Monuments to Peter 1 in the world. In which cities of Russia is a monument to Peter the Great erected?


Where is the monument to Peter I? Description of the sights of Moscow. History of creation.

Address of the monument to Peter I: Russia, Moscow, Krymskaya embankment, 10.

The monument to Peter is a construction that is unique in its characteristics, almost ninety-eight meters high. The building is one of the tallest memorials on the planet and the tallest in Russian Federation. They worked on the design and construction of Peter for almost a year.

The frame part of the structure is made of stainless steel. It is worth noting that the ship itself, the sculpture of the king and the lower part of the monument were assembled in parts, after which they were installed on a pedestal. For cultural heritage countries used bronze of the highest quality. The scroll, which is in the king's hand, and the crosses on the banners were gilded. Needless to say, the monument offers tourists a truly majestic view.

The grandeur, uniqueness and comparative youth of the monument gathers a lot of controversy around it: for example, experts note that the object of controversy is an almost exact copy of the sculpture of Columbus, which the sculptor Zurab Tsereteli made for the celebration of the "500th anniversary of America", but could not sell.

The sailors of Russia are also pouring fire into the discussions. They express dissatisfaction with the work. In their opinion, the obelisk created by Lev Efimovich Kerbel more accurately personified the theme of the monument. Indeed, connoisseurs maritime history note that the Andreevsky pennant is not in its place; according to custom, it was hung out on the karma of the ship. Also, on the construction are decorated with St. Andrew's flag rasters, which were intended for ramming during an enemy attack and were not decorated with flags.

The sculpture caused a major public outcry among the residents of Moscow, which is due to the place where the object found its refuge. In the capital, mass actions were held against the bronze king with posters "You were not standing here." However, there is an opinion that such pickets were planned in advance, and discontent among the local population was fueled even before the monument was erected. Such an opinion is justified - for example, political strategist Marat Gelman believes that such sentiments around the first person of all Rus' were directed directly by the former mayor Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, and not at all for aesthetic reasons. Remarkably, after the resignation of Luzhkov, the controversy around the memorial subsided somewhat and has now completely disappeared. The decisive point in the discussions around the cultural heritage was put by Sergey Baidakov.

The inhabitants of the city are rather skeptical about the obelisk of the emperor. But, despite the skepticism of the population, the bronze Peter is one of the most significant and visited buildings of the capital. The flurry of indignation towards the sculpture aroused great interest among tourists. Today guests from different countries they rush to see this majestic building and capture themselves against its background.

Important information about the monument to Peter I in Moscow: opening hours, price, currency.

Working mode:

seven days a week

Ticket prices:

Free for all citizens.

View on the map the Monument to Peter I (how to get there):

Information: Russia, Moscow Monument to Peter I official site.

The memory of this great man is immortalized not only, but throughout Europe. The main reminder of the existence of this cult personality are majestic monuments, some of which deserve special attention. Below is a list that describes in detail - in which cities there are monuments to Peter I:

  1. « Bronze Horseman" in St. Petersburg. This is one of the oldest and world-famous monuments, the construction of which took more than ten years. The discovery of this famous monument took place on August 7 (18), 1782. It is located on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg. The monument received its eloquent name thanks to poem of the same name A.S. Pushkin, although it is actually made of bronze. The model of the magnificent commander was developed by the sculptor Etienne Falcone in 1768 - 1770. The head of the monument was created by the talented student of the sculptor, Marie Anne Collot. The snake, as conceived by Falcone, was created by Fyodor Gordeev. The casting took place under the watchful eye of master Vasily Ekimov and was completed in 1778. All other solutions and general leadership carried out by Yuri Felten.
  2. Equestrian monument on the territory of the Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg. It was cast in bronze Italian sculptor Bartolomeo Carlo Rastrelli, who created it during the lifetime of this great emperor. The construction was completed in 1747, but it was never installed in its place. Martelli later introduced own project, and finally it was erected on a pedestal only in 1800.
  3. Monument in Taganrog. The majestic sculpture of the talented master Mark Matveyevich Antokolsky, which was installed in 1903. This is the only copy now, which was cast under the close supervision of the master. It is one of the most significant and memorable in all Rostov region.
  4. Monument in Moscow "In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet." It was put on a pedestal in 1997 by official order of the Government of the capital on an artificially created island, poured at the separation of the Moscow River and the Vodootvodny Canal. One of the most impressive objects in Russia. Height - 98 meters, the height of the figure of Peter - 18 m. A unique building, the frame of which is made of durable steel, with hanging bronze elements of the cladding. Each of its parts was assembled separately. Bronze was used for this sculpture. top quality. The monument was inaugurated on September 5, 1997 as part of the All-Russian celebration of the 850th anniversary of the capital.
  5. Memorial figure in Sochi. Sculpture of the great Russian emperor rises above one of the most beautiful cities Krasnodar Territory- Sochi. The monument was opened on May 1, 2008 on the square near the shallow pier seaport. The height of this majestic bronze monument with a pedestal is approximately 5.5 m (the figure of the reformer tsar itself is 3.4 m), it was created at a factory in Minsk (Belarus). Weight - 5 tons. The project was sponsored by E. Kagosyan. The authors of the ingenious structure are sculptors from Sochi A. Butaev and V. Zvonov, they worked on the composition for four months.

