We draw an icon with a simple pencil. Anatomy to the rescue


Icons are painted images of various saints. Icons adorn all churches and temples. The parishioners pray to the saints on the icons, asking for their urgent needs. Correctly draw icons are taught in special art schools. You can try to learn how to draw the icon of the Virgin with the baby Jesus Christ, which we will do in this lesson.

Stage 1. Draw an oval on the entire sheet of paper. In it we begin to draw the outlines of the figure of the Virgin: we show the line of the play, neck, head and face.

Stage 2. Then, near the head of the Virgin, we outline the contours of the head of the baby Jesus, his body, arms and legs.

Stage 3. Draw the details of the face. Beautiful nose, clear eyebrows, eyes, mouth. Around the head we complement the lines of the bedspread, it falls from the head to the neck and then to the shoulders. We draw these lines very smooth and gentle. The baby also shows a neat nose and mouth.

Stage 4. Now very milestone in drawing an icon. This is the drawing of the eyes. Special attention is paid to the eyes of the saints. They are always drawn very expressive, looking at the person standing in front of him from whichever side you look. We draw the eyes of the Virgin Mary very beautiful, almond-shaped with clear pupils. Jesus also has enough big eyes with a childishly serious expression. Eyebrows slightly shifted to the bridge of the nose.

Stage 5. We decorate the cover of the Virgin. We draw beautiful patterns in the strip above the forehead. We will also add patterns to the neckline and slightly behind the neck. Draw wavy lines along the baby's hair.

Stage 6. Draw a circle around the head of the Virgin - a designation of her belonging to the face of saints. The baby Jesus also has a circle around the head in which cruciform lines intersect. We finish drawing his handle, looking out into the slit of the clothes. On the legs we will add a few strokes imitating blood streaks.

Stage 8. Let's add lines on the clothes of the saints.

Stage 9. The black and white version of the icon turned out like this:

Stage 10. The icon can be colored in the same way as we did. Try and you will get a hand-drawn icon.

At all times, man was looking for a patron, because he considered himself unworthy to know all the highest truths on his own. As soon as inexplicable things were announced, deities of various categories and weights were attributed to them, up to those who consciously wanted to either kill a person or protect him. This went on for centuries, inexplicable things became less and less, people became more cunning and smarter, but the need for higher beings did not disappear so easily, because not every person finds a way out on his own. Yes we are talking about religion and we will learn how to draw an icon with a pencil. The icon is a way of preserving all the holiness of the dead saints. Miraculously, the image of a more or less similar holy person affects the level of holiness of the picture, some of them crying blood, which is considered very a good sign and requires careful study, others periodically help people, sometimes not, for all the will of God. There is no secret drawing technique, exactly the same as the material. In addition, the antiquity and period of existence of an ordinary icon openly affects the level of its holiness.

On the one hand, Christianity has nothing to do with paganism. But a strange thing happens. Praying for a picture is the same as praying for any other thing. And worship things, this is already contrary to religion itself. Yes, God is implied there, but it was a man who painted the picture. And it consists of materials purchased on the market, or in an online store. In addition, anyone can take the tools and draw their own icon. Will she be the same saint?

I, perhaps, do not know this, and it is not my task to get to the bottom of the matter. So I'd rather tell you what I know for sure. This is a serious drawing and very difficult to draw, so follow these steps:

How to draw an icon with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you need to carefully draw the necessary forms of people, mother and child in their arms, with halos above their heads. Step two. Now carefully outline the features of the faces and a sketch of the clothes.

Step three. Now draw long hair, work on the elements of the face and the folds on the clothes. Step four. If everything worked out for you, then it remains only to clear the entire drawing from auxiliary lines with an eraser and slightly correct the lines. Add shadows. In addition to icons, you can draw more.

Complete collection and description: prayer hand drawing in pencil for the spiritual life of a believer.

Icons are painted images of various saints. Icons adorn all churches and temples. The parishioners pray to the saints on the icons, asking for their urgent needs. To draw icons correctly is taught in special art schools. You can try to learn how to draw the icon of the Virgin with the baby Jesus Christ, which we will do in this lesson.

Stage 1. Draw an oval on the entire sheet of paper. In it we begin to draw the outlines of the figure of the Virgin: we show the line of the play, neck, head and face.

How to draw a hand, palm?

The hand is the hardest to draw. What are the rules for drawing hands?

