Lies and politics. The most common myths about the Lenin Mausoleum


Mausoleum - "ominous ziggurat" or sacred symbol of our history?

The struggle over the burial of Lenin's body has not subsided for almost three decades. They raised the topic of removing the body of the leader from the Mausoleum back in perestroika, guided by supposedly plausible motives: “to bury Lenin like a human being,” next to his mother. Later, the “humanistic” rhetoric was replaced by the unbridled and completely godless message of the representatives of the Russian emigration: “In our opinion, it is necessary to burn the body of Lenin in a crematorium, pack the ashes in a steel cylinder and lower it into a deep depression Pacific Ocean. If you bury him in Volkovsky cemetery Petersburg, then disgruntled citizens can blow up Lenin's grave, damaging nearby graves" .

This position was taken by Vice President round table Russian noble assembly S. S. Zuev, chairman of the board of command of the descendants of the Volunteer Corps organization L. L. Lamm, field ataman from the descendants of the Don and Kuban Cossacks A. A. Afanasiev in open letter in the name of the top leadership of Russia.

What arguments were presented and are still being presented by the supporters of the removal of Lenin's body from the Mausoleum?

It is alleged that Lenin is not buried at all. But even if we assume that the Mausoleum is a burial, then this is a burial made, firstly, not in a Christian way, and, secondly, contrary to the will of Lenin, who bequeathed to bury him at the Volkovo cemetery, next to his mother. Great efforts are being made to desacralize the significance of the Mausoleum, to attribute occult functions to it ( "The mausoleum is a ziggurat, Lenin feeds on the energy of living people" etc).

What are these claims based on?

The myth that Lenin is not buried

The first in the USSR to raise the topic of Lenin's reburial was Mark Zakharov, a director and long-term artistic director of the Moscow State Theater named after Lenin Komsomol. On April 21, 1989, in the release of the TV program "Vzglyad", on the Moscow air, Mark Zakharov said the following: “We must forgive Lenin, bury him like a human being, and turn the Mausoleum into a monument of the era.”

In support of his thesis, Mark Zakharov gave the following arguments: “We can hate a person as we like, we can love him as we like, but we have no right to deprive a person of the prospect of burial, imitating the ancient pagans.<...>The creation of artificial relics is an immoral act.”

Thus, Zakharov, speaking about the fact that one cannot deprive a person of the prospect of burial, thereby asserts that Lenin is not buried. Meanwhile, the resolution of the II All-Union Congress of Soviets of the USSR of January 26, 1924 says:

2) To build a crypt near the Kremlin wall on Red Square among the mass graves of the fighters of the October Revolution.

What is a crypt? Crypt is "internal, usually buried in the ground room of the tomb, intended for the burial of the deceased".

In the aforementioned program “Vzglyad”, Mark Zakharov stated that for him "Lenin's genius is in his politics..." But if Lenin is a brilliant politician, then it is not clear what could confuse Zakharov in Lenin's burial in the Mausoleum? After all, in this way the remains of the great statesmen different peoples at different times.

So, in France, a mausoleum was installed in which the remains of Napoleon are stored. The embalmed remains of Field Marshal Mikhail Barclay de Tolly are located in present-day Estonia. General Ulysses Grant, who made a great contribution to the victory of the North over the South in the American Civil War, and then became the president of the country, is buried in a mausoleum in New York. Marshal of Poland Jozef Pilsudski rests in a sarcophagus placed in the crypt of the Cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslas in Krakow.

It later became clear that Zakharov's concern for Lenin's "human" burial was the first step towards declaring Lenin a criminal. Vladimir Mukusev (1987-1990 managing editor of the Vzglyad program) explained that “The program was supposed to be about Leninism, and not about Lenin and his funeral.<...>Leninism is the ideology of totalitarianism, and it is precisely with it that we must fight, and not with its external manifestation..

Mark Zakharov, who in 1989 spoke of Lenin as a brilliant politician, stated the following in 2009: “I consider Lenin a state criminal. He must be tried posthumously and given the same verdict as Hitler was about to receive ... "

As for the name of the theater (the name of the Lenin Komsomol), which Zakharov has been heading since 1973 and which was renamed Lenkom in 1990, Zakharov explained that, despite his negative attitude towards Lenin, “this name existed for many years, and there were good performances. When pirates take over a ship, they never change its name or it will sink. We could not help but rename it, but we left the word "Len". "Lenkom" is a rather conditional abbreviation, reminiscent of Lancom(famous French cosmetics company - ed.) and other words. He is a state criminal, but he belongs to our history, we will condemn him in 50 years, and maybe even earlier.”

The myth that Lenin was buried "un-Christianly"

There is a widespread myth that Lenin was not buried in a Christian way. Why the unbelieving Lenin had to be buried as an Orthodox Christian is a question. But this myth was picked up not only by ardent anti-communists, but also by the Moscow Patriarchate, which in 1993 expressed its opinion about the burial of Lenin on Red Square: “National traditions of burial, formed under the influence of Orthodox culture, from time immemorial assumed the burial of the bodies of the deceased in the ground. Mummification of the body, and even more so putting it on public display (highlighted by us - auth.) , fundamentally contradicts these traditions and in the eyes of many Russians, including the children of the Russian Orthodox Church, is a blasphemous act that deprives the ashes of the deceased God commanded rest (highlighted by us - auth.) . It is also important to note that the mummification of the body of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) was not the will of the deceased and was carried out by the state authorities in the name of ideological goals ".

Historian Vladlen Loginov, a well-known researcher of Lenin's biography, said in an interview that “when in the days of Brezhnev, few people know about it, there was overhaul Mausoleum, then there was a consultation with the Russian Orthodox Church on this matter. And just then they pointed out that the main thing is to observe that it be below ground level. What was done was to deepen the structure a little". But this is the testimony of a historian.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Church itself knows examples of similar and almost identical burials. So, by permission of the Holy Synod, the body of the great Russian surgeon and scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, who died in 1881, was embalmed and buried in an open coffin, in a tomb, over which a church was later erected. This burial can be visited to this day in Vinnitsa, Ukraine.

Since the time of medieval Russia, there have been many examples of the burial of the deceased not in the ground. Moreover, such burials are also found in Orthodox churches, which is indisputable evidence that the church recognizes the possibility of burying the dead not only in the ground. At the same time, in the temple, the sarcophagus can be located both under the floor and placed in a special shrine standing on the floor. Burials in such shrines can be seen in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow - this is how Metropolitans St. Peter, Theognost, St. Jonah, St. Philip II (Kolychev) and Hieromartyr Patriarch Hermogenes are buried.

In the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin, the holy Tsarevich Dimitry of Uglich (who died in 1591) and the holy miracle-workers of Chernigov from the first half of the 13th century are buried in shrines. The shrines were transferred to the cathedral in 1606 and 1774, respectively, which indicates that such burials were revered not only in early Christian Rus'.

In addition to burial in shrines, the burial of the dead was practiced in arcosolia - special niches in the walls of temples. Arcosolia could be open, semi-open and closed. Bodies in coffins or sarcophagi were placed in niches. Such arcosolia were made in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in the Church of the Savior on Berestov, in the Church of Boris and Gleb in Kideksha, in the Old Cathedral Church near Vladimir-Volynsky, in the Resurrection Church in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir, in Nativity Cathedral of the 13th century in Suzdal.

It should be noted that burials in niches were practiced not only in temples, but also in caves. Burials in underground caves in the Pechersk Lavra in Kyiv, in monasteries in Vydubychi in Kyiv, in Chernigov and in the Pechersky Monastery near Pskov are well known.

In the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, such caves are underground galleries with niches along the walls, in which burials are carried out.

The final burial of the monks on Athos is not carried out in the ground either. After the death of a monk, his body is placed in the ground only for a while. After about three years, when the flesh has already decomposed, the bones are dug up and transferred to special rooms-bones, where they are stored further.

If we talk not only about the Orthodox, but more broadly - about the Christian tradition, then Catholic Church also buries the dead not only in the ground. One of the clearest examples of such a burial is the pantheon of the Spanish monarchs in Escorial. Under the altar of the cathedral there is a room where sarcophagi with the remains of kings and queens stand in wall niches. Infantes (princes) are buried in adjacent rooms.

Continuing the conversation about the Catholic tradition, it is necessary to give an example of the burial of Pope John XXIII, who died in 1963. His body was then embalmed and placed in a closed sarcophagus. And in 2001, the sarcophagus was opened, and the untouched body was placed in a crystal coffin in the altar of St. Jerome in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

So, the Christian tradition, both Orthodox and Catholic, has no prohibitions on either embalming or burial not in the ground. So it is impossible to call the method of Lenin's burial "blasphemous" (recall that the Moscow Patriarchate stated that the burial is not in the ground, mummification and public display are blasphemous actions).

The myth about Lenin's will to bury him at the Volkovskoye cemetery

In June 1989, a month and a half after Mark Zakharov's statement, the topic of Lenin's burial was again raised by publicist Yuri Karyakin, at that moment a senior researcher at the Institute of International Labor Movement of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1968, Karyakin was expelled from the CPSU in absentia by the Moscow City Party Committee for his anti-Stalin speech. During perestroika, together with A. D. Sakharov, Yu. N. Afanasiev, G. Kh. Popov, he was a member of the Interregional Deputy Group.

June 2, 1989 at the I Congress people's deputies USSR Karjakin stated that even as a child he learned that Lenin wanted to be buried near the grave of his mother at the Volkov (Volkovskoye) cemetery in Leningrad: “As a child, I learned one quiet, almost absolutely a fact we have forgotten. Lenin himself wanted to be buried near his mother's grave at the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. Naturally, Nadezhda Konstantinovna and Maria Ilyinichna, his sister, wanted the same . Neither him nor them listened (highlighted by us - auth.). <...>Not only was Lenin's last political will trampled on, but his last personal human will was trampled on. Of course, in the name of Lenin.”

Later, in 1999, Karyakin, in an interview with the Smena newspaper, would somewhat correct his attitude to the “fact” known only to him: “So he said about the quiet legend in the old Bolshevik circles, that, they say, he wanted to. No more, no less. No documents (highlighted by us - ed.) " .

That is, 10 years later, Yuri Karyakin admitted that there is no genuine documentary evidence of the “fact” that Lenin was buried contrary to his own will.

Karjakin corrected his position after attempts to document the possibility of Lenin's reburial, referring to his dying will, were stopped. In 1997, the Russian Center for the Storage and Study of Documents of Recent History (RTSKhIDNI, now RGASPI) put an end to this issue, which issued a certificate to Yeltsin's assistant Georgy Satarov, which stated the following: “The RTSKhIDNI does not have not a single document of Lenin or his relatives and relatives regarding " last will» Lenina (highlighted by us - auth.) be buried in a certain Russian (Moscow or St. Petersburg) cemetery.”

In March 2017, representatives of the Essence of Time movement repeated the request once made by Satarov and received a response from the same RGASPI. Letter No. 1158-z/1873 dated 04/04/2017 says that in the RGASPI funds “documents confirming the desire of V. I. Lenin about the place of his burial have not been identified”.

In addition to the writer Yuri Karyakin, an attempt to justify the need to take Lenin's body out of the Mausoleum and bury it next to his mother was made in 1999 by the Leninist historian Akim Armenakovich Arutyunov. By the way, Akim Arutyunov was a great admirer and friend of the perestroika ideologist Alexander Nikolayevich Yakovlev.

