Beautiful sayings about art. Aphorisms about artists and painting


Before you - quotes, aphorisms and witty remarks about painting. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real "pearls of wisdom" on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and well-aimed phrases of masters conversational genre, ingenious words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

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A shameless artist is a subject who, pretending to be a seducer, lures a girl into his workshop and paints her there.
Karl Kraus.

What I hear doesn't matter; What matters is what I see, especially when I close my eyes.
Giorgio di Chirico, surrealist painter.

One artist took his model apart.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

In the phrase “Picasso's paintings are daub! raquo; nothing is said about Picasso, but about the speaker - everything.
Jean Cocteau.

Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend.
John Sargent.

At one sight of the museum, the legs give way from fatigue.
Yanina Ipohorskaya.

Give me a museum and I'll fill it.
Pablo Picasso.

IN contemporary art it is easy to understand: what hangs on the wall is a painting; what can be seen from behind is a sculpture.

An amateur is a person forced to work somewhere in order to be able to paint. A professional is a person who has the opportunity to paint because he has a working wife.
Ben Shan.

A landscape painter can work calmly - nature never insists on similarity.
Ramon Gomez de la Serna.

Kokoschka drew me: acquaintances will not recognize, but strangers will recognize.
Karl Kraus.

Modern painting is when you buy a painting to close a hole in a wall and you come to the conclusion that the hole looks better.
Robert Orben.

Museums are cemeteries of art.
Alphonse de Lamartine.

When I paint pictures, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad.
Salvador Dali.

A primitive artist is an amateur whose paintings sell well.
Ann Moses.

Museum: Sunday residence of the masses.
Modified Vladislav Lorants.

Every artist who depicts the sky as green and the grass as blue must be sterilized.
Adolf Gitler.

I will write you more similar than you are.
Max Liebermann, German artist.

A good portrait is not one that looks like a model, but one that does not look like anyone else.
Jean Prevot.

The artist writes not what he sees, but what others will see.
Paul Valerie.

Nothing reminds me of a brothel more than a museum.
Michelle Leiris.

From a certain moment, the picture becomes only a background for the artist's signature.
Leshek Kumor.

Paintings are bought not because they are liked; on the contrary, people like paintings because they are bought.
George Feido.

Lessing says: "If Raphael's hands are cut off, he will still remain a painter." In the same way, we could say: "If Mr. "N." cut off his head, he would still remain a painter, ”he would continue to paint even without a head, and no one would notice that he did not have a head at all.
Heinrich Heine.

Rearing horses in the paintings of the old masters look like kangaroos.
Mark Twain.

A good artist can draw a runner without legs.
Karl Kraus.

It doesn't matter how badly you draw, as long as you draw differently than others.
George Moore.

If somewhere in british museum there was a cozy room with no more than twenty exhibits, with good lighting, comfortable chairs and a sign inviting you to smoke, I think I would not leave the museum.
Joseph Priestley.

I have nothing against non-objective painting, as long as the subject of the artist is visible.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The last fool can paint a picture, but only the smart one can sell it.
Samuel Butler.

A painting in a museum hears more nonsense than anyone else in the world.
Edmond Goncourt.

There are things you need to see to know that they are not worth watching.
Ryszard Podlevsky.

It's easier to get to heaven than to write them.
Jan Cybis.

You ask, sir, in what institution it would be most appropriate to place the pictures you painted. May I suggest you an asylum for the blind.
James Whistler.

If people knew as much about painting as I do, they wouldn't buy my paintings.
Edwin Landseer.

A painting that is praised by more than ten percent of the public is to be burned.
George Bernard Shaw.

This artist has a great future ahead of him.
Some French critic.

Even the ancient philosophers admired the human ability to create. Some considered it a gift from God. To others, this feature seemed like a curse. There were no indifferent people.

What do they think about this creative personalities? Sayings and quotes about art, with the help of which great people once expressed their opinion, will help to understand.

