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IN Lately Chinese Pu-erh tea is not in bad demand and popularity. Exists correct technique brewing this tea. How pu-erh tea is brewed depends on its taste, aroma and aftertaste.

There are two states of this tea: compressed and loose. The second type is most often sold in tablets, balls, cubes and other forms. It is much more convenient and practical.

There are two types of this tea:

  • Shen Puer- this is raw tea, it has in green and sour taste.
  • Shu Puer- black tea, with a clear taste of chocolate, the aftertaste is slightly bitter.

Everyone knows that this tea has a positive effect on the state of the human body. But, if used in excess, it can also be harmful.

With proper brewing, at home, you can get:

  • a good charge of vivacity and a burst of energy for the whole day. Sometimes, it is compared to coffee, although the level of caffeine in such tea is minimal, which is a good advantage;
  • With regular use of Pu-erh, you can significantly reduce weight. It speeds up the metabolism, allows vitamins to be better absorbed and contributes to the rapid process of losing weight.

You can take tea in a thermos with you to work, and work actively and fruitfully all day, drinking a few sips from time to time.

Note! Drinking tea on an empty stomach is strictly contraindicated. It can cause stomach pain, colic, nausea, and heartburn.

Before brewing, you should pay attention to small details and recommendations:

  • tea should only be brewed in a glass or porcelain teapot. In no case, do not use earthenware for tea drinking;
  • water for tea should not be boiled. You need to turn off the water when it is about to boil. At what temperature to brew? Only at 90 degrees;
  • it is better to wash the kettle with plain water, soda. Do not use detergents, they will spoil the taste of tea;
  • before the main brew, you need to pour boiling water over the mixture two or three times. This will clean it of dust and dirt, and you will get pure tea.

How to brew tea correctly:

Tea in briquettes loose tea
1 Rinse utensils with boiling water First you need to thoroughly rinse the leaf tea from saws, dirt. It takes a few seconds to fill them hot water.

This will help wash them and pre-steam them before the main brewing.

2 Putting a tablet of tea in the teapot The kettle, too, should be rinsed with hot water. This is necessary in order to heat it up.
3 The water with which we brew tea should not be boiled. Turn off the water before it boils I put tea leaves. With the calculation of 5 grams per person
4 Pour a little less than half the water into the kettle and immediately pour it out Fill with non-boiling water
5 Fill again, already in the required quantity Infuse 2-3 minutes
6 After a couple of minutes, the tea is ready. Pour into warmed cups and enjoy

The effect of intoxication from pu-erh

You can really get drunk from this tea. This happens when too much tea is drunk, it was very strong, or it was consumed on an empty stomach.

Intoxication can be from very strong varieties. Beginning tea drinkers should be very careful when drinking Pu-erh.

Symptoms of tea intoxication are very similar to alcohol:

  • the body is completely relaxed;
  • elevated mood;
  • cheerfulness;
  • the addition of strength;
  • carelessness;
  • excessive talkativeness;
  • mild euphoria.

Intoxication occurs due to the fact that tea contains antidepressants. And if you insist on tea leaves for a long time, they excite the nervous system, which responds to this with the effect of light hopping.

It takes a long time to brew tea to put it in and use a lot of tea leaves for this. The monks used this recipe when they did long meditations. They needed it to push them and give them strength and energy. The recipe was kept secret, and was not disclosed to anyone.

Important! You can not abuse tea. For an adult, 4-5 cups per day are enough, and for children 2-3. Tea is best drunk fresh, slightly warm, and brewed with high-quality tea leaves.

The frequent state of intoxication after tea can be dangerous for the body. The work of the food system may be disrupted, indigestion, unreasonable weakness in the limbs, headaches, and stomach pains appear. The negative effect is on the heart and brain function.

Special connoisseurs of tea drinking also brew Pu-erh resin. This is a wild tea, highly concentrated. Previously, it was called imperial, since only emperors drank it. This is the first tea that was drunk with milk, and was also called white.

