About drawing from photos. portrait illusions


For many, it is no secret that it is possible to have a magical effect on a living creature using its image. However, this is not only for magicians, sorcerers or psychics. Any shot or portrait at the field level is linked to the original. And, consciously or unconsciously taking energy from the portrait, another person can cause us irreparable harm.

rock sitters

People who served as models famous artists often died prematurely. Such rumors circulate, in particular, about the legendary Gioconda Leonardo da Vinci .

Princess Lopukhina , who served as a model for the artist Vladimir Borovikovsky , died three years after her portrait was painted. Doctors were never able to determine the exact cause of death. The boy's mother Vasya who posed Perov for the painting "Troika", forbade her son to be a model. However, he did not listen to her and soon died.

Premature death overtook and about ten sitters Repin . Surgeon Pirogov and composer Mussorgsky died a day after the artist completed their portraits. Stolypin shot the day after the completion of his portrait.

killer photos

A photograph is a much stronger conductor of bioenergy than a portrait painted by an artist on canvas or paper. After all, a photograph is an exact image of a person or. And some cameras can even capture the aura! No wonder most psychics work from photography.

... This story happened a few years ago in Yekaterinburg. It began with the fact that two men began to walk around the children's institutions of the city, introducing themselves as photographers. They offered to take artistic pictures of children for a fairly low price. Many agreed...

And then panic arose among the townspeople: in many children's portraits, strange attachments were found in the form of pieces of photographs of graves, crosses, coffins, monuments and various parts of the body of the dead, as well as bunches of dry grass. Inside the portraits, sometimes there were ominous inscriptions, such as: “As the grass dries, so the child dries” or the letter “C” in Latin, which meant: “Satan”.

By the time this story became public, it turned out that some were seriously ill. The disease covered the part of the body that was depicted in the attachment picture. For example, if half of the face was depicted there, then in this half the child began to have problems with vision, sinusitis or otitis media arose.

Journalists conducted an investigation. It turned out that all the photo portraits were made in the state photo studio. The only thing they managed to accuse the employees of this atelier of was illegal business. The headmistress of the institution stated that the investments are nothing more than ordinary used photographic paper, which is used to strengthen portraits, and neither she nor her employees have anything to do with children's illnesses.

On the advice of priests and healers, many parents of sick children burned portraits. When they were burned, it is not uncommon for children. If the "deadly" investments were destroyed, the child would soon recover.

Secret creepy portraits so it has not been figured out. There was only an assumption left: the employees of the photo studio may have been in some kind of sect or one of them practiced.

No less danger comes from energy vampires or just people who, for some reason, lack their own energy. The more people see the portrait, the more energy it gives off. Sometimes, looking at the image of a person, we feel a surge of strength ... And what happens at this time with the original? We usually don't even think about it.

Researcher anomalous phenomena Viktor Velinsky and his colleagues conducted an experiment. They took a newly hatched chick, tagged it and photographed it. The picture was reproduced and distributed to relatives and friends with a request to contact the portrait in difficult situations, in a bad mood or feeling unwell. And what? After some time, the chick began to wither before our eyes. He stopped growing, and his appetite disappeared ... Everything was in order with the rest of the chickens from the same litter.

But what about the replicated images of various and "charged" portraits of psychics? - you ask. Well-known politicians and stars have a huge energy potential - otherwise they would not have achieved such success and recognition. Healers also have a large amount of bioenergy and at the same time they know how to set energy protection. But sometimes these people give more energy than necessary. And then they are pursued by diseases, accidents, troubles in personal and family life ...

Safety regulations

Some people who know about the magical properties of portraits flatly refuse, for example, to be photographed. This is, of course, extreme. However, some safety rules must be followed.

Do not take pictures for any reason, nothing to do.

Try not to let your pictures fall into the hands of strangers, unfamiliar people or people who are hostile to you.

In no case do not tear or damage pictures and portraits that depict yourself or your loved ones.

Do not carry photographs of your loved ones with you to show them to others.

If you are looking at a photo or image loved one, which in this moment is not next to you, do not feel sorry for him and do not lament: “How are you there without me? You will be lost!” Better try to mentally convey to him part of your life force support him with your energy.

According to tradition, before the wedding, you can not keep a portrait of the bride or groom. It is not worth taking pictures together - such couples often break up or turn out to be unsuccessful. If you still have joint photos, it is better not to keep them at home, but to deposit them with a faithful person.

If in a dream you were in a portrait hall art gallery and you see in the frames entirely the images of your acquaintances - this portends for them long years prosperous existence. If you were presented with a portrait of a brush in a dream famous painter- you will be happy in marriage, and if some kind of hack work - to the betrayal of your husband and constant spree.

Seeing your image in a portrait in a dream is a sign of illness and difficult experiences. If you see a portrait of your fiancé - for a failed wedding.

Giving a portrait to the hero of the day - disturbing forebodings will not come true. A rugged portrait promises patronage influential people and protection from racketeering. Burning a portrait - in reality you will experience fear.

A portrait that has broken off and fallen from a nail portends bad news from distant friends. Hang it in place - in return for a good deed, they will do a dirty trick to you. Glazed portrait in small frame standing on the table means that a modest wealth awaits you, with which you will be completely satisfied.