It is very easy to draw a child's hand-cam. In fact, we simply take a circle as a basis and draw fingers in it. The baby's hand turns out to be very pretty, plump.

a little more hand you can draw like this. For the palm, we use a blank - a circle. Next, draw from a circle of different lengths (like fingers) straight lines in the amount of five pieces. Then we add volume to the fingers and palms with additional lines. You can look at your hand to accurately convey the shape of the fingers and palm.

Of course, there is also a very simple option for creating a pen / palm. We put, for example, a children's pen on a landscape sheet and circle it with a pencil. Next, remove the pen and draw lines in the palm of your hand (each has its own). You can dilute pink paint with orange and color the picture.

The geometry of the drawing is very important, which cannot be explained on the fingers - it is instilled only with experience.

If we need a whole arm, starting from the shoulder, such a drawing scheme will come in handy.

We proceed to the detailed drawing and the imposition of shadows. The hand is shown separately:

Here are the hands in action, very lively sketches:

And here is a step-by-step explanation for the drawing, which depicts a palm in full face and profile:

And here are the most diverse positions of the hands (for me personally, the most difficult thing is to draw hands clasped in a lock, because all ten fingers are visible at the same time and it is very incorrect to depict them as different, you need to work more carefully on the ratio and size):

How to draw a hand with a pencil, I will now tell you in detail, and I will show you. It is not so difficult. But what can I say, for starters, look at your brush. Die her, wiggle your fingers in different sides, take a closer look at the hands, and then start drawing the hands.

When depicting hands, one should always sketch parallel lines-arcs. It is they who will help you draw evenly hands and fingers.

To correctly draw a human hand, you need to know the anatomy. Without knowledge of anatomy, you will not get a "real" hand. It will look like it was carved from a tree, but not like a living one.

Start small. I suggest to look detailed master class how to draw a hand, human hand. It details all 5 stages of drawing.

And final result:

Draw a hand or palm it is not so easy that it really looks like a hand. This part human body has many joints thanks to the fingers, as a result of which the hand can take a different "pose".

I offer one option out of many possible, which I personally liked:

To draw a hand, you need to know its anatomy. I suggest you practice by drawing pictures of hands. Here is a woman's hand in different positions.

And here various options male hand:

I think that looking at the drawings, drawing a hand will not be very difficult - the main thing is to practice more.

Such an important part of the human body is quite easy to draw, especially if you draw in stages. First you need to sketch out the "skeleton" of the hand, then draw the fingers and lines on the hands, using hatching to give them a real look. This is what it should ideally look like:

I always, as far as I can remember, liked to draw the palms and hands of a person. All my school notebooks were painted with these drawings. For a phased detailed drawing human hand I can suggest the following:

Lots of options. For now, I'll post this diagram, and then I'll somehow add the rest of the options, angles, views, forms, and so on. In general, try to copy and nature, it's difficult, but if you learn, you will be happy.

How to draw a person's palm or his hand is pretty easy. The main thing here is to observe the edges and sizes of the fingers. You can look at the picture in more detail and thoroughly in order to draw a picture without problems.

How to draw a hand with a pencil step by step?

Painting like great artists is not given to everyone. But you can learn to draw if you make an effort.

A lot can be said about a person by their hands. It is very difficult to depict them on paper. But the task of how to draw a hand can be solved with work and diligence.

Anatomy to the rescue

A complex system is the human body. The hands alone consist of several dozen elements. And in order to draw them correctly, you need to know the structure of the hands. Conventionally, the hands can be divided into three main parts: the wrist, metacarpus and fingers.

  • The wrist is the part of the hands closest to the forearm. It is responsible for the movement of the brush, but all its elements work as a whole.
  • The pastern is the widest part of the hand - the palm.
  • The fingers are mobile due to the phalanges. Four fingers (index, middle, ring and little fingers) have 3 phalanges, but the thumb consists of only two phalanges.

Knowing the basics of anatomy will allow you to correctly draw the hands in stages, so that they turn out to be “talking”.

It will be easier to draw if, while sketching, you decide what the subject of the image looks like - something simple, even primitive. Agree that the human hand is similar to a shovel, not only in appearance, but also in functionality? With this, you can start a sketch - draw a contour similar to a shovel: the wrist is the stalk of a shovel, and the contour of the palm with fingers is its canvas. It is difficult to immediately decide how to draw a hand with a pencil in stages, which is why it is worth starting with an elementary sketch.

The key is proportions.

In order to correctly and beautifully draw any object or detail, it is necessary to observe proportions - the ratio different parts together. This rule also applies to the image of a person.

