Ksenia Sobchak looks like a horse. Ksenia Sobchak: “If I am a horse, then a magical


“For the first time in my life, I’m opening for my daughter,” she smiles a little stiffly, apparently internally preparing for the fact that the guests in the studio will take an interest in a fresh interview with Ksenia to the vlogger Yuri Dudyu. On his popular YouTube channel “vdud”, Sobchak told not only that, if she wins the presidential election, she will dissolve the State Duma and remove Lenin from Red Square. Ksenia also heard a provocative question from a journalist about illegal drugs and admitted that yes, she had tried drugs. And she added: “Mom did not help me in any way. I moved to Moscow, I had a civil husband, with whom I lived for several years, and he provided for me.

Or perhaps Lyudmila Borisovna didn’t see this interview, because she recalls how, upon her daughter’s arrival in the capital, she bought her an apartment, how Ksyusha wanted to earn money herself and did not look for rich patrons. We look with tenderness at archival footage, where little Xenia tells reporters: “I don’t really like that dad is so seriously involved in politics. It's only to my detriment." And then she says that she herself political career by no means considered.

// Photo: Vyacheslav Prokofiev, Vladimir Andreev/URA.RU/TASS

A little more than a quarter of a century has passed. October 2017 Press conference at which Ksenia Anatolyevna Sobchak confirms her decision to run for president. Why did her views change so much?

“I was 12 years old when Zhirinovsky brought his party to parliament, 15 years old when Yavlinsky participated in the elections and lost them safely, 18 years old when Vladimir Putin became president. I mind that when my son will go vote, the lists will be the same... My generation deserves to live in a different Russia, and I want it to start changing now.”

Ksenia says that it is not a problem for her to collect the necessary 300,000 signatures, as she has developed a special system. As for the flow of hype against her, only one of her stellar colleagues did not go over her political ambitions: she was even compared with Hillary Clinton in mockery, and a real scandal erupted at a press conference - a certain opponent, putting on a horse’s head, tried to arrange demarche. On this new star political Olympus notes:

“If I am a horse, then magical. I am a unicorn - I want to bring people a fairy tale, happiness and the right values.

The presentation of a new book by the famous showman Roman Trakhtenberg at the Golden Palace at the Lyubov Voropaeva show "The Golden Person" ended in scandal. The tipsy showman began to actively insult all the artists who came to perform at the festival. Most of them left the hall without appearing on stage.

Roman Trakhtenberg published the third book in a row, called "Guest performer". Many artists came to congratulate the showman on the release of the book, but they clearly did not expect such an attitude towards themselves.

Whoever is on what, he talks about him.

Sobchak took the stage, and smiling wryly, spoke as follows:

Judging by the reaction of the audience, I should, in theory, be offended by this joke about the horse. Everyone began to look at me with such sympathy. I take no offence. I even like it. Of course I am a horse. Before each broadcast, I say the tongue twister "Dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves." And I have a horse character - I'm flexible, but if I don't like something, I can kick like that!

However, after the joint performance with Trachtenberg of the scandalous song "Fagies rode a bicycle", an arrangement of an old children's song, Ksenia Sobchak immediately left the presentation with a very offended look.

And that was just the beginning. The next victim of Trachtenberg was stage designer Boris Krasnov. At first, Roman did not like Krasnov's gift - a sea helm, which he presented with the words: "You always remind me of a navigator or a boatswain." In response, Trachtenberg said that he brought some kind of stupid steering wheel, which he did not need at all. Before performing with Krasnov a Jewish song from joint album Trachtenberg spoke with Peter Podgorodetsky as follows:

I am a Jew and I do not hide it. And now we will sing in Russian, for you, Boris. You are a half-breed.

Then, Alla Pugacheva's current favorite, Mike Mironenko, fell under the arm of Trachtenberg, who was actively drinking. As soon as he stepped onto the stage, Trachtenberg jumped up to him and carefully studied appearance manufacturer.