Arutyunov claimed that in 1971, M.V. Fofanova, the mistress of Lenin’s last safe house in St. Petersburg (Serdobolskaya street, house No. 1/92), told him in a personal conversation that Lenin, three months before his death, turned to Krupskaya with a request to bury him next to his mother. Historians criticize Arutyunov's methods of working with sources. In particular, in this case, he refers to the stories of Fofanova, without confirming their authenticity.

Krupskaya's documented statement about how Lenin should be buried was made by her on January 30, 1924. From the pages of the Pravda newspaper, she urged the workers and peasants not to create a cult of Lenin, in fact, arguing with the idea of ​​​​building a crypt (the decision on this was made just these days at the II All-Union Congress of Soviets). A close associate of Lenin, V. D. Bonch-Bruevich, in his book “Memoirs of Lenin”, confirmed the rejection of Krupskaya and other relatives of the method of perpetuating the memory of Lenin in the form of a tomb: “Nadezhda Konstantinovna, with whom I had an intimate conversation on this issue, was against the mummification of Vladimir Ilyich. His sisters Anna and Maria Ilyinichny spoke the same way. The same was said by his brother Dmitry Ilyich.

However, the same Bonch-Bruevich points out that later the views of Lenin's family members on his burial in the Mausoleum changed: “The idea of ​​preserving the appearance of Vladimir Ilyich so captivated everyone that it was recognized as extremely necessary, necessary for millions of the proletariat, and it began to seem to everyone that all personal considerations, all doubts should be abandoned and joined in the general desire.”

B. I. Zbarsky, one of those who led scientific work on embalming Lenin, in the book "Lenin's Mausoleum", notes that Krupskaya was among the delegates of the XIII Congress of the RCP (b) who visited the Mausoleum on May 26, 1924 and positively assessed the progress of work on the long-term preservation of Lenin's body: "The feedback from the congress delegates, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya and other members of Vladimir Ilyich's family gave us confidence in the success of further work."

In the same place, B. I. Zbarsky cites the memoirs of Lenin's brother Dmitry Ilyich, who on May 26, 1924 was also part of the delegation that visited the Mausoleum and was amazed by what he saw: “I can’t say anything right now, I’m very excited. He lies as I saw him immediately after death..

In the Russian media, you can read that after the publication of an article in Pravda in January 1924 “Krupskaya never visited the Mausoleum, did not speak from its rostrum and did not mention it in her articles and books”. Meanwhile, Krupskaya's secretary, V.S. Dryzo, recalled that Nadezhda Konstantinovna had been to the Mausoleum “Very rarely, maybe once a year. I always went with her.". AT last time Krupskaya visited the Mausoleum a few months before her death in 1938, about which the memoirs of B.I. Zbarsky, who accompanied her, survived: “Boris Ilyich,” said Nadezhda Konstantinovna, “he is still the same, and I am getting old.”

The myth that supporters of removing Lenin from the Mausoleum are guided by humane considerations

One of the arguments of the supporters of the reburial of Lenin is as follows: "Even the Christian tradition was perverted, adapted to the proletarian cult - they began to trample on the ashes with their feet". We are talking about the fact that those standing on the podium of the Mausoleum allegedly trample under foot the ashes of Lenin. Thus, the supporters of the burial find themselves in the position of almost “defenders” of the ashes of Lenin from abuse.

Recall, however, that the pantheon of the Spanish monarchs in Escorial is located under the altar of the cathedral. And the church does not find anything shameful in the fact that people are a floor above, in fact, above the grave. In addition, in the case of the Mausoleum, there is no trampling of the ashes with the feet, since the tribune of the Mausoleum is not directly above the crypt, but to the side, above the vestibule.

Among the theses about the inhumane attitude towards Lenin is the assertion that Lenin's body shudders when tanks pass through Red Square. So, for example, Yuri Karyakin states: “This one quiet fact, forgotten by us, that Lenin wanted to lie like a human being - can't we understand this? Tanks are walking along Red Square, the body is trembling.

However, this is not true: Lenin’s body cannot “shudder” in any way, since the design of the Mausoleum specifically provides reliable protection from vibrations: “In order to protect against shaking of control devices installed in the basement and recording temperature and humidity, sandy soil was poured under the Mausoleum, filling the bottom of the pit. A reinforced concrete slab is laid on the ground, on which a reinforced concrete frame is placed, rigidly connected to the base slab, brick walls, well protected below from moisture penetration. A tape of fencing piles is driven around the slab, which protects the Mausoleum from shaking the soil when heavy tanks pass through the square during parades..

It is important to understand that this alleged “concern” that Lenin’s ashes should not be trampled under the feet of those standing on the podium and not shaken by the movement of heavy equipment across Red Square has nothing to do with the feeling of Lenin’s contemporaries who mourned his death. This feeling is conveyed in the poems of many Soviet poets on the death of Ilyich. Here is one of them, written by the proletarian poet Vasily Kazin in December 1924. The author is not at all embarrassed by either the tribune of the Mausoleum (on the contrary, the Mausoleum for him is precisely the tribune), or the loud sounds of the areal - “the tramp of feet” and “thunder of applause”. He mourns that these loud sounds - not in the least offensive to Lenin - alas, "they will not awaken the ardor of his breath".


About bread, about Curzon, about the commune,
With the fire of banners and with the ancient darkness of worries,
How long have people come to listen to him!
His hands folk turn
And still rises above the square -
And involuntarily, hearing forward,
The people are coming
And to the Mausoleum, as to the podium.
But no, not a single sound is heard...
Ilyich fell asleep ... Not bitter sobs,
Neither the clatter of feet, nor the thunder of applause,
Neither the rumble of factories nor the rumble
Cast iron guns - they will not raise their hands
And they will not awaken the ardor of his breath ...
But you can give bail out of bail -
One thing will disturb his dead spirit:
Inviting groan of unbearable torment
A broken workers' uprising...

The poet very accurately speaks of the only thing that can anger Lenin's "dead spirit" - not at all the presence of a tribune and not the shudder of the square from the passage of heavy equipment, but "a groan of unspeakable torments of a defeated workers' uprising". That is, the destruction of the state created by Lenin. That is why the pseudo-human concern of those who rejoiced over the death of the Soviet Union, that the ashes of Lenin lying in the Mausoleum would not be outraged by the rumble of equipment or the clatter of feet on the podium, looks blasphemous.

Myths aimed at desacralization of the Mausoleum

The decision on what should be the burial of Lenin matured gradually. On January 22, 1924, the day after Lenin's death, Academician A. I. Abrikosov embalmed the body before the funeral, scheduled for January 27. The body needed to be preserved for several days.

From January 23 to 27, around the clock, Lenin's body rested in the Hall of Columns of the House of the Unions. In three days, at least a million people said goodbye to him. Meanwhile, from all over the USSR, mourning telephone messages were sent to Moscow with requests to preserve the ashes of Lenin for centuries. Ilya Zbarsky (son of Boris Ilyich Zbarsky) on the pages of his book "Object No. 1" quotes some of these letters and telegrams: “TO THE COMMISSION FOR THE FUNERAL OF V.I. LENIN. Dear comrades. When discussing the question of Ilyich's funeral, we had a brilliant idea not to lower him into the ground, but to build an elevated place on Red Square, to install him in a glass coffin in alcohol, so that for a real century, both we and our children would look at our dear ILYICH. Workers of the plant number 30 "Red Supplier".

In view of numerous requests not to bury the body, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on January 25 decided to keep the body in a crypt accessible to the public. This is how the first temporary, wooden Mausoleum appeared. During January, February and March, the Central Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR repeatedly discussed the issue of preserving the body. L. B. Krasin suggested preserving the body with the help of cold, but in the end they settled on the fact that the body should be embalmed and preserved for as long as possible. V. D. Bonch-Bruevich recalls: “This idea ... was approved by everyone, and only I, thinking how Vladimir Ilyich himself would react to this, spoke out negatively, being completely convinced that he would be against such treatment of himself and anyone else: he always spoke out for an ordinary burial or for burning, often saying that it is necessary to build a crematorium in our country too ”.

But this could not be the only argument. N. V. Valentinov (Volsky), a Russian and Soviet publicist, philosopher and economist, who moved to the position of an emigrant in Paris in 1930, writes that the body of Lenin was preserved in the same way as the relics of Orthodox saints are preserved. Valentinov refers to Bukharin. True, he himself was familiar with Bukharin's story only in retellings. Bukharin took part in a closed meeting of the Politburo in October 1923, at which, according to the retelling, possible plans were discussed in the event of Lenin's sudden death (his condition had worsened at that time).

The first remark in the presentation of Valentinov is attributed to I. V. Stalin: "This question(about the burial of Lenin - ed.) As it became known to me, some of our comrades in the provinces are also very worried. They say that Lenin is a Russian person and, accordingly, he should be buried.<...>For example, they are categorically against cremation, the burning of Lenin's body. Some comrades believe that modern science has the ability to preserve the body of the deceased for a long time with the help of embalming, in any case, enough long time to allow our minds to get used to the idea that Lenin is not among us after all.”

According to Valentinov, Trotsky reacted negatively to this statement by Stalin:

“When comrade Stalin finished his speech to the end, then only it became clear to me where these at first incomprehensible arguments and instructions were driving, that Lenin was a Russian person and he should be buried in Russian. In Russian, according to Russian canons Orthodox Church, the saints were made relics. Apparently, we, the parties of revolutionary Marxism, are advised to go in the same direction - to save the body of Lenin. Before there were the relics of Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov, now they want to replace them with the relics of Vladimir Ilyich. I would very much like to know who these comrades in the provinces are, who, according to Stalin, propose to embalm Lenin's remains with the help of modern science, to create relics from them. I would tell them that they have absolutely nothing in common with the science of Marxism.”

Valentinov's story is a third-hand retelling, but in support of the fact that such a dialogue could take place, we have the words of Leonid Krasin. Krasin was one of those who worked on the commission responsible for preserving Lenin's body. At the time of the construction of the second wooden Mausoleum of Lenin (February 7, 1924), Krasin said: “The first task is to build a permanent tomb on the spot where the body of Vladimir Ilyich is now resting. The difficulty of the task is truly extraordinary. After all, it will be a place that, in its significance for mankind, will surpass Mecca and Jerusalem. The construction must be conceived and executed for centuries, for all eternity. That is, the Mausoleum was created as a place of pilgrimage for adherents of the red idea.

But that's not all. Krasin clearly invested even more in the task of preserving Lenin's body. This follows from his speech delivered at the solemn meeting in memory of L. Ya. Karpov on January 4, 1921: “It will be permissible for me to end my memorial speech with a wish coming from the depths of my soul ... I am sure that a moment will come when science will become so powerful that it will be able to recreate a dead organism. I am sure that a moment will come when it will be possible to restore a person physically by the elements of a person's life. And I am sure that when that moment comes, when liberated mankind, using all the might of science and technology, the strength and magnitude of which cannot be imagined now, will be able to resurrect great figures, fighters for the liberation of mankind, - I am sure that at that moment among the great figures will be our comrade Lev Yakovlevich ".

Thus, it is possible that they wanted to preserve Lenin's body not only in order to give everyone the opportunity to say goodbye to the leader, but also with the secret hope that someday science will be able to resurrect a person.

The Lenin Mausoleum really became a sacred place for the communists. And therefore, during perestroika and in the subsequent post-Soviet period, those who hated everything Soviet with a special “relish” were engaged in the desacralization of the Mausoleum. In the 1991 article “Around and inside the Mausoleum”, the authors of Rossiyskaya Gazeta wrote the following: “After the sacramental proposal of the St. Petersburg mayor(Anatoly Sobchak - author) about the need to transfer the body, the already impoverished flow to the Mausoleum gained strength again and almost caught up with the queue at McDonald's ". In the same article, the authors expressed feigned regret that the Deputy Commandant of the Mausoleum had not heard of “buffet, sandwiches with sturgeon, which are allegedly given out to the duty officers”.

