Maxim Gorky The case with Evseika (collection). Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: "The Case of Evseika"


Subject: M. Gorky "The Case with Evseika"

Target: development of reading skills of students.


    to acquaint students with the life and work of M. Gorky;

    analyze the story "The Case with Evseika";

    expand lexicon students.

Equipment: Presentation, media projector, book exhibition.

During the classes

I motivation account. activities

II. Speech warm-up


Read the poem and fill in the missing word.

Who will answer all my questions?

Who will tell about the things around?

Yes, there is such a magician in the world:

My best companion and friend.

(Answer appears on mouse click). (Book.)

    Read slowly.

    Then with acceleration.

    Now a short story.

    Let's read expressively

    Let's read with logical stress on the highlighted words

III. self-determination to activities


How do you understand the words of the poem written on the slide?



We have completed the first part of the tutorial. Before you - the second part. Look how beautiful, colorful textbooks are. I hope that you will often take them in hand to work. But I also hope you keep them in the same good condition.

What is needed for this?


Books must be protected. Treat them like friends. You need to take them only with clean hands, do not wrinkle, do not tear, do not bend the corners.


What is the name of the first section of the second part?


The section is called "There were tales."


How do you understand it?


The name consists of two words: “were” means what was, and “fables” means what was invented, what was not.


Consider the illustration. What do you see on it?


The fish sit in the nest, and the mother fish carries a worm to them. Frogs float through the air.

Reading fiction


Read the name of the writer we are going to talk about today.

A portrait of the writer is opened, under which is written: Maxim Gorky (1868-1936).

The teacher talks about the writer.

Maxim Gorky (1868-1936)

(Mouse click on the portrait.)

His real name and surname is Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. The childhood and youth of Alexei Peshkov were very difficult. That is why, becoming a writer, he took such a pseudonym for himself. (click on the hyperlink Maxim Gorky, and then go back on the control button to the portrait.)

alias- (from pseudo... and Greek ónyma - name), signature or name, which the author or artist replaces his real name.

(On the slide is a portrait of the writer, the teacher continues the story)

His father died early, and the boy ended up in his grandfather's house. Grandfather began to teach his grandson from the age of 6 to read and write. Then Alyosha continued his studies at the Nizhny Novgorod suburban school, but soon his grandfather went bankrupt and gave him "to the people." Alyosha nursed the master's children, with the last money he bought books instead of bread, and at night, by candlelight, he read secretly, every minute expecting punishment. Then he worked for a shoemaker, washed dishes on a steamer. From books Alyosha learned about different countries, about smart, proud and hardworking people, about the need to fight so that everyone on Earth is happy. And he vowed to always help people. Years passed, full of wanderings in Russia. It was a time of hardship, but also a time of learning about life. It formed the position of the young Gorky, who became one of those who defended the interests of common people. During these years, he showed his talent as a writer.

The writer spoke truthfully and vividly about himself in the trilogy "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities".

Gorky also wrote for children. He wrote the fairy tale "Sparrow" - about the chick Pudik, who did not listen to his mother and almost died in the paws of a cat. And "The Case with Evseika" - about a boy who, in a dream, fell to the bottom of the sea, to the fishes; about his childhood, about the wanderings of his grandfather Arkhip and Lenka. Gorky also spoke about the merry tomboy Pele (“Tales of Italy”). Alexey Maksimovich was the editor of the first Soviet magazine for children "Northern Lights", aimed that children could read best books Soviet and foreign writers, made it possible for the authors of children's books to become best writers our country. Gorky met with the guys, answered their letters, advised them how to make friends, what to read, how to write books, how to collect stamps, what to do as pioneers.

IV. Physical education minute

Guys. I suggest you now be writers. After all, in order to write a book, one must be a dreamer and be able to represent everything with images, pictures.

And for this you just need to close your eyes, listen to music and draw a figurative picture.

Listening to the sounds of the sea with eyes closed

v. New topic. Introduction to a new story

I. Vocabulary work.


Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with a boy who ended up on the seashore and an unusual incident happened to him.