Who are you? This is how the younger generation differs from ours! the showman proclaimed loudly, pointing to the key chain on his trousers. - He has an iron chain. And I have gold!

Taken aback, Mironenko tried to translate everything into a joke. But Trakhtenberg explained to Mironenko that he did not know him at all, and the iron chain - only suckers wear it. Insulted Mironenko, having sung "Señorita", ran away from the CRC like a bullet.

Igor Nadzhiev performed with the song "There is only a moment between the past and the future" from the film "Sannikov Land" and the factory owner Zhenya Rasskazova with new song"Green light". Trachtenberg invariably called all of them scoundrels and pigs. He told the Rise group that after his first book he bought himself a brand new Lexus:

And if you sing such stupid songs, you won't earn anything!

All of the above artists immediately left, extremely hurt and annoyed. Singer Oksana Pochepa received such a mention about herself:

I met Oksana when she was twenty-two. She is now twenty-eight. Yo… your mother, when will she die?! Come on, come on, sing, old woman!

Alena Vysotskaya, wary, stepped onto the stage and looked intently at the well-drunk Trachtenberg. And not in vain. He immediately decided to comment on the appearance of the singer:

You have a Semitic profile! But you're still stupid. And you will masturbate on me, because only I am a real man.

Alena Vysotskaya did not argue with him, sang a song and retreated. Many of the artists who arrived, gloomily watching what was happening on the stage, simply left indignantly without performing. Alexander Marshal, for example, nervously clenched his fists, and did not even say goodbye to the unbelted showman. The factory owner Elena Kukarskaya walked in horror from one table to another, and fled the hall with Zhenya Rasskazova.

The organizer of the show, Lyubov Voropaeva, horrified by what was happening, clutched her heart and drank a sedative. Moreover, Trachtenberg also strongly attached her protégé to the group "Bryzgi". The last of the performing artists, the Tekhnologiya group, Trachtenberg tried not to let them enter the stage at all. But few people saw this - almost all the guests left the scandalous party.

The post of journalist Bozhena Rynska on social networks about Sobchak's participation in the March presidential elections prompted Ksenia to think - to invite civil husband Rynski, political scientist and co-founder of the NTV television company Igor Malashenko to head its campaign headquarters. Preparing for the elections, Ksenia Sobchak was able to beat her nickname.

“If I am a horse, then I am a unicorn who wants to bring people a fairy tale, joy and the right values. I gave birth to Plato in Russia, I live in Russia, and I don’t want to think, like many Russian officials, which British school to send my son to,” she said, "I want it now."

Thank God

I am grateful to Bozena Rynska, Ksenia Sobchak admitted in the program "Andrey Malakhov. Live" on the TV channel "Russia 1". Previously, Ksenia Sobchak did not meet with Igor Malashenko and was even going to head the campaign headquarters herself. But then she decided that the head of Boris Yeltsin's campaign headquarters in the presidential elections was the best candidate.

Sobchak met Malashenko at Patriarch's Ponds. The interview lasted approximately two and a half hours. During this time, Sobchak spoke about her political platform and plans.

Sobchak: Rynske's personal life will not affect my position

"He agreed, we shook hands and immediately went from this cafe to a press conference. And I am very glad that Igor became part of our team, he is very talented person, he is a very creative person, he proved this more than once in this work, ”Sobchak, who claims to be a candidate for the presidential election, emphasized. - I hope that Bozena's personal life will not affect my headquarters and my political position. Bozena is an emotional girl, so such statements are forgiven for her."


“We survived,” Ksenia Sobchak’s mother stated. “I’m 66 years old, and now I’m opening for my daughter.”

With the advent of her grandson, Lyudmila Narusova hoped that her daughter would plunge into motherhood, and her grandmother would have a happy, calm old age.

“Now I realized that 36 years is the right age for this. You already have some life experience: both negative and positive,” Anatoly Sobchak’s widow says about her daughter’s presidential ambitions.

