The history of quilling is the magic of paper ribbons. Quilling - the history of occurrence


quilling- this is an entertaining manual paper craft for children and adults, in addition to receiving aesthetic pleasure, a person develops creative thinking, patience, perseverance, accuracy, fine motor skills hands Paper is a material available to everyone. It gives a lot of room for creativity. It gives you the opportunity to feel like an artist - an infinitely creative person.

Story quilling not quite usual, he moved from West to East and vice versa, enriching himself at the same time national characteristics different cultures.

This needlework originated at the end of the 14th century - the beginning of the 15th century in Europe. Until the 16th century, it was considered art. In the 14th - 16th centuries in Europe, nuns created elegant medallions using this technique, from paper with gilded edges. When considering these miniature paper masterpieces, the illusion of thin golden stripes was created.

But paper is a short-lived material and little has survived from medieval masterpieces. AT XIX century ladies high society thus they spent their leisure time.

Then, in the 20th century, quilling, as an art, was forgotten, but then revived again. Today it is very common. An entire industry has been created for the production of materials and tools for it. In Russian, this art is called "paper rolling", in Europe "quilling", from the word "quill" which means "bird feather" in English. Some believe that the name is associated with a bird feather, which was used as a tool, others associate with one type of element, which looks like a bird feather.

This art was widespread in Europe, but due to the high cost of paper, paper plastic was an occupation only for the upper strata of society. The English princess Elizabeth was seriously fond of quilling and many of her works are in the London Victoria and Albert Museum.

Paper is associated with fragility and fragility.

But, quilling easily refutes this - works from paper elements can be safely used in everyday life, for example, a candy bowl made using this technique will not break or fall apart.

In addition to Europe, he is also known in the East. AT South Korea there is even an Association of quilling lovers. But European and Eastern technology have their own differences. European involves a small number of details, conciseness of work, mosaic work. Oriental quilling is a masterpiece of jewelry art from hundreds of small parts. Korean works are carried out over a long period of time and are distinguished by the greatest care.

On the this moment There are many studios in Russia where you can master this type of needlework.

quilling(English quilling - from the word quill "bird feather") - the art of making compositions (flat or voluminous) from narrow and long strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Twisted spirals are attached various shape and in this way paper rolling elements are obtained, they are called modules. Already they are the "building" material (bricks) in the creation of works - postcards, albums, paintings, photo frames, jewelry, decor items, etc. Quilling paper can be the same color on both sides, or each side is dyed a different color.

This technique is very convenient, because. does not require significant material costs. However, you cannot call it simple either, because in order to achieve a good result, you need to show patience, perseverance, dexterity, accuracy and, of course, develop the skills of twisting high-quality modules, because the overall beauty of the work depends on the quality of twisting the elements.

The history of paper rolling is rooted in Ancient Egypt when various elements of jewelry began to be made from the progenitor of modern paper - papyrus. Also in ancient times this kind of art was known in the East.

The art of paper rolling became widespread at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries in Mediterranean Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented medieval monks. They cut off the gilded edges of the books, then wound them around the tips of bird feathers, hence the name (quill - translated from English as “bird feather”), which created an imitation of a golden miniature (especially often used in poor churches).

Although representatives of the clergy deny such a barbaric attitude towards holy books, suggesting that the trimmings left after cutting the sheets should be used for decoration.

The old works of paper rolling masters have not survived to this day, due to the instability of the material. But icons XVII century, decorated in this style can be seen in many European museums.

Quilling was very popular in the noble houses of Germany and England. In those days, even specialized magazines were published describing techniques and step by step instructions for the manufacture of various household trifles - from tea boxes and "warmers" for teapots to caskets and baskets. It was a kind of prototype of modern master classes.

In the 15th-16th centuries, paper rolling was considered an art, in the 19th century - ladies' entertainment (and almost the only needlework worthy of noble ladies).

Medieval box with quilling elements

Crowned persons are also considered connoisseurs of this art, for example, the daughter of George III Elizabeth (Princess Elizabeth), who, they say, gave her doctor a screen made using the quilling technique. Many of her creations are still kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Other admirers of paper rolling are Queen Mary and Tsarina Alexandra, who collected its samples, as well as writers Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters.

In the East, quilling also fell in love with local craftsmen. The Korean school of paper rolling is slightly different from the European school, just as these cultures differ in principle. Modern European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Oriental masters in their style create complex works, more like masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous "lace" is woven from hundreds of small details. Known for their reverence for detail and painstaking work, the Japanese and Chinese create exquisite works of art using the technique of twisting the finest paper.

For most of the 20th century, quilling was forgotten, and only at the end of the last century, paper rolling again began to turn into art, gaining new fans around the world. the globe. Paper of various colors and textures became available to many segments of the population, and needlewomen rediscovered this openwork art.

Quilling is loved all over the world, and in England in 1983 the Quilling Union of England was created, a real quilling corporation that receives letters from all continents. On her initiative, in 1992, the First International Festival quilling, where one could admire not only modern creations, but also antique products.