(transition to it by the control button)

LONGISTS - a family of invertebrates, a detachment of decapod crustaceans. Length up to 60 cm;

ACTINIA - (sea anemones), a detachment of marine coelenterates cellular coral polyps;

CLARINET - woodwind reed musical instrument;

Holothurians(sea cucumbers, sea pods), a class of marine invertebrates such as echinoderms. The body is usually worm-like, from a few mm to 2 m;

AVIATOR - management, driving and maintenance specialist aircraft;

SEPIA- the same as cuttlefish;

SIPHONOPHORES- Colonial free-swimming animals. The size is from 1 cm to 3 m, some have threads (lassoes) up to 10 m long, which serve to catch prey.

(Turn off the projector)

    Reading of the story by the teacher and students.

VI. Fizkultminutka.

Conversation after reading.


Did you like the story?


Not really)

Story analysis


What unusual incident happened to Yevseyka?


Once Yevseyka was sitting on the seashore and was fishing. She did not peck, and the boy dozed off. And suddenly he fell into the water!

Selective reading


Find and read the passage about what Yevseyka saw on the seabed.

Children read 4 paragraphs.


Find in the text the names of the animals that Yevseika met.


Crab, sea anemones, turtle, sea cucumber, sepia, crustaceans, lobsters, synophores.


Are these animals real or fabulous?


These are real marine animals.


Read how the fish laughed at Yevseyka.

Children expressively "chain" read passages.

Continued work on the text.


What surprised Yevseyka when he found himself on the seabed?


He was surprised that the fish were talking.


How did he answer the question: “Where did you get the idea that fish are dumb?”


He said he learned about it from his dad.


How the boy explained to the fish what dad?


He explained it this way: “So-so ... Like me, only bigger and he has a mustache. If not angry, then very cute ... "


What was he afraid of?


He was afraid that he was about to be eaten.


Why didn't he cry out of fear?


Yevseyka realized that don’t cry, you can’t see tears in the water, and decided that it wasn’t worth crying.


Read descriptions-comparisons of all those who sailed around Yevseyka.

Children read the last paragraph for 8s.


How Yevseyka tried to look at everything around?


He tried to look at everything carefree and kindly, like dad when he is guilty, and mom is angry with him.


Read Evseika's conversation with the fish. Think about what voice and tone you need to read.


What do you think of Yevseyka? What is he? How does the author feel about it?


Yevseyka is a good boy, a dreamer...



How can he live in the world

without whiskers and scales?

We fish couldn't

split your tails!

He does not look like cancer or us -

quite a lot.

Isn't this a miracle

ugly octopuses?

Read "Bird Market".

Read spelling.

Read spelling.

Speed ​​reading.

Read angrily.

Read fun.

Read expressively.

(Projector off)


Did you find out whose words these are and who they are about?


Yes, we found out. This is from the text "The Case of Evseika", the words of the fish that they muttered as they swam around Evseika.

.Test "Does the text say so"

Target: checking students' ability to read the text carefully and remember what they read


Card for the teacher:












VII. lesson reflection


Do you think this is a story or a fairy tale?


I think it's a fairy tale because animals talk.

And I think that this is a story, only untruthful, invented, because real animals only talk ...



Because it really couldn't happen.

VII I. Reflection


Continue suggestions:

I learned in class today...

I was surprised that...

I would like to know …


    Draw illustrations for your favorite passage.

Card for students:

This is a very interesting thing, if the fish is naughty, does not bite.

He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looking around - very good!

A small fish in gray-silver scales looks over his head, his eyes bulge and, baring his teeth, smiles pleasantly, as if he had already been fried and he was lying on a dish in the middle of the table.

“That's right! I don’t understand German at all, but I understood the fish language right away! Wow, what a young woman!

Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what to eat!

He tried to sit up, but he couldn’t: it was as if they had wrapped him in a heavy blanket - he couldn’t turn around, he couldn’t move!

"Now I'm going to laugh," he thought...

Sailed past the sepia, just like a wet handkerchief...

Oh oh oh! - Yevseyka said to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and affectionately ...


