Ilyina three trips about what. As it was in the glorious city in Kyiv


folk wisdom

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Three trips by Ilya Muromets
(in the retelling of A. Nechaev)

On an open field, on a wide expanse I rode old cossack Ilya Muromets and ran into a fork in three roads. There is a combustible stone at the fork, and on the stone the inscription is written: “If you go straight, you will be killed, if you go to the right, you will be married, and if you go to the left, you will become rich.” Ilya read the inscriptions, thoughtful:
- To me, the old one, death is not written in battle. Let me go where the dead man should be.
How long, how short he was driving, thieves-robbers jumped out onto the road. Three hundred plantains. Bawling, waving shalygami:
Let's kill the old man and rob him!
Foolish people, says Ilya Muromets, - without killing the bear, divide the skin!
And he unleashed his faithful horse on them. He himself stabbed with a spear and smashed with a sword, and not a single murderer-robber remained alive.

He returned to the fork and erased the inscription: "If you go straight, you will be killed." He stood near the stone and turned the horse to the right:
- There is no need for me, the old one, to be married, but I will go and see how people get married.
I drove for an hour or two and ran into the white-stone chambers.
A red-haired girl-soul ran out to meet her. She took Ilya Muromets by the hands, led her to the dining room. She fed and watered the hero, entreated:
- After the bread and salt, go to bed and keep it. On the road, I guess I got tired!
She led me to a special room, pointed to a downy feather bed.

And Ilya, he was savvy, dexterous, noticed something was wrong.
He threw the beauty girl on the featherbed, and the bed turned, overturned, and the hostess fell into a deep dungeon.

Ilya Muromets ran out of the chambers into the courtyard, found that deep dungeon, broke down the doors and let him out on White light forty captives, unlucky suitors, and the hostess - the fair maiden - was locked tightly in the underground prison.


After that, he came to the fork and erased the other inscription. And he wrote a new inscription on the stone: "Two paths were cleared by the old Cossack Ilya Muromets."
I won't go to the third side. Why should I, old, lonely, rich be? Let someone young get wealth.
The old Cossack Ilya Muromets turned his horse and went to the capital city of Kiev to carry out military service, fight with enemies, stand for Great Rus' and for the Russian people!
On that, the tale of the glorious, mighty hero Ilya Muromets ended.

1. What was Ilya Muromets like? Mark the answer with + .

+ Kind + smart + wise
+ strong greedy evil

2. Reread an excerpt from the epic "Three trips of Ilya Muromets" in poetic form. Write in the missing words.

And addressed good fellow to the pebble

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Summary: A fascinating, telling story about how Ilya Muromets, famous throughout Rus', corrected the writing on the Latin stone, which stands at the crossroads of three roads, will be told by the popular epic Three trips of Ilya Muromets. A powerful hero was driving along the road and saw a stone on his way. Three inscriptions were written on this stone. Whoever chooses the first road and travels along it will certainly become a very rich person. If he takes the second road, he will meet his love and marry. If you choose the third path, then inevitable death awaits ahead. The brave young man decides to take the third road. On his way there are cunning robbers, but our good fellow defeats them all and goes on. Ilya Muromets corrects the inscription on the stone. After the hero went along the second path, and on the road he came across white-stone chambers. Leaving a beautiful room beautiful girl, invites the hero to dine with her and relax. When Ilya Muromets comes into the bedroom, he begins to be overcome by great doubts. He decides to put a beautiful stranger in his place. Before his eyes, she falls into a deep and dark cellar. As it turned out later, all 12 fellows were already there. Ilya saves them all and then corrects the second inscription on the stone. Further glorious hero travels on the third road. On his way, he sees three cellars, completely filled to the very top with gold and silver. The good fellow collects all the wealth he finds, distributes everything for the poor and the poor, and thereby corrects the third inscription on the stone. You can read the epic Three trips of Ilya Muromets online for free on this page. You can listen to it on audio. Write your reviews and comments below.