  6. monument in Nizhny Novgorod. It was opened on September 24, 2014 opposite the Zachatievsky tower of the Kremlin. The authors of this building are Alexey Shchitov and Sergey Shorokhov. The sculpture was created from bronze. The total height of this structure is approximately 6.7 m. The monument to Peter is a life-size proud figure with an evil and menacing look.
  7. Statue in Voronezh. Created by Anton Schwartz and opened on August 30 back in 1860. At one time, it was one of the majestic monuments to Peter I. During the work, the death mask of Peter I was used. The authors carefully worked out everything the smallest details face and costume.
  8. Monument in Arkhangelsk. Placed in 1914 in Petrovsky Park and is a significant piece of art. The monument was built on the initiative of the Arkhangelsk Governor Ivan Vasilyevich Sosnovsky. It was cast according to the sketches of M.M. Antokolsky as a native nephew of the late sculptor in the French capital in 1909.
  9. Sculpture in the city of Tula. It is installed on Sovetskaya Street in front of the administration building of the Tula Arms Plant, the foundation of which is associated with the name of the first Russian emperor. Grand opening took place in 1912. The author is the famous Robert Romanovich Bach.

  10. Tsar carpenter on the Admiralteyskaya embankment in St. Petersburg. It was installed in 1996 according to the design of the sculptor Leopold Adolfovich Bernshtam.
  11. Monument in the city of Azov, Rostov region. It was installed in 1996 at the beginning of Petrovsky Boulevard. The very idea of ​​this monument was considered back in 1947, and it was then that the architects of Azov, who were developing the general plan of the city, intended to erect a monument to Peter I on the Market Square of the city (now III International Square). It was opened on July 19, 1996 during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. Located in the most beautiful part of Petrovsky Boulevard in front of Moskovskaya Street.

The historical value of the monuments dedicated to Peter I

The above indicates in which cities there are monuments that have the greatest historical value. Among them are the oldest ones, which were installed several centuries ago. Only one of them was created during the life of the great ruler, so it amazes with its rich history. The most talented sculptors who deserve attention worked on all of them.

    Astrakhan, Azov, Taganrog, St. Petersburg, Makhachkala, Poltava, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Tula, Kaliningrad, Petrozavodsk - these are just those that I know and remember.

    Indeed, as it was rightly said above, monuments to Peter I (for someone who is a tsar reformer, and someone considers him almost an antichrist) have been erected in dozens of cities in Europe and Asia.

    In addition to the above, I would like to say about the sculpture of the Russian emperor in Vyborg, designed and cast by famous master Leopold Adolfovich Bernshtam in 1910, in commemoration of the capture of the city by Russian troops.

    The history of the monument to Peter I, created by sculptors A. Butaev and V. Zvonov, and erected in 2008 in the city of Sochi, which, probably, was made in Minsk out of a deep sense of internationalism, is interesting.

    They did not forget about the Great Embassy and the young sergeant of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, Pyotr Mikhailov, who was interested in everything, and in Western Europe. For example, in Brussels, a bust of the king is installed directly in the royal park itself.

    And even in London famous sculptor Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin immortalized Peter I, on the banks of the Thames in Deptford, in the area where, according to historical sources the embassy stopped in 1698.

    Peter the Great - very significant figure in the history of Russia. He did a lot for us.

    For example, he built a fleet that Russia never had, brought potatoes from abroad.

    And this great ruler is famous for many other things.

    Where are the monuments to Peter 1 installed?

    1. Moscow.
    2. Saint Petersburg.
    3. Arkhangelsk.
    4. Nizhny Novgorod.
    5. Petrozavodsk.
    6. Taganrog.

    And in many other cities.

    Peter the Great is so great person And statesman that the monument can be considered a great honor for the city.

    There are many cities in Russia with monuments to the first emperor, they stand in St. Petersburg, Riga. Taganrog, Petrozavodsk and others. In 2014, a monument to Peter was erected in Nizhny Novgorod.

    There is a monument to the last Tsar of All Rus' and the first All-Russian Emperor Peter the Great in the city of Petrozavodsk, which was founded by Peter the Great. It is located in the center of Petrovsky Park.

    A monument to Peter the Great was also erected in Tula on Sovetskaya Street on April 28, 1912. The monument is located in front of the Arms Factory, which was built by order of the emperor.

    There is a monument to Peter on the territory Peter and Paul Fortress to the left of the central alley. It was opened in 1991. It was made in the image wax figure Peter the First of Winter Palace. The monument exactly repeats the pose and composition of the Wax Person.

    Peter the Great made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russia. Therefore, every city in Russia is fighting for the right to be decorated with a monument that would praise the Sovereign of All Rus'.

    Honored such cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Astrakhan, Voronezh, Petrozavodsk, Tula, Taganrog, Samara, Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad.

    The Bronze Horseman monument was presented by Catherine II.

