Memes about friends of traitors. Betrayal of a friend: how to survive the pain of a knife in the back and learn an important lesson


How to betray a friend

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How to betray a friend

Sometimes in life there are moments when you need to go against your principles, against moral norms and betray your friend. This decision can never be easy, but if you see a clear need for it, then it must be accepted. You can betray your friend if you need it.

Let's remember what any society and nature itself is based on. Competition and rivalry, all the best goes to the strongest and most skillful. And the one who cannot take his own, remains out of work. He condemns himself and his family to wandering, poverty and shame. Therefore, if you are offered a choice: you or your friend, then you must take everything for yourself. This is the law of nature, this is the decision of a strong man.

It doesn't matter who you play against. How will I betray my friend? Have we been through so much together? Stop. How is your friend different from any other person? The fact that he helped you, he spent time with you and talked. Everything, there are no more differences. And these aspects can be replaced by any other person.

Remember how many friends you had as a child? Many, all had many friends. And now, you pass by these people, and you are not even interested in their fate, their life. And you certainly do not want to get acquainted with their problems.

Friendship changes over time, and your interests, desires and needs will always be with you. If you give your piece of the pie to another person, you will lose some of your opportunities. If you give a piece to your friend, you will also lose your chances. It doesn't matter who your competitor is: an outsider or a friend. You must destroy your competitors with everyone possible ways. There is no need to listen to your conscience, you must do everything for your own good.

There is no place for the weak in war. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to make a choice: to betray your friend or not, then you can even rejoice. You have the ability to strike first, you have the advantage. It is much better to be in a situation where you are being attacked, not when you are being attacked.

Remember that if you are thinking about how to betray your friend, then he also visited these thoughts. So, you need to make a decision as soon as possible and act. Indecisiveness and weakness of spirit best qualities for a strong man.

Beat for sure. Betrayal from friends is quite difficult and difficult for any person, but it also gives rise to a desire for revenge. Therefore, if you decide to go for deceit and betrayal, then you need to hit all the weaknesses that you can notice at once. Only if you completely destroy your friend will you avoid the possibility of being caught in your own way.

Your friend also knows your weaknesses. He can use it against you. Therefore, hit him so that he does not have the strength to raise his head against you. The only thing that should visit his head is flight.

This may sound a little cruel, but we live in real life, where there are no movie miracles, where no one Unknown person destroying entire corporations. In life, the one who attacks first and clearly pursues his interests wins.

There is no place for lyrics. What is the biggest mistake many villains make in any movie? - They take too long to tell their plan to the protagonist before delivering the final blow. So, don't make these mistakes.

No need to consult common friends. You don't have to reveal your intentions to every person you meet. No need to make a special performance or show out of it. This is a common situation that you want to solve in this way.

After you have done everything, you do not need to remember about it or discuss it with someone else. The less people know about it, the better and calmer you will be. No need to inflate this event into something meaningful. You won, and your friend lost and that's it, nothing more.

You can still be friends. Strange as it may seem, there is a large number of people who like to be mopped on the floor. They prefer to sit and complain about the injustice of life and fate than to stand up and change something. They are just too lazy to act.

Therefore, if you have always been number one in your friendship, then there is a possibility that your friend will not even notice the set-up, and will continue to believe in your smart thoughts and justice. And if so, why not use the fool for your own purposes? Think about it.

Betrayal is not the best decision to make. But sometimes the circumstances themselves force it to do so. And sometimes the desire to master best girl or career prospect. It’s better to look at your beautiful wife yourself and ride on cool car than to see it all from your friend. Law of life.

Life is amazing and wonderful. It is full of wonder and charm. But the most unpleasant and unexpected things happen, for which a person is not always ready. Fortunately, not everyone experiences betrayal. But many have gone through this negative life experience. And you should not despair, because there are always both negative and positive aspects. Therefore, it is better to focus on the positive.

What is betrayal?

Betrayal has many varieties. And there is always some cover or reason. And if you think about it, every individual once betrayed someone in something. It could be some deeds, deeds, words, relationships. Such is life, and resentment has no place in it.

