What happened to the heroes after the death of Bazarov. Bazarov's attitude to death and to himself


Literature lesson in grade 10 b



Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 9, Birsk municipal district Birsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Desyatkina V.L.

Subject: The role of the episode "Death of Bazarov" in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

Target: 1. By analyzing the episode, convey to the students the theme and idea of ​​the work.

    Find out what moral principles the author claims.

    Development of oral and written speech of students.

During the classes.

I. The word of the teacher.

The novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" has an unusual fate. With his appearance, he caused such a storm that no book has caused before or since. More than one century of the "life" of Turgenev's novel has been going on. It is life, because the novel is still being read today, and they continue to argue about its hero. The reason is not only that. What did Turgenev touch on in his novel such problems human being that have to be addressed at all times. The writer has created an image of a hero who is eternal in its fundamental features and arises in the life of every generation.

II. Interview with students.

I.S. Turgenev did not say goodbye to any hero as touchingly as to Bazarov. Turgenev's novels are action-packed. Each of them is based on one event, which breaks up into many episodes that form this event. Each episode has its own problems and artistic means of expression.

1. Work on the episode "Death of Bazarov".

Episode reading.


(What is life and what is death? Who does Russia need?)

Turgenev was a supporter of "secret psychology". In practice, this led to the fact that he did not reveal in detail the spiritual world of his characters, but gave a vivid idea of ​​their thoughts and feelings with the help of external artistic means.

Dialogue and portrait come to the fore in the system of these means.

2. What is revealed in the dialogue between Bazarov and Odintsova?

(The dialogue reveals the beliefs and character of the hero).

During these hours, Bazarov’s love for Odintsova, his “romanticism”, kindness, concern for parents, admiration female beauty. Everything that was deep in him was hidden under the mask of nihilism.)

3. What sentences prevail in Bazarov's remarks? Why?

(Show excitement, helplessness in the face of death).

4. There are aphorisms in Bazarov's speech. What do they testify?

(They talk about Bazarov's knowledge of life).

5. Metaphors create certain associations. Are they in this episode? If so, what kind are they carrying? semantic load?

(There are Pushkin verbal metaphors that emphasize the romantic and poetic soul Bazarov.)

6. Powered by data artistic means how do we see Bazarov in the face of death?

(The strength of Bazarov in the face of death reaches the proportions of heroism, he does not show weakness, even a momentary one).

7. Why does Turgenev end the novel with the death of Bazarov?

(The pattern of Bazarov's death has two sides: psychological and socio-historical. Psychological - an absurd death, socio-historical - Bazarov dies young, without completing his work, because Bazarov's time has not yet come. Bazarov is not destined to win - Turgenev sees the reason for this death of Bazarov).

III. Conclusion.

What place does the episode "Bazarov's Death" occupy in the novel?

(This is the key to unraveling the character of Bazarov).

IV. Homework.

Write an essay-miniature "Why is life given to us?"

Death test. This final test Bazarov also has to go parallel to his antagonist. Despite happy outcome duel, Pavel Petrovich had long since died spiritually. Parting with Fenechka broke the last thread that tied him to life: “Illuminated by bright daylight, his beautiful emaciated head lay on a white pillow, like the head of a dead man ... Yes, he was a dead man.” His opponent also passes away.

Surprisingly persistent in the novel are references to an epidemic that spares no one and from which there is no escape. We learn that Fenechka's mother, Arina, "died of cholera." Immediately upon the arrival of Arkady and Bazarov at the Kirsanov estate, "there came better days a year”, “the weather was beautiful”. “True, cholera was threatening again from afar,” the author remarks meaningfully, “but the inhabitants of *** ... the province managed to get used to her visits.” This time, cholera “pulled out” two peasants from Maryin. The landowner himself was in danger - "Pavel Petrovich had a rather strong seizure." And again, the news does not amaze, does not frighten, does not disturb Bazarov. The only thing that hurts him as a doctor is the refusal to help: “Why didn’t he send for him?” Even when his own father wants to tell "a curious episode of the plague in Bessarabia" - Bazarov decisively interrupts the old man. The hero behaves as if cholera alone does not pose any danger to him. Meanwhile, epidemics have always been considered not only the greatest of earthly adversities, but also an expression of God's will. The favorite fable of the beloved Turgenev fabulist Krylov begins with the words: "The most severe scourge of heaven, nature's horror - the pestilence rages in the forests." But Bazarov is convinced that he is building his own destiny.

