Valentin Kurbatov. there is nothing to blame ... the general problems of modern literature against the backdrop of "Yasnaya Polyana


The mayor, already aged in the service and a very intelligent person in his own way. Although he is a bribe-taker, he behaves very respectably; quite serious; somewhat even a reasoner; speaks neither loudly nor softly, neither more nor less. His every word is significant. His features are rough and hard, like those of anyone who began his service from the lower ranks. The transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogance is quite quick, like a person with a roughly developed inclination of the soul. He is dressed, as usual, in his uniform with buttonholes and boots with spurs. His hair is cut, with gray

Ammos Fedorovich Lyapkin - Tyapkin- judge. Considers himself very smart person because I have read five or six books in my entire life. He is an avid hunter. In his office, above the cabinet with papers, a hunting rapnik hangs. Bribes take greyhound puppies. The criminal cases that he considered were in such a state that he himself could not figure out where the truth was and where the lie was.

About complete indifference to public service The image of the trustee of the charitable establishments of Strawberries, a fat man, but a thin rogue, also speaks in comedy about the people who are on it. In the hospital under his jurisdiction, patients are dying like flies, the doctor does not know a word of Russian. Strawberry, meanwhile, argues: A simple man: if he dies, then he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover. How typical representative officials, he is also characterized by servility to his superiors and a willingness to report on his colleagues, which he does when Khlestakov arrives

Christian Ivanovich Gibner county doctor(chief physician). Strawberry about Gibner: “As for healing, Christian Ivanovich and I took measures: a simple man: if he dies, then he will die anyway; if he recovers, he will recover anyway ... and even Khristian Ivanovich does not know a word of Russian ... ".

Luka Lukich Khlopov - Superintendent of schools. By nature, he is very cowardly. He says to himself: “Someone higher in one rank speaks to me, I just don’t have a soul, and my tongue has withered like dirt.” Teachers teach at the school. One teacher accompanied his teaching with constant grimaces. And the history teacher, from an excess of feelings, broke chairs

Shpekin is a big fan of reading other people's letters "not so much out of precaution, but out of curiosity." He even collects his favorite letters. In addition, the Governor himself, worried about the “damned incognito”, asked him “for the sake of the common good” to print out every incoming and outgoing letter in order to find out if it contained any report.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, both short, short, very curious; extremely similar to each other: both with small bellies; both speak in a patter and help tremendously with gestures and hands. Dobchinsky is a little taller and more serious than Bobchinsky, but Bobchinsky is cheekier and livelier.

“There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked.” (the epigraph and the plot of N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector".)

The Russian army continues to experience numerous reform ideas, from reducing the length of conscript service to outsourcing. Reducing the service life is intended to do away with such a thing as hazing, and outsourcing should allow the release of soldiers from non-military duties.

But like all changes, change takes time. And to say that everything has already changed in the army only in better side at least prematurely. While external and internal control of the Russian armed forces seems to be gaining momentum, there are still many dark spots that scare young people away from military service.

Recently, a round table was held, which brought together, in addition to representatives of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, the FSB, the Commissioner for Human Rights, the public. During round table issues were discussed interethnic relations in the army. According to Vladimir Molodykh, who represented the GVP, in our army national question if it is not absent at all, then things are moving in that direction. He stated that it was the efforts of prosecutors and the FSB that led to the fact that the level of army extremism fell almost to zero.

But if we assume that Mr. Molodykh is saying obvious things, then why is the situation still not always smooth in those units where conscripts from the North Caucasian Republics serve. It happens that if among the personnel of the military personnel of the unit even small group Dagestan soldiers, then a real ethnic conflict. At the same time, it is far from Caucasian servicemen who are infringed on their rights, but Russians, although their number is many times higher. What could be the reason for this state of affairs? main reason is not only a special spiritual intimacy Caucasian peoples, but also the fact that these guys, coming into the army, are better prepared for it. Already now in the same Dagestan, recruitment into the army is carried out practically on a competitive basis: they select the really healthy and strong guys who want to serve in order to work in the future law enforcement agencies of his Republic or continue to serve under a contract in connection with high level unemployment in the Caucasus.

The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers even comes up with a proposal to limit the conscription of young people with North Caucasus or even cancel altogether. This option, of course, can reduce the level of interethnic tension, but will not solve the problem of equipment Russian army.

