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Patriotism is instilled in a person almost from infancy. This topic is devoted to many hours in school curriculum at university lectures. In the Union, the topic of patriotism was considered much more actively than now. The education of a patriot was one of the priorities for the party and the government.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine the question of what patriotism is. But without it, the meaning of the existence of such a powerful state as the Soviet Union was simply lost. The whole strength of the country rested mainly on patriotism dedicated people.

Vladimir Dal in his dictionary gives a definition: "A patriot is a lover of the Fatherland, a person who sacredly protects the interests of his country." In a word, patriotism - and everything connected with it. This can be not only the protection of the interests and security of their country, but also careful attitude to state values, preservation of natural reserves and cleanliness of the ecological situation. For someone it official language and literature historical values and so on.

What is patriotism today? Modern definitions somewhat different from the Soviet ones. It is also love for one's country as the place of one's birth, where the roots are, respect for the traditions of one's people, the painful experience of ongoing cataclysms, even

In addition to love for the Fatherland and for one's ancestors, patriotism is manifested in human activity, which is aimed at strengthening and developing the country. This is an uncompromising struggle against people who cause obvious harm to the good of the state. It can be individuals or entire teams. They carry out their activities without thinking about the harm they cause, about the fact that they sow enmity with their talk.

Is it possible to call patriots people who, in front of millions, arrange fights or verbal skirmishes on television? Russian patriotism, probably, acquired a slightly different concept in modern world. Otherwise, how can one call politicians patriots who, having come to power, decide basically only their own problems? own problems? How can you call young people patriots who try in every way to evade military service?

Many examples can be given, but be that as it may, there is still patriotism! And there are many patriots in Russia. People who love their country and strive for its prosperity. And patriotism itself is a feeling that cannot be destroyed, it is simply indestructible, it is brought up in every family and passed on from generation to generation.

It is impossible not to recall Russian, Soviet patriotism during the Great Patriotic War. It was here that he manifested himself with unprecedented force, it is the actions of Soviet soldiers that convincingly explain what patriotism is. As in everything Hard times During the war years, patriotism unites people, gives them strength and faith in the wonderful future of their country, in victory.

But patriotism is also a spiritual potential. Therefore, the revival of faith is one of the most important tasks. It is a collection of ideas and moral character both individually and the country as a whole.

It becomes clear that patriotism experienced different periods. These were moments of decline and moments of rebirth with a new, more powerful force. Such a revival was always preceded by some difficult moments for the country, when people, inspired by patriotism, united to restore and preserve state values. There were times when there was mass emigration in the country. But what can you do if your country did not need a person. He had to solve problems and difficult situations on his own, but this did not mean at all that he was not a patriot of his Motherland. That's how the circumstances came about. Maybe it was the only way to survive himself and not let his loved ones die.

But today one can observe a trend towards the return of former emigrants to their homeland. Is this not patriotism? Exactly! Therefore, when the question arises of what patriotism is, it is impossible to give an answer with any one definition. This is a fairly broad and much-needed topic.

IN Lately, which is very pleasing, more and more often it comes to patriotism. The authorities at all levels began to think about the revival of patriotism, since it is high time to close this "gap" in education. But attempts to patch it up with the help of financial stimulation will have no effect, since patriotism cannot be bought, it is brought up, formed over many years. certain part younger generation, who is now 25-35 years old, does not even perceive any calls for patriotism, and it is embarrassing for them to respond to them. They don't know what it is.

Who can be called a patriot?

So what is a patriot? Long years this concept was not mentioned, and in the 90s calls to love the Motherland were even considered hackneyed and conservative. Cultural monuments were destroyed, joining the army was considered stupid, and it was normal to evade service.

A patriot can be considered one who has been brought up from childhood on specific examples, for whom someone else's feat is not just words. Who is a patriot? The one who is really able to feel other people's problems, whose feeling of compassion and love is not canned. You can’t just call a person a patriot and assume that he is one. To be such means not only to rush or give one's life for loved ones. This is the upbringing of universal human qualities, the stay of an individual in a society that can be considered normal, with values, dignity and the ability to take care of others.

If these conditions are not created, then for a person only personal ambitions, his own welfare and prosperity will always be a priority.

How are things at this time?

The situation has changed dramatically, finally the authorities realized that nothing happens by itself. The obligations imposed on parents to educate full-fledged members of society were often not fulfilled. Sometimes it was problematic to feed your children, let alone spending time on patriotic conversations, was out of the question.

