Spicy moments in sports.


British writer Erica Leonard James has topped the list of the highest paid writers, according to Forbes magazine. Author of the acclaimed book 50 Shades of Grey. Last year earned nearly $100 million. Probably the secret of its success is that the book is often downloaded on electronic media so that you can read an erotic novel in in public places without fear of sidelong glances. And of course in in large numbers explicit scenes! Artistic value The novel has been called into question more than once, but there are more than enough piquant moments that can bring anyone into the paint! We chose the most daring "shades of gray".

1. "Do you know what I'm going to do with you now?" he adds, stroking my chin. Somewhere inside, in the dark depths, my muscles clench with sweet languor.
2. “So nice,” he whispers, and grasping my fingers tightly, he starts moving my hand up and down. His breathing becomes uneven, and when he looks at me again, I see molten lead in his eyes. - Clever girl.
3. I put a piece of omelet in my mouth, but I don't feel the taste. "Continue learning!" "I want @@@ in your mouth!" Is this also included in the program?
4. Dropping down, I swallow it deeper. Ha! My inner goddess rejoices. I will do it.

His breathing becomes uneven, and when he looks at me again, I see molten lead in his eyes.

5. He kisses my neck. I tilt my head to the side to give him more space. Sitting down, Christian slowly pulls my jeans and panties off my legs.
6. With a groan, I arch my back. Christian squeezes and gently pulls on his nipples, causing them to swell. I look in amazement at the lust-ridden harlot in the mirror. Oh how good!
7. Putting his hand between my legs, he pulls on the blue thread ... Oh no! Christian carefully removes the tampon and tosses it into the nearest toilet. Oh mother of God...
8. Christian leans down and slowly runs the tip of the glass over my forehead, my nose - it smells of expensive, well-dressed leather - and over parted lips, from which heavy breathing escapes. He sticks the whip in my mouth and I can taste it.

9. I gasp for air and squeeze my fingers lightly. Christian smirks, “I want to be in you. Take off my jeans. You are in command."
10. "Please don't hit me," I whisper pleadingly. He furrows his brows, widens his eyes, blinks a couple of times.
11. The dress barely covers my bare bottom. With a swift movement, Christian slips his hand between my legs, his finger slowly entering me. With his other hand, he holds me tightly around the waist. I can barely contain a groan.
12. His tongue knows no mercy, persistent and domineering. It moves in circles, over and over again, without stopping. Pleasure borders on pain.
13. Strikes along the thighs, short biting blows to the pubis, to the legs, and again to the torso, again along the thighs. The beats don't stop until the music reaches a climax. She suddenly breaks off. The whip also freezes.

Professional sports is a very hard work that requires appropriate physical training and special skills. But even such a serious matter does not exclude funny and piquant moments in sports.

Carried away by what they love, athletes forget about how they look and, not controlling their facial expressions and gestures, create funny topics for discussion.

During the moments of the competition, the athletes themselves, without expecting it and not wanting it, can demonstrate their bare part of the body or make completely inappropriate movements and actions. TV presenters look forward to such interesting moments to discuss it on show programs.

Gillian Cook, a British athlete and famous among bobsledders, was caught at the most piquant moment. At the next competition during swaying movements, the elastic jumpsuit burst on the athlete in the most frank place and showed the buttocks of the athlete. However, this did not bother her a bit and, together with her partner, as if nothing had happened, continued the competition.

Swimmer Flavia Zoccari found herself in a similar piquant situation. During the ski jump, her swimsuit came apart at the seams.
A curious incident took the Russian figure skater Ekaterina Rubleva by surprise. During the dance on ice, the strap of the dress fell off and exposed the chest of the athlete. An attempt to cover the chest and at the same time continue skating was not successful. The chairmen of the jury did not appreciate this kind of striptease.
Figure skater Gabriella Papadix managed to get out of a similar situation with Olympic bronze. She rode the entire dance bare-chested. This, of course, distracted her partner, but it did not stop her from finishing the dance beautifully.

Japanese speed skater Miho Takagi shocked fans and spectators with her appearance. The young athlete went out for a ride on the ice in a completely transparent suit, under which only a thong was worn.
Football player Nikki Lenius, during his next football match was going to score. But the enemy, wanting to prevent this, accidentally pulled off his shorts.
Baseball player Freddie Flintoff was also the victim of funny moments. His pants failed great joy from victory and broke.

The festival in Pamplona did not pass without consequences. El Cid, the Spanish matador, had his pants torn by a bull, right in the crotch area.
Russian skater Olga Graf, in a moment of joy that she brought bronze to Russia, did not notice at all how a victorious sigh with her whole chest tore her overalls. The athlete did not even immediately remember that under him she was without clothes.
Blake Shinn on horse racing showed more than it was worth. Active races, as a rule, do not carry curiosities with clothes. However, the athlete managed to lose his pants.

Chinese woman Chen Ruolin lost the bottom of her swimsuit during the water games championship.
Stephanie Gilmore, a famous female surfer, often likes to ride bare-chested.
Bobsleigher Christopher Spring, in front of many fans, showed up in a very tight suit. He overestimated the strength of his suit, and after a while, his full tummy pecked into a torn seam.
Kerry Walsh Jennsing, playing beach volleyball, lost her shorts more than once during the game.