“Fathers, what am I saying?! Suddenly she will get angry, and they will start eating me ... "

Card for students:

This is a very interesting thing, if the fish is naughty, does not bite.

He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looking around - very good!

A small fish in gray-silver scales looks over his head, his eyes bulge and, baring his teeth, smiles pleasantly, as if he had already been fried and he was lying on a dish in the middle of the table.

“That's right! I don’t understand German at all, but I understood the fish language right away! Wow, what a young woman!

Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what to eat!

He tried to sit up, but he couldn’t: it was as if they had wrapped him in a heavy blanket - he couldn’t turn around, he couldn’t move!

"Now I'm going to laugh," he thought...

Sailed past the sepia, just like a wet handkerchief...

Oh oh oh! - Yevseyka said to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and affectionately ...


“Fathers, what am I saying?! Suddenly she will get angry, and they will start eating me ... "

Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov)
Case with Yevseyka
One day a little boy Yevseyka - very good man! - sitting on the seashore, fishing. This is a very boring business if the fish, capricious, does not bite. And the day was hot: Yevseyka began to doze out of boredom and - plop! - fell into the water.
He fell off, but nothing, was not afraid and swims quietly, and then dived and immediately reached the seabed.
He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looks around - very good!
A scarlet starfish creeps slowly, mustachioed lobsters walk solidly on stones, a crab moves sideways; everywhere on the stones, like large cherries, sea anemones are scattered, and everywhere there are a lot of all sorts of curious things: sea lilies bloom, sway, fast shrimps flash like flies, here a sea turtle drags along, and two small green fish play above its heavy shield, quite like butterflies in the air, and now a hermit crab is carrying its shell over white stones. Yevseyka, looking at him, even remembered the verse:
A house is not Uncle Yakov's cart...
And suddenly he hears over his head, as if a clarinet squeaked:
- Who are you?
Looks over his head huge fish in gray-silver scales, bulging eyes and baring her teeth, she smiles pleasantly, as if she had already been fried and she was lying on a dish in the middle of the table.
- Is that what you're talking about? Yevseyka asked.
- I-a...
Yevseyka was surprised and angrily asked:
- How are you? After all, fish don't talk!
And he himself thinks: "That's it! I don't understand German at all, but I immediately understood the fish language! Wow, what a fine fellow!"
And, drawing himself up, he looks around: a multi-colored playful fish swims around him and - laughs, talks:
- Look! Here the monster has sailed: two tails!
- Scales - no, fi!
- And only two fins!
Some of the more lively swim right up to the nose and tease:
- Good, good!
Yevseyka was offended: "Here are impudent! As if they do not understand what is in front of them real man..."
And he wants to catch them, and they, swimming away from under the arms, frolic, push each other with their noses in the sides and sing in chorus, teasing a big cancer:
Under the rocks cancer lives,
Fish tail cancer chews.
Fishtail is very dry
Cancer does not know the taste of flies.
And he, ferociously moving his mustache, grumbles, stretching out his claws:
- Get caught by me, I'll cut off your tongues!
"What a serious one," Yevseyka thought.
The big fish sticks to him:
- Where did you get the idea that all fish are dumb?
- Dad said.
- What is a dad?
- So-so ... Like me, only - more, and he has a mustache. If not angry, then very cute ...
- Does he eat fish?
Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what she is eating!
He lifted his eyes up, sees through the water a cloudy green sky and the sun in it, yellow as a copper tray; thought the boy and said a lie:
- No, he does not eat fish, very bony ...
- However - what ignorance! - offended exclaimed the fish. - Not all of us are bony! For example, my family...
"We must change the conversation," Yevsey realized, and politely asks:
Have you been upstairs with us?
- Very necessary! the fish snorted angrily. - There's nothing to breathe...
- But - what flies ...
The fish swam around him, stopped right in front of his nose, and then suddenly said:
- Muh-hee? And why did you come here?