So, how to draw a hand? We start by determining the correct proportions. The ratio of the length of the metacarpus and fingers is on average 1:1. Naturally, this ratio different people will vary slightly, because someone has long fingers, and someone does not. But on average, the proportions will be equivalent.

Depending on the length of the fingers, the contour of the palm will be either more elongated or square. With thin lines (even before drawing the hand), draw the outline of the brush according to the proportions. The thumb does not fit into the overall silhouette, it is always somewhat away from the other four “brothers”.

Draw fingers

The fingers are mobile and flexible due to their articular structure, each of the three or two phalanges, if we are talking about the thumb, is attached to each other with the help of joints and tendons. The bones of the phalanges, located one after the other, become shorter and thinner, so the fingers gradually become thinner.

Ideally, each phalanx is 2/3 the length of the previous one. These proportions are called the golden ratio - it is perceived by the eye as the most perfect.

Again, when drawing details, you need to make allowances for individual characteristics- not every person's hands have harmonious proportions. It should also be remembered that the fingers are not the same in length: the longest finger is the middle, index and ring fingers are approximately the same and shorter than the middle finger, the smallest are the little finger and thumb. Although the big one is rather the thickest. Its length corresponds to the length of the little finger.

Lines are the basis of certainty

Before you draw a human hand, analyze again what parts the hand consists of. Remember that the contours of the palm and fingers, taking on concrete forms in the drawing, become more and more rounded. For example, the line connecting the fingers and the palm has the shape of an arc, as well as the contour of the brush itself - different length fingers allows you to get a semicircle when drawing fingers squeezed together. The thumb is somewhat turned in relation to the rest of the palm, its contour will not be straight, but somewhat rounded.

Small details matter

We sketched out the contour of the palm, then we begin to deal with the details. So, how to draw a hand reliably? This is not possible without drawing small parts- folds, thickenings, fold lines, the contour of the nail plate on each finger. These seemingly minor touches will make the drawing more realistic.

Let's start with the fold lines on the fingers. As already mentioned, the wrist, palm and fingers are made up of many elements. They allow the fingers to perform the functionality for which they are given to a person. How to draw a hand so that it looks as natural as possible? With the help of drawing all the nuances. In places where the bones are connected by joints, there will definitely be folds both from the inside and from outside palms. If the hand is drawn from the inside, it is necessary to draw the so-called “life lines” - deep enough grooves in the places where the joints of the palm work.

Each finger at the end is protected by a fingernail - a hard plate that must be drawn for realism. The nail plate is another important element in solving the problem of how to draw a hand. Nails may have different shape- from elongated almond-shaped to almost square.

Fingers indicate a person's age. Children's fingers are rounded, with a uniform thinning along the entire length. How older man becomes, the more clearly traces of time appear on the hands. For example, in older people, the thickness of the fingers will be uneven - the joints become more and more swollen with age, many years of work and illness affect. Also, the joints are very visible in thin people.

How to draw a hand in different positions?

Hands not only gradually participate in the conversation, but often they themselves serve as a “language”, for example, in sign language. Palms and fingers will clearly tell what a person is thinking in this moment time, what mood he has, what he does. How to draw a hand so that it truthfully reveals all the secrets?

Always when depicting the human body, it is necessary to rely on the basics of anatomy. Hands are no exception. The size of the fist, for example, is determined by the length of the bones of the metacarpus and fingers. And the rule of the golden section will be important in any position of the fingers, even clenched into a fist. When drawing an open palm, special attention should be paid to drawing the lines of the metacarpus and slightly bent fingers.

And how to draw a hand on the side? In this case, it will be important to draw the viewer's attention to the fact that from the back the palm and fingers will be drawn in almost straight lines, but from the inside, both the fingers and the palm itself have pads, which must be drawn round, smooth lines.

Step by step drawing human hands, with a systematic transition from a sketch to drawing small details, however, like any other object, it will allow you to get a realistic drawing.

Draw hands

This is enough difficult lesson, so it may take a lot of effort for you to repeat it. If the first time you didn’t manage to draw hands, don’t despair and try again. Try your best to complete this lesson. If, nevertheless, it doesn’t work out, you can try to complete the lesson “How to draw a spider”. But I believe that you will succeed.

