Scenario of the evening of dancing in the park. Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the international day of dance


Municipal educational institution

Medium comprehensive school №1

Unecha Bryansk region



dedicated to International Dance Day

"The Magical World of Dance"

Developed by:

senior counselor

first qualification category

Melnikova Olga Nikolaevna

Unecha 2015


celebration of the Day of Dance at the school "Magic World of Dance"

Explanatory note

Dance Day was originally celebrated in London. Today, this holiday is celebrated in dance schools around the world.

Now every self-respecting school, which has choreography circles and dance groups, uses in its everyday life such a thing as a dance festival - at which they perform concert numbers in front of students, teachers, parents.

The script for this holiday is developed by the schools themselves. Here is one of the options for holding this holiday in a city school, which has three choreographic teams

    "Freckles" 1-4 cells,

    "Mystery" 5-8 cells.

    "Girls" 9-11kl.

Location: the assembly hall of the school, decorated with the emblem of the holiday, balls, flowers, paper-cut ballerinas.

Props: projector, screen, video recording of dances.

Target: strive to interest children, teach them to love and understand the art of dance, which expands the scope of their interests, enriches them with new experiences. Acquisition of correct and accurate dance skills, participation in the performance of dances, creative attitude to create an image in them. Develop aesthetic perception, educates an emotional attitude to works of art, teaches correct judgments in the field of choreography.

As a result of active emotional acquaintance with choreography, the artistic taste of children is formed, they begin to notice and perceive beauty not only in art, but also in life.

Event progress

Presenter 1 Good afternoon, Dear friends!

Presenter 1 We are glad to welcome you on this wonderful day, in this beautiful hall, to celebrate this amazing holiday filled with the intoxicating fragrance of batmans and rondos.

Lead 2 We would like to invite you to Magic world dance

Presenter 1 In general, we hope to give you a good mood, because today is International Dance Day ...

Lead 2 At the end of April, like a full-flowing river,

Sparkles International Dance Day.

It was created to different countries and styles

United under the flag of art.

Lead 2 One of the important features of any dance is its ability to unite people in the name of friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

Presenter 1 On this day, the entire dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday - opera and ballet theaters, modern dance troupes, modern ballroom and folk dance ensembles and others, both professional and amateur artists,

Lead 2 Such as our students who are engaged in school choreographic groups "Girls", "Riddle" and "Freckles", as well as all those who love to dance

Presenter 1So let's finally enjoy the dance, we meet the youngest dancers of our school with thunderous applause. Dance group "Freckles" with the dance "Barbariki"

Presenter 1 The holiday International Dance Day has been celebrated since 1982 by decision of UNESCO on the birthday of the French choreographer Jean Georges Nover, a reformer and theorist choreographic art who went down in history as "the founder of contemporary ballet».

Lead 2 Dance Day was originally celebrated in London. Today this holiday is celebrated all over the world.

Presenter 1"International Dance Day is dedicated to the language that every person in the world can speak, it is the innate language of our bodies and our souls, our ancestors and our children. j." (message for International Dance Day 2009. Akram Khan (Great Britain):

Presenter 1 And I remembered another aphorism “Perfection of dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan." (Sylvia Guillem).

Presenter 1We meet the dance group "Girls" dance "Hello, sun!" Applause, our dancers.

Presenter 1 At all times, people dance on holidays and just on free evenings, having fun at ease or participating in a solemn ceremony.

Lead 2 Dance is the most ancient form artistic creativity. Having arisen in primitive society, accompanying the life of man for centuries, he passed hard way development. Each era gave birth to its dances.

Presenter 1 And now we will hold an auction for the audience: what name of the dance do you know? The last one to name the dance gets a prize. (play and award the winner of the auction)

Lead 2Accept a dance gift performed by the dance group "Riddle" dance "In the land of magnolias ..."

Presenter 1 Why do people dance? -

Hoping and waiting

What will suddenly be slimmer

And gain flexibility?

What are they bold dance

Will anyone love?

That the world will become kinder

And even a little prettier?

Flickering legs, arms,

Knees, bellies!

Don't be bored,

Dance quickly and you!

Lead 2 Dear friends! Do you want to dance? Then we dance "Dance of sitting A-O-U-A-A" ( a phonogram sounds; children, sitting on the seats in the hall, repeat the movements behind the leaders to the music)

Presenter 1 Well done boys! Judging by how well you all dance, our 1st school can be safely called one of the most dancing schools Russia and you all deserve a big round of applause for this dance.

Presenter 1 The dance group "Zagadka" dance "Rosinochka-Russia" is back on stage

Lead 2 Long live different dances -

ballet and variety,

Folk and classical

Sporty and majestic!

Fast and slow

time tested,

Ancient, modern -

The art of dance is magical!

Presenter 1 Who invented the first dance?

Lead 2 The dance also appeared in primitive times. Imagine: a primitive hunter kills a beast. Shouts, the joy of victory! A circular motion begins around the prey. Our distant ancestors did not invent figures and poses for their dances. They took them from life.

Presenter 1 Ancient man believed in magical power dance. Dances accompanied the preparation for the hunt. The dance should be to propitiate the hostile forces of nature. The dance also accompanied ancient religious cults.