And besides the situation with national extremism, there are enough problems in our armed forces. As it turned out, the transition to a "one-year" military service did not at all save the ranks of the Armed Forces from such a phenomenon as hazing. About hazing in our army began to speak not only in Russia, but also abroad, demonstrating all its ugliness.

As an example of flourishing hazing, one can name the situation in the Yelansky garrison, which is located in Sverdlovsk region. A unique phenomenon for Russia was the appeal of the inhabitants of the village of Araslanovo, who say that until order is restored in the Russian army, they will not let their children serve. This is related to the fact that last years already the third soldier who was drafted into the army from this locality, returns home in a coffin. Last episode happened to private Ruslan Aiderkhanov, whose cause of death the prosecutor's office recognized as suicide. Aiderkhanov allegedly hanged himself on a branch of a tree. The villagers doubted such a verdict, since Ruslan went to serve with enthusiasm.

The relatives decided to open the zinc coffin. From what they saw, they could not come to their senses for a long time: the corpse had no eye, prostheses were inserted into the mouth instead of teeth, the whole body of the soldier was bruised, his leg was broken. The representative of the military prosecutor's office states that the soldier received such injuries in the process of committing suicide. And he knocked out his own teeth, and his eye ... The villagers decided to send posthumous photos of Ruslan to Anatoly Serdyukov and stand up for their conscripts.

It is worth noting that the Yelansky garrison gained notoriety long before the death of Ruslan Aiderkhanov. Not a year goes by without a case of hazing. It is enough to type the query “Elansky garrison” in any search engine, and in the top ten there will be materials about “non-regulation” in this part. Either the soldiers beat an officer who did not allow one of them to bring alcohol into the territory of the unit, then an ordinary fired an automatic burst into his head during firing, then during the same firing a bullet hit the soldier right in the heart. Pneumonia epidemics are not uncommon here, which, according to many local residents, arise after a soldier in the cold is forced to run half-naked for several hours.

How is the main military department going to get out of this situation? Measures are being taken that will be aimed at making our army an analogue of the American army. They say that qualified professional sergeants, including the Chief Sergeant, will have to appear in the armed forces, who will restore order at the level of the rank and file. However, today about 1,200 people are trained in sergeant schools, and the need of the armed forces for junior commanders is no less than 50,000. It is easy to calculate that at such a pace the Russian army will be staffed with professional sergeants at best in 40-45 years.

If we analyze the situation with contract soldiers, then if there were no mass layoffs (about 180 thousand people) a couple of years ago, even more than 50 thousand sergeants would already be prepared to perform the required tasks. But with us, as always: "to the foundation, and then ..."

It is not yet known by what forces, but by 2017 the number of contract soldiers and conscripts in the Russian army should even out. This, according to senior military officials, should fundamentally change the problem of hazing, because the soldiers will be vigilantly monitored by professional sergeants who will work for a decent salary of 35 thousand rubles.

Some social advertising is even beginning to appear in the media about how good it will be for young people to serve in the army now. It is said that now they will not need to sweep the parade ground and dig potatoes, they will be spared kitchen outfits. Instead, the Russian soldier will study the device and test it in practice. There will be two whole days off, during which a soldier can go out into the city in civilian clothes - to meet his girlfriend and parents. The vacation will be saved like a normal vacation. civilian, and the admission privileges will be huge. In general, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it will not be a service, but a paradise. Soldiers can only complain about her too short term ...

However, not everyone enthusiastically perceives information about the prospects for "heavenly service." As you know, the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees those who do not want to do military service, the passage of an alternative civil service. Since 2004, in connection with the publication of the relevant law, those who motivate their desire to undergo the ACS have received such a right. Today, the ACS period has been reduced from the original 3.5 years to 21 months. At the same time, by hook or by crook, the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices are trying to make sure that those who have expressed a desire to pass the ACS, brush off this desire. Statistics say that out of 5388 applications submitted by young people for the passage of the ACS, about 80% are satisfied. The rest had to take up arms, although they claimed that it was not in their moral principles.