What you need

In order to draw hands, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Different parts of the body and human organs should be drawn with a certain degree of realism. This is required academic drawing. Also, he strongly recommends drawing hands from nature or, in extreme cases, from a photograph. This is the only way to achieve high realism and elaboration.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “Drawing a fish”. It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

All complex drawings must be created with forward thinking and vision. The subject should not only be a form on a sheet. You must draw it in volume, that is, creating from simple geometric bodies as if they are on top of each other: here is a ball on a cube, and here are two balls side by side. Of these primitive forms and consists of everything living and non-living on earth.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the second half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

Well-drawn hands always ennoble the whole illustration as a whole. Some artists specifically include hands in their subjects.

Most important fact- the fact that the hands are concave from the side of the palm and convex from the back. The bulges are so arranged around the circumference of the palm that you can even hold liquid in it. hand served primitive man cup, and by cupping his two palms together, he was able to eat food that he could not hold with his fingers alone. large muscle thumb- one of the most important in the brush. This muscle, in interaction with the muscles of other fingers, provides a grip so strong that it allows you to keep your own weight in a suspended state. This powerful muscle can hold a club, a bow, a spear. We can say that the existence of animals depends on the muscles of their jaws, and the existence of man depends on his hands.

It is worth paying attention to the powerful tendon attached to the base of the hand and how the tendons of the fingers are grouped on the back of the hand. These tendons can control both all fingers together, and each individually. The muscles that pull these tendons are located on the forearm. Luckily for the artist, the tendons are mostly hidden from view. In children and young people, the tendons on the back of the hand are not visible, but become more visible with age.

The bones and tendons on the back of the hand are close to the surface, but those around the palm and inside the fingers are hidden from view. There is a pad at the base of each finger. It protects the bones lying inside and creates a grip with the object being held.

Next important thing- This is a curved arrangement of fingertips and knuckles. Two fingers lie on both sides of a line drawn through the middle of the palm. The tendon of the middle finger bisects the back of the hand. Also important is the fact that the thumb moves at right angles to the movement of the other fingers. The knuckles are located slightly in front of the folds below them on the inside of the palm. Pay attention to the curves along which the knuckles are located and that the curve gets steeper the closer the knuckles are to the fingertips.

The middle finger is the key finger that determines the length of the palm. The length of this finger to the joint is slightly more than half the length of the palm. The width of the palm is slightly more than half of its length on the inside. Forefinger almost level with the base of the nail of the middle finger. ring finger almost the same length as the index. The tip of the little finger is almost on the same level with the last joint of the ring finger.

The figure shows how to correctly determine the position of the palm cavity. Also notice the curve of the back of the hand. Hands will not look natural, capable of grasping until the artist has mastered these details. The hands in the figure are depicted as if they were holding some kind of object. The loud sound of applause is produced by a sharp compression of air between the hollows of the two palms. Poorly drawn hands will look incapable of applauding.

Women's hands differ from men's mainly in that they have smaller bones, less pronounced muscles and a large roundness of the planes. If middle finger make the size at least half the length of the palm, the hand will be more graceful and feminine. Long fingers, oval in shape, add charm.

Children's hands - on their own good exercise in drawing. The main difference from adult hands is that the palm is much thicker compared to small fingers. The muscles of the thumb and the base of the palm are very voluminous, even small children can support their own weight. The knuckles on the back of the hand are hidden by the flesh and visible through the dimples. The base of the palm is completely surrounded by folds; it is much thicker than the pads under the fingers.

Hands of children and teenagers

The proportions are basically the same. Aged elementary school the difference between the hand of a boy and a girl is small, but in youth there are big changes. The boy's arm is larger and stronger, showing the development of bones and muscles. Girls' bones remain smaller, so they never develop as big knuckles as boys. The base of the palms also develops more in boys, in girls it is much softer and smoother. In boys, the nails, as well as the fingers, are slightly wider.

Children's hands are a cross between the hands of a baby and the hands of a teenager. This means that the muscles of the thumb and the base of the palm are proportionately thicker than in an adult, but thinner in comparison to the fingers than in an infant. Fingers in relation to the palm are the same as in adults. The arm as a whole is smaller, slightly fuller, dimpled, and the knuckles are certainly more rounded.

Old people's hands

Having mastered the design of hands, you will enjoy drawing the hands of older people. In fact, they are easier to draw than the hands of young people, because the anatomy and construction of the hand is more noticeable. The fundamentals of the design are still the same, but the fingers are getting thicker, the joints are bigger, the knuckles are protruding more strongly. The skin becomes wrinkled, but this wrinkling needs to be emphasized only in a close-up view.

