Forest man yag-mort. Worship of the Komi pagan goddess Zarni An


One hunter had three sons. Once a father and his sons went hunting - to beat squirrels and hazel grouses. They live in the forest for a month, they live for another, they live for the third. A good hunt turned out, a lot of animals hunted. One problem - they did not have fire.

And the frost is strong, there is nothing to cook meat on, it’s cold to sleep.

Let's cast lots, - the father says to his sons. - Whoever falls out, he will go home for fire.

Youngest son says:

Wait a lot to throw. I will climb the biggest spruce, see if there is any housing nearby. If nowhere, then you have to go home.

Praised the father of the younger.

You are sensible, - he says, - well thought up.

Polez younger son at the highest Christmas tree, looks right and left, looks back and forth and sees: far in the forest, like a wolf's eye, a light glows.

He got down from the tree and said to his brothers:

Over there and there, the fire glows, it’s true, there is housing.

The brothers were delighted, they also climbed the spruce. True, a light glows in the distance.

They descended to the ground and began to argue who should go first after the fire. Father says:

Let the elder go, he is the strongest, he will most likely bring the fire.

Fine. He took the older gun and went.

Suddenly he sees: a cast-iron pot lies on the road.

Behind the fire

Better come back, don't go, - says the pot. - The fire will burn you.

It won’t burn you,” says the eldest son of the hunters.

He comes across a birch bark on the road.

Behind the fire

Come back, don't go, - says Sherdyn. - The fire will burn you.

Or maybe it won’t burn you,” the guy says.

Lying on the road crowd.

Behind the fire

Don't go, come back, - the crowd says. - The fire will burn you.

It won’t burn, I’ll save myself, - the guy says.

There are rakes on the road.

Behind the fire

Don't go better, come back, - say the rake. - The fire will burn you.

It won’t burn, I’ll be whole, - the guy answers.

Walked, walked, sees - there is a hut. The door is open. In the stove, the fire is barely warm. And there is no owner.

The eldest hunter's son began to throw firewood, fan the fire. And suddenly, just above his ear, someone spoke in a hoarse voice:

What are you doing here?

A guy jumped up, looking: an old man was standing in front of him - a beard to the floor, teeth sticking out like stakes, hands hanging like hooks. Well, straight goblin! And it was he himself - the forest man Yag-Mort.

What do you need here? - the forest man Yag-Mort asks. - Why are you touching my fire?

I want to take it! - says the guy.

Did you get a pot on the road? - asks the forest man Yag-Mort.


Did you get Sherdyn?


Did you get a crowd?

And the crowd got caught.

Did you get a rake?

And the rake got caught.

What did they tell you?

They told me to come back.

Why didn't you listen to them? Do you know what a pot is? - asks Yag-Mort, and he grinds his teeth.

A pot is like a pot to cook meat, - the guy answers.

So you're lying, - says the forest man Yag-Mort. - And what kind of Sherdyn, you know?

A simple sherdyn, - the guy answers, - to sift flour.

So you're lying, - says the forest man Yag-Mort. - And what a crowd, you know?

How not to know! The crush is the crowd - crush the grain, - the guy answers.

So you're lying, - says the forest man Yag-Mort. - And what kind of rake, you know?

What is there not to know! Eka unseen - a rake!

You don't know anything, - the forest man Yag-Mort tells him. - Well, for this I will teach you a good lesson now.

Illustration by Arkady Moshev

He grabbed him by the hair, bent him to the floor, squeezed between his legs and cut a palm-wide belt from his back.

As soon as the eldest hunter's son escaped from the goblin, and as soon as he escaped, he rushed to run without looking back. I forgot to think about the smut.

He came to his father and brothers barely alive.

Did you bring fire? the father asks.

What a fire! He barely survived himself. The goblin almost strangled me.

And about the back is silent, only shivering.

The father got angry and sent the middle son for fire.

A day passes, and this one returns without fire, and the goblin has cut a belt from his back.

Yes, the middle son is silent about this, only groans softly.

laughs younger brother over the elders.

Well, what kind of hunters are you? - he says. - They were afraid of the forest man. You would have beaten him, and then the fire would have been carried away.