Lead 2 At the heart of the first dances are movements associated with labor primitive man: fishing, hunting, fruit gathering, and even cooking

Presenter 1 Now let's imagine how the cooking process can be depicted in a dance. We meet the dance group "Freckles" dance "Kashka". We see off with applause young talents schools.

Lead 2 The ancient Slavs also believed in the magical power of dancing. Dancing, they most often moved in a circle. The circle is the symbol of the sun. And all pagans worshiped the sun. Their round dances are a naive worship, a joyful rite in honor of a shining deity

Presenter 1 KHOROVOD One of the most basic and ancient types of Russian folk dance. Absolutely everyone can participate in Russian round dances: children, old people, girls, boys.

Lead 2 Girls always carefully prepared for round dances, chose the best outfits, bought beautiful ribbons and scarves at fairs in advance. Russian round dances were timed to coincide with significant events and holidays for people, they were of a ritual and ceremonial nature.

Presenter 1Performed by the dance group "Girls", the winner regional competition"Magic heel round dance" With a loach I walk ... "

Presenter 1 Each nation has its own interpretation of the round dance. Russian round dances are accompanied by various songs. As a rule, these songs sing about natural phenomena and they are very rhythmic, so that the dancers can easily unite in round dances. The variety of round dances speaks of the amazing breadth of the Russian soul and the love of a Russian person for holidays and fun!

Lead 2 State Academic Choreographic Ensemble "Beryozka" N. S. Nadezhdina, the hallmark of which round dances have become, is the standard in this choreographic direction.

The name of the ensemble is taken from the first production of the Russian girlish round dance "Birch" (1948) to the music of the Russian folk round dance "In the field there was a birch tree ...". A little later, N. S. Nadezhdina will say:

« At the center of any of our work, whether it is a lyrical round dance or a cheerful dance, there is a poetic image of a Russian girl ... We want to reflect the purity and greatness of the Russian as brightly as possible folk art. This is a source of inspiration for our ensemble". And the source of inspiration for our artists is such choreographic groups that our country is proud of, attention to the screen

(video postcard of famous choreographic groups of Russia)

Presenter 1 calling card choreographic group of the school "Girls" are also a round dance, the names with it, our team has repeatedly become the winner of the regional competition of choreographic groups "Magic Heel" and the winner of the regional review amateur performances"I'm entering the world of art!"

Lead 2 Round dance "Alyonushka" dance our "Girls"

Presenter 1 It is difficult to determine how many folk dances and dances exist in Russia. They are simply impossible to count. But in all these very different dances there is something in common, characteristic of Russian dance in general: this is the breadth of movement, prowess, special cheerfulness, poetry, a combination of modesty and simplicity with great feeling dignity.

Performed by the dance group "Girls" dance "Lady"

Presenter 1 Loud applause for our girls.

Lead 2 A special place belongs to dances, in which the observation of the people is manifested: either about natural phenomena, or about any animals or birds, or about plants and flowers.

Presenter 1Performed by the dance group "Mystery" dance "Daisy"

Lead 2Performed by the dance group "Freckles" dance "Ring"

Presenter 1 Dancing is like a song: there is probably no person on earth who would not sing even once in his life. It’s the same with dancing: not everyone can dance well, some move awkwardly, awkwardly, but still, everyone wants to dance. Can there be a real holiday real joy without dancing?

Lead 2 And how good folk dances are, many of them are recognizable, one has only to show one movement. For example, lezginka, sirtaki, lady, gypsy

Presenter 1 We meet our girls with gypsy dance"Sing, Guitar"

Thank you girls for this incendiary dance and our thunderous applause.

Lead 2 In past centuries, many dances took years to learn, such as the minuet. But compared to his today's brothers - he is a real baby. Just think, bow smoothly, wave your hat, offer your hand to the lady!

Presenter 1 The dance of our time requires a whole range of qualities: excellent developed sense rhythm, coordination of movements, balance and flexibility of an acrobat.

Lead 2 What about legs? They must have an iron stamina. If you think about it, modern dances are primarily a demonstration of a dexterous, well-trained body.

Presenter 1 Variety dance with hats "Nambe uvan".

Presenter 1 For modern people dance is a form of active communication with art. When we watch a movie, listen to music, read a book, we cannot interfere with creative process. And in dance we can convey our feelings, reveal our understanding of music, and show our ability to be creative.

Lead 2 Vedas. 1 - A person who truly feels and understands beauty will never dance rudely and vulgarly. Anyone, the most modern dance he will be able to ennoble, fill with the wealth of his spiritual world.

Presenter 1 All our life - lovely dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

No extra phrases, no extra words.

Presenter 1 Today the music is playing

Movement is smooth and easy

They arise in our circle.

Our laughter is far away.

Lead 2 May this dance be long.

Let them be bright flowers,

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of beauty!

(without announcement of the hosts of the final flash mob dance groups school "Good mood")

Presenter 1 Happy international dance day, friends,

We heartily congratulate

Those who were born art, loving,

Those who captivate with divine dance.

Lead 2 Dear friends, if you can speak, you can sing,

if you can walk, you can dance.

Presenter 1 Yes, it's true, each of us knows how to dance, and most likely the one who thinks he can't dances secretly when he thinks that no one sees him.

Lead 2 So, dance, dance, dance, fill yourself with feelings and love. You can forget the movements, but you can't forget the mood. Geniuses dance with their hearts.

Presenter 1 Time passes, century after century...

Man has always lived in worries.

