Examples of the design of paintings in a baguette. Making a photo in a frame


The aesthetic appeal of the exhibited paintings largely depends on the quality of the frame and the type of baguette used. Valuable paintings, created by masters, are equipped with specially selected frame structures. The use of particularly wide and double frames gives the works a respectable look, and also helps to significantly increase the size of compact canvases for the harmonious implementation of interior design. Graceful frames, balanced in color with art canvases, provide compositional completeness and usefulness finished products.

Help in choosing the best design

Employees of the FotoBrand company help in choosing the best materials for creating respectable frame structures that harmoniously complement the original plot of the displayed canvases. professional manufacturing baguette frames– a great opportunity to order non-standard solutions that organically match stylistic features interior design. The framing workshop of our company is focused on producing framing frames and mats with optimal overall dimensions and the necessary decorative characteristics.

Our craftsmen, who make spectacular picture frames, work with various materials when creating original baguette frames that combine guaranteed strength and attractive decorative appearance. The use of quality materials guarantees the creation of harmonious products for various options stylistic decisions. Professional assistance is in demand in the design of non-standard interiors of residential buildings and original premises.

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Benefits of our services

The employees of the PhotoBrand workshop in Moscow provide the most accurate and high-quality implementation of the details of the ordered products. Attentive attitude to customers helps to take into account the smallest details of customer preferences. The professional design of paintings in a baguette gives the canvases exquisite characteristics and a particularly expressive look. The services provided by our specialists have the following advantages:

  • High speed of work with an impeccable level of quality due to own production passe-partout and baguette frames (order lead time can be from 2 hours);
  • A huge selection of more than 1000 options for baguette frames and over 30 types of passe-partout;
  • Step-by-step ordering with the choice of the optimal type of baguette on the website with the possibility of subsequent evaluation of the characteristics of the frame in the interior or in the workshop together with the clerk;
  • The choice of products that organically complement plot content paintings;
  • Acceptance of orders for the production of picture frames and large-scale canvases at any time of the day in the online studio on the company's website;
  • Prompt delivery of finished products to almost any region of the Russian Federation;
  • Not the high cost of quality products.

We also have imaging services finished works selected from a catalog of 30,000 images or based on submissions. The original service "Your portrait" provides the creation of interesting photo collages based on the motives of famous works of art from photographs provided by the customer. As a basis for printing images, cotton and glossy canvas or special art paper are used.

Choosing a baguette for a painting

When choosing a baguette for a picture and spectacular design painting canvas many details are taken into account that affect the perception of the picture in the interior of a particular room. Creativity when choosing a baguette, it helps to choose materials that have the optimal width, size, color shade, ornament and other decorative elements.

Studio "PhotoBrand" is a specialized framing workshop in Moscow, focused on the individual needs of various categories of customers. For the most effective design of painting objects, the decorative characteristics of baguette frames are selected based on individual features paintings and interior design. When choosing the optimal type of baguette, the following parameters are important:

  • The size of the artwork;
  • Color range of paints;
  • Thematic content of the canvas;
  • Individual stylistic style of writing a work.

These factors affect the size of the frame, its depth, width and stylistic decision. When making some canvases, violations of generally accepted rules are permissible. The use of a massive frame for the design of small-sized canvases gives special kind artistic products. To decorate a large-sized painting, it is permissible to use a thin baguette frame, which has an exquisite look and concise characteristics.

The frame is necessary in order to highlight the picture, focusing the viewer's attention on the image created by the artist. At the same time, the frame connects the painting with the surrounding space, fitting it into the interior. A well-chosen frame gives the picture completeness and emphasizes its beauty. How to draw a picture correctly? What frame to choose?

First of all, the frame must be selected so that it forms a single whole with the picture. To begin with, the frame must be combined with the picture according to color scheme. For example, if you match the frame to summer landscape with green foliage and grass, with a path running towards the sandy bank of the river - choose a frame that has greenish or light brown hues, combined with shades of greenery or tree branches in the picture. In order not to merge with the picture, the colors of the frame should be slightly more saturated than in the picture. It is also a good option in which the green foliage of the trees adjacent to the edges of the picture will be highlighted with a brown frame, matching in color with the colors of the tree branches and the color of the path. In this case, you need to take into account the mood of the picture. If it's simple rural landscape, for it you can choose a frame that is simple in texture. If the landscape is festive, a little idealistic, then it is better to choose a frame with a light pattern that will emphasize the festivity and lightness of the picture. The same applies to paintings with flowers. If the picture depicts a romantic, delicate bouquet, it is best to choose a patterned frame for it, which has a similar pastel color, suitable both in color and in mood. Here are a few important details to keep in mind:

If the picture is light, transparent, airy, in no case block this lightness and airiness with a dark or very wide frame.

