Educational project folklore pantry of the wisdom of the people. Pedagogical project "folklore as a means of increasing the interest of preschoolers in Russian folk art"



Russian folklore is an eternal and pure source. He was always distinguished by his humanity, characterized by amazing tolerance, wisdom, and delicacy towards a person.

Folklore is a source of moral, aesthetic, labor, artistic education. Through performance and acquaintance with folk art, love for one's land is instilled, acquaintance with the past of one's people, their life, the spiritual world of a Russian person takes place.

Nowadays, the problem of the formation of the Russian mentality has become acute. One of the means of solving this problem may be to familiarize children with the origins of the Russian language. folklore.

Necessary, using humanistic potential national culture, to promote the socialization of the personality of each child, the disclosure of talent, the development of musical and creativity.

The project is designed for children of senior preschool age.

Objective of the project:

Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk art through acquaintance with folk culture: customs, traditions, holidays, folk art crafts, Russian folklore.

Project objectives:

1. Acquaintance with Russian antiquities, bringing up in children a sense of beauty, curiosity. This will help children understand that they are part of the great Russian people.

2. Acquaintance of children with folklore in all its manifestations (tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, round dances, etc.)

3. Introducing children to universal, moral values: kindness, beauty, truth, courage, diligence, fidelity.

4. Introducing children to folk culture through folk festivals and traditions.

5. Expansion of the vocabulary of children, the use in speech of the names of Russian household items, clothes, shoes.

6. Development of coherent speech of children through dialogues, compilation descriptive stories about folk toys, various subjects.

7. Introducing children to folk games, round dances, folk songs.

8. Acquaintance with folk decorative painting.

9. Develop and improve the memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception of children.

10. Develop creative independence. Cultivate interest in folk art.

For educational activities a room was equipped in the form of a Russian hut, in which antiquities are collected: peasant clothes, pieces of furniture, dishes, tools. This helps children to better feel the culture of the Russian people and learn more about it.

Description of planned results.

The child knows or has an idea:

Folklore genres: nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes, fairy tales, sayings. Know how to fulfill them;

Items of the Russian hut, their purpose;

Traditions of the Russian people;

Russian folk holidays;

Folk toys.

The child is able to:

Perform folk songs, nursery rhymes;

Take part in the celebration of Russians folk holidays that are held in kindergarten;

Making simple folk toys.

Long-term planning of educational activities


The purpose of the classes


"You are welcome, dear guests"

"Bread is the head of everything"

The first visit of the children to the hut and acquaintance with its mistress

To expand the knowledge of children in the manufacture of bread, to acquaint them with ancient tools - a sickle; familiarity with proverbs and sayings about bread.

"October smells like cabbage"

"Fear takes away power"

To repeat the characteristic signs of autumn, to acquaint with the folk holidays of Pokrov, Sergius Day.

Introduce the fairy tale "Grandmother, granddaughter and chicken"; explain the word "fear"; introduce proverbs on this topic.

"Pottery Craftsmen"

"Wild animals"

Acquaintance with earthenware: jug, bowl, bowl; using illustrations to acquaint with the peculiarity of pottery.

Telling the tale "The Fox and the Cancer"; learning songs-rhymes about the fox.

"Hello zimushka - winter!".

"Happy New Year with all the family!"

"Good city Gorodets"

"Kolyada - open the gate."

Conversation about characteristic features winters using folk signs, proverbs, learning the call "You are frost ..."

Acquaintance with the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

Acquaintance with Gorodets painting

Acquaintance in the Christmas holidays and carols.

"Walk, look closely"

"Oh, Maslenitsa!"

Acquaintance with characteristic features February, telling the tale "Frost, Sun and Wind"

Acquaintance with the Russian folk holiday, ritual songs.

"Not best friend than my own mother"

"Spring, spring, come here!"

Talk about mom, making gifts; introduction to proverbs and sayings

Singing invocations about spring; fix the signs of this time of year.

"To joke a joke - to make people laugh."