So you go yourself, - the brothers say. - And you will get it.

Well, I'll go, - says the younger.

He took a gun, took an ax and set off. He walked, walked, sees - a pot lies on the road.

Where are you going? - asks the pot.

Behind the fire

Better come back, don't go, you'll make trouble, says the pot.

He comes across a Sherdyn on the road.

Where are you going? - Sherdyn asks.

Behind the fire

Come back, don't go, the fire will burn you, - says Sherdyn.

If only there was fire, and I can handle it, - the younger son of the hunters answers.

He comes across a crowd on the road.

Where are you going? - asks the crowd.

Behind the fire

Do not go, come back, otherwise it will be bad, - says the crowd.

It's even worse without fire, says the younger son of the hunters.

He comes across a rake on the road.

Where are you going? - ask the rake.

Behind the fire

Come back, don't go, you'll regret it, - they say the rake.

I'll take the fire and return, - the younger son of the hunters answers.

He reached the hut, enters, and there the forest man Yag-Mort himself lies. Head in one corner, legs in another.

You live, you live, good man, - says the youngest son of the hunters. - Won't you let me spend the night?

Well, sleep over. Just don't take what you came for. Have you seen the pot on the road?

I saw, - says the younger son of the hunters. - And I saw the Sherdyn, and I saw the crowd, and I saw the rake - all your goodness.

What is that pot, do you know? - asks the forest man Yag-Mort. - What kind of sherdyn, what kind of rake, what kind of crowd, you know?

I know, - the younger son of the hunters answers. - The pot is your head, the sherdyn is your body, the rake is your hands, the crowd is your legs. If you do not let me spend the night, I will break your head, break your arms and legs, cut your body into pieces.

Well, I see that you are painfully smart, - says the forest man. - Climb on the stove and tell me fairy tales. Yes, such that everything was unprecedented in them, and if you say experienced, I will pull out your hair.

Okay, listen, - says the younger son of the hunters. - Only if you interrupt me, then I'll pull your hair out.

And that's okay, - says the forest man Yag-Mort.

The youngest hunter's son climbed onto the stove and began to tell:

I somehow flew to the sky, flew for three years, finally flew. And in the sky all people walk upside down. “Why are you walking upside down?” I ask them. And they tell me: “Because we walk upside down, because there is nothing to sew boots with, we don’t have bristles.” And I tell them: “Let me sew boots without bristles. Goblin's hair is even better than stubble." That's why I came to you - to pull out your hair.

The forest man Yag-Mort heard this and grabbed his head with both hands.

I won't let you tear your hair! - screams.

You won’t give it, but once you’ve said the word, I’ll tear it out, ”says the youngest son of the hunters.“ Such was our agreement.

He put his hand into the devil's hair, and as much as the hand grabbed, so much he pulled out.

Leshy shrunk all over. And the younger hunter's son again says:

I sewed boots for everyone and went for a walk in the sky. I see - a man on the threshing floor blows oats with a shovel. And from under the oats, the chaff flies visibly-invisibly. I caught this chaff, twisted a rope and began to catch all the ice with that rope. I caught the ice ones, and the water ones follow them themselves. Look, they've already reached the house!

The goblin jumped up - and to the doors.

Why are you deceiving? - says. - No one is here!

And how can I not deceive when you yourself ordered, - says the youngest son of hunters. And again he ran his hand through his hair and pulled out a whole mop of hair.

The forest man Yag-Mort is completely silent, sitting, rubbing his head. And the younger hunter's son again says:

I went on a hunt. I reached the lake, I stand and think: how can I cross to the other side? Suddenly I see: flies are sitting on a tree, a lot of flies. I caught them all, tied them with a thread and grabbed the end of the thread myself. The flies flew and they lifted me up. They brought it to the middle of the lake, and just then the thread broke. I fell into the lake, I'm about to drown. And the ducks were sitting on the lake. I caught one by the leg, well, she pulled me to the shore and dragged me. Here I stand on the shore and do not know what to do. There is no fire - neither dry me, nor warm up. Suddenly I see: a bear is coming. I raised the gun to shoot, and the bear said: “Don’t shoot at me, better tell me what you need?” I lowered the gun and said: "Make fire, I'm cold." And the bear answers me: “How can I make a fire? I have nothing. If you want, sit on my back, I'll take you to where the fire is. I sat on a bear, and he carried me through the forests, through the swamps, through the rivers, through the lakes, and brought me to you. And you do not give fire.