“Every person has his own destiny! - thought the writer. - Just as clouds are first formed from the vapors of the earth, rise from its depths, then separate, alienate from it and bring it, finally, grace or death, so around each of us is formed<…>a kind of element, which then has a destructive or saving effect on us<…>. To put it simply: everyone makes his own destiny and she makes everyone ... "Bazarov understood that he was created for a" bitter, tart, bean" life public figure perhaps a revolutionary agitator. He accepted this as his calling: “I want to mess with people, at least scold them, but mess with them”, “Give us others! we need to break others!” But what to do now, when the former ideas have been justifiably questioned, and science has not given an answer to all questions? What to teach, where to call?

In Rudin, the astute Lezhnev remarked which idol is most likely to “act on the youth”: “Give her conclusions, results, even if they are incorrect, but results!<…>Try to tell the youth that you cannot give them the full truth because you do not own it yourself.<…>, young people will not listen to you ...>. It's necessary that you yourself<…>believed that you possess the truth ... "But Bazarov no longer believes. He tried to find the truth in a conversation with a peasant, but nothing happened. Too condescendingly, lordly-arrogantly, the nihilist addresses the people with a request "to state their views on life." And the peasant plays along with the master, presenting himself as a stupid, submissive idiot. It turns out that it is not worth sacrificing your life for this. Only in a conversation with a friend does the peasant take his soul away, discussing the “pea jester”: “It is known, master; does he understand?

What remains is work. Help father in a tiny estate of several souls of peasants. One can imagine how small and insignificant all this must seem to him. Bazarov makes a mistake, also petty and insignificant - he forgets to burn a cut on his finger. A wound obtained from dissecting a decomposing corpse of a man. "A democrat to the marrow of his bones," Bazarov invaded the lives of the people boldly and self-confidently<…>, which turned against the "healer" himself. So is it possible to say that Bazarov's death is accidental?

“To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat,” D.I. Pisarev. One cannot but agree with this observation. The death of Yevgeny Bazarov, in his bed, surrounded by relatives, is no less majestic and symbolic than the death of Rudin at the barricade. With complete human self-control, in a medically short way, the hero states: “... My case is lousy. I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me…” I had to be convinced of my human vulnerability: “Yes, go and try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! “It doesn’t matter: I won’t wag my tail,” says Bazarov. Although "no one cares about this", the hero cannot afford to sink - until "he has not yet lost his memory<…>; he was still fighting.

The proximity of death for him does not mean the rejection of cherished ideas. Such as atheistic rejection of God's existence. When the religious Vasily Ivanovich, “down on his knees,” begs his son to make a confession and be cleansed of sins, he outwardly carelessly answers: “There is still nothing to hurry ...” He is afraid of offending his father with a direct refusal and only asks to postpone the ceremony: “After all, they also commune the memoryless … I'll wait". “When he was unctioned,” says Turgenev, “when the holy myrrh touched his chest, one of his eyes opened and, it seemed, at the sight of the priest<…>, censer, candles<…>something like a shudder of horror instantly reflected on the dead face.

It seems like a paradox, but death in many ways frees Bazarov, encourages him not to hide his real feelings anymore. Simply and calmly, he can now express his love for his parents: “Who is crying there? …Mother? Will she feed someone now with her amazing borscht? .. ”Affectionately bantering, he asks the grief-stricken Vasily Ivanovich to be a philosopher in these circumstances. Now you can not hide your love for Anna Sergeevna, ask her to come to receive him last breath. It turns out that you can let simple things into your life human feelings, but at the same time not to “raw up”, but to become spiritually stronger.

