Abstract of a lesson on drawing a fox. Abstract of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques (poking with a hard brush) in the middle group “Fluffy Kitten


Synopsis of open integrated educational activities in middle group"Fairy tale + FINE". Theme "Fox" (drawing with a poke).

Purpose: 1) to teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour; 2) to form the communicative and speech abilities of children by means of theatrical and gaming activities.

Educational: 1) to form the ability to draw with gouache, using a hard semi-dry brush to poke along the contour and inside the contour; 2) to teach to dramatize a fairy tale through the expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, gestures, movements of the head and torso; to teach children to speak and act on behalf of the accepted role; to teach children the skills of partnership in joint activities.

Educational: develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive abilities; develop verbal forms of communication.

Educational: to educate children in love and interest in fairy tales; to cultivate interest in joint activities and friendly relations between children; to form experiences of an empathic nature (sympathy, joy).

preliminary work: looking at pictures with the image of a fox, illustrations for the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" with children; reading the story of E. Charushin "Foxes"; memorizing nursery rhymes about a fox.

Equipment and material: fox pictures; scenery for a fairy tale: a hut, several trees, a stump for a bun, costumes of a fox, wolf, hare, bear; hard brushes No. 7, thin squirrel brushes No. 2, a sheet of A4 paper, gouache, napkins, brush holders, water cups.

The teacher introduces the children to the group. Among them are children dressed as heroes of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" and simply dressed up children. They greet guests. The teacher says:

We will show the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" for our guests and friends.

In the forest on a clearing house. Beside him is a table household utensils. The storyteller comes out in a Russian headscarf

Spectators are seated on the carpet: Zubareva, Plekhov, Rusmals. A fairy tale is being dramatized (video is attached)

Kolobok: Dasha Bykova

Fox: Katya Grivtsova

Hare: Senya Khabibulin

Bear: Nastya Topkisova

Wolf: Kirill Sekatsky

The old woman: Jasmine Rakhimova

The Old Man: Egor Korotkov

After the dramatization, a conversation is held:

Who ate Kolobok?

What fox? (cunning, cheat)

This character is often found in Russian folk tales. What other fairy tales do you know with the participation of Lisa? (“The Fox and the Crane”, “The Beaten Unbeaten Luck”, “The Chanterelle with a Rolling Pin”)


The fox-fox knows: in a fur coat all her beauty. There is no red fur coat in the forest, there is no cunning beast in the forest.

Let's try to draw this cunning cheat today. But first, what color is her fur coat? (red, orange) And what else? (fluffy). In order for you to be able to convey fluffy fox fur in the drawing, I will introduce you to a new drawing technique - poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Let me help you take off your suits (hats) so that they do not interfere with your work. Take your seats at the tables, take your seats (GROWTH!) And remember that you need to keep your backs straight, you don’t need to fall on the table and put your elbows!

On the tables are ready-made fox outlines for painting, drawn by children in advance; there is orange and black gouache, stands for brushes, thick and thin brushes, glasses of water, rags or napkins.

So, first we will learn how to draw without paint.

Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly

Warm-up exercise with a brush:

Take the brush like this (with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush)

And now let's start knocking.

We will circle our contour (poke along the contour without paint)

Let's get back to the head.

We will decorate our fox with a poke around (poke all over the picture)

The teacher shows and explains again. Children first trace the contour of the fox with their finger, then they poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the contour of the fox. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from above, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher. Invite the children to start drawing with pokes on their own. First along the contour, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the fox outline. Phys. minute.

And on Thursday, a cunning fox came to us (walking in place with an imitation of the soft steps of a fox),

She showed a red, soft and fluffy tail (turning the body to the right, to the left, trying to look as far as possible with her eyes)

We sat, stood, hid like a fox (squats)

We looked for a mouse in a mink (we sat down and raked the ground with our fingers)

What miracles! (get up and spread your arms to the sides, raising your shoulders).