Two major quilling exhibitions were held: the first in 1927 in London, the other in 1988 in New York, at the Florian-Papp Gallery, where real masterpieces were put up for sale. Now quilling masters actively exhibit their creations at needlework exhibitions and applied art around the world.

In South Korea, there is also an Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of the most different directions paper art, including paper rolling.

In Russia given art also became popular only towards the end of the 20th century, but now it is gaining momentum and becoming more popular, especially since our craftsmen skillfully combine the accuracy and accuracy of European technology with the intricacies of Eastern in their work.

Jungle Bird, Julia Brodskaya, London

quilling(English quilling - from the word quill "bird feather") - the art of making compositions (flat or voluminous) from narrow and long strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Twisted spirals are given a different shape and thus paper rolling elements are obtained, they are called modules. Already they are the "building" material (bricks) in the creation of works - postcards, albums, paintings, photo frames, jewelry, decor items, etc. Quilling paper can be the same color on both sides, or each side is dyed a different color.

This technique is very convenient, because. does not require significant material costs. However, you cannot call it simple either, because in order to achieve a good result, you need to show patience, perseverance, dexterity, accuracy and, of course, develop the skills of twisting high-quality modules, because the overall beauty of the work depends on the quality of twisting the elements.

The history of paper rolling goes back to Ancient Egypt, when various elements of jewelry began to be made from the progenitor of modern paper - papyrus. Also in ancient times this kind of art was known in the East.

The art of paper rolling became widespread at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries in Mediterranean Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented by medieval monks. They cut off the gilded edges of the books, then wound them around the tips of bird feathers, hence the name (quill - translated from English as “bird feather”), which created an imitation of a golden miniature (especially often used in poor churches).

Although representatives of the clergy deny such a barbaric attitude towards holy books, suggesting that the trimmings left after cutting the sheets should be used for decoration.

The old works of paper rolling masters have not survived to this day, due to the instability of the material. But icons of the 17th century decorated in this style can be seen in many European museums.

Quilling was very popular in the noble houses of Germany and England. In those days, even specialized magazines were published with descriptions of techniques and step-by-step instructions for making various household items - from tea boxes and “warmers” for teapots to caskets and baskets. It was a kind of prototype of modern master classes.

In the 15th-16th centuries, paper rolling was considered an art, in the 19th century - ladies' entertainment (and almost the only needlework worthy of noble ladies).

Medieval box with quilling elements

Crowned persons are also considered connoisseurs of this art, for example, the daughter of George III Elizabeth (Princess Elizabeth), who, they say, gave her doctor a screen made using the quilling technique. Many of her creations are still kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Other admirers of paper rolling are Queen Mary and Tsarina Alexandra, who collected its samples, as well as writers Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters.

In the East, quilling also fell in love with local craftsmen. The Korean school of paper rolling is slightly different from the European school, just as these cultures differ in principle. Modern European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Oriental craftsmen, in their own style, create complex works that look more like masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous "lace" is woven from hundreds of small details. Known for their reverence for detail and painstaking work, the Japanese and Chinese create exquisite works of art using the technique of twisting the finest paper.

For most of the 20th century, quilling was forgotten, and only at the end of the last century, paper rolling began to turn into an art again, gaining new fans around the globe. Paper of various colors and textures became available to many segments of the population, and needlewomen rediscovered this openwork art.

Quilling is loved all over the world, and in England in 1983 the Quilling Union of England was created, a real quilling corporation that receives letters from all continents. On her initiative, in 1992, the First International Quilling Festival was organized, where one could admire not only modern creations, but also antique products.

Two major quilling exhibitions were held: the first in 1927 in London, the other in 1988 in New York, at the Florian-Papp Gallery, where real masterpieces were put up for sale. Now quilling masters actively exhibit their creations at needlework and applied art exhibitions around the world.

In South Korea, there is also an Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art, including paper rolling.

In Russia, this art also became popular only towards the end of the 20th century, but now it is gaining momentum and becoming more popular, especially since our masters skillfully combine the accuracy and accuracy of European technology with the intricacies of Eastern in their work.

Jungle Bird, Julia Brodskaya, London

Quilling, or paper rolling, is a technique for creating planar and volumetric images from rolled strips of paper.

Paper mosaic does not require special costs, talents and a lot of time to master the technique. The elements are used to create panels, postcards, album covers, decor for jewelry boxes and many other interesting decorations and crafts. Be sure to include this budget craft on your hobby list. It is suitable for both adults and children's creativity.

Where did the quilling technique come from

Paper plastic appeared in Europe in the 15th-16th centuries. Then paper rolling was considered high art. To XIX century quilling has become an occupation worthy of noble ladies. In Russia, the hobby gained popularity only towards the end of the 20th century.

The most refined works in the quilling technique belong to Korean masters. They do not use rods to roll the paper, but do it by hand. First, needlewomen create small elements from which they create volumetric products or flat decor. It turns out very elegant crafts, reminiscent of jewelry and lace.