It is impossible to quote all articles of this kind, so we will only give the names of materials that will speak for themselves: “ Male striptease in the Mausoleum: once every two years, the last shirt is taken off Ilyich ”(“ Moskovsky Komsomolets ”),“ To your Mausoleum ... ”(“ Results ”),“ The Secret of Professor Focht: What Hitler Found in Lenin’s Brain ”(“ Moskovsky Komsomolets”), “Ambush of Ilyich: Vladimir Lenin showed his fist to the Kommersant correspondent” (“Kommersant”).

The myth that "with the help of the ziggurat-Mausoleum, the dead Lenin feeds on the energy of people"

In addition to arguments calculated on the ignorance of citizens, supporters of the removal of Lenin from the Mausoleum adduce arguments that have nothing to do with either science or common sense. They could not be cited, but the authors of these strange theories often appear in the media, including on Central Television.

Thus, the publicist Vladimir Avdeev claims that the purpose of the Mausoleum is occult. In addition to him, a number of other writers turn to this topic: Yuri Vorobyevsky in the book “The Path to the Apocalypse: Knocking on the Golden Gate” (1999), Anton Pervushin in the book “Occult Stalin” (2006), authors of the site “Russian Information Agency”.

In 2002, V. Avdeev published a collection of articles "Metaphysical Anthropology" in the publishing house "White Alvy". In the article "The Mummy of Lenin" Avdeev compares Lenin with the mummies of the Egyptian pharaohs. At the same time, he notes that the pharaohs were hidden and provided positive influence on his people from the other world. Lenin is present among the living and has a negative impact on this world. Avdeev says: "Physical extension being dead bodies always go to the detriment of living people ".

Under this statement, Avdeev is trying to bring the base. According to him, Anatoly Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education, was the author of the idea of ​​such a way to perpetuate Lenin. In 1926, Lunacharsky called the Austrian professor Paul Kammerer to the USSR, on the basis of whose ideas Lenin was supposedly embalmed. Describing these "ideas", Avdeev refers to Kammerer's book Death and Immortality, written in Vienna in 1923 and published in Moscow in 1925. Avdeev draws attention to a fragment from the book, "explaining that 'one's own decay products must be brought out' and that these decay products cause a decrease in the viability of the surrounding population". Avdeev insists that visitors to the Mausoleum “they are carriers of decay products that they carry out with them, thus maintaining the body of the leader in working order”. And at the same time reducing the vitality of others.

What does Paul Kammerer actually write about in his book Death and Immortality? The book is devoted to the issues of life extension and rejuvenation, which at that time occupied the minds of many scientists. Kammerer's references to their work are extensive: Schleich, Steinach, Woodroffe, Doflein, Fliess, and many others. Describing experiments to improve the vital activity of unicellular organisms under conditions of renewal of the fluid in which they were contained, Kammerer concludes that the accumulation of metabolic waste products leads to a decrease in cell divisibility and its death. He states: "The last recognized cause of death is the same for unicellular and multicellular organisms: the decay products that are released during metabolism accumulate around and inside the cells and cannot be removed."

We are talking about the fact that such products are dangerous for a LIVING organism and must be removed from it. Failure to remove them from the body leads to aging and death. On the contrary, the improvement of the circulatory system or the artificial removal of cell waste can prolong life.

Avdeev attributes the following reasoning to Kammerer: “Paul Kammerer frankly declares that the organic bodily immortality of the individual is possible only at the expense of the entire people as a whole.<...> « Algebraic sum life and death should always be equal to zero, ”Kammerer’s conclusion is the best suited to explain the phenomenon of both Koshchei the Deathless and Lenin’s mummy. Only in the second case, the generalization is not at the level of a fairy tale, but at the level of the existence of an entire nation..

In fact, Kammerer talks about life and death in the following way. He cites Doflein's opinion that the self-reproduction of organisms distinguishes life phenomena from all other phenomena on earth, and such a phenomenon can be considered an essential sign of potential immortality. But Kammerer's own conclusion is that "the death of life as a whole, the natural end of all living matter is inevitable". Individuals will die, and the species will die out, making room for other species. The cycle of life and death is inevitable. This is where the “algebraic sum of life and death” comes into play. Here is the full quote: “The one who gives birth cannot give life without losing it himself, but the born one does not receive it for nothing, he must again pass it on ... The algebraic sum of life and death must always equal zero. Life is not a gift. It just seems so at first. And this gift is expensive. Its cost is paid to the penny. From the moment he reaches his highest value, at puberty, depreciation begins. With last breath the account is cleared."

That is, it is not about the fact that the dead Lenin-“Koshchei” should take grains of vitality from millions of visitors to the Mausoleum, but that the received gift of life must be returned sooner or later. And with his last breath, Lenin brought him back.

Thus, Avdeev's version that the "work" of the Mausoleum is based on the ideas expressed in Kammerer's book is absolutely untenable. There are no ideas of vampirism and occultism there, but there is a generalization of the views of the then science on the issues of life extension, rejuvenation and theoretical immortality of living organisms.

What is the main objective constructions of Avdeev, which, by the way, he does not hide? The fact that there was no Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square.

Babylonian trace

As modern adherents of the occult purpose of the Mausoleum, one should name the authors of the site "Agency of Russian Information" (ARI). The founder and one of the main authors of the site is Vladislav Karabanov. He is also the founder of the Common Cause organization (not to be confused with the organization of the same name, which advocates healthy lifestyle life, and the project of the same name on Channel One). The “common cause” that interests us is nationalist organization. Karabanov and his colleague Andrei Razumovsky write and talk about the occult purpose of the Mausoleum, speaking, including on television (they participated in several TVC programs in the early 2010s dedicated to the Mausoleum).

ARI publications compare the Mausoleum with a ziggurat, and Lenin's body with a teraphim - a magical object for collecting energy. The first such publication appeared in November 2006. In 2012, Vladislav Karabanov and Gleb Shcherbatov published the book "Moscow ziggurat, Kremlin teraphim", in which they collected articles from the ARI website together.

The authors claim that the Mausoleum is similar to "the most famous of the ziggurats is the famous Tower of Babel." And they clarify that “if we talk about an EXACT copy of a ziggurat, about a sample, a “source” - then this is undoubtedly a building on top of the Pyramid of the Moon in Teotiukan, where the Aztecs made human sacrifices to their god Huitzilopochtli. Or a structure very similar to it.

How do the authors explain that the Mausoleum looks like both Babylonian and Aztec buildings at the same time? “An answer to this question became possible only in the middle of the 20th century, when images of the so-called “Pergamum Altar” or, as it is also called, “the throne of Satan,” were found. Mention of him is already found in the Gospel, where Christ, referring to a man from Pergamum, said the following: "... you live where the throne of Satan is." For a long time, this building was known mainly from legends - there was no image.

Once this image was found. When studying it, it turned out that either the temple for Huitzilopochtli is its exact copy, or the designs have some more ancient pattern, from which they were copied. The most convincing version claims that the "original" now rests at the bottom of the Atlantic - in the middle of the mainland that died in the abyss - Atlantis.

Here are images of all three "exact copies" of the mysterious "source".

Some common features can certainly be seen. Narrowing up, steps. But you can not talk about an exact or at least some kind of copy. The colonnades at the Mausoleum and the Pergamon Altar are completely different, while the pyramid of the Moon does not have it at all. Sculptures and bas-reliefs are only at the altar. The stepped structures at the Pyramid of the Moon are bevelled, at the Mausoleum they are strictly rectangular. At the Mausoleum there is a staircase around the perimeter of the building, at the pyramid of the Moon - in the center, and at the Pergamon Altar - everywhere. How could the mysterious building of Atlantis look like, combining such contradictory features?

Now let's see what the creators of the Mausoleum said about the chosen forms. Architect Shchusev about the first Mausoleum: “Vladimir Ilyich is eternal. His name forever, forever entered the history of Russia, the history of mankind. How can we honor his memory? How to mark his tombstone? In our architecture, the cube is eternal. Everything comes from the cube, all the diversity of architectural creativity. Allow the Mausoleum, which we will now erect in memory of Vladimir Ilyich, to be made derivative of the cube.

Leonid Krasin was worried about not destroying the ensemble of Red Square: "Red Square itself is architectural monument, completely finished and established, and in the highest degree it is difficult, if not impossible, to place on Red Square any tall building that would be in harmony with everything around, with this Kremlin wall, with its towers, churches and domes visible from behind the Kremlin wall, the Spassky Gates, the Church of St. Basil the Blessed and buildings surrounding the square.

Shchusev himself thought about how to fit the future permanent Mausoleum into the ensemble of the square: “I began to remember how the Egyptians made pyramids, but here stood St. Basil's Cathedral on the square nearby. They tell me that I must give the Mausoleum above St. Basil's. I began to sort through my head, remember everything and found in the excavations that under the walls of Troy there was a small thing, but significant. And so I did this". That is, the architect rejected the version of the pyramid, which would disfigure the appearance of the square, and settled on a building that would be in harmony with the Kremlin wall.

Here the notorious Pergamon Altar appears: “If you start thinking historically, then examples of monumental structures of monuments and altars near large walls and towers of city or fortress structures existed in ancient times of the ancient world. Let's start with the famous Bergamo Altar to Zeus, which is now in the Berlin Museum, with bas-reliefs of the battle of the gods with the titans. This altar, according to Schliemann's excavations, was found near the wall of the Trojan castle. It is low and flat, but, as an elegant contrast, it attracts attention and, without competing with the wall, does not disappear on its own.

Another example is the pyramid of Cestius in Rome at Porta St. Raolo - despite the miniature scale in relation to the walls, stands out for the clarity of its pyramidal shape. We see the same thing on the famous Roman via Arria, where whole groups of small monuments were linked to gigantic massifs of walls.

From examples of the Renaissance, we see the Logett'u Sansovino in Venice at the bell tower of St. Mark, is a small elegant building, standing at the foot of the majestic bell tower and also playing with contrast. But this is the past - the present obliges us to the new, but the past still teaches us ...

To give the tree monumental forms and not turn into props - this was the task of a real Mausoleum. General form was adopted as a form of a truncated pyramid, the top of which, in the form of a coffin lid, is raised on small black wooden racks. This motif completes the volume of the entire structure, allegorically expressing the idea of ​​crowning in the form of a colonnade.

Such a top rests on a stepped structure, turning into a cube, enclosing the crypt, to which they go down the stairs, which is expressed by the forms of the outbuildings and where the middle door leads.

That is, the architect went through all the variants of buildings known to him, which, on the one hand, would not be lost against the background of the walls standing behind them, and on the other hand, were not something unnatural, foreign. Shchusev is guided by the laws of architecture, focuses on the forms of example buildings, and not on their cult purpose. Why did the myth-makers cling to the Pergamon altar, and not to the Loggetta del Sansovino, which is listed absolutely on an equal footing with the altar? Yes, because then the connection with the throne of Satan in Pergamum actually mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian would be lost, and it would be more difficult to rant about the occult purpose of the Mausoleum.

The stone Mausoleum is also filled with its symbolism, repeating the second wooden one, but still having its own specifics.

