Search for collectibles in Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition.

Each figurine - gives access to 1 Kung Fu reception at the martial arts school
Below I will tell you where to find them.

First, you need to meet a girl named Tiffany in the Bam-Bam club. After a date with her, the figurines will be available on the map if you press the "Q" button. There are 11 of them in the game.

Figurine No. 1 The first figurine is located in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.

Figurine #2 The second figurine is in Winston's mom's kitchen. Run into the kitchen from the street, and the figurine will stand on the kitchen table.

Figurine #3 The third statuette is located in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it. Do not miss.

Figurine #4 The fourth statuette is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After shadowing and photographing, get out of the car, chat the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.

Figurine #5The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the main mission, but if you missed the statuette, the mission can be replayed from social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table. The task will be available after the middle of the story story.

Figurine #6 The sixth figurine is in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.

Figurine #7 The seventh statuette is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.

Figurine No. 8The eighth statuette is in flower shop. You can get there like free time, and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.

Figurine #9The ninth statuette is in the gaming den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine. The hangout is at the top of the map

Figurine #10The tenth statuette can only be obtained during a mission. Having entered the apartment of Fatty - the temporary chairman, break open the lock and take the figurine. Quest only after the middle of the game

Figurine #11 The eleventh and last statuette on the list can be found in the graveyard. Again, as during a free walk, so during a mission.

security cameras

There are 26 cameras in the game "Drug Crash + regular cameras. Hacking cameras near the places of tasks "Drug Crash" special efforts does not require. After a date with Ne Ping, ordinary cameras appear on the map that can also be hacked and follow people through them.


For me, it was an easy way to get rich in this game. Raised ~1500000 local currency.
Safes. There are 100 of them in the game. They are hidden in different places: in the alleys, in the yards of houses, on the roofs and many more where. Most often, there is a guard of 3 people next to them. In the middle of the game, in one of the missions, we meet a black rapper named King. You go to a bar with him. In the bar you meet 2 girls (Katyushka and Ilyana). After a successful visit to the bar, Ilyana's number will appear in your mobile phone. Call her anytime, take her out on a date, beat her on a date and safes will appear on your minimap. 40 safes in North Point, 15 in Aberdeen, 30 in Central area and 15 in Kennedy Town.
You will need to defeat her in parkour on the roofs not far from the bar.

Altars of Health

easy way how to make the main character almost "immortal".
If you "pray" in all 50 altars, then the character's health will increase by 100%, and every 5 altars increase health by 10%. To see the altars on the minimap, you need to go on a date with Amanda. She meets at the beginning of the game and Wei shows her around the city. After that, her number is added to you in mobile phone. Now, you can call her at any time. She'll offer to meet you at Victoria Peak. You walk with her, take some photos. After the date, health altars will be displayed on your minimap (radius up to 80 meters). There are 15 altars in North Point, 10 in Aberdeen, 15 in Central area and 10 in Kennedy Town.

I'll put the cards on the table right away: Sleeping Dogs- Not good good game, perhaps even worse than Just Cause 2.

Just like in Just Cause 2, everything good that is in the game is revealed in the first two levels - it is no coincidence that they were included in the demo. This great animation characters, superb voice acting, Hong Kong at night, sparkling neon in the pouring rain, stuffiness and hubbub of a block-sized flea market, chaotic energetic chases and brutal - prohibitively brutal - close combat. According to the internal counter of the game, this is about two percent of the content.

The other ninety-eight are a spreadsheet the size of a metropolis.

Successful hackers love to play bulls and cows.

The protagonist of the game is an ultra-aggressive Californian Chinese police officer named Wei Shen. Once upon a time, his sister read Irvine Welsh, after which she chose not good health, not low level cholesterol and no dental insurance. Wei Shen quite rightly reasoned that the pushers were primarily to blame for what happened - and began to kill the pushers, and with such fury, as if Nietzsche's superman had moved into him. To even remotely imagine the level of brutality with which Wei Shen cracks down on enemies, imagine a Russian gaming journalist about whom they wrote something impartial on Twitter. The head of the Hong Kong police - a British, by the way - notices Wei Shen's zeal and transfers him from California to his place in order to introduce his man into the mafia organization and destroy it from the inside. Well, as usual, after a clear tie, absolutely everything characters they lose their original motivation and start thinking in terms of an ordinary movie about good brothers and nasty police, who are sure to defeat the brothers by deceit. Wei Shen himself is the only intersection of the world of the police and the world of brothers, but this does not leave any imprint on him - only sometimes he dreams of a superior officer chastising him for hundreds of people dismembered and fried alive on duty.

The fatal minus of the game is that Hong Kong does not look like a living city at all. It's a gigantic mock-up with deranged pedestrians and drivers - sometimes they show just miracles of idiocy in their attempts to ignore the player's presence. Some kind of spirit of life is present only in the market where the initial tasks take place, and near some of Wei Shen's apartments (especially in the first area, at the door of which the neighbors constantly gossip, and in the corner some student who has taken too much shochu urinates). The rest of the city is well or not very well painted boxes.

