Step by step teaching a child to dance at home. Learning to dance modern dances at home


Find interesting activity for a child - an everyday task for any good mother. The toys are tired, the designer is abandoned, the weather is too bad for walking. What to do with a child?

All children, without exception, feel music and rhythm, but they still have to learn how to dance. In addition to being very fun and exciting, the baby will get a lot of benefits from dance lessons:

dance develops coordination and gross motor skills;

- dance develops the collective and individual thinking of the child;

- dance develops independence;

- dance raises the emotionality of the child to new level development;

dance develops a sense of music and creative thinking.

Dance classes for children at home are available from 2-3 years old. At this age, you can already create stories for them and compose movements. To help parents, a variety of children's songs with the movements already described. For example, songs from the collection "Songs with Mom" ​​by Zheleznova provide an opportunity to join dance and music even for one-year-old crumbs.

Before you teach your child to dance, look for a few simple dance sequences that you can learn with a crumb without musical accompaniment. Put the child in front, pronounce the movements and immediately demonstrate them. For example:

Two steps back, two steps forward, circled!

Stomp your feet, clap your hands!

They moved their shoulders and jumped!

Thus, the child learns to alternate movements in time and memorize them. Repeat these simple steps until the child gets bored. If the baby does not want to dance from the very beginning, do not stop classes. Do the movements yourself, provocatively and fun. Let the kid understand that dancing brings pleasure and no one forces him. As soon as things get better, gradually increase the pace of the dance until the movements are adjusted to automatism.

After that, you can start dancing with music:

- Prepare a fun and perky song and invite the baby to dance.

- Make with the baby a semblance of a train, it will be a trailer;

- Let the baby repeat after you simple moves- squats, claps, turns, jumps, run the train around the room and again return to repeating the movements.

Baby dances for kids

Now you can move on to the development of individual movements.

1. Jump dance.

Jumping is a very energetic movement, but babies learn it much later than walking and running, because jumping requires them to have maximum concentration and good coordination in order to push off their feet from the floor and maintain balance when they land. Do not forget that the music for such lessons should be rhythmic and perky, so he will begin to stamp his feet. Take the baby by both handles and jump to the music. Gradually release it from support. Remove one hand first, then both. Very soon, the baby will begin to jump without any help at the first sounds of a familiar cheerful song. think for him funny story dance, for example, say that waking up in the morning like this, sparrows dance on twigs. Of course, you should not expect coherence of movements and complete falling into the rhythm from the child. The main thing is that the child receives a charge of vivacity and positive emotions from the movement, and everything else will follow.

2. Snowstorm

Who among us as a child did not dream of learning to fly? This simple dance of snowflakes will give the little dreamer that very cherished feeling of flying. Find a smooth instrumental music without a clear rhythm. Spread your arms, you can take a light silk ribbon in your palms to create the effect of flight, and sweep in a circle around the room, or throughout the apartment. The baby will be watching you and soon he will want to know how much fun it is? Run around the apartment, run into the rooms, and there you can easily spin in place. Running, strictly speaking, is useful as a separate physical exercise, while spinning and turning further develop coordination and flexibility. The child feels his body and the surrounding space in a completely new way. A couple of workouts and the arms and legs of the child move smoothly and to the music. It's a real dance.

3. round dance

Dancing with friends is even more fun. Such simple dance how a round dance will teach a child to coordinate their movements with other little dancers, to work in a group and to music. Kids dance it easily and with great pleasure. Another indisputable advantage of the round dance, along with simplicity, it is also very visual. Children look at their neighbors in a circle and see all the necessary movements. The collective social involvement of the crumbs is also important - each participant will be infected with fun from a couple of first circles. The round dance will help to relax, join the team, you can forget about shyness and timidity, and there is nothing to say about the development of large motor skills and motor memory. Everyone knows the old loaf motif. But you can come up with any simple poems, for this it is not necessary to be a poet.

By the way, a large team in the early stages is not necessary. You can also lead a round dance with your mother. The main thing is to instill in the child the ability to obey collective rules, to alternate movements with an eye on the leader's commands. The fun will be in full swing when the baby begins to clap his hands, stomp his feet and repeat all the movements after his mother. By the way, if you decide to come up with a text for the round dance yourself, you can take into account topics that are interesting for the baby for educational purposes. Come up with a rhyme where you will focus on positive sides obedience, or for food.

