School of dancing on the pylon vozdvizhenka. Other medical contraindications


Where girls can find classes in Pole dance(pole dancing). The tables show the schools and the cost of a single lesson on the pylon. On the pages of the portal you can also find prices for subscriptions. In description dance school is the address and phone number of the institution, available dance directions. The feedback about the lessons on the pylon, left by the students of the teachers, is very interesting.

How to find pole and pole dancing lessons in Moscow?

Skill, grace and plasticity are the invariable components of pole dance or pole dance. He conquers fans of the direction with a surprisingly harmonious combination of different dance styles, its sensuality and beauty. However, this external lightness requires great endurance and strength, since this is not just a dance - this is acrobatics on a pylon. The smooth movements of pole dance will teach you to love and feel your body, to feel irresistible and sexy.

Pole dance. What is a pylon?

Under the pylon, a vertically installed metal pipe is assumed. It is put in nightclubs, bars or in special dance halls to dance around her or perform various tricks. Depending on the design, the pylon can be static and rotating, stationary or removable. However, you should not combine pole striptease, which also requires a pole, and pole dance in one place. These are two different directions.

What is pole dancing?

Pole dance classes are special genre dance art, which combines elements of acrobatics and the elegance of dance, built around and on the pylon. The main features of pole dance include "verticality", in which the dance is performed on three levels.

  • Upper level - the dancer performs all the tricks on a pole high above the floor.
  • Intermediate level - this includes overflights, plastic elements and spins around the pole, including more than 360 degrees.
  • The lower level is the stalls, which includes the use of the floor in tricks.

It must be taken into account that indeed beautiful dance on the pylon has little to do with striptease. In the latter case, the emphasis is on showing a naked body and spectacular undressing. Pole dancing is more of a sport, an art with erotic elements. Since 2003, even competitions and championships have been held in this dance direction, in which not only girls, but also men participate.

Pole dancing training - process features

From the outside, learning to dance on the pole looks pretty simple, just like the dance itself. However, this is not the case. Pole dance requires serious endurance, coordination, flexibility and agility from the student. During the classes, the teacher will teach standard and original combinations of elements. Students who choose pole dance for beginners quickly acquire an excellent stretch, improve their overall muscle tone, increase the strength of the muscles of the lower and upper body.

Pole exercises combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises, which will be further used in bundles and individual dance movements. To get a significant result, it is worth preparing for a long training - it will take several months for pole dancing to be done elegantly and easily. Experienced teacher can speed up the process by conducting competent pole lessons for beginners.

Hello to all readers of my blog! As you know, many girls start attending fitness clubs in order to tighten and improve their figure, make muscles more prominent and achieve a pronounced effect of losing weight. The most common and proven method is exercise in gym.

However, not every woman likes such activity. Fortunately, there are many different, alternative fitness programs and activities to choose from, which include not only sports exercises, but also dance moves. And today we will focus on such an interesting and relevant for many modern girls and a women's variant like Paul Dance for beginners.

In fitness, Paul Dance is classified as a variety of activities that can fully replace power loads. It is essentially an intense dance using a fixed pole or pylon. It perfectly combines dance plasticity and power loads, contributing to comprehensive development body.

Pole dance consists of many specific, developing different muscle groups movements. Traditionally, this activity is usually divided into three main categories:

  • Sports Pole-Dance Fitness is a dance that combines rhythmic elements with complex acrobatic stunts on the pole. Ideal for those who want to lose weight, become more fit and slender. Frankly, this is a work entirely on the pylon. For example, in competitions, you can only touch the floor three times.
  • Exotic Paul (Pole-Dance Exotic) - grace, tenderness in every movement and measured dance as a whole prevail here. Mainly beautiful movements at the pylon and on the floor, developing/demonstrating the natural female plastic. Approximately 20% is allocated to pole tricks.
  • Art-Pole (Art-Pole) - here the emphasis is mainly on dance performance, expressiveness and artistry. Its main difference lies in the ratio of elements on the pylon and on the floor, approximately 50 to 50.

