.

Despite the fact that the views and values ​​of Molchalin completely coincide with the ideals of the conservative nobility, Molchalin is capable of causing serious harm to the society in which he is located. Famusov's daughter will be deceived by this particular person, since he takes the form of her lover "by position", that is, for profit.

Molchalin fully reveals his face when interacting with the maid Lisa, whom he expresses sympathy for. “You are modest with the young lady, but with the maid you are a rake,” she tells him. It becomes clear to the reader that Molchalin is not at all a stupid modest person - he is a two-faced and dangerous person.

In the heart of Molchalin there is neither love nor respect for Sophia. On the one hand, he plays this performance “for the sake of the daughter of such a person,” and on the other hand, he is mortally afraid that his secret relationship with Sophia will be revealed. Molchalin is very cowardly. He is afraid of spoiling the opinion of himself in society, because " gossips scarier than a gun. Even Sophia is ready to go against the world for the sake of love: “What is rumor to me ?!” This is probably why Molchalin does not find "anything enviable" in marriage with Sophia.

It turns out that with his meanness, Molchalin harms even the society of which he is a product. Molchalin simply clearly follows his father's advice - "to please all people without exception - the owner, where I happen to live, the boss with whom I will serve ..."

This hero is fully consistent with the ideals of the "past century", although he belongs to young generation nobles. He knows the main thing - to adapt, and therefore "The Silent people are blissful in the world."
Thus, Molchalin is a product and a worthy continuation of the representatives of the conservative nobility. He, like this society, values ​​​​only ranks and money, and evaluates people only by these standards. The cunning and duplicity of this hero are the defining features in the characterization of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit". That is why Chatsky claims that Molchalin "will reach the known levels, because now they love the dumb."

The problem that Griboyedov raises in the comedy Woe from Wit remains relevant to this day. At all times, there were Molchalins who did not stop at nothing to achieve their goals. The image of Molchalin will remain alive for readers as long as such values ​​as wealth and position in society, and not honor, conscience, human dignity and true patriotism, are put at the forefront.

Characteristics of the hero, a discussion about his views and ideals, a description of relationships with other characters - all these arguments will help students in grade 9 when writing an essay on the image of Molchalin in the comedy "Woe from Wit"

Artwork test

The character of the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795 1829). Type of careerist, saint, conformist: (act. 4, yavl. 12): “My father bequeathed to me: firstly, to please all people without exception,” etc. A common noun for flatterers, sycophants, ... ... Dictionary winged words and expressions

The central character in the comedy "Woe from Wit" (1824). The significance of this image was realized over the course of historical time. N.V. Gogol was the first to notice something important in the appearance of the modest secretary Famusov: “this face is aptly captured, silent, low ... ... literary heroes

Wed ... My father bequeathed to me, Firstly, to please all people without exception: The owner, where I happen to live, The boss, with whom I will serve, His servant, who cleans dresses; Doorman, janitor to avoid evil, Janitor's dog, to be affectionate. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Molchalin. Wed ... My father bequeathed to me First of all, to please all people without exception: The owner, where I happen to live, the Chief, with whom I will serve, His Servant, who cleans dresses; Doorman, janitor to avoid evil, dog janitor, so that ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

M. 1. literary character. 2. It is used as a symbol of a person who hides his own opinion and, with his silence, wants to please all superiors or influential people. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Molchalin- Shut up alin, but ... Russian spelling dictionary

Molchalin- (2 m) (lit. character; also about a careerist and a sycophant) ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

Molchalin- the character of the comedy A. S. Griboyedov Woe from Wit (1824) is a hypocritical, obsequious careerist who announced Ch. its virtues are moderation and accuracy. His name has become a common name. meaning, and for the first time this happened already in the text itself. (formula... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary

- ... Wikipedia


  • Woe from Wit, Alexander Griboyedov. The action of the play takes place in Russia, in the twenties XIX years century. To the house of the old Moscow gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in a state-owned place, a convinced serf and furious ... audiobook
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Here he is, on tiptoe

and not rich in words.

Silencers are blissful in the world.

A. S. Griboyedov

One of the favorite themes of the great writers of the 19th century - the formation of a young man, his choice of life path. Diversity human destinies paint us such world-famous novels as Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", "Ordinary History" and "Oblomov" by I. A. Goncharov, "Red and Black" by Stendhal, "The Human Comedy" by Balzac and many others. Among these immortal books is A. S. Griboyedov’s Woe from Wit, not a novel, but a “high” comedy, in which, in my opinion, there is very little funny, except for some situations, but the most important socio-political And moral issues many of which are of concern to us today.

