Where will be the closing of the circle of light festival. "Circle of the World" at VDNKh: nine evenings of light and music extravaganza! Patriarch's and Chistye Prudy


From year to year, the festival gathers a lot of spectators who want to admire the skill of lighting designers and professionals in creating graphics in 2D and 3D formats. Like the artists of the future, they paint their bizarre patterns on the facades famous buildings metropolis.

The theme of the anniversary event sounds like "In the city of light ...", which means that you are waiting for extraordinary journey to Moscow, which you have never seen before. Lighting effects will transform iconic architectural objects beyond recognition. Spectators are waiting for a fantastic performance that will unfold right on the facades.

Every year there are more and more sites. If in 2011 it all started with three venues, and last year's event there were seven, this year the festival will unfold at nine venues. Go on an extraordinary tour of historical places metropolis and become witnesses magic stories told through light and music.

The complex of buildings on Frunzenskaya embankment and Andreevsky bridge
26 and 27 September, 3 and 4 October

The opening of the festival will take place on the site. According to the organizers, the video mapping area will exceed 17 thousand square meters. meters. For this, powerful projection and multimedia devices will be used. In total, more than 500 units of lighting equipment are used, as well as 140 video projectors. This show will take your breath away! Within an hour you will be able to see six separate novels, which were worked on by professionals from Russia, France, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates.

Here you will be able to recall the best light shows that have already been demonstrated earlier as part of the festival. The program will include debut performances dedicated to the legendary ballets " Swan Lake and Carmen. The works of the best participants will also be shown to the public for the first time. international competition ART VISION Classic. Performances will be held throughout the festival.

"Park of Light" - September 26 - October 4, 19:00 - 23:00
Concert by Dmitry Malikov - September 27
light ice show- September 28 - October 4
VJ performance - Addictive TV (Spain) and Eclectic Method (UK) - September 29

Several events will be held here at once, while VDNKh will turn into a "Park of Light". Multimedia shows will be held on the main alley, as well as on the facades of the pavilions. You will be able to see performances prepared by ART VISION participants in the Modern and VJing nominations. As a working canvas for the implementation of their ideas, they will receive the facades of pavilion No. 1 and Cosmos. On September 29, real pros in the art of VJing will join them. It's about about Briton Johnny Wilson (Eclectic Method project), as well as Spaniards Graham Daniels and Mark Vidler (Addictive TV project).

There will also be a special music program popular artist, awarded the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation - Dmitry Malikov. His concert will be harmoniously synchronized with the video projection on the building of Pavilion No. 1.

The third component of the festival program at VDNKh is a grandiose light show on ice with Russian stars figure skating.

Central Children's Store
September 26 and 27, October 3 and 4, 19:30 - 23:00

As befits this place, here they will show fairy tale for the youngest guests of the festival. However, adults will be watching with no less enthusiasm and interest the amazing transformations of Russian toys, fantastic creatures and the transformation of a gloomy metropolis into colorful world. In addition, a show parade of funny toys awaits the audience.

This site will especially appeal to fans immortal work Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" Here will be installed light installations dedicated to the novel. Going for a walk on Chistye Prudy, you will know what it is - life in the city of light.

The main water artery of the capital will not remain aloof from the festival either. Special "multimedia barges" will run here. They will be equipped with equipment broadcasting dynamic projections on both sides of the embankment walls. You can admire this delightful spectacle on the section of the river from the House of Music on Paveletskaya to the Luzhnetskaya embankment.

Here grandiose submission under best music different eras. Get ready to be in awe as lasers, pyrotechnics and water fireworks create a fantastic show.

Digital October
September 26 and 27
Traditionally waiting for you educational program with the participation of world-class lighting experts.

On Saturday, September 26, the Circle of Light festival starts in Moscow. Over the next week, the streets of the capital will turn into a large-scale light installation every evening..

In 2015 the festival will be held for the fifth time. In honor of the first anniversary, it will become brighter and larger than last year. The light show will be held at 9 venues in different parts cities. By the way, it was possible to increase the number of venues thanks to extrabudgetary funding for the project. Participants from 26 countries will present to Muscovites in total over 90 works. main topic festival - "In the city of light." The installations will demonstrate the importance of light in various fields city ​​life.

It should be noted that in 5 years the number of festival fans has increased significantly - from 200 thousand to 6 million people. Organizers expect even more this year. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin instructed to pay great attention security, because evening time in the vicinity of the sites will accumulate a large number of of people.

The festival has long gone beyond the scope of a city event, today tourists come to Moscow specifically to see the show. In 2014 the department national policy, interregional relations and tourism during the days of the festival counted about 100 thousand visitors.

The opening of the Circle of Light will take place on September 26 at Frunzenskaya Embankment. Lighting designers will use the buildings of the Ministry of Defense as a canvas, using about 150 projectors of various capacities. It is better to watch the show on the opposite side of the Moskva River, on Pushkinskaya Embankment in Gorky Park. Beginning at 20:00, entrance to the stands by invitation, but the performance can be watched from the side. Masters from the United Arab Emirates, England, France and Russia will show 6 different short stories. Also, the show will be held here on September 27, October 3 and 4.