The developers believe that displaying already collected items on the map greatly facilitates navigation.

Look at this map. This is what cities look like, planned five minutes before leaving work. Square blocks, four plot "sections", almost unrelated to each other. Encircling highway. Two parks. Gray empty pieces - you can't enter them. Not a single unique or even just a pedestrian block outside the market in the heart of North Point.

The whole interactive is a couple of clothing and car shops, three or four cockfighting arenas, fight clubs, a karaoke with a dozen songs, and a mahjong poker club that could easily take the prize for the most idiotic open world minigame in the last 10 years. After all, this is an ordinary video poker with a non-intuitive interface, but for some reason with two players and mahjong bones instead of cards. As if the designer wanted to do something very simple and at the same time independent of the player, but at the same time he had to formally weave this activity into the game setting. However, this can be said about almost the entire “game” part of Sleeping Dogs.

95% of the game is occupied by car and foot chases, close combat and shooting. Shooting and close combat were clearly created for trailers, so they look almost perfect, except for the camera and bugs associated with different levels. They play - a little worse.

Sleeping Dogs teaches that women are first and foremost a way to discover attractions

It would be possible to find fault with shooting, but the game is focused on hand-to-hand combat - three out of three skill lines are dedicated to it. Of course, melee combat is not often seen in games of this nature - well, except for eight Yakuza, twelve Assassin's Creed and the last four Batman (and its children - Shadow of Mordor and Mad Max). Outwardly, the fights in Sleeping Dogs are just like fights with several opponents in Batman: Arkham Asylum, only the enemies here are a little weaker and more annoying. The biggest problem is that this fight almost cannot be diversified in any way - this is the thoughtless destruction of completely identical dummies. Even a few variations of techniques given at the end of the game do not save the situation. Too little, too late. In 35 hours of play - and all the combat in Sleeping Dogs is literally tied to one button - the player gets used to either repeating the same tried and true combination, or accidentally tapping Morse code on the hit button. There is practically no difference between these two methods.

However, later the designers realized their mistake and added opponents, in the battle with which they have to think over the strategy. These opponents are in paid DLC, and one of these DLCs is just a room with endless identical incoming enemies that you can kill as many as you like - there is no reward or an agreed end to the challenge, and the difficulty of the game in this “arena” does not increase simply because that the rigid combat mechanics do not allow this. In this regard, Sleeping Dogs repeats the Remember Me mistake - there are a lot of fights here simply because the gameshould be many fights.

But the game repels not even this - just think, boring and uninteresting fights. Plenty of action-combat games have won Game of the Year titles without even trying to make it look like a decent combat system, like Skyrim. The problem with Sleeping Dogs goes a little deeper: imagine a Hong Kong action movie where battle scenes are diluted with 30-minute rides around the city under classical music. Is it possible to come up with a greater punishment for the player than the need to trudge across the entire island to watch the next cutscene (formally, the game has the ability to fast travel, but it is associated with a number of problems)? But even those long trips could be endured if the driving itself was anything but tormenting. Before Sleeping Dogs, the developers worked on two whole gamesexclusivelyabout racing - and in numerous reviews of both these games, the driving physics are described with the words “weird”, “terrible”, “well, in principle, suitable for karting”. I wrote a whole paragraph about how bad the driving here is, but this “review” already has a lot of whining.

If you still go through Sleeping Dogs, then immediately after the final look at the first two tasks, they will surprise you greatly. There are no dozens of identical opponents rushing at you in order to die. There are no endless trips around the monotonous city. There, not only the main characters talk to each other, and not only once every forty minutes. There is still hope that Hong Kong is real.

There are around 100 lock boxes hidden throughout Hongkong in Sleeping Dogs scattered through its four areas – North Point, Aberdeen, Central Area and Kennedy Town. Finding all lock boxes in these areas will unlock scavenger achievement or trophy. Unlike , Lock boxes are your secret stash in Sleeping Dogs; they not only provide you with valuable items like clothes.

You can either find them by following the directions in the maps below or by watching the videos that proceed with them. Finding the Lockbox is not your only problem, some of them are locked and require you to open them, making it a two-step process just like in case of .

Lock boxes in Sleeping Dogs are often found glowing, making them easier to spot once you are searching the right area. Although you will find most of them while exploring the city, some of them are difficult to spot while for some you will either have to go to the rooftops or in the sewers.

If you find a lockbox that is locked, you will need your Skills and Gadgets to unlock it. For more help on Sleeping Dogs, read our.

Sleeping Dogs – How To Unlock a Lockbox
When you find a lock box that is locked, you will need your phone to find the combination required to open the case. Move your left thumb stick slowly while watching your phone's display. You need to match the three numbers in order to open the lock box. When you are close to these numbers, the blue line on phone's display will turn yellow indicating that you are close.

