Online reading book three versions us version three. Oleg Zdrav We weren't here


We, those who were waiting for the speedy release of this comic by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, are far from 3, so the news about sending "US3" to the printing house, the publishing house "Azbuka" made "good" a large number readers. A comic book about animals, about the victims of experiments, about the fact that we are responsible for those whom we have tamed (otherwise the tamed ones can teach us a lesson) ... it would seem that the main ideas of this story climb out already from one synopsis. But, as happens with Morrison, everything is not at all so simple and obvious. Only one thing is obvious - "NAS3" will soon take its place on the shelves of stores (there should have been a joke about the sixth volume of Sandman, which has been in the printing house for a month and a half).

Publisher information:

Friends, we have submitted to print one of the strongest stories by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely - "US3", deluxe edition!

In the depths of a top-secret US Air Force research facility, the cyber revolution is taking shape. From ordinary pets, scientists have created a new class of cyborgs, an alloy of flesh and metal. These creatures are destined to reign on the battlefields of the future. The crowning achievement of the project is a trio of prototypes, codenamed HAC3, each specially designed and prepared for teamwork. Reinforced nervous system, armed advanced military equipment, US3 are the ideal "smart weapon" - programmable yet autonomous, loyal and completely ruthless.

But no matter how successful they are, NAS3 are just prototypes that will be dismantled at the end of the tests. However, inside these formidable mechanical shells are three confused beasts, whose will to live turns out to be much stronger than the designers expected. Faced with danger, US3 flee, breaking into a frightening and complex world for which they currently pose a serious threat. As well as those who hunt them. Pursued relentlessly, NAS3 fight, combining the firepower of a battalion with a weak warm memory about something called "Home".

- No! protested Matheus, offended by vile suspicions. - I was looking for methods of spiritual communication! And I just wanted to ask how ... there.

Why are you so sure she's dead? What makes you think that Olivia was killed immediately? If it was so important for Humpbacked Man to take her to his world, it must have been for some other purpose. They could have killed both of you here too, without taking up such valuable active portal time.

“I know…” the prince explained quietly, without looking up. “They needed a witch for some kind of ritual. And she was killed that night.

- But from this place in more detail. - The king perked up a little and postponed tutorial. – What exactly do you know, where and how accurately? Did you find her in the Labyrinth after all, how did you find Kantor then?

Mafei hesitated:

- Approximately…

Have you seen the ritual itself?

- No. Everything is wrong there... I saw the killer. He was waiting on the other side of the tunnel. They also told me that he was undead, that's why he came from the other side... And then... No, Shellar, I'm sorry, I can't tell you!

“I didn’t think you would be so cowardly,” the cunning king teased him.

The young elf immediately succumbed to the provocation:

- I'm not scared at all! Cantor took from me honestly... - Mafei was frightened into silence, covering his mouth with his palm, and his majesty happily clung to the obtained piece of information:

“So you saw Kantor?” Can you at least tell me which way he… went? To the tunnel with Olivia or to the exit with you?

- Why, I promised to keep silent about the fact that I saw him!

“Let's do this,” Shellar suggested, feeling his mood rapidly improve. “You won’t tell me anything, so as not to break your promises. I'll do the talking, all you have to do is nod if I'm right or shake your head if I'm wrong. If you find it difficult to answer, you can shrug your shoulders. If we manage to figure it out, I won't tell the master about your sudden criminal tendencies. Provided, of course, that you return the book to its place as discreetly as you took it. Agreed?

Mafei nodded doomedly and wiped his last tear.

“So you met Kantor in the Labyrinth. First of all, in order not to torment anyone, answer: is he alive? No, I understand that some time has passed since your meeting and you cannot vouch for the authenticity. But did you go out together? Thank the gods, after all, he survived ... But where did he go ... He did not tell you where he was? No. This is already worse… Did he mention something that could be used to draw conclusions about his whereabouts? So, well ... And you made these conclusions? Amazing. So, let's try to guess where our missing comrade Kantor is... Did he somehow leave the battlefield? That is, how - no? He was there? And was wounded in battle? So what kind of demon can't they find him among the wounded now? No, no, that's not a question, I already know that you can't say anything about it. Let's continue. Cantor was alone? Excuse me, how should I understand your difficulty? Ah, I guess. Quantity actors changed, right? But when you met, was he alone? Yes. Okay… he picked you up like last time, swore at you in his traditional way, and took you with him. Did he go towards the tunnel?

The industrious king spent the next two hours carefully picking out every bit of invaluable knowledge from his cousin. After this time, he managed to almost completely restore the picture of events, with the exception of the exact text of the conversation that Kantor's numerous relatives had among themselves. During this time, his Majesty's mood improved so significantly that he did not continue the intended moralizing, deciding to replace it with a couple of simple and effective object lessons. After making the thieving cousin swear that he would return the book today and never pick it up again without the approval of his mentor, Shellar suggested, already rising to leave:

- Do you want good and practical advice?