"Well, it's starting!" thought Yevseyka. "She'll eat me, you fool!"
And, as if carelessly, he answered:
- So-so, I'm walking ...
- Hm? the fish snorted again. - Maybe, You already drowned?
- Here's another! - offended shouted the boy. - Not at all. I'll get up and...
He tried to get up, but he couldn’t, as if he had been wrapped in a heavy blanket - he couldn’t turn around, he couldn’t move!
"Now I'm going to start crying," he thought, but he immediately realized that don't cry, you couldn't see tears in the water, and he decided that it wasn't worth crying—maybe somehow he could get out of this unpleasant story somehow.
And around - Lord! - different marine inhabitants gathered - there is no number!
A holothurian, looking like a badly drawn piglet, climbs on its foot and hisses:
- I want to get to know you better...
A sea bladder trembles in front of his nose, pouts, puffs, reproaches Yevseyka:
- Good, good! No cancer, no fish, no shellfish, ay-ya-yay!
“Wait a minute, maybe I’ll still be an aviator,” Yevsey tells him, and a spiny lobster climbed onto his knees and, turning his eyes on strings, politely asks:
- May I know what time it is?
Sepia sailed past, just like a wet handkerchief: siphonophores flash everywhere, like glass balls, one ear is tickled by a shrimp, the other is also felt by someone curious, even small crustaceans travel over the head, get tangled in the hair and pull it.
"Oh oh oh!" - Yevseyka exclaimed to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and affectionately, like papa when he is guilty, and mother is angry with him.
And around in the water fish hung - a lot! - quietly move their fins and, staring at the boy with round eyes, boring as algebra, mutter:
How can he live in the world without a mustache and scales?
We, the fish, could not split our tails!
He is not like either cancer or us - very much in many ways!
Is this a miracle related to ugly octopuses?
“Fools!” Yevseyka thinks offendedly. “I got two fours in Russian last year ...”
And he pretends that he does not hear anything, he even wanted to whistle carelessly, - but - it turned out - it is impossible: water climbs into his mouth, like a cork.
And the chatty fish keeps asking him:
- Do you like us?
- No ... that is - yes, I like it! .. At my place ... it’s also very good, Yevsey answered and again got scared:
"Fathers, what am I saying?! Suddenly she gets angry, and they start eating me ..."
But he says out loud:
- Let's play sometime, otherwise I'm bored ...
The talkative fish liked this very much, she laughed, opening her round mouth so that pink gills became visible, wagging her tail, shining with sharp teeth and shouting in an old woman's voice:
- It's good to play! It's very good to play!
- Let's swim up! Yevsey suggested.
- For what? - asked the fish.
- You can't go down! And up there, the flies.
- Muh-hee! Do you love them?
Yevsey loved only mom, dad and ice cream, but answered:
- Yes...
- Well? Let's swim! - said the fish, turning its head up, and Yevsey immediately grabbed it by the gills and shouted:
- I'm ready!
- Wait! You monster put your paws in my gills too much...
- Nothing!
- How is it - nothing? A decent fish cannot live without breathing.
- God! cried the boy. - Well, what are you arguing about? Play like this...
And he himself thinks: "If only she would drag me a little upstairs, and then I'll emerge."
The fish swam, as if dancing, and sings with all its might:
Trembling fins,
And toothy and skinny,
Looking for food for lunch
Pike walks around the bream!
Little fish are spinning and yelling in chorus:
That's the thing!
The pike tries in vain
Infringe the bream!
So this is the thing!
They swam, swam, the higher - the faster and easier, and suddenly Yevseyka felt that his head had jumped out into the air.
- Oh!
Looks - a clear day, the sun plays on the water, green water splashes on the shore, makes noise, sings. Evseikino's rod floats in the sea, far from the shore, and he himself sits on the same stone from which he fell off, and is already all dry!
- Wow! - he said, smiling at the sun, - so I surfaced.

Case with Yevseyka

One day a little boy Yevseyka is a very good person! - sitting on the seashore, fishing. This is a very boring business if the fish, capricious, does not bite. And the day was hot: Yevseyka began to doze out of boredom and - plop! - fell into the water.

He fell off, but nothing, was not afraid and swims quietly, and then dived and immediately reached the seabed.

He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looks around - very good!