Puerh resin has a mild aroma, with various notes - tart cherry, or sweet milky. There is no classic earthy taste here. It saturates with energy, gives energy for the whole day, tones up, helps to wake up and invigorates the nervous system.

How many times can tea be brewed?

Pu-erh can be brewed several times in a row. Recommended 2-3 times. He will not lose his properties, but will only gain new taste. How many times you can brew one tea leaves can be estimated by its condition. It should not lie without water for more than 8 hours, be mold-free and smell good.

To achieve a good effect when re-brewing, you can fulfill the following requirements:

  1. the most optimal amount of tea leaves is 4-5 grams per 100 ml of water. But, provided that there are no other recommendations in the instructions for tea
  2. before re-brewing, the tea leaves must be completely dry;
  3. the subsequent infusion time should be increased by 15-20 seconds, at the first time, and gradually reaching 60 seconds.

With proper and constant use of tea, you can significantly improve your health and cure various diseases. It well cleanses the blood of lipids and sugar, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, helps in controlling excess weight.

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Pu-erh tea is a noble, tasty and healthy drink. Each person has a lot of questions: how to brew this tea correctly, in what dishes, how long and how much brewing will be needed to make the drink special.

How to brew Puerh tea?

The rules for brewing tea of ​​each variety are individual. This is not just ordinary tea that can be brewed in a cup by throwing a pinch of tea leaves and boiling water. Brewing Pu-erh tea is a real art.

Basic brewing rules:

  • Water - only high-quality, from the tap will not work. More or less delicious drink it will turn out from bottled water, and the most delicious and correct - from spring, well or taken from a mountain stream.
  • Dishes - in any case, not metal. It should be earthenware (made of Yixing clay), glassware or porcelain.
  • Brewing temperature: if the tea is strongly fermented, then a temperature of 100 degrees is enough. For Pu-erh "sheng", the temperature is slightly lower by 5-10 degrees. That is, the water temperature depends on the age of the tea leaf, the older the Pu-erh, the higher the temperature should be. But not more than 100 degrees.

Principles of brewing Pu-erh tea of ​​any age

It has already been said about water, only it is worth adding that the water must be purified, but without the admixture of heavy metals.

How to brew Pu-erh:

  • Boil water in a kettle, cool to 95 degrees, pour into a thermos. It is important not to reheat the water.
  • The dishes in which they are going to brew tea should be rinsed with warm water, poured over with boiling water to warm it up.
  • For a teapot with a volume of 1 cup (200 ml), you will need 10 g of tea. If you do not have pressed Pu-erh, then take 1 tbsp. with a hill.
  • Place the tea in a teapot, pour boiling water (approximately 100 g).
  • Water must be drained immediately. Thus, tea is prepared for brewing, tea leaves open, dust is washed off.
  • Again, it is necessary to fill in the water of the desired temperature, the brewing time is from 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Then the tea is poured into a cup. Happy tea!
  • The next time, as soon as you have drunk a cup of a fragrant drink, you can repeat and again pour a new portion of water at the desired temperature. This time, the exposure time will be longer, from 5 to 7 minutes, and so on with each pour.
  • Pu-erh can be insisted for the first time a little less, about a minute. Try the drink, if it seems too weak to you, then you can increase the time and thus understand how much tea needs to be infused to make a delicious invigorating drink.
  • Pu-erh is brewed 2 to 4 times.

Rules for brewing pressed Pu-erh tea

To brew such tea, you need to break off a piece of tea leaves. Because the tea is heavily fermented, less is needed. In order to break off a piece from the briquette, use a sharp awl or a special knife. If there is nothing suitable, try to break the pressed briquette with your hands.

Tea is brewed like this:

  • break off a piece of tea equal to 7 g;
  • pour tea cold water, leave for 1-2 minutes to swell the tea leaves. Can pour hot water need temperature for 1-2 seconds and immediately drain the water;
  • now you can pour boiling water over the tea leaves, leave for 10-15 seconds. The first weak tea is ready;
  • next time, the infusion time can be increased by 10-20 seconds.

How to brew a Pu-erh tablet

Such tea, pressed in the form of small tablets, is called “xiao tou”, this is a small raw material, strongly compressed.