What should be a person? How does he lay his life path? What can you afford and what should never be allowed along the way? What is more important - human dignity or career? These and many other questions are answered by the author of the comedy in the image of Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin.

by origin and social position he does not belong to the nobility of the capital. “He warmed up the bezrodny and introduced him into his family, gave him the rank of assessor and took the Moscow ace Famusov as secretary. The surname of Molchalin is justified by his behavior: he is a modest young man, handsome, silent, insinuating. He plays the flute, loves sentimental rhymes, tries to please everyone. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that. But, reading a comedy, we are convinced that Molchalin's decency is a skillfully chosen mask that hides a vile, hypocritical, false person. In a moment of frankness, he admits that he is guided in life by his father's covenant "to please all people without exception", even the janitor's dog.

The goal of Molchalin's life is to make a career, preferably a brilliant one, to achieve ranks, wealth. Supreme happiness, life ideal he sees in "taking awards and having fun." On the way to this goal, all means are good for him. At the same time, Molchalin elects the most the right way curry favor - flattery, servility, servility. He is respectful and helpful with Famusov, pleases the influential lady Khlestova in every possible way, does not leave the rich old people, plays cards with them.

A flatterer and a hypocrite, he pretends to be in love with Sophia (of course, because she is the daughter of his all-powerful boss) and immediately tells Lisa that he loves the master's daughter "by position". His life "principles" are simple and shameless. This is a renunciation of human dignity, from own opinion, self-abasement: "After all, one must depend on others" or: "At my age, one should not dare to have one's own judgment." Silent-ling does not know what honor, honesty, sincerity are, and is mean just like that, just in case.

This behavior made him famous success: the insignificant secretary not only lives in the house of his patron, but is also accepted in his society. Moreover, "moderation and accuracy" have already provided him with "three awards" in the service, the location and support of influential gentlemen.

The reader of the comedy also understands something else: Molchalin's life "experience" is a sentence not only for him, but also for the society that approves and supports him. The people who organized the persecution of the sincere, honest Chatsky, who declared him, an intelligent, educated person, crazy, do not consider it shameful to communicate with a dishonest scoundrel, to patronize him, and this characterizes them perfectly. “Molchalins are blissful in the world,” is one of the most bitter conclusions of Chatsky after a day of communication with the Famus society. material from the site

Molchalin is not helpless and not funny - in my opinion, he is terrible. The role of this hero in comedy is determined by two circumstances. Firstly, we have before us a person who, living in a Famus society, will certainly "reach the known levels." Even exposure will not ruin him, because, bowing humbly and crawling on his knees, the "business" secretary will again find a way to the heart of his boss: after all, Famusov needs him, and there is someone to intercede! No, Molchalin is unsinkable. Secondly, talking about the "formation" of Molchalin, the author exposes the Moscow nobility (and it, in turn, represents social order Famusov’s Russia), “torturers of the crowd”, who are afraid of people with progressive views and firm, unbending characters and accepting them as their many silent ones. "Great ability to please" many in this unscrupulous society brought to the people.

Griboyedov also convinces of what he does not directly say: he needs the tactics chosen by Molchalin only for the time being. Having achieved his goal, he will throw off the mask of modesty and reverence - and woe to those who stand in his way. Unfortunately, such human type not gone into the past. And today, under the guise of decency and modesty, modern Molchalin can be hidden, who knows how to please everyone, does not disdain any means to achieve his goals. Author immortal comedy teaches to understand people, to see under the mask, if it is worn, the true face of a person.

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The work "Woe from Wit" by A.S. Griboyedov belongs to the genre of comedy, the events took place at the beginning of the 19th century, in which the author showed images of Moscow nobles. The main theme of the work is the confrontation between the present century and the past, the difficult change of old ideals for new ones. On the side of the last century there were a significant number of people in comedy, one of them was a young nobleman who did not yet have any ranks Molchalin. His task was to serve powerful people.

Molchalin himself was a poor nobleman, born in Tver. In the comedy, he lived in the house of Famusov, who, in turn, took Molchalin as a secretary. Molchalin falls in love with Famusov's daughter and secretly meets with her. Famusov is opposed to such relations, because he believes that his daughter needs an influential husband with ranks. Although Molchalin does not meet these requirements, he has another quality that was appreciated by the inhabitants famus house. He did his best to serve in every possible way, and this attracted attention. That is why he managed to get into the position of secretary, where business qualities are important, not honor.