"Red hill"

Acquaintance with amusing folklore; riddles about spring

Problematic issues

1. What were the holidays called?

2. What rituals were accompanied?

3. Why were these rituals performed?

4. What role did the song play in this?

Objective of the project

Create an electronic collection "Calendar and ritual poetry of our area"



Project objectives:

1. Find out how the life of the people is connected with ritual songs;

2. Get to know the samples ritual folklore and old Russian ritual poetry;

3. To study the calendar-ritual Russian folk cycle;

4. Collect theoretical material on the subject from various sources.

The relevance of the work

The preservation and development of the national culture, its roots is the most important task that requires careful attitude to monuments of history and culture, to traditional folk art. The revival of folklore folk customs, rituals and holidays are actual problem modernity.

Ritual poetry of the winter cycle

  • carols;
  • oatmeal songs,
  • spy songs,
  • Elijah songs

Ritual poetry of the spring cycle

  • Shrovetide songs;
  • Songs of praise;
  • Scorching songs;
  • stoneflies;
  • "Cross" songs;
  • Egoryev carols;
  • Vyunishnye songs;
  • Choral songs.

Ritual poetry of the summer cycle

  • Songs of the Trinity;
  • Songs of the "Rusal Week";
  • Magnificent songs of Kostroma;
  • Choral songs.

Ritual poetry of the autumn cycle

  • Harvest Songs

Winter cycle of calendar folklore

Kolyada pestered Found Kolyada

On the eve of Christmas. Michael's at home.

We walked, we were looking for Mikhailov's house

The holy carol is circled in gold.

In all yards, star children,

On the alleyways Sunshine Wife.

Gribanovsky district

Who gives gifts

To give birth to a son

Beautiful and big.

Who did not give gifts

To give birth to a daughter,

Lousy, yes lousy.

Plant on a plank

And shoot under the stove.

Gribanovsky township

Ovsen, carol!

open the gate

crochet gate,

With a golden patch.

Doves are sitting in the oven,

They are looking at us.

They want to eat.

With. Vorontsovka

Spring calendar folklore

And we saw off Maslenitsa

Oh lu-li, lu-li saw off!

We dug into the black earth,

Oh lu-li, lu-li buried!

They brought water and stamped it with their feet.

Oh lu-li, lu-li trampled!

Gribanovsky township

Willow, willow! Willow is red

Willow whip, Beats in vain.

Willow whip, Willow white

Beats to tears! Beats for business.

Willow blue Willow whip -

It hits hard. Beats to tears.

With. Tulnovka

You get up, well done, we sing a song to you,

You get up, our vine! We honor you!

You comb your curls Reward us

Bone scallop, gift -

Look, well done, Sweet gingerbread,

In the window squinting! White, sugar!

With. Nikitovka

Summer calendar folklore

Do not rejoice, oaks, Rejoice, birches,

Cheer up, greens! Rejoice green!

Girls don't come to you, girls come to you,

Not to you red; To you red;

They don’t bring pies to you, they bring pies to you,

Cakes, scrambled eggs. Cakes, scrambled eggs.

Io, io Semik yes Trinity Io, io Semik yes Trinity.

Red girls Fate guessed ...

Wreaths curled, Which girls

Lyushechki-lyuli, Marry to go ...,

The wreaths curled. Which girls

Thrown into the river, Century to age ...,

They made up their fate ... And to whom the unfortunate

Fast river In the damp earth to lie.

With. Tulnovka

On Ivan on Kupala

Many flowers bloomed.

On Ivan on Kupala

We don't have to be afraid.

This is our mermaid holiday,

The most wonderful, carefree.

The longer the round dances -

Those in the river are more healing water.

Harvest Songs

In the field,

Haystacks on the floor!

In the cage bins!

In the oven with pies!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

The project was prepared by a student of grade 5 "A" MBOU secondary school No. 2 of Engels Buzovchuk Kirill Project "Children's folklore and modernity" “ ”