The text of the fairy tale Three trips of Ilya Muromets

Whether from the city from Murom,
Is it from that village and Karachaev
There was a heroic trip here.
Leaves ottul yes good fellow,
Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
Does he ride on his good horse
And whether he rides in a forged saddle.
And he walked? Walked yes good fellow,
From youth he walked and he went to old age.
A good fellow rides in an open field,
And I saw a good fellow and Latyr? a pebble,
And from the pebble lies three rosstans,
And the stone was signed:
“Go to the first path - to be killed,
To go to another path - to be married,
The third path to go - to be rich.
The old man stands and wonders
They shake their heads, they pronounce themselves:
“How many years have I been walking and driving in an open field,
And yet such a miracle did not care.
But what will I go to that little road, but where can I be rich?
I don't have a young wife,
And a young wife and a beloved family,
There is no one to keep? To thin the golden treasury,
No one to keep yes colored dresses.
But why should I go to that path, where to be married?
After all, all my youth is now gone.
How to take a young one - yes, it’s someone else’s self-interest,
And how to take the old one - lie down on the stove,
On the stove to lie and feed jelly.
Am I going to go, good fellow,
And on that path, where to be killed?
And I lived, after all, a good fellow, in this world,
And he looked like? After all, a good fellow walked in an open field.
Nonn went good fellow to the path where to be killed,
They only saw the good fellow, after all, sitting down,
As they did not see the good fellow going;
In an open field, there is a smoke,
Kureva stands and the dust flies in a column.
A good fellow jumped from mountain to mountain,
From hill to hill, a good fellow jumped,
After all, you let down rivers and lakes between your legs,
He is the blue of the sea, you galloped about.
Only the good fellow drove the cursed Korela,
The good fellow did not reach India to the rich,
And a good fellow ran into the mud at Smolensk,
Where forty thousand robbers stand
And those night tatis? Plantains.
And the robbers saw the good fellow,
Old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
The big robber ataman shouted:
“Are you a goy, my brothers? Comrades
And you are daring and good fellows!
Take it for the good fellow,
Take away from him yes a colored dress,
Take away from him what good is a horse.
Sees here the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,
He sees here that trouble has come,
Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.
A good fellow will speak here and this is the word:
“And you goy, forty thousand robbers
And whether those aunts of the night and plantains!
After all, how to beat?
But after all, you will have nothing to take from the old one.
The old one has no golden treasury,
The old dress has no color,
And the old one has no precious stone.
Only the old one has a good horse,
Good old horse and heroic,
And on a good horse, after all, the old saddle has,
There is a saddle and a heroic one.
Is it not for beauty, brothers, and not for bass?
For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one,
And so that you can sit and good fellow,
To fight? to fight for good fellow and in an open field.
But the old horse still has a bridle,
And whether in that one in the bridle and in the tassel
How it is sewn up to eat a pebble on a yacht,

For the sake of the fortress and heroic.
And where does my good horse walk,
And among the dark nights walks,
And you can see him for fifteen miles and even;
But even on the old man's head, yes, the cap is rustling,
A cap is broken and forty pounds.
That is not for beauty, brothers, not for the bass?
For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one.
Shouted? roared yes in a loud voice
Robber and ataman big:
“Well, you gave the old man a long time to speak out!
Get on with it, guys, for the cause of war.
And here, after all, the old one, for the trouble, became
And for great annoyance it seemed.
He took off here the old one from the violent head and the cap is rustling,
And he began, old, to wave his helmet here.
How to wave to the side - so here is the street,
And he will wave it off in a friend - duck alley.
And they see the robbers here, but that the trouble has come,
And how the trouble came and is inevitable,
Here the robbers shouted in a loud voice:
"You leave it? ka, good fellow, but at least for seeds."
He nailed? nailed all the wrong power
And did not leave the robbers on the seeds.
Turns to a pebble to Latyr,
And he signed the signature on the pebble, ?
And is that straight path cleared,
And the old man went to the path where he would be married.
Leaves an old yes in an open field,
I saw here an old white-stone chamber.
An old man comes here to the white stone chambers,
I saw a beautiful girl here,
A strong meadow is remote,
And she went out to meet the good fellow:
“And perhaps? Mow to me, but a good fellow!”
And she beats him with her brow and bows low,
And she takes the good fellow and by the white hands,