    Peter, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russia, is not forgotten there. Only in St. Petersburg, in addition to the most famous Bronze Horseman, who is immediately remembered when answering this question, about 14 monuments were erected to him. The monument in Moscow (sculptor Tsereteli) is very famous. In Russia there are many more monuments in many cities and even villages: in Taganrog, Kronstadt, Vyborg, Nizhny Novgorod, Sochi, Voronezh, Arkhangelsk.

    Probably the most famous monument to Peter the Great today stands in Moscow and is dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, this imposing monument has been on the screen for more than 15 years:

    Undoubtedly, everyone knows the monument to Peter in St. Petersburg, after all, it is both a symbol of the city and even a symbol of Lenfilm, a film studio that has been giving us its wonderful films for more than a century. Another name for this monument is the Bronze Horseman immortalized by Pushkin in his famous poem.

    In 2014, the monument to the emperor, erected in Arkhangelsk, turned one hundred years old in commemoration of the merits of Peter the Great before the formation of this city:

    There are monuments to Peter the Great in Kaliningrad, Kirov, Voronezh, Samara, Makhachkala and many other cities. Even Antwerp did not stand aside and immortalized the great Russian emperor:

    There are many monuments to Peter 1 in different cities Russia and beyond. Narpimer: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Tula, Arkhangelsk, Samara, Azov, Kaliningrad Makhachkala, Petrozavodsk, Astrakhan, there is a monument in Poltava and other cities.

    Peter the First is pretty famous person and there are quite a few monuments to him throughout Russia. Monuments to the Great Sovereign are installed in the following cities:


    Saint Petersburg.


    Nizhny Novgorod.



    There are a lot of monuments to Peter the Great in Russia. From what I managed to find, I will list the following cities - St. Petersburg, Moscow, Azov, Astrakhan, Petrozavodsk, Voronezh, Tula, Taganrog, Lipetsk, Samara, Poltava. Makhachkala, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad.

    Lipetsk, Voronezh, Moscow, Tula, Kaliningrad, Sochi, Minsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, London.

The monument "In commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet" is also known as a monument to Peter I. A ship with the figure of Peter was placed on a huge pedestal. It is located not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on an artificial island at the point of separation of the Vodootvodny Canal and the Moscow River itself. It was installed in 1997, the opening took place on September 5, 1997 as part of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

Zurab Tsereteli created it by order of the Government of Moscow, although before that it was planned a year earlier for the 300th anniversary Russian Fleet put up a monument according to the sketch of Academician Lev Kerbel, and opposite the Tretyakov Gallery. However, the Moscow authorities considered Tsereteli's project more promising.

This monument is the highest in Russia, and in the world sculptural monuments above not so much. The total height reaches 98 meters. However, the public perceived such a huge monument, and even located in this place, negatively. Nevertheless, the monument simply cannot but attract the attention of those who get acquainted with the sights of the capital.

Engineering structure made of different materials and collected piecemeal. The main material is high-quality bronze, which has been sandblasted, patinated and opened with protective wax and varnish. The pedestal is a stainless steel frame decorated with bronze cladding. The ship and the figure of Peter itself were also separate elements, which were then mounted on a pedestal. The ship's shrouds are also made of stainless steel. But the sails are made by punching copper to reduce the weight of the structure. Some elements like the scroll in the hands of Peter and St. Andrew's crosses on the flags are gilded. By the way, St. Andrew's flags are mobile and play the role of weathercocks.

The artificial island itself, on which the monument is located, is not just a reinforced concrete foundation, but a composition with fountains, which should give the impression that the ship is really cutting through the water.

In the monument, experts indicate a number of inaccuracies from the point of view of maritime history, they did not take into account the wishes to see busts of famous naval commanders inside, and depict the statue of Peter I in the form of a military sailor of the 18th century. The monument was repeatedly proposed to be dismantled, they even tried to blow it up.

Folk names, toponyms

  1. Monument to Peter I

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In many cities of Russia you can find monuments and sculptures dedicated to famous people of our country, who not only, for example, visited this or that city, but also had a great influence on its development. One of such people for Lipetsk was Peter I. It was thanks to him that iron-smelting and iron-working plants appeared in the city, where, among other things, guns were made. With their help, the Swedes near Poltava were defeated. In addition, mineral springs were discovered by Peter, and since then Lipetsk has become one of the oldest resorts in our country.

Monument to Peter I in Lipetsk

The monument in honor of the great emperor in Lipetsk appeared in 1996. With the advent of the monument, the area on which it was installed, local residents became known as Petrovskaya. IN 2003 the city administration decided to officially rename Karl Marx Square to Peter I Square. The construction of the monument itself was carried out in the most short time. The authors of this work were sculptors Klykov V.M. and Vagner A.E., and the architect was Soshnikov S.A.

The facing of the monument is made of local stone - dolomite. The olive of the monument itself also took place in the city at the Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works. The statue of Peter is 5.6 meters high and weighs about 27 tons. Peter I appears to the residents and guests of the city as a man walking confidently towards new discoveries in the city and carrying a scroll in his hand. The column under the monument is decorated with the Russian coat of arms and figures in the form of mermaids.

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