If the picture shows, for example, thin twigs of a tree with a small bird or a flower with thin stems and petals, do not make the frame too wide. Such a frame creates disharmony, killing the subtlety and lightness of the picture.

Some art lovers like to frame the frame "in contrast", which has a sharp contrast with the color scheme of the picture. You need to be more careful with this, since such a frame very often diverts all attention to itself, preventing you from imbuing the image, the mood of the picture. The frame should emphasize the picture, decorate the picture, but at the same time not be catchy, but form a single whole with the picture. The most important thing in the design of the picture is the harmony between the image, mood, color scheme of the picture and the frame.

The main principle of design: the baguette is selected to the picture, and not to the furniture or to the interior. Otherwise, after the next repair, you will again have to contact the framing workshop and order a new frame for the picture. The baguette and the picture should complement each other and should not compete with each other. This can be achieved if:

  • the baguette is combined with the picture in color;
  • the ornament or texture of the baguette complements or repeats the motif depicted in the picture;
  • the image in the picture smoothly passes to the frame.
  • Small paintings are usually framed in a wide baguette so that total area baguette was more area paintings.
  • Pictures of warm tone are made in a baguette of warm shades, and cold tones - in a baguette of cold shades.
  • If the picture is dominated by simple lines, then the frame should be fairly simple.
  • It is important to remember that the picture always dominates in the design, and the frame is assigned only the role of a link between the picture and the interior.
  • The color of the baguette should be half a tone darker or lighter than the predominant (primary) color of the picture, or match the non-primary color of the picture.
  • Natural wood is suitable for all paintings.
  • It is important not to forget about the style of the picture. Avant-garde painting is not framed in a wide classic baguette with stucco. A picture painted in style Dutch school paintings are not framed in a narrow, colored, glossy, modern frame.
  • It is also necessary to take into account the depth of the baguette. If you do not want the stretcher on which the picture is stretched to be visible, then you need to choose a baguette with a depth of 1.5 cm or more.
  • For a painting that shows movement, it is better to make a wide mat, especially if the perspective of the painting goes beyond the frame.
  • The bottom edge of the passe-partout should be wider than the sides and top. If the painting is vertical, then the top edge should be wider than the sides, and if it is horizontal, then the sides should be wider than the top. For a square picture, the sides and top of the mat should be the same, and the bottom should be wider.
  • Most often they make a passe-partout 6 cm wide.
  • It looks beautiful when a slip is put on the edge of the passe-partout - this is a very narrow strip of baguette.
  • Usually the best is a passe-partout in color slightly darker than the most light tone paintings.
  • It is important to remember that the passe-partout is only assigned the role of a link between the picture, the frame and the interior.
  • The passe-partout should not merge in color with the frame.

Examples of the design of our paintings in a baguette

Painting size 90x60 cm

A warm tone prevails in this picture, so a baguette of warm shades will suit it: gold, bronze, wood (cherry, walnut). A frame with flowers painted on it is also suitable. The picture was painted in classical style, therefore, a classic baguette is preferable: wide (width from 7 cm), with stucco molding (bronze).

Painting size 30x40 cm

Small paintings are usually framed in a wide baguette so that the total area of ​​the baguette is larger than the area of ​​the picture.

Painting size 50x60 cm

This picture is dominated by a cold tone, and besides, it is written in a graphic style with a slight addition of burgundy red. The following baguette will suit her: silver, chrome, natural wood, burgundy red and black. The picture is painted in a modern style, so a classic baguette with stucco molding will not work with it. Baguette width from 3 cm.

Painting size 62x52 cm

This picture is dominated by warm and cold tones, so a baguette of warm and cold shades will suit it: gold, silver, natural wood, yellow, green, blue, red, terracotta, etc. Baguette width from 2 cm.