IN this moment organized military sports clubs, search teams, which clearly demonstrate the real work and assistance to the relatives of the victims. Cossack detachments are being organized, a young patriot of Russia is studying the origins of the Cossacks, and the basics of military affairs are taught in schools for teenagers.

Trying to instill the basics Orthodox culture, designate high in cooperation with representatives of the church. Orthodox education lessons are being introduced.

Press and television about patriotism

Facilities mass media enthusiastically pick up the topic of patriotism, more and more often you can find concrete examples of a feat on the pages of printed publications, those who have distinguished themselves are awarded letters and incentive gifts, which is widely covered in newspapers and on television. The film industry is trying to convey to teenagers who a patriot is, films are being made that are of interest to young people, it happens that when watching films on military theme values ​​change. The young patriot strives to become like heroes, he is worried about the problems in the country, which means there is a chance that he will want to solve them when he grows up.

Sports in the education of patriots

Full of strength, aspirations and ambitions. The task of society is to guide them, prompt them, discern their abilities, and sport does an excellent job with this task. Sections not only allow their pupils to become strong and fast, but are also able to awaken this feeling in a teenager - patriotism.

When he stands on the podium, he involuntarily touches a single sense of pride for the Motherland, for himself, for his club. Most athletes are true patriots of the fatherland, they perceive the anthem differently when it is played in honor of their well-deserved victory. No wonder many people have tears in their eyes, they are familiar with such feelings as dedication, hard work and the desire to be the best. They know for themselves what price they had to pay for this tremulous and exciting moment of victory.

Parenting by Example

If a guy from a neighboring house received a medal for saving a fire, this is perceived brighter than the speeches of strangers and important people on TV. Specific examples are always more effective, and it is necessary to arouse interest, a teenager will definitely discuss this with friends, want to imitate the hero, and be able to overcome self-doubt and fear. He can always answer who a patriot is.

Speak the same language with the younger generation

The interests of today's youth are diverse, there are many sources of information. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is possible to direct the curiosity of the children in the right direction, the young patriot will respond if there is an opportunity to find out his history and roots. This is no longer entertainment: with the help of historical facts, examples it is easy to translate interests into a patriotic channel. You should not use the methods that were worked out on the pioneers and Komsomol members. Time is running forward, and today's youth requires a different attitude towards themselves, you need to forget the old patterns, they can only complicate the process. indifference to small homeland, honesty, responsiveness and compassion are the qualities of a patriot. It must be pointed out that the state is not those who govern at the moment. You and I are the country, Russia, and if nothing is done, there will never be changes.

Lies and idle talk are the main enemies of a true patriot, if you do not pay serious attention to this problem, then we will get a generation of cynics who care only about their well-being. It is worth paying more attention to the historical heritage, memory, culture, then there will be a return, there will be someone to protect the Motherland, stand on a pedestal and rule the country. If you are interested in the history of your family, the place where you grew up, the chance increases that this desire for knowledge will grow into more, touch the common history.

The changes that have taken place in last years, have led to the fact that the worldview of people has changed, ideas about spirituality are breaking down, the process of forming new realities and values ​​is significantly behind the debunking of the old ones. And as a result - the loss of patriotism, which quite recently was an important part in the minds, it was he who was a factor in the formation Russian mentality. Studies have shown that she is confused, there is no clear position, ideals, hence the frank pessimism in the perception of real life.

Patriotism- (from the Greek patris- fatherland) - moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the fatherland, pride in its past and present, readiness to subordinate its interests to the interests of the country, the desire to protect the interests of the motherland and its people.
National Sociological Encyclopedia

Patriotism- love for the fatherland, devotion to him, the desire to serve his interests with his actions.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • Patriotism is moral criterion, which distinguishes noble man from the lowly and spiritually developed from the one who is in spiritual lethargy.
  • Patriotism is an objective assessment of the situation and actions home country combined with an optimistic view of the vector of its development in the future.
  • Patriotism is pride in all the achievements of one's people and awareness of all its historical mistakes.
  • Patriotism is the willingness to sacrifice the personal for the sake of the public good.