But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure

It was a fun dance best friend.

(music sounds, all the artists in costumes bow out)

Lead 2 Time passes, century after century...

Let the snow melt between us...

And let on our big planet

1st and 2nd presenters (together).

People are dancing and the sun is shining!

Goodbye friends, see you soon!

The development is addressed to the organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers-organizers of institutions additional education, class teachers, choreographers and is designed for middle and high school students.

Target : aesthetic education children by means of choreographic art.

  1. Organization of meaningful leisure for children.
  2. Expanding the horizons of students in the field dance art.
  3. Creating conditions for education artistic taste and love for beauty.

The show program is held in a dance or assembly hall.

Required for conducting: audio equipment, phonograms, a screen with a video projector, video material.

The room is decorated with reproductions of paintings about dance art, photographs, posters with aphorisms about dance. For example:

“A king can be judged by the way they dance during his reign”

(Chinese proverb)

“Tell me what your favorite dance is and I will tell you who you are” (Dassi)

“Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material” (Ted Schon)

“A dance cannot be told, it must be danced” (Page Arden)

"Dance Through the Ages"

Teacher. Before the start of our evening, we conducted an express survey and asked the question: “What do you like about dance art?”. The answers were: "This beautiful movements”, “beautiful music”, “grace, bright costumes”, “dance causes a feeling of pleasure”, “brings joy”, etc. In each of your answers there is the word “beauty!”

What does it mean to touch beauty? Here is one person's thoughts on the matter: “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can only touch beauty with your heart.”

Yes, beauty should be able not only to see and feel. Beauty must be protected! This is the hardest part. Capturing beauty in the soul, remembering it, always carrying it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, tonight we dedicate to the beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, the most sublime and beautiful of all arts, because dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

(music plays)

Leading. Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity... In my opinion, he is the same age as the “reasonable man”. Everyone knows that work has shaped a person, and I will add - also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey his joy or sorrow to other people through the movements of his body.

Leading. Archaeologists in different parts light discovered cave drawings with dancing people. Almost all important events in the life of a primitive man, dances were celebrated: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the sick. Dance expressed prayers for rain, oh sunshine, about fertility, about protection and forgiveness. We cannot say exactly what musical accompaniment our ancestors danced to. Perhaps at first they were chaotic, unorganized sounds (imitation of birds singing, howling of animals, noise of foliage, etc.). Then the simplest tunes and tunes appeared, consisting of several tones. They performed them on various pipes, on shells and wooden whistles. Many peoples of Africa still play the instruments of our distant ancestors. And their music has retained to some extent the features of primitiveness.

Leading. We tried to recreate perhaps one of the first dances of mankind, and this is what came of it.

(A dance group performs a ritual dance of Fire. A recording of African drums can be used as a soundtrack)

Leading. Further development dance art took place in two directions: simple - for the people and sophisticated art for the nobility.

Teacher. Yes, since the Middle Ages, dance art has been actively developing. Dances adorned folk festivals, home holidays. In the dance of ordinary people one can see the glorification of life, the joy of youth, good luck, worship of the sun, the vast expanses of the fields ... Something pagan is felt in them. Lively rhythm, jumps, circular movements, stomps, jumps - that's the whole folk choreography.

(middle group dance ensemble performs a rural branle. The branle of the composer K. Gervaise sounds)

Leading. There was other art as well. Let's remember that they danced at the royal courts of Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. Who knows?

(Participants of the evening call polonaise, morisco, rigaudon, bure, pavane, chimes, volta, galliard, minuet)

Leading. And yet all these dances were created by the people. And in high society folk dance style changed in accordance with court etiquette. And in 1661, the Royal Academy of Dance appeared in France. And the king of France Louis XIV ordered dance teachers to meet regularly and talk about dances, reflect, take care of their improvement. (The dance group performs a pavane to the music of the composer J. B. Lully. Then the dance couple performs a fragment of the minuet to the music of the composer I. Dussek)

Teacher. Dance is culture, religion, profession, upbringing, entertainment, history... And now, a fragment from the movie "War and Peace" will serve as a transition, like a bridge, from the Middle Ages to our century. The first ball of Natasha Rostova. Early XIX century, almost 200 years ago. This is the ball of the Russian nobility. Natasha is 16 years old. And now you will see that dance really is life itself - young Natasha puts so much feeling into it!

(A fragment of the film “War and Peace” is on the screen)

Leading. Then the 20th century came, life changed - it became faster and fleeting. Dances have changed, new ones have appeared.

Leading. In the 1920s, Argentine tango conquered everyone. His true homeland is Spain. And now surprise! Our guest is a ballroom dance ensemble. (Ensemble performs tango)

Leading. And in those days they danced the foxtrot, the Charleston. In the 40s of the twentieth century, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist, shake appeared. Each dance quickly and aggressively entered the arena, he appeared like a “caliph for an hour” and quickly gave way to another. Only one proved timeless. It appeared much earlier and has been sounding for 200 years. At the sounds of this dance, you want to spin, soar ... Have you guessed what kind of dance we are talking about?

(The guests of the evening unanimously answer: Waltz. A.I. Khachaturian’s waltz sounds to Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade”. Gradually, the music is muffled)

Leading. The first bars of amazing music are captivating. And now their sound captivated us, informed us of its rhythm and breathing, reflected on our faces. And the youth of the waltz was stormy and noisy. He went through persecution and
attacks. The very circling of the partner with the lady, the fact that he held the lady by the waist, seemed an unheard-of liberty. In the instructions of the Russian police under Paul 1, there was a “prohibition to use dances called“ Walsen.