And after all, he leads the good fellow and into the chambers of white stone;
She planted a good fellow and at an oak table,
She began to treat the good fellow,
I began to ask a good fellow:
“Tell me, tell me, good fellow!
What land are you and what horde,
And whose father are you and whose mother are you?
What else is your name,
Do they call you in your homeland?
And here is the answer? That was kept by a good fellow:
“And why are you asking about that, but the girl is beautiful?
And now I'm tired, yes good fellow,
And now I'm tired and I want to rest.
How does a beautiful girl take here and good fellow,
And how he takes him by the white hands,
For white hands and for golden rings,
How does a good young man lead here
Whether in that bedroom, richly cleaned,
And here he lays down the good fellow on that bed, deceptively.
The good fellow will speak here and such is the word:
“Oh, you, my dear, and the beautiful girl!
You yourself lie down on that bed on the board.
And how a good fellow grabbed here
blush girl,
And he grabbed her in the bosom
And threw it on the thuja on the bed;
How is the bed? Then this one turned up,
And the red maiden flew away into that deep cellar.
Here the old Cossack shouted in a loud voice:
“And you are a goy, my brothers and all comrades
And daring and good fellows!
But imai? Grab it, here she goes.”
Opens deep cellars
Releases twelve good fellows,
And all the strong mighty heroes;
He left Edina herself and in a deep cellar.
They beat with their foreheads and bow low
And to the daring and good fellow
And the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.
And the old one comes to the pebble to Latyr,
And on a pebble? then he signed the signature:

And the good fellow directs his horse
And whether in that path, but where to be rich.
In an open field I ran into three deep cellars,
And which cellars are filled with gold? Silver,
Gold? Silver, precious stone;
And here a good fellow robbed all the gold and silver
And he distributed this gold? Silver among the poor brothers;
And he distributed gold and silver among the orphans and the homeless.
And the good fellow turned to the pebble to Latyr,
And on the pebble he signed the signature:
"And how clean this straight path is."

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Slides captions:

TOPIC: Epic-genre of oral folk art. "Ilya's three trips" 1

Ilya Muromets Alyosha Popovich Guess the names and tell me what unites them? Dobrynya Nikitich Bodnyyar Kinichti Shalea Pochivop Iyal Rumocem 2

V. Vasnetsov. Bogatyrs 1881-1898, oil on canvas, 295.3x446 cm Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow 3

About the painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Heroes” A field stretched wide, expanse. Boundless, irresistible. The free wind hums in the feather grass steppe. High in the summer midday sky, strands of clouds float slowly and proudly. Eagles guard mounds. A gusty whirlwind picked up, dispelled the manes of mighty horses, brought the bitter smell of wormwood. The eye of the frantic Burushka, the beloved horse of Ilya Muromets, flashed. Rough hero. Spear made. A heavy right hand is lifted. Looking far, far away. His friends are wary - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich. formidable force in this silent waiting. Sleepless squad. None, not even a winged creature will break through. Vasnetsov worked on this painting for many years. He painfully searched for people from whom it was possible to write epic heroes. The prototype of Ilya Muromets was the peasant Ivan Petrov, who worked in Moscow as a cab driver in the winter. In the face of Dobrynya Nikitich, there are features of Vasnetsov himself, his father and uncle. The artist painted Alyosha Popovich from the young son of Savva Mamontov. In the Russian epic tradition, there are many heroes. But Vasnetsov chose these three. Probably because they complement each other well. The powerful, stern Ilya Muromets, the noble Dobrynya and the savvy, quirky Alyosha Popovich all together make up the image good power- defenders of Russian borders. This picture is so well known that, wherever the conversation about epic knights goes, everyone remembers these three, standing at the outpost in a field pierced by winds. It seems that they are the most popular and beloved heroes of the Russian people at all times. 4