In the work "Woe from Wit" the image of the protagonist can be called the standard behavior of a young nobleman in the environment. We see how he tries to serve, and if necessary, even humiliate himself in front of the influential guests of Famusov's house, all this comes with the expectation that they can be useful in life and further service. Molchalin even took it for granted to praise the coat of Khlestova's dog. To describe the hero, a quote is suitable that says that while “we are in small ranks”, “we must depend on others.” He believes that while you are young, it is not necessary to have an opinion.

The Famus society was famous for boasting, at every opportunity it was common to praise new successes, Molchalin was the same. He was a frequent guest of Princess Tatyana Yurievna. Although in character and behavior Molchalin was the same as everyone else in society, although he agreed with everyone and supported ideas, this did not stop him from going to meanness. For example, his love for Sophia was only a fiction, and he went for it for his own benefit. In fact, he sincerely opens up when communicating with the maid Lisa, whom he liked. And then another character opens up to the reader, you see that there is duplicity in him, which means that such a person is dangerous.

In his soul and heart there is not a drop of respect and warmth for Sophia. He is at great risk when he begins to secretly see Famusov's daughter, because he was constantly in a state of fear that they would be noticed. This expresses cowardice. For Molchalin important role played the moment that he was worried about the opinions of others, and he was also afraid of what others would think of him. This meanness and deceit of his ruins him, because he begins to harm those with whom he has long been surrounded. He remembered the words of his father, which said to please everyone without exception, which Molchalin followed. Based on this, we can conclude about the attitude of the hero to the description of the ideal last century even though he is still young.

The author showed Molchalin as a worthy continuation and example of conservative nobles. Such a society is characterized by the fact that for them rank and money are in the first place, these two categories allow them to evaluate the rest. As already mentioned, Molchalin was cunning and two-faced, these are the two main qualities that describe the hero.

Griboyedov touched upon a problem in the comedy that is still relevant today. Indeed, many cases are known when there were the same people who did not see anything in their path and were ready to go through everything for the sake of their goals. This topic will be relevant as long as there are people among us with the same values ​​as Molchalin and his society.

Composition on the theme of Molchalin

The comedy "Woe from Wit", written by Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov in the period from 1822 to 1824, tells about secular society and life of those times. One of central characters works is Alexei Stepanovich Molchalin, a man from common people seeking career growth.

Molchalin seems to be a decent young man who is distinguished by his kindness and modesty. But in fact, all these qualities are just a mask that the hero uses to achieve his goals. His dream is a career, high rank and wealth. respect among high society is the limit of his happiness. There are many various ways to achieve these goals. But Molchalin chooses the fastest and most negative. He takes steps towards his dream with the help of flattery, hypocrisy and duplicity. He does it so subtly and imperceptibly that many can envy.

The hero worked as a secretary for Famusov, a rich and respected man. He did all the work conscientiously, spoke affectionately and carefully, which is why Famusov liked him. With the daughter of his master, with Sophia, he treated even better and even dared to play a lover young man. Naturally, he does not experience any high feelings towards the girl. On the contrary, he despises her and builds relationships solely for his own benefit. Once guilty before the girl, he rushes to her feet. The reason for this was far from repentance, but the fear of losing the trust of his master Famusov. Another person who was lucky enough to listen to lies from Molchalin was Khlestova. He kindly played cards with her and complimented her dog. In fact, people are very pleased with such behavior in their address. Molchalin showed hypocrisy and helpfulness towards everyone living in the house: from servants to superiors. This was the plan of the hero, which he strictly adhered to.

Thus, Molchalin in Griboyedov's comedy is negative character. The reader cannot see any positive traits hero, but sees only hypocrisy and the desire to achieve a dubious goal in dirty ways. By using this character the author reveals serious problem that still exists today. People who aspire not to anything high, but to fame and money, are ready to go over their heads and put on a mask of sincerity. Usually, having achieved their goals, such people live unhappily and alone.

Option 3

In his comedy Woe from Wit, Griboyedov tells about the nobles of Moscow in the 19th century, it was then that society split into conservatives and those who were impressed by the ideas of the Decembrists. The main idea of ​​the work is the opposition of the current century and the past century, the replacement of the outdated ideals of the nobles with completely new ones.