Leading. But the waltz withstood a long struggle and the whole world danced it. (The waltz of I. Strauss “On the beautiful blue Danube” sounds. The dance group performs a dance).

Teacher. Waltzes are different. There are ballroom waltzes, pop waltzes, symphonic waltzes, waltzes-songs... M. Fradkin’s “Officer Waltz” gave rise to a whole series of “professional” waltzes: this is V. Sorokin’s “Sailor’s Waltz”, several “Soldier’s Waltzes”, “Miner’s Waltz” are known I. Dunaevsky, “School Waltz” by I. Dunaevsky, there are several “Student Waltzes”, “Collective Farm Waltz” by Mayboroda.

Leading. And there are others: “Sevastopol Waltz” by K. Listov, “Siberian Waltz” by G. Nosov, “Kazakh Waltz” by Khalidi, “Kiev Waltz” by Maiboroda, “Minsk Waltz” by Shumilin, “Garden Ring Waltz” by Ptichkin, “Bamovsky Waltz” Tulikov. In the name of these waltzes, the whole geography of a huge power.

Leading. There is a bit of sadness in every waltz. The waltz is also memories, it carries deep feelings associated with experiences of happiness, joy and sadness, bright hope.

(The soloist of the dance ensemble performs a waltz. The waltz of E. DOGI from the movie “My gentle and gentle beast” sounds)


The man was born cheerful.
Changed fashions and rhythms too,
But we can't live without dancing


Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

(The evening continues. Dance music of various styles and directions sounds. Games and dance competitions. The screen shows fragments of concerts of famous bands and performers: Riverdance, Todes, Carlos Zaura, etc.)


Questions for the quiz.

  1. Muse of dance Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)
  2. name ancient species folk dance art. Performed today. (Round dance.)
  3. What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men"? (Split.)
  4. Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)
  5. When is International Dance Day celebrated? (April 29)
  6. In Argentina, everyone dances on December 11th. After all, this day was declared by a special decree of the government national holiday and it is called ... (Feast of the tango. “ Argentine tango” is a famous and beloved dance all over the world.)
  7. What country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Lady"? (Russia.)
  8. Dance with cries of "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)
  9. What is the name of the partner in the dance? A. Order bearer. V. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalryman.
  10. The most pleasant noise for the performers during the performance is ... (Applause.)
  11. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)
  12. The most ballet skirt is ... (Tutu.)
  13. What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates? A. "Wig". V. "Mask". B. "Grim". G. "Role".
  14. What qualities should a good ballerina have? A. Eversion. B. agility. B. resourcefulness. D. Clumsiness.
  15. According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)

Scenario of the event in additional education "Dance Festival"

Conduct form: party for parents and students dance studio"Inspiration" MKUDO Anninsky DT.
Target: disclosure of creative abilities of students, achievements the highest degree expressiveness, identifying and supporting gifted and talented children, creating optimal conditions for personal and creative development, social adaptation students.
- to form a system of life skills and abilities necessary for the successful adaptation and socialization of students in society;
- improve emotional, musical and technical training students;
- to form the skills of rhythmic and plastic movements;
develop musical-rhythmic coordination and motor imagination;
- help develop a sense of rhythm musical ear, memory, attention, ability to coordinate movements with music;
- to improve the techniques of musical and motor expressiveness;
- develop responsibility for personal and collective success, activity and independence, communication skills;
- to form a general culture of the child's personality, the ability to navigate in modern society.
Members: students of the dance studio "Inspiration", teachers of additional education, parents, presenters Inga Svezhentseva and Svetlana Eremeeva.
Location: MKUDO Anninsky DT.

Event progress

Dance of Sharshova Masha.
Presenter 1: Hello dear friends, parents, guests and teachers! We are pleased to welcome you to the celebration dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29th. Our holiday was opened by the goddess of dance Terpsichore
Host 2: The floor for greetings is given to the director of the House of Creativity Galina Valentinovna Zhigulina.

Presenter 1: Tell me, who doesn't like to dance?
Probably, on the whole planet there are no people indifferent
to the dance.
For you, the dance "Frogs" performed by the youngest dancers
Studio "Inspiration"

Presenter 2:. When I walk along the river in spring
At the shore, the sky flows without interference
And spray spread everywhere to me
Cheerful mermaid laughter. Meet our "Mermaids"
Presenter 1:Let's move to the island of Tierra del Fuego and meet the sunrise with the tribe of Indians. Dance "Awakening" performed by the winners all-Russian competition"New Stars".
Lead 2: When the sun sets behind the mountains, the night brings us the joy of "Dreaming".
We meet Maria Sharshova, Alexandra Kryuchenkova, Tatyana Rogova, winners of the All-Russian festival - the competition "Empire of Dance" and the regional festival - the competition "We are different, but still together."

Presenter 1: Our Ilya is very clever
Peels a carrot with a knife.
Presenter 2: And Diana is cooking potatoes,
Soup stirs with a ladle.
It turned out delicious,
Personally samples are taken from the dishes.
Dance "Cook" performed by Ilya Babkin and Diana Ambartsumyan, winners All-Russian festival- Competition "Empire of Dance". Meet.
(Quiet music - text accompaniment)
Presenter 1: I dance with my eyes slightly closed,
Heavenly music sounds...
And takes my soul to heaven
There she floats happy
And with her...