To insert a portrait into a frame means a profitable investment of capital, if you have one. Female portrait- sublime feelings from communicating with the beautiful, masculine - they will not understand you and misinterpret your intentions, group - you will be invited to a wedding or christening.

If in a dream you draw someone's portrait - there will be a meeting on which your whole life depends. further fate. A dream in which you pose for an artist for your own portrait portends misfortune in the house.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Cemetery

Walking around a cemetery or churchyard in winter is a long and desperate struggle against poverty; but if you notice any signs of spring - a pleasant atmosphere and enjoyment of the company of friends;

For lovers - to see yourself in a cemetery or in a churchyard - you will never get married, but you will see your beloved under the crown with others;

See yourself in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery- unexpected news of the recovery of someone whom you have already mourned, your right to the land taken from you will be recognized;

An old, neglected cemetery - you will live to see the time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers;

For young people - to wander through the silent alleys of the dead - gentle and loving attitude friends, but sorrows and sadness await you, in which friends will be powerless to help;

For the bride - to see that the wedding procession crosses the cemetery - you will lose your husband as a result of an accident;

For a mother - to bring fresh flowers to the cemetery - long-term good health of the whole family;

For a young widow - to visit the cemetery - soon you will change your mourning clothes for wedding ones;

Seeing yourself sad - worries, regrets;

For old people - to see the cemetery - last trip to the land of eternal rest;

Seeing small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves is a favorable change. To the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of his life's journey.

See also Grave, Children, Mother.

Interpretation of dreams from

Guest article.

1839 went down in history as the year of the invention of photography. french artist and inventor L. Daguerre obtained a stable image of the photographed person. The invention was called daguerreotype. The main difference between the daguerreotype and contemporary photography was to get a positive image, not a negative one. The photo was taken in a single copy.

Due to the low sensitivity of the first daguerreotypes, exposure during shooting ranged from tens of minutes to several hours. Not every adult could maintain a motionless pose, and it was practically impossible to shoot children. In Europe, at this time, the custom appears to photograph dead people as if they were alive. Portraits of artists were quite expensive, many times higher than the cost of a daguerreotype. Representatives of poorer classes now have the opportunity to order commemorative photographs.

AT Victorian era attitude towards death was different from the position modern society. In the families of that time, there were traditions to keep locks of hair, pieces of clothing of deceased relatives. photograph dead woman and a lock of her hair was covered in a locket and hung on her chest. The American scientist D. Meinwald admitted that such pictures were a way to cope with pain and sadness for a departed family member.

Photographing dead people as if they were alive, relatives wanted to save the last moment of a loved one. Such a photograph could be the only image of the departed to another world. In the Victorian era, there was a high mortality of children, it was not always possible to photograph a child during life. The parents lovingly kept the picture of the deceased all their lives.

Photographers came up with different techniques to create the effect of a live portrait. Living people were photographed with deceased relatives. During the shooting, the children were given the appearance of being alive: they were dressed up in beautiful clothes, seated on chairs, photographed with their favorite toys. The eyes were drawn, making them open. The deceased were seated in the natural postures of living people. The face of an adult could be given a thoughtful expression. The child was laid down as if he had just fallen asleep. The kids were decorated with flowers. The posing child could be on the lap of a dead mother. A smiling mother could sit with a dead baby in her arms. Traditionally, adults were photographed in a sitting position, lavishly decorating the surrounding area with flowers. The entourage in the photograph was the things of the deceased people loved during their lifetime, pets.

Photographers used special devices during the shooting. Tripods and brackets helped to give the right pose dead man. Dead women could let their hair down to cover the tripod. In old photographs, poorly camouflaged brackets are sometimes visible. One of the photos shows a girl sitting at a table. The table covers the lower part of the body, which is missing from the dead - she was run over by a train.

tradition to keep pictures of the dead people filmed as living, and now exists in some European countries. With the development of photography techniques, the custom of photographing dead people as if they were alive has become a thing of the past. Habitual in late XIX century, our contemporaries such photographs cause mixed feelings. In some photographs, it seems that the gaze of the deceased looks directly into the soul.

Photographs with the deceased have now become a collector's item and an object of study for researchers. Thomas Harris, an American collector, explains his fascination with the fact that such photographs make you think about the priceless gift of life.

For some reason, these days in my feed and my friends in personal conversations, the topic of borrowing in drawing is very often raised. About ethics, plagiarism and more. AND strangers ask: "Can I draw from photographs?" and in particular, “Is it possible to draw from photos found on the Internet?” .
I still can’t begin to answer, because, yes, you can. And here you happily close this window and run to circle the photos, and after all, behind this "Yes" goes quite a lot "but".

