Finger theater based on the fairy tale turnip. Finger game - fairy tale "Turnip"


Early development in recent times has become especially popular among modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development which will be a fun activity for the whole family.

We have tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials that are designed to help parents in their daily work on the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Website early development children"Goroshenka" offers the whole variety of games and interesting tasks for children aimed at acquiring certain skills and improving their own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has come a long way last years. Modern children easily master computer technology, and as a result, child development presentations. it special kind materials that help kids learn all the information more easily.

When preparation of children to school, presentation is often of key importance. Bright and colorful pictures allow the baby to clearly see the world, to imagine in his imagination plants and animals that he had not yet met. Children's presentations for children are freely available, which allows all parents to use them in self-study with baby.

Electronic presentations for children download - it is so simple

Modern sites represent many of the most various materials, which parents can use in classes with the child. We tried to make our free presentations for kids slightly different from everyone else.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be of interest not only to preschoolers. Such presentations for children lower grades fit just as well. A logical question arises - can a first-grader and a three-year-old child really learn the same amount of information that will be interesting for the first and understandable for the second.

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Mainly presentations for children preparatory group . They cover all the points that the child needs to know by school. However, it is still necessary to start teaching the baby earlier - for example, at 3-4 years old, the child is already ready to see presentations for children kindergarten .

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults, at times, cannot answer. But successful child development is possible only when he gets free access to all things interesting in his understanding. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson in six months, the baby will learn more points.

Preschool development of children using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. First, as mentioned above, is the availability and completeness of information, which makes development of children to school age successful. The second point is the bright and colorful pictures. In this way, preschool child development website trying to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested in high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And, finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Presentation for children free of charge implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating the materials and developing certain skills of the baby. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, development fine motor skills and others. Thus, the child easily absorbs all the information received and has a pleasant time next to his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

Let's talk today about the health of our children. There is a heated debate going on around the development of the next generation. New Age dictates its own rules. Many children spend hours playing with their mother's or father's smartphone, watching TV, and after a while they begin to lag behind in the development of speech or perception. But this is absolutely no reason to rush into a panic and run to the doctors. Finger gymnastics for children is quite capable of solving all these issues in an easy and enjoyable way.

The main thing here is that the parents themselves are not too lazy to do it!

The wisdom of Eastern practices for development

Already in the second century BC, the Chinese sages knew what a beneficial effect manual (manual) therapy and gymnastics had on the body. Our limbs contain a huge number of bundles of nerve endings. And each finger is responsible for a separate organ or organ system:

  • big - for the work of the brain
  • index - for the condition of the stomach
  • middle man - responsible for the intestines
  • nameless - for the liver and kidneys
  • little finger - for the work of the heart

Thus, you can start massaging these acupuncture points to your child from the very beginning. early age and thereby contribute proper development his body.

The wisdom of our ancestors of the Slavs

In ancient times, our Slavic ancestors raised their offspring in a way that is strikingly different from today. For such interaction, they even had a special word - nurturing. It involved tuning the biorhythms of the parent to the biorhythm of the child and the earth with the help of special actions. Such simple rhymes for us as “forty-white-sided” and “ladushki” were not just entertainment at all, they were part of the nurturing system, as one of the ways of development based on knowledge of acupuncture.

Let's remember such a simple game with massage of the baby's hands as "magpie - white-sided". It is very simple and gives the little ones a lot of fun.

"Magpie - white-sided"

The words Actions
“Magpie-crow cooked porridge, children…” Start circular movements from the center of the palm in a spiral, gradually increasing the circles
to the brim. This is how you stimulate the small intestine.
“... fed…” On this word, slide your finger between the ring and middle child, stimulating
rectal line.
“I gave this, I gave this…” Starting from the little finger to the index finger, squeeze each finger in your palm, thereby
provoking Good work organs mentioned above.
“... and drove this one away” Grab your baby's thumb
“And you are fat at the gate, wait!
The cow will come
Milk will bring!”
On the last word pretend you want to eat it - yours
the child will be completely delighted!