Brewing method No. 1:

  • Take 1 or 2 tablets, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes to soften the tea leaf.
  • Drain the water, put the tea leaves in a thermos, fill with water 95 degrees. You need to insist 1.5 minutes. Some gourmets insist tea leaves after the second drain for an hour. The tea is very strong and tart. It is better to drink such a drink within an hour or completely drain the tea leaves so that the drink does not become bitter.

Brewing method No. 2:

  • Pour tea leaves into a special “gaiwan” teapot, pour boiling water over it, leave for 10 seconds maximum.
  • Drain the water, immediately fill with fresh water at 90 degrees, leave for 7 seconds. Each time you need to increase the brewing time by a couple of seconds.

How to brew strong Pu-erh

Brewing tea is suitable for Pu-erh of any kind. Tea is brewed on a gas burner in a heat-resistant bowl. Pu-erh is pre-soaked, then boiled for 3-5 minutes, insisted for 1-2 minutes - they try the drink for strength. The finished infusion is poured into a thermos so that it does not cool so quickly. Tea leaves can be drunk with strong or diluted with warm water.

Pu-erh is also brewed with milk, it turns out a very tasty drink. Water is replaced with milk (fat content from 2.5%), cooked in the same way.

And a few words about the new method of brewing Pu-erh - crushed tea leaves are placed in a coffee machine, prepared like regular coffee. The result is a very dense, strong and invigorating drink.

Tea is one of the most favorite drinks of people. A person who considers himself a connoisseur and connoisseur of teas must definitely know about pu-erh. The properties and features of this Chinese tea can be read in a previously published article on our website. I would only like to add that this tea is grown in the high mountain slopes of one of the Chinese provinces, where the purest air, high humidity and warm climate. A person who brews tea for himself and his friends should know something about pu-erh: its characteristics, the proportions of leaves and water, the temperature and time of brewing. Therefore, today we will consider how to brew pu-erh correctly, depending on its varieties.

Types of pu-erh tea

  • A suitable utensil for this tea is a gaiwan or purple clay teapot with a large mouth and a round pot-bellied body. The main thing is that the dishes should be highly dispersed, that is, they should breathe.
  • Brewing temperature - high, steep boiling water enhances the flavor of young Shu pu-erh.
  • The water flow rate must be fast.
  • When rinsing tea, the brewing vessel can not be covered with a lid.
  • The amount of tea should be adjusted depending on the size of the leaves.

All young shu pu-erhs have a distinct earthy taste. Drinking such teas is not very pleasant. But after a good exposure - 4-5 years, this taste almost completely disappears. For loose Shu Pu-erh, this process takes 1 to 2 years. After that, the color of the infusion becomes transparent, the taste is dense, velvety and saturated. This is the best period to get acquainted with this tea.

Features of brewing old Shu Pu-erh

How to brew old style shu pu-erh? It has its own features:

  • Leaves should be doused with the most hot water. This must be done very smoothly. Tea leaves should be filled with water, and not scalded.
  • Do not open the lid of the teapot, the old Shu Puer loves the state of the bath.
  • Aged Shu Pu-erh loves non-stop brewing. It is necessary to make as many plums as the vessel for pouring tea will fit in.
  • When brewing old tea, great importance is attached to the movement of the hands, they should move smoothly, slowly. This is necessary in order to obtain such qualities as softness, sweetness. This approach to brewing tea is called “jing”, which means “soak” or “moisten” in translation.
  • You need to brew tea clockwise with an even stream of boiling water, while holding the teapot not very high (no higher than 10 cm).
  • The movements should not be too slow, but not fussy, it is best to make three tea leaves without stopping, but this will require a container with a large volume.

Pu-erh is a living tea, it develops, over time various biochemical processes take place in it, new useful substances are born.

royal tea

It is also called royal pu-erh - it is standing aside, separate view pu erh tea, which is different from regular shen and shu puerh. It has a slightly different manufacturing technology. Royal pu-erh is not dried, but dried.