Friends betray friends, girlfriends betray girlfriends. When this happens, a person seems to fall into a dead end or a maze. Not everyone can survive such a blow without consequences for themselves. And when this happens to you, different thoughts spin in your head and a lot of questions appear: “Why?”, “How to live on?”, “Forgive or take revenge?”. In order not to get confused, you need to reflect on this topic somewhere inside yourself and give clear guidelines.

It is important to try to put yourself in the place of friends, assess the situation and decide: is it worth it to forgive and be friends further or end the relationship?

What does betrayal look like?

  • First, it's an act. And how to act, everyone decides for himself, but also bears responsibility too. And we have no right to judge anyone. If something not very pleasant happens, friends behave differently than before, you should think about the reason. It is important to try to put yourself in their place, assess the situation and decide: is it worth it to forgive and be friends further or end the relationship?
  • Second, it's a change. And there is no way to return anything back and change. Here everyone decides for himself what to do next. Sometimes people do not want to accept changes in order to maintain friendship, and in their thoughts they try to forget and cancel someone's bad deed. But a person is not a computer. What happened cannot be changed. And they will never betray.
  • Thirdly, betrayal and devotion stand side by side. And the first goes against the second. Therefore, only the closest people betray, those in whom we are most confident. If some simple acquaintance does something unpleasant in your direction, this cannot be called a betrayal. After all, this person means nothing to you.
  • Fourthly, this is not just some kind of oversight. If friendship is real, there is a certain trait or edge of trust between people. And the closer and kinder friend or a girlfriend, the more painful it is to survive betrayal. Therefore, friends should trust each other, always come to the rescue, especially at the most difficult moment. Who cares about you and who doesn't, anyone can show a difficult situation. Such moments make true friendship stronger, and imaginary ones are broken. And immediately it becomes clear: who is who. Therefore, the line of trust should never be crossed.
  • Fifth, betrayal is not a simple offense. Situations are different, as well as the relationship of people to each other. And why it happened, no one knows. If a person is not close, he cannot know everything that can offend you. If a girlfriend or friend decides to hurt on purpose, they know the line that should not be crossed. If loved ones betray, this is a sign that you are no longer important to them, they don’t care. Therefore, you should draw conclusions and move on with your head held high.

And, of course, it must be remembered that betrayal is a choice that a person makes intentionally. Although situations are different. For example, your fell in love with your girlfriend and took her away from you. It is very painful, because at one moment both a friend and a loved one are lost. It's hard to forgive. But perhaps, because life is given to everyone for happiness. To appreciate pleasant moments and moments of joy, you need to survive a storm with rain.

To appreciate pleasant moments and moments of joy, you need to survive a storm with rain.

What to do if you have been betrayed

No one is immune from betrayal. What to do next? And why is this happening? Because people think more about themselves, selfishness does its job. True friends do exist, but they are few and far between. After all, friendship is like a family, it is important to maintain it, and not to remember each other only when bored or there are problems. So that in the future there is no question why this happened, you yourself need to try to be good friend. Not only to take, but also to give.

The world is not perfect, it must be loved as it is. And the traitors look funny and stupid. By the time they realize their mistake, it will be too late. There is nothing more for them to do in your heart. Betrayal will mark the end of friendship. Yes, people are different. Quite often, envy, anger, hatred arise in the hearts of some representatives of humanity. It is better to delete such subjects from your life and try to have less contact with them. Why waste your time and nerves, because there is a lot of beauty and magic in the world?

Friends who betray are not worth your attention. Why? Just because there are a lot of good, kind, noble and wonderful people who are looking forward to meeting you. When betrayal happens, you need to help yourself. What to do with resentment and pain in the soul? You need to try to forgive and reconcile. Sometimes it's not easy, but it's real. It is important to find the strength in yourself to be yourself. What happened should be calmly dealt with. Sometimes it's difficult. But if you change your attitude to the situation, look at the prism of what happened from a different angle, you can understand a lot.

You can't be prepared for this. But when betrayal is on the face, it is advisable to accept the situation, not torturing yourself with reflections on why it happened, to forgive a friend and move on with your life. But already without him. And even better to succeed and become the happiest. To stay positive and less sad, life needs to be filled with new highlights and impressions, every day to do something pleasant for the soul. You can do something useful and interesting, then pleasant like-minded people and comrades will appear, and last lesson will be remembered with a smile and peace.