Rosa Mendes, professional wrestler. Her opponents never managed to hit her on the nose, but they easily exposed her buttocks.
American speed skaters confused everyone with their new form. Fabric inserts, located right on the inside of the thighs, strongly focused on the female intimate place, which made it very difficult for outside observers to concentrate.


australian aborigines- wars, instead of the usual handshake for us, friendliness is demonstrated with a slightly different gesture, namely, by touching the penis of your interlocutor.

Northern Kamchatka
Until now, in the remote villages of Northern Kamchatka, a centuries-old tradition of copulation of a guest with the wife of the owner of the house has been preserved. Moreover, for the sake of the consent of the guest, the woman is ready for anything, as this is considered a great honor. And, if after the act a woman becomes pregnant, then at all, good luck and happiness will be to this house and the whole village.

In order to get married, a Tibetan girl must have at least a dozen sexual partners on her account.

Here, the number of sexual relations of the bride is not particularly important, but at the same time, she must have at least two children.

Germany, as well as many other European countries, is famous for the promiscuity of sexual relations between people. The following German custom is especially interesting: when the Cologne festival takes place, passers-by quite seriously offer each other to have sex and have it, sometimes without even getting to know each other.

Local customs force the bride to marry a virgin, and before the girl is admitted to her fiancé, she has to go through the rite of deflowering with a stone knife. The ceremony is performed by the groom's friends, who can practice with him for another three days. future wife your friend for sex. Then, the “happy” newlywed goes to other men of the tribe and, only after them, to her lawful spouse.

South Africa
The men of the local tribes, fearing to bear offspring in the form of twins, who here are a type of sin and the most terrible curses cut out one testicle. In other matters, as you know, the servants of the harems of the East - eunuchs, subject themselves to a more terrible execution - absolute castration.

Other African tribes, force the representatives of the stronger sex to undergo a certain test before the wedding. Namely, to have sex with the mother of the bride, as many times as needed, in order to prove their worth. True, before that they undergo a mandatory inspection (in literally words: teeth, body, and so on) in front of his future father-in-law.

Central Africa: the Shilluk tribe
The leader of the tribe has the right to marry the most beautiful girls even if there are more than a hundred of them. But, God forbid, his wives start a conversation about the fact that their husband - the leader does not satisfy them. In this case, the poor fellow is threatened not only with overthrow from his honorary post, but also with death in terrible agony, because, as the Shilluk belief says, an impotent person cannot betray the power of fertility to the earth and the barnyard.

Brazil: Jerusalem artichoke Indians
Local tribes believe that women only like the huge size of the genitals, and therefore, these same organs are bitten by the most poisonous snakes (for swelling and enlargement)

Micronesia: the Panape tribe
To excite women, bites of stinging ants are used.

Japan and Korea
Since ancient times and still, to enhance passion, Japanese and Korean women use their “crown” technique - a prick of the groin with a golden needle.

18 sexy photos most beautiful women XX century.

Each era has its own standards of beauty. What was considered fashionable in the twentieth century is now irrelevant. This applies to the manner of dressing, applying makeup, doing hair, etc. external attributes female attractiveness.

But there is still inner beauty - magnetism. If a woman has it, she is beautiful.

And it doesn’t matter what year is outside the window and what trends are dictated by fashion.

The girls who became style icons of the last century definitely possessed magnetism. We invite you to verify this by viewing our selection of photos. If someone met any of them on the street now, he would not be able to take his eyes off, despite the fact that these young ladies are not at all like our contemporaries.

Britt Ekland

Swedish actress and fashion model. This is the Bond girl from the ninth film about the superspy "The Man with the Golden Gun".

Raquel Welch

In 1980 Playboy magazine named American actress"Most Desirable Woman of the 1970s".

Julie Newmar

The actress became famous for her role as Catwoman in the television series Batman, which was filmed in the 1960s.

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Jean Shrimpton

The girl became one of the first supermodels in the world and a style icon of swinging London.

Marilyn Monroe

The actress at the beginning of her career, before trying on the image of a blonde.

Jane Fonda

Direct relationship with Henry Fonda has already made her famous. And beauty and talent brought the actress two Oscars.

Natalie Wood

American actress, three-time Oscar nominee.

Brigitte Bardot

She gained popularity the main role in the film And God Created Woman.

Debbie Harry

Leader of the Blondie group.

Jacqueline Bisset

Most famous movie with her participation - "Wild Orchid".

Betty Brosmer

No one has been able to surpass her parameters yet.

Annette Vadim

French actress, star of the film Dangerous Liaisons.

Grace Kelly

The highest grossing actress of her time and concurrently the 10th Princess of Monaco.

Rita Hayworth

The actress is included in the list of 100 greatest movie stars according to the American Film Institute.

Sophia Loren

Winner of an honorary "Oscar" with the wording "for a career rich in memorable roles,

giving unfading brilliance to cinematography.

Audrey Hepburn

Most of all, she was remembered for her leading roles in the films Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Marlene Dietrich

The one for which Remarque suffered.

Katharine Hepburn

She was nominated 12 times for the Oscar and won 4 times.

The style icons of these women were made not so much by their appearance as by the ability to use it and present themselves correctly. They had charisma, character and talent. All this in a complex turned them into unique and unsurpassed personalities.

They loved themselves the way they were created. And this love was felt by the audience, multiplying it with their attention, respect and admiration.

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