In the world of Russian epics

“An epic is a story about what happened, what happened, a story that is not fictional and true” V.I. Dal

“The Russian people have created a huge oral literature: wise proverbs and tricky riddles, cheerful songs, solemn epics - spoken in a singsong voice, to the sound of strings - about the glorious deeds of heroes, defenders of the earth ... "L.N. Tolstoy

BYLINA is a folklore epic song, a genre characteristic of the Russian tradition. The basis of the epic plot is a heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence vernacular name epics - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action about which in question, took place in the past). The term "epic" was introduced into scientific use in the 40s of the 19th century.

IN ancient times composed the people of epics. They were performed by folk storytellers to the accompaniment of an old string instrument which is called gusli.

V. M. Vasnetsov. "Boyan"

The origin of the word "hero" Where does the word "hero" come from? There is an opinion that it is borrowed from Turkic languages, where is in various forms- baghatur, bagadur, batur, batyr, bator. Scientists (Schepkin, Buslaev) directly deduced the “hero” from “God” through the medium of “rich”

Scientists classify heroes into older and younger. The senior heroes include Svyatogor, Volga Svyatoslavich, Samson, Sukhan, Polkan, Kolyvan Ivanovich, Don Ivanovich, Dunay Ivanovich and others. Danil Lovchenin and others.

The images of heroes are the national standard of courage, justice, patriotism and strength (it was not for nothing that one of the first Russian aircraft, which had an exceptional carrying capacity for those times, was called the creators of "Ilya Muromets").

"Ilya Muromets". Reconstruction by the Gerasimov method

MONUMENT TO ILYA MUROMTS IN THE CITY OF MUROM folk concepts about high moral character what should have been true hero. One of the most important qualities of Ilya Muromets is a sense of justice and consciousness of his duty - to stand for the truth. He is ready to go into direct confrontation with the prince, with the boyars, when he sees that they are not acting in truth. He is a national, all-Russian hero. "I'm going to serve for the Christian faith And for the Russian land, Yes, and for the capital city of Kiev, For widows, for orphans, for poor people."

Healing of Ilya Muromets; Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber; Ilya Muromets and the robbers; Ilya Muromets on the Sokol-ship; Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor; Ilya Muromets and Sokolnik; Ilya Muromets and Kalin Tsar; Ilya Muromets and Idolishche; Ilya Muromets and son.

epic "Ilya's three trips" 17

Dictionary work Flint - Damascus armor - Decoration - Estimate - Mace - Fathom - made of silicon. steel and patterned. decoration, exterior decoration. countless, uncountable wealth. a heavy club with a thickened end. 2.134 meters (3 arshins) 18

Vocabulary work Platynivat - Zapodval - Do not be simple - Hats - Ravens - Barns - convert to the Catholic faith. lock up in the basement. don't be deceived. a warm headdress over a hat. Cloth hood with long ends. black. sheds for storing crops, supplies, goods. 19

Fizminutka 20 We stood up together - one, two, three. We are now rich. We will put our palms to our eyes, We will spread our strong legs. Turning to the right Let's look around majestically. And to the left, you also need to look from under the palms. And to the right, and over the left shoulder. With the letter L we will spread our legs, Like in a dance, arms at the sides. Leaned to the left, to the right, It turns out well!

Conversation 21 - How does an epic look like a fairy tale? What is the difference? - Does the epic look like a poem? How? -Can the actions of Ilya Muromets be called feats? Why do you think so?