Hey Mishka! - the younger son of the hunters shouted out the window. - Go to the hut, strangle this goblin!

So the forest man Yag-Mort trembled with fear.

Whatever you want, he says, take it, just take the bear away.

No, - says the younger son of the hunters, - let him strangle you, so that you do not leave people without fire.

And again shouting out the window:

Bear, come here!

Oh, don’t let the bear in, the goblin cries, I’ll give you everything, just tell the bear to leave. Here, take a fire stone, take a piece of iron. Hit a stone with a piece of iron, and you will have fire. Take a bag with a shot, no matter how you take out charges from it, it will always be full. Take a self-propelled gun. Take everything, just leave it alive.

No, - says the younger son of the hunters, - this is not enough for me. Give back the straps that you cut out of the brothers' backs.

Take it, - says the goblin, - and take it.

And he led the youngest hunter's son to his pantry. And there all the walls are hung with straps made of human skin.

Why do you keep belts made of human skin? - asks the younger hunters son.

And this, - says the forest man Yag-Mort, - I keep an account of your people, those whom I scared. And there have never been those that scared me, you are the first.

The younger hunter's son hid a stone with a piece of iron in his pocket, exchanged his simple gun for a self-firing one, put a bag of shot over his shoulder, hid two leather belts in his bosom, and the forest man Yag-Mort still gives him healing herbs.

Take it, take it, - he says, - it will come in handy!

They said goodbye, and the youngest hunter's son went on his way back.

His brothers meet him and ask:

Where is your fire? Something is not visible!

And it is hidden here with me, - the younger brother answers and pulls out his stone.

He hit the stone with a piece of iron, the fire immediately broke out. Brothers can't believe their eyes!

Well, give us a try!

Well, try it, - says the younger brother. - Give me your backs, I'll patch your skin!

And he takes out two belts from his bosom.

He attached one strap to the back of the older brother, the other to the back of the middle brother, tied it with healing herbs, and the skin immediately grew to their backs.

Look, next time be smarter! the younger brother says to the elders.

Then they divorced big fire, roasted meat, ate, drank, warmed themselves, dried themselves and returned home with rich booty.

And the forest man Yag-Mort has since been left without everything - he has no fire, no gun with a bag. He can’t do anything to people, he just scares them in vain.

Yag mort, Forest man, Goblin. Mythology of the Komi people.
Goblin roams the forests of Komi!

Komi mythology. Yag mort - "forest man"

Goblin (jagmort) roams the forests of Komi!

  • The goblin is the owner of the forest and the animals and birds living in it. Often the goblin can be seen in the usual human form, ordinary peasant clothes. Only in his appearance there is something that betrays his impure origin. It can be clothes turned inside out, shoes not worn correctly, long black hair, no eyebrows or eyelashes, one ear is missing, and there is no shade from it in the sun.

    Very often, the goblin is shown to the traveler in the guise of his relative. But it can be given out by eyes that glow green. Can he turn into any animal or even into inanimate object(stump, stone and so on). The most striking attribute is the staff in the hands of the goblin. When he walks around his possessions, the creaking of trees is heard around him, the wind blows.

    Forest giants have excellent physiques. When the goblin walks through the forest, his height is equal to tall trees, but if it enters the clearing, it becomes lower than the smallest blade of grass. A resident of the Komi village of Lasta (Izhemsky district) A. Kanev said that he saw a “forest man” near the Sebys River, “he was as tall as a good spruce, his eyes shone like bowls from under thick eyebrows.”