Today, the ACS is a job in not the most prestigious positions: orderlies, janitors, foresters, painters, postmen, etc. employment contract: salary (an average of 8-9 thousand rubles), sick leave, vacations, etc. I would like to present statistics on the ratio of the number of those undergoing regular service and the ACS. This ratio is at the level of 130:1.

The figure eloquently indicates that, after all, Russian guys are trying to pay their military duty to their homeland. And the point here is not even that the military registration and enlistment offices impede the passage of the ACS.

Yes, the Russian army has many disadvantages, but if you pay attention only to them, then we simply risk leaving our country without protection at all. Hazing and military extremism are vestiges that need to be disposed of purposefully and systematically. Not a single one-sided law will solve this problem, so a broad public discussion should be launched here, among other things.

/ / / “There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked” (the epigraph and the plot of Gogol’s comedy “The Government Inspector”)

Many works of Russian literature contain a kind of epigraph, which can be called a kind of key. Reading the meaning of the epigraph, a person can evaluate the text written in the work with some subtext, see what the author was trying to say and convey.

The famous creative work of N.V. Gogol "" has its own epigraph. "There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked." Reading it for the first time, the reader may not immediately understand what in question. But, delving into the text of the comedy, we understand what, after all, the author wrote about.

Interesting enough is the fact that the key to its creative work Gogol did not pick up right away. Only some time after the text of the comedy spread all over Russia, Nikolai Vasilievich appropriated such an epigraph to the work.

Of course, there was no limit to criticism of his work. And all because many people who lived in Russia at that time recognized themselves and their habits in the main characters of the comedy. And who wants to admit to their deeds and make them publicly ridiculed. Of course, no one! This is what Gogol decided to do in the lines of The Inspector General.

Now, many Russian postmasters, having read the play, recognized themselves in the person of Shpekin. After all, the author did not invent such characters, such personalities, using his imagination. He described the life of the people around him, officials and city dwellers, who filled the whole Russian land.

Each of the inhabitants of the county town had its own sins, because bribery and embezzlement simply flourished. The city was in complete ruin, because all the money from the treasury was successfully distributed into the pockets of officials. And the news of the arrival of the auditor raised the ears of the whole town.

Covering up their sins, the rulers tried to hide the shortcomings of their government by false means. In such confusion, they took ordinary visitor hotels - Khlestakov, for the auditor. And he was glad to play along in the current situation, because he himself was boastful and deceitful. He lied so much that he himself could believe in those fables that he composed. Khlestakov presented himself as a poet, a writer, and a noble person in St. Petersburg. But, in fact, all this was not.

After reading the entire “Inspector General”, I completely understand and explain the epigraph that suggested

Essays on literature: “There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked” (1) Dramatic Legacy wonderful writer N.V. Gogol is an original, original phenomenon that at one time played a huge role in the development of Russian literature. At the same time, this legacy, and primarily the comedy The Inspector General, occupies an important and honorable place in the history of world drama. The Inspector General is a play in which Gogol, according to him own words, "decided to collect in one heap everything bad in Russia ... all the injustices that are done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required of a person, and at one time laugh at everything." The work depicts the social image of a county town, from which, according to the mayor, “even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state.” The county town as a subject of the image gave the author the opportunity to create a generalized picture of the life and customs inherent in all cities in general (including the capital) of the Russian empire XIX century. The situation that underlies the work also helps to realize the author's intention.

The expectation and reception of the auditor, albeit an imaginary one, is such a moment that really “at once” reveals all secret affairs and thoughts and affects, one way or another, the interests of all characters. In this brilliant play by Gogol, which has not lost its relevance in our time, as in a mirror, the vices and shortcomings of the bureaucratic class were reflected, local nobility and merchants. Tsarism expressed the will and interests of the nobility, and officials, especially those in a leading position, were the same nobles. They are shown in the play as a single ruling class, and the merchants at that time did not yet have sufficient political force. In an effort to give the play a revealing and satirical orientation, the author clearly highlights only Khlestakov and the mayor, all other characters only complement, deepen and expand their negative essence.