By the way, it will not be easy to get invitations to the stands, but millions of Muscovites watched the Circle of Light last year from various points around the stands. Moreover, the performance is often clearly visible even from several hundred meters away. The maximum will not be able to hear the audio.

One of the main venues of the festival in 2015 will be VDNKh. The facades of the pavilions, the main arch, and fountains will be illuminated in a special way. There will be a screening daily from 19:30 to 23:00 competitive works in audiovisual art. On September 27, from 20:00 to 21:00, a concert by Dmitry Malikov and light and Laser show on the facade of the pavilion. From September 28 to October 3, from 20:00 to 20:45, Tatyana Navka and Russian figure skating stars will perform near the Culture pavilion. On September 29, from 20:30 to 21:00 and from 21:30 to 22:00, masters from Great Britain and Spain will demonstrate their light show. It is expected that most of the spectators will be at VDNKh, so you should take care in advance to find a good place to view. Lucky residents of the nearby "skyscrapers", they will be able to watch the show from the windows.

on the facade Bolshoi Theater from September 26 to October 4 from 19:30 to 23:00 will show multimedia performances- fragments from "Swan Lake" and "Carmen". In addition, here you can see the shows that became favorites last year. It is better to watch performances on Revolution Square, but you can also stand near the buildings of the Moscow or Metropol hotels.

Nearby, at the Central Children's Store, on September 26 and 27, as well as on October 3 and 4, a "parade" of toys will be held. You can watch the show on Lubyanskaya Square, but the facade of the store is clearly visible on Myasnitskaya and even in the Kitai-Gorod metro area.

The Patriarch's Ponds will turn into one big illustration for Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita for all days of the festival. Here, the heroes of the novel will appear before the audience, projectors will show memorable fragments, etc.

On Chistye Prudy every evening you can see the light installation "Life in the City of Light". Multimedia performances will unfold around the entire perimeter of the pond. By the way, in order to see everything and not push around in the crowd, you can go to the Shater restaurant, which is located right on the water.

Only on September 26 and 27, from 19:30 to 23:00, barges with projectors installed on them will float along the Moscow River, transmitting video to the facades of buildings on the embankments - from the House of Music on Paveletskaya to the Luzhniki stadium.

The Circle of Light festival will end on the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye. Start at 20:00. In addition to the video installation, large-scale fireworks will be arranged here. water fireworks and lasers can also be seen on 26 and 27 September, 3 October.

On September 26 and 27, from 12:00 to 18:00, lectures will be held at the Digital October center, where experts will tell how installations are created, what equipment is used for this, etc. Anyone can ask questions. The master classes will put the theory into practice, so that those who are especially interested will create their own mini-light show.

By the way, use Ostankino tower will not be this year. In the past, this site was one of the most impressive. Meanwhile, the organizers are confident that they will have something to surprise Muscovites and guests of the capital.

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From September 26 to October 4, the anniversary V Moscow International Festival The Circle of Light is an annual event in which lighting designers and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics use the architectural space of the capital as an object for multimedia and light installations. The theme of the anniversary festival: "In the city of light ...". Spectators are waiting for an unusual and fantastic show. Every year there are more and more sites. In 2011 it all started with three venues, and at last year's event there were already seven, this year the festival will unfold at nine venues.

Festival program Circle of Light 2015:

  • Complex of buildings on Frunzenskaya Embankment and Andreevsky Bridge

    The opening of the festival will take place on the site. Spectators will enjoy a high-tech mapping and light show using projection and multimedia equipment. To scale total duration more than 500 units of lighting equipment, 140 video projectors will be used for almost 60 minutes. The area of ​​video mapping will be more than 17,000 square meters. Viewers will see 6 short stories created by masters of production studios from Russia, France, Great Britain and the United United Arab Emirates. The light composition on the Andreevsky Bridge will become a link between the plots.
  • Grand Theatre

