What is painting. Painting is a type of fine art that consists in creating paintings, paintings


For many women, a reborn doll is an ideal copy of a living child, and at the same time contains an ideal child who does not urinate, does not cry, does not get sick and sleeps sweetly all night.

reborn dolls cause a lot of controversy - for some it is a wonderful art, for others a terrible perversion.

What does a reborn doll look like?

reborn dolls appearance they look like real babies. It's almost perfect children layouts. There are folds, rolls of fat, spots on the skin, vessels are visible, and even glass eyes completely imitate real ones.

Each doll self made, and the materials are selected in such a way that they are very similar to a baby. The philosophy of reborn is to create an almost “living baby” with the help of artificial materials and technologies.

Most unnerving is the fact that many doll manufacturers offer the possibility of creating copies of a deceased child, for example, based on a photograph. Psychologists around the world are paying attention to terrible phenomenon treating a reborn doll like a real baby.

Even the most believable doll will not replace a living child - in such circumstances, a plastic illusion can do more harm than good.

It is difficult to be indifferent to any doll - after all, they resemble real people. Eyes, hair, hands - all this helps to see in them not only things, but also something more significant and valuable.

But there are dolls that step over even this line. Appeared relatively recently, reborns win the hearts of many people, but they also have an army of haters, and all because of their extraordinary resemblance to small children.

reborn dolls(from English word"reborn") are baby dolls with hyper-realistic facial features and anatomy, resembling a child with an incredibly huge resemblance.

Initially, the manufacture of such dolls was just a hobby of enthusiastic puppeteers. They painted ordinary baby dolls, making something completely unique and exciting out of stamped dolls. Fake, but “like real”, babies quickly found their admiring admirers, so more and more craftsmen are making them.

The pleasure of owning such a miracle quite expensive although much depends on the author. Depending on the master, the price of a reborn doll also changes, it varies from several hundred to thousands of dollars.

Why do people like them?

Of course, the question of taste and preferences is a very subjective thing. But many reborn owners are trying to tell and explain why they still love these babies.

First of all, these dolls bought by women who have already become mothers. They remember their baby in its infancy, its tiny fingers, velvety skin, eyelashes... And they miss it, miss those times when you could carry your child in your arms and be the whole world for him.

For many, children are the meaning of their lives and the most beautiful creatures on earth, there is nothing wrong with that, but the baby grows too fast, and many do not have time to see enough of him in infancy. Exactly for those who love little kids, basically, and do reborns.

Such a "child" does not scream and does not require constant attention, does not get sick, but, nevertheless, it is very similar to the real small child. People get endless aesthetic pleasure just looking at them. Also reborns have a beneficial effect on many women, causing an emotional upsurge and improving mood.

Why are these dolls not loved?

Some people are scared of reborns. Scary because of their realism. Some people are arranged in such a way that at an unconscious level they analyze small deviations from “normality”. To their psyche, these dolls look like children with whom something is wrong.

Enough large group people even speaks negatively about reborn buyers, motivating them instead of buying a doll, to give care and love to a child from orphanage. But you need to understand that buying a doll and just enjoying its appearance is not at all the same as taking on the huge responsibility of adoption.

Lovers and haters agree on one thing - reborns are unique and inimitable. With their realism, they cannot but cause increased attention to their little person.

What do you think of these baby dolls?

Modern children do not choose ordinary toys. Traditional barbies and tin soldiers no longer delight the current generation. The most popular is silicone reborn, which every girl dreams of owning. They appeared in the late 1980s big company Dolls by Berengeur. Many adults collect entire collections of these dolls, which look like life. The expression "reborn" in translation from English means "born again". You can even order a doll-copy of a real child. Eminent masters are able to carry out this process simply by looking at a photograph of a baby.

What are reborn dolls made of?

Upon closer inspection, one would like to know what these amazing baby dolls are made of. Silicone reborns are made from special materials:

  • eyes: blank glass, acrylic;
  • hair: mohair (Canadian or American premium);
  • eyelashes: mohair;
  • body and head: glass or plastic granulate.

Necessary tools for creating a silicone baby

Reboarding is the science of making realistic dolls. To create a toy, the master must have:

  • Mold. This is a blank of the face and body of the doll. The silicone reborn contains parts that must be ordered from abroad.
  • Acrylic and oil paints. They are drawn small parts. Talented Creators can give the most real look to the doll by applying images of rashes, wrinkles and bruises to the baby's body.
  • Solvent.
  • Gel, sponges and brushes.

design work

One silicone reborn cannot be similar to another. Even the products of one author are individual. The creators of "live" toys are exclusively women. Probably, men are not able to withstand such intense and painstaking work. If you think about why there is a desire to have or create such realistic babies, then you can find several opinions on this matter. Perhaps this is a desire to give childless couples the opportunity to have a baby doll, or the loss own child. For special feeling the presence of a baby, designers flavor their products with a special composition with a smell baby soap. The fact is obvious: the peculiar happiness of people is reborn dolls. Boys, silicone girls, twins - it doesn't matter. They look realistic, smell like real babies and give you the feeling of motherhood.

What can reborn do?

You can answer this question in one word: to please your master. His body parts are identical to human, nails are made of gel, lips and tongue look as natural as possible. This baby is perfect, he is not naughty, and if you get tired of playing with him, you can just leave him unattended. Need to buy him nice clothes and enjoy the game. It looks so realistic strangers may seriously take him for a real child. But it is important to remember that, despite all the advantages, this is just a doll that can never replace a real baby.

How much does a reborn baby cost?

It takes to create a doll a large number of time and lots of expensive materials. For this reason, the price ranges from $700 to $1,000 per infant. If a person is willing to pay such an amount of money, then he will receive a doll highest quality. Some people buy reborns as a family member and order them from famous artists for thousands of dollars.

Silicone reborn in Lately is attacked by underground craftsmen who make an analogue of the original brand from cheap materials. Naturally, fakes have significant differences, but they also have a democratic price.

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