4. Dancing with toys

The imagination of a child truly knows no limits. Choose your favorites to dance Stuffed Toys baby, turn on cheerful music, and try to control them, as if the toys themselves are dancing. They can dance on a table, on a chair, or on a sofa. When a child cannot yet coordinate his movements correctly, and you want to see a good result, let his beloved soft friends dance for him. This will amuse the baby and give food for new fabulous fantasies.

Useful video

Developing the child physically, in addition to the basic gymnastic exercises the ability to dance will be useful for him - to move rhythmically and beautifully to a wide variety of music.

Music attracts all kids, but the ability to dance must be taught. Those children who have grown up can visit dance classes with a teacher, but the kids can still dance in home environment along with their parents.

How to teach a child to dance so that this activity brings him joy and pleasure? After all, dance is very important for general development children, with its help they will be able to throw out emotions and strengthen the muscular corset, train the vestibular apparatus and develop plasticity of movements. Being constantly engaged with the baby, you can instill in him hearing and a sense of rhythm.

The most important thing is that the child shows a desire to dance. Instill in him love and interest in music from the first days, take it in your arms and dance with him to a cheerful melody - this helps to train the vestibular apparatus. Let a variety of music sound more often in your house - this will serve as an impetus for the child to show a desire to dance.

For dancing classes, you need to have a variety of styles at home. musical compositions. Try to understand and feel what melody at a certain moment is able to attract the attention of the baby. It will not be difficult for an observant mother to do this, because who, if not a mother, understands the nature of her child?

  • If the baby is active and does not like to sit still, pick up funny and rhythmic compositions for him so that he can easily move along with them.
  • In the event that the baby prefers to play calmly, not particularly moving around at the same time, slow, calm melodies, like a waltz, will correspond to his rhythm of life, and will resonate in his soul.
  • Classical music- ideal for all characters, it is possible to do a variety of dance steps under it, and at the same time you can introduce the baby to cultural life.
  • little man will be delighted with children's funny songs, their uncomplicated rhythm will help them begin to move to the beat on their own and cheer up.
After choosing music, practice some movements with the crumbs. They should be simple in execution and understandable to the child.
Here are a few of them:
  • Putting the handles on the belt, we turn in different sides, with each lunge of the shoulder you need to stomp your foot. Such movements can cheer up and warm up the crumbs before class.
  • We jump alternately on each leg, holding the handles on the belt or lifting up.
  • Be sure to praise at the end of the session. little dancer- children are not indifferent to praise, and after encouragement they try doubly.
  • After training to perform some movements, turn on the music. By this time, the child will warm up and it will be easier for him to give different dance steps. Of course, not everything will work out for him right away, but after a few lessons he will confidently perform the learned movements.
  • Choose music together so that the baby likes it.
  • Let him come up with his own moves and dance the way he wants.
You can keep him company and dance together to light smooth music, holding light scarves or bright ribbons in your hands. Let him dream up, inventing movements for the dance.

Before you send your child to a dance school, work out with him at home, instilling in him a sense of rhythm from childhood. Be patient during the classes, make them varied and entertaining so that they arouse the interest of the child, and perhaps you can raise a future professional dancer who the whole world will soon hear about.

Even if you are not one of those parents who dream of a dance career for their baby, it is worth teaching your child to dance at home. Dance helps to express yourself and your feelings through body movements. Of course, if you are not a choreographer, the kid will have to master the skill in dance clubs, but by this time the child will have already received the basics and will be able to develop a natural ability to dance.

Why teach a child to dance?

  • Dance develops coordination of movements and trains the vestibular apparatus.
  • Dance strengthens the muscular corset and the musculoskeletal system.
  • Dance teaches flexibility and plasticity.
  • Dance helps to form the correct posture and beautiful gait.
  • Dance teaches you to feel the rhythm of the melody.
  • Dance helps to develop imaginative thinking in a child and teaches to perceive information by ear.
  • During dancing, children splash out the accumulated energy, this has a positive effect on their emotional state.

At what age should a child be taught to dance?

The first step in learning to dance is the ability to hear the melody and feel the rhythm.