So, in the book by Yuri Lopukhin “How Lenin died. Revelations of the caretaker of the Mausoleum" refers to the symbolism of the color of stone blocks: “The upper slab crowning the Mausoleum made of blocks of red Karelian quartzite rests on 36 tetrahedral columns: four corner columns are red, the rest are black. Columns - from different breeds of granite, brought from all the then existing seven union republics - the RSFSR, the Transcaucasian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. The slender colonnade of the crowning portico was intended to symbolize the friendship of their peoples.

The Soviet architect N. N. Stoyanov also notes in his book “Architecture of the Lenin Mausoleum” that red and black colors predominate in the stone cladding of the Lenin Mausoleum: “Red and black are the colors of the Soviet state mourning flag. The red color of granite and porphyry dominates the composition; this is the usual color of the banners of the revolution, it calls to fight for the revolution, for the cause of Lenin, it inspires a feeling of pride in the victories that our revolutionary people won under the leadership of Lenin. The black color of the Labrador, with a ribbon encircling the entire mass of the structure several times, is the color of mourning.

These are the symbols, and not at all satanic, that the Lenin Mausoleum carries.

Allegedly, the sharply increased occult influence of the built Mausoleum, according to the authors of the ARI, was that after its opening in 1930, as if by a wave magic wand, "stupefying the crowds" with Bolshevik propaganda began to work with unprecedented efficiency. For the authors, this is the most logical explanation for the achievements of socialism. Not universal education, not the liberation of the people, not the desire for collective work for the good of the country, not the realization of one's potential for the development of personality and creativity, but the wraith of the ziggurat and the teraph.

The authors' ideas about the principles of operation of a ziggurat as a kind of device for collecting and redirecting energy are fantastic: « Modern appliances it is shown that the inner corners draw in informational energy from the outer space, while the outer corners radiate it. That is, the ceiling of the tomb absorbs energy, the uppermost superstructure radiates (there are several dozens of short outer corners-ribs)". What kind of energy are we talking about? “What kind of energy we are talking about, we cannot say. No one can, physical devices do not register it.. Is it registered or not registered? The authors do not provide any justification for their hypothesis.

Thus, all fabrications about the occult significance of the Mausoleum, both in Avdeev and ARI, lead to one goal: to remove Lenin's body from the Mausoleum, and to raze the structure to the ground.

In the early 2010s, when the authors of the ARI talked about the occult impact of the Mausoleum in television programs, the organizing committee “For the removal of Lenin!” Was created. Among the founders of the organizing committee are Mikhail Nalimov from the Association of Orthodox Youth, the organization "Russians" (whose activities are banned in the Russian Federation) and its leader Dmitry Demushkin, as well as Alexander Belov-Potkin, the "Memory" society, known for its activities since the late USSR, Vlasovites in the face of Sergius (Rybko), Leonid Simonovich-Niksic's "Union of Orthodox Banner Bearers", ARI and Vladislav Karabanov and other forces. The unification of these forces of different ideological orientations in the field of the fight against the Mausoleum is one of the tasks of the organizing committee, therefore, coordinators of the corresponding directions were appointed:

Andrey Chernyakov (in 2012, adviser to the head of the human rights "Committee for civil rights"") - responsible for coordinating the liberal democratic wing of the organizing committee;

Leonid Simonovich-Niksic - responsible for coordinating the black-hundred-monarchist Orthodox wing of the organizing committee;

Dmitry Demushkin is responsible for coordinating the nationalist-fanatic wing of the organizing committee.

Thus, we observe how liberals and nationalists act together.

At meetings of the organizing committee, Fr. Sergius (Rybko) used theses about the occult nature of the Mausoleum, calling for a procession to take out the body of Lenin: “There is no politics here, this is the beginning crusade against the satanic forces that have enveloped our Motherland!” Mikhail Nalimov also uses these developments: "Our historical research showed that the Mausoleum is, in fact, a religious building, made according to ancient Babylonian technologies, and is a weapon that affects the psyche of people".

In 1997, the journalist of Novoye Vremya I. Milshtein wrote: “In their speeches, filled with excited calls to deal with Lenin “in a Christian way”, an old dream comes through with Ilyich to bury communism”.

Indeed, it is the desire to do away with the Mausoleum and Lenin that can be traced behind all the arguments of morality - the fulfillment of the "last will", the desire to bury "humanly". In addition to “moral” arguments, completely immoral tricks are used: stuffing in the style of “one grandmother said”, lies, perversion of quotes ...

Belarusian poet, front-line soldier Arkady Kuleshov wrote in 1949:

No! In vain, death, ominously days and nights
You stood over him, guarding the patient.
You closed his eyes that January day,
But you couldn't cover them with earth.
You have no power over him, just as you have no power over those
Whom he sent to formidable fronts.
The fighters laughed at you, walking through the darkness,
Even though you mowed them down at Sivash with lead.
You do not have rights to them, as you did not have -
Has only life - one - rights to them.
And what to say about him, whose righteous cause
Millions of soldiers lead such people behind them?

The mythmakers want to finally complete the work of death, which “she closed her eyes, but could not cover them with earth”, return to death the right to Lenin, to those who died near Sivash, liberating the Crimea from Wrangel, to everyone who died for a just cause that really led millions. Our task is to prevent the myth-makers from doing this.

Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square in Moscow behind last years has often been the subject of controversy. A year ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin criticized Lenin's idea of ​​the autonomy of the Soviet republics, which became a "time bomb" for the USSR. Although the body of the leader of the world proletariat has been repeatedly proposed to be moved, Lenin continues to lie near the walls of the Kremlin, and the FSO spends millions of rubles on its maintenance. There are many legends around the Mausoleum and the remains of Lenin. RIAMO correspondent learned Interesting Facts about Lenin's Mausoleum.

Mausoleum on the moat

The mausoleum stands on the site of the Alevizov moat, which connected the Moscow River and the Neglinka, which was later "driven" into underground pipes. The width of the moat in some places reached 34 meters, and its depth reached 13 meters. It surrounded the Kremlin from the beginning of the 16th century, was filled with water and drained with the help of several locks. In 1814-1815. the moat was filled in and planted with trees. Due to the unstable ground, the foundation of the mausoleum had to be carefully strengthened, including in our time: in 2013, the foundation was additionally concreted.

wooden mausoleum

Few people know that the first mausoleum of Lenin was made of wood. The world-famous building with the inscription "Lenin" is the third version of the tomb of Ilyich. Initially, the mausoleum was built of wood according to the project of A. V. Shchusev and opened on the day of Lenin's funeral on January 27, 1924. It was cubic in shape, with a stepped tier, painted with gray and black paint. The upper part (colonnade) was never completed.

The second mausoleum was also wooden, but more luxuriously decorated: with six ledges, columns, lacquered oak trim and blackening. The final version of the mausoleum was erected in 1929-1930 from dark granite, marble, porphyry and labradorite. The shape of the cube symbolizes eternity.

Pantheon of Chieftains

The mausoleum could become just an architectural monument, and Lenin's body would rest in the Pantheon. In 1953, there was a plan for the construction of a grandiose building - the Moscow Pantheon, which was supposed to become the tomb of the Soviet leaders. It was assumed that the remains of prominent figures of the Communist Party and Soviet state buried at the Kremlin wall, including Lenin and Stalin. The project was frozen after Stalin's death and finally canceled in 1974.


An extension with an escalator behind the building of the Mausoleum, which is hidden from the eyes of passers-by, was erected in 1983 so that elderly officials could comfortably climb the podium. Now there is no need for an escalator, the extension is going to be removed.

Replica of ancient pyramids

The Lenin Mausoleum resembles the oldest architectural structures in the world - the pyramids. The building on Red Square resembles the pyramid of Djoser (Saqqara, 2650 BC, the tomb of Pharaoh Djoser), the tomb of Cyrus (Pasargada, 559-29 BC), the Temple of Inscriptions (Palenca, Mexico, 7 in .) and the ancient Sumerian ziggurat (a religious building in ancient Mesopotamia).

Mausoleum of Lenin and Stalin

After Stalin's death in 1953, his body was also placed in the Mausoleum. The inscription, applied over the word "Lenin" on the building, read: "The Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin and I. V. Stalin." The original inscription showed through in the cold, so in 1958 the slab was replaced with two, located one below the other: "Lenin" and "Stalin". After Stalin's personality cult was debunked, and in 1961 the body of the "father of nations" was taken out of the Mausoleum, the 60-ton slab with Lenin's name was returned to its place.

Evacuation of Lenin

During the Great Patriotic War, the body of the leader was transported to Tyumen for a period of 3 years and 9 months. There it was kept in the building of an agricultural technical school in a room whose windows were bricked up. There were guards along the entire railway route from Moscow to Tyumen. Together with Lenin, a group of scientists responsible for embalming went to the evacuation. The mausoleum was disguised as a mansion for four months in order to protect it from bombardments: a frame was created around it, on which dense material with the image of windows and doors was stretched.

The embalming idea

Until now, it is not known exactly who came up with the idea to place the remains of V.I. Lenin in the mausoleum. According to one version, peasants and workers wrote many letters asking them to immortalize Lenin in this way, but there is no documentary evidence of this.

In fact, there were a lot of people who wanted to say goodbye to Lenin, delegations from all over the world arrived in Moscow. The mausoleum was a temporary structure where the remains of the most famous revolutionary were to be kept until his funeral.

According to one version, the source of the idea of ​​​​burying Lenin’s remains in the mausoleum and refusing to be buried belongs to the party elite, who wished to create something like new religion and relics for Soviet people Stalin played an important role in this. However, this idea was not accepted immediately. This is evidenced by the fact that specialists did not start embalming Lenin's body immediately.

Doppelgänger or doll

In pink light

Lenin's body was embalmed using a special technique that was classified. Thanks to the regular immersion of the body in a special composition, the remains of Lenin do not shrink, they remain voluminous. To make Lenin look “like alive”, his body is illuminated with 14 pink spectrum bulbs, such light gives a natural skin tone, and the glass of the sarcophagus is made so that there is no distortion and reflection (when looking at the first sarcophagus, due to reflection, one could see as many as three Ilyichs).

The underwear on Lenin's body is sterile, and the suit is the most ordinary. Sometimes it has to be changed due to wear. The temperature in the mausoleum is always the same - plus 16 degrees.

Post #1

The well-known change of sentries at the Kremlin wall originates from the Mausoleum. Post No. 1, or the Guard of Honor, was established on January 26, 1924, and was supposed to guard the body of Lenin. At first, this duty was carried out by the best cadets of the 1st Soviet Joint Military School of the Red Army. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee, then from 1935 - the military personnel of the Kremlin garrison, and in 1976 a special company was created to train sentries. Since 1993, the post was abolished, and in 1997 it began to operate again - this time near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

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Myth #1. Legend of the cunning Jew Blank

IN AND. Lenin was born in the Simbirsk province, in the city of Simbirsk (Ulyanovsk). But if from his father’s side he was Russian Ulyanov, he remained so (his father, Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, was an inspector of public schools in the Simbirsk province, and was also considered a nobleman), then from his mother, who was nee Blank, we can see completely different roots. However, these roots were not Jewish! Vladimir Ilyich's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, was of Swedish-German origin on her mother's side.

M. Bychkova, a researcher at the Institute of Russian History, who studied this topic in detail, wrote the following about this: “I managed to work in the Kazan archive with the funds of the provincial noble assembly and establish that there really were two Alexander Blanks, whose biographies were deliberately mixed.