Gymnastics by age

Handmade and older will be different from the one that fits very small. You will have to help with the correct placement of small hands at first. For ages up to 3 years, these exercises are very suitable.

Turnip game

Game about a cat

You can enjoy even more games with movements that children under 3 years old can easily repeat after their parents in this video.

If your “miracle” is already older and can perform movements on its own, or maybe even pronounce verses aloud, then the program for 3-5 years will suit you. Here are some exercises.

The fish game

Game about a dog

The words Actions
“A dog was walking across the bridge” bulge middle finger forward (dog head), and put the rest on the table and walk with them
"Four paws" We raise 4 fingers in turn except the thumb (it is pressed).
“Fifth is the tail” We change: we press everything, and we lift the big one up
"If the bridge collapses" We make a bridge from the palms. To do this, we connect them with our fingertips, and then depict how the bridge collapses.
“That dog will fall off!” We spread our arms in surprise and shrug our shoulders.
“So that she does not drown,
You run to pull it!”
two fingers right hand we walk on the table, as if we were running and grabbing the finger of the left hand

You will see more games for this age category and older in this video clip.

From fine motor skills to good diction

With the help of such simple rhymes, you solve several development issues at once:

  • instill a sense of touch
  • work on fine motor skills
  • help to master different ways communications
  • combine speech and movement
  • working on coordination

All this in a complex will allow your child to grow up a smart and interesting personality. Therefore, rather grab a smartphone from him and take on educational games! You will see positive results very soon!

tatiana lybina

Story turnip has a huge development potential! Except finger and table theater the fairy tale can be played with flat Velcro toys. They can be made from paper or, like mine, from felt.

In addition to the recurring plot, which remarkably develops memory, attention, speech, what else does the fairy tale "" Turnip ""?

ordinal number (first, second, etc.) ,

Adjectives denoting size (big, small, more, less,

Developing spatial representations (right, left, before, behind, etc.) ,

Based on its plot, you can build a lot of activities!

The heroes of the fairy tale are made of felt, on reverse side Velcro. Can be played on carpet, carpet or any surface (who chicks Velcro) and just on the table.

All heroes are made from felt:turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. All characters are side by side. arms outstretched and paws.

Thanks to this arrangement of the characters, it is convenient to put them closer to each other. And it seems that the characters are holding each other with their hands.


Planted by grandfather turnip and says:

Grow up, grow up turnip, sweet!

Grow up, grow up turnip, strong!

Increased turnip is sweet, strong,

big - big.

Grandfather went tear a turnip: pull - pull,

cannot pull out.

Mouse for a cat

A cat for a bug

Bug for granddaughter

Granddaughter for grandmother

grandma for grandpa

Dedka for turnip

Pulls - pulls and pulled turnip.

On this I do not stop and continue to work in this direction.

Thank you for watching.

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« Finger theater in the style of origami” Origami is an art that attracts both adults and children, has long crossed the borders of its homeland.

Finger Theatre. Jr preschool age is very important for the development of children, and of course the main activity is the game. My children.

The leading activity of young children is the game. From the first days in kindergarten, I have been with lullabies, nursery rhymes and jokes.

Parents from birth think about the choice of toys. AT modern world a huge number of countries and firms that produce them. What.

Children do not just love fairy tales, for them fairy tales are a world in which magic lives. Finger theater is a unique opportunity to arrange.

Presentation "Finger theater "Kolobok" I work as an educator with children younger age. Of course we love fairy tales. In that academic year became my topic for self-education.

As you know, children really like to watch and play out fairy tales, stories, various plots themselves. Summer is beautiful time for puppets.

Scenario of the performance: "Finger theater Turnip".

Target: The development of children's speech by means of oral folk art.


1. Shape cognitive activity introducing kids to the national culture;

2. Continue acquaintance with folklore works;

3. Develop fine motor skills fingers using finger theater;


Finger theater from a fairy tale« turnip» ; soft toy doggy, desktop fairy tale theater« turnip» .

preliminary work:

1. Reading a nursery rhyme about a dog "Eat, doggy!"

2. Learning the game "The dog came to us";

3. Examination of toys and illustrations based on a fairy tale « turnip» .

Lesson progress:

The teacher meets the children, greets them, says how smart they are today, everyone's eyes are shining.