Benefits of Patriotism

  • Patriotism gives strength - from the realization that hundreds of generations of his ancestors stand invisibly behind a person's back.
  • Patriotism gives joy - from the realization of the merits and successes of one's country.
  • Patriotism gives responsibility - for the family, the people and the Motherland.
  • Patriotism gives confidence - due to a sense of belonging to the fate of the country.
  • Patriotism gives freedom - to act for the good of one's country.
  • Patriotism gives respect - to the history, traditions and culture of the country.

Manifestations of patriotism in everyday life

  • Geopolitics. Education nation states This is one of the manifestations of patriotism of every nation.
  • Liberation Wars. It was patriotism, as the basis of solidarity in the face of the enemy, that helped peoples win the most terrible wars unless they were aggressive.
  • Military service. Willingness to defend the Motherland from an external enemy is an essential sign of patriotism; the person who chose military service- shows patriotism.
  • National customs, traditions. An example of a "domestic" manifestation of patriotism can serve as unique National costumes different peoples.
  • National culture. Russians folk songs, epics Yakut people, Scottish bagpipe playing are all examples of patriotism expressed in cultural heritage different peoples.

How to develop patriotism in yourself

  • Family education. Parents who show love and respect for their country, and instill these feelings in their children, raise their children as patriots.
  • Interest in national culture and traditions. In order to love your people, you need to know them; consciously studying the history of his people, a person cultivates patriotism in himself.
  • Awareness. Patriotism involves pride in one's country's achievements; interest in information associated with all aspects of the life of society and the country creates the basis for the development and manifestation of patriotism.
  • Travel in your own country. The best remedy to know and love your homeland.

Golden mean



Nationalism, xenophobia, chauvinism

Winged expressions about patriotism

Don't ask what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. - John Kennedy - It seems to me that the feeling of love for one's own people is as natural to a person as the feeling of love for God. - Patriarch Alexy II - A patriot is a person who serves the motherland, and the motherland is, first of all, the people. - Nikolai Chernyshevsky - My friend, Let's dedicate souls to the Fatherland beautiful impulses! - Alexander Pushkin - It is important that you are ready to die for your country; but more importantly, you must be willing to live your life for her. - Theodore Roosevelt - A. S. Tsipko / Values ​​and Struggle of Conscious Patriotism The author raises the question of the nature and features of Russian patriotism. Based on the point of view of the philosophers Berdyaev and Frank, he contrasts " leavened patriotism» conscious patriotism, which is based not on a myth, but on historical truth. Patriotism is the spiritual core of the peoples of Russia The book is dedicated to patriotism - a feeling that is inextricably linked with Russian history and to which in many respects the Russian state owes its formation and existence.

Patriotism is a word known to every person, but precise definition which practically no one knows in the modern world. What is hidden behind the word patriotism, and what is the role of this concept in life modern man?

In fact, the very concept of "Patriotism" has a very simple definition. This is love for one's country, for one's state and the ability to subordinate one's private interests to the interests of the Fatherland. In words, this is very beautiful, but not every person who calls himself a patriot is one.

The development of patriotism in history lessons

Mouthpiece modern patriotism becomes a history teacher who can both arouse interest in the past of the country, and make this very past unimportant and incomprehensible to children.

Stories about the exploits of veterans, about numerous battles in which our compatriots died - all this brings up patriotic moods in a child.

In the modern world of popularization foreign culture, more and more often children forget how important it is to be a patriot of their country. The child must simultaneously respect the cultures and customs in different countries but at the same time, first of all, to protect the interests of their homeland. Indeed, regardless of political upheavals and economic troubles, the fate of the country always depends on its citizens.

Is it possible to say that patriotism has finally disappeared from the radars of modern man and forgotten by the current generation? Of course not. However, more and more often children forget about patriotic feelings, and this is the fault of the teacher.

How can you instill patriotism in modern children?

  1. By invoking a sense of respect for their homeland through the prism of the lessons of history;
  2. By invoking respect for one's land through the prism of local history lessons;
  3. With the help of stories about the exploits and accomplishments of the Russian people;
  4. By reading passages greatest works classics about our Motherland

Speaking metaphorically, children are plasticine from which a teacher can mold a responsible citizen who is able to protect and love his country.

There are a huge number of ways to awaken patriotism in children. Here, in no case can one ignore local history, because for many people the Motherland begins with their city, district, yard. Children should feel a sense of pride in their country even in those situations when the state has suffered another crisis.

The Russian people are famous precisely for the fact that, regardless of the circumstances, they always remained strong and raised the country to its feet. This is how our future citizens should be educated.