Why it can be not only possible, but also necessary:
No matter how much some authors and critics would like to suggest that “ real artist must draw everything from the head, ”otherwise he is not an artist, this is not so. The artist is not obliged to know what the costume of the courtiers looked like under a particular ruler and how it differed from the costumes of those who are slightly higher or slightly lower in rank. And it was strictly regulated. Come on, it can be so difficult not to walk - to draw a statue of liberty, a car, and even a properly standing foot - you need to study how it looks. It is clear that in the case of the foot, we can always ask a neighbor, stand in front of a mirror or take a picture of our limb for study.
But often we simply do not have the necessary nature at hand. To do this, we take books and Google and study. There are a lot of photos to look at from all sides - sizes, proportions, plasticity of lines, texture and so on.
Yes, ok, you can turn on the imagination, but you can put an end to authenticity. The result is something completely arbitrary. Yes, the author's, but the viewer will not have the necessary recognition. Even if we are talking about fantasy scenes. If our character is walking on grass, not some kind of conditional grass, but similar to sedge, for example, we need to go and see what this sedge looks like.
Whatever topic you draw, the sources always seem to be a tangible help. You can style, play with details, but without those details, we have nothing to play with.

Aspects that may confuse everyone here:


The Internet creates the illusion that since it can be downloaded, it is now mine, but it's a no brainer that any picture has an author. And this author can quite legitimately be indignant. And then you get hit on the head. Not great. Therefore, do not copy one picture one by one. Work with several, work with composition, style, color, details. Photography is an auxiliary source. The main ones are your brain, imagination and skill.


Dostoevshchina, Oh, what kind of an artist am I if I can’t depict everything that comes into my head? All you can't. Humble yourself. You can do something and that's good. Lack of knowledge? Get it! This is such an educational moment.

Technical. The one that confuses me the most.

Why? Drawing with references is not the same as tracing photos. And even more so, other people's drawings.
Let's take the first photo we like and circle it.
What will we get as a result? Wide rib cage, it is not clear where the growing limbs come from. Without knowledge of anatomy, without analysis and processing, what you see will not turn out convincingly. Let's leave the genre "I beautifully outlined a photo in a vector" in the 2000s, now it's not interesting to anyone. Like hyperrealism created with a projector.

How to do it right?

- Think with your head
- turn on the imagination. The idea of ​​your work is not to copy someone else's. The task is to fill your own with reliable details.
- Study composition, anatomy, perspective, chiaroscuro, color harmonies and other things that are mast.
- Improve skill with live sketches.
- Use the degree of convention you need and your idea. Can't draw anatomically correctly? Style! Simplify! Make it flat. Change proportions. But again, consciously, your goal is to make it convincing.

What should not be done?

- Do not circle photos. It hits all three counts - it's legally dangerous, ethically dubious, and technically weak. Use the photo as an auxiliary source, not the main one.
- Do not use only one image as a source. This will not give you knowledge, but it will betray you with giblets.

Every drawing, every project can make us better.
Moreover, we are our own masters at stocks and we can set ourselves tasks.
Someone here will say that his goal is to rake up more dough, and not some kind of mythical development, but I will send such people away. In the blogs of those who write that stocks are easy and for everyone. I will say that it is a qualitatively different level that will be able to distinguish your work from the ocean of others.

I wanted to illustrate the material with special pictures, but right now I want to draw what is drawn, and not educational materials, sorry.
There will be a sketch in color from the working draft. Taking into account the fact that I painted a clearly New Year's atmosphere, I can show the result no earlier than November. And the experience of drawing a storyboard is complex, but awesome. As if in a week I jumped to the next step)

Reminiscent, twin, copy, portrait, double, similar Dictionary of Russian synonyms. living portrait n., number of synonyms: 6 twin (10) ... Synonym dictionary

living portrait- whom. Razg. Express. Someone is very similar to someone else. You are a living portrait of your late brother: I would recognize you on the street (Goncharov. ordinary story) … Phrasebook Russian literary language

Cm … Synonym dictionary

alive- A living portrait of someone who is a person completely similar to whom n. He is just a living portrait of his father. Living place (colloquial obsolete) occupied place, a position held by some other face. He sat down in a living place. There is no living place or not ... ...

LIVE, oh, oh; alive, alive, alive. 1. One who lives, possesses life. Creature. The old man is still alive. Fresh flowers (not artificial). Nature. Hedge (from plants). The memory of the past is alive (trans.). Not to fat, I would live (last) ... Dictionary Ozhegov

portrait- A living portrait of someone who is a person completely similar to whom n. He is just a living portrait of his father... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

portrait- a, m. portrait m. 1. Picturesque, photographic or other image of any. person. BAS 1. Send my portrait that More painted and another that the Frenchman Nattier painted .. in order to do a few of them here with the tapicere work. 2. 5. 1717.… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

- "PORTRAIT", youthful verse. L. (1831) in the genre of “portrait inscriptions”, quite common in the poetry of the 18th century, but retained its significance in the first third of the 19th century. (A. S. Pushkin, K. F. Ryleev and others). "Inscriptions" usually did not mean real portraits, ... ... Lermontov Encyclopedia

Sandro Botticelli. "Portrait of a young man with a Cosimo Medici medal." 1470 1477. Uffizi, Florence Portrait of an Italian ... Wikipedia

- (French portrait, from the obsolete portraire to depict) an image or description (for example, in literature) of a person or group of people who exist or existed in reality. AT fine arts P.… … Big soviet encyclopedia


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