When the paint dries, use a soft brush to draw eyes, nose, antennae, claws on the paws. At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up: Answer my question: “What new drawing technique have we met? How did we draw today? (Children's answers should sound: “poke”, “poked with a brush to get a fluffy impression of a brush on paper) Well done! What red and fluffy chanterelles you got!

Summary of drawing classes in the middle group.

Theme: "Fox" . (poke drawing)

Compiled by Kletskaya I.P., teacher of GBOU kindergarten No. 1980

Purpose: to teach children to poke with a hard semi-dry brush along the contour and inside the contour; Tasks:

Educational: to form the ability to draw with gouache using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of the fox

Educational : . develop imagination and perception of the world around, cognitive abilities. Encourage the development of curiosity.

Educational : to cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife.

Cultivate accuracy at work.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of a fox with children. Reading the story of E.I. Charushin “Foxes”, memorizing nursery rhymes about the fox.

Equipment and material:

Pictures with the image of a fox, a cat, a dog, a flannelograph, a chest, fox templates, hard brushes No. 6, thin squirrel brushes No. 2, a sheet of A4 paper, gouache, a simple pencil, rags, coasters for brushes, cups for water.

The teacher brings a chest to the group.

Guys, do you want to know who I have hidden here?

The game "Who is superfluous?" On the flannelgraph there are cards with the image of a cat, a dog, a fox.

Who is the odd one out and why?

Fox because it is a wild animal, cat and dog are pets.

Correctly. I have a fox hiding in a chest. Now we will go to the chest and choose the fox that you like. (There are different fox patterns in the chest: the fox lies, sits, stands). Children choose a contour for themselves and circle it with a simple pencil.

Let's remember the nursery rhyme that we know about the fox. (illustration display)

The fox knows - the fox: All her beauty is in the fur coat. There is no red fur coat in the forest, There is no cunning beast in the forest.

What is the fox's fur coat like? (fluffy)

What color is she? (red or orange)

Educator: Well done! In order for our fox to have the same fur coat, I propose to draw a fur coat using the poke method. But first we will try to do it without paint.

Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush.

Take the brush like this - (with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.)

And now let's start knocking.

We will circle our contour (poke along the contour without paint)

Let's get back to the head. (we decorate the head with a poke)

We decorate with a poke,

Our fox around. (Poke all over the picture)

Once again, the teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the contour of the fox with their finger, then they poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the contour of the fox. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from above, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher. Invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes. First along the contour, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the fox outline.

Physical minute

And on Thursday, a sly fox came to us, (Walking on the spot imitates the soft steps of a fox) Showed a red tail, So soft and fluffy. (Turns of the torso to the right and left, trying to look as far back as possible with a glance) We sat, stood, Hidden like a fox, (Squats) We looked for a mouse in a mink (Sit down and rake the ground with your fingers) These are miracles! (Stand up and spread your arms to the sides, raising your shoulders).

When the paint is dry with a soft brush draw eyes, nose, antennae, claws on the paws, etc. At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up. Educator: Well done! Look how beautiful and red and fluffy your chanterelles turned out to be. Now our chanterelles will be warm in the winter forest.

MBDOU DS No. 14 "Deer" Norilsk

Abstract of the lesson in the middle group "Kittens" (poke drawing)

"Kittens" (poke drawing)

Tasks: to form the ability to draw in watercolor using a poke; apply a pattern over the entire surface; convey in the drawing the features of the appearance of the cat; develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cultivate a caring attitude towards wildlife.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures of cats with children, solving riddles, reading poems about cats.