Decorate a beautiful picture in a baguette. It will look complete. A baguette will bring richness, brightness and value to a work of art. For an attractive design of the picture, you should follow these rules:

The baguette is matched to the picture, not to the elements of the interior

The picture can be hung as much as you like, and the frame stays with it for a long time. The baguette serves as an addition to the picture, so they should not compete with each other. Important signs right choice baguette:

  • compatibility with the picture according to the range of colors;
  • baguette pattern and texture repeat or complement the motifs drawn in the picture;
  • the drawing of the picture smoothly passes to the frame.

The possibilities of baguette decor are endless. A well-chosen frame will help decorate a large canvas and will not allow you to get lost small photo. At the same time, the design of paintings in a baguette can consist only of a frame, or it can be more complicated and include the following elements:

  • passe-partout;
  • piping for passe-partout;
  • backdrop;
  • glass;
  • knurling the image on the base;
  • lamination;
  • embossing.

Types of baguette frames and their features

  • Wooden frames:
    • look natural;
    • durable (withstand large paintings in glass);
    • a large assortment (oak, beech, alder, walnut).
  • plastic frames:
    • imitate wood: natural, dyed, gilded, silver;
    • low cost compared to wood;
    • resistant to moisture;
    • lungs.
  • Aluminum frames:
    • fashionable, especially in high-tech rooms;
    • baguette width from 7 to 50 mm;
    • the surface is shiny, matte or textured;
    • about 40 colors;
    • graceful (from the face the profile can be from 7 mm);
    • durable and resistant to moisture;
    • lungs.
  • for small paintings you need a wide baguette (the area of ​​the baguette should be larger than the area of ​​the picture);
  • pictures painted in warm shades require a baguette of warm tones, cold picturesque shades need cold baguette tones;
  • a simple baguette frame is needed for paintings with simple lines;
  • the main thing to remember is that the picture should dominate, and the frame only connects the picture with the interior;
  • the baguette should be half a tone lighter or darker than the main color in the picture; you can also make a frame in a color that matches the secondary color in the picture;
  • a baguette in the colors of natural wood goes to almost every picture;
  • the style of the picture must match the baguette:
    • the avant-garde is not framed in a classic wide stucco frame;
    • Dutch painting will not be decorated with a modern glossy narrow frame in color;
  • the depth of the baguette should also be taken into account.

If the picture is painted in dark colors, then between the baguette and the canvas should be light streak, she will calm the colors, and the whole work will play. Conversely, if the picture is too light (winter is depicted), then you can use a silver frame with a dark green or dark green passe-partout. dark blue colors.

The main ways to choose a passe-partout

  • paintings depicting movement require a wide passe-partout, especially when the perspective of the picture goes beyond the border of the frame;
  • the frame cannot merge with the mat;
  • the color of the passe-partout should be slightly darker than the lightest shade in the picture;
  • the bottom of the passe-partout is made wider than the top and sides:
    • a vertical picture requires the top of the mat to be wider than the sides;
    • a horizontal picture requires wider sides than the top;
    • a square painting needs the same sides and the top of the passe-partout, and the bottom should be wider.

It is important to remember that the passe-partout only connects the picture, the frame and the interior. Most often, a passe-partout is made 60 mm wide. It looks great if a slip is put on the edge of the passe-partout - a narrow strip of baguette. When choosing a baguette and passe-partout, you need to look at the picture in the interior in which it will be located. It is necessary to take into account the tone of the walls, the style of the furniture and the level of lighting. A little more difficult, if several paintings will be placed on the wall, their frames should not compete with each other.


Choose a baguette and passe-partout from our catalog that best suit your painting and interior.

Home - Services - Baguette for paintings - Registration of a picture in a baguette

Registration of pictures in a baguette

The baguette is an addition to the picture, embroidery, posters and some other items. Decorated in this way, they look more beautiful and presentable, have a finished look. And if you have a picture that needs framing, contact us and choose a service such as framing pictures in a frame workshop.

More about our offer

A properly selected baguette does not draw attention away from the picture, but only emphasizes its merits. The basic rules for choosing a frame and decorating paintings in a baguette include the following:

  • the drawing smoothly passes to the frame;
  • the pattern and texture of the baguette repeat the motifs of the picture;
  • the baguette is combined with the picture in color.

The design of paintings in the framing workshop strictly complies with all the above requirements. If you wish, you can limit yourself to a frame only or pick up an additional element, for example, a passe-partout. A colored passe-partout will be a great addition to the image, a smooth transition from it to the frame.