In comedy there is a huge number of supporters of the old ideals. Admirers of the old principles are weighty and significant people in society, such as the landowner Famusov, Colonel Skalozub, and the younger generation, who is simply forced to serve the "old men", also serve the old nobles. Molchalin is one of these young people who is forced to serve the old nobles with their orders.

Molchalin himself is a poor nobleman, born in Tver, he lives in the house of Famusov, who gave him the rank of assessor and hired him as a sergeant. Molchalin is also the lover of Famusov's daughter, but Famusov himself does not know about this. The father does not want to have such a son-in-law as Molchalin, because in Moscow it is customary to have rich relatives. Famusov appreciates in people the desire to serve him, and that is how Molchalin, with the help of his helpfulness, receives such positions.

In this play, the image of Molchalin very accurately corresponds to the nature of the command of a young, not strong nobleman in an influential society. Molchalin is trying to curry favor with the distinguished guests in Famusov's house as much as possible, because they can be useful for his future career development. The young nobleman stooped to the point that he began to praise the coat of Khlestov's dog. He believes that the nobles of the lower ranks should thus earn respect from their elders.

He, like all the characters in this comedy, considers it his duty to show off and be proud of his success in promotion. Molchalin is excellent at establishing connections with the people he needs, who can help him in his service. Molchalin bears enormous damage to the society in which he is located. He also deceives Famusov's daughter, because he takes care of her only for the sake of long service to her father. He is the kind of person who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal, and is capable of causing great damage to the society in which he is located.

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  • A. Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" was created in 1824. Due to the accusatory content of the work, it was published only in 1833, and even then selectively. Only in 1862 a full-fledged comedy was released. In his work, the author wished to speak out about what had hurt him for so many years of contemplating the hypocrisy and sycophancy of the people around him. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is a confrontation between a smart, thinking person with an active lifestyle, open and an honest man with vile, vile, immoral little people who care only about wealth and ranks.

    General characteristics of Molchalin A.S.

    Famusov's faithful dog, Sophia's heartfelt friend, sycophant, hypocrite, rootless official, Chatsky's main antagonist - that's who Alexei Stepanych Molchalin is. Characteristic central character comedy shows typical representative on which serf-bureaucratic morality had its corrupting influence. From childhood, Molchalin was taught to servility, to please everyone around: the boss, the owner, the butler, the janitor's dog, in the end, to be affectionate.

    The character of the character is fully revealed by the surname that speaks for itself. Basically Alexei Stepanych is silent, endures humiliation, shouting, even unfair reproaches. He understands perfectly well that a rootless official cannot live in this callous and cynical society without the support of those in power, and therefore pleases everyone around, trying not to quarrel with anyone, to be good for everyone, and he does it excellently. The author of the comedy is sad that society is teeming with such heroes who can, where necessary, be silent, stroke the dog of an influential lady, give a compliment, raise a headscarf and receive formal awards and ranks for all this, in reality remaining servants.

    Quotation characteristic of Molchalin

    Secretary Famusov is characterized by different comedy characters: Chatsky, Sofia, Famusov, Liza. Someone speaks of him as a modest, handsome, quiet and timid person, ready to endure all humiliations and reproaches. Some heroes of the work guess about his low soul, and only a few see the true face of Molchalin.

    Sofya sees in Aleksey Stepanych a fictional image: “I’m ready to forget myself for others”, “an enemy of insolence, always shyly, timidly.” The girl thinks that Molchalin behaves shyly, because he is modest by nature, not suspecting that this is just one of his masks. “He has been serving under the father for three years, he often gets angry to no avail, but he will disarm him with his silence, forgive him out of the kindness of his soul,” Alexei’s slavish humility speaks of his certain life position suggesting to remain silent, to endure, but not to get involved in a scandal.

    Molchalin reveals his true face in front of Lisa: “Why are you and the young lady modest, but the maid is a rake?” Only the secretary tells her about his true feelings to Sophia. Chatsky also guesses about the duplicity and pettiness of Alexei: “He will reach the known levels, because now they love the dumb”, “Who else will settle everything so peacefully! There he will stroke the pug in time, then he will wipe the card at the right time ... " a brief description of Molchalin shows that his silence is not at all a manifestation of stupidity. This is a well-thought-out plan for obtaining benefits.