Lead 2:… I am dancing,
why is it like that
This feeling is mine
What am I doing with my soul?
This music is calling me with it!
(Galina Bobyleva)

Dance "Amore"

Presenters: Rogov and Kryuchenkov. Hall game. (Let's all play together, repeat the movements after us)
We clap our hands, stomp our feet to the beat.
We put our hands on everything.
Let's clap over our heads.
Let's take our neighbors by the hand.
Let's raise our hands to the sky.
Right, left swayed.
They froze and stayed.
Get up, sit down. You got up, you sat down not together,
Need to do it again.
I immediately wanted to scream.
These words cannot be known.
Everyone in this room is friends!

Leading:(Rogova) And what are our beautiful dolls!
If you start music box,
They will dance for us. Let's see?..
Dance "Dolls"

Put things aside for a while
And run here, my friend!
Invites Tarantella
On the rocky coast.
Mandolin and guitar
The strings chime merrily
And, of course, a sonorous tambourine
Strikes a fret. (Dance "Tarantella")

Presenter 1:
Oh, sakura, I fell in love with you,
Your color is under rising sun singing.
Please, my love
be a muse and give me inspiration...
For you, the dance “In the Shade of Cherry Blossoms” performed by Maria Sharshova, a graduate of the Inspiration Studio.

Host 2: Our concert participants not only dance well, but also draw.
And what comes out of this, we will see now.
Do not spare your hands for our first-graders. (Dance "Paints").

Presenter 1: Adults! If you're sad
Cats scratch at the soul -
Childhood in a pharmacy ask:
In drops or dragee.
Childhood magical kingdom-
The joy of merry pranks.
It's a pity that about the miracle drug
Mom doesn't know yet.
But don't worry! God bless
Instead of miracles
Adults come to the rescue
Bright dances of children! (Dance "Childhood")

Host 2: Sveta, please tell me, have you ever dreamed in class?
Presenter 1: At the lesson? No.
Host 2: And kids dream sometimes. (Dance "In the lesson")

Presenter 1: We invite everyone to the Pajama Party.
Host 2: Dance is live music
And no wonder people say:
The dancer is the embodiment of paradise
Peace and harmony reign in the dance.
For all friends in the hall - dance "Samba style". We meet with applause
Presenter 1: Dancing, friends, you can not forget,
Dance more than normal.
And everyone should be
In excellent dance form.
On " Sports dance» We are invited by the girls of the Inspiration studio.
Host 2: How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems you can
dance - go on stage, surprise the audience! Right, Inga?
Presenter 1: Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And what comes out of it, let's see together with you! (Dance "Modern").

Musical accompaniment…. (prepare the stage for the dance - scenery)
Dance "Alice in Wonderland"

Host 2: Dance is an encrypted language of movements, it is speed and whirlwinds of emotions. Dance is more than words. Dance, open up in the dance, and discover other people. May the incendiary dance of your life never stop!

Presenter 1: We invite all the participants of the holiday to the stage. (Enter the dancers).

Host 2: To everyone who cannot stay still when they hear music, we give Hip-Hop.
Presenter 1: To all the guests and participants of the concert, we say (Together) "Goodbye, see you again"

The order of performance of the participants of the concert
1. "Dance of Terpsichore" Sharshova Maria.
2. "Frogs" 1 class.
3. "Mermaids" 2 cells.
4. "Awakening". 4 cells
5. "Dream" .Trio of girls.
6. "Cooks" 5 cells. duet
7. "Amore" duet (Svezhentseva I., Eremeeva S.)
8. "Dolls" 3 cells.
9. "Tarantella" 6 cells.
10. "In the shade of cherry blossoms" Sharshova Maria.
11. "Paints" 1 class.
12. "Childhood" 2 cells.
13. "In the lesson" 5 cells. duet
14. " pajama party» 6 cells
15. "In the style of samba" 3 cells.
16. "Sports" 4 cells.
17. "Modern" 2 cells.
18. "Alice in Wonderland" mix.
19. "Hip - hop" everything.

This evening of dancing may not take place at the school itself, but in some cafe or club with an extensive dance floor. This, of course, will be more expensive, but teachers-organizers will be calmer.

The dances themselves at the evening should alternate with competitions and draws, so that students are unlikely to get bored. And of course, we need such a leader who could involve as many children as possible, including the most modest ones, in action.

The first step is to unite everyone in one big dancing circle so that the guys feel more liberated. The leader comes to the middle of the platform.


You came to dance, right? But I haven't seen how you can move yet. Come on, show me your dancing skills. No, guys, that's not going to work. I see, after all, not everyone came here to dance. Many decided to settle down or, even worse, to sit out. This will not work! Let's make one big circle.

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle of which is the Leader.

Look closely at your neighbors on the left and right. Do you notice anything? Then notice that we all have hands. Noticed? Wonderful! A very valuable observation! Now take your right hand neighbor's hand on the right. And we begin to dance, as in early childhood on the Christmas tree. Only at the same time everyone should say: “We all have hands!”

Everyone begins to move in a circle around the Leader, saying: “We all have hands!”