In addition to the passe-partout, additional elements of the baguette are: glass, lamination, edging for the passe-partout, embossing, knurling on the base, back. The choice of these additions depends on the wishes of the customer. The same goes for baguette material. Frames made of wood, plastic, aluminum - each of them has its own advantages. So, for example, the design of paintings in a baguette made of wood is different high level strength, naturalness. Plastic frames are cheaper and more resistant to moisture (ideal for a damp room), quite light. Aluminum frames are an excellent solution for rooms decorated in modern styles(for example, high-tech). Light, elegant, resistant to moisture, they can have several types of surfaces: matte, shiny, textured.

How to make an order

If you are interested in the design of paintings in a framing workshop, please contact us. We will select for you perfect option that meets all the rules. Inserted into a frame, the picture will take its rightful place in your home, it will be a wonderful gift for friends and relatives. Order the design of paintings in a baguette in our workshop, and get quality result in the shortest possible time. Our manager will take into account all your wishes, orient you on the price and indicate the time of the work. You can pay for the order in any way convenient for you.

Pictures are a wonderful element of interior design. Hung on the walls, written in the most various techniques, landscapes, still lifes and portraits complement the decoration of the rooms. However, the paintings themselves need a decent frame that will present them in the most favorable light. Our today's material will tell you how to choose a brilliant cut for picturesque diamonds.

It is important to remember that in tandem "the picture and its frame" the main role gets the image. The frame should not overshadow the picture, but emphasize its beauty. When choosing a baguette (a bar used for making frames), consider a few important points. First of all, the baguette should fit not so much with the interior as with the picture itself. Of course, you shouldn’t hang a carved gilded frame in a hi-tech apartment, but otherwise focus on the style of the picturesque image.

The appearance of a baguette is largely determined by the colors and style in which the picture is painted. A classic canvas will look great in a carved wooden frame, and for an abstract work, you will have to look for a more modern version.

Take a closer look at the manner of writing: if there are a lot of smooth strokes in the picture and there are plant motifs, then a frame with a similar ornament will do. And, on the contrary, to the canvas, in the composition of which rational geometric constructions, you should choose a strict baguette.

Concerning color solution, it all depends on the colors used in the image. If warm tones prevail, then a golden, brown, bronze frame will be the best solution. For cold tones, a gray, black, bluish baguette is suitable.

Do not let the frame and the image merge: you should not make them contrasting, but you should not go tone to tone either. The frame is designed to shade the image: if the picture is dominated by beige, choose a baguette at least a tone darker or lighter.

If you want to decorate the picture in an original way, a frame made of composite baguettes will come to your aid. It is created from strips of different thicknesses, resulting in a rather voluminous. The outer layer of the frame will be more visible and wider, which will attract attention, while the inner, simpler and narrower, will smooth the transition between the image and the impressive baguette, not allowing the picture to get lost against this background.

For the design of small paintings, it is recommended to choose a frame that exceeds the size of the painting. In order to ensure the connection of the frame with the image, you will need a passe-partout - a sheet of thick cardboard, in the center of which the picture is placed.

The passe-partout should not merge in color with either the frame or the image. Often, in order to more clearly delimit the space, a slip is inserted between the passe-partout and the picture - a narrow decorative element that serves as a kind of miniature frame. The slip is made of wood or plastic and is decorated as desired. Sometimes it can also be seen between the passe-partout and the outer frame.

If you plan to hang a whole group of photographs or paintings in one place, you should not make a baguette that is too wide. A narrow frame without special decorations will come in handy here.

For a large canvas, which is intended to take a central place in the interior composition, a wide baguette will be as appropriate as possible. Sometimes they are inserted into wide frames and small paintings, but already without a passe-partout: in this way visual effect depth, when the image stands out due to what is in the center.

In the manufacture of baguettes, wood, plastic, and less often aluminum are used (this option is ideal for modern designs pictorial art, as well as for black and white photographs). When choosing a tree, be prepared to carefully monitor the humidity in the room: many species do not tolerate its differences and can dry out.

Of course, the picture can be framed without using a frame. If the image is applied to the canvas, you just need to cover the stretcher with canvas and fix it so that the corners of the structure are also covered.

But this is just one way, while framing shops offer hundreds of design options using a wide range of decorative elements. The choice is yours.

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