Lenin's grandfather, Alexander Dmitrievich Blank, came from an Orthodox merchant family. Having begun his service in 1824, in the 40s he rose to the rank of court adviser with seniority (lieutenant colonel), which gave him the right to hereditary nobility. In this sense, his biography is very similar to the biography of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov. These were people from the same environment who conditions XIX centuries made it possible to quickly move up the career ladder and leave their children the right to be considered nobles ... "

What propagandists do to turn people away from socialism! What kind of means are not used! And even such shameful things as anti-Semitism, chauvinism, and nationalism openly enter the battle against the dead leader of the working class. But will they win? Hardly!

Myth #2. german spy

Another of the main myths revolves around the fact that Lenin was supposedly a "German spy". A kind of "James Bond" of the 20th century, who tried to ruin "Holy Tsarist Rus'", and who managed to do it. Insidious and bloodthirsty! But first, before giving historical fact, we will quote Comrade Stalin himself on this occasion:

"In all bourgeois countries, slanderous accusations of treason were brought against the revolutionary leaders of the proletariat. In Germany, Liebknecht; in Russia, Lenin. they openly said that they consider their leaders impeccable, they stand in solidarity with them and consider themselves participants in their cause "- I.V. Stalin, Speeches at an emergency conference of the Petrograd organization of the RSDLP (Bolsheviks), June 16-20, 1917.

And Lenin himself, in the open press, directly accused Parvus of working for German agents. However, better than Lenin's notes, the quotation of the same Stalin, which the dear reader could read above, testifies. For the first time, the "information stuffing" was made by the Provisional Government in June 1917. Then the Kronstadt sailors, led by Yarchuk (an anarchist), staged a mass strike, which the Bolsheviks tried to turn into a peaceful demonstration. The result - the mass execution of the strikers, the pogrom of the printing houses of the Bolsheviks, as well as their persecution and arrest.

The testimony of one of the accusers of Lenin and the Bolsheviks in espionage, ensign Yermolenko, was cut off immediately. They wanted to refer to the commercial operations of Ganetsky in Russia, who was familiar with Lenin and Parvus - but nothing came of it either, because Ganetsky exported finances from Russia, and did not import them. The Bolsheviks had to be released on symbolic bail...

Edgar Sisson, the head of the American Foreign Department of the Committee of Public Information (in fact, the Ministry of Propaganda), invested a lot in this myth. These "documents", for which Sisson paid so generously, were considered forgeries in Europe, and the US State Department was inclined to this. Denials were issued by the New York Evening Post and the Nation. Despite numerous protests from representatives of the Committee, who accused the opponents of these "documents" of "Bolshevism", in 1956 George Kennan proved that the documents were fakes.

There are denials by Robert Lockhart, a career diplomat and intelligence officer.

And even the United States (!) in the 50s completely denied Lenin's involvement in German money, because the documents turned out to be forgeries, and all the institutions behind which the documents were signed - non-existent.

Myth #3. Was there a "shameful illness"?

A few years ago, the program “Kremlin Funeral” was released on NTV, which insisted that Lenin still had syphilis. But, as we know, television is also a source of propaganda, therefore, I would like to refute another false and dirty myth.

There are several examinations - this is a foreign examination, completely independent of Soviet power, and ours, domestic. Max None, German specialist, author of the reference book "Syphilis and nervous system", refuted the diagnosis, although, initially, Lenin was given medicines intended for the treatment of syphilis ....

And in the 70s, Brezhnev himself instructed medical specialists to deal with this myth. And again, as noted by Soviet doctors, no signs of syphilis were found ...

In our time, academician B.V. Petrovsky also refutes the fiction about syphilis: "B.V. Petrovsky:" The very history of V.I. Lenin's illness, the original protocols for the autopsy of his body and microscopic studies absolutely accurately determine the diagnosis of the disease - atherosclerosis of the left carotid arteries and, as a climax, a hemorrhage in the area of ​​the vital centers of the brain. All the clinical symptoms of this tragedy, observed by Soviet and foreign medical scientists at the patient's bedside, confirm this."

But in fact, the real problems and the subsequent illness of Vladimir Ilyich occurred due to the attack of the Social Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan, who inflicted several bullet wounds on the leader ...

Myth number 4. Ilyich's wealth.

When the anti-Soviet arguments run out, they begin to shout about a certain bourgeoisness of Lenin, who had fabulous accounts in foreign banks, expensive hotel rooms, and chic breakfasts in bed. However, they are all obviously false. The main source of income for Lenin was his own works. Also, having non-poor parents, Ilyich sometimes asked his mother for money for books and petty expenses. In 1917, in a letter to a certain Shlyapnikov, a party comrade, he wrote at all that from lack of money "you have to die."

If we touch on Lenin's Swiss adventures in more detail, we can cite the following facts: Notebooks with reports have been preserved - how much and on what the members of the Central Committee's foreign bureau spent. There were three of them there - Lenin, Kamenev and Zinoviev - and Shlyapnikov, a member of the Russian bureau of the Central Committee. They received from the party treasury the so-called diet - 200 rubles. It was translated into francs. Plus, they, as editors-in-chief, of their newspapers still received about 100 rubles each. Everyone had literary earnings, everyone collaborated with newspapers. And Lenin at that time wrote immortal works- "Marxism and agrarian questions", "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism". All of them also came out in Russia, due to which the leader lived.

Vladimir Ilyich died, not leaving behind any bank accounts, but instead, a nascent, great country.

Myth number 5. And the car is sealed!

But let's get back to German espionage, and let's break another myth - that the Germans sent Lenin in a sealed wagon in order to destroy Russia. This myth is now extremely widespread through information channels. However, none of the channels recalls that with the fall of the tsarist regime and the establishment of the power of the Provisional Government, political emigrants were allowed to return to their homeland. Lenin seized the opportunity. But, as we can sum up, not only Lenin. A whole group of left-wing revolutionaries was traveling through Germany. RSDLP, with all this had more migrants. However, we forget that in addition to the Bolsheviks, there were also Mensheviks ...

In itself, Lenin's return was not something out of the ordinary - he was one of those who rode with many. The method was incredible - but it concerned more diplomatic relations. After all, they rode in a carriage - opponents of the First World War. And that means the car was sealed, primarily for the safety of its passengers ...

All the myths cited this moment actively used by anti-Soviet of all stripes. All this lies from time to time reminds of itself, convincing of its truthfulness. But what do we really see? Quite the opposite...

Probably, it is worth breaking one more, the last widespread myth - about "Lenin the usurper". There is a wonderful quote by Krzhizhanovsky, Lenin's party member, who says literally "everything" about him as a person:

“Someone correctly said that the greatest happiness for a person is a meeting and the opportunity to communicate with a person who is both higher and better than others. The happiness of such a meeting was felt with particular brightness by all of us precisely when communicating with Vladimir Ilyich.

All of us, who walked different paths in life, having a diverse life experience behind us, we will all testify in different ways, but about the same thing: meeting and working with him is a powerful and warm Ilyichevsk wing that was spread over us, this was our most precious happiness.

We all knew that while he was alive, there was such a center, such strong point in which not only wisely, but also with deep human insight, they will think and take care of us in order to uplift us and help us to be better and more useful to others. Approaching him and looking at him, we not only all looked up, but, sometimes even imperceptibly for ourselves, pulled ourselves up to be better and more worthy.

Never before in history human personality was not legitimately raised so high. But not for a moment did Vladimir Ilyich's head spin from this power, and not the slightest speck fell on him from the practice of this power.

He will go down in history as the most formidable enemy of any power of man over man, as the most selfless friend of calloused hands, fearless thought and consistent inflexibility in the struggle for communism.

Four big lies about Lenin's burial

Lie 1

The main propaganda blow is concentrated on instilling in public opinion the idea of ​​Lenin's burial. And here the vile calculation is obvious - what normal person would object to the burial of the remains of the deceased. Although in the case of Lenin we are talking about reburial.

It seemed obvious to everyone that Lenin was buried. As founder Russian Federation and the USSR Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was buried with the highest state honors on January 27, 1924.

By the way, even contemporaries had no doubts that Lenin was buried. Newspaper articles and notes in January-March 1924 were full of headlines: "Lenin's grave", "At the grave of Ilyich", "At Lenin's grave", etc.

And the form of burial was determined by the highest authority of the country - the II All-Union Congress of Soviets - in the ground, at a depth of three meters in the crypt, over which the Mausoleum was erected. By the way, the Congress delegate, Lenin's widow Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, also voted for this decision.

Even considering the burial place of V.I. modern laws Russian Federation. The embalmed body of Lenin rests in a coffin-sarcophagus at a depth of three meters underground, which fully complies with the norms of the Federal Law "On Burial and Funeral Business" of 01/12/1996.

Article 3 of this law states: "Burial may be carried out by committing the body (remains) of the deceased to the earth (burial in a grave, crypt)". And the body of Lenin, we recall once again, was buried in a crypt (a vaulted tomb buried in the ground).

It is difficult for an ordinary citizen to notice the substitution of the concepts of "burial" and "reburial" in the massive information flow: after all, the level of directing is very high - all state media, including television, even "independent" news agencies and liberal opposition publications write only about "burial", carefully hiding the substitution concepts.

It is very unprofitable for the political initiators of the reburial to appear in the face of the public in the guise of grave-diggers. Hence the lie about the need for burial, which does not exist.

Lie 2

The body of Lenin is put on display, resting un-Christianly, not interred.

Let us recall the public statement of Lenin's niece Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova: “I have repeatedly stated and will repeat once again that I am categorically against the reburial of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. There are no grounds for this. Even religious ones. The sarcophagus in which he lies is three meters below ground level, which corresponds to burials according to Russian custom and the Orthodox canon.”

Olga Dmitrievna has more than once rebuffed gravediggers who claim that allegedly Lenin was buried not in accordance with folk traditions, outside the framework of the Orthodox cultural tradition.

Regarding the fact that the body is not interred, the answer has already been given on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Law "On Burial and Funeral Business": burial in a crypt is a form of burial in the ground. In Poland, for example, there are no graves in cemeteries. Only crypts.

And now about the review of the buried body. Is this really such an exceptional case in the practice of burying great, famous people in countries with a strong Christian cultural tradition?

The most famous example is the burial in the open sarcophagus of the great Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov near Vinnitsa. The sarcophagus with the coffin of the great scientist was placed in a crypt, which is one of the forms of burial in the ground and has been on display for almost 130 years. As it is written in the definition of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg, “so that the disciples and successors of the noble and charitable deeds of the servant of God N.I. Pirogov could see his bright appearance.

And here is an excerpt from the conclusion of the Chairman of the Commission on the funeral of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F. Dzerzhinsky: Lenin) decided to take the measures at the disposal of modern science for the longest possible preservation of the body.

Than in this case the solution government agency The Russian Empire, which was the Holy Synod, which allowed his students and admirers to “behold the bright image” of the deceased scientist Pirogov, differs from the same decision of the highest state authority in the person of the Congress of Soviets and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR? Nothing? Then why is everything calm on the first occasion, and on the second occasion there is universal hubbub?

As you can see, in the case of the noise around the form of Lenin's burial, political cunning, covered up by some pseudo-religious incantations, is on the face.

After all, no one, neither in the case of Pirogov, nor even more so in the case of Lenin, raises the question of copying the practice of treating the relics of saints canonized by the Church. Nobody carries the bodies of Pirogov or Lenin around the country for worship by believers, as the Church does with the relics of saints, does not carry. No one is applied to the embalmed bodies of the deceased great people.

Everyone understands that their incorruptibility is the recognition of their merits before people (the state, society, various communities, etc.). Only citizens who revere such great statesmen and scientists, entering the crypt, get the opportunity to "behold the bright face."