In characterizing the characters, the playwright uses individual distinctive features heroes, but they are not the main ones, but typical: despotism in relations with subordinates and sycophancy to superiors, bribery, embezzlement and careerism. The author repeatedly emphasizes that all these signs among officials are a common and widespread phenomenon. County officials, knowing that high-ranking officials also take bribes, follow their own example: they come to Khlestakov "with a body of wine and sugar heads." Derzhimorda is rude and despotic, the landowners are all the same (Gogol gives the same names, patronymics and very similar-sounding surnames: Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky). The writer seeks to reveal the commonality inherent in officials: any of them is a participant general action, they always appear not individually, but in a group. The mayor's tyranny is boundless: he appropriates the money allocated for the construction of the church, punishes the non-commissioned officer with rods. The trustee of charitable institutions believes that a simple person “if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover anyway, ”and instead of relying on oatmeal soup, he gives the sick one cabbage. The judge is sure that in his papers “Solomon himself will not allow what is true and what is not true in it,” he turned the judicial institution into his own fiefdom. We are convinced that among all the officials there is not a single positive one.

Gogol portrays them as absolutely vicious. These are dense and ignorant tyrants, alien to the people. Residents of the city are dissatisfied with bureaucratic arbitrariness. There are so many dissatisfied that they are rushing out the window.

The credibility of the comedy characters is reinforced by speech that matches their characters. So, for example, with Khlestakov, seeing in him an important person, the mayor speaks respectfully, politely, obsequiously, but never forgets to remind him of his merits. With those who need to win over, the mayor talks condescendingly patronizingly and at the same time ingratiatingly. Khlestakov's speech is incoherent, he jumps from one topic to another for no reason, blurts out words and phrases that are completely unexpected for himself and those around him. He bribes and wins over the district aristocracy with his casual chatter, which seems to them the height of elegance.

Laughing at his characters, Gogol uses rare, outlandish and unusual words and expressions, and this brings humor, irony and sarcasm into the speech and images of the characters. Their actions also look comical, for example, the preparations of officials for the presentation to Khlestakov, their confusion, shoving when leaving the room when they heard Khlestakov's steps and coughing. Khlestakov is very funny during his heated declarations of love to the mayor's daughter, then her mother, and again her daughter. Gogol deliberately did not introduce into his comedy goodie, because in all this official-bureaucratic class there was no such thing. The only honest and noble face in comedy - the author's laughter.

Gogol himself had no doubt that the brightness of the image of "collected crimes and vices already draws the opposite in the head of every" reader and viewer. And the undoubted merit of the writer is that he recreated in the comedy the entire feudal-serfdom Russia XIX century in its most characteristic manifestations, in its most complete urban expression, or, as he himself said, depicted "the prefabricated city of the entire dark side."

Konstantin Shcherbakov, Theatrical life", 05.2016

"There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked," - folk proverb, epigraph to "The Inspector General".

When the curvature of the face acquires phantasmagoric parameters, a theater of the absurd arises. The great theater, the main sources and beginnings of which are in Russian prose, Russian dramaturgy XIX century. Dramaturgy, which has the ability to be born anew at decisive historical crossroads, and its characters, looking around, turn to you and me with the question: where are we?

The dwelling of Mikhal Vasilyich Krechinsky, located at Novy Arbat, 11 (the Hermitage Theater shows the premiere there - Sukhovo-Kobylin's play Krechinsky's Wedding staged by Mikhail Levitin) consecrates a portrait of an allegedly high-ranking ancestor. The portrait is made in the manner that if you hang it upside down, sideways, it is unlikely to be noticed. However, Mikhal Vasilyich, looking closer, probably recognizes himself in the curvature of the high-ranking portrait. For he is a great expert on this part, on the part of the surrounding curvature, pictorial and any other. Not only a connoisseur, but an architect, a creator. This is how Yevgeny Redko plays him.

To say: Russian absurdity is to say almost nothing. Russian absurdity - it's extremely, stunningly different.

Gogol's laughter through tears, when a wave of sympathy captures you when you look not only at Podkolesin with Agafya Tikhonovna, but also at Gorodnichiy with his family.

In the play "Balalaikin and Co." (1973, Tovstonogov, "Contemporary", based on " Modern idyll"severe, merciless Saltykov-Shchedrin) the most piercing moments are desperate flashes of shame that happened in the souls of painfully aging characters.

In Krechinsky Evgenia Redko - not a drop of shame, in the performance of Mikhail Levitin - not a grain of sympathy, and the curvature of the face is not necessarily the curvature of the face, but necessarily the curvature of the soul.