  • Komi writer Vladimir Timin says: “Once we were walking through the forest along Vashka (a river in the Udora region of Komi). Suddenly my dog ​​will start up and growl. And let's whine, huddle at my feet. I could not immediately understand what could have frightened the dog so easily, without fear, throwing himself at the wolves and the bear. Then I raised my eyes and saw in the trees the vertical figure of a hairy monster. We and Woodman Jagmort were stunned for a few seconds. The first to come to his senses is a two-meter humanoid and disappeared out of sight.

    The place where the goblin lives can be a thicket, a wasteland, an uninhabited tract from where people moved. In the forest, he lives only in summer. And on October 17, according to legend, it falls into the ground, where it spends time until spring. Before leaving, he plays pranks for a long time: he breaks and bends trees, drives animals through the forest. On this day, people try not to go to the forest.

    Leshy protects his possessions from various troubles, and sometimes from people. Leshy does not tolerate whistling or loud screaming in the forest. For tricks, the goblin can confuse a person and then he will not return home, but will fall into the ground. To get out of the forest, you need to turn all your clothes inside out. If people found out that a goblin had settled in any more often, they tried not to go to this area.

    Most often, the goblin appears in the dead of night. But if the forest is dense, or a person has wandered into the thicket, then the goblin can meet during the day. In addition, there are invisible paths in the forest along which the goblin walks. The trouble will be to the person who gets on one of his paths. The goblin can take him away with him, or severely cripple him.

    Goblin does not like to show himself to people. Most often, he frightens with noise, creaking, screaming. As soon as a person goes astray, the goblin begins to rejoice, clap his hands and laugh out loud.

  • It is believed that the goblin lives in huts. He takes a lost girl as his wife. He does not manage the business. It is enough for him to sneak into some village and steal food there. His children are children taken away from the villages, cursed and unbaptized. The children of the goblin are usually ugly, noisy. “We were mowing hay on the Tsilma River,” says E. Bulygin, a resident of Ust-Tsilma, “suddenly, two figures appeared on the other bank. One is small black, the other is huge, more than two meters. They began to run around the high willow, played. They ran very fast. When, an hour later, after their departure, we decided to go by boat to where they were running, we saw traces of a large one and a smaller one: the big one had a flat track like a bear’s, but it looked like a human one.

    You can negotiate with the goblin if you bring him a piece of bread or pancakes. Then he will help to gather mushrooms, and berries, and catch game.

    It is believed that you can get rid of the goblin. To do this, you need to pray or, conversely, swear at him. Goblin does not like peeled rowan or linden branches, salt, fire. He cannot step over them. To kill the goblin or scare him, you need to shoot him with a button made of copper.

    In order not to become confused, people prayed before entering the forest, tried to comply with all forest laws, and left treats for the goblin. Those who were lost in the forest, the goblin took to his hut, forced them to set fires, steal food from the villages. Still in his power of suicide.

    forest ghost

  • "Leshy" in the cinema.
    Russian and foreign films

    Film fairy tale "Andrey and the evil sorcerer" (USSR, "Belarusfilm", 1981)
    American television series "Supernatural" - tells the story of two brothers Sam and Dean, hunters for a goblin, a monster, evil spirits. Genre: Mystery, Horror, Thriller. It was first shown on American television on September 13, 2005. Supernatural Season 7 premiered on September 23, 2011, and ended on May 18, 2012.
    Film directed by Brett Leonard "" (USA, Australia, 2005). Genre: Action, Horror, Fantasy.
    Russian film Leshy, release year: 2007, Leshy 2, release year: 2008. Leshy 3, release year: 2010. Genre: melodrama, Russian films.

Let's start drawing Mort's head from an oval. Divide it in half lengthwise and across with straight lines and mark for yourself the center of the oval.

Step 2

Now define the middle of the left and right halves of the oval, as shown in the figure.

Step 3

For each eye, draw circles symmetrically about the central vertical line. Those parts of the circles that are dotted in the figure will later need to be erased with an eraser.

Step 4

Inside each eye, draw one more circle, smaller ones are the pupils. And inside these circles, in the upper left corner - small circles. These are flashes of light.

Step 5

On the upper edge of each eye, draw a lot of small dashes-cilia. Then, draw lines at the bottom of each eye, as shown in the figure, and erase those parts of the eye-circles that fell under these lines.