Of course, patriotic and moral education are incredibly interconnected with each other. The culture of behavior, outlook on life - all this should form in close connection with patriotism.

Can it be called patriotic that a child does not litter on the street, realizing that environmental pollution has a negative impact on his city, and therefore on the whole country as a whole? Perhaps it is also a manifestation of patriotism.

It is very important that children see the difference and a clear line between patriotism and nationalism. Any manifestations of nationalism in the mood of a child is not the most best example spiritual and moral education patriotism. In no case should pride in one's people turn into hatred towards other people because of their nationality.

Showing respect not only for environment, but also to the citizens of their country - this is also patriotism. Indeed, in order to be a patriot, it is absolutely not necessary to go to the battlefield and try to prove love for the state there. Patriotism is what fills a person from the inside, his character and outlook on life, formed both in history lessons and at home.

Of course, many teachers do not have the strength and time to instill patriotism in children. The limited program does not allow to convey to schoolchildren even half of what I would like to tell the teacher.

That is why it is so important to extracurricular activities on patriotism and patriotic education of children. Perhaps the first few lessons will be difficult, but in the future, the teacher will definitely notice the results of his work, and understand how high-quality and important work he has done.

Patriotic education is a topic of discussion among many academics and scientists. One teacher cannot provide competent patriotic education the whole country. For this, it is necessary that every teacher, first of all, be a patriot and fill all his students with this fire.

Who is a patriot? And what is patriotism? These issues are now very relevant, because the clouds are gathering over our country quite clearly.

President Putin once stated that " national idea Russia is patriotism. Well, God bless him that not everyone is familiar with the Russian language and its rules, since the idea (national) and feeling (patriotism) are absolutely not the same thing. An idea cannot be a feeling. But that, as they say, is their problem. And our problem and task is to understand exactly what the national idea is and what patriotism is, and to bring to life those forces of the people that our country at its break, on trial, when there is simply the line between life and death for our Motherland, were would be able to move it away from this edge and save it.

Patriotism is a word that means love for the Motherland. At the same time, one must understand where this concept came from and what it means in essence. Love for one's neighbor, love for a woman - this is more or less understandable. But now is not about that.

What is love for one's country? And why is it all of a sudden?

In fact, this is a deep and fundamental property of living nature. For example, when samples of biological life (according to Charles Darwin) lived and fought in the struggle for survival, in the struggle for existence, then at the same time those forms of life organization began to develop that were more effective for its viability. A flock, a swarm, a pride, etc. appeared. And in the same pride of lions, adult lions hunt not only for their own food, but also in order to feed both the weak old lioness and the young, who are not yet able to hunt. Those. in a pride of lions are born social relations(and modern scientific and educational films show all this well and in detail). It turns out that even in the wild, the word "WE" appeared, and this word is the key in relation to the word "I". It turns out that the word WE is a factor of progress!

I will survive in the competitive struggle according to all the rules of social Darwinism (or modern liberalism), if I am stronger, bolder and more immoral than others.

But human evolution, especially when mind and soul came to man, increased the factor a hundredfold with the help of WE. With the advent of WE, a people appeared, our state appeared, the memory of the land of our ancestors appeared, which our ancestors defended and which fed them, feeds us and will feed our children and grandchildren, the concept of Motherland appeared. WE are key concept, which is associated with collectivity, with community, with catholicity, with sociality, with socialization, with socialism, and is absolutely opposite to individualism, liberalism, turning into the forms of fascism, racism, social racism, superiority, competitiveness of all with all. “Everyone must be competitive,” Gref and Putin explain to us. Everyone fights everyone. Man to man is a wolf! And so on. Therefore, patriotism is not just an abstract and unknown feeling of love for one's Motherland. And Motherland is not an abstraction at all.

But after all, someone's homeland is a bag with dollars over their shoulders and accounts in Swiss banks. And they all walk around the birch trees and say that "the national idea is patriotism." “I don’t believe,” said Stanislavsky.

So what do we have now in our country? What is the situation with patriotism?

And we have official patriotism and the frenzy of patriotism.