By the way, in such a fierce Catholic country a similar approach was taken at the burial of the "head of state", the founding father of the Second Rzeczpospolita, Marshal Piłsudski, whose relationship with the official church was also far from cloudless. He changed from Catholicism to Protestantism, then back to Catholicism. Yes, and the May coup of 1926, arranged by the founder of the state, was very bloody.

Yes, and in the creation of concentration camps, Pilsudski distinguished himself very well. But… the founder of the state. Although the Catholic Church was even engaged after the burial in dragging his remains across the Wawel crypts, which provoked a conflict between the episcopate and President Mostitsky.

Recall that Pilsudski was buried in 1935 in the Wawel Castle, in a crypt in a glass coffin. But embalming proved ineffective. As a result, only a small window was left, which is currently closed.

The original glass coffin of Marshal Piłsudski, founding father of the Second Commonwealth, before being transferred to the crypt under the Silver Bells tower in Wawel.

Lie 3

Attempts continue to be made to convince society that it is necessary to fulfill the last will of Lenin, who allegedly bequeathed to bury himself next to his mother at the Volkovo cemetery in Leningrad. This lie has been circulating around the world since it was first voiced at one of the meetings of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, broadcast live, by a certain Karyakin. Then the fable was picked up by the dad of the current socialite and Putin's mentor Anatoly Sobchak.

From the statements of Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova it is unambiguously clear: “Attempts to prove that there is a will that he should be buried at the Volkovo cemetery are untenable. There is no such document and could not be; our family also never had conversations on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich died at a fairly young age - at 53, and naturally, he thought more about life than about death.

In addition, given the historical era in which Lenin lived, his nature, the character of a true revolutionary, I am sure he would not have written a will on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich was a very modest man who cared least of all about himself. Most likely, he would have left a testament to the country, to the people – how to build a perfect state.”

Scientist and publicist A.S. Abramov, Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Public Organization (Foundation) for the Preservation of the Mausoleum of V.I.

The official response to the President of the Russian Federation said that "there is not a single document of Lenin, his relatives or relatives regarding Lenin's last will to be buried in a certain Russian cemetery."

A.S. Abramov is right, arguing that even from an everyday point of view, the arguments about the Volkovo cemetery are completely false. After all, Lenin is already resting next to the widow, Nadezhda Krupskaya, and sister Maria Ulyanova, whose ashes are in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall.

Lie 4

It is necessary to remove the Mausoleum and the Necropolis of the heroes of the Soviet era, since Red Square cannot be turned into a cemetery. The historical illiteracy of the authors of this argument is obvious. The territory of St. Basil's Cathedral or the "Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat" is also an ancient cemetery.

What, United Russia gentlemen, are you going to blow up the cathedral and dig up the graves so that it would be more comfortable for you to organize skating rinks and variety shows? Do other sovereign burials in the Kremlin cathedrals prevent you from having fun?

Red Square in its current form is a place of power formed in the RSFSR and the USSR. Here the concentration of symbols of all historical eras - from Muscovite Rus' (the role of the place of power here was played by Place of execution) to the USSR (the state tribune and the burial places of the founding father of the current Russian Federation and the heroes of the Soviet era). And the current rulers of the Russian Federation, organizing parades in honor of the Victory Day of the USSR in World War II, de facto recognize this highest status Red Square.

On a large marketplace, which Red Square was before Lenin and Stalin, Victory parades are not held. For some reason, state ceremonies will obviously not look at the Cherkizovsky market.

Therefore, how uncomfortable and unpleasant you, temporary gentlemen from United Russia, will have to endure when performing rituals of power on Red Square and Lenin in the Mausoleum, and Stalin's grave, and all the burial places of the heroes of the era of the RSFSR and the USSR. Without this, the current government does not even have the appearance of historical legitimacy.

In general, the barbarism and denseness of modern Russian Western liberals are striking. Would they have tried to hint in any of the NATO countries about destruction or grave-digging, say, in the mausoleum of President Grant in New York (a symbol of triumph in civil war North over South), the mausoleum of the founding father of modern secular Turkey, Atatürk. Or talk about the “tradition to the earth” of the founding father of the Second Commonwealth, Marshal Pilsudski or Emperor Napoleon, whose tombs are on display.

As you can see, the entire argumentation of the necrophobes from United Russia and its liberals sang along with white thread. There is an attempt to settle historical scores with the great Soviet era against the background of the worthlessness of the current government, which is increasingly showing its state failure against the background of the real achievements of the USSR.

For comparison.

Other burial places of great statesmen

Burials of Moscow sovereigns in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin I

This is how the tomb of Kozma Minin originally looked in Nizhny Novgorod

New York. USA. Triumph of the North over the South. Mausoleum american president Ulysses Grant (1897) in Manhattan's Riverside Park. World War I photograph of warships sailing past Grant's mausoleum.

Mausoleum of the founding father of the modern Republic of Turkey, Ataturk.

As seen, in NATO countries with civilization and mausoleums everything is in order.

The phrase in the title was written 93 years ago, but it is still relevant today. To this day, the controversy surrounding the Mausoleum of Lenin has not subsided: some believe that the time has come to take out the body of the Soviet leader and bury it, others ask to leave the Mausoleum and Ilyich alone. But why, back then, back in 1924, Lenin was not buried like the rest of the revolutionaries?

It was decided to save the body of the leader after death

In the literature, one can often find different versions of why and when the decision was made to embalm Lenin's body. Some researchers insist that Stalin was the author of this idea. Others "fantasize" that the issue of embalming Lenin's body was resolved even before his death. However, the documents say otherwise. The decision to preserve the body of Lenin was born in discussions and disputes, and after his death. Despite the fact that the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP(b) made the final decision, significant role played by the opinion of the people.

On January 22, 1924, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR announced: "On January 21, at 6:50 in the evening, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) died suddenly in Gorki near Moscow" 2 . On the same day, the Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the organization of the funeral was organized, which initially included N.I. Muralov, M.M. Lashevich, V.D. Bonch-Bruevich, K.E. Voroshilov, V.M. Molotov, I.A. Zelensky and A.S. Yenukidze. Felix Dzerzhinsky 3 was appointed chairman. Later, the composition of the commission expanded, but none of its members initiated the idea of ​​"freezing" or "embalming" Lenin.

In the report of the commission member T.V. Sapronov 4 of February 16, 1924 mentions that the idea of ​​preserving Lenin's body "did not arise immediately, and not in the Funeral Commission, but outside it" 5 . Sapronov himself heard it from the attending physician Lenin V.A. Butt 6 in the Hall of Columns on January 23 at one in the afternoon during the farewell to the leader. Obukh asked to support the idea not to bury Lenin (namely, to build a crypt) and to present it at a meeting of the commission for organizing the funeral. And by the evening of January 23, as Sapronov recalled, "everyone was already talking about" that "resolutions were being passed at the factories with the wish to build a crypt and preserve Lenin's body" 7 .

This is also confirmed by the protocols of the commission. On January 22, at its meeting, the issue of Lenin's coffin and grave was discussed. It was decided to order a zinc coffin and "to dig a grave in front of Sverdlov's grave on Red Square" 8 . The next day, January 23, at a meeting of the commission, the construction of the crypt was discussed. Two variants of it were considered: with an open coffin (which would make it possible to see the deceased) and immured.

The next morning, members of the commission had to submit the project of the crypt to the Politburo. However, opinions were divided 9 . Sapronov advocated burial in a closed coffin. V.A. Avanesov 10 believed that it would be hard to see Lenin dead, so he only suggested opening the coffin for a while, then burying him. Bonch-Bruevich 11 also spoke in favor of Lenin's burial. Voroshilov was an ardent opponent of preserving the body of the leader, justifying his position by the fact that it would be similar to the canonization and "creation of the relics of Lenin." He assured everyone that Ilyich himself would be against it.

There were also supporters of preserving the body of Lenin. Muralov 12 insisted on the creation of a crypt that would enable all visiting delegates to see Ilyich. Dzerzhinsky even said that for him there was no question of preserving Lenin's body. In his opinion, the body should be embalmed. Whether it could be done for a long time - Iron Felix doubted this.

The Politburo voted for the crypt

The result of the exchange of views was a report prepared by Sapronov and Bonch-Bruevich. On January 24, he was transferred to the Politburo 13 . On January 25, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a resolution on the preservation of Lenin's body in a crypt near the Kremlin wall on Red Square 14 . On the same day, the decision was approved at a meeting of the Politburo 15 . His decision stated: "The coffin with the remains of Vladimir Ilyich should be kept in the crypt, making the latter accessible for viewing." On the resolution there are records of the vote: "Molotov - "for", Kamenev - "for", Stalin - "agree", Zinoviev - "for", Tomsky - "for", Rudzutak - "agree", Kalinin - "agree". It is interesting that Rykov is also mentioned, but there is no record of his consent opposite his name.We can only guess whether Lenin's successor as chairman of the Council of People's Commissars was against or abstained.

The Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a decision to preserve the body of Lenin with the wording "to meet the desire stated by numerous delegations and appeals." The letters we are publishing are a small part of those same "appeals" in which ordinary workers and members of the RCP(b) ask to keep Lenin's body. Someone - only so that everyone could say goodbye to the "teacher", and someone - and for the sake of the future, in which everyone can see "the greatest human genius with their own eyes."

The published letters are stored in the RGASPI in the fund of the Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the organization of the funeral of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin) (F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100). Documents are played with preservation stylistic features, identified typos corrected and not specified. Abbreviations are disclosed in square brackets.

The publication was prepared by Anna Kochetova, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Department of RGASPI.

No. 1. Letter from a member of the RCP(b) Ya.Yu. F.E. Dzerzhinsky

Chairman of the Commission for the organization of the funeral of Vladimir Ilyich Comrade. Dzerzhinsky from a member of the RCP Ya.Yu.

I can't stop the sentences in my head.

Lenin, the unique Lenin, the unprecedented Lenin is dead.

And the burial of his ashes cannot be like all the countless other funerals of his friends, his enemies. Bury his body! And in any other death, too. No, you need something else. We need a bright symbol of his immortality. I propose: to incinerate the blessed ashes of Ilyich and collect the precious ashes in an urn.

There is no crematorium. We will do it on cupola 16 . This will be something symbolic in this last service of Ilyich with a cupola.

Carefully collect his, our dear, remains in an urn. Give the urn the shape of a projectile (grenade). This projectile (grenade) with this "dynamite" should be placed in the Central Committee of the RCP, as a symbol and a constant reminder of the coming victory of Ilyich's thought and will over capital - the world of enslavement and evil. The Comintern, the Central Executive Committee, and the Council of People's Commissars also need the same projectile. Let there be shells. No measure ... 17 fits this case. There is no blasphemy for us either. Ilyich will forever remain on earth (and not in earth), forever with us. My mind does not contain Ilyich and [mourning] funeral.

Our leader was unusual, and his funeral must be unusual.

He will be the second leader, after the Old Testament Moses, who will not have a grave.

My mind cannot accommodate Ilyich's grave against GUM, against its samovars, perfumes, sausages and juices.

One more thing to defend my suggestion: remember the funeral of Ferdinand Lassalle.

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 2-2ob.
Script. Autograph.

N 2. Letter from A.S. Sher to the CEC Commission for organizing the funeral of V.I. Lenin

Commission of the Central Executive Committee for the organization of the funeral of Vladimir Ilyich

The place of eternal rest of the greatest fighter for the liberation of all oppressed mankind will certainly turn into a place of pilgrimage for workers and peasants, and the sight of the "physical" dear Ilyich will certainly serve as the same eternal source of revolutionary inexhaustible vigor, which dear Ilyich embodied.