Now take a closer look at your neighbors. What else have you discovered? That's right, everyone has necks! We hug the neighbor on the right by the neck. Gentle, gentle... No need to be rude! And we continue the round dance, only now everyone says: “We have necks!” Joyful, happier! You should be glad that you have necks! Pay attention to your neighbor again. What a coincidence! We all have shoulders! We take on the shoulder of a neighbor! Repeat after me: “We all have shoulders!” We look at the neighbor even more carefully! We notice that we all have waists. Well, someone has it more, someone less, but everyone has it without exception. We hold on to each other's waists and say: "We all have waists!" Yes, we've dealt with that. Let's pay attention to the more piquant places of your neighbors. Of course I mean the ears! Hold your neighbor by the ear! We repeat: “We all have ears!” Do we have noses? Of course have. Follow me: "We all have noses!" Let's not stop the dance! Faster Faster!

The round dance speeds up its movement.


We all have chins! Faster! We all have hair! We all have fingers! Now let's run! We all have elbows! We all have legs!

Usually, at this point in the game, a merry mess begins, since it is very inconvenient to run in a round dance, holding on to a neighbor's leg.


All! Stopped! Now you see how much we have in common! See that everyone has the same body parts! That is, we are all equally created for dancing. So why don't we dance then?!

The music turns on, the guys dance. But the Leader does not allow them to relax for a long time.


And now the first competition. All couples are invited to participate. Who does not have a pair, choose! Dear young men! The essence of this competition is that you dance not only with your partner, but also with balloon tied to her leg. Disassemble the balls! Ring your partners with them.

The youths are tied Balloons to the ankles of their partners for a string. It is best to use small balls in this game that are difficult to hit.

On my command, you begin to dance. As I said, the task of the boys is to keep the ball of their partner intact. In addition, you also need to crush the balls of other people's partners with your foot. The pair whose balloon burst is out of the game. And the winner will be the pair that has kept their ball intact and unharmed. Go! Let's music!

Rhythmic music plays. Couples dance, dodging other people's feet. Those whose balloon has burst stand at the edges of the dance floor. In the end, the winning couple is announced. They are given a small prize. Music sounds. The guys are dancing.

After a short period of time, the Host again interrupts the dance for the competition.


You surely know about famous dances on the newspaper. Have any of you ever danced on a newspaper? Now such an opportunity will present itself. Here are your mini dance floors...

Spreads several newspapers on the floor.

All couples wishing to show their art of dancing in miniature squares, please come to me. Each pair is given a newspaper. Just don't read them! They need to dance. Get on the papers! Your task during the dance is not to leave them. Everything is pretty easy, isn't it? Well, let's see how easy it will be for you, and if you can handle the task.

Since the Leader did not warn that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe newspaper under each pair would gradually decrease, the task may seem too easy for unsuspecting young dancers. However, during the dance, the Leader gradually tears off a piece from each newspaper. The area for dancing decreases each time. The winner is the one who lasts the longest on a piece of newspaper. Usually the winner is the one who keeps his partner in his arms the longest. After the awarding of prizes, ten to fifteen minutes of dancing follow. Then the Host again gathers everyone for a new competition.


Everything flows, everything changes... Why am I?.. Ah, yes, the music is changing, we are changing after it. Can you change as many times as the music changes? What does it mean? Now you will see! I ask everyone who wants to come to me. We will dance alone, but couples can also participate. Only then the prize will have to be divided by two. The task, at first glance, is quite simple: with your movements to match sounding music. Now our DJ will start his mix of various melodies, and you will try to match them with your body movements. If there are any surprises during the competition... I mean musical surprises... Don't get lost. The main thing is to keep dancing and not stop for a minute. This competition will be won by the one who best captures the changes in music. Please, DJ, start bullying the dancers!

The “surprise” lies in the fact that the DJ really turns on a crazy mix of many melodies following one after another in an absolutely free sequence: for example, after 10 seconds of slow music, 20 seconds of fast music follow, which suddenly gives way to a tango that sounds like half a minute. The tango abruptly transitions to disco rhythms that only last about five seconds. And so on.

Musical passages should be different in length, rhythm, style. Include in the soundtrack an excerpt from " swan lake". See how the dancers will "switch" from disco to Tchaikovsky. Several times the DJ turns off the soundtrack altogether, and the dancers need to imitate silence, while not ceasing to move, as agreed. If one of the participants hesitated, the Host immediately reminds that there was a condition not to interrupt the dance.

After the competition, the results are summed up, the most artistic participant (or the most artistic and well-coordinated couple) is selected, whose movements most corresponded to all musical fragments, including those when the music subsided.

After this contest dance program continues, and for fifteen minutes the guys dance to the music chosen by the DJ. After a while, the Leader appears imperceptibly among the dancers. He is clearly going to play pranks and is now organizing a "snake". Grabbing the hand of one of the dancers, he pulls him along, he picks up the third dancer, he, in turn, the fourth, etc. The “snake” moves around the hall, skirting the dancers and gathering more and more participants. Finally, all participants dance evening become involved in a single movement.

When the “snake” gathers everyone into itself, its “head”, that is, the Leader, begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the "snake" turns out to be coiled. The beginning of the "snake" is somewhere in the middle of the rings, and it is already impossible to get out of there. This is where the movement ends. Everyone starts noisily unraveling the rings.