Step 6

Along these lines, draw many, many lower eyelashes, just as you drew the upper ones. Above the eyes, draw arches-eyebrows. From the inside of each eye, draw short lines upwards, as shown.

Step 7

In the center below the eyes, draw a tiny heart - the future nose. Under the nose, stepping back a little - a tiny rectangle with rounded edges - Mort's upper tooth.
Also draw a bunch of short lines in the shape of an inverted V between the eyes so that the ends of this shape are at the ends of the lines drawn in the previous step 6.

Step 8

Above the spout, draw an inverted arc. Draw slightly upwardly rounded lines on both sides of the tooth - this is the mouth.

Step 9

To draw the bottom line of the mouth, draw a wide U-shaped line, bringing its ends to the edges of the mouth. Now, starting from the nose, draw a shape outlining the area of ​​the mouth, as shown in the figure.

Step 10

Under the tooth, draw an elongated narrow letter U - Mort's tongue. With more strokes, mark the lines to the right and left of the mouth, as shown in the figure.

Now, with a pencil without strong pressure, mark triangles for drawing ears on the sides with vertices at the upper outer part of each eye, and circles at the bases of the triangles. These are auxiliary lines, they will need to be erased later.

Step 11

Circle the shapes that come from each set of triangle and circle. Got pretty ears. Now erase the extra lines.

In order to draw Mort's body, mark its future contours with a rectangle, slightly tipped to one side, as well as the contours of the upper and lower legs and tail, as shown in the figure.

Step 12

For the arms and left leg, outline triangles with bases in the body area. For the lower right paw, draw a circle and a square below it.

Step 13

Now circle the resulting body contours. The rest of the lines can be erased.

Step 14

Draw 3 rectangles along the tail line.

Step 15

On the outer edges of these rectangles, draw something like this wavy line. Then it can be erased.

Step 16

For the toes, draw ovals - 4 for the left and 3, as shown in the picture, for the right.

Step 17

Now draw the fingers right foot, as it shown on the picture.

Step 18

Draw the same ovals for the fingers (front paws). Don't try to make them correct form- That is unnecessary.

The drawing is ready!

Color Mort with pencils, crayons, paints, felt-tip pens, etc. Just before that, erase all unnecessary lines, and draw the contour lines more boldly - this noticeably changes the result of the work, right?

Based on this lesson, you can draw various Greeting Cards like these:


Komi folk legend

In hoary antiquity, when half-wild chud tribes and, not knowing arable farming, they ate from the hunting of animals and fish, when they worshiped the gods of stone and wood, an extraordinary man appeared in the dense forest surrounding one of the Chud villages. He was almost as tall as a good pine tree, and by his voice and appearance he was a wild beast. A face overgrown with a jet-black beard, eyes filled with blood and wildly sparkling from under thick eyebrows, clothes made of undressed bearskin - these are the signs of this man, whom the Chud called Yag Mort, forest man and the name suited him just fine.

No one knew what kind of tribe Yag Mort was, no one knew where he came from near the Chud dwellings. Yag Mort lived in the depths of a dense forest, in inaccessible thickets scattered along the deserted coast of the Kucha River, and appeared in villages only for robbery and murder. Timid monsters avoided meeting him. One name of Yag Mort inspired fear, women frightened their playful children with it:

Yag Mort ydzhyd
kydz bur goat,
Yag zhort eat,
kydz patch shom.
En board, piö,
Yag Mort voas,
Kutan Bordny—
teno shoyas.

Yag Mort is high
like a good tree.
Yag Mort is black,
like coal in a furnace.
Don't cry son
Yag Mort will come,
Will you cry-
will eat you.

So the young eccentric sang, trying to calm her crying child.

For attacks on the villages, Yag Mort usually chose the night time, and then, in the darkness, illuminated by the glow of the fire, his every step was marked by blood and devastation. He led away, slaughtered cattle, kidnapped wives and children. Yag Mort's hatred for all living things extended to the point that he often, without any reason, killed the oncoming and transverse.