The dying Bazarov utters romantic words with which he expresses true feelings: “Blow on the dying lamp, and let it go out ...” For the hero, this expression is only love experiences. But the author sees more in these words. It is worth recalling that such a comparison comes to the lips of Rudin on the verge of death: “... It’s all over, and there is no oil in the lamp, and the lamp itself is broken, and the wick is about to finish smoking ...” Turgenev’s tragically cut short life is likened to a lamp, like in the old poem:

Blazed with a midnight lamp Before the shrine of goodness.

Bazarov, who is dying, is hurt by the thought of his uselessness, uselessness: “I thought: I won’t die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant! ”,“ Russia needs me ... no, apparently not needed! .. A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher ..." Likening him to Rudin, Turgenev recalls their common literary “ancestor”, the same selfless wanderer Don- Quixote. In his speech “Hamlet and Don Quixote” (1860), the author lists the “generic features” of the Don Quixotes: “Don Quixote is an enthusiast, a servant of the idea, and therefore is covered with its radiance”, “He lives all outside of himself, for his brothers, for the extermination of evil, for counteracting forces hostile to humanity. It is easy to see that these qualities form the basis of Bazarov's character. According to the largest, "don Quixote" account, his life was not lived in vain. Let Don Quixotes seem funny. It is this kind of people, according to the writer, who move humanity forward: “If they are gone, let the book of history be closed forever: there will be nothing to read in it.”

/ / / Death of Bazarov (analysis of an episode of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons")

In the 60s years XIX century, Russia is embraced by a new trend of "nihilists" and J.S. Turgenev studies its foundations, its directions with interest. He creates a wonderful novel "Fathers and Sons", main character which is an ardent representative of the nihilists.

Appears before readers. Throughout the novel, the author tries to reveal the features of his character, demeanor, habits and life principles.

Eugene was a hardworking person who studied natural sciences, devoted all his time to research. The hero is of the opinion that society needs only useful sciences, such as physics, mathematics or chemistry. They can be much more useful than ordinary poetry and poems.

Bazarov is blind in relation to the surrounding beauties of nature, he does not perceive art, does not believe in religion. According to the principles of the nihilists, he is trying to destroy everything that the ancestors left and handed over. In his opinion, it is necessary to clear the place in order to create something new. But, creation is no longer his concern.

The main character is extremely smart and witty. He is independent and independent. However, such life position quite dangerous, because it fundamentally contradicts the normal laws of human existence.

Deep changes take place in the soul of the hero after he falls in love with Anna Odintsova. Now Eugene understands what feelings are, what romance is. And most importantly, the emotions that have appeared are absolutely not subject to reason, they are difficult to manage. Everything that Eugene lived before is destroyed. All the life theories of the nihilists are dispelled. Bazarov does not know how to live on.

To put things in order in his thoughts, the hero leaves for parental home. And then misfortune befalls him. At the autopsy of a typhoid patient, Eugene becomes infected with a virus. Now, he will die! But, the desire to live in it flared up more and more. He understood that neither chemistry nor medicine would save him from death. And at such a moment, Bazarov thinks about the existence of a real God, who could miraculously correct the whole situation.

He asks his parents to pray for him. Right now, just before his death, Eugene understands the value of life. He looks differently at his parents, who were madly in love with their son. He rethinks his love for Anna. He calls Odintsova to him, goodbye and the woman fulfills the request of Eugene. It is in moments of communication with his beloved that Bazarov reveals the true essence of his soul. Only now he realizes that he lived his life completely senselessly, that he left nothing behind.

Turgenev's hero was endowed with intelligence, strength, and diligence. He was a good man who fell under the influence of nihilism. And what happened in the end? It was nihilism that killed all human impulses in his soul, destroyed all the bright dreams that a person can aspire to.