A scarlet starfish creeps slowly, mustachioed lobsters walk solidly on stones, a crab moves sideways; everywhere on the stones, like large cherries, sea anemones are scattered, and everywhere there are a lot of all sorts of curious things: sea lilies bloom, sway, fast shrimps flash like flies, here a sea turtle drags along, and two small green fish play above its heavy shield, quite like butterflies in the air, and now a hermit crab is carrying its shell over white stones. Yevseyka, looking at him, even remembered the verse:

A house is not Uncle Yakov's cart...

And suddenly he hears over his head, as if a clarinet squeaked:

Who are you?

He looks - over his head there is a huge fish in gray-silver scales, his eyes bulge and, baring his teeth, smiles pleasantly, as if he had already been fried and he was lying on a dish in the middle of the table.

Is that what you're talking about? Yevseyka asked.

Yevseyka was surprised and angrily asked:

How are you? After all, fish don't talk!

And he thinks: “That's it! I don’t understand German at all, but I understood the fish language right away! Wow, what a young woman!

And, drawing himself up, he looks around: a multi-colored playful fish swims around him and - laughs, talks:

Look! Here the monster has sailed: two tails!

Scales - no, fi!

And only two fins!

Some of the more lively swim right up to the nose and tease:


Yevseyka was offended: “Here are impudent! It’s as if they don’t understand that they are facing a real person ... "

And he wants to catch them, and they, swimming away from under the arms, frolic, push each other with their noses in the sides and sing in chorus, teasing a big cancer:

Cancer lives under stones
Fish tail cancer chews.
Fishtail is very dry
Cancer does not know the taste of flies.

And he, ferociously moving his mustache, grumbles, stretching out his claws:

Get caught by me, I'll cut off your tongues!

"What a serious one," Yevseyka thought.

The big fish sticks to him:

Where did you get the idea that all fish are dumb?

Dad said.

What is a dad?

So-so ... Like me, only - more, and he has a mustache. If not angry, then very cute ...

Does he eat fish?

Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what she is eating!

He lifted his eyes up, sees through the water a cloudy green sky and the sun in it, yellow as a copper tray; thought the boy and said a lie:

No, he does not eat fish, very bony ...

However - what ignorance! - offended exclaimed the fish. - Not all of us are bony! For example, my family...

“We need to change the conversation,” Yevsey realized, and politely asks:

Have you been upstairs?

Very necessary! the fish snorted angrily. - There is nothing to breathe ...

But - what flies ...

The fish swam around him, stopped right in front of his nose, and suddenly said:

Muh hee? And why did you come here?

"Well, it's starting! Yevseyka thought. - She will eat me, fool! .. "

And, as if carelessly, he answered:

So, I'm walking...

Hm? the fish snorted again. - Or maybe you are already a drowned man?

Here's another! - offended shouted the boy. - Not at all. I'll get up and...

He tried to get up, but he couldn’t, as if he had been wrapped in a heavy blanket - he couldn’t turn around, he couldn’t move!

“Now I’m going to start crying,” he thought, but he immediately realized that cry don’t cry, you can’t see tears in the water, and decided that it’s not worth crying, maybe somehow he will be able to get out of this unpleasant story.

And around - Lord! - different marine inhabitants gathered - there is no number!

A holothurian, looking like a badly drawn piglet, climbs on its foot and hisses:

I want to get to know you better...

A sea bladder trembles in front of his nose, pouts, puffs, reproaches Yevseyka:

Good-good! No cancer, no fish, no shellfish, ay-ya-yay!

Wait a minute, maybe I’ll still be an aviator, ”Yevsey tells him, and a lobster climbed onto his knees and, turning his eyes on strings, politely asks:

May I know what time it is?

She floated past the sepia, just like a wet handkerchief: siphonophores flicker everywhere, like glass balls, one ear is tickled by a shrimp, the other is also felt by someone curious, even small crustaceans travel over the head, entangled in the hair and pulling it.

"Oh oh oh!" - Yevseyka exclaimed to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and affectionately, like papa when he is guilty, and mother is angry with him.

And around in the water fish hung - a lot! - quietly move their fins and, staring at the boy with round eyes, boring as algebra, mutter:

How can he live in the world without a mustache and scales?