Creativity and the universe

The modern pace of life leaves a person very little time to enjoy the beauty of the world. Sometimes only real creators manage to distract people from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, draw their attention to true values and make you think about eternity. Many great quotes about art are devoted to this topic.

On the role of painting

True artists always have something to say to the world. From the depths of their consciousness, they bring to light original thoughts that amaze, delight and inspire others, once again reminding them of creativity embedded in every person.

Introducing some quotes from artists about art that may pique the interest of the reader.

Quotes from great artists about art and themselves

On the role of music

Art writers

No less remarkable is the art of writing. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings famous authors- a clear confirmation of this.

ABOUT essential role art in the life of society was spoken by many outstanding minds of mankind. The works of writers, philosophers, scientists and public figures. speak out different opinions, which, in fact, come down to a general conclusion: without the ability to see the beautiful and create, a person will lose his essence. We bring to the attention of the reader quotes about art, as well as the sayings of great people on this subject:

  • Art is the daughter of freedom. (Friedrich Schiller).
  • My imagination cannot create a picture of a more complete happiness than to continue to live for the sake of creativity. . (Clara Schumann).
  • Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. (Viktor Pinchuk).
  • The skill of the writer lies in revealing what the reader believes. (Gustave Flaubert).
  • Creativity allows itself to make mistakes. Art knows which ones to keep. (Scott Adams).
  • Culture is the only thing left when the rest is forgotten . (Eduard Herriot).
  • Creativity is the only way to escape without leaving home. (Twyla Tharp).
  • Culture is an art raised to a multitude of beliefs. (Thomas Wolfe).
  • A beautiful body perishes, but it is eternal if recreated on the artist's canvas. (Leonardo da Vinci).
  • For me, creativity is an opportunity to give people a different way to look at the world. (Maya Lin).
  • Art is the engine of culture . (Nicholas Roerich).

Creativity and progress

The following quotes are about art and its inseparable connection with science also show a significant role of the creative component in the development of human society.

Architecture is music frozen in stone

Creativity surrounds man everywhere. Architecture is one of its most ancient areas. And although there are few quotes about art embodied in stone, they are all the more interesting.

  • Modern architecture is the art of filling space. (Philip Johnson).
  • Architecture is visual art where buildings speak for themselves . (Julia Morgan).
  • Architecture - Residential Sculpture . (Constantin Brancusi).
  • Architecture is the pursuit of truth. (Louis Kahn).
  • Life is architecture, and architecture is a mirror of life. (Yu Ming Pei).
  • Any work of architecture that does not express calmness is a mistake. (Louis Barragan).

In order to become a good artist, you even have to sleep with an album and a pencil. It is necessary to draw and draw from life.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi

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The picture is a song without words.

Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon

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Painting is a quiet art, and this, in my opinion, is its considerable merit.

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The art of drawing and painting itself are nothing but tools that contribute to literature and, consequently, to the enlightenment of the people.

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov

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Painting is quite concrete art, it can only be an image of really existing things. It is the language of nature, the language of the visible world. What we do not see, non-existent and abstract, does not belong to the field of painting.

Gustave Courbet

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The portrait should be a picture and a characterization of the face.

Ilya Efimovich Repin

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Paint a picture, every part of which is equally important.

Chuck Close

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The picture carries no more message or meaning to us than a wonderful piece of Venetian glass or a blue tile from a Damascus wall: it is only a beautifully painted surface.

Oscar Wilde

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If they say about the picture: “It can be seen that they did a good job on it,” it means that it is not finished.

James Whistler

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Painting cannot be smelled.

Harmens Van Rijn Rembrandt

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Painting lasts in its own way.

Martin Heidegger

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Painting is the most beautiful of all arts, it combines all sensations, at the sight of it, everyone can create a novel at the behest of his imagination, with the help of one glance, fill the soul with the deepest memories, no effort on the part of memory - everything is captured in an instant.

Paul Gauguin

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Regimes that oppose "degenerate" painting rarely destroy paintings: they hide them, and there is a kind of "who knows" in this, which turns almost into recognition.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Each of my paintings should say something, at least that's why I write them.

Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin

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If a picture excites talk, and even lively, it means that there is something in it, therefore, art can play a role of a somewhat higher order than the decoration and fun of life.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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The idea of ​​a universal, total, fully realized painting is meaningless.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Do not allow the price of a painting to determine the value of the painting, there will be time, the painting itself will determine its price.

John Ruskin

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Give me my umbrella - I'm going to see Constable's paintings.

Henry Fuseli

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In painting, who, having drawn a face, adds something else, he makes a picture, not a portrait.

Blaise Pascal

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Painting is the art of expressing the invisible through the visible.

Eugene Fromentin

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Only a sense of responsibility gives strength to the artist and multiplies his strength tenfold, only a mental atmosphere, native to him, healthy for him, can raise a person to pathos and high spirits, and only the confidence that the work of an artist is both necessary and dear to society helps to ripen exotic plants called paintings. And only such pictures will be the pride of the tribe, and contemporaries, and descendants.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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It's not about learning to draw, it's about learning to think.


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Appearance in the picture has no value in itself and must depend entirely on the idea.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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This lady can already choose for herself whom she impresses.

Faina Ranevskaya

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Painting is capable of inventing reality without seeing it.

Roland Bart

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From all of us painting schools, regardless of their character, will always demand that their works excite the soul, elevate and enlighten the mind.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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A painting that does not follow the canons of nature becomes a grotesque.

John Dryden

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I love women with my brush.

Auguste Renoir

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The painter's world is almost the world of a lunatic, because it is completely complete and whole, while being only partial. An artist's vision is a kind of continuous birth. Depth is the third dimension derived from the other two.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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Painting allows you to see things as they once were, when they were looked at with love.

Paul Valery

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The artist always leaves too many paintings. He has one serious enemy - his own bad paintings.

Henri Matisse

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Mankind has always cherished those works of art, where from possible completeness drama expressed human heart or simply the inner character of a person. Often the image of one character alone is enough for the name of the artist to remain in the history of art.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Successive actions cannot, as such, become the objects of painting, it must be content with simultaneous actions or bodies that, by their position, make it presuppose action.

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

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Each work of sculpture or painting must express some great rule of life, must teach, otherwise it will be mute.

Denis Diderot

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Painting! I am ready to repeat this word to the point of exhaustion, it has a strong influence on me, this word is my electric spark, when I pronounce it, I turn into some kind of internal shaking. In talking about her, I ignite to the last degree.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Painting is a cross between thought and thing.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

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The world of colors is opposed to the world of meanings.

Jean Baudrillard

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Genuinely good painting enchants us until others begin to praise her.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

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The art of Picasso is a powerful religious temptation, a test of faith. Picasso is terrible because he is demonically authentic.

Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov

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A worthless painting is a work of nothingness.

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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Without an idea there is no art, but at the same time Furthermore, - without living and striking painting there are no paintings, but there are good intentions and nothing more.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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What are portraits for? To give an idea about this or that person. But what kind of performance will it be when in the portrait everything from the first to the last thread is a lie and fiction? Why such a portrait! Let it not be better at all.

Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

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Russian painting is just as fundamentally different from European art as is literature. The point of view of our artists - whether writers or painters - on the world is preeminently tendentious.

Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy

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Painting is too weak to depict a person.

Charles Lam

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Whatever the dignity of my brush, I still cannot agree that it should serve such a cause, the truth of which I do not recognize.

Alexander Andreevich Ivanov

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The world is ultimately around us, not in front of us. The depth of the pictorial image comes from nowhere, settling down, growing on the canvas.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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The artist transforms the world into painting, giving him his body in return.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

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I would never have taken up painting if women hadn't had breasts.

Auguste Renoir

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Of all the arts to which a genius devotes himself, painting undeniably requires the greatest sacrifice.

Jacques Auhi David

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What a miracle - to admire in painting what you do not admire in reality!

Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

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Paints are traditionally filled with moral and psychological meanings.