The senator from Tuva recalled that 10 years ago, one of the MGIMO teachers gave her a book with an appeal - "Mothers of the Future President."

Ksenia Sobchak was late for "Live"

On "Live" to Andrey Malakhov on October 25, Ksenia Sobchak was half an hour late. At the same time, at the request of the host to break the rules in order to quickly get to the studio on the territory of the Gorky film studio, the heroine of the program replied: "I do not break the law."

“My electorate is people who are not satisfied with the situation in our country, who are not satisfied with the lack of freedom of speech,” she said already in the studio.

She is the daughter of the lawyer Maria Hohenzollern, the one who knew a lot about this Masha, the one who was pushed into another world ahead of schedule for this knowledge - Anatoly Sobchak.

She is the daughter of the right buttock of the same Mary of Hohenzollern, kissing the false queen, making her way to the coup d'état - Lyudmila Narusova.

She is now the Fifth Reich, a pseudo-state consisting of the children of government officials who fiercely hate Russia and the Russian people. Recall that the Fourth Reich existed in the USSR in 1941-1943. It included the children of members of the Government of the USSR. Just like they wanted to kill Stalin, the daughter of Sobchak and Narusova is breathing unevenly towards the entire population of Russia.

Today is a significant day - Ksenia Sobchak announced that she intends to run for president. She stressed that she is going to the polls as a candidate "against all." You can add against all Russians.

Dozhd and Vedomosti savor the confession of "Madam" Sobchak that she informed Vladimir Putin of her decision to run. From the lips of these Zionist publications, such a reference sounds like - "put before the fact and forced to obey."

Ksenia herself explained this this way: with Mr. Putin, “my family had a great relationship since the days of St. Petersburg. Therefore, I thought it right to say that I made such a decision. He said that each person makes his own decisions and is responsible for them. I thought he didn't like it."

Alexei Navalny called Ksenia Sobchak "a caricatured liberal candidate with a cannibalistic position." Probably, the main thing here is "cannibalistic".

On fig. Ksenia Sobchak with the support of the Israeli army.

All representatives political forces Russia spoke about her with jokes and jokes extremely low level. And the worst thing here is that these politicians have been of no use to anyone for a long time. As are their opinions.

Now Sobchak must collect voters' signatures. If she goes as an independent candidate, she will have to raise 300 thousand. If it collects them according to the law, then it is practically impossible to do this: there is no resource, no organization. If Sobchak turns out to be registered, it will become obvious that these signatures were collected for her by order ...

If Sobchak manages the nomination from the party, then she will have to collect 100 thousand signatures. In this case, everyone will think that these signatures were collected by party members.

In September, the Levada Center asked which of the public figures or women politicians could be president. Ksenia Sobchak was mentioned by 0.4% of respondents.

This is fine. At least she will not run away from the elections, and they will take place. This goal is very important, because the rest of the "political prostitutes" can turn left at the most crucial moment.

The negative moment of Ksenia Sobchak's show off, in my opinion, is that she is the creature of the same Maria Hohenzollern, who for several years now has been wanting to arrange a coup d'état in Russia and install her son Gosha as a fictional king.

Gosha is already almost old, but not yet married. Not so long ago, Ksenia Sobchak was married to him. But she moved on to someone else. I believe that this is not love, but a political maneuver: this “Golda Meyer” is simply smart in order to throw herself headlong on the neck of the already disgraced Gosha.

Apparently, Europe and Israel decided to stuff Ksenia Sobchak with shekels so that she would still look at Gosha and agree to become the queen of Russia. After all, another candidate - Poklonskaya - may soon be killed. She is inadequate.

And Xenia is adequate and cunning. She will be able to build Zion, which is still not being built in any way, in one country taken separately with the battle and genocide of the Russian population - in Russia. To help her, her colleagues in the kagal brought so many Asians into our country that their number had long ago blocked the number of voting Russians.

And this is the main horse of the Trojan Horse Ksyusha.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Chief Editor newspaper "President"

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