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The wisdom of the people is passed down from generation to generation, from adults to children. But we are children, having our own feeling, at any time, we are the bearers, keepers and creators of our own culture, which is determined primarily by the presence of our own “picture of the world”. funny poems, funny songs, funny teasers, jokes, jokes are known and passed on to each other by children throughout our country. It's nationwide children's art words are children's folklore.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The object of my research is both the creativity of the children themselves, and direct works that convey the experience of one generation to another, as well as the genres that are most popular now in the children's environment and were popular during the childhood of our ancestors.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The objectives of my project: to define the concept of folklore, children's folklore; conduct a survey and find out what parents and children know about children's folklore and its small genres. To identify the most popular genres among modern schoolchildren; describe and describe the most popular genres children's folklore; determine the attitude of adults to contemporary creativity their children; to identify the opinions of the children themselves about the role of children's folklore in the life of a schoolchild; develop interest in children's folklore.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Folklore (folk-lore) is an international term English origin, first introduced into science in 1846 by the scientist William Thoms. Literally translated, it means - folk wisdom", "folk knowledge" and denotes various manifestations folk spiritual culture.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Other terms have also become entrenched in Russian science: folk poetic creativity, folk poetry, folklore. titled " oral creativity people" emphasize the oral nature of folklore in its difference from written literature.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

There is also a whole science of folklore: folklore, which is closely related to historical life people in various forms. Of course, in folklore there is no exact description historical facts, no dates, and the depicted events and characters are often even impossible in reality. historical value folklore in that it is the spiritual biography of the people, the poetic chronicle of its centuries-old life.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Main hallmarks folklore are: oral form reliance on tradition direct contact between performer and listener collectivity

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Genres of folklore are large and small. Large genres include - fairy tales, legends, epics, parables historical songs, folk theater. Small genres of folklore are small folklore works.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Children's folklore includes: classical children's folklore (this is "nurturing poetry", i.e. works created and performed by adults, folklore texts carried by children different ages) and yard (including school) folklore in its oral and written forms, including phrases that have become part of the children's tradition.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

12 slide

Description of the slide:

QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What is folklore? 2. What genres of folklore do you know? 3. Do you often read fairy tales? Name 2-3 stories. 4. What small genres of folklore do you know? 5. Give any example of a lullaby or a rhyme. 6. Do you remember the lullaby that your mother sang to you? 7.Do you think you need modern life small genres of folklore? (Yes or No)

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Questionnaire results: 1. What is folklore? - Oral folk art, which conveys the wisdom of the people (14) - A work that our ancestors composed (8) - This musical genre(2) -I can't answer exactly (6) 2. What genres of folklore do you know? Fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, counting books, incantations, riddles, epics, nursery rhymes, lullabies. (20) 3. Do you often read fairy tales? Name 2-3 stories. - Often (17) - I prefer novels and short stories.(3)

14 slide

Description of the slide:

4. What small genres of folklore do you know? Riddles, lullabies, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes. (30) 5. Give any example of a lullaby or a rhyme. All respondents coped with the task of the questionnaire, each was given examples. 6. Do you remember the lullaby your mother sang to you? Yes (27) No (3) 7. Do you think that small genres of folklore are needed in modern life? (Yes or No) Yes (30)

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Conclusion: 95% of respondents know what folklore is, they distinguish between small and big genres folklore. They have ideas about the works of children's folklore and many have favorite creations of oral folk art. It is necessary to remember and know the history of your homeland, the history of your ancestors. And where, no matter how in the works of folk art, you can fully draw all the historical knowledge and events. And our task is to continue to consolidate the traditions and pass on the traditions of our generation to our descendants.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

Lullabies. Sleep, my child, sleep! Mani sweet dream: I took you Wind, the sun and an eagle as a nanny. The eagle flew home; The sun disappeared under the water; Wind, after three nights, Rushing to his mother. Vetra asks his mother: "Where did you deign to disappear? Ali fought the stars? Ali drove the waves all the time?" "I did not drive the waves of the sea, I did not touch the golden stars; I protected the child, I rocked the cradle!"

17 slide

Description of the slide:

Riddles Sam is thin, his head is a pood. (hammer) Mother in spring in a colored dress, stepmother in winter in one shroud. (bird cherry) Black, crooked, all mute from birth; stand in a row, now they will speak

18 slide

Description of the slide:

Who deftly jumps on the trees And flies up to the oaks? Who hides nuts in a hollow, Dry mushrooms for the winter? Kids know this fruit, Monkeys love to eat it. He comes from hot countries In the tropics grows .. A wonderful long house, There are many passengers in it. Wears shoes made of rubber and eats gasoline

19 slide

Description of the slide:

Pestushki - songs and rhymes that accompany the first conscious movements of the child. This "children's folklore" is intended to entertain and amuse children. They often reflect pictures of everyday working life. With nuts, with nuts! We galloped, galloped With rolls, with rolls! Skipping, jumping Over the bumps, over the bumps - Into the hole - bang! Podyagunyushki, porostunyushki! Rotok - talkers, Hands - grabbing, Legs - walkers.