    On the facade of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia during all evenings of the festival, the best video mapping performances that have already been shown earlier as part of the Circle of Light festival will be shown. A special gift to the guests of the festival will be a demonstration of debut performances on the theme of the ballet Swan Lake and Carmen. For the first time, the works of ART VISION Classic finalists will be presented on the facade of the theater. This year, a record number of applications from teams from 26 countries were submitted to the international competition. During the days of the festival, works that have passed to the second round will be shown.
  • VDNH
    September 26 - October 4, 2015, from 19.30 to 23.00
    VDNKh will turn into Park Light for nine evenings. Spectators are waiting multimedia shows on the main alley and facades of the pavilions, showing the works of participants in two nominations of the international competition - ART VISION Modern and ART VISION VJing. Competitions in audiovisual art will take place on the facades of pavilions No. 1 and Cosmos. Special Music Program People's Artist RF by Dmitry Malikov, synchronized with a video projection on the building of pavilion No. 1, will take place on September 27. And on September 29, VJ masters - Johnny Wilson, Great Britain (Eclectic Method project), Graham Daniels and Mark Vidler, Spain (Addictive TV project) will join the contestants. Also, as part of the Circle of Light, from September 28 to October 4, the audience of the festival will be able to see a grandiose light show on ice with the participation of Russian figure skating stars.
  • Central Children's Store
    September 26 and 27, October 3 and 4, 2015, from 19.30 to 23.00
    The facade of the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka will become truly fabulous. Young viewers are waiting amazing stories O fantasy creatures and a show parade of funny toys. Children and adults will be able to follow the evolution of Russian toys and watch the transformation of the city into a colorful one. incredible world.
  • Patriarch's and Chistye Prudy
    September 26 - October 4, 2015, from 19.00 to 23.00
    Light installations on the theme of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita will be installed at the Patriarch's Ponds. Chistye Ponds will be decorated with compositions on the theme “Life in the City of Light”.
  • Embankment of the Moscow River
    September 26 and 27, 2015
    From the House of Music on Paveletskaya to Luzhnetskaya embankment, "multimedia barges" will run, reproducing dynamic projections on both sides of the inner walls of the embankment.
  • Rowing Canal (Krylatskoye)
    26 and 27 September, 3 and 4 October 2015
    On the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye, a bright performance has been prepared to the famous music of different eras. Water fireworks, lasers and pyrotechnics will unite in a grand symphony.
  • Digital October
    September 26 and 27, 2015
    Traditionally, during the Circle of Light festival, Digital October will host an educational program with the participation of world-class and Russian experts in working with world-class light (by appointment)..

Entrance to all festival venues will be free for spectators. Entrance to the Opening Ceremony - by invitation cards. Official site - lightfest.ru
In 2015, the Circle of Light became a gold partner of the UN and UNESCO International Year light and lighting technologies.

From September 26 to October 4, the V Moscow International Circle of Light Festival will take place - an annual event in which lighting designers and professionals in the field of 2D and 3D graphics use the architectural space of the capital as an object for multimedia and light installations.

The festival will take place at nine venues in the capital of Russia. The theme of the anniversary festival is "In the City of Light...".

style="text-align: left;"> Venues and schedules:

Complex of buildings on Frunzenskaya Embankment and Andreevsky Bridge

The festival will open with a cycle of light novels on the facade of the complex of buildings located on Frunzenskaya Embankment and Andreevsky Bridge. Spectators will enjoy a high-tech mapping and light show using projection and multimedia equipment.

More than 500 units of lighting equipment and 140 video projectors will be involved in a large-scale performance with a total duration of almost 60 minutes.

The area of ​​video mapping will be more than 17,000 square meters. Viewers will see 6 short stories created by masters of production studios from Russia, France, Great Britain and the United Arab Emirates. The light composition on the Andreevsky Bridge will become a link between the plots.

Grand Theatre

On the facade of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, during all evenings of the festival, the best video mapping performances that have already been shown earlier as part of the Circle of Light will be shown. A special gift to the guests of the festival will be a demonstration of debut performances on the theme of the ballet "Swan Lake" and "Carmen".

For the first time, the works of ART VISION Classic finalists will be presented on the facade of the theater.

This year, a record number of applications from teams from 26 countries were submitted to the international competition. During the days of the festival, works that have passed to the second round will be shown.


VDNKh will turn into the "Park of Light" for nine evenings. Spectators are waiting for multimedia shows on the main alley and facades of pavilions, showing the works of participants in two nominations of the international competition - ART VISION Modern and ART VISION VJing. Competitions in audiovisual art will take place on the facades of pavilions No. 1 and Cosmos.

On September 29, VJing masters Johnny Wilson, Great Britain (Eclectic Method project), Graham Daniels and Mark Vidler, Spain (Addictive TV project) will join the contestants.

The special musical program of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Dmitry Malikov, synchronized with a video projection on the building of pavilion No. 1, will take place on September 27.

Also, as part of the "Circle of Light" from September 28 to October 4, the audience of the festival will be able to see a grandiose light show on ice with the participation of Russian figure skating stars.

Central Children's Store

The facade of the Central Children's Store on Lubyanka will become truly fabulous. Young spectators will find amazing stories about fantastic creatures and a show parade of funny toys. Children and adults will be able to follow the evolution of Russian toys and watch the transformation of the city into a colorful incredible world.

Patriarch's and Chistye Prudy

Light installations on the theme of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita will be installed at the Patriarch's Ponds. Chistye Ponds will be decorated with compositions on the theme “Life in the City of Light”.

Moscow river

From the House of Music on Paveletskaya to Luzhnetskaya embankment, "multimedia barges" will run, reproducing dynamic projections on both sides of the inner walls of the embankment.

Digital October

Traditionally, during the Circle of Light festival, Digital October will host an educational program with the participation of world and Russian experts in working with light.

Rowing Canal (Krylatskoye)

On the Rowing Canal in Krylatskoye, a bright performance has been prepared to the famous music of different eras. Water fireworks, lasers and pyrotechnics will unite in a grand symphony. It will be possible to watch the show on September 26, 27 and October 3.4.

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