Kids, do you like fairy tales?

yes love (children answer).

I see your eyes sparkle!

And I want to invite you to take a trip to a fairy tale, on a fabulous train.

Well, we sit down more comfortably, we start the engine rrr.

Let's go puff - puff - puff.

Trailers, trailers

Rumble along the rails

They drive, they drive wagons

In a fairy tale guys.

Here we are, guys with you in a fairy tale.

Oh, guys, something happened here, it's so quiet, where did everyone go?

Can't see anyone?

No, the children answer.

And you know, kids, we are now looking for our fairy tale.

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's look for a fairy tale!

What fairy tale are these characters from, who knows?

Children name fairy tales.

And who else is not there, what heroes of the fairy tale have we not found?

Yes, of course, grandfather and grandmother.

Where are they?

Yes, they are our grandfather and grandmother.

Where is their granddaughter?

And here is the granddaughter.

And now we can tell you what kind of fairy tale it is?

That's right « turnip» .

Where is turnip?

Look at those guys turnip the dog Zhuchka hid it, and does not want to give it to us.

Do you know why?

She wants us to play with her.

The teacher comes up and takes the dog, reading nursery rhyme:

Eat, doggy: um, um!

I'll give the dog porridge.

The dog eats in a bowl

And the daughter - from a spoon.

The teacher refers to doggy:

"Bug, sit in a circle, and we will play with you

The game is being played "The dog came to us",

The dog came to us

Smart dog.

Plays with children

Barks very loudly:

Woof woof woof!"

caregiver:- How does the dog bark?

Children:- Woof woof woof!

caregiver:- The dog is kind. She loves to play with the guys. Do you want to play with her?

Children: -Yes!

The teacher puts the dog on the opposite side, He speaks:

Let's go to the dog and pet it.

The children, together with the teachers, go to the dog and pet it. Dog "barking and running" for the children. The children run to their chairs.

caregiver: - The dog did not catch up with anyone! Children run fast. And now you catch up with the dog.

The teacher imitates the dog's run, the children catch up with her, pet her.

The game is repeated 2 times.

Then the teacher says:

Children, who came running to play with you today?

Children: -Doggy.

caregiver: - You liked to play with the dog, and the dog likes to play with you. Well done, everyone tried, they ran fast, they had fun playing and the dog Bug gave a turnip.

But something made our fairy-tale heroes, what's happened?

What? Yes, they want us to show a fairy tale about them, will we?

Quiet, quiet kids

you listen about turnip

The fairy tale may be small, but about important things,

Starts right:

There lived a grandfather and a woman, a granddaughter, a bug, a cat - Murka,

And in the basement - a mouse - norushka, Next to my grandfather's garden, Then the fairy tale will go ...

Children together with the teacher show a fairy tale ( finger theater« turnip» ).

At the end of the tale, the whistle of the locomotive is heard.

Educator - well, guys, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. And so that our heroes do not get bored, we will take them with us. We all sit down in the trailers and hit the road. Here the locomotive drove, He took the children to the kindergarten. Tu-tu-tu.

turnip- a short fairy tale for kids with a huge number of repetitions. It shows that together, with the whole family, it is always easier to do things than alone. Introducing children to theatrical activities contributes to the development of the world by the child human feelings and communication skills, developing the ability to empathize. Thanks to theater the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude to good and evil.

Related publications:

"Turnip" musical piece based on the eponymous Russian folk tale"Turnip" for children 4-5 years old Author Shelest S. V. - head of the theater.

"Finger theater made of felt" My group of children loves to play and show the theater, both girls and boys. The group is present.

Dear colleagues! Let me introduce you to my "Book of Fairy Tales"! One of my hobbies is felt toys. In my opinion.

Finger puppet show This is a fun educational activity for kids. It perfectly expands the imagination, strengthens fine motor skills.

Finger theater is a set of figurines-characters that are put on a separate finger. It can be just individual pupae, animals,.