In ancient times, storytellers played along on the harp; later epics were performed in recitative. Epics are characterized by a special purely tonic epic verse. Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations, and also changed the timbre of the voice. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Guslar"

V. Vasnetsov. Ilya Muromets. (Fragment of the painting "Heroes") Ivan Petrov, a peasant of the Vladimir province Study for the figure of Ilya Muromets in the painting "Heroes" 1883, oil on canvas, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Ilyina three trips 23

V. Vasnetsov. Knight at the Crossroads Oil on canvas. 1882 Moscow, Russia. State Tretyakov Gallery 24

The plot of a stone at a fork in the road is found in many fairy tales and epics. The stone indicates to the traveler what fate awaits him on each of the diverging paths. Vasnetsov, choosing such a plot for the picture, tried to make it as believable as possible. He wanted to convince the audience that everything told in the epics actually happened, however, in the distant past. The artist was well acquainted with the archaeological research of his time, so he accurately recreated the appearance of the hero of epic times. The landscape is also shown with great historical accuracy - a wild steppe dotted with boulders that the last glacier dragged here. On one of the stones there are outlandish half-erased letters. Whose hand knocked them out? In which time immemorial it happened? What kind of power begins to control the fate of travelers, as soon as they read the letters promising death, or marriage, or the loss of a horse? The hero is alone in the endless steppe, and there is no one to tell him which path to take. Under the stone lie two skulls, a human and a horse. This is the only clue. If you take too long to choose, you can lay down your head right here without stepping on any of the roads. 25

Summary of the lesson. Reflection 26 Name distinctive features epics. lack of rhyme melody rhythmic narration of exploits hyperbole - exaggeration n repeats ...

Three trips of Ilya Muromets

Whether from that city from Murom,

Is it from that village and Karachaev

There was a heroic trip here.

Leaves ottul yes good fellow,

Old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,

Does he ride on his good horse

And whether he rides in a forged saddle.

And he walked and walked and good fellow,

From youth he walked and he went to old age.

A good fellow rides in an open field,

And I saw a good fellow and Latyr-pebble,

And from the pebble lies three rosstans,

And the stone was signed:

“Go to the first path - to be killed,

To go to another path - to be married,

The third path to go - to be rich.

The old man stands and wonders

They shake their heads, they pronounce themselves:

“How many years have I been walking and driving in an open field,

And yet such a miracle did not care.

But what will I go to that little road, but where can I be rich?

I don't have a young wife,

And a young wife and a beloved family,

There is no one to keep, thin and the golden treasury,

No one to keep yes colored dresses.

But why should I go to that path, where to be married?

After all, all my youth is now gone.

How to take a young one - yes, it’s someone else’s self-interest,

And how to take the old one - lie down on the stove,

On the stove to lie and feed jelly.

Am I going to go, good fellow,

And on that path, where to be killed?

And I lived, after all, a good fellow, in this world,

And he walked and walked, after all, a good fellow in an open field.

Nonn went good fellow to the path where to be killed,

They only saw the good fellow, after all, sitting down,

As they did not see the good fellow going;

In an open field, there is a smoke,

Kureva stands and the dust flies in a column.

A good fellow jumped from mountain to mountain,

From hill to hill, a good fellow jumped,

After all, you let down rivers and lakes between your legs,

He is the blue of the sea, you galloped about.

Only the good fellow drove the cursed Korela,

The good fellow did not reach India to the rich,

And a good fellow ran into the mud at Smolensk,

Where forty thousand robbers stand

And whether those night tatis-plantains.

And the robbers saw the good fellow,

Old Cossack Ilya Muromets.

The big robber ataman shouted:

“And you are a goy, my brother-comrades

And you are daring and good fellows!

Take care of the good fellow,

Take away from him yes a colored dress,

Take away from him what good is a horse.

Sees here the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,

He sees here that trouble has come,

Yes, trouble has come and is inevitable.

A good fellow will speak here and this is the word:

“And you goy, forty thousand robbers

And whether those aunts of the night and plantains!

After all, how to beat and wag you will be old with no one,

But after all, you will have nothing to take from the old one.

The old one has no golden treasury,

The old dress has no color,

And the old one has no precious stone.

Only the old one has a good horse,

Good old horse and heroic,

And on a good horse, after all, the old saddle has,

There is a saddle and a heroic one.

It's not for beauty, brothers, and not for the bass -

For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one,

And so that you can sit and good fellow,

Fight, fight for the good fellow and in the open field.