We, the fish, could not split our tails!
He is not like either cancer or us - very much in many ways!
Is this a miracle related to ugly octopuses?

“Fools! Yevseyka thinks offended. - I had two fours in Russian last year ... "

And he pretends that he does not hear anything, he even wanted to whistle carelessly, - but - it turned out - it is impossible: water climbs into his mouth, like a cork.

And the chatty fish keeps asking him:

Do you like us?

No ... that is, yes, I like it! Suddenly she will get angry, and they will start eating me ... "

But he says out loud:

Let's play sometime, otherwise I'm bored ...

The talkative fish liked this very much, she laughed, opening her round mouth so that pink gills became visible, wagging her tail, shining with sharp teeth and shouting in an old woman's voice:

It's good to play! It's very good to play!

Let's swim up! Yevsey suggested.

For what? - asked the fish.

And you can't go down! And up there, the flies.

Muh-hee! Do you love them? Yevsey loved only mom, dad and ice cream, but answered:

Well? Let's swim! - said the fish, turning its head up, and Yevsey immediately grabbed it by the gills and shouted:

I'm ready!

Stop! You monster put your paws in my gills too much...

How is it nothing? A decent fish cannot live without breathing.

God! cried the boy. - Well, what are you arguing about? Play like this...

And he himself thinks: “If only she would drag me a little upstairs, and there I will emerge.”

The fish swam, as if dancing, and sings with all its might:

Trembling fins,
And toothy and skinny,
Looking for food for lunch
Pike walks around the bream!

Little fish are spinning and yelling in chorus:

That's the thing!
The pike tries in vain
Infringe the bream!
So this is the thing!

They swam, swam, the higher - the faster and easier, and suddenly Yevseyka felt that his head had jumped out into the air.

Looks - a clear day, the sun plays on the water, green water splashes on the shore, makes noise, sings. Evseikino's rod floats in the sea, far from the shore, and he himself sits on the same stone from which he fell off, and is already all dry!

Wow! - he said, smiling at the sun, - so I surfaced.

One day a little boy Yevseyka is a very good person! - sitting on the seashore, fishing. This is a very boring business if the fish, capricious, does not bite. And the day was hot: Yevseyka began to doze out of boredom and - plop! - fell into the water. He fell off, but nothing, was not afraid and swims quietly, and then dived and immediately reached the seabed. He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looks around - very good!
A scarlet starfish creeps slowly, mustachioed lobsters walk solidly on stones, a crab moves sideways; everywhere on the stones, like large cherries, sea anemones are scattered, and everywhere there are a lot of all sorts of curious things: sea lilies bloom, sway, fast shrimps flash like flies, here a sea turtle drags along, and two small green fish play above its heavy shield, quite like butterflies in the air, and now a hermit crab is carrying its shell over white stones. Yevseyka, looking at him, even remembered the verse: Home is not Uncle Yakov's cart. . . And suddenly he hears over his head like a clarinet squeaked: - Who are you? He looks - over his head there is a huge fish in gray-silver scales, his eyes bulge and, baring his teeth, smiles pleasantly, as if he had already been fried and he was lying on a dish in the middle of the table. - Is that what you're talking about? Yevseyka asked. - I-a. . . Yevseyka was surprised and angrily asked: - How are you? After all, fish don't talk! And he himself thinks: "That's it! I don't understand German at all, but I immediately understood the fish language! Wow, what a fine fellow!" And, drawing himself up, he looks around: a multi-colored playful fish swims around him and - laughs, talks: - Look! Here the monster has sailed: two tails! - Scales - no, fi! - And only two fins! Some, more active, swim right up to the nose and tease: - Good, good! Yevseyka was offended: “Here are impudent ones! As if they don’t understand that they have a real person in front of them ...” And he wants to catch them, and they, floating out from under their hands, frolic, push each other with their noses in the sides and sing in chorus, teasing a big cancer: Cancer lives under stones, Fish tail chews cancer. The fish tail is very dry, Cancer does not know the taste of flies. And he, ferociously moving his mustache, grumbles, stretching out his claws: - Get caught by me, I'll cut off your tongues! "What a serious one," Yevseyka thought. The big fish sticks to him: - Where did you get the idea that all fish are dumb? - Dad said. - What is a dad? - So-so. . . Like me, only bigger, and he has a mustache. If not angry, then very cute. . . - Does he eat fish? Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what she is eating! He lifted his eyes up, sees through the water a cloudy green sky and the sun in it, yellow as a copper tray; thought the boy and told a lie: - No, he does not eat fish, very bony. . . - However - what ignorance! - offended exclaimed the fish. - Not all of us are bony! For example, my family. . . "We must change the conversation," Yevsey realized, and asked politely: "Have you been upstairs with us?" - Very necessary! the fish snorted angrily. - There is nothing to breathe. . . - But - what flies. . . The fish swam around him, stopped right in front of his nose, and suddenly said: - Muh-hee? And why did you come here? “Well, it’s starting!” Yevseyka thought. “She’ll eat me, you fool!” And, as if carelessly, he answered: “So-so, I’m walking. . . - Hm? the fish snorted again. - Or maybe you are already a drowned man? - Here's another! - offended shouted the boy. - Not at all.