In addition to these main directions, there are many branches of them. Despite all the diversity, in fact, any experienced teacher can mix combinations of twists, tricks, parterre parts and passages from different directions within the framework of the training.

What muscles work when training with a pole?

The girl has to lift herself up on a pole with the strength of her arm muscles,. Static and dynamic actions well develop all muscle groups of the upper limbs, including biceps, triceps, deltoids and especially the forearms.

The oblique muscles of the back, trapezius and rhomboid, large, small round and serratus muscles, as well as the lumbar "squares" and rectifiers of the spine are well worked out in the process of training.

Legs - the most problematic area for many girls, are also actively involved in the work.

Benefit and harm

Let's start with positive side medals. The main advantage of sports pole dancing as a hobby is the acquisition of a holistic and harmonious physical development. If you do it right and pay enough attention to training, the results will not be long in coming -

On the other hand, this sport can not do without certain problems. One of them, especially among beginners, is bruises, bruises and sprains. At first, they will definitely appear and you will have to put up with them for some time. For healing, special ointments are suitable, such as bruiseOFF, Rescuer 911 and Troxevasin.

Frequent pain is another characteristic side feature. In this case, it is not an indicator muscle growth but rather an indicator of the adaptation process. Injuries to the ligaments and joints are not uncommon here, and therefore it is important to learn to distinguish between a feeling of tension and sprains.

Who can't play the pylon?

I note that if you do not have enough due physical training, then it is better to sign up for classes only after doing aerobics for some time or in the gym. Otherwise, you will not avoid injury during the lessons.

You should also exclude such activities if you have high blood pressure and there are severe problems with the vestibular apparatus.

Other medical contraindications

  • Acute inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Psychological and mental disorders.
  • Physiological disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vertebral pain and joint problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Postponed strokes and heart attacks.
  • Pregnancy.
  • postoperative period.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Where to start training?

The first step is choosing musical accompaniment. Rhythmic tracks in the style of jazz, soul, as well as R "n" B and even rock are best suited. The next step will be the choice of a suitable uniform - the main thing is that the clothes are comfortable, not restricting movement. Since Pole Dance is not a striptease, but an athletic sport, it is inappropriate to come, especially to the first classes, in sexy dresses or miniskirts.

Pole choice is also important. There are two varieties - dynamic and static. For beginners, the first option is suitable. The next step is to select a training program.

You can reinforce group sessions in the gym by watching relevant instructional videos to hone certain tricks and accelerate progress. I strongly recommend Anna Eliseeva's Pole Dance video courses and similar training video lessons for review.

The main technical task at the first steps is to learn how to climb a pole. And not only with the help of hands, but also of the lower extremities. And now a few words about the warm-up and basic exercises for beginners.

Basic elements for beginners

  • Basic lift - the exercise is the basis of the basics, which everyone should master. Develops tenacity and teaches how to hold/climb the pole correctly for the subsequent execution of the elements of the upper tier.

  • Twists are the most common in Pole Dance. That is where learning begins. In the process, you learn to support your own body weight on the pole by performing elements on the upper, middle and lower tiers, starting from the lower tier.
  • Frog - the simplest option twist, which is taught to everyone without exception from the first lesson. You stand on the left side of the pylon, hold on to it with both hands, right foot under the knee you cling to the pylon, and with your left you push off the floor and bend it in the same way.

  • The high chair is the first static element in the pole, ideal for a beginner dancer. Develops overall strength, flexibility and coordination of movements. We hold our hands on the pylon in a spread, and pushing off the floor, we bend our legs. We maintain a beautiful position, with a straight back and straight arms. The main mistake of all beginners is a poor support with the lower hand and pressing against the pole.
  • Bird - performed in the upper tier. We stand in front of the pylon, hold on to it with both hands from above. We raise both legs forward and clamp the pole between them, then we slightly fall on one side and transfer the weight of the body, then we bend both legs. Then we bring the body forward a little and grab the pylon under the armpit. At first, this exercise is very painful, there may be bruising.

  • The fan / sun is also a rather complex element that is performed in the middle tier, but beginners can do it from the floor. To master it, you will need a certain dexterity, arm strength, abs, stretching / twine and good skills in basic exercises. This acrobatic trick involves spinning on a pole with a one-handed grip and jumping with both feet while spinning.