They give, for example, a command from the Presidential Administration - and now they show us the exploits of our journalists in Slavyansk under the mortar fire of the Ukrainian fascists. Then they give another command - and nothing of this is shown anymore. And because “Donbass was not promised anything”, but because “there are Minsk agreements”, so “go to Ukraine”, and in general “this is an intra-Ukrainian issue”, and “Russia is not a party to the conflict”. All! They show nothing, there is no patriotism, there is no Russian world left. Where did he suddenly go? And he was not. There was no Russian world, no Russian idea and no patriotism. There are bags of money and a TV, but there is no Russian idea and patriotism THERE.

Now we are taking Iskanders there, we are taking Iskanders here, the Bastion system is there, we announce that we have new bombers, new missiles, etc., we threaten those, we threaten with this - we threaten, supposedly protecting our Motherland. And what do we end up protecting? A certain group that controls 70% of the country's wealth and put this wealth in their pockets? Their frozen accounts in Switzerland?

And at this time, the rest of the population is getting poorer, and someone is already begging, society is stratified, the country is degrading. But the frenzy and official patriotism rages - “vote for the ruling party”, “vote for the current leadership of the country”, “see how they fight with the evil West to protect our country, our Motherland”. Yes, they are fighting for their pockets! They fight for accounts in Swiss and other banks! They fight for their real estate in the form of palaces! For offshore, where they took hundreds of billions of dollars, stealing them from Russian people, y Russian state, near our Motherland, they fight! And the situation is arranged in such a way that they turn out to be patriots, it turns out they have patriotism.

There is also the question of the compatibility of patriotism with the central ideology of the ruling elite in our country. In fact, there are only three ideologies in the world and in the nature of mankind: liberalism, socialism (communism) and fascism. So which of these three ideologies is characteristic of the ruling clan in the leadership of our country? Well, obviously liberalism. Which slowly begins to transform into fascism. And this someone wants to combine with patriotism?

Liberalism is me. I am an individualist, I am competitive, I am strong, I will win everyone and I will be fine.

Patriotism is WE. WE are a family, WE are a people, WE will help and not very strong, WE will support him. WE is the opposite of liberalism. Liberalism and patriotism are incompatible! But there is another question. Is patriotism compatible with political opposition? We are told: “What?! Are you against Putin? So he annexed the Crimea! So you're not patriots! You must support Putin." “At the same time, it is necessary to support his appointees: Medvedev, Serdyukov, Siluanov, Kudrin, Nabiullina, that is, all those who are actually destroying the country?” - I want to ask in response. So what is patriotism? Patriotism is not about supporting officials, and especially when billions of rubles are spent on them. That's right - the volume of grants from the Presidential Administration to support political "trousers" is billions of rubles. And then they don’t even pull a sheep’s skin over a wolf’s muzzle, here other words suggest themselves.

So, the political opposition is accusing Putinism of how our country is being killed, of liberalism, of the demonetization of the economy, of the deformation and degradation of culture, science, education, healthcare in our country, of mutilating the souls of our children (and not only children) in commercialized cinematography and other propaganda washing institutions and procedures.

True patriotism now lies, in fact, in meaningful political opposition to Putinism and President Putin, to all his appointees, political regime, their practice and the results of this practice.

I would also correlate the concept of real patriotism (which has always been and will always be, and especially in our Russian Russian version) with, excuse me, mental inferiority. With a kind of transcendent simplicity. Well, you have to face such a terrible primitive, well, such wretchedness, well, such absurdities, well, such simply idiocy. And all this under the banner of patriotism. Moreover, lofty words, lofty and important values ​​fall below the plinth according to the formula “simplicity is worse than theft”. "The Soviet Union exists: here is the Presidium of the USSR, here is the commander-in-chief, here is the president." And not just one version. Soviet Union exists today. So by stating this, it is asserted that our current Russia does not exist with you? That Russia, in which it is necessary to build power in the interests of the people? “No,” they say, “it is necessary that everyone recognize the existence of the USSR.” Where is it, the USSR, except in the imagination of these sincere, in principle, people? But real patriotism, professional patriotism, the ability to save and improve our Motherland, on the one hand, and "simplicity", on the other hand, are incompatible.

I am for patriotism. For true patriotism.

We need to see and understand what kind of swamp we are being led into using this holy word. And not only because of our mental disability, which, of course, is not true, but also because of the very high professionalism of the opponents of our Fatherland - just those who apply the word patriotism not to our country, but to other states from where they come from. get loot, and residence permits, and guarantees, and tasks. And from which they are also checked, and controlled, and threatened with a finger. These are the realities of our life. They need to be understood.

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