Case with Yevseyka. Tale of Maxim Gorky read

One day, a little boy, Yevseyka, is a very good person! — sitting on the seashore, fishing. This is a very boring business if the fish, capricious, does not bite. And the day was hot: Yevseyka began to doze out of boredom and - plop! - fell into the water.
He fell off, but nothing, was not afraid and swims quietly, and then dived and immediately reached the seabed.
He sat down on a stone, softly covered with red algae, looking around - very good!
A scarlet starfish creeps slowly, mustachioed lobsters walk solidly on stones, a crab moves sideways; everywhere on the stones, like large cherries, sea anemones are scattered, and everywhere there are a lot of all sorts of curious things: sea lilies bloom, sway, fast shrimps flash like flies, here a sea turtle drags along, and two small green fish play above its heavy shield, quite like butterflies in the air, and now a hermit crab is carrying its shell over white stones. Yevseyka, looking at him, even remembered the verse:
A house is not Uncle Yakov's cart...
And suddenly he hears over his head, as if a clarinet squeaked:
- Who are you?
He looks over his head at a huge fish in gray-silver scales, bulging eyes and, baring his teeth, smiling pleasantly, as if he had already been fried and he was lying on a dish in the middle of the table.
- Is that what you're talking about? Yevseyka asked.
- I-a...
Yevseyka was surprised and angrily asked:
— How are you? After all, fish don't talk!
And he thinks: “That's it! I don’t understand German at all, but I understood the fish language right away! Wow, what a young woman!
And, drawing himself up, he looks around: a multi-colored playful fish swims around him and - laughs, talks:
— Look! Here the monster has sailed: two tails!
- Scales - no, fi!
- And only two fins!
Some of the more lively swim right up to the nose and tease:
- Good, good!
Yevseyka was offended: “Here are impudent! It’s as if they don’t understand that they have a real person in front of them ... "
And he wants to catch them, and they, swimming away from under the arms, frolic, push each other with their noses in the sides and sing in chorus, teasing a big cancer:
Cancer lives under stones
Fish tail cancer chews.
Fishtail is very dry
Cancer does not know the taste of flies.
And he, ferociously moving his mustache, grumbles, stretching out his claws:
- Get caught by me, I'll cut off your tongues!
"Serious," Yevseyka thought.
The big fish sticks to him:
“Where did you get the idea that all fish are dumb?”
- Dad said.
- What is dad?
- So-so ... Like me, only - more, and he has a mustache. If not angry, then very cute ...
Does he eat fish?
Then Yevseyka was frightened: tell her what she is eating!
He lifted his eyes up, sees through the water a cloudy green sky and the sun in it, yellow as a copper tray; thought the boy and said a lie:
- No, he does not eat fish, very bony ...
“However, what ignorance! the fish cried out indignantly. We are not all skinny! For example, my family...
“We need to change the conversation,” Yevsey realized, and politely asks:
Have you been upstairs?
- Very necessary! the fish snorted angrily. - There is nothing to breathe ...
- But - what flies ...
The fish swam around him, stopped right in front of his nose, and suddenly said:
- Moo-hee? And why did you come here?
"Well, it's starting! Yevseyka thought. "She'll eat me, you fool!"
And, as if carelessly, he answered:
- So-so, I'm walking ...
— Hm? the fish snorted again. “Maybe you are already a drowned man?”
- Here's another! the boy shouted indignantly. - Not at all. I'll get up and...
He tried to get up, but he couldn't, as if he had been wrapped in a heavy blanket - he couldn't turn around, he couldn't move!