To brew pu-erh, you need to take half a teaspoon of leaves, pour over them with hot water (150 ml), the temperature of which should not exceed 85 degrees. Infuse royal puer for no more than 2 minutes, then pour the drink into a cup or bowl.

Royal pu-erh can be filled with water up to ten times, and it must be taken into account that each subsequent brewing should be longer than the previous one.

How to brew pu-erh if you are outdoors or on the road?

How to brew pu-erh if you are on a long trip, but you really want to remember and feel the aroma and taste of your favorite drink? For this case, you need to use a thermos. This vessel must be heated: pour boiling water over it three times. Then rinse the tea leaves and put them in a thermos at the rate of 2 teaspoons of tea per 1 liter of water. Next, you need to pour the leaves with boiling water, tighten the lid of the thermos. After 20 minutes, the Chinese medicinal drink will be ready to drink.

Pu-erh tea is a drink that is more than three thousand years old. But today many people consider it the tea of ​​the 21st century, and they are right, because in our country it is only gaining its popularity. If you have not yet tasted the taste of this healing drink, then you have lost a lot. After drinking real Pu-erh tea, you will not forget the taste and aroma of this wonderful drink for a long time. You will definitely fall in love with it, also thanks to pu-erh you will be able to gather friends in your house to arrange real Chinese tea parties.

But apparently (and mostly by queries in our favorite search engine) , the main thing is missing - people do not know how to brew pu-erh to make it stick! (and not yet people don’t know how to brew pu-erh correctly to insert, how da hong pao inserts, how guan yin rushes, how basta brews pu-erh, Chinese pu-erh tea, how it inserts, tea that pins, how to brew pu-erh tea to pearl, those guan yin intoxication, narcotic effect from pu-erh, and of course absolutely no idea how tiguanini pret) . Well, he doesn't know much at all. But there are so many tea experts and connoisseurs of pu-erh who know everything and are silent!

They have been keeping a secret from the people for years, and even Wikileaks could not find out this great SECRET.

But we, the site, real fighters for freedom, equality, and fraternity, are opening this hitherto incomprehensible secret for all of you !!!

So, gentlemen, a unique Recipe is presented to your attention:

16. To achieve the real effect, repeat the GRPNSP daily for a year.

17. Ritualists regularly reach an incredible, expanded and enlightened state of consciousness, begin to be able to fly, read other people's thoughts, talk to birds and trolls, predict the future, and much more.

Sergei Tea Guru Shifu Master Specialist Connoisseur (nimportant to emphasize ) Shevelev

Do NOT take it as a guide to action. The article is sarcastic.

well, watch the video:

If you are interested in the topic of pu-erh action, we also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video telling about the varieties of this tea, and the video where the director of the site and the author of the humorous article above, Sergey Shevelev, talks about some pu-erh pancakes from our collection:

Serving Chinese tea fashion trend in modern cafes and restaurants. She even gave birth the new kind establishments: tea bars. Most of them invite visitors to become participants in a traditional tea ceremony, some are limited to a simplified way of brewing exotic drinks. But in the menu of any, even the smallest, self-respecting teahouse, you will certainly find pu-erh. Delicious and healthy, this dark tea is becoming more and more popular in the CIS countries. And this is just a small, very insignificant milestone in its history, numbering many centuries in China, Vietnam, Laos and Burma.

And the East, as you know, is such a delicate matter that it simply cannot do without complex rituals and hoaxes. And we will not deny that all this is not at all annoying, but on the contrary, it gives a special charm to everything connected with Eastern traditions. Therefore, our compatriots, having tasted the taste of pu-erh, tried to recreate the method of its brewing. Not only and not so much for the sake of entertainment, but in order to maximize all the properties and possibilities of this drink.

What is pressed pu-erh
The history of pu-erh tea is replete with legends and explanations. Only ardent fans can remember everything and understand them Eastern culture. It is enough for everyone else to know that pu-erh belongs to that unique category of products that do not deteriorate over time, but improve their qualities. This effect is achieved through a special processing technology - fermentation. Today it is carried out by the forced method, by tamping and rapid dehydration of previously watered and warmed tea leaves. And in the past, fermentation occurred simply during the long transportation of pu-erh from one Chinese province to another.