I am sure that I share the burning desire of many, many millions of workers who so badly needed and cared for the life of the immortal great Ilyich, as for all of us, if I offer the sacred body of Ilyich, dear to all of us, not to bury, but to make the body as possible incorruptible and physically visible.

To do this, it is necessary to embalm the body and place it in a glass coffin, hermetically sealed, to which an air pump is attached to pump out air from the coffin from time to time. Fill the space between the walls of the coffin and the body with alum 18 (Alumen), or with absolutely pure alcohol, or a mixture of alcohol with glycerin, but a dry method is supposed, which is able to prevent decomposition for decades.

A.S. Cher

P.S.: I sent the original of this letter on 22 s / m, but since it was sent in a simple way, I consider it necessary to repeat it by registered mail.

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 3-3ob.
Script. Autograph.

No. 3. Telegram on behalf of the meeting of the Sharlyk volost committee of the RCP (b) and the executive committee (Orenburg province) F.E. Dzerzhinsky

Orphans-children - followers of the teacher and dear leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin [at] the mourning meeting of the volkom, volost executive committee [and] committee [of] trade unions decided: to ask the Commission [on] the funeral of Lenin’s corpse not to bury [in] the ground like an ordinary mortal, not to hide from our eyes, for most of the followers have not seen a face from which much can be learned and felt. Leave embalmed. We must replace the figure of Lenin in close-knit ranks.

Sharlyk wolf of the Orenburg province

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 4. Original.
Telegraph tape on the form.

N 4. Letter from the workers of the construction office of the exhibition of the Supreme Council of the National Economy to the editor of the newspaper "Working Moscow" B.M. Volin

Dear comrade. editor

Workers and employees Construction office at the Permanent Industrial Exhibition of the Supreme Council National economy We ask you not to refuse to publish on the pages of Rabochaya Moskva or to bring to the attention of the Commission for the Funeral of Vladimir Ilyich our idea of ​​perpetuating the memory of dear Vladimir Ilyich. Since the usual ways of perpetuating the memory of great people (monuments, mausoleums, etc.) are definitely not applicable due to their stereotypedness to the Greatest of the Great, we wanted to point out that it would be good if it were possible to preserve the remains of a dear teacher for a long time by embalming his body and placing it in a transparent room with the removal of air from there or some other way to keep His remains intact. The thought that Ilyich has physically remained and that He can be seen by the vast masses of working people, although immovable, would console the grief of loss and lift the fallen spirit of cowardly comrades and inspire them to further battles and victories.

Workers and employees of the Construction Office

Permanent Industrial Exhibition VSNKh 20

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 5. Original.
Typewritten text with handwritten insertion. Signatures-autographs.

No. 5 Letter from members of the RCP(b) Dyatlov and Georgievich to the editors of the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia and Rabochaya Moskva

To the editors of the newspapers "Pravda", "Izvestia of the USSR" and "Working Moscow"

Dear comrades! We appeal to the Central and Moscow Committee of the Russian Communist Party with a deep request not to leave our voice crying in the desert. The loss of our dear Leader comrade. Nothing and no one will compensate Lenin, so don’t remove him, don’t cover him with earth from millions of those who still want to see him, at least for the last time. We are deeply convinced that it would be the desire of everyone to express it in the language of numbers (hundreds of millions). And our posterity would also have the opportunity to see at least the silhouette of a person who brought the World Revolution to life. Leave it above the ground on Red Square as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for the ideas of Leninism for the benefit of the working people of the whole world.

This will give everyone the opportunity to see him suffering, and by the time of 10 years of Soviet power, we will prepare for his worthy funeral with burial, and now no one should clean him up, he should be among us, it should be under the responsibility of everyone - how to do it. We ask you to work it out in a hurry, so as not to be late. Everything else should be kept by a non-stop guard of honor and your faith in yourself.

Members of the RCP NN 140008 - Dyatlov,

128880 - Georgievich, 131025 - ... 21

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 8-8ob.
Script. Handwritten text.

N 6 Letter to I.A. Dobzhinsky to the Central Committee of the RCP (b), MK RCP (b) and the editorial office of the newspaper "Working Moscow"


In the Central Committee and MK RCP (b)

copy - to the editorial office of "Working Moscow"

from the worker F [abri] ki studies. settlement MONO,

member of the Moscow [Moscow] Council and the RCP,

cell secretary

Isidor Antonovich Dobzhinsky

Dear comrades!

The death of our dear, unforgettable comrade, friend and leader - Ilyich on life path of millions of workers, and in particular of my life, has been the greatest milestone that will be visible from the very last stage of our life, no matter how long it may be, and in the life of our Party and of all working mankind it is a tremendous beacon from which entire epochs will be postponed, along the broad tortuous road of Leninism, along which our unforgettable teacher Ilyich bequeathed to us the path along which we will firmly and confidently follow, and our generations will follow it in the same way.

I have no words to convey the feeling of grief and sorrow that I experienced along with millions of working and oppressed people, because there was no more loved one, a father, a close relative to the heart of a worker and worker, which was the deceased dear Ilyich!

Therefore, I believe that in no case should his body be buried in the ground on an equal footing with all mortals, but should remain constantly on the surface - before our eyes, as evidence of his immortal deeds, so that each individual worker, as well as individual detachments of the worker class, as well as the working class as a whole, in the days of defeats or victories over their enemies, in the days of joy or sorrow of their lives, over the coffin of their unforgettable leader who fell in battles, could remember the feeling that we are experiencing these days, think and check how fulfilled we are Ilyich's covenant and whether we are following the path he has marked out correctly.

Specifically, how to keep the body of our dear Ilyich on the surface, I think it can be done in this way: on Red Square, you need to build a large monument to the fighters of our Revolution, like a monument against the Moscow Soviet, on top of which put a bronze bust of Ilyich, and write the names of all the Communards on the sides still buried in Red Square; on the pedestal of the monument, arrange a cave with windows, iron shutters and doors, in which to place the embalmed body of Ilyich - in an open coffin under a glass lid, where to eliminate air access. On the pedestal from the outside, you can depict several pictures - the most characteristic moments of our Revolution. It will be possible to open the shutters in the windows of the cave only in necessary solemn occasions (for example, during the days of Mourning, etc.).

I hope that by this proposal I am expressing not only my sincere desire, but also my whole cell, all the non-Party workers of our factory, as well as millions of working people, I ask comrades in the Central Committee and the Moscow Committee to seriously consider this proposal and arrange that something like that, and in no case should we bury the body of our dear Ilyich in the ground!

With [communist] greetings

I. Dobzhinsky

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 10-10rev.
Script. Autograph.

N 7 Telephone message of the workers of the factory "Emancipated Labor" named after. Peter Alekseev and them. Taratuty I.V. Stalin with a request to bury V.I. Lenin on Red Square


B. Urgent

Personally, the Central Committee of the RCP (b) comrade. STALIN

The organizations of the workers of the "Emancipated Labor" factory named after Pyotr Alekseev and Taratuta ask you to accept the following proposal: "We advise you to bury the body of deeply respected VLADIMIR ILYICH in the middle of Red Square, so that every worker, peasant, passing through Red Square, can mentally and cordially communicate with dear ILYICH" .

Signed: Komyacheyka Kirpichev,

Zavkom Spiridonov, Administration of the factory Maslov, Kalisz, Cell of the RKSM Savichev,

Zhenotdel Krayushkina.

Litter: "t. Tovstuhe".

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 11.
Copy. Typewritten text.

No. 8. Letter from V. Pavlov, a worker of the Okulovsky stationery factories, to the editorial office of the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper and the Central Committee of the RCP(b)

To the editors of the Central Organ of the Moskovskaya Pravda party and " Central Committee parties"

Comrade ILYICH is gone - this heavy news has been reflected in our hearts with a thunderous sudden blow, but we express the hope that the breaking of world capitalism that has begun will continue, and the hour of the triumph of the world proletariat over the structure of capitalist constructions that has collapsed to dust is inevitable.

But Ilyich, who fought all his life for the hegemony of the proletariat, will be buried.

No, in my opinion, the future generation should see the greatest human genius with their own eyes. Future scientists will need to study the structure of the skull of a great man, and therefore I propose that Ilyich’s corpse not be buried, but embalmed according to the method Egyptian mummies and placed in the Central Museum.

Thus, the workers of future ages will always have the opportunity to see with their own eyes the corpse (embalmed) of a great man.

Worker of Okulovsky stationery factories

Vladimir Pavlov

P.S.: If you find it possible, then propose to the Commission for the burial of Ilyich to discuss this issue.

It is a pity that medicine, which makes tremendous progress on the pages of the press, could not save the life of the beloved leader of the proletariat.

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 13.
Copy. Typewritten text.

N 9. Letter from the workers of the Trekhgornaya manufactory to the editors of the newspapers Izvestia, Pravda, Rabochaya Moskva, Rabochaya Gazeta

To the editorial office of the newspaper: "Izvestia of the USSR", "Pravda",

"Working Moscow", "Working newspaper"

from the workers of the Weaving Factory of the Trekhgornaya Manufactory (former Prokhorovka)

We, the workers of the aforementioned factory, are deeply shocked by the death of our dear leader and father of Communism, Vl. Il. Lenin, having learned that the body of our Ilyich will be buried in the ground, we ask the Editors to raise the issue before the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the RCP (b) so that the body of our teacher and leader does not remain in the ground, but to make a crypt for his body, in view of the fact that in such In the shortest possible time, there is no way for our entire Union of Working People, as well as the working people of all countries, to pay their last debt to Ilyich, and also to leave it in the memory of future generations.

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 15-15ob. Script.
Handwritten text. Signatures-autographs.

N 10. Letter from the workers of the plant N 30 "Red Supplier" to the Commission of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR for organizing the funeral of V.I. Lenin

To the Commission for the funeral of V.I. Lenin

Dear comrades!

When discussing the question of Ilyich’s funeral, a brilliant idea sunk into our minds: not to lower him into the ground, but, having built an elevated place on Red Square, to install him in a glass coffin soaked in alcohol so that the present century, like us and our children, would turn their eyes to our dear Ilyich.

Workers of plant N 30 "Red Supplier" 23

*And many workers join this*24.

F. 16. Op. 1. D. 100. L. 17. Original.
Typewritten text. Signatures-autographs.

1. From a letter from members of the RCP(b) Dyatlov and Georgievich to the editors of the newspapers Pravda, Izvestia and Rabochaya Moskva with a request not to betray the body of V.I. Lenin land dated January 24, 1924 (see Document No. 5)
2. See Izvestia. 1924. January 24. N 19.
3. Ibid.
4. Sapronov Timofey Vladimirovich (1887-1937) - Russian revolutionary. Since 1921 - deputy. chairman of the Supreme Economic Council, in 1921-1924. - Member of the Presidium and Secretary of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Chairman of the Small Council of People's Commissars.
5. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 109. L. 1-7.
6. Obukh Vladimir Alexandrovich (1870-1934) - attending physician V.I. Lenin, one of the organizers of the Soviet healthcare system. In 1919-1929. - head. Moscow city health department, member of the Presidium of the Moscow City Council.
7. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 109. L. 1.
8. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 17. L. 1. Minutes of the Commission No. 1 dated January 22, 1924
9. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 20. L. 4.
10. Avanesov Varlaam Alexandrovich (1884-1930) - Russian revolutionary, in 1920-1922. - Member of the Board of the Cheka, in 1920-1924. - Member of the Board of the People's Commissariat of State Control of the RSFSR, Deputy. People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate. In 1924-1925. - Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Trade of the USSR.
11. Bonch-Bruevich Vladimir Dmitrievich (1873-1955) - Russian revolutionary, in 1918-1920. - manager of affairs of the Council of People's Commissars, in 1918-1919. - head of the publishing house "Communist", since 1920 - in scientific work.
12. Muralov Nikolai Ivanovich (1877-1937) - Russian revolutionary, since August 1920. - Member of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, from March 1921 - Commander of the Moscow Military District.
13. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 21. L. 1.
14. RGASPI. F. 16. Op. 1. D. 101. L. 1.
15. RGASPI. F. 17. Op. 163. D. 396. L. 58. Protocol N 65 of January 25, 1924, item 35.
16. Cupola - a factory furnace for remelting cast iron.
17. The word is written illegibly.
18. Alum - double sulfuric acid salt of aluminum, chromium, iron and alkali metal or ammonium, in the form of crystals. Used in technology and as a disinfectant.
19. The text is written in black ink.
20. Further 8 autograph signatures of workers.
21. The signature is illegible.
22. Followed by 93 signatures.
23. Followed by 3 signatures of workers.
24. Text written in blue ink.

