Brief facts about the Titanic. Titanic movie breaks all box office records


One of major disasters recent centuries still haunts the mind. The popular film made the story of the sinking of the Titanic romantic, but it still remains shocking. Here are interesting facts that will help you learn more about the legendary ship.

The name "Titanic" has existed for more than two and a half thousand years.

The Titanic disaster happened not so long ago, but its history began many centuries ago. When the creators thought about the name, they wanted to find a word that would help express the incredible size of the ship. In addition, it should have expressed the significance of such an event in shipbuilding. Representatives of the Harland and Wolfe company, which created the ship, found the right name in Greek mythology. The word "titanic" is associated with the titans, the ancient Greek gods. According to legend, despite their incredible size, they were defeated by the young Olympian gods, Zeus and Athena. It is not surprising that the ship created in parallel with the Titanic was named the Olympic. Both ships were built at the same time and were very similar in design.

Seven people died on the ship before sailing.

People began to die on the Titanic even during its creation. Work on the ship went on more than a hundred years ago, from 1908 to 1911, and then no one was particularly concerned about the safety and health of workers. The workers didn't even wear helmets during construction! Six people died on the ship itself during its creation, and two hundred and forty-six injuries were recorded. This can be considered a bad omen - the ship seemed to be immediately doomed. There are also rumors that one worker died just before the ship left.
Was the Titanic cursed? Before you think so, remember the number of victims on other construction sites of that time - alas, the lack of safety equipment can be much more harmful than curses.

Steel fastenings weighed more than one thousand two hundred tons

The incredible size made the Titanic part of the culture even before the launch of the ship. The company that designed it wanted to proudly tell passengers that they had created largest ship in the world. Almost any fact about the size of the Titanic can be supplemented exclamation point. For example, the fasteners that fix the skin of the ship weighed more than a thousand tons! Separate motors were required to turn the steering wheel! The two most important engines weighed over seven hundred tons! All the details of the ship were so massive that they seem incredible even by modern standards.

Pollution from the Titanic was six hundred tons of coal a day

The ship was not only the largest, but also extremely harmful to environment. The only way to move such a colossus in those days was a steam engine, for which the Titanic needed six hundred tons of coal a day. One hundred and seventy workers worked around the clock, seven days a week to keep the furnaces of the ship's engines burning. One hundred thousand tons of ash fell into the sea every day.

The Titanic's mail room handled 60,000 letters a day.

An interesting fact is that the Titanic was not just a travel ship, but also a mail carrier. The number of messages transported was simply colossal. The ship was more like a floating city. Passengers also used the mail - there were five clerks on the ship who sorted letters seven days a week. They had to sort up to sixty thousand envelopes a day!

Lifeboats were designed for only one thousand one hundred and seventy-eight people.

This fact is most strongly associated with the tragedy of the ship. On the sides it was possible to place sixty-four boats, each of which would accommodate sixty-five people. This would save three thousand five hundred passengers. But on the first voyage, the ship had only twenty boats. This was absolutely not enough for two thousand two hundred and twenty-three people on the ship. That is why the shipwreck became such a large-scale tragedy - people simply did not have a chance to escape.

Could have saved a thousand more people

This is one of the most controversial facts. Next to the Titanic, another ship, the Californian, crossed the Atlantic that night. From it, the giant's team was warned about the ice crust. On the Californian, they decided to wait out the night so as not to collide with icebergs, the Titanic was asked to do the same. But the Titanic's crew decided that no precautions were needed, and the ship continued on. When the ship was wrecked, the crew tried to get the attention of other sailors. From the "Californian" they saw the lights, but did nothing. The captain decided to send a response signal to Morse using a lamp, but, most likely, the Titanic simply did not notice the light. When the crew of the Californian learned of the disaster in the morning, it was already too late to save people.

The remains of the ship have been searched for over seventy years.

The wreckage of the Titanic was searched for until 1985. Only after that the story of the crash began to clear up. For a long time it was assumed that the ship sank entirely. A passing passenger on the Carpathia described that the Titanic broke in two before sinking, but that was just a theory. In September 1985, a team of French and American explorers found the ship - it really broke into two parts.

The most valuable item on the ship was a $100,000 painting.