Mafei, out of habit, only nodded, although the topic forbidden for conversations had long been exhausted.

– When grieving for the dead, one should not forget that there are living people around you. Someone just sympathizes with you, someone is very worried about you, and someone may need your help. As far as I remember, the master taught you the basics of resuscitation, and you are quite professionally able to maintain artificial life support, or keep it, as it is called in common parlance. Now all available specialists in this field, changing every two hours, are trying to keep your friend Orlando in this world. And one more assistant there will by no means be superfluous. Think about it, is it worth lying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself when you could save the life of a friend? You don't want to lose him, do you?

- And the master will not drive me away? Looks like the lesson worked. Mafei sharply perked up, got up, something similar to hope appeared in his eyes.

You say I ordered. Don't forget to shower and get dressed first!

Having dealt with his cousin, his majesty went to the queen's chambers to talk with her, while some trouble did not spoil his just improved mood. What to say to the disobedient wife, the king did not know. Or rather, he had something to say, but his Majesty would not have dared to say and show the pregnant woman what, in his opinion, should have been. In any case, without first consulting with Master Istran. The king just wanted to hear what Kira herself had to say. And see how it will look into his eyes.

As luck would have it, on the way he came across yesterday's delegation at almost in full force, with the exception of only Count Dinnar-son, whom his father prudently decided not to set up once again. The king's mood was spoiled by the mere sight of these gentlemen, and in order not to be annoyed once again before meeting with the queen, he did not communicate with anyone, but sent everyone to wait in the waiting room. And in such a tone, which is usually sent to completely different places.

Alekseev Pavel Alexandrovich

Simply Gods (Goddess-3)

Just gods.

The coordinator of the Rose of Realities immediately felt the death of the creature that he had once created. He did not feel regret or any emotion about it. But following the program laid down in it, he had to make sure that the mistake he had once made was finally eliminated.

Having determined the place of death of the virus, the Ancient Mind found out the causes of death, recorded the result, and, making sure that there were no violations that could affect the Rose, completely forgot about this problem that had once worried him.

The Coordinator did not pay any attention to the creature that was at the site of the death of the virus. It wasn't interesting to him.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ares thought. He knew her very well. Chris, who constantly monitored the radio and TV shows, using information from them - has long formed a base of key figures in this world. And now one of these figures, according to the symbiote - the most significant, lay in front of him. The most natural Goddess, whose performances were broadcast around the clock on all programs of the planet. pop singer who sings songs from his world. Songs, authors who may not have been born in this time. The fact that this world is not his own, Ares also understood, but he was his exact reflection. Accurate, but until the moment when this same Goddess appeared on the scene, whose influence on the culture of the state radically changed the very world order on the planet.

Analyzing the information, Ares came to the conclusion that with this same Goddess, not everything is so simple. In many ways, she possessed knowledge and abilities akin to his symbiote and knowledge bases. Scanning her body, his conclusion was confirmed. In front of him lay the most natural modifier. Developed energy, altered bones of the skeleton, modified muscles and reinforced internal organs, which, moreover, were located a little differently than it was determined by nature. So, this is most likely the same guest in this world as I am. Although options are possible, for example this local- having received certain opportunities. Or one of those who are directly related to my adventures. Somehow it annoys me, jumping from world to world. They dragged me out of one, well, okay, I seemed to be slightly offended, I still got a lot from this, and I lived well. But that's why they dragged me out of there, bastards? So he lived well, practically became God in Ancient Rus' and on you. I’ll find who’s to blame for this - I’ll tear the fuck up like Tuzik a heating pad.

For a more accurate analysis, a fragment of the object's body is needed, Chris whispered.

Take as much as you need, - I answered and, stretching my paw to the hand of the lying girl, stuck a claw in her forearm.

The blood and tissue sampling is over, the analysis is underway, - Chris informed.

Well, work sweetheart, - I replied, looking at how the wound on the hand of the Goddess healed almost instantly. Here's another proof that she's not a common person. Almost instantaneous regeneration, and the skin itself - ordinary in appearance and to the touch, in fact, had extreme strength. Not for my claws, of course, but it would be unrealistic to pierce it with a needle from a medical syringe. Interestingly, and those people with whom she lives and constantly communicates, didn’t they notice that she is not an ordinary person? Here is also a mystery. Mental impact on people or is there another reason? Questions, questions, but only she herself can give answers. I don’t want to torture her somehow, she’s so beautiful. No, absolutely do not want to. Maybe we can agree? Maybe. I have something to offer her. I don’t feel magic here, the Goddess herself doesn’t own it. The energy of the body is modified, the aura is powerful, but there is not a drop of magic. So, I'll be super-pepper here. Or not? I wonder if Chris is done with the analysis?