But the old horse still has a bridle,

And whether in that one in the bridle and in the tassel

How it is sewn up to eat a pebble on a yacht,

For the sake of the fortress and heroic.

And where does my good horse walk,

And among the dark nights walks,

And you can see him for fifteen miles and even;

But even on the old man's head, yes, the cap is rustling,

A cap is broken and forty pounds.

It's not for beauty, brothers, not for the bass -

For the sake of the fortress and the heroic one.

Robber and ataman big:

“Well, you gave the old man a long time to speak out!

Take it, you guys, for the cause of war.

And here, after all, the old one, for the trouble, became

And for great annoyance it seemed.

He took off here the old one from the violent head and the cap is rustling,

And he began, old, to wave his helmet here.

How to wave to the side - so here is the street,

And he will wave it off in a friend - duck alley.

And they see the robbers here, but that the trouble has come,

And how the trouble came and is inevitable,

"You leave it, good fellow, but at least for seeds."

He nailed, nailed all the power of the wrong

And did not leave the robbers on the seeds.

Turns to a pebble to Latyr,

And on a pebble he signed a signature, -

And is that straight path cleared,

And the old man went to the path where he would be married.

Leaves an old yes in an open field,

I saw here an old white-stone chamber.

An old man comes here to the white stone chambers,

I saw a beautiful girl here,

A strong meadow is remote,

And she went out to meet the good fellow:

“And perhaps, squint to me, but a good fellow!”

And she beats him with her brow and bows low,

And she takes the good fellow and by the white hands,

And after all, he leads the good fellow and into the chambers of white stone;

She planted a good fellow and at an oak table,

She began to treat the good fellow,

I began to ask a good fellow:

“You tell me, tell me, good fellow!

What land are you and what horde,

And whose father are you and whose mother are you?

What else is your name,

Do they call you in your homeland?

And then the good fellow kept the answer:

“And why are you asking about that, but the girl is beautiful?

And now I'm tired, yes good fellow,

And now I'm tired and I want to rest.

How does a beautiful girl take here and good fellow,

And how he takes him by the white hands,

For white hands and for golden rings,

How does a good young man lead here

Whether in that bedroom, richly cleaned,

And here he lays down the good fellow on that bed, deceptively.

The good fellow will speak here and such is the word:

“Oh, you, my dear, and the beautiful girl!

You yourself lie down on that bed on the board.

And how a good fellow grabbed here

blush girl,

And he grabbed her in the bosom

And threw it on the thuja on the bed;

How did this bed turn up,

And the red maiden flew away into that deep cellar.

Here the old Cossack shouted in a loud voice:

“And you are a goy, my brothers and all comrades

And daring and good fellows!

But imai-grab, here she goes.”

Opens deep cellars

Releases twelve good fellows,

And all the strong mighty heroes;

He left Edina herself and in a deep cellar.

They beat with their foreheads and bow low

And to the daring and good fellow

And the old Cossack Ilya Muromets.

And the old one comes to the pebble to Latyr,

And on the pebble he signed the signature:

And the good fellow directs his horse

And whether in that path, but where to be rich.

In an open field I ran into three deep cellars,

And which are filled with cellars of gold and silver,

Gold-silver, precious stone;

And here a good fellow robbed all the gold and silver

And he distributed this gold and silver among the poor brothers;

And he distributed gold and silver among the orphans and the homeless.

And the good fellow turned to the pebble to Latyr,

And on the pebble he signed the signature:

"And how clean this straight path is."

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author author unknown

Healing of Ilya Muromets In the glorious city in Muroml, In the village was Karacharovo, Ilya Muromets, a peasant son, sat in Sydney, Sidney sat for thirty years.