And now it's the turn to show themselves to our guys. Guys, come on, come to me. Now let's see which of you are Robinhoods, Chinganchguks, Napoleons and Gagarins. At the beginning of the evening, our girls had to dance with balls on their feet. Some of them are still experiencing this fact ... Now the girls will stand aside and watch the boys. Only in the beginning will need your help, girls. Tie these matchboxes from behind to the belts of our young men with threads. Just do it in such a way that the boxes touch the floor.

Girls tie empty matchboxes to boys' belts. The boxes must touch the floor so that they can be stepped on.


Do you know, Robinhoods, that it is now very fashionable to wear a matchbox on the back, tied with a thread to the belt? Do not know?! So, I'm telling you about it. Envy each other, because now you will all have boxes hanging on your belt. But everyone can't be equally cool, right? Everyone can't carry matchboxes. So, Chinganchguki, your task consists of three parts: firstly, you need to beautifully perform a dance to the music offered to you, and secondly, deprive as many of your opponents as possible of the opportunity to have boxes on their belts, and simply put, step on a neighbor’s box and rip it off the thread with your foot. Thirdly, and this is the most difficult thing, you need to protect your own box from the insidious encroachments of your opponents. The horseman who keeps his box on his belt will win. This is going to be really cool. Begin!

Rhythmic music sounds, the young men jump around the site, trying to step on each other's boxes. In the end, only the two most evasive remain, who decide who will be the winner.


Boys, don't leave! There is an opportunity to win another prize! Of course, for this you need to participate in the competition for the most accurate. I need five volunteers! (Five young men come out.) I give you targets. (Distributes to the participants of the competition in a small basin and plastic cup.) Place the basins on the floor next to you. Put the glasses in the basins in the middle. It will be your "bull's eye" or "ten", as you please. And here is the weapon from which you will have to shoot. (Gives each a liter plastic bottle filled with water.) Your task is to hold the bottle between your knees, open it and carefully fill your glass to the brim. I repeat: to the brim! We start as soon as the music starts. Whoever fills their glass the fastest wins. Go!

There is a competition. The winner receives a prize.

Again, music plays for 15-20 minutes, to which the guys just dance, like in a regular disco. After a while, the Leader enters the case again.


Well, the boys showed themselves. Now let's see how agile and agile our girls are. Girls, don't be shy, come to me. It's strange, usually during competitions it is girls who always behave more actively. You don't know why? Maybe they want to win some prize more? Or is it a sporting interest? Tell me. Well, now all the girls will get the opportunity to show themselves. Only I need an assistant from young men. (A young man comes out who will help the Host during the competition.) Girls, have any of you been to the Hawaiian Islands? And in Cuba? What about some Latin American countries?

Well, do you remember the Lambada dance? So, in all these countries the following game is very popular. (The leader picks up a bar about one and a half meters long or a piece of rope of the same length. He passes the second end of the bar or rope to the assistant. The bar rises to a height of average human height, the rope is pulled at the same height.) What do you think, girls, is it easy go under this bar? Let's try. Who wants to - go under this bar and see how easy it is. (Girls with Latin American music easily pass under the bar.) And what do you think, if we lower the bar like this (lowers the bar by fifteen centimeters), it will be just as easy for you to pass under it? Let's try with one condition: if the bar prevents someone from going under it evenly, you only need to bend back. Forward is not allowed. (Music sounds, girls pass under the bar.) It's all fine. You demonstrate simply miracles of flexibility. Well done! But it will be really difficult ahead. If we lower the bar by this much... (lowers the bar by another 15 centimeters). Who would dare to go under it now?

With each round, the leader and partner lower the bar lower and lower. The girls are trying to go under it, leaning back to the music. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the bar itself with your hands. The lower the bar goes down, the fewer participants will be able to bend as low. Accordingly, everyone who fails the flexibility test is out of the game. In the end, the most flexible girl will win. She will get the prize. Again, a small musical fragment of the evening follows, when the guys can dance. Further, the Leader appears again in the center of the site.


Although you and I, friends, have come to the dance party, it is impossible to dance all the time. Sometimes you need to take a breath. Let's take a break from dancing and play one game. In the course of this game, in which absolutely everyone can participate. you will need to quickly, quickly break up into different groups according to some sign or condition. I will call these signs and conditions. Well, for example, I say: "Break into smokers and non-smokers." You need to complete the task very quickly. Those who mixed up the group perform Additional tasks which, again, I give. By the way, I hope there are no smokers among you yet... So, all the participants freely walk around the site, resting from music, dancing, have a casual conversation... And suddenly they break up... in pairs!!! (Everyone tries to quickly find a mate for themselves. Those who do not have time do some task related to dancing. We will talk about tasks below.) So, we walk further, walk, talk, rest. I complicate the task ... And we break into groups ... by hair color !!!

Further, the Host can give the task to break into groups with an even, and then an odd number of people, into triples of the same sex, form groups according to height, according to the color of clothing (who wears more red - in one group, who wears more white - in another, and on who neither one nor the other - in the third). Can you give more difficult tasks. Quickly split into two groups by gender. Then the girls split into two groups: those in trousers and those in skirts. The boys are divided into groups according to the "denim" sign: who is in jeans and who is in trousers. Then the girls in trousers break down on those with long hair, and those with short. Girls in skirts are divided into groups according to the length of the skirts (short - long). Boys in jeans are divided into groups according to the color of the jeans (dark - light). Boys in trousers are divided into groups according to the color of their shirts.