20 slide

Description of the slide:

Nursery rhymes - songs and rhymes for the first games of a child with fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes differ from pestles in that they are designed for the activity of the child himself, who performs movements on his own, correlating them with the content of the nursery rhyme song: finger movements, twirling of the palms (“flashlights”), clapping with the hands (“patties”), Washing, you can say: Vodichka-vodichka, Wash our face, To make our little eyes shine, To make our cheeks blush, To make a mouth laugh, To bite a tooth.

21 slide

Description of the slide:

CHALLENGES AND SENTENCES Calls are children's song appeals to the sun, rainbow. Rain. Birds. Sentences - verbal appeals to a snail, bugs, etc. In early March, children call out spring: -Spring is red! What did you come for? - On a bipod, on a harrow, On an oatmeal sheaf, On a rye spikelet. Already rain - rain, Water with a ladle! Sieve, decided, Whole tub! Rainbow - arc, Don't let it rain, Let the sun, Belltower! When the drought and the rains pass by or fall small rain, they ask the rainbow so that it does not take away the rain: Rainbow is an arc. Bring us rain.

22 slide

Description of the slide:

Silence - a small literary work for the game. One of the children begins to read the text of the comic content. Usually during the game he tried to make the participants laugh or hurt, so that someone laughed and spoke. Silent women have very rhyme and rhythm. Well, who hasn't played such a silent game???? Gypsies were driving, they lost a cat. The cat died, the tail fell off. Whoever says a word will eat it! Cranes flew in and told everyone: “Freeze!” And whoever dies first will get a bump in the forehead! Do not laugh, do not chat, but stand like a soldier!

Zhanna Stakhniuk
Project "Formation of children's interest in folklore"


“It is hardly possible to find material closer,

affecting interests and the needs of the child

age, and therefore more entertaining than the one

which is associated with children's life, with everyday

childish life, which arose, grew and developed

from the search for the high joy of the children's masses.

It's childish folklore».

G. S. Vinogradov

How many adults can sing a real lullaby to their child? How many children, discovering the world around them, see in their home a beautiful children's book, reproductions of paintings by great masters; hear light, melodic music? Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer such houses. The family was spiritually destitute. But the family, the house is a human nest, the basis of life, the basis of the people and the state. Exactly there young life should begin its saturation with the light of culture - word, game, music, color. The feeling of love for the motherland must be instilled from early childhood.

AT recent years, along with the search for modern models of education, increases interest in folklore, reborn best images pedagogy. Folklore- one of its effective and bright means, fraught with huge didactic possibilities.

Nowadays, when TV screens are filled with foreign films, children should listen to their native Russian word so that from an early age they fill with Russian fairy tales, nursery rhymes, lullabies, glorifying responsiveness, cordiality, disinterested help to those who are in trouble, loyalty in friendship and love. Everywhere there is a process of simplification, impoverishment of the Russian language, its beauty and figurativeness are disappearing.

Russia at the end of XX - early XXI centuries is experiencing a crisis in the upbringing of the younger generation. Traditions were broken, the threads that connected the younger and older generations broke. Turning to your roots helps to educate children in spirituality, creativity. And their acquaintance with folk traditions and customs occurs through games, fairy tales.

For the pedagogical process, the source spiritual heritage is folk art folklore. From ancient times, the main place was occupied by genres that explained the world, preserved the history of the tribe, conveyed the rules and norms of behavior (myths, legends, incantations, military and labor songs, proverbs). folklore riches: songs, fairy tales, epics, proverbs, riddles - these are the wealth of many, many generations that have passed through the earth.