Why is pu-erh pressed and not loose? This is also due to practical expediency. Tea, packed in flat bags, was conveniently loaded onto donkeys and transported along trade routes. Over time, such "pancakes" have become a traditional form of storing pu-erh. Considering that it can be stored for decades, this is a really convenient format.

Features and properties of pu-erh
There are many exotic products, but it was pu-erh that won the favor of gourmets far beyond the borders of its historical homeland. This was greatly facilitated by the fashion for healthy lifestyle life, and the paraphernalia associated with the brewing and drinking of tea strengthened interest in this natural drink.

It has been scientifically proven that not only regular, but also one-time drinking of pu-erh speeds up the digestive and metabolic processes in the body, reduces blood cholesterol levels. Over time, such a nutritional supplement can improve the condition of the skin and hair, balance the reactions nervous system to external irritants, calm the psyche and increase vitality.

As a result, the action of pu-erh even contributes to getting rid of excess weight - as a result of a general normalization of metabolism. But this can only be achieved with the help of high-quality, properly prepared tea.

Proper brewing of pu-erh
Despite the assurances of tea connoisseurs, there is no single right technology brewing pressed pu-erh. This does not mean that it is possible to fill it with boiling water at random - but it is also not worth imagining that the preparation of real pu-erh is available only to selected masters. The truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle and lies in the fact that each taster sooner or later stops at the method of brewing pu-erh that is more convenient and tastier for him personally. The following subtleties will help you find this method as soon as possible:

  1. Separate part of the tea leaves from the formation. It is customary to do this with a special pu-erh knife, but in fact it is quite possible to use a regular knife or even fingers. The main thing is not the tool, but the method. Try to separate the leaves in layers, but do not break: broken tea will seem more bitter in taste. The amount of tea for one brew is from 3 to 5 grams. Over time, you will determine the dosage to your liking.
  2. Put the tea in a brewing dish. Ideally, this is a teapot made of special clay, but it can be successfully replaced by any other small teapot, gaiwan or your favorite ceramic mug. It is only important that the dishes have a lid and be preheated to a temperature slightly higher than room temperature.
  3. Breathe in the aroma. To do this, close the teapot, shake it slightly. Remove the lid and feel the smell of dry pu-erh - soft and thin, it will preliminarily set you up for the upcoming tea drinking. This stage of brewing is optional, and many people skip it, which deprives themselves of an insignificant, but very pleasant nuance of the ritual.
  4. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil. The optimal temperature for brewing pu-erh is around 90°C, but it may vary slightly depending on the type of tea. General rule states that the temperature of the water is directly proportional to the age of the pu-erh.
  5. Rinse the tea. Pour the tea leaves in the kettle with water and immediately pour the water back. This is not tea, but only preparatory stage- the so-called "revival" or "awakening" of pu-erh. In essence, this cleans the tea of ​​possible dusty impurities and loosens the compression of the leaves for better flavor and aroma release.
  6. First brew. Pour the tea in the teapot again with hot water for 10 seconds. After that, you need to pour the pu-erh into the cups of the guests. You can do this immediately or first pour it into a special vessel with poetic title"chalice of justice" It is believed that it helps to evenly distribute the strength of tea among all those gathered at the table.
  7. The second brew and all subsequent ones will last a little longer than the first. But each time the tea will reveal new notes of taste and aroma. High-quality pu-erh can be brewed up to 10 times, and each of them will be interesting in its own way.
  8. Empty the kettle. Do not leave a drop of liquid in it so that each subsequent brew starts anew, clean water. This rule prevents the formation of bitterness, which is inevitable if the tea continues to brew for longer than the allotted time.
As you can see, there is nothing so complicated in brewing pressed pu-erh that it would not allow you to carry out this procedure yourself. Its uniqueness is rather a figment of the imagination of tourists and a marketing ploy of the cafe owners. If you like pu-erh, then no one will stop you from enjoying it even at home.

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