Do-it-yourself finger puppet theater "Turnip" Scheme, detailed description. Master class with step by step photos

Tuzova Gulnara Mikhailovna, teacher primary school MBOU Bludchanskaya high school Chanovsky district of the Novosibirsk region

Description: this master class will be interesting for school-age children who know how to crochet, primary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, teachers additional education, creative parents and for everyone who is fond of knitting.
Purpose: for home puppet theater, puppet theater in groups of kindergarten and school, for an exhibition.
Target: crochet finger puppets.
- introduce the technology of making a finger puppet theater;
- improve the skills of circular crochet;
- form the correct grip of the hook;
- develop fine motor skills of fingers, eye;
- develop attention, memory, creative imagination, aesthetic taste;
- to cultivate perseverance, accuracy, diligence, love for creativity;
- to cultivate a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.

Fairy tales are very captivating for young children. They lovingly and with great interest look at the pictures in the books. But much more development potential is given interactive fairy tales, that is, those in which the child himself can take part. The best option- do-it-yourself finger puppet theater crocheted. The beauty of the finger theater is also that it develops fine motor skills. And with it, as you know, the speech of the baby is very closely connected. Therefore, I bring to your attention to crochet a unique game puppet theater. My passion for this activity began a long time ago, about 10 years ago, with animal dolls for the fairy tale "Teremok" - for my students to puppet show. Then she tied the dolls to the fairy tale "Turnip", also to school. And now they are played by children in a kindergarten that my grandson attends. You can knit individually and collectively, the main thing is patience, good mood and love for needlework. I wish you creative inspiration!
Materials needed for work:
- acrylic threads of different colors;
- hook number 1;
- black beads;
- plastic eyes;
- thin threads and a needle;
- thin copper wire (0.5mm);
- scissors

Work safety
with scissors:

- handle scissors carefully;
- scissors should be well adjusted and sharpened;
- put the scissors on the right with closed blades pointing away from you;
- pass the scissors rings forward with closed blades;
- when cutting, the narrow blade of the scissors should be at the bottom;
- store scissors in a specific place (box or stand)
with a needle:
- use the needle carefully;
- make sure that there are no rusty and bent needles;
- do not take a needle in your mouth, do not stick into clothes;
- do not leave the needle on working surface table;
- at the end of the work, remove the needle in a special box.
VP (air loop - point);
SP (connecting loop - arc);
RLS (single crochet - cross);
PS (half-column - a short stick with a dash);
CCH (double crochet - long stick with a dash);
"Pico" (circle).

Step by step process:

The main characters of the fairy tale "Turnip" in knitting and assembling are not much different from each other, therefore step by step process Let's start work with one of the heroes, for example, with Grandmother.
So, let's start knitting the base of the doll - the head and torso
Base scheme:

1 circular row: pick up a chain of 4 VPs with a beige thread, close the SP into the ring, then 1 VP on the rise, knit 7 RLS in the center of the ring and close the SP

2 round row: 1 VP on the rise, double the number of loops of RLS, we get 14, close the joint venture

3 round row: 1 VP on the rise, evenly add 7 more RLS, we get 21, and close the joint venture

Next, we knit without increments of 7 rows (it will round off) - this will turn out the head

After that, we change the color of the thread and knit in a circle without increments to the desired height of the doll (from about 20 to 25 rows, depending on which doll) - this will turn out to be the body

Similarly, we knit the basis for Grandfather, Granddaughter, Bugs, Cats and Mouse with the appropriate colors.

Hand scheme:

We take the appropriate color of the threads, dial a chain of 8 VPs, close the SP in the ring, 1 VP on the rise, knit 12 RLS in the center of the ring and close the SP

Next, we knit without adding 8 rows of RLS (will be rounded off)

Sew the hands to the base

Similarly, we knit hands for Grandfather, Granddaughter, and paws for Bug, Cat and Mouse with the appropriate colors.