Cat templates, hard brushes No. 6, A4 sheet of paper, watercolor, simple pencil, rags, water cups.
The teacher introduces the “Chest” into the group.
Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful "Chest" I have.
- Hush, children, do not make noise,
Do not frighten away our chest.
Miracles Happen Here
Someone has been hiding.
Don't be sad, smile
The chest gives us a surprise!
But first guess the riddle and find out who hid in the chest. The teacher gives the children a riddle:
Fluffy tail and mustache ...
There is no sweeter beauty!
Paws - soft pillows
Upturned ears.
Well think a little
Guessed? It…

Children: cat.
Cat. Crying) I lost my kittens, they ran away from me pranksters, what should I do?
- Guys, let's help, find the kittens, they hid somewhere in our group. (Kitty patterns are hidden throughout the group).
Children find silhouettes of kittens.

Mom cat in a joyful voice: Thank you guys, you helped me find my kids! But I'm afraid they will run away again, they will become bored again, maybe you can help me out again, draw friends for them.
The teacher offers the children to choose a cat that they like (the cat lies, sits, stands). Children choose a contour for themselves and circle it with a simple pencil.

The teacher is talking about cats appearance, habits, lifestyle,).
Children look at illustrations, pictures of cats, the contours of cats, circle them with their fingers, clarify the names and location of body parts.
Educator: Guys, look carefully at the cats, what do you think what kind of coat do cats have?
Children: fluffy, soft, etc.

Educator: Well done! Do you want your kitty to have the same fluffy and soft fur?
Children: Yes.

Then I suggest you draw a cat - using the poke method. But first we will try to do it without paint.
Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly.
Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush.
Take the brush like this - (with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.)
And now let's start knocking.
We will circle our contour (poke along the contour without paint)
Let's get back to the head. (we decorate the head with a poke)
We decorate with a poke,
Our cat around. (Poke all over the picture)
Once again, the teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the contour of the cat with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the contour of the cat. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from above, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Phys. minute
The cat sharpens its claws, sitting on the window,
Oh, how sharp they are in a cat,
Oh, what velvet paws she has,
In these paws, scratches are hidden for the time being.

The teacher invites the children to start drawing with pokes on their own. Recall with the children how to paint with paints, dip the brush into some water and then into the paint, if you want to change the color, rinse the brush well, wipe it on a rag, then dip it into some water and into the paint.

First along the contour, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the outline of the cat.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up. (In what way did we draw? (Pokes) What did we do first? (Circled the pattern), And then? (Draw with poke).
Cat: Thanks guys, now my kittens will definitely not be bored and they won't run away anymore. (All drawings are laid out near the cat mom)

Municipal Preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 29 "Solnyshko", Tuapse municipality Tuapse district

Abstract of a drawing lesson using non-traditional technique

(poke with hard brush)

in the middle group

"Fluffy kitten"

Educator Kirilenko O.V.

Abstract of a drawing lesson using non-traditional techniques (poking with a hard brush) in the middle group "Fluffy Kitten"

Target: continue to learn to draw using the poke method, to consolidate the ability to hold a brush; deepen ideas about color and geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle); cultivate compassion and love for all living things.

Material and equipment : a landscape sheet with a pencil outline of a cat, a brush, black, gray and green gouache, napkins, brush holders, sequins (for each child), an easel, images of cats, an envelope with a letter and a sample, a cat.

Lesson progress :

Educator: Today we have a guest. Do you want to know who it is? Then guess my riddle:
Fluffy tail and mustache ...

There is no sweeter beauty!

Paws - soft pillows,

Upturned ears.

Well. Think a little.

Guessed? It's a cat).

Correctly! What does a cat look like? She is fluffy, she has four legs, a fluffy tail and a long mustache. I'm taking you to a cat show today and we'll take a closer look at them. Look what cats. Beautiful? They are all different. And fluffy, and smooth, thin and plump, funny and sad. And let's play a little: The game "Cat habits"

We will show you a little They walk on tiptoe. trying not to

How softly a cat steps . make no noise.

Barely audible: top-top-top,

Tail down: op-op-op.

But, raising your fluffy tail . Jumping in place easily and how

The cat can be fast too. can be higher.

He rushes up bravely.

Jump and jump, another jump,

Either forward or rebound.

And then meow quietly Sit down and pretend

And fall asleep in the corner of the purr. What are they sleeping.