Driven out of patience by the villainy of the robber, the monsters tried with all their might to destroy him: they caught him like a wild beast, set up ambushes, but nothing helped. He countered cunning with cunning, and an open battle with a mighty robber was beyond the capacity of timid weirdos. And in all of Zapechory, no young man was found who would dare to measure his strength with Yag Mort: the swing of the ax was nothing to him, he repulsed the blows of spears with his club, and the arrows bounced off his shaggy chest.

In addition, Yag Mort was known among the people as a great sorcerer: he did not drown in water and did not burn in fire, as people usually said about him. Bestiality, lack of rain, calmness, and in general all physical disasters - all the superstitious chud attributed to the gloomy sorceries of Yag Mort. He commanded the elements, darkened the stars, the sun and the moon, and there was no limit to the dark power of the sorcerer-robber, and therefore he reigned with impunity in the gloomy forests of Zapechory.

Once the foreman of one of the Chud villages lost her only daughter, the beautiful Rayda. A day passes, two, a week passes - the beautiful Raida is no more! Her mother cried her eyes out, her father and fiancé went to all the surrounding villages and forests, but did not find Raida anywhere.

So the cry was called, the people were called together, the sad loss was announced, and all, old and young, unanimously affirmed that spring flower, Raida, you can’t fade so early if she disappeared, this was certainly done by Yag Mort: he envied the blooming beauty of Raida, he kidnapped her and dragged her into an animal lair ... “But woe to us,” the old people said, “there is no judgment on Yag Morta: We can't do anything against the mighty sorcerer! Raida is dead!" As usual, they talked, made some noise and, with a sad look, thrusting their beards into the collars of their fur coats, returned to their homes. But the daring fiance of Raida was not satisfied with such a decision, and other young guys, applicants for the beauty's hand, were not satisfied with him either.

They called the cry again, stirred up the entire Zapechory, gathered several dozen inveterate daring men and general council they put it: "By all means, find the dwelling of Yag Mort, seize him alive or dead, destroy him, burn the accursed sorcerer, at least die yourself!" And so the militia was formed: the warriors armed themselves with bows, spears, axes - whoever could, and set off on a campaign - a hundred against one! But this one was not a simple man, but an extraordinary strong man, a terrible robber, and in addition a sorcerer, a warlock. And the brave hunters, not without secret fear, expected a meeting with Yag Mort.

Several days passed in a vain search, but the monsters did not deviate from their intention and did not return home. Finally, they settled in a dense forest, on the Izhma hill, near the path along which the robber usually passed. It is not known how long the guys lurked in an ambush, but one day they see: Yag Mort crosses the Izhma ford, right opposite the place where they hid, and it seemed to go straight for them. Here, more than one miraculous heart began to beat with fear, but it was already too late to be afraid, and as soon as the villain stepped on the shore, spears, arrows, stones rained down on him from the thicket of the forest. Amazed by such a sudden attack, stunned by the first blows, the robber stopped for a minute...

And countless blows fell on him, then he roared like a wild beast, waved his heavy club, and rushed into the middle of the attackers. The monsters surrounded him from all sides, and a terrible battle began ... Yag Mort fought off the crowd of embittered opponents for a long time, with furious bitterness, his club burst into death over the heads of the monsters, his huge ax drank their blood. He put many on the spot, and finally he himself was exhausted: fatigue, wounds weakened him, he fell to the ground, stained with the blood of the victors, and the triumphant monsters grabbed Yag Mort, cut off his hands, but left him alive, threatened to cut off his head if he did not open them their homes. And the strongman-wizard had to submit to the will of the winners. He led them to the very thicket of the forest, where a huge cave was dug out on the high bank of the Kucha, which was the refuge of Yag Mort. Near the mouth of this cave, on a large pile of bones, lay the disfigured remains of the once beautiful Raida...

In the depths of the cave, the weirdos found a lot of different prey, put everything in a heap and burned it. And the terrible lair of Yag Mort was covered with earth, pelted with stones, laid with logs. Then they brought their captive back to the place where he was caught for the first time, cut off his head, drove an aspen stake into his back, and buried the corpse in the ground, in the very place where the hill is now, known among the people as the grave of Yag Mort.

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