Folklore - verbal art people - folk poetry, most often it is oral; artistic collective creative activity people, reflecting his life, views, ideals; rendered by the people and existing in the people the masses:

Poetry - legends, songs, ditties, anecdotes, fairy tales, epic;

Folk music - songs, instrumental tunes and plays;

Drama theatre, satirical plays, Puppet Theatre;

Dance, architecture, fine and arts and crafts



The urgency of this problem in our time leads to the idea that we, teachers, need to do a lot of work with children in this direction: from the revival of the lullaby, the ability to tell children fairy tales and legends of their people, to the introduction children to the heights of classical, domestic and world literature, music.

We live in interesting and challenging time when we begin to look at many things differently, we rediscover and re-evaluate many things. First of all, this refers to our past, which we, it turns out, know very superficially. What cared, pleased and disturbed the Russian people, what they did, how they worked, what they passed on to their children and grandchildren by inheritance.

To answer these questions today means to restore the connection of times, to return the lost values.


Name project:

« Formation of children's interest in folklore».

Type of project:

Playful, long-term for 2 academic year (2012-2014).

Members project:

Children, educator, parents, music worker.

Presentation form:

slide presentation.


Show children the beauty of the Russian language through oral folk art, expressed in songs, choruses, incantations, carols, rituals and step by step generate interest in children's folklore, enrich vocabulary children.


To achieve this goal, there were tasks:

zoom in children to the culture of our ancestors through play activities, to promote understanding of the beauty and value of Russian folklore, his identity.

Give specific information about seasonal items, life, life, rituals, customs of the Russian people;

To bring up the concept of good and evil, justice and cruelty on the images of fairy tales about animals, fairy tales, satirical, household;

Cultivate feelings mother tongue on poetry lullabies, nursery rhymes;

-to form children's interests in Russian folklore to develop figurative speech children, make it richer;


Take good care of your national traditions, songs, rituals, legends;

Deliver the joy of recognizing children's folk folklore, the joy of free action and bondage, the joy of communication children with each other.


Before introducing children with Russian folklore, I had to learn a lot, read, study anew. At the first stage, I accumulated necessary material, for further work, and developed a long-term plan for two years, from simple to complex, highlighting the primary tasks:

zoom in children to the culture of our ancestors;

Contribute to the understanding of the beauty and value of Russian folklore, its originality through game activity;

Teach your child to use different genres of children's folklore to accompany him all his life;

To cultivate a sense of the native language on the poetry of lullabies, pestles, nursery rhymes;

Deliver the joy of recognizing children's folk folklore, the joy of free action and emancipation, the joy of communication children with each other.

In order to successfully cope with their tasks, the second stage was, work was carried out with family: conducted a survey, parent meeting, meetings for round table, consultations on folk theme , individual conversations with parents of other nationalities, entertainment. And after each meeting, she organized tea parties with children and parents.

Together with parents issued in the group a corner of Russian life. Interior corner made up genuine items, collected on vacation embroideries, pillowcases, napkins, etc. items of Russian life - were used as visual aids in the process of familiarization children with Russian folklore, as well as in various games.

Same way folklore can't do without music: it is inexpressive, not emotional, there is no brightness in it. Therefore, I maintain close contact with the music director L. S. Cherepneva. Together we select music repertoire: dancing, music games, folk songs and round dances. Musical director feels better that is closer to children and more accessible. We introduce together children into the world of traditions of the customs of the Russian peoples, using various genres children's folklore. In entertainment “And we are with spoons, but with rattles” introduced children With musical instruments, which in the old days were brought to the holiday and amused the people with them.


I. Preparatory stage:

Selection and study of methodological literature.

Development perspective plan work on folklore for 2012-2014 academic years.

Holding parent meetings, round table meetings, individual conversations.

II. Survey stage children and parents:


Reveal the level of knowledge children.

Together with parents to collect items of Russian life.

Find out the level of knowledge of parents. Conducting a survey.

III. Implementation stage project:

Creation folklore corner in the group.

Conduct a theatrical performance children of different groups"Zayushkina's hut".

Selection advisory material for parents and educators.

IV. The final stage:

Summing up the results of the work done.

Having fun with kids and parents "Festival of the Russian Samovar".

holding open event for teachers "Journey through fairy tales".


Application of small folklore forms working with older preschoolers.