The story that there was gold on board is a myth. The most expensive item on the ship was a painting, the cost of which was one hundred thousand dollars. However, after the disaster, other things also gained value - everything that was found on the seabed became important because of the fame of the ship.

Titanic movie breaks all box office records

The tragic story of the ship attracted many people to cinemas. The film by James Cameron, in which Leonardo DiCaprio played, has become one of the most famous in the history of cinema. This is a drama in which there are no documentary details, but the plot is quite reliable - Cameron did serious research before filming. All rooms were made exactly as they were on the ship, and the events during the disaster corresponded to the stories of eyewitnesses.

On Sunday, April 14, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. After the release of the 1997 film, almost all of humanity knew the basic details about this tragedy. But some interesting facts were not mentioned in the film. At the time of construction, the Titanic was the largest of the ships. While most companies built their boats for speed, the owners of the Titanic wanted to build a ship for luxury. Trucks did not yet exist at that time, so it took twenty horses to deliver just one anchor. Over 14,000 people worked on the ship with a 50-hour working week to finish on time. I bring to your attention 13 interesting facts about the Titanic that you might not know.


The Titanic was much smaller than most modern cruise ships. Royal Caribbean International owns the largest ship in the world, the Charm of the Seas. The Charm was built in 2008 and can accommodate up to 6,300 people, while the Titanic only had a capacity of 2,435. Nearly twice the performance of the Allure of the Seas is about twice that of the Titanic, including length, weight, and even the number of crew members.

rescue boats

When the Titanic was designed, the project included 64 lifeboats. This number was more than enough to save all crew members and passengers on board. Unfortunately, only a part of the lifeboats were installed on the ship. It seemed to the owners that the boats would spoil the view and annoy the passengers, so only 20 boats were installed. As a result, even these boats were not completely filled due to the resulting panic. Almost all the men remained on the deck of the sinking ship, as the “women and children first” rule was in effect.


Cruise ships pollute the water and the atmosphere, and the Titanic was no exception. 29 boilers continuously burned coal to provide electricity and power the giant ship. 825 tons of coal were used in just one day, while releasing almost 100 tons of ash into the atmosphere.

Ritz interior

No, the Titanic didn't exactly replicate the interior of the Ritz Hotel in London, but the designers were inspired by it. The five-star hotel was one of the most luxurious places in London at the time of the creation of the Titanic, and remains so to this day. The luxury cruise ship had all the facilities for a royal holiday on board, including a gym for first-class passengers and an animal corner for their pets.

Construction casualties

It took 26 months to build the Titanic. During this time, eight workers died and 246 injuries were reported. The very first victim was Samuel Scott, a fifteen-year-old teenager. He died as a result of a skull fracture, but the exact causes were carefully concealed by his employer. Even a tombstone in the Belfast Cemetery was not put up for him until almost 100 years after his death.


The Titanic was launched on April 15, 1912 at a cost of nearly seven and a half million dollars. The actual amount adjusted for inflation would be approximately $166 million in current currency. In 1997, the most popular Titanic movie was made for $200,000,000. Thus, making and filming a movie was more expensive than the cost of building a ship.


The Titanic was one of a trio of ships of the same type. The other two ships are Olympic and Britannic. The Olympic was the first of three ships and set sail on June 14, 1911 (to New York). In September of the same year, the Olympic collided with the cruiser and began to repair. After the Titanic disaster, the government issued new requirements for safety systems on cruise ships. The third ship of the same type (Britanic) stumbled upon a mine on November 21, 1916 and sank.


Many believe that the rite of baptism is a great way to protect yourself from adversity and failure. Baptism is also practiced for courts, and this rite has been practiced for more than five thousand years. The creators of the three cruise ships did not believe in the ceremony, and held it only for the Titanic. The problem was that the bottle of champagne didn't break when it hit the side of the ship. Many still believe that it was an unsuccessful baptism that caused the disaster.

A curse

It is difficult to determine the origins of certain rumors, especially when it comes to curses. After the Titanic disaster, people began to talk about the curse of the people who died during the construction. Others spoke of the famous Hope Diamond, which was on board during the voyage. Dozens of other reasons were given, each of which is original in its own way.