Betrayal is a kind of real test of our nobility, tolerance, kindness, love and humanity. From such trials, you will only get stronger, and your new wings will take you high up to new achievements, goals and success. This is much more important. After all, life is wonderful and extraordinary, no matter what. Only the weak can betray, and the strong will become wiser and richer spiritually.

The betrayal of friends always comes as a surprise to us, if not a blow. And this is what happened to you. There are a lot of questions in your head, in comparison with which the question "What to do?" seems simple. And so that you don’t get completely confused in trying to argue someone else’s behavior, let’s first understand what betrayal is.

In fact, betrayal is an act, and even though we are accustomed to calling “deeds” only something positive, it’s still true. True, after such an act, there is no place for trust.

In order to make it easier for you to imagine the essence of betrayal, we turn (don't be surprised) to scientific and technological progress. Recently, we thought about the fact that the person who invented the computer was trying not only to make life easier for the whole world, but also to create an ideal version of himself. He created something, but he himself did not learn anything from his ideal version. A computer, for example, can not only prevent/delete/correct other people's mistakes, but also accept and undo changes that have occurred due to someone else's fault. A person, as before, can only be responsible for his own actions (changes), he is not given the ability to program other people's.

So, betrayal it is a change that cannot be reversed and is very difficult to accept. Sometimes, in order to accept betrayal, we pretend that nothing happened, which means that we try to mentally cancel someone else's act. In this case, in order to accept, we need to cancel, and this is impossible (and even for a computer). Well, now that you have understood what betrayal is, it is time to give answers to the questions that have accumulated in your head.

Betrayal directly relates to friendship
Betrayal is something that goes against loyalty, but at the same time has a direct relation to it. Loyalty is a sure sign of friendship, therefore, only a loved one can betray. And a classmate who told the teacher that you did not prepare for the lesson does not count.

Betrayal is not a mistake
That very close person, or friend, knows perfectly well your hidden line of trust that cannot be crossed. Therefore, no matter how your friend tries to convince you that she did not know that her action could offend you, betrayal is a completely conscious act.

"Betray" is not "offend"
Resentment is, in fact, harm through negligence. In life, we often hear - "I did not want / did not want to offend you", and in most cases these words are true. But only not in case of betrayal. The person who can offend you, most likely, does not know you very well yet. The traitor is well aware of what he is doing. At the same time, resentment can also be intentional, but it is just as easy to distinguish intentional resentment from betrayal. Even offending intentionally, a friend knows the line that should not be crossed. Thus, by offending you, a friend is trying to draw your attention to something important. By betraying you, a friend shows that there is nothing more important for her anymore.

Betrayal is a choice
The main mistake that many of us make when we learn about betrayal is to try to find out from loved one, Why. Remember, no matter how many times you ask this question to a friend, it will still remain unanswered. And not at all because “such is life”, but because betrayal is the same choice as your choice to watch the Titanic today, and not another, perhaps even newer and interesting film. But after reading this article, you should not run to your friend and ask how she could make such a choice. Most likely, she will not understand you, because this choice was natural for her, which means she did not have to think long to make it. Only one conclusion follows from this: she easily deleted you from her life, and now you need to do the same.

Betrayal has nothing to do with you
No matter how strange it may sound, but a betraying friend at the moment of betrayal thinks of you least of all. Sharing your secrets to the main gossip of the school, a friend thinks about how to maintain a dialogue or like that very gossip, but in no case about the fact that the subject of the conversation is you and your innermost. Kissing your boyfriend or sending him cute VKontakte messages, a girlfriend is focused on the fact that she herself would like to be with him, and not on the fact that you are still in his life. And, finally, having made friends with your main ill-wisher, without stopping communication with you, figuratively speaking, “trying to sit on two chairs at once”, a friend, again, thinks about her comfort and benefit, but not about how you feel You.