Scientists say that you can teach your baby to dance since birth, and turn on music for him even earlier: being in his mother's tummy, the baby hears and remembers everything.

Take the baby in your arms (possibly in a sling) and smoothly dance to calm music with him. Soon you will notice that he likes it, he will start asking you to do it as soon as he hears the music.

After six months You can learn to clap your hands to the beat of the music. Many children themselves begin to move their legs or shake their heads to the music.

At the age of 1.5-2 years you can add several exercises that are performed to the music:

  • Join hands with mom and dance.
  • Spin around.
  • Hold on to each other and "ride the train."
  • Shrug.
  • Squat.
  • Swing in different directions.
  • Jump in place. You can call it the "dance of the little sparrow."
  • Raise the handles up, etc.

At 2.5-3 years the child can already combine some exercises and perform a certain order of actions to the music, getting to the beat:

  • Stomp in place and clap your hands.
  • Stomp in place and sway.
  • Put your hands on your belt and turn alternately in different directions.
  • Jump alternately on different legs, hands on the belt.
  • Step forward, turn.
  • Step back, clap.
  • Side step, jump, etc.

mom life

The sequence of actions can be invented independently, based on the chosen musical repertoire. Connect your imagination, add bright ribbons, hats or scarves to the dance, imitate the birds and wave your “wings”, shake your head like an elephant ... Dance with your child and show how great it is to spin with your baby’s favorite toy. Tap your spoons to the beat of the music. By the way, this can be done even while you are preparing dinner.

Of course, at the beginning, the child will not have time to complete all the actions and get in time with the music, he will get confused and forget the sequence, but over time you will notice how sharp dance moves the little one will begin to turn into smooth ones, the baby will begin to perform more and more complex actions.

If your imagination has exhausted itself, you can find many videos on the Internet on how to teach a child to dance at any age. For the little ones, there are even special children's nursery rhymes that will not only help teach a child to dance, but also have fun. Remember at least “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Songs with Mom” by Zheleznova.

1. The main thing is that the process of learning to dance should be fun.

2. Choose a playful song that your child likes.

Mobile kids, most often, like fast music, and quiet kids will like a calm melody. Songs from cartoons that can be downloaded from the Internet, or Russian folk songs. And before going to bed it is better to put calm melodies, for example, classics.

3. Do not make the sound too loud so as not to injure the baby's ears.

4. Match actions to the rhythm so that the child learns to feel the music.

5. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the child refuses to perform the given movements, but comes up with his own. Let him experiment.

6. Make sure that the baby does not spin in place for too long. Don't play fast songs right before bed.

7. Make room for dancing to avoid injury. If the room is crowded, move the furniture, remove everything that might interfere.

8. Complicate the movements as you master the previous ones.

9. Observe the baby and often repeat the movements that he likes.

10. Praise your child, even if he does not succeed! Clap your hands after each song, thus encouraging the crumbs.

11. If the kid is not immediately in the mood for dancing, do not despair, try to set an example of how fun and cool it is to dance.

12. If the child is not in the mood, postpone dancing for a while.

How to choose a circle to teach a child to dance?

Children aged 3-4 years old are willingly accepted into various dance sections, your child will probably be taught to dance there, and the skills that the kid has already received by dancing from early childhood at home will not go unnoticed. The main thing is that the child likes to dance.

1. Pay attention to the curriculum: it should be varied. Except classical choreography, it is desirable to vaccinate musical taste and develop plasticity.

2. The teacher must win the trust and sympathy of the child.

3. To expand the horizons of the baby, costumed and theatrical performances, and performing on stage will help you become more confident and bold.

Dancing is a great way to deal with the irrepressible energy of the little one. But there are children who are modest, quiet and sedentary, while being non-musical and non-plastic by nature. For such children, learning to dance can seem like a real torment. If your child likes calm and painstaking activities, then perhaps he should find another hobby group, and dancing will become home entertainment according to his mood.

The main thing in early childhood do not discourage the baby's desire to move and dance, do not laugh at his clumsy movements, but praise and cheer. The ability to dance and move to music, even at home with loved ones, will have a positive effect on the study of your body, on the development of self-confidence, and later on ease of communication with other people.