From twisted paper strips, you can create a picturesque panel for an empty wall or make an amazing postcard for loved one. In any case, you will get a lot of pleasant emotions from the creation of a new beautiful thing. This hobby is suitable for romantic creative people who like to surround themselves with beautiful things.

You are probably wondering what quilling is, and this is the question we will now answer. This technique can be described in two words - the art of paper rolling. The result is charming flowers, patterns and more. Products, of course, are short-lived, but their life can be easily extended. It all depends on the quality of the material used and the place where the product will be stored.

What is quilling?

This is, first of all, needlework, which will not take you much time. In addition, it is completely simple to perform. special efforts it is not required to create masterpieces, so absolutely everyone can learn this kind of art. Quilling crafts are created by twisting colored paper. in a special way. Another name for quilling is paper mosaic. You can compare this art with jewelry. Its essence is to give the paper strips the necessary shape, with the help of which in the future it will be possible to create a charming composition.

History of occurrence

Historians have long argued about when this technique. One of the versions says that it arose in medieval Europe, the other claims that Egypt is the birthplace of quilling. There are also those who claim that this species needlework was invented in the homeland of paper - China. In the XV-XVI century, the quilling technique was given an honorary status - an art, and several centuries later it was considered the only entertainment for noble ladies. There was a period when everyone forgot about it, but at the end of the last century, quilling revived again and became even more popular than before.

Materials required for quilling

You will definitely need:

  1. Special paper for quilling or regular color. After you will need to cut it into strips, the width of which should not exceed 9 mm.
  2. Ruler.
  3. Spinning rod. You can use a toothpick instead wooden stick, a thin spike or a thick needle.
  4. Steel ruler.
  5. Stencil with holes of different diameters.
  6. PVA or other glue, the main thing is to be quick-drying.
  7. Tweezers.
  8. Compass.
  9. Straight nail scissors.
  10. Pencil.

Paper mosaic technique

You already know what quilling is, but that's not all you need to know about. Carefully study the basics of technology. It is very simple - the paper must be twisted into a tight spiral. To create it, wind the tip of the paper tape onto a winding rod or spike in order to get a spiral of the desired diameter. According to this principle, all elements for compositions are created. To give the spiral a suitable shape, it should be slightly unraveled, and then formed into a quilling figure. It will hold if you fix it with glue.

To master this technique, start mastering the easiest thing - creating a simple quilling postcard.

Creating a postcard: a lesson for beginners

At the beginning of your work on creating a quilling postcard, you will need to be patient, because it will take a lot of time, about an hour for one detail. As you learn, this time will decrease. Let's get to work:

  • Prepare a blank for the future postcard and with the help of simple pencil mark what you are going to depict on it.
  • The main element used by quilling is called a roll. It is a tight roll of crumpled colored paper.
  • Do-it-yourself quilling implies not only a flight of fancy, but also the use of all available materials, such as toothpicks. For it you can hook the strip and wind the roll. Then gently hold it with your fingers and loosen it a little.
  • Next, you need to give the roll the desired shape. To do this, flatten its edges with your fingers. Thus, you can get a wide variety of elements, such as leaves, droplets, hearts and much more.

The element is ready! Use glue to attach it to the card.

Quilling flowers are formed from these elements.

Manufacturing schemes

So, quilling, schemes for making various crafts.

A simple spiral can be easily modified and combined with other elements, resulting in a variety of structures.

Here are the basic shapes you can make

How to make a flower?

Quilling flowers are very easy to create. The following is a list of actions, strict adherence to which will help you with this.

  1. Glue two strips of colored paper and wait for the glue to dry.
  2. Spin the roll using a tool specially designed for this purpose or other suitable means.
  3. Very carefully take the roll and transfer it to the hole on the ruler of the diameter you need. So we get a spiral that needs to be fixed with glue. The size of the future flower depends on the thickness of the paper strip used and the diameter of the hole on the ruler.
  4. Now we proceed to the formation of a droplet from the resulting round spiral.
  5. To form a flower, you need to glue all the petals. It is necessary to add all the elements so that all sharp corners were directed inward. Otherwise, you will get a completely different flower.
  6. As a middle, you can use not only paper, but also a pearl, a fluffy spiral or beads.

One flower will not be enough, because in nature there are no flowers without petals. Are you wondering how to do it?

  • Roll the paper into a spiral. In this case, two green stripes can be used.
  • Use a pencil or pen to form a crescent moon.
  • Attach to one end of the crescent a paper strip, the color of which fully matches outside spirals. Now press the ends of the crescent moon well against each other. Then wrap the spiral with a strip of paper and connect the ends with glue.
  • Everything, on this the creation of the petals is completed.

Using the quilling technique, you can create both small paintings, as well as more complex volumetric compositions. Of course, the process needs perseverance and accuracy, but believe me, it's worth it. You get it right the first time beautiful work and that's the beauty of technology.

Now you know what quilling is, and you can safely get to work. You need to start small - a small postcard. Gradually, you will feel more confident, and then you can proceed to more complex work.

Good luck in your endeavors!

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