Hey guys, there's something here! This letter is from my friend cat Murka. It says here that Murka lost kittens! What else is in the envelope? It's a portrait of one of her kittens! Look how fluffy, beautiful and funny he is! Children, what can we do for Murka? We will draw kittens and hang the drawings in the hallway and ask everyone: has anyone seen these kittens? We will definitely help Murka.

And now we need to carefully consider the kitten. What is the body shape of a kitten? The body is oval. And the head? That's right, it's a circle. Guys, where are the paws? The kitten folded them under him. The tail and paws are also oval. And the ears are triangular.

And who knows how to draw a fluffy kitten? What method will we use?

Correctly. Poke. Let me show you how to draw.

/ Display / - Poke first along the contour of the kitten - head, torso, tail, paws, and then inside.

That's what a fluffy kitten turned out. What else did I forget to draw the kitten?

That's right, eyes and nose. I don't draw them, I glue them. Look how wonderful the kitten turned out!

Remember how to draw? Tell me, Dasha, where do we start drawing? Then what do we draw, Sonya. How can you decorate a picture? Let's draw grass for the kitten. Likewise, poke.

You guys, try to make all the kittens beautiful and fluffy.

/Independent work children, individual assistance /

What good fellows you are! mother cat will definitely find all her kittens. See which of the kittens is the most fluffy? And who is the smartest? The funniest? The most obedient? Let's give everyone nicknames. (Fluff, Coal, Murzik, Musya, Barsik, Tishka, Chernysh, Vaska).

Oh guys, are you listening? I think someone has arrived! Who is purring here? Look, it's Murka who came to us! See how beautifully you drew her kittens and play a little with you. Now she will definitely find them and they will be fine!

Hope Lichman

Who in childhood does not dream of a funny cute kitten? With his appearance, life changes, becomes interesting and fun.

The theme of the project "Pets and their cubs" has ended. I decided to draw a kitten with the children with a poke of a hard semi-dry brush, with watercolors.

Set tasks:

Develop the ability to convey the features of the depicted object;

Improve drawing with a hard brush and a brush with a soft bristle;

Choose your own color;

Develop Creative skills children, fantasy, aesthetics;

Cultivate a steady interest in fine arts.

Children have sheets of paper with a drawn outline of a kitten on their tables.


Guys, I want to ask you a riddle, listen carefully:

He laps milk, likes to jump high.

Striped imp, it's just our ... (kitten).

Correctly, this is a kitten, a kitten is affectionate, playful and a very beautiful animal.

He loves his home, his owners. Do any of you have kittens, kitties, cats? (Answers of children). Surely your pets miss you at home. What can we do so that they do not get bored? (I lead the children to draw a kitten friend for their pet.) And for those who do not have a kitten, I suggest drawing the one they want to get.


And today we will be very interesting to draw.

Tell me, what kind of fur coat does the kitten have? (Soft, fluffy, warm, red, gray, white, black.)

How can you draw fluffy fur? (Children's answers.)

Now I will show you how to draw a fur coat for a kitten.

Picking up some paint desired color on a dry hard brush and, holding the brush vertically, make pokes on top, as if the brush is tapping with the heel.

Apply pokes along the contour and inside the drawing. When the paint dries, you need to finish our kittens eyes, nose and whiskers with the tip of a soft brush.


Children's work. Individual help.

At the end of the drawing, the drawings are hung on the board.

The teacher says:

“We love pets very much: we feed, protect and caress.

We consider cats, seals and kittens to be our friends.

Look at the drawings. Each kitten is very beautiful and cute in its own way.

What kind of kittens do you have? (Kind, smart, affectionate, playful, funny, playful, loyal, etc.)

What names will you give your kittens? (Children's answers.)


What did we do today?

Who was drawing?

Did you like to draw a kitten in this way?

Well done boys! I really enjoyed our work with you.

Thanks to all of you, colleagues, for your attention!

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