Cultural program for June 12. Park "Northern Tushino"

Published on 23.01.18 00:07

Today, January 23, 2018, we also celebrate Handwriting Day (Handwriting Day), Green Light Day and other events.

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January 23, 2018 is celebrated folk holiday Grigory Letoindicator. The Church commemorates St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, who was nicknamed the Summer Marker, because the weather of that day was used to judge the whole summer.

According to legend, Gregory lived in the IV century in Caesarea (Cappadocia). There he received his education. His teacher was his brother - St. Basil the Great. Gregory spent a lot of time on self-study. He became an orator and left the church. After the death of his wife intkbbee he returned to his native estate and church.

In 372, Gregory was appointed Bishop of Nissa. Since that year, his activities have been dedicated to the fight against the Arians. Gregory was captured, but he managed to escape. For several years he wandered, enduring adversity and suffering, but did not leave the faith.

In 381, the Second Ecumenical Council was convened in Constantinople, where Gregory became one of the main figures. In 383, 386 and 394 he spoke in Constantinople, saying different words. Gregory zealously defended Orthodox dogmas and became an authoritative theologian of the empire.

Gregory lived to a ripe old age and died after the next Council of Constantinople.

Since January 23, the peasants have been preparing for spring sowing, checking and repairing equipment, sorting out grain.

On this holiday, it is forbidden to take out garbage and ashes. Otherwise, the house may leave happiness.

On this day they prepare and eat meat dishes so that you don't get sick all year round.

According to signs, if frost covers trees and haystacks on this day, then the summer will be cold.

If the south wind blows on this day, then June will be rainy, and if the weather is clear and there is dry snow, then the summer will be dry.

Handwriting Day or Handwriting Day is celebrated on January 23rd. The holiday was created to remind a person that in the age of electronic technology, this is the little thing that can still express his individuality. weak sides. Graphology is considered one of the most important sciences, capable only of handwriting to determine individual abilities person.

green light day

Green Light Day, celebrated annually on January 23rd. On a subconscious level, this color is perceived as a signal "you can". First of all, it is associated with a traffic light. The green light is on, which means that the path is open, you can go further without slowing down or slowing down, without losing precious moments of life.

Anatoly, Grigory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter.

  • 1556 - in China, the largest earthquake in terms of the number of victims.
  • 1849 - The first medical degree was awarded to a woman in New York State.
  • 1881 - in Bolshoi Theater Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin" premiered in Moscow.
  • 1895 - For the first time in the world, a man set foot on the coast of Antarctica.
  • 1960 - a record is set for deep diving to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
  • Tai Zong 599 - Chinese emperor.
  • Stendhal 1783 - French writer.
  • Auguste Montferrand 1786 - French architect.
  • Édouard Manet 1832 - French painter.
  • David Hilbert 1862 - German mathematician.
  • Grigory Aleksandrov 1903 - Soviet film director and screenwriter.
  • Hideki Yukawa 1907 - Japanese theoretical physicist.
  • Tanya Savicheva 1930 - Leningrad girl, author of the blockade diary.
  • Sergei Belov 1944 - Soviet basketball player and coach.
  • Alexander Inshakov 1947 - Russian stuntman, actor, producer.

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa younger brother Basil the Great (commemorated January 14, Vasil'ev day). Having received excellent education, he was at one time a teacher of eloquence, and in 372 he became bishop of the city of Nissa in Cappadocia. Being a firm zealot of Orthodoxy, he, together with his brother, fought against the Aryan heretics, but as a result of their intrigues, he was deprived of his chair and exiled to Ancyra; after the death of King Valens returned to its original place. Saint Gregory participated in many councils, and his word was highly valued by the Fathers of the Church. Together with other bishops, he confirmed Saint Gregory the Theologian as Archpastor of Constantinople. Saint Gregory of Nyssa was an ardent defender of the Orthodox dogmas and a zealous teacher of his flock, as well as a merciful and compassionate father of his flock, their intercessor before the judges; distinguished by generosity, patience and peacefulness. Having lived to a ripe old age, Saint Gregory of Nyssa died peacefully in the year 395. He went down in history as one of the most prominent theologians and figures of Christian thought of the 4th century. See it this way - there is also a convenient calendar, where everything is distributed by month. It's good to see what religious holiday waiting for you in January.

  1. On Gregory, by frost, they notice what the summer will be like: dry or rainy. Hoarfrost on stacks - to a wet summer.
  2. Trees in hoarfrost - the sky will be blue.
  3. On this day, they go out to look at haystacks and stacks of bread, and if they notice that there is frost on them, they predict that the summer will come gray and wet.

Handwriting Day or Handwriting Day

international holiday
Every year, the popularity of computers among young people is growing and Email. Letters that came to everyone's house through the postal service have already gone down in history. Children in schools do not pay attention to calligraphy at all, preferring all abstracts and creative work done on a computer only. Modern man even today he does not have the opportunity to convey his thoughts and emotions, writing them beautifully and with his own hand. Letter coming soon simple postcard, which are written by someone “by hand” in beautiful handwriting, will become a welcome acquisition.
The whole world celebrates Handwriting Day on January 23, sometimes it is also called Handwriting Day.
This international holiday was established by the Association of Manufacturers of Writing Instruments in order to remind all people of the uniqueness of each person's handwriting, of the uniqueness and beauty of handwriting.
The Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association has proclaimed January 23 the date of the "handwritten" holiday in honor of the birthday of one of the prominent American statesmen- John Hancock, who for the first time put his signature on the Declaration of Independence, which was large and sweeping. This signature added credibility to its author.

Church holiday of the Orthodox Church

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa

January 23 all Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, who was the younger brother of St. Basil the Great and in his time greatly influenced the church life throughout Russia.
Gregory grew up during the time of the Arian disputes and, having received an excellent education, he served for some time as a teacher of eloquence.
Saint Basil the Great in 372, Gregory in Cappadocia was ordained bishop of the city of Nissa.
And after 9 years, he became one of the main figures of the II Ecumenical Council, which was then convened against the Macedonian heresy in the city of Constantinople.
In 383, at the Council in Constantinople, Saint Gregory of Nyssa pronounced his famous words about the Deity of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa was known as a zealous teacher of his flock, an ardent defender of Orthodox dogma, and a gracious father and intercessor before the judges of his flock. Saint Gregory was distinguished among all by his generosity, patience and peacefulness.
Name day January 23 with: Anatoly, Gregory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter

Unusual holidays

- Day of lovers of silicone boobs
- Day of male polygamy
— Day of struggle with stupid people
- Lucky Day in Life
- Big wash day

January 23 in history

1933 - K. Stanislavsky, in a letter to the cloakroom attendants of the Moscow Art Theater, wrote a phrase that later became catchy: "The theater begins with a hanger."
1934 - The Kharkov Turbine Plant was put into operation.
1945 - Soviet troops surrounded the grouping of Nazi troops in the Poznan region.
1950 - Jerusalem is proclaimed the capital of Israel.
1960 - Jacques Picard and Don Walsh on the bathyscaphe Trieste sank to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, reaching a record depth of 10916 m.
1969 - The USSR launched the artificial Earth satellite Kosmos-264 to study extragalactic sources of gamma radiation.
1991 - Partial confiscation announced monetary reform(limited exchange of 50 and 100 ruble bills).
2001 - Group self-immolation in Tiananmen Square.
2003 - The last signal was received from Pioneer-10.
2012 - The French Senate passed a bill criminalizing the denial of the Armenian Genocide.

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