Drawings of hands in painting

It's not hard to guess whose pens they are 🙂

In terms of colors, it is worth noting that the fingers and palms are slightly redder than the general skin tone of the hands.

The material was collected from various sources.

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At all times, man was looking for a patron, because he considered himself unworthy to know all the highest truths on his own. As soon as inexplicable things were announced, deities of various categories and weights were attributed to them, up to those who consciously wanted to either kill a person or protect him. This went on for centuries, inexplicable things became less and less, people became more cunning and smarter, but the need for higher beings did not disappear so easily, because not every person finds a way out on his own. Yes, we are talking about religion, and we will learn how to draw an icon with a pencil. The icon is a way of preserving all the holiness of the dead saints. Miraculously, the image of a more or less similar holy person affects the level of holiness of the picture, some of them cry blood, which is considered a very good sign and requires careful study, others periodically either help people or not, for all the will of God. There is no secret drawing technique, exactly the same as the material. In addition, the antiquity and period of existence of an ordinary icon openly affects the level of its holiness.

On the one hand, Christianity has nothing to do with paganism. But a strange thing happens. Praying for a picture is the same as praying for any other thing. And worship things, this is already contrary to religion itself. Yes, God is implied there, but it was a man who painted the picture. And it consists of materials purchased on the market, or in an online store. In addition, anyone can take the tools and draw their own icon. Will she be the same saint?

I, perhaps, do not know this, and it is not my task to get to the bottom of the matter. So I'd rather tell you what I know for sure. This is a serious drawing and very difficult to draw, so follow these steps:

How to draw an icon with a pencil step by step

Step one. First you need to carefully draw the necessary forms of people, mother and child in their arms, with halos above their heads. Step two. Now carefully outline the features of the faces and a sketch of the clothes. Step three. Now draw long hair, work on the elements of the face and the folds on the clothes. Step four. If everything worked out for you, then it remains only to clear the entire drawing from auxiliary lines with an eraser and slightly correct the lines. Add shadows. In addition to icons, you can draw more.

Art is an integral sphere of human activity. The formation of the whole society as a whole and each individual in particular depends on the level of its development. As you know, the purpose of art is the aesthetic knowledge of the external world. For this, art takes various forms, involves different manners and styles. This is necessary in order to fully convey the thoughts, emotions and feelings of people on canvas or paper. To this end, art cannot do without the creation of an artistic image.

All types visual arts have their own characteristics and unique features. One of them is iconography.

Video tutorial "How to draw an icon"

Icon painting technique

Experts say that not everyone can master the technique of icon painting thoroughly. This is its originality and uniqueness. The sequence of creating an icon has been going on since ancient times. Thus, the icon painter draws inspiration and at the same time the very principle of drawing from previous generations sacred works of the masters. First of all, the traditions of the ancestors are steadily observed by novice icon painters. It should be noted that at some point you can deviate from a number of methods, but at the same time you must not forget that the image of the icon and the sequence of its construction should reflect the ancient traditions of icon painting.

Each icon - experts emphasize - cannot do without four parts - layers.

The base is a piece of canvas or a shield made of a wooden board. Soil or gesso will make up the second layer. Directly painting begins when creating the penultimate layer.

It is important to note that colorful materials for drawing an image can be prepared both from natural egg emulsion and from artificial.

The final layer not only puts an end to the image, but, above all, protects the icon from external influences. At the end, the image of the icon is covered with a thin film of hardened vegetable oil. Accordingly, the work on the icon is divided into four long stages.

Traditions of prominent icon painters

Modern icon painters make icons from the most different materials. But under no circumstances should we deviate from historical technology. This violates all existing canons.

To draw an icon you will need:

  • board;
  • priming;
  • tempera paints;
  • skin glue;
  • brushes of different thickness;
  • gauze;
  • sandpaper.

It is important that the board is even and well dried. It is best to use a lime board for work. In extreme cases, you can use coniferous, spruce or cypress trees. If desired, a board of the desired size can be assembled from small fragments. This lesson should be approached with all responsibility so that the pieces of material do not differ too much from each other. Otherwise, bulges will appear on the icon.

The recess should be in the very center of the icon. In this place, as a rule, the face of the saints is depicted. In order to avoid the appearance of depressions and protrusions, it is advisable to rub the image well with sandpaper.

Creating an icon requires remarkable knowledge in the field of fine arts, as well as relevant artistic skills. Before engaging in icon painting, you need to properly study the available techniques of this type of art. In addition, it would not be superfluous to find out all the nuances about the materials that make up the icon.

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