Now about the penalty tasks for those who did not cope with the main task and mixed up the group. If there are a lot of "penalty boxes", it is best to select them in separate group and make, for example, dance lambada or Russian folk dance. If there are only a few penalties, then it is better to give them individual tasks associated with music and dance. Ask what dances the “penalty man” knows. Ask about Cuban dances, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish. Surely the guys will name rumba, gypsy, flamenco, hopak, lezginka, and polka, because these are very famous dances. In addition, the "penalty boxers" need to be asked to dance something. For example, lezginka or spanish dance. Ask to come up with the most original movement in the dance.

After the game, the dance program continues again. This time it can be interrupted by competitions that reveal the "most". For example, the Host, without stopping the music, announces: “And now, within three minutes, I am announcing a competition for the fastest dancer!” This is followed by competitions for the most plastic dance, to the most incendiary dance, to the best dance technique, to the most resourceful dancer, to the most inventive dancer, to the most original dance move. Naturally, the selection of the best dance couple of the evening stands apart. This competition is especially loved among young people. Of course, the "most" are awarded with small souvenirs or prizes.

A few more tips. Remember that on a dance night people come to dance. So try not to get too carried away with non-dance games, as most people just stand back and watch a small group of participants. Try to make the competitions one way or another related to dancing, and as many people as possible participate in them.

We hope that our advice will help you organize a dance evening and turn a banal disco into an exciting and relaxing holiday.

Scenario plan of the holiday "Day of Dance"

Target: Help children overcome their fear of speaking in public Creative skills, to allow parents to get acquainted with the successes of their children, to involve teenagers in the socio-cultural activities of the ODOD, to attract new students to the choreographic ensemble "VENERA".

Audience: Students of the choreographic ensemble "VENERA" are children aged 6-13, their parents, guests, school administration.

Time spending : February 2014

Location : Assembly hall of school No. 191

Time of the event: 13.00-15.00

Holiday script

Background music

The inscription "Venus Choreographic Ensemble"

The scene is framed like a flower meadow: greenery, flowers, a bench, a basket.

Screensaver (flower meadow)

Lights off on the stage, sleeping on the bench

DANCE: Pirouette appears to the sound of music

DANCE: Dance of the note (exit from the hall)

NOTE: Get upPIROUETTE! Everyone is already here! Terpsichore is coming soon! Wake up!

PIROUETTE : what to me wonderful dream dreamed!

NOTE: Well, what kind of dream is it?

PIROUETTE: As if our Flower meadow was visited by snow-white Fairies. Oh! What a wonderful dance it was! .. And in their hands they held beautiful flowers. I think pink roses.

NOTE: Stop talking about this dream. Have you forgotten what's going on here today? big celebration, dance day.

PIROUETTE: Of course, I didn't forget. Yesterday we prepared a glade with you. We were so tired that we even fell asleep here.

And who flew to us ... probably these are flower fairies

DANCE "Flower fairies" 2kl

NOTE: Which beautiful fairies, it's a pity that they flew away (sees the letter) ... PIROUETTE, look .. they brought us a letter

“Above the grass flutters ... a bow?

No, it's probably a prank.

colorful from candy?

Does any of you know the answer?

Oh, the miracle has wings!

Where did you fly from?

Quietly the butterfly sat down,

rested and took off.

So from flower to flower

I flutter all day."


DANCE: "Butterflies" 1 class

PIROUETTE and NOTKA are looking for Terpsichore : Terpsichore should appear soon, where is she?

DANCE : Terpsichore appears to the sound of music.

Terpsichore: Hello, my dears! I am the goddess of dance - Terpsichore, and I have a girlfriend Venus the goddess love and beauty “Only love for dance and hard work creates a truly beautiful dance.Wish Have a good mood it is difficult to tell about the birth of dance, but it was still when humanity led a semi-wild lifestyle. People imitated animals in dances, believing that this helps to hunt and find food. Dances accompanied certain labor and had their own rhythm. Gradually, the art of dance became more complicated. They became technically more complex, more flexible, distinguished by a variety of postures, gestures, and movements. Appeared its own dance etiquette, its own posture and tread. You can talk about dancing for hours, but it would be better if we see how the members of our ensemble learn to dance.

Slide show

The projector broadcasts a short video about the life of the studio

Indicative number of guests of the program

    Our whole life is a beautiful dance.

Our whole life is a kaleidoscope.

Let's enjoy the dance

No extra phrases, no extra words.

Game for parents

    Today the music is playing

Movement is smooth and easy

They arise in our circle.

Our laughter is far away.

Mobile dance relay for children

    May this dance be long.

Let the flowers be bright

that never fade

On a wonderful holiday of BEAUTY!

DANCE "Minuet"

Terpsichore: In our ensemble there are members who have only recently begun to study the art of dance.

Oath of the First Years

Final word Terpsichores: We wish you, dear dance masters, that nothing interferes with you:

    nor an uncomfortable suit,

    no embarrassment about hairstyles,

    no nervous tension

    nor annoyance

And if something is wrong, immediately remind yourself:

everything interferes with a bad dancer.

Further fate dance depends on all subsequent generations

Word of the school administration

Sweet table, disco in the lobby.

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