It remains to tie the necessary details for each doll and assemble

Let's start with Grandma

Scarf pattern

We pick up a chain of 25 VPs with white threads and knit with a sirloin mesh (* 1 CCH, 1 VP *), through one loop of the base, decreasing one rapport on both sides in each row, until one rapport remains (i.e. one cell)

Then we tie a handkerchief with one row of RLS

Apron scheme

1 row: we will collect a chain of 8 VPs with white threads and knit 7 CCHs into each loop of the base

2 row: 3 VP on the rise, 6 SSN, alternating 1 VP

3 row: 6 "picot", alternating 2 sc

Tie an apron with one row of RLS

Glue the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Let's make hair from threads gray color, put on a scarf and an apron

Scheme of a hat with earflaps

We pick up a chain of 5 VPs with a brown thread, close the joint venture in a ring. 1 VP on the rise, in the center of the ring we will knit 12 CCH and close the joint venture

Next, we knit without increments RLS 3 rows (will be rounded off)

Then we knit the "ears" of the hat. To do this, we will knit 5 RLS 4 rows and finish the work with a chain of 5 VPs (these are the ties on the cap). Similarly, we will connect the second "ear"

Glue the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Let's make a beard from gray threads, attaching them to the base according to the fringe principle, and sew a hat with earflaps to the base

We knit straps for a sundress with a thread of the corresponding color - two chains of 10 VPs.
We make hair from threads yellow color

Glue the eyes, embroider the mouth and nose. Sew the straps on the sundress and hair to the base

We knit the collar with a black thread - a chain of VP of the appropriate length
Scheme of the muzzle

1 circular row: we will collect a chain of 4 VPs with a brown thread, close the SP into the ring, then 1 VP on the rise, knit 7 RLS in the center of the ring and close the SP
2-3 circular rows: knit in the same way as 1 circular row (will be rounded)

Eye diagram

1 row: we will collect a chain of 6 VPs with a black thread, we will knit 2 CCHs
2 row: 3 VP on the rise, knit 2 CCH
3-4 rows: in the same way as the second row, and in the middle we will knit 1 sc
We knit the second ear in the same way.

We knit the tail with a brown thread - a chain of VP in three rows

Sew on the muzzle, eyes and nose of black beads, then the ears, tail and collar to the base

Scheme of the muzzle

We pick up a chain of 4 VPs with a white thread, close the SP ring, then 1 VP on the rise, knit 8 RLS in the center of the ring, close the SP ring. Similarly, we knit the second part of the muzzle

Eye diagram

We will collect a chain of 5 VPs with an orange thread, we will knit 2 CCHs with a common top and 1 RLS. We knit the second ear in the same way.

We knit the tail with an orange thread - a chain of VP in three rows - just like the Beetle
Sew on a muzzle, nose and eyes from black beads, embroider a mustache and sew ears and a ponytail

Eye diagram

We will collect a chain of 5 VPs with a gray thread, we will close the SP ring, then 3 VPs on the rise, we will knit 11 CCHs in the center of the ring, we will close the SP ring. We knit the second ear in the same way.

We knit the tail with a gray thread - a chain of VP in two rows
We knit a muzzle with a gray thread. To do this, you need to attach the thread to the base and tie 3 VPs. Then we knit 3 dc with a common top, repeat all this, attaching under the loops just connected. Thus, we get a voluminous muzzle

Sew on a nose and eyes from black beads, embroider a mustache, and sew ears and a ponytail

Turnip scheme:

1 circular row: we will collect a chain of 5 VPs with a yellow thread, we will close the joint venture in the ring. 1 VP on the rise, in the center of the ring we will knit 10 RLS and close the joint venture

2 round row: 1 VP on the rise, double the number of loops of RLS, we get 20, close the joint venture

3-4 circular rows: 1 VP on the rise, evenly add another 10 RLS, we get 40, and close the joint venture

Next, we knit without increments 3 rows (will be rounded off)

After that, we will begin to decrease the loops evenly, i.e. knit through one loop of the base until there is a hole for the finger

We continue to knit the tail of the Turnip - first we knit 2 rows of RLS in a circle without decreasing

Then we will knit a small triangle only on one side, gradually decreasing one loop on both sides in each row, and at the end we will knit a chain of several VPs, pull out a little thread and cut

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