Sometimes you hear: the charm of evil. What it is? Krechinsky in the play "The Hermitage" is the embodiment of this charm. You certainly take your word for it when you find out that the stupid Lidochka Muromskaya is far from his first victim. Krechinsky Evgenia Redko is a man of all-destroying passion: game, adventure, money, power - step by step, but it failed - well, let's start anew.

It seemed to me that "Krechinsky's Wedding" is a separate thing, it is still in line with Ostrovsky, not quite Sukhovo-Kobylin. Not so in Levitin's play. Here, perhaps, the whole of Sukhovo-Kobylin is played, with stylistic, semantic entries both in “The Case” and in “Death of Tarelkin”.

Well, here is Krechinsky's entourage. To put it delicately - a team, to be precise - a flock, where Krechinsky is the leader.

Valet Fyodor - artist Alexander Pozharov. It seemed to be a service character. Written - very few replicas. Played - through an exchange of glances and gestures with Krechinsky, when half a word is not needed for complete understanding - a long-term cooperation of the most experienced two, of which each knows exactly his place, is played. Fedor - to maintain everyday respectability.

Rasplyuev - to carry out dubious, dirty orders. Here, performed by the artist Konstantin Tumilovich, the curvature goes off scale. Here - not the charm of evil, but its cast-offs. I recall the early grotesques of Ilyinsky, Garin, Martinson. Thought - is not it too much? No, not too much. I hope the above will not hurt the young artist.

Cast-offs - not to be thrown away as useless? No, you can't throw it away. All three - Krechinsky, Fedor, Rasplyuev - are so tied up that they can no longer survive separately. Moreover, behind them - strain a little imagination - assistants, advisers, managers, killers, secretaries are guessed. A flock greedily capturing living space.

Such a capture is not a difficult job, and this is the bitterest bitterness of the performance at 11 Novy Arbat. Who is fit, who is proud of? This is from Mayakovsky. Aunt Anna Antonovna (actress Daria Belousova) with her severe phase shift on the basis of secular brilliance-cod? Bow-legged (again curvature!) freak Nelkin (artist Stanislav Sukharev) - well, where is he against Krechinsky, even the loser? Muromsky (actor Sergey Oleksyak), his daughter Lidochka (actress Alla Chernykh) with their stable residence in an empty place?

The rams go in a row,
Drums are beating.
They give skin
The sheep themselves.

This is from Bertolt Brecht.

Probably, you can sympathize with the sheep, but suddenly - for no reason, for no reason - I remembered another living creature.

I read somewhere: flayers have appeared in Moscow, who, blocking the only exit from the basement of their house, wall up stray cats there, who have found shelter for the winter. And I thought: what feeling would I experience if I heard the moan of a walled cat?

There are many homeless cats today, and their cries are mixed with human cries.

There are no sheep or cats in Levitin's performance, but there is a menagerie of its own, how not to be. Krechinsky first appears on stage in the guise of a bull with red eyes, leading a chain of characters subordinate to him. (In "Shadow" by Schwartz, one of Levitin's previous performances, the Shadow, performed by the same Yevgeny Redko, also led an obedient round dance, but there she was still a shadow, but here, in "Krechinsky", she strengthened, took root so much, that it is just right to cast a shadow.)

So, then, a bull - by the way, from a play: Krechinsky gives it to Muromsky, who is completely softened from such a gift. And yet - a smoked pork carcass, at the behest of the artist Maria Krivtsova, who knows how it took the place of a massive bell on the stage, which, presumably, never sounded. Well, and a portrait, a portrait - of a high-ranking ancestor. To the subtly mocking music of Vladimir Dashkevich, everything was mixed up on Novy Arbat, 11, confused and confused.

And suddenly I wanted to scream: it's not me - a bow-legged freak! And a heavy phase shift - not for me! And a stranger is a groan from a walled cellar. Stranger! Alien ... What if - not a stranger?

So, why blame the mirror. Immeasurable Russian absurdity. One of his hypostases.

I admit that the performance "Krechnisky's Wedding on Novy Arbat 11" lacks a humanistic beginning. But how to be worthy of this beginning - that's what it also does not hurt to think about. To us all. In order, at least, not to be on the verge of a not quite humanistic end.

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