From the book of Bylina. historical songs. ballads author author unknown

The fight of Ilya Muromets with his son If only the heroes lived at the outposts, Not far from the city - twelve miles away, If they lived here for fifteen years; If only there were thirty of them and with the hero; not a passerby, Yes, not a gray wolf here

From the book of Bylina. historical songs. ballads author author unknown

The duel of Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich Ai in that town in Ryazanyushki, Before Seleva Ryazan was known as a settlement, But Ryazan was once a city. myself

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Death of Ilya Lvovich Life is a dream, death is an awakening. L. Tolstoy My brother Ilya was dying in a New Haven hospital. He suffered greatly from pain in the liver, suffocated. Gradually, this strong large body was destroyed, corroded by cancer. He was alone. Nadia, his wife, lived in New York

From the book Great Secrets of Rus' [History. Ancestral home. Ancestors. Shrines] author Asov Alexander Igorevich

From the book Lies and Truth of Russian History author

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From the book Ghosts of History author Baimukhametov Sergey Temirbulatovich

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Lesson Objectives:
- Continue acquaintance with epics about Ilya Muromets.
- To form the ability to distinguish the epic from other genres of literature, develop expressive reading skills, vocabulary replenishment.
- To teach children to select material to characterize a hero, to characterize a literary hero.
- Formation moral value"health".

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, assignment for students on leaflets, musical passage from A.P. Borodin’s suite “Bogatyrskaya Zastava”, the song of S. Namin’s group “Oh, yes, we should live beautifully.”

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

On the screen is a hussy. The harp is heard . (Slide 2)
- Hello, good people. Sit down and listen. We have gathered for a good and friendly conversation. For us to have peace and harmony. And I also want to wish you to participate in the conversation and listen to everything carefully. Anything you hear may be of use to you.

2. Checking homework.(Find proverbs, sayings, riddles about heroes, read the epic)
A proverb appears on the screen: "The Russian land is glorious with heroes." (Slide 3)
- What is written on the blackboard?
- What is a proverb? What other types of oral folk art do you know?
- Give an example of a riddle.
- Listen to my riddle:
Well tailored
sewn firmly,
Stands for the Russian land.

Look at the saying and try to identify the main word in it (heroes)

So, what are we talking about, then? (Slide 4)

How high is the heavenly height,
Is the depth of the ocean - the sea,
Fast - bright Russian rivers.
And strong, mighty,
Bogatyrs in glorious Rus'.

(student reads)

Remember the origin and meaning of the word "hero" (Slide 5)

The meaning of the word "hero" is best given by a dictionary. The sheets are in front of you. Find an entry from the dictionary in them.
Children read the article:
Bogatyr - 1. A hero of Russian epics performing feats in the name of the Motherland.
2. (portable) A man of immense strength, stamina, courage. Unusual person.
-How many meanings does this word have? What can we say about it? (it's multi-valued)
- Try to find words that are close in meaning.
Strongman , warrior, defender, knight
- It was believed that the heroes are mighty knights, endowed by God with an extraordinary mind, ingenuity.
- In addition to strength and intelligence, what else should a hero have? (Health)
-What kind of health? Is it only physical? (to spiritual) What does that mean, how do you understand it?
- What do you think, are there heroes in our time?

Prove, based on what we talked about in the last lesson.

In what works do we most often meet heroes?
- What is an epic? (Slide 6)

What genre of Russian folk art is it closely connected with?
And what else does an epic have in common with a fairy tale? (construction: beginning, repetitions, the main characters fight monsters, fight for justice, protect native land) Prove with examples from the text.
And what features of the epic did we highlight with you in the last lesson? (melodious verse, rhyme, permanent epithets, hyperbole, archaisms) Prove with examples from the text (Slide 7)
- What are hyperbole, epithets?
We met with you archaisms . What it is?
Let's check if you remember the meaning of these words well.

Explain the meaning of words and expressions:
Damascus armor(damask steel - old patterned steel - steel and patterned),
mace(heavy club with a thickened end),
grow up(intersection of two or more roads, crossroads)
Promise sulu, promises(promises)
fathom(2.134 meters - 3 arshins)
Naked, naked(ragamuffins, poor, beggars),
barn(sheds for storing food, crops).
Platynize(convert to the Catholic faith),
hoods(a warm headdress worn over a hat, a cloth hood with long ends..
estimate(countless, uncountable wealth),
knock down(lock in basement)
oily speeches(oil - olive oil for church ceremonies, in figurative meaning which are soothingly soothing).
Broke the nest(smashed a secret secluded haven),
don't be silly(don't be fooled) latinism(Western conquerors).