A brief historical educational program for various kinds of pseudo-historians, pseudo-analysts, pseudo-geopoliticians, pseudo-patriots, pseudo-nationalists, as well as for those representatives of the younger generation whom they managed to fool their brains - KV

Lie first. The main propaganda blow is concentrated on instilling in public opinion the idea of ​​Lenin's burial. And here the vile calculation is obvious - what normal person would object to the burial of the remains of the deceased. Although in the case of Lenin we are talking about reburial.

It seemed obvious to everyone that Lenin was buried. As the founder of the Russian Federation and the USSR, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was buried with the highest state honors on January 27, 1924.

By the way, even contemporaries had no doubts that Lenin was buried. Newspaper articles and notes in January-March 1924 were full of headlines: "Lenin's grave", "At the grave of Ilyich", "At Lenin's grave", etc.

And the form of burial was determined by the highest authority of the country - the II All-Union Congress of Soviets - in the ground, at a depth of three meters in the crypt, over which the Mausoleum was erected. By the way, the Congress delegate, Lenin's widow Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, also voted for this decision.

Even considering the burial of V.I. Lenin from the standpoint of modern legislation, which also takes into account the existing Orthodox cultural traditions of the Russian people, one should recognize the crypt and the Mausoleum above it as fully consistent with the modern laws of the Russian Federation. The embalmed body of Lenin rests in a coffin-sarcophagus at a depth of three meters underground, which fully complies with the norms of the Federal Law “On Burial and Funeral Affairs” dated January 12, 1996. Article 3 of this law says: “Burial can be carried out by betraying the body (remains ) of the deceased earth (burial in the grave, crypt). And the body of Lenin, we recall once again, was buried in a crypt (a vaulted tomb buried in the ground).

It is difficult for an ordinary citizen to notice the substitution of the concepts of "burial" and "reburial" in the massive information flow: after all, the level of directing is very high - all state media, including television, even "independent" news agencies and liberal opposition publications write only about "burial", carefully concealing the substitution concepts.

It is very unprofitable for the political initiators of the reburial to appear in the face of the public in the guise of grave-diggers. Hence the lie about the need for burial, which does not exist.

Lie second. The body of Lenin is put on display, resting un-Christianly, not interred.

Let us recall the public statement of Lenin's niece Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova: “I have repeatedly stated and will repeat once again that I am categorically against the reburial of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. There are no grounds for this. Even religious ones. The sarcophagus in which he lies is three meters below ground level, which corresponds to burials according to Russian custom and the Orthodox canon.”

Sarcophagus with the coffin of Lenin in the crypt under the Mausoleum

Olga Dmitrievna has more than once rebuffed gravediggers who claim that allegedly Lenin was buried not in accordance with folk traditions, outside the framework of the Orthodox cultural tradition. Recall, in this regard, also the information of G.A. Zyuganov about the consultations of the leadership of the USSR with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church during the regular reconstruction work in the Mausoleum: “I want to emphasize again that the form of burial of V.I. Lenin does not contradict our national traditions and Orthodox canons. When Red Square was being reconstructed in the USSR 30 years ago, the authorities consulted with representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church. It was confirmed that one of the main conditions of the tradition was observed: the body of Lenin was buried in a tomb more than two meters below ground level.
As to the fact that the body was not interred, the answer has already been given on the basis of the provisions of the Federal Law "On Burial and Funeral Business": burial in a crypt is a form of burial in the ground.

And now about the review of the buried body. Is this really such an exceptional case in the practice of burying great, famous people in countries with a strong Christian cultural tradition?

The most famous example is the burial in the open sarcophagus of the great Russian surgeon Nikolai Pirogov near Vinnitsa. The sarcophagus with the coffin of the great scientist was placed in a crypt, which is one of the forms of burial in the ground and has been on display for almost 130 years. As it is written in the definition of the Holy Synod in St. Petersburg, “so that the disciples and successors of the noble and charitable deeds of the servant of God N.I. Pirogov could see his bright appearance "

Sarcophagus with the coffin of N. Pirogov in the crypt

And here is an excerpt from the conclusion of the Chairman of the Commission on the Funeral of V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin) F. Dzerzhinsky: Lenin) decided to take the measures at the disposal of modern science for the longest possible preservation of the body.

In this case, how does the decision of the state body of the Russian Empire, which was the Holy Synod, which allowed his students and admirers to “behold the bright image” of the deceased scientist Pirogov, differ from the same decision of the highest body of state power in the person of the Congress of Soviets and the Central Executive Committee of the USSR? Nothing? Then why is everything calm on the first occasion, and on the second occasion there is universal hubbub?

As you can see, in the case of the noise around the form of Lenin's burial, political cunning, covered up by some pseudo-religious incantations, is on the face.

After all, no one, neither in the case of Pirogov, nor even more so in the case of Lenin, raises the question of copying the practice of treating the relics of saints canonized by the Church. Nobody carries the bodies of Pirogov or Lenin around the country for worship by believers, as the Church does with the relics of saints, does not carry. No one is applied to the embalmed bodies of the deceased great people. Everyone understands that their incorruptibility is the recognition of their merits before people (the state, society, various communities, etc.). Only citizens who revere such great statesmen and scientists, entering the crypt, get the opportunity to "behold the bright face."

By the way, in such an ardently Catholic country, a similar approach was taken at the burial of the “head of state”, the founding father of the Second Rzeczpospolita, Marshal Pilsudski, whose relationship with the official church was also far from cloudless. He changed from Catholicism to Protestantism, then back to Catholicism. Yes, and the May coup of 1926, arranged by the founder of the state, was very bloody. Yes, and in the creation of concentration camps, Pilsudski distinguished himself very well. But… the founder of the state. Although the Catholic Church was even engaged after the burial in dragging his remains across the Wawel crypts, which provoked a conflict between the episcopate and President Mostitsky.

Recall that Pilsudski was buried in 1935 in the Wawel Castle, in a crypt in a glass coffin. But embalming proved ineffective. As a result, only a small window was left, which is currently closed.

The original glass coffin of Marshal Piłsudski, founding father of the 2nd Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, before being transferred to the crypt under the Silver Bells tower in Wawel

Lie three. Attempts continue to be made to convince society that it is necessary to fulfill the last will of Lenin, who allegedly bequeathed to bury himself next to his mother at the Volkovo cemetery in Leningrad. This lie has been circulating around the world since it was first voiced at one of the meetings of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, broadcast live, by a certain Karyakin. Then the fable was picked up by the dad of the current socialite and Putin's mentor Anatoly Sobchak.

From the statements of Olga Dmitrievna Ulyanova it is unambiguously clear: “Attempts to prove that there is a will that he should be buried at the Volkovo cemetery are untenable. There is no such document and could not be; our family also never had conversations on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich died at a fairly young age - at 53, and naturally, he thought more about life than about death. In addition, given the historical era in which Lenin lived, his nature, the character of a true revolutionary, I am sure he would not have written a will on this topic. Vladimir Ilyich was a very modest man who cared least of all about himself. Most likely, he would have left a testament to the country, to the people - how to build a perfect state.”

Scientist and publicist A.S. Abramov, Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Public Organization (Foundation) for the Preservation of the Mausoleum of V.I. The official response to the President of the Russian Federation said that "there is not a single document of Lenin, his relatives or relatives regarding Lenin's last will to be buried in a certain Russian cemetery."

A.S. Abramov is right, arguing that even from an everyday point of view, the arguments about the Volkovo cemetery are completely false. After all, Lenin is already resting next to the widow, Nadezhda Krupskaya, and sister Maria Ulyanova, whose ashes are in the necropolis near the Kremlin wall.

Lie four. It is necessary to remove the Mausoleum and the Necropolis of the heroes of the Soviet era, since Red Square cannot be turned into a cemetery. The historical illiteracy of the authors of this argument is obvious. The territory of St. Basil's Cathedral or the "Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat" is also an ancient cemetery. That United Russia gentlemen, will you blow up the cathedral and dig up the graves, so that it would be more comfortable for you to organize skating rinks and variety shows? Do other sovereign burials in the Kremlin cathedrals prevent you from having fun?

Red Square in its current form is a place of power formed in the RSFSR and the USSR. Here, the concentration of symbols of all historical eras - from Muscovite Rus' (the place of power was played by the Execution Ground) to the USSR (the state tribune and the burial places of the founding father of the current Russian Federation and the heroes of the Soviet era). And the current rulers of the Russian Federation, organizing parades in honor of the Victory Day of the USSR in World War II, de facto recognize this highest status of Red Square.

On a large marketplace, which Red Square was before Lenin and Stalin, Victory parades are not held. For some reason, state ceremonies will obviously not look at the Cherkizovsky market.

Therefore, how uncomfortable and unpleasant you, temporary gentlemen from United Russia, will have to endure when performing rituals of power on Red Square and Lenin in the Mausoleum, and Stalin's grave, and all the burial places of the heroes of the era of the RSFSR and the USSR. Without this, the current government does not even have the appearance of historical legitimacy.

In general, the barbarism and denseness of modern Russian Western liberals are striking. They would have tried to hint at destruction or grave-digging in any of the NATO countries, say, in the mausoleum of President Grant in New York (a symbol of the triumph in the Civil War of the North over the South), the mausoleum of the founding father of modern secular Turkey, Ataturk. Or talk about the “tradition to the earth” of the founding father of the Second Commonwealth, Marshal Pilsudski or Emperor Napoleon, whose tombs are on display.

As you can see, the entire argumentation of necrophobes from various parties and other liberals sang along with white threads. There is an attempt to settle historical scores with the great Soviet era against the background of the worthlessness of the current government, which is increasingly showing its state failure against the background of the real achievements of the USSR.

How else do the peoples honor their great statesmen

Burials of Moscow sovereigns in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin

This is how the tomb of Kozma Minin originally looked in Nizhny Novgorod

Tomb of Emperor Napoleon in Republican France

Pantheon in Rome. Since the Renaissance, it has been used as a tomb. Among those who were buried here are such great people as Raphael and Carracci, composer Corelli, architect
Peruzzi and two kings of Italy - Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I

New York. USA. Triumph of the North over the South. Mausoleum of American President Ulysses Grant (1897) in Manhattan's Riverside Park. World War I photograph of warships sailing past Grant's mausoleum.

Mausoleum of the founding father of the modern Republic of Turkey, Ataturk. As you can see, in the NATO countries with civilization and mausoleums, everything is in order.

S.P. Obukhov

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