Dear readers! Does your child love to dance? At what age did he start showing interest in music? How do you encourage his passion for dancing?

With the advent of the baby in the family, parents from the first months of the birth of the baby begin to determine which circles, classes and educational courses their child will attend. In most cases, the choice is made in favor of dancing.

  1. Firstly, dancing helps the child to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, develop flexibility, plasticity and a sense of rhythm.
  2. Secondly, dance art is an excellent method of teaching a child to healthy lifestyle life.
  3. Thirdly, dancing acts as a means of preventing childhood obesity, which in modern society every twelfth child suffers.
  4. Fourthly, remembering the sequence of certain movements is an excellent simulator for children's memory, as well as the ability to perceive information by ear.

But in order to early age to teach a child to dance, you need to know some tricks and techniques that allow you to develop talent and teach your baby to feel musical rhythm.

How to start teaching your baby to dance?

Scientists have proven that it is possible to teach a child to dance as early as six months of age. When the baby has learned to hold his neck well and clearly distinguish sounds, you can begin to teach him simple movements that will be performed to classical or modern musical accompaniment.

The easiest and simplest movements are:

  • slight shaking of the head to the beat of the music;
  • cheerful clapping;
  • tapping feet on the floor or on the crib.

How to teach children to dance? Video lesson Baby Dance. Evolvers Dance School

Most funny video for kids. Who will teach the child to dance? / Nastya and Vova. / Help the child /

At the very beginning of education, the main thing is to instill in the child a love for dance art. Dancing together is a great way to do this. Take your child in your arms, turn on light music and start waltzing around the room. How exactly to do this is up to you. The most important thing here is to look the baby in the eyes and smile. Feeling himself in a comfortable and positive atmosphere, the little one will begin to laugh and give you his smile in return, and after that he will demand such fun dances more and more often.

We teach the baby to dance at home: basic techniques, movements and techniques

Between the ages of two and three, all children begin to develop certain passions, hidden talents and love for a certain occupation. If you want to teach your son or daughter to dance at home, then the best way would be to watch it together music video A containing dance elements. While watching, invite your baby to accompany you and perform the movements depicted in the clip or video tutorial. Do not rush and do not press on your little one - he will definitely not master complex steps. Your best bet is to ask him:

  • lead a round dance with you;
  • make hand claps;
  • shrug;
  • spin;
  • combine head bob with clapping, jumping or walking in place;
  • memorize the simplest chronology of movements, such as two steps to the side, clap, step back, etc.

AT early learning children in the art of dance, the main point is to teach children to feel the musical rhythm and perform movements in a certain sequence. Conducting daily classes with your daughter or son, you will soon begin to notice that the sharp and awkward movements of your little one are replaced by smooth and flexible, and the sense of rhythm and musical beat becomes more perfect and developed.

How to learn to dance for children at home?

Many mothers dream that their children, and especially girls, could move beautifully, know how to dance and not be shy about expressing their emotions in dance. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to attend professional choreographic studios. But this is optional. In the article we will analyze how to learn to dance for children at home.

Choose a dance to learn

To begin with, you can decide on the dance that you would like to master with your baby. Maybe it will be a waltz for some celebratory event or some modern dance. It is important that you and your child enjoy learning the dance steps. Feeling your joy from the active movement, the baby will dance with great enthusiasm on his own. You can get help in choosing a dance by reading the section.

Organization of classes at home

The simplest, of course, is a personal example. If a mother dances well on her own, then she can dance with her child at home. Children with great pleasure will dance to the music that gives them pleasure. The main thing is not to force to do what the young dancer does not like.

The younger your dancer, the easier the dance should be (i.e. kids will be able to repeat very simple movements, for example, jumping, clapping, you can offer to spin, stomp, run in circles, etc.). Do not forget about the good old round dance, especially if there are several children.

Come up with a dance composition that matches the age and abilities of your child, show him this dance yourself, and then start learning. Perhaps it will be difficult to master the entire dance in one day - break it down into stages. Rehearse first to the beat and then to the music.

If you are not as perfect as you would like, you can move on your own, then you can use various videos that will show you how to dance (for example, a movie of children's dances on Youtube). In addition, in the article you can read step by step description of how to teach children to dance the waltz and trendy rock.

After class, clap and be sure to praise your baby!

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