Conducting classes using didactic material on children's folklore.

The use of didactic material and small folklore forms in organizing walks, conversations, entertainment, games.

Working with parents to familiarize themselves with children's folk folklore.



- folklore give material without coercion;

Pay maximum attention to children who are having difficulty folklore material;

Constantly encourage all the efforts and emotions of the child for a nursery rhyme, a nickname, a fable;

Encourage the very desire of the child to learn, something new, to learn, to tell at home;

Exclude a negative assessment of the child and the results of his actions;

The results of the child to compare only with his own, and not with the results of others children.


Development of creative abilities children;

Enrichment and the formation of children's speech;

- interest parents in creating a subject-developing environment in the group.


In teaching correct pronunciation;

In communion children to Russian national culture;

In direct educational activities;

In conversations;

In observations

In folk outdoor games;

In games for the development of fine motor skills;

In theatrical activities;

In dramatizations.


The results of the work show that in the course of acquaintance children with small folklore forms , through a system of various educational activities, entertainment, games, tasks, through the creation of a specific subject-developing environment in the group and constant cooperation with the parents of pupils, led to formation and the development of figurative speech in children, as well as to the development of artistic - collective abilities. At children's interest to the Russian national culture, they began to develop a stable interest in folklore, children began to use it with pleasure in their lives and activities, through invocations, songs, jokes, nursery rhymes, etc.

According to positive feedback from parents and children work which was held in children's institution, passed on high level. This result can be seen on the graph by the level of knowledge children at the beginning of the year and at the end.

In subsequent years, I will continue to work on folklore. I think that folklore gives positive charge children and engenders in their souls love for folk traditions, love for their homeland.

Folk folklore has a beneficial effect on the development of mental and creative abilities, the ability to deal with peers and older people.

In the process of dating children with children's folklore feelings and speech are enriched children, formed attitude towards the environment, as well as comprehensive development child.


Children not only enjoy using songs, round dances, reading and playing fairy tales, nursery rhymes, teasers, fables, but also actively join the spiritual life of the Russian people.

Our children leaving Kindergarten, firmly know the rules;

Know how to speak the language of kindness;

Be beautiful in deed;

Have fun, but remember: "Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than wealth";

Love and appreciate your family; “The family is in harmony, so the treasure is not needed”;

- Appreciate your Motherland: "The tree is strong with its roots, and the Fatherland - with its sons".

I want to remember the words of Henri Kursage:

« Folklore is the medicine of humanity. If they took only this medicine ... ".


Long-term work plan for folklore(senior group) TABLE 1

September "Silver bottom - golden spindle". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

October "Samovar, samovar, spoon..."

Where did the tea come from. Types of samovar. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

November "Where there is warmth, there is kindness".

Russian items, decoration of a Russian hotel, embroidery, knitting, schedule toys (haze, Khokhloma). Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

December Folklore holiday-winter gatherings

"Where there is warmth, there is kindness".

The hostess of the room tells the children what gatherings are. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

January Entertainment: "Oh, carol, carol". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

February Theatrical performance "Zayushkina's hut". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

March "Hello merry carnival".

Learning carnival songs.

Maslenitsa - wryneck we will meet you well with cheese, butter and pancake, and a ruddy pie. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

April Quiz by fairy tales: "In the world of fairy tales". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

May "At the gates a round dance". Game-entertainment. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

Long-term work plan for folklore(preparatory group) TABLE 2


September "Wonder Tree"- exhibition of knitted things. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

October "Emelina week". Games, fun, stories on behalf of Emelya - a day of respect for Russian ingenuity, cunning, resourcefulness, underwear, teasing. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

November "Three Lights" (with parents).

Competition « Mom's fairy tale» . Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

December folklore game"Zavalenka". A task: to reveal knowledge about the genres of children's folklore. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

January Nativity scenes. Good conquers evil. Making a crib. Nativity scene - a special box, divided into three floors. The dolls are attached to the rods, moving along the slots inside the box - the house. Dolls are flat. Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

February Evenings with parents. “In the old days, it happened, grandfathers ...” (share pedagogical secrets). Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

March Maslenitsa week.

Monday - "Meeting".

Tuesday - "Fun".

Wednesday - "Gourmet".