With what else literary genre has similarities epic? (with a poem: rhythm, rhyme, hyperbole, epithets)
Match the quotes from the epic with the title literary device. (Slide 8.9)
Physical education minute(under S. Namin “Oh, yes, we should live beautifully”) (Slide 10)

Stand up together - one, two, three -
We are rich now.
We put our hands to our eyes,
Let's set our legs strong.
Turning to the right
Let's look majestic.
And to the left too
Look from under the palms
And to the right, and also over the left shoulder.
Let's spread the legs with the letter L,
As if in a dance - hands on hips,
Leaning left, right
Turns out to fame!

3. Working with text . (Slide 11)
1.-Let's turn to the text of the epic. Find and read passages that talk about the character of Ilya Muromets. (Expressive reading of episodes from the epic. Characteristics of the hero. (memo for work)

Hero Story Plan
1. Tell us about your favorite character. (I liked it very much… I remember it very much… I found it interesting… I admire… I didn’t like it very much…)
2. Describe the appearance of the hero (his face, clothes, demeanor, how he is armed).
3. Remember in what actions, thoughts, actions the character of the hero is best revealed?
4. List the main character traits of the hero you liked (disliked).
5. How the author relates to his hero.

Read a passage and name the character trait that is mentioned in it.
- Why are words with suffixes -enk, -onk, ichek, -echek used in the description of robbers?
Do you remember what meaning these suffixes give to words?
- Why is it done?
- How is Ilya described in the fight with the robbers?
- Find hyperbole - exaggeration.
- Why is this approach necessary?
- What features of Ilya Muromets are emphasized with the help of hyperbole?

3. Consider the picture "The Knight at the Crossroads" Find in the text an excerpt that matches this picture. (Slide 12)

Why did he return to the stone and rewrite the inscription on it?

4. Summary of the lesson
Let's summarize everything that we learned about Ilya Muromets, about his character, strength, actions.
On the screen, the words characterizing human qualities. You have the same on the leaves on the desks. Choose those that are related to the hero. Explain your choice. ( slide 13, 14)
(Appendix No. 2)
- Who will try to characterize Ilya Muromets, following the memo on working on the characterization of the hero. (1-2 people) (Slide 16)

I liked Ilya Muromets. This hero is 33 years old. Tall, stately, powerful. Him long hair and a small beard with gray hair. The face is wide and open. The eyes are alert and alert. Ilya is dressed in chain mail, not rich. On his head is a pointed helmet with a shoulder. In his hands he holds a sword donated by Svyatogor. He has a club and a bow and arrows. Ilya Muromets is kind, attentive, generous, does no harm to anyone in vain. He loves his native land and all the Russian people. Doesn't want to change Russian Orthodox faith to no other. The author likes his hero for strength of mind, kindness, generosity, openness.

What is main idea epics?

What is an epic?

What epic heroes do you know?

What qualities should epic hero? (Health, strength, mind, kindness)

What does the epic teach us? (love your homeland, protect it, be kind)

5. Homework optionally. (Slide 17)
- Reread and illustrate your favorite passage. Prepare expressive reading excerpt.
- Write an essay based on Vasnetsov's painting.
- compose written testimonial epic hero.

(Slide 18)
We talked about old things
What about the old, about the experienced,
To calm the blue sea
To good people obeyed
So that the good fellows become thoughtful,
That Russian glory does not fade for centuries!
And the strong mighty heroes in glorious Rus'!


1.Literary reading Grade 4 lesson plans according to the textbook by O.V. Kubasova. First half year. The author and compiler is N.N.Doroginina. Volgograd, 2005
2. How to teach children to read epics. Toolkit. S.V. Vechkanova. M., 2002

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