    Speech characteristics of Molchalin

    Alexei Stepanych's manner of speaking very well characterizes his inner appearance. Subservience, humility, servility are the main characters, therefore, diminutive words, self-deprecating intonations, exaggerated courtesy, obsequious tone can be traced in his speech. To please people richer and higher in rank, the hero adds the prefix "s" to the words. Molchalin is mostly silent, trying not to enter into a conversation without unnecessary need. He shows his eloquence only in front of Lisa, in front of whom he can take off his mask and show his true face.

    The attitude of the hero to Sophia

    The ability to please helps in moving along career ladder- That's exactly what Molchalin thinks. The characterization of the character suggests that he even started an affair with Sophia for the reason that she is Famusov's daughter, and a close relative of the boss cannot be denied the fulfillment of whims. The girl herself invented a hero for herself and imposed her feelings on Alexei Stepanych, making him a platonic admirer. To please the lady, he is ready to abandon his native bourgeois dialect and communicate in the language of silent glances and gestures. Molchalin sits silently next to Sophia all night long, reading novels with her, only because he cannot refuse the boss's daughter. The hero himself not only does not love the girl, but also considers her a "deplorable thief."

    Comparative characteristics of the images of Molchalin and Famusov

    The problem of bureaucracy is one of the main issues addressed in the comedy Woe from Wit. Molchalin's characterization gives the reader an idea of ​​a new type of officials early XIX century. He and Famusov belong to the world of bureaucrats, but still they do not look alike, because they belong to different centuries. Barin is an elderly rich man with an established opinion and a successful career. Aleksey Stepanych is still young, therefore he goes to petty officials and is only climbing the career ladder.

    In the 19th century there appeared new type Russian bureaucrat who refused the commandments of the "fathers". This is precisely what the characteristic of Molchalin shows. "Woe from Wit" is a story about a socio-political conflict that expresses the position of society. Whatever it was, but Molchalin still belongs to the Famusov environment, and just like his boss, he admires rank and wealth.

    Molchalin and Chatsky

    A comparative description of Molchalin and Chatsky shows how different they are. Molchalin - Famusov's secretary, does not have noble origin, but developed his own tactics, following which he builds a reliable and comfortable future for himself. You can’t get words out of him once again, but he knows how to run on tiptoe, work with papers and appear at the right time, and many people like it. Silent, helpful, spineless people were valued in the era of Nicholas I, so I was waiting for someone like Molchalin brilliant career, awards for services to the motherland. In appearance, this is a modest young man, he likes Sophia with his meekness and pliability, pleases Famusov with patience and silence, fawns over Khlestova and only shows his true face to the maid Lisa - vile, two-faced, cowardly.

    Chatsky is the embodiment of the image of the Decembrists, a romantic nobleman, revealing the vices of serfdom. It is his antagonist that Molchalin is. The characterization of the hero shows that he embodies the features of an advanced thinking person beginning of the 19th century. Chatsky is convinced that he is right, therefore, without hesitation, he preaches new ideals, reveals the ignorance of the current rich, exposes their false patriotism, inhumanity, and hypocrisy. This is a freethinker who has fallen into a rotten society, and this is his misfortune.

    Life principles of the hero

    Griboyedov's hero Molchalin became a household name for servility and meanness. The characterization of the character shows that Alexei Stepanych from childhood programmed a plan in his head on how to break into people, make a career, achieve high rank. He went on his way without turning aside. This person is absolutely indifferent to the feelings of other people, he will not lend a helping hand to anyone if it is unprofitable.

    The main theme of comedy

    The theme of bureaucracy, which was raised by many writers in the 19th century, is stretched through the whole comedy "Woe from Wit". The bureaucracy of the state kept growing and turning into a serious machine that grinds all the rebels and works in a way that is beneficial to it. Griboyedov in his work showed real people, his contemporaries. He set himself the goal of ridiculing certain traits of a person, showing the whole tragedy of the society of that era, and the writer did it perfectly.

    The history of the creation of comedy

    Once a rumor spread around Moscow that Alexander Griboyedov, University Professor Thomas Evans, alarmed by this news, decided to visit the writer. In turn, Griboyedov told his interlocutor a story that happened to him at one of the balls. He was tired of the antics of society, praising some Frenchman, an ordinary talker who did nothing remarkable. Griboyedov could not restrain himself and told those around him everything he thought about them, and someone from the crowd shouted out that the writer was a little out of his mind. Alexander Sergeevich was offended and promised to create a comedy, the heroes of which would be those unlucky spiteful critics who called him crazy. And so the work "Woe from Wit" was born.

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