Hang in there Ares, I'm working for now. But I can say right away that she is not just a modifier.

Well, I reassured you, - I grumbled, - I just intrigued.

Completing analysis, Chris replied. Data collection... Systematization... Completed. Are you ready to listen to me, O Great and Terrible Ares?

Chris, don't pull the cat's tail, - I chuckled.

You are not a cat, but a dog, - Chris answered with a smile, - Accepted. The analysis carried out, as well as the available indirect information, give full confidence that this object is a modifier born in this world. The biological age of twenty years is approximately, it is impossible to say exactly, as you understand. Further... Modifications are made by a symbiote - similar to me.

That's how it is! - I responded, not much surprised by this news, - In principle, I expected something like that.

I continue. This symbiote is in a depressed state, its development is stopped. For analogy, I am in your understanding, a young individual female. I continue to improve and develop. The symbiote in this object is essentially a baby. Functional only within the basic settings. This can be determined by indirect signs, but the reliability is within ninety percent. The reason for this condition is unknown. As you understand, my analogies are approximate and simplified - for your understanding. Symbiotes are not human after all.

I wonder how, - I said thoughtfully, - If we compare the information, the Goddess appeared in society about five or six years ago - at about the same time I was transferred to Ancient Rus'. Then I also had you. This girl, the symbiote appeared at about the same time - this is if you focus on the songs that she performs and on the information that we have about her. You have communication functionality. Can you contact her symbiote?

I tried and keep calling. The infection is silent. He, to put it more precisely, closed himself off from me, it seems like he doesn’t exist, he hid. I was scared - if I can say so about the symbiote, this is the implementation of a certain security protocol. I believe he did it at the moment of your mental shock. I turned off all the peripheral senses through which connection is possible. But I keep looking for connectivity. Although, if you want, you can act quite rudely. Hack it, but there is no guarantee that it or its wearer will not be harmed.

No, no, Chris! In no case, - I replied, - We can’t quarrel with her or cause harm in any way. You understand, I would like to get information by force, we would not sit here and think - who is she, and where does she come from.

I thought so, - Chris agreed, - Further, the energy of the object is replenished at the expense of its own resources obtained from the absorption of food, but also from external sources. Basically, it is electricity and radiation.

And here he did not let us down - two special skills: Freeze and Fan of Ice Needles.

The first, obviously, is a slowing down effect, and the second will be dealt with right now. I activate the skill and set the target for the attack - the nearest tree next to us. Not a wunderwaffe, however: the snowman makes two quick movements with curved blades, and two dozen thin ice needles stick out in an elongated scattering in the tree trunk. Damage in the area of ​​hundreds of hit points, cooldown five minutes. The range is completely ridiculous - eight meters. There is a small bonus - when hit, the enemy is slowed down with a probability of twenty percent, but also not full - it only reduces the speed by a third.

Naturally, as a real herbalist and alchemist, I could not get past the suspicious liquid dripping from the blades, resembling blood. Turns out it wasn't blood at all.

Glacial acid. Toxic!

Poison Resistance: +1(18).

It seems that my karma is now like this - to attract everything poisonous and poisonous into skills. Could it be that the shaman called the curse with his long, chatty tongue, writing it for all eternity under the name of Trav?

Unfortunately, there was also a fly in the ointment in a barrel of poison. Apparently, you can call the Reaper only if there is snow, which you need at least two or three kilograms. In a dry and warm place, this will be a problem, not to mention the spring-summer season. However, we still have to wait until summer. We will solve problems as it gets warmer, since the snow in the Tub inside the bag can be stored for a long time, you just need to determine how much substance is consumed for one call.

I was pleased with the simplicity of weaving the call - no runes are required, the spell icon appears in the default shortcut slot, on demand. But the mana cost is high, and the re-call time is only after four hours. In addition, it is strongly not recommended to keep a snowman indoors - the entire floor will be stained with acid. And this muck is not laundered by anything. By the way, the snowman does not melt in the heat - a magical creature, he does not care about the laws of physics.

The life of the Reaper is about a day, after which it disincarnates without noticeable special effects: it simply disappears, like a turned off image. Together with it, the collected glacial acid disappears - a free endless source of valuable raw materials turned out to be zilch.

My collection of poisons in a gift skull box from a druid could have been replenished with a very worthy exhibit, but it was not lucky. But, remembering its existence, I finally decided to find out there - maybe I’ll find something interesting.