They usually betray the strong
Of course, before betraying you, a friend will not measure the strength of your punch or test your strength in an arm wrestling match. That is, betrayal does not imply any prejudices about your stamina. More often betrayal is an attempt to level the score, coming from the inability to come to terms with someone else's success and at the same time unwillingness to admit their own weakness. In this case, a friend is simply jealous of some side of your life and wants to show by her act that she doesn’t give a damn about this very side, and, of course, to make your life not as sweet as she imagined it to be.

Betrayal is bad
As you understand, betrayal is a really terrible way to end a friendship and, moreover, it is evil, because betrayal does not carry any good intentions. At the same time, betrayal is also a big stupidity. A traitor, even if temporarily elevated at your expense, is ultimately ridiculous, stupid and weak. However, even more stupid than betrayal can only be a reciprocal betrayal out of a sense of revenge. Therefore, no matter how much suffering you endure and no matter how much anger accumulates in you during this time, do not try to achieve justice “manually”. Believe me, everyone will eventually find their place, concentrate on yourself and remember: The best way to take revenge on the person who betrayed you is to become even happier and achieve even greater success!

The material was prepared by Maria Milerius
Photo: Pinterest

Has there been betrayal in your life? Were you betrayed? Or maybe you yourself betrayed a loved one and regret it? Leave your stories in the comments.

Let's first look at what it means real friendship, and then, why friends betray.

Each person divides all new acquaintances into friends and foes. We ourselves sometimes do not understand, but one person is sympathetic to us, and the other immediately causes unpleasant feelings.

Therefore, there are two camps, people who are pleasant to us and not. It occurs at the biological level of the organism. You know that people emit their scent, hormones, pheromones. Our nose has lost a lot of sensation and we don't act like animals sniffing each other. Nevertheless, the smell of a person carries the first information.

Suppose you have a good first impression of a new person. Then you start talking to him. And if you have the same outlook on life, then there is a desire to meet more often, visit some institution together and study common cause. This is how friendship is born.

Real friendship

Remember the children's song:

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much ...

And I will add, but it will be sincere in joy

Now look what's really happening. People converge with common views, therefore, they are basically on the same material and social level.

A vivid example: who rent a dorm room. Here there is both material status and social status. Two neighbors can become very close friends, talking every evening about a hard life, about unscrupulous men and injustice in life. So live for years, and even help each other out in trouble. Borrow money, look after the child. It seems that friendship is for life, but only a man appears with one friend, and if he is still wealthy and treats children well and calls for marriage, then most likely the friendship comes to an end.

It turns out that they experienced grief together, and the joy of one friend led to anger or to have another friend. Why? Everything is very simple, they were brought together common problems. One woman ran out of problems, the commonality of views disappeared.

Imagine what they are going to talk about now?

If given general characteristics true friendship, That plain language can be expressed - these are people of the same status who are in similar situations and have similar goals in life.

why friends betray

From the above, it turns out that since these people have the same goals, then if one friend achieves the intended goal, then the second one begins to feel anger and disappointment, basically he turns to another person with a similar situation and begins to pour out all his pain.

I know him, he is so-and-so and stupid, but he was lucky, and I'm so good, but I'm not lucky ...

All the innermost secrets of a friend become known to other people.

Sometimes the betrayal of a friend is material or personal.

If you have to choose between your happiness and the happiness of your girlfriend, 90% will choose their happiness in exchange for the joy of a friend or girlfriend. Everything is simple.

If it means your friend is missing personal growth. And you have a lesson for the future, tell less about yourself and learn to be responsible for yourself and solve your problems yourself. TO strong personality people are reaching out. And if a friend betrayed you, for you it will be a push forward on new level, perhaps you stayed too long in one place.

Real friendship

And one last look at this problem. Each person has their own criteria for betrayal. What is betrayal for you, for your friend can be considered the norm. You think that the man you met first is YOUR man, and YOUR girlfriend thinks that there is no difference. Whom this man looked at, that he belongs to. For her, there is no betrayal in this gesture, but for you there is.

And most importantly, always put yourself in your friend's shoes. What would you do in this situation? Perhaps then you will understand the motives of betrayal. Solve the problem, break the friendship or forgive the friend.

Be confident be the dream woman, then many problems will simply leave your life.

I wish you happiness and personal growth.

Sincerely, Angelica.

Interesting information coming soon!

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