“Now I’m going to start crying,” he thought, but he immediately realized that don’t cry, you can’t see tears in the water, and decided that it’s not worth crying, maybe somehow he will be able to get out of this unpleasant story.
And around - Lord! - different marine inhabitants gathered - there is no number!
A holothurian, looking like a badly drawn piglet, climbs on its foot and hisses:
I would like to get to know you better...
A sea bladder trembles in front of his nose, pouts, puffs, reproaches Yevseyka:
- Good, good! No cancer, no fish, no shellfish, ay-ya-yay!
“Wait a minute, maybe I’ll still be an aviator,” Yevsey tells him, and a lobster climbed onto his knees and, turning his eyes on strings, asks politely:
- May I know what time it is?
It floated past the sepia, just like a wet handkerchief: siphonophores flicker everywhere, like glass balls, a shrimp tickles one ear, someone curious also feels the other, even small crustaceans travel around the head, get tangled in the hair and pull it.
"Oh oh oh!" Yevseyka exclaimed to himself, trying to look at everything carefree and kindly, like papa when he is to blame, and mother is angry with him.
And around in the water fish hung - a lot! - quietly move their fins and, staring at the boy with round eyes, boring as algebra, mutter:
How can he live in the world without a mustache and scales?
We, the fish, could not split our tails!
He is not like either cancer or us - in many ways!
Is this a miracle related to ugly octopuses?
“Fools! Yevseyka thinks offendedly. - I had two fours in Russian last year ... "
And he pretends that he does not hear anything, he even wanted to whistle carelessly, - but - it turned out - it was impossible: water climbs into his mouth, like a cork.
And the chatty fish keeps asking him:
- Do you like us?
“No ... that is, yes, I like it! .. At my place ... it’s also very good,” Yevsey answered, and was again frightened:
“Fathers, what am I saying?! Suddenly she will get angry, and they will start eating me ... "
But he says out loud:
- Let's play sometime, otherwise I'm bored ...
The talkative fish liked this very much, she laughed, opening her round mouth so that pink gills became visible, wagging her tail, shining with sharp teeth and shouting in an old woman's voice:
- It's good to play! It's very good to play!
- Let's swim up! Yevsey suggested.
- For what? the fish asked.
- You can't go down! And up there, the flies.
- Muh-hee! Do you love them?
Yevsey loved only mom, dad and ice cream, but answered:
- Yes...
- Well? Let's swim! - said the fish, turning its head up, and Yevsey immediately grabbed it by the gills and shouted:
- I'm ready!
- Stop! You monster put your paws in my gills too much...
- Nothing!
- How is it - nothing? A decent fish cannot live without breathing.
- God! cried the boy. - Well, what are you arguing about? Play like this...
And he himself thinks: “If only she would drag me a little upstairs, and there I will emerge.”
The fish swam, as if dancing, and sings with all its might:
Trembling fins,
And toothy and skinny,
Looking for food for lunch
Pike walks around the bream!
Little fish are spinning and yelling in chorus:
That's the thing!
The pike tries in vain
Infringe the bream!
So this is the thing!
They swam, swam, the higher, the faster and easier, and suddenly Yevseyka felt that his head had jumped out into the air.
- Oh!
He looks - a clear day, the sun plays on the water, green water splashes on the shore, makes noise, sings. Evseikino's rod floats in the sea, far from the shore, and he himself sits on the same stone from which he fell off, and is already all dry!
— Wow! - he said, smiling at the sun, - so I surfaced.

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