The Book of Titan

Morgan Robertson wrote his Titanic Wreck in 1898, fourteen years before the Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The book is set on a ship called the Titan, which also hit an iceberg in April, just like the Titanic did fourteen years after the book's release. Most people think that the author was a psychic, since there were so many coincidences between the book and the disaster. There were almost the same number of people in the book, and there were still not enough boats for everyone.


We all know that the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank, but there is a possibility that the moon has something to do with it. On the night of the crash, the Moon was terribly close to the Earth. According to scientists, the light of the moon could interfere with the timely detection of the iceberg. Perhaps it was this unusual event that caused the tragic event.

The rescue

Robert Ballard discovered the Titanic in 1985 using two submarines. The ship has been submerged for over 100 years, and researchers are now trying to save the disintegrating ship from multiple threats, including divers who want to touch it themselves. great history. Ballard and his team are working hard to protect and preserve the Titanic for years to come.


On a fateful night, a message was sent to the ship, warning of the iceberg. The message was not marked with high importance, so the captain simply did not see it. Iceberg was not too big size and most of it was hidden under water. The sea was very calm, which also prevented the timely discovery of the iceberg. The Titanic was traveling at 22.5 knots (the equivalent of 29 miles per hour) when it struck a giant mountain of ice.

We have all heard about the terrible tragedy - the death of a huge steamer called the Titanic. However, these facts about the Titanic are not familiar to everyone.

After the Titanic received a hole from a collision with an iceberg and began to sink, chaos reigned on the ship for almost three hours.

Perhaps the most terrible part of the tragedy is the slow destruction.

Titanic musicians played for over two hours. They wanted to do everything they could to reassure the passengers who were boarding the lifeboats. One of the surviving passengers of the second class spoke about the decision of the musicians. This heroic deed- play while the ship is sinking.

That early morning on April 15, 1912, four days after going to sea, 1,500 people died just 400 miles from the coast. Among them were musicians. This is one of the most famous tragedies last century. But what do we really know about it?

Check out 10 facts about the sinking of the Titanic that few people knew about.

1 Titanic Received 6 Ice Collision Warnings

The Titanic could have stayed afloat if it had collided head-on with an iceberg. The partitions on the ship were very powerful.
But, as we all know, the ship received a hole in the underwater part.

4. Allegedly, 3 dogs were able to get on the lifeboats

Two Spitz and one Pekingese survived the sinking of the Titanic. It is believed that they were saved because of their small size.
There were a total of 12 dogs on the ship that belonged to first class passengers, but three small dogs were the only ones that survived.

5. The last SOS signal was transmitted with incorrect coordinates

While the latitude was correct, the longitude was distorted by 14 miles. Even if help had arrived on time, it would have arrived at the wrong place.
How and why were the wrong coordinates given? There is still no clear answer to this question, which causes various speculations.

6. There were no exercises on how to properly organize the boarding of passengers in lifeboats

April 10, 1912 the legendary ship set off on its first and last voyage. The British transatlantic steamer was managed by Edward John Smith - one of the most experienced captains with 25 years of experience. On the Titanic there was everything your heart desires, even the newspaper of the same name, which published reports from the life of passengers. However, this giant ship had no future: on the night of April 14-15, it crashed.

Titanic sinking 57 hours before solar eclipse

According to astronomical observations, cataclysms often occur during such eclipses. In addition, scientists say that the full moon could cause unusually strong tides that make it difficult to see the iceberg.

The rescue operation could be hindered optical illusion

Another version of why the iceberg went unnoticed and that the ships did not immediately come to the rescue is an optical illusion. Scientists believe that an unusual bending of light, a mirage, could be observed that night. A similar phenomenon was described by the commanders of several ships that were in the disaster area.

Several ships such as the Titanic can be built with money from the box office of the movie of the same name.

If you build a liner of this class today, then it will take about $ 400 million, while James Cameron's film "Titanic" in 1997 earned almost $ 2 billion.

Last lunch menu on Titanic sells for $88,000

The catastrophe was foretold in Morgan Andrew Robertson's book Futility or the Crash of the Titan.

An 1898 book by an American science fiction writer described the catastrophe of 1912: "The most big ship ever built, hits an iceberg in April and sinks." According to the story, due to a lack of lifeboats, more than half of the ship's passengers die in the North Atlantic.