The illness and death of Bazarov seemed to be caused by an absurd accident - a deadly infection that accidentally entered the bloodstream. But in the works of Turgenev, this cannot be accidental.

The wound itself is an accident, but there is also a share of regularity in it, since during this period Bazarov lost his vital balance and became less attentive, more distracted in his work.

The pattern is also in the author's position, since Bazarov, who always challenged nature in general and human nature (love) in particular, had, according to Turgenev, to be avenged by nature. The law is cruel here. So he dies, infected with bacteria - natural organisms. Simply put, it dies by nature.

In addition, unlike Arkady, Bazarov was not suitable for "making a nest for himself." He is alone in his beliefs and lacks family potential. And this is a dead end for Turgenev.

And one more circumstance. Turgenev could feel the prematureness, the uselessness of the Bazarovs for contemporary Russia. If on last pages novel Bazarov looked unhappy, then the reader would certainly pity him, and he is worthy not of pity, but of respect. And it was in his death that he showed his best human traits, last sentence about the “dying icon lamp”, finally coloring his image not only with courage, but also with bright romance, which, as it turned out, lived in the soul of a seemingly cynical nihilist. This, in the end, was the whole point of the novel.

By the way, if the hero dies, it is not at all necessary that the author denies him something, punishes him or takes revenge for something. Turgenev's best heroes always die, and from this his works are colored with a bright, optimistic tragedy.

Epilogue of the novel.

An epilogue can be called the last chapter of the novel, which briefly tells about the fate of the heroes after the death of Bazarov.

The future of the Kirsanovs turned out to be quite expected. The author writes especially sympathetically about the loneliness of Pavel Petrovich, as if the loss of Bazarov, a rival, completely deprived him of the meaning of life, the opportunity to at least apply his vitality to something.

The lines about Odintsova are significant. Turgenev with one phrase: "I married not for love, but for conviction" - completely debunks the heroine. And the last author's description already looks simply sarcastically destructive: "... they will live, perhaps, to happiness ... perhaps, to love." It is enough to understand at least a little Turgenev in order to guess that love and happiness are not “lived out”.

The most Turgenevian is the last paragraph of the novel - a description of the cemetery where Bazarov is buried. The reader has no doubt that he is the best in the novel. To prove this, the author merged the departed hero with nature into a single harmonious whole, reconciled him with life, with his parents, with death, and still managed to say about “the great calmness of indifferent nature ...”.

The novel "Fathers and Sons" in Russian criticism.

In accordance with the vectors of the struggle of social movements and literary views in the 60s, points of view on Turgenev's novel were also lined up.

The most positive assessments of the novel and the main character were given by D.I. Pisarev, who had already left Sovremennik at that time. But from the bowels of Sovremennik itself, negative criticism sounded. An article by M. Antonovich “Asmodeus of our time” was published here, in which the social significance and artistic value of the novel was denied, and Bazarov, called a talker, a cynic and a glutton, was interpreted as a pitiful slander on the younger generation of democrats. N.A. Dobrolyubov had already died by this time, and N.G. Chernyshevsky was arrested, and Antonovich, who rather primitively accepted the principles of “real criticism”, took the original author’s intention for the final artistic result.

Oddly enough, the liberal and conservative part of society perceived the novel more deeply and fairly. Even here, however, there are extreme judgments.

M. Katkov wrote in Russkiy Vestnik that Fathers and Sons is an anti-nihilistic novel, that the occupation of “new people” by the natural sciences is a frivolous and idle matter, that nihilism is a social disease that needs to be treated by strengthening protective conservative principles.

The most artistically adequate and profound interpretation of the novel belongs to F. M. Dostoevsky and N. Strakhov - the magazine "Vremya". Dostoevsky interpreted Bazarov as a “theorist” who was at odds with life, as a victim of his own dry and abstract theory, which crashed into life and brought suffering and torment (almost like Raskolnikov from his novel “Crime and Punishment”).