Thursday - "Broad Thursday", "Run a Quarter".

Friday - "Mother-in-law's evening".

Saturday - "Zolovkina gatherings".

Sunday - "Forgiveness Day", "The kisser". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor

April Learning sayings about the month of April.


"The month of April is the key to the whole year".

"If March is with water, then April is with grass". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

May Open class for teachers: "Journey through fairy tales". Stakhniuk Zh. F., educator

Cherepneva L. S.,

music supervisor


1. Anikin "Russian folklore» . Moscow, 1995.

2. L. V. Byleeva "Russian Folk Games".

3. V. Gnatyuk "Carols and Generosity".Lvov, 1990.

4."Childish folklore» . Kyiv, 1986.

5. Yu. G. Kruglov "Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings ". Moscow, "Education",1990.

6. "Winter Songs. Carols and generosities». Minsk, 1975.

7. M. Zabelin "Russian people. His customs, rituals, traditions, superstitions". Moscow, 1995.

8. G. Naumenko "Wonderful Box". Moscow, Children's Literature, 1989.

9. I. M. Snegirev "Russian folk holidays and superstitious rites".

10. "Games", magazine "Folk art",№9, 1991.

11. I. P. Sakharov "Tales of the Russian people".№8 B.K.R.

12. T. Yu. Kamaeva. Baby musical holidays. Laida, 1994.

13. M. Bulatov "Thirty-three pies" games, counters, boring tales, puzzles. Moscow, 1988.

14. S. I Pushkin "Scenario of folk holidays". Moscow, 1998.

15. « preschool education» Journal, 1990, No. 2 Russian folk wisdom; #4 folklore; No. 10 nursery rhymes.

16. "Pedagogical Council".№5,2001;№7.2000.

Akindina Anna Sergeevna

Subject, class

Literary education, 2nd grade

Brief summary of the project

In the project, based on the review, analysis, systematization of information, 2nd grade students get acquainted with the concept of folklore, with small genres of folklore, their features, history of origin, types and possibilities of their writing. During the project, students will try to write the studied small genres of folklore themselves, present the studied information in the form of a booklet, presentation, creative album and others. Upon completion of the project, the students will speak at the final conference in front of parents and other students of the school.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question

What is the wisdom of the people?

Problematic issues

  1. What are the features of proverbs and sayings?
  2. What is the riddle about?
  3. What genres of folklore can make you laugh? What is their feature?
  4. What are people singing about?

Study questions

1.1. What are the main figurative and expressive means of proverbs and sayings?

1.2. How to distinguish a proverb from a saying?

1.3. How are proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters used in speech?

1.4. What are artistic features these genres?

2.1. When and how did the mystery begin?

2.2. What are the types of riddles?

2.3. Where is the clue hidden in the riddle?

2.4. How to write a riddle?

3.1. What is a joke?

3.2. What are the features of fiction? How were they created?

3.3. When are jokes told?

3.4. How to create a nursery rhyme, joke or fiction yourself?

4.1. What is the originality of folk and lyrical songs?

4.2. What are the famous Russian folk songs?

4.3. What genre features ditties?

4.4. What is the composition of round dance and dance songs?

Project business card

Structure of the educational project

Project plan

Before starting a project: Presentation to parents of students brief information about design method learning and about the main characteristics of the project, obtaining their consent for children to work on the Internet, publishing texts and photographs of children - a booklet for parents.

Stage I Preparatory stage

  1. Setting the goals of the project, forming groups, planning the work of the group (25.02.2011)

Stage II. intermediate stage(4 weeks = after hours)

  1. Determining the direction of the search, searching for information in different sources (by groups)
  2. Organization and conduct of the necessary experimental studies
  3. Critical reflection and analysis of information, choice of the main
  4. Comparative analysis of the results of theoretical and practical research
  5. Preparation of information for use in products (presentations, publications)
  6. Evaluation and adjustment of work plans in groups, marble products completion of project progress sheets by the teacher and students, self-assessment and peer assessment in the assessment forms
  7. Reflection

Stage III. Project Protection

  1. Presentation of the results of the work of the groups (April 2011)

Teacher Publication

Teacher presentation to identify student perceptions and interests

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