100 years after the crash, the superliner "Balmoral" repeated the route of the "Titanic"

1309 passengers went on the memorial cruise - the same number as on the Titanic (excluding crew members). The atmosphere of the beginning of the 20th century was recreated on the ship. Relatives of the deceased passengers of the Titanic also went to the scene of the tragedy.

Two of the nine dogs that were on board the sunken liner escaped

These are dogs of the Pomeranian and Pekingese breeds.

Bacteria will eat Titanic within 15-20 years

Back in 1991, scientists discovered that the ship is inhabited by 24 species of invertebrates, 12 of which feed on metal and wood structures. But it is not they who cause particular harm to the liner, but a bacterium that was first discovered on the Titanic and named after him: Halomonas titanicae. This is a particularly aggressive species of bacteria that obtains energy from the process of iron oxidation. According to scientists, it literally "bites" into the metal. Experts came to the conclusion that within 15-20 years there will be no trace of the sunken liner.

The last surviving passenger on the Titanic died in 2009 at the age of 97.

At the time of the shipwreck, she was only 2.5 months old.

Unknown "Titanic"

The Titanic was a great ship brought to its knees by an iceberg. This is a ship that few people on Earth have not heard of - a fairy tale from life, retold to subsequent generations so that we can learn a lesson from this case. Don't set the bar too high or you might get hurt. Although we all know about the tragedy of the Titanic, there are many small amazing facts about the great ship, which not everyone knows about. And, as in other tragedies of mankind, the facts show not only the cynical side, but also the reverence and compassion of people. Below are ten little-known and surprising facts about the Titanic...

1.Silent movie star survived and profited from the tragedy

Dorothy Gibson was well known in her day. The silent film star, along with Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, was a first-class passenger on the Titanic. She became popular with her comedic roles in Miss Pretender (1911) and Love Can Do (1912). But unlike the 1,502 people who died on the ship, Gibson survived and told her story. And not only told, but also starred in her story in leading role. Filming of Survivors of the Titanic began just 5 days after the Titanic sank. It was a wildly successful silent film and the first of many Titanic hits (though the film was destroyed in a fire in 1914). Gibson even wore the same clothes she wore on the ship at the time of the tragedy - a dress, sweater, gloves, and black pumps.

Over time, the shadow of the 20th century, of course, covered Gibson. After a relatively short film career, she moved to Europe. Although at first she was a supporter of the Nazis, by 1944 she had renounced the Third Reich. Her subsequent arrest by the Nazis and a brief imprisonment in San Vittore led to her death two years later, at the age of 56, as a result of a heart attack.

2.The captain of the ship is not used to operating steamboats.

At the time of the Titanic's departure, Captain Edward John Smith had already spent 37 years on ships, and planned to retire after the end of the Titanic's voyage. He worked for the White Star Line for 28 years, but in truth, Smith was not the best choice to manage the court. Most Smith spent his career operating sailing ships, and only occasionally had to deal with steamers. At the age of 62, the old sailor was no longer able to learn anything new, and his lack of experience showed up the moment he ordered the crew to maintain maximum speed in a territory known for its icebergs ... and we all know how it ended. To his credit, the captain did not leave his ship, but his last hours on board remain a mystery. Many eyewitnesses say that the captain lost confidence in himself and was deeply shaken by the situation.

3.The first to be saved are women, children and ... dogs

It is well known that not only were there not enough lifeboats on the Titanic to save all the passengers, but those lifeboats that were were not full enough when they were launched (the first lifeboat in this case was used irrationally - it had only seven crew members and five passengers, for a total of 12 people, although about 40 people could fit in it). However, little known is the fact that among the 713 survivors, there were also three dogs - two Pomeranians and one Pekingese. The passengers of the ship were twelve dogs, but only three of them escaped in lifeboats.

4.B the nearest ships could save hundreds of passengers

While the Titanic was sinking, standard distress signals were transmitted. But no one answered them until it was too late. Few people know that someone could respond to these signals. Namely, the captain of the ship Californian (SS Californian). The Californian was only 15 to 25 kilometers from the Titanic wreck, but his crew failed to respond to the mysterious lights in the night sky (which were flares launched from the Titanic). A member of the Californian crew woke the captain, but he went back to sleep, citing that the radio operator had already rested after his watch (the reason why the distress signals were not heard on the ship).