N. Strakhov noted that I.S. Turgenev "wrote a novel that was neither progressive nor retrograde, but, so to speak, everlasting." The critic saw that the author "stands for the eternal principles human life", And Bazarov, who is "alienated from life", meanwhile "lives deeply and strongly."

The point of view of Dostoevsky and Strakhov is quite consistent with the judgments of Turgenev himself in his article “On the“ Fathers and Sons ”, where Bazarov is called a tragic person.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is one of wonderful writers XIX century. In 1860, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was published in Russia - one of the the best works Turgenev. In it, he summed up his differences with Dobrolyubov - disputes between liberals and democrats. The writing of the novel "Fathers and Sons" coincided with the most important reforms of the 19th century, namely the abolition of serfdom. The century marked the development of industry and natural sciences. Expanded ties with Europe. Russia began to accept the ideas of the West. "Fathers" adhered to old views. The younger generation welcomed the abolition of serfdom and reform.

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov is the main character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”. The son of a poor county doctor, continuing the work of his father. We imagine him smart, reasonable, rather cynical, but somewhere in the depths of his soul, sensitive, attentive and kind person. Eugene denies everything: moral ideals and values, moral principles, as well as painting, literature and other arts. Bazarov does not accept the love sung by poets, considering it only “physiology” .. For him, there are no authorities. He believes that each person should educate himself, not depending on anyone or anything.

Bazarov is a nihilist. He does not grimace, he, with all the ardor of a spiritually rich and captivating nature, defends the views close to him. His the main objective- "work for the benefit of society", its the main task- "to live for the great goal of renewing the world." It can be said that Bazarov treated others with a considerable degree of condescension and even contempt, putting them below himself, considers it unacceptable to display such feelings as sympathy, mutual understanding, affection, tenderness, sympathy.

But life makes its own adjustments to his worldview. Fate brings Evgeny together with a smart, beautiful, calm and surprisingly unhappy woman, with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov falls in love, and, having fallen in love, he understands that his beliefs are at odds with simple life truths. Love appears before him no longer as “physiology”, but as a real, sincere feeling. This insight for Bazarov, who lives and "breathes" his nihilism, cannot pass without a trace. Together with the destruction of beliefs, his whole life collapses, losing its meaning.

Turgenev could have shown how Bazarov would gradually abandon his views, he did not do this, but simply “killed” his main character.
Bazarov's death is an unfortunate and stupid accident. She was the result of a small cut that he received while opening the body of a peasant who died of typhus. The death of the hero was not sudden: on the contrary, she gave Bazarov time, the opportunity to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of the unfulfilled. In the face of death, Bazarov is steadfast, strong, extremely calm and imperturbable. Thanks to author's description the state of the hero, we feel for Bazarov not pity, but respect. And at the same time, we constantly remember that before us - ordinary person with its inherent weaknesses.

No one can calmly perceive the approach of the end, and Eugene, despite all his self-confidence, is not able to treat this with complete indifference. He regrets his unspent power, his unfulfilled task. Bazarov, nothing can oppose death: “Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! Behind the hero's statement, bitter regret about the passing minutes is clearly visible.

Eugene in last days your life becomes kinder, gentler. And then the forces came to the aid of the hero, once denied by him, but stored at the bottom of his soul. It is them that Bazarov directs to fight against death. There was no need to hide your "romanticism". He yearns to meet his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her. Bazarov becomes softer with his parents, deep down, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude.

Bazarov devoted his whole life to the desire to benefit the country, science. And death for him is not just a cessation of existence, but also a sign that Russia “seems not to need” him. The realization of this “uselessness” comes to Eugene at the very last moment and becomes the final stage of the death of his views, as well as his own death.
Bazarov has no one to pass on what little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He has no relative dear person and therefore there is no future. He does not think himself county doctor, but he also cannot become like Arkady. He has no place in Russia, and abroad too. Bazarov is dying, and with him his genius, his wonderful, a strong character, his ideas and beliefs. true life is endless, the flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm this.

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