Jean Baudrillard

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In painting, as in other genres of art, there is not a single technique that could be adjusted to a verbal formulation.

Auguste Renoir

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Any engraving of Callot can become the very one without which I will not have a “full Callot”.

Jean Baudrillard

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The picture should not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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One critic wrote that my paintings have no beginning and no end. He didn't mean to compliment, but he did. It was an excellent compliment.

Jackson Pollack

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Pictures should not be too picturesque.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Each picture must be one of a kind and must be a new image in a series of representations of the human mind about the world.

Henri Matisse

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Like literature, the art of painting tells whatever it wants, but with the advantage that the perceiver of painting immediately recognizes the prelude, the development of the action, and the denouement.

Paul Gauguin

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Painting is an art in which the artist depicts passion through facial features and posture and excites the viewer with his attitude to the subject, sympathetic and ironic.


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Let painting breathe life, I seek wisdom from the poet: But let polygyny reveal the secrets of the soul.

Johann Friedrich Schiller

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For a creative artist, there is nothing more difficult than to draw a rose, because first he must forget about all the roses drawn before.

Painting is an occupation for the blind. The artist paints not what he sees, but what he feels.

Let me ask you as an artist of an artist: Do you know how to draw?

Any portrait painted with love is, in essence, a portrait of the artist himself, and not of the one who posed for him. Not him, but himself, the artist reveals on the canvas.

I saw - and sunk into the soul, and through the brush appeared on the canvas. This is painting. And the same is love. (Salvador Dali)

An artist is a person who paints what can be sold. A good artist is a person who sells what he writes. (Pablo Picasso)

Quotes about painting and artists and paintings (Pablo Picasso)

Only a few people understand a novice artist. Famous - even less. (Pablo Picasso)

Everyone is trying to understand painting. Why don't they try to understand the birdsong? (Pablo Picasso)

The world today is meaningless. So why should I draw pictures that make sense? (Pablo Picasso)

A painting that is praised by more than ten percent of the public is to be burned. (George Bernard Shaw)

The picture is a verse, only without words. (Quint Horace Flaccus)

Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard. (Leonardo da Vinci)

The artist is a liar, but art is the truth. (André Maurois)

Good artists copy, great artists steal ideas from God. (Pablo Picasso)

People, as a rule, do not like crazy people, unless they can draw beautifully. (Matt Haig)

Painting pictures is a profession, selling them is an art. (Henri Joanson)

Lust for profit has not yet created a single artist, but killed many (Washington Allston)

Emotions or feelings are the only thing in paintings that I find interesting. Anything beyond that is just a gimmick (Christopher Anderson)

The vocation of the artist is to illuminate with the light of depth human soul(Robert Schuman)

It is impossible to teach painting. It can only be opened (Pablo Picasso)

The paintings of other artists can be called paintings, while the paintings of Raphael are life itself (Giorgio Vasari)

Paintings are bought not because they are liked; on the contrary, people like paintings because they are bought (Georges Feydeau)

A painting in a museum hears more nonsense than anyone else in the world. (Edmond Goncourt)

A painting is a poem without words. (Horace)

When I paint pictures, I feel crazy. The only difference between me and a madman is that I am not mad. (Salvador Dali)

A bad picture can be hidden, a bad sculpture can be smashed, but what to do with the facade of the palace? (Denis Diderot)

In the phrase: "Picasso's paintings are daub" - nothing is said about Picasso, but everything is said about the speaker. (Jean Cocteau)

A picture is an intermediary between an object or phenomenon and a thought. (Samuel Coleridge)

Beauty is not in what and how is depicted in the picture, but in the need felt by the artist to depict what he saw. This very necessity generates the strength needed to accomplish the task. (Mille)

In my opinion, it is better to say nothing than to speak unsuccessfully. (Mille)

The picture must be finished in a frame. It must be in harmony with its frame and maintain harmony in itself. (Mille)

Modern painting is when you buy a painting to close a hole in a wall and you come to the conclusion that the hole looks better. (Robert Orben)

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