At what age does a child go to school? Let's go to school: it's early at six, and it's already boring at seven


Why do parents want to send their child to school as early as possible? Some consider their child to be a real "wunderkind" who knows everything and can study in the first grade without any problems. Others are afraid that their child will graduate from school at the age of eighteen, which means that they will not have time to enter a university, because they will have to go to the army. For some, a weighty argument is physical development“My son is tall, he is much taller than his peers! If I send him to school next year, how will he look against their background?

Psychologists say that you should not rush and send your child to school as quickly as possible. At what age should a child go to school? Children who will be 6 years old or 6 years old by September, need to wait another year, go to the garden. For a six-year-old, play is considered the leading activity.

At the age of 7, another crisis occurs in the development of the child. He becomes more mature. At this age, the leading activity is study. This does not mean that seven-year-olds do not play games, just that they become educational for them. They are interested in learning something new, they can concentrate their attention on the learning process for a longer time.

How to tell if your child is ready for school

Signs of school readiness:

1. Intelligent. The child should be able to concentrate his attention, build logical connections, be able to memorize material. plays a role and fine motor skills hands

2. Emotional. The child must understand that this moment he is obliged to sit in the classroom, listen to the teacher, and not do what interests him. If he can’t control his emotions, then he needs to work on it.

3. Social. A child who goes to kindergarten, as a rule, knows how to behave in a team, communicate with peers, and find friends. If he is not accustomed to the team, then it will be much more difficult for him to adapt to the school. Because of what all parents are advised to send their children to kindergarten, at least Last year before school.

Or, at what age do lice children go to school??? Write your pros and cons!

Thanks to all!!!

It's still too early for us to go to school)) but, everything is fine, this question haunts me


A bit with i.n.t.e.r.n.e.t.a))

At what age should a child go to school?

The law on education refers to the admission of children to school from the age of six and a half. Parents, in turn, begin to ask themselves the question, is it worth it so early? Is the child ready for the learning process? How is readiness determined? What is the best age to go to school?

Age for school: physiological aspects of preschooler readiness

An important aspect of a child's readiness for school is his physiological health. Some guys are fully prepared already at the age of six, while others are only pulling up their physical training by the age of seven.

In a preschooler during this period, the spine is actively developing., so it is necessary to provide special physical exercise child (running, jumping on fresh air). The school curriculum is imperfect, sitting at a desk for half a day does not give such an opportunity. The sloppy letter of a first-grader at the age of 6 only says that at this age the wrist is still motionless. It is useless to scold and punish the child - it is not his fault. Some still retain the physiological farsightedness received from birth - the child runs the risk of "receiving points as a reward" for his work.

Age for school: psychological aspects of a child's readiness

Modern parents often prepare their child intellectually very well., but the ability to write and count is not an indicator in this issue. In my own way psychological development a six-year-old cannot concentrate on one lesson (subject) for a long time. Frequent breaks are needed to relieve mental tension, but the school program does not provide for this. Getting up early in the morning, lack of daytime sleep makes the child moody and irritable, nervous system overexcited during the day, neuroses may occur. The incidence among six-year-olds is quite high: psycho-emotional state is transferred to physical health.

Of course, all children are different. Be sure to visit a psychologist and a doctor who will determine the readiness of your preschooler for school. There are special tests for such a determination.

So, what do we have: no one is going to simplify the education system yet; Soberly assess the capabilities of your six-year-old (sometimes at this age you can safely lead the child to knowledge), if you gave it to six - help the child, unload it, let it rest and move more. The health and pleasure of teaching your child is in your loving hands!

At what age do you really need to send a child to school, Komsomolskaya Pravda discussed with psychologists, teachers and parents [we will discuss]

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“My six-year-old has been going to developmental classes for a long time, she can read, more or less write too. What else to do in the garden for a year? - say some parents. “A six-year-old child is not at all ready for our disciplinary school!” others are sure. So who is right after all - the first or the second?


Program elementary school is focused more on seven-year-olds, so I am in favor of sending children to school from the age of 7, - says the teacher lower grades Gymnasium No. 4 of the city of Mogilev Victoria Shashkova. - Of course, there are trained six-year-olds, but this is a very small percentage of children. Most of those who started at the age of 6 then experience learning difficulties. Children are simply not ready for school: they have not played enough yet, so in the classroom, instead of studying, they continue to play. The reasons for their unpreparedness are not only psychological, but also physiological: it is more difficult for six-year-olds to concentrate, their hand is not yet ready for writing, they get tired faster and get sick more often, many cry in class, homework it's hard for them to do. But it is much easier for seven-year-olds to study under this program: their brain already works differently, it is easier to invest something in them. In addition, they have higher efficiency, they get tired less and learn more in the classroom. My experience is that, as a rule, parents regret that they sent their child to school too early.