In addition, quite often in the program for beginners you may come across elements such as "crane", "barrel".

In this context, I cannot fail to mention the importance of warming up and stretching, which should by no means be underestimated. Good preliminary preparation significantly improves the result of work.

Do not be lazy to spend 10 to 15 minutes warming up, mobilizing, warming up and preparing the body for the upcoming workouts. Jumping rope, running in place and simple gymnastic exercises on the spot, including tilting the torso to the sides, swinging the legs, twisting the arms to warm up the joints and ligaments.


For the first time, you do not need to take with you high heels and special uniforms, requiring considerable investment. At this stage it will suffice sports top, ordinary shorts, T-shirts and socks. Further, guided by the advice of the trainer, you can purchase a special uniform for Pole Dance represented by the following components:

  • Shorts.
  • Special suits and sets.
  • Gymnastic half shoes or jazz shoes.
  • Bandages and wristbands.
  • Training gloves.
  • Clutch tools.

Speaking of the latter, many believe that at first it is imperative to take pole gloves or magnesia, which improves grip on the pole, in order to avoid slipping hands. Always be guided in these matters by the instructions and tips of your coach. If he deems it necessary to use a means of adhesion, including magnesia gel, liquid or dry magnesia, powder, cream against wet hands, as well as a pole wipe (this can be ordinary alcohol / vodka) and a rag - be sure to use them.

Rookie Mistakes

Pole Dance is not aerobics, in which exercises are performed in a limited amplitude and in the usual way. Like other types of gymnastics, pole acrobatics -. Many beginners rush to master difficult tricks, getting a lot of injuries and sprains, being physically unprepared.

Many are quite inconsistent in their training, which is why not only the joints and ligaments suffer, but also the result of the work as a whole. , which also reduces efficiency and often leads to injuries, sprains and other undesirable effects. Some focus on working out movements in one direction. This fairly common mistake leads to a strong imbalance in muscle pumping, which ultimately does not give any aesthetics to the body and often leads to health problems.


Paul Dance - great opportunity develop endurance and strength of the body, learn plastic movements to music, master complex acrobatic techniques, become the owner of a healthy and slim figure and always stay tuned. At the same time, of course, we must not forget about the regularity and adherence to accompanying diets, which will help accelerate the effect of ongoing training.

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Every year, for girls around the world who want to find the desired slender and toned figure, more and more new and modern views dance directions. One of the most progressive trends that is gaining popularity every day is Pole Dance, which combines the best of sports and dance.

Given sports direction represents choreographic dances with a pole, during which a person performs complex tricks, trains the muscles of the arms and legs and performs entire artistic dance performances. Pole dance has replaced fitness and grueling workouts in the gym, from which most girls cramp muscles all over their bodies. In addition, not every trainer can choose the optimal training program, which leads not to benefit, but to harm to their own body.

What is Pole Dance

The direction itself comes from striptease, but in it the nakedness of the body is compensated by the beauty of the dance itself and, in some cases, the whole plot setting. No wonder pole dance won such love from simple girls, because you will never meet a dancer suffering from excess weight.

The main goal of the classes is to instill a person's love for his own body. A rich variety of dances, the relative absence of large physical activity and the very beauty of the performance united in the intriguing art of handling the pylon.

IN modern world developed following directions sports dances with pylon:

  • pole art, where the main emphasis is on the image of the performer (costumes) and the artistry of performing tricks;
  • pole sport, in which the complexity of the movements performed plays a significant role;
  • pole fitness, combining sportiness and entertainment performance;
  • erotic pole dance. As the name implies, the main point is given to the eroticism of the production, the choreographic component and the sensuality of the movements.

The art of dance from the choreographic studio "AnixDance"

If you decide to take care of your own body and learn the art of Pole Dance, come to our studio - qualified trainers, convenient equipment and the advantageous location of the halls in Moscow guarantee that the classes will be not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible!

Start learning Pole Dance with us

AnixDance dance studio opens new horizons for self-improvement!

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