After experimenting with the etching assortment, in just half an hour I gained three more points of resistance to poisons (now their number was twenty-one). Only eight types of different poisons, one even in the form of a powder, with a persistent smell of almonds, inhaling which I immediately received fifty HP damage, after which I plugged it with a stopper and put it back, away from sin: God forbid, I spill it - no gas mask will help .

But the most interesting thing turned out to be in a modest flask, without an inscription, with a cloudy colorless liquid. Only half a hundred milligrams, but what:

ethereal toxin. Concentration: 400%.

I dropped it on my hand - I'm a super-resistant Herb, why should I be afraid, you ask?

And almost died. IN morally, of course, because for a day he was left without magic.

Aether Poison - 10 mana/sec. Action: 23 hours 59 minutes.

ethereal toxin. Concentration: 399%.

Ethereal Defense: +1(4). Magic Resistance: + 1(3).

The troubles didn't end there. I don't know how the shaman got wind of this potion, but all evening he was moaning that the spirits were very unhappy, and I was interfering with his meditation. Moreover, the shaman said all this without fully regaining consciousness, so he followed me for two hours on the heels of eyes closed and mumbled that his mental glitches were complaining about the ethereal pollution of the surroundings.

“They attacked the wrong person, write claims in writing, in three copies, and pass it through the press secretary,” without thinking twice, I appointed a hamster to this honorary position, because I feel they will not be left behind.

Oddly enough, it worked - apparently, the goblin's astral accomplices fell into a stupor and now comprehend the bureaucratic side of the universe.

In the meantime, taking advantage of the temporary respite, I quickly searched for where to use this dirty trick with benefit. For one should not pollute the ether too often - demons and spirits are vengeful, vindictive and very sophisticated in cursing and damaging karma. Since this happened, it is better to immediately investigate what I can do, writing off on inexperience and ignorance, and only then you can promise anything - for example, not to poison the astral with poisons in this area.

Going through the options with what to mix the novelty with and whom to poison with it, at first I planned to try the poison on plants and potions. However, when scrutiny I didn't find any suitable combination. It is necessary to try everything in a row, and this is undesirable - both the overspending of material and the dissatisfaction of the spirits are guaranteed. It is advisable to keep within two or three attempts, and do it quickly, otherwise disassembly of the highest spiritual level is guaranteed.

Based on these limitations, I decided to experiment on equipment in the hope of improving performance - after all, plants with highly likely will simply die uselessly. It remains to choose an item and treat it with a toxin. And here luck, born of patience and thoroughness of reflection, turned to me on the bright side.

There is a better option! Here they are, brothers - Drinker and Singer.

It is worth saying that two blades stood out from the rest of my assortment as a president and prime minister in the political horizon of the country. First, they were not identified. No characteristics, stats and explanations - like two pieces of wood from the forest. Secondly, the brothers categorically did not recognize the new owner. Even just holding them in your hands was impossible - they vibrated, if taken without a glove, they burned and hit with magic (they removed one HP per second), twitched and twisted out of your hands, like vipers caught by the tail.

And thirdly, the blades tried to cut anyone within a radius of several meters, in the absence of other targets, they eagerly stared at the new owner. At least when I tried to do a regular figure eight, Singer poked me on the leg. Fortunately, the defense survived, and I held the blow, being on my guard. After that, two steel relatives, possessed by demons, migrated to the bag completely and forever.

However, now their fate must change.

Well, what - who does not risk, he does not know what a mortgage in Biryulyovo is!

– AAA! - it kind of hurts. This demoniac blade pierced my hand almost to the bone; however, it seemed so with fright - there is a lot of blood, in fact, it passed on a tangent. And there is no magic to heal normally, I had to save myself with potions. It's a bad idea to poison the blade while holding it in your hand. Just one drop, and this metal viper seemed to go berserk. It seems that nothing good will come of this venture, and to hell with them - that's just insulting and painful, the thirst for revenge overwhelms my tender soul.

“You rejoice early, now the “response” will arrive,” I grin maliciously and generously splash out the ethereal toxin on the ungrateful brothers. Taught by bitter experience, I no longer hold them in my hands.

You have destroyed an epic item! Fame: - 1(15).

Artifact: +3(27). Tool repair: + 3(9). Weapon Repair: +3(9).

Experience: + 1500 (39 050/45 000).

You received new level: 23. Unallocated experience points: 20.

Acquired a set of Silent Blades (only used in pairs). Damage: 120-180 Bonus Damage: Poison 10 HP/sec (2 min). Wear: 666/666. Two-handed combat (skill) + 20. Requirements: Dexterity 65.

- Do-experimented, they say, - the mood that fell into the abyss decided not to stop and dig a grave at the bottom.

ethereal toxin. Concentration: 217%.

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