Another ship, Samson, a 250 ton (Samson) Norwegian schooner was even closer to the crash site - only 8-12 kilometers away. However, some believe that Samson would not have responded to the signals anyway, for the simple reason that they were engaged in illegal fishing. Both ships were closer than the Carpathia, the ship that then rescued the Titanic survivors.

5.Conditions on the ship were far from luxurious.

Even though they were surrounded by water, there was not enough water on the ship itself. Long before the days when souls with high blood pressure water, people had to use the good old baths. And although sharing a bath with others was something common in those days, third-class passengers shared two baths - one for men, the other for women, for 700 people. Yes, you heard right. 700 people for two baths. Waiting for your turn was not easy.

6. A real hero

Captain Second Rank Charles Herbert Lightoller was the most senior officer to survive the sinking of the Titanic. Lightoller took command of the capsized rescue boat, quelled the panic, and commanded the thirty survivors on the boat, making sure they were safely transferred aboard the rescue ship Carpathia. Lightoller was not only the hero of the Titanic. He served in the British Navy during the First and Second World Wars and participated in the evacuation allied forces from Dunkirk.

On the other hand, Douglas Spedden was only 6 years old when his nanny took him off the Titanic to the lifeboat. Despite the fact that the boy survived, only three years later he died. He was hit by a car in one of the first traffic accidents in Maine, USA.

7. "Please accept our condolences on tragic death your son, here's the bill for you"

Legend has it that all eight members of the Titanic men's band died in the shipwreck while still playing their instruments. However, only three bodies of musicians were found, including John Hume Law. Just two weeks after tragic events, Lowe's father received a shocking bill from C.W. & F.N. Black, an employment agency from Liverpool, England, who hired the orchestra. The bill was for 5 shillings and 4d, the price of Lowe's son's uniform. In contrast, a month after the shipwreck at the Apollo Club in Brooklyn, New York, a concert was held in honor of the dead musicians. The proceeds were donated to the families of the victims.

8.The Titanic may be widely known now, but at that time few people knew about it.

Contrary to what we are shown in the movies, the White Star Line never claimed that the Titanic was "unsinkable". In fact, apparently, no one cared before the first voyage of the Titanic. Olympic, the twin brother of the Titanic, attracted a lot more attention when he made the voyage from Southampton to New York in 1911. In fact, there isn't even footage of the Titanic leaving the shores of the UK, and when the news outlets realized they didn't have photos to report on the tragedy, they had to use images of the Olympic and erase its name.

9.The Titanic was used by the Nazis as a PR stunt.

About thirty years after the sinking of the Titanic, the propaganda wing of the National Socialist German Workers' Party released The Nazi Titanic, created by none other than Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. In a strange interpretation of the facts, the Nazi Titanic tells the story of a ship attempting to cross the Atlantic Ocean in record time in order to boost the White Star Line's share price. While the real lookouts Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee, both British, spotted the iceberg, in the Nazi Titanic the man who could have saved the ship from disaster was, of course, a German officer whose warning was ignored.

Next, in real life Bruce Ismay (English), Chairman and Managing Director of the White Star Line, was convicted of international press for taking one of the lifeboats for himself. In Goebbels' retelling, he was able to exaggerate even that by presenting Ismay as a Jewish businessman who forced the captain (a German, of course) to ram an iceberg and effectively killed everyone on board (in James Cameron's 1997 painting, Ismay did the same).

Ismay's story is one of the most twisted stories in all the film versions of the event. The real Ismay wasn't as selfish as he was shown to be. During a 1912 investigation by the British Chamber of Commerce under Lord Mersey, it was concluded that Ismay had in fact helped other passengers before he himself escaped in the last lifeboat. This dislike of Ismay seems to stem from the fact that he was the highest ranking White Star of the 713 survivors.

10.One key could save thousands of lives

What does the lookout need most? Not only good vision, but also good binoculars. And that's what forward looking Fredrick Fleet and Reginald Lee should have had. When second mate David Blair was thrown out of the crew a few days before the ship sailed, he forgot to give his replacement to the more experienced Henry Wilde, senior Olympic officer, the key to the safe in which the binoculars.

To top it off, when Fleet, a shipwrecked survivor, testified on official investigation, he said that if the lookouts had binoculars, they would have noticed the iceberg much earlier and most likely could have saved the ship from tragedy.

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