When you have found the correct number, the line will turn green indicating that you have found the correct number. You need to turn the left thumb stick clock-wise and then anti-clockwise to unlock these lock boxes. Once you have found the correct combination by matching all three numbers, the lock box will open, and you can retrieve its content.

Sleeping Dogs – Easy Way To Find Lock Boxes
When you are asked to escort a US, VIP who works in the music industry and wants to visit Hong Kong. Take him to K-Bar, and do what he asks. He will ask you to entertain him with some of the girls in the bar. One of these girls is Ilyana Sweat.

Interact with her and after the mission, give her a call and ask her out. You need to impress her. She is an athlete and likes to work-out so beating her in a race will do the trick. Once you do that, all the lock boxes will be added to your mini-map.

Sleeping Dogs - Lock Boxes Map Locations
note. If you want to find the lock boxes fairly early in the game, follow the directions in the video. Again, the rules are simple, it is better to find all the lock boxes in one area before moving to another. Keyhole symbol is the lock box on the map.

Sleeping Dogs Lock Boxes Locations

north point
There are 40 lock boxes hidden through North Point. The following video will show the exact location of each lock box and how you can unlock it if it is locked.

Aberdeen, Kennedy Town and Western Area
There are 15 lock boxes in Aberdeen, 30 in Central Area and 15 in Kennedy Town. Follow video will show the exact location of each lock box and how to unlock it if it is locked.

Each figurine - gives access to 1 Kung Fu reception at the martial arts school
Below I will tell you where to find them.

First, you need to meet a girl named Tiffany in the Bam-Bam club. After a date with her, the figurines will be available on the map if you press the "Q" button. There are 11 of them in the game.

Figurine #1

The first figurine is in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.

Figurine #2

The second figurine is in the kitchen of Winston's mother. Run into the kitchen from the street, and the figurine will stand on the kitchen table.

Figurine #3

The third figurine is in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it. Do not miss.

Figurine №4

The fourth figurine is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After shadowing and photographing, get out of the car, chat the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.

Figurine #5

The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the completion of the story mission, but if you missed the statuette, then the mission can be replayed from the social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table. The task will be available after the middle of the story story.

Figurine №6

The sixth figurine is in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.

Figurine №7

The seventh figurine is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.

Figurine №8

The eighth figurine is in the flower shop. You can get there, both in your free time and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.

Figurine #9

The ninth figurine is in the gaming den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine. The hangout is at the top of the map

Figurine №10

The tenth figurine can only be obtained during the mission. Having entered the apartment of Fatty - the temporary chairman, break open the lock and take the figurine.Quest only after the middle of the game

Figurine №11

The eleventh and last figurine on the list can be found in the graveyard. Again, as during a free walk, so during a mission. Hi all. You know that collectibles are in every game, and Sleeping Dogs has them too. For example, here you can collect jade figurines to give them to the martial artist Kuoki, in return, he will teach you new techniques that will greatly help in a street fight.

If you want to find all the figurines, then you need to meet Tiffany at the Bam Bam Club. After a date with her, a bonus will open for you: all jade figurines will be displayed on the minimap.

Jade figurine #1.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The first figurine is in the Bam-Bam club. After you sang karaoke, go up to the second floor and after the cutscene a fight will start. Knock back enemies and run to the bar. The figurine will stand there.

Jade figurine №2.

The third figurine is in a Tibetan temple. You can get there either during idle wandering, or during the mission "The Future Bride". One way or another, the figurine will be on a pedestal, there is also a monk standing next to it, so don't miss it, even if you want to.

Jade figurine №4.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The fourth figurine is located on the pier. Again, you can get it while idle wandering around the city, or while doing a police job: "Pop Star Case 3". After spying and photographing, get out of the car, babble the man and take the figurine, it will stand on the box.

Jade figurine №5.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The fifth statuette can only be obtained during the completion of the story mission, but if you missed the statuette, then the mission can be replayed from the social center. During the mission, you will have to jump on the roofs, then jump to the balcony and go into the apartment. The figurine will stand on the coffee table.

Jade figurine №6.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide

See something flickering there? This is the sixth statue.

The sixth figurine is in the K-bar. You can get there at any time, during a walk, or during a story mission, when you need to show a producer from the USA all the delights of Hong Kong. The figurine will stand on the bar, all that remains is to pick it up and that's it.

Jade figurine №7.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The seventh figurine is in the central hospital. Can be obtained at any time. The figurine will be on the registration table, there is also a nurse standing there, so don't miss it.

Jade figurine №8.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The eighth figurine is in the flower shop. You can get there, both in your free time and during the mission: "Bride-to-be". After the video, get out of the car and go into the shop. The figurine will stand on the table.

Jade figurine №9.

Jade figurines search guide

Jade figurines search guide
The ninth figurine is in the gaming den. To get there, you need a boat. Jump into the boat and go to the ship where the brothel is located. Once on the ship - go into the cabin, turn right and take the figurine.

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