Many parents whose children have already completed the first grade agree with this opinion:

We sent Timoshka to school from the age of 6. The teacher we came across was just wonderful, but, alas, this did not help us: the child was simply not ready. Studying is given to him with difficulty, he does not understand why he needs it. He quickly adapted to the school itself, but he carries airplanes and pistols with him in his backpack every day. Now I see that if I waited a year, then studying would be a joy to him, but he didn’t really learn to read, he writes crookedly and dirty, but what’s there - prime numbers adds up with difficulty, - the mother of the now seven-year-old Timofey shares.

But there is also a completely different opinion.

My Nastya at the age of 6 was the smallest in the class, but she grasped everything on the fly. She is still excellent! - Nastya's mother rejoices.

We sent Milana to the first grade at the age of 7, made incredible efforts to keep her for another year in the garden: it cost us a round sum transferred to the kindergarten's voluntary account. And what is the result? At school, she is not interested: she does all the tasks too quickly, and then she gets bored while the teacher is busy with the rest - the same six-year-olds that she was last year. Now we are thinking of transferring her to a gymnasium, we hope that there will be more workload, and she will become interested, - say Milana's parents.


Olga Bitno, teacher-psychologist, teacher of the Kubik weekend school, believes that even a six-year-old is able to cope with the school curriculum, the main thing is to approach this issue correctly:

From my point of view, any child who does not have cognitive impairments copes tolerably with the school curriculum. And if the parents were engaged in the preschool education of their child, issues with assimilation school curriculum there will be no elementary school. The only exception can be a letter, and even then it is more likely based on the requirement “pretty in a notebook” than from the need to legibly convey information. And then the only question is how mature your child is physically and psychologically to fit into the school system.

- And yet, at what age is it better to send a child to school - from 6 or from 7 years old?

Working with preschoolers for 9 years, I can say that calendar age is not at all an indicator of psychological readiness for school. And the ability to read and write is not the main factor of readiness. Often children with high intellectual potential easily grasp new material, are very active and mobile physically, require an individual approach at a pace and more attention. And in the school system, this turns out to be an additional factor of tension. And here is another year without school, from my point of view, good.

- And what is the best way to set up a six-year-old to study?

To facilitate adaptation, you can do the following:

Give to the class to a patient, kind teacher. At first psychological climate in the classroom will be the most important thing for your child;

Agree with the teacher about the possibility of skipping school sometimes without a good reason. When you see that the tension of the child is very high, do not wait for the illness, but simply leave the child at home;

Refrain from doing extra tasks at home. Ambitious parents often sit their child down on weekends for extra tasks suggested by the teacher. Let the child rest.


What to do to leave the child in the garden for another year?

What to do to leave the child in the garden for another year?

According to the current Belarusian legislation, those who turn six or more years old on September 1 of the corresponding academic year can go to the first grade. At the request of one of legal representatives a child can be taken to the first grade and the one who turns 6 in the period from September 1 to September 30 of the corresponding academic year. That is, if your child is 6 years old on September 1, and he does not have any medical contraindications, the school cannot refuse to take him to grade 1. But what about those parents who, on the contrary, decided to wait another year?

In the department of education, sports and tourism of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Mogilev, we were told that in order to leave a child in the kindergarten until the age of seven, parents must bring the conclusion of the medical and psychological commission confirming that the child is not ready for school. However, the Code of Education, to which the specialists of the district referred, does not say anything about a certificate from a doctor. We called several kindergartens: in some they say that a certificate is needed, in others - that just a statement addressed to the head, in which you say that you want to leave the child in the kindergarten for another year, is enough. One way or another, the manager cannot expel your child from kindergarten until the age of 7, even if the garden is full.

By the way, if the parents decide to postpone the child’s admission to the first grade for a year, in June they need to go to the head teacher of the elementary grades at the school to which they are assigned (you can find out the school number in the district education department) and write a statement where they indicate that they are not ready to send their child to school.


In Germany, most children go to school at the age of 6. German parents make sure that he is psychologically ready for school, diligent, listens and understands what the teacher says, but it is not at all necessary to be able to read, write and count for admission to the first grade - this kid will be taught at school.

In France, children go to school as early as 3 years old: the fact is that in this country there is no such thing as a kindergarten. At the same time, up to 7 years old at school, they do the same things that our children do in kindergartens: they play, draw, dance, study the world. In Canada, they go to school from the age of 4. Children have lessons, but they do not study at their desks, but mostly on the floor and for a very short time, most of the time they play, draw or do crafts.

Some US schools take children as early as 3 years old! Lessons for three-year-olds are short, but with real grades, like adults.

Little Dutch become first-graders as early as 4 years old, but they start reading and writing with them only from 7 years old.

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