How to restore vitality in the event of a decline. Magic


What is the difference between youth and old age? Do you think that in the flabbiness of the body and wrinkles? But the Tibetan postulates say that the difference is in the way of thinking. A person with negative thoughts builds a short path to old age. Daily expectations of something worse keep the nervous system in constant overstrain, thus, a person burns himself, burns his nerve cells.

And in any case - whether at home or in fitness - you should follow a few general principles. Enlarge and stretch before stretching. You probably know that turning a cold engine is not very good idea. Muscles work the same way - if you're not hot and stiff, you'll put yourself in power, they won't like it, and they can get hurt.

Strengthen your entire body evenly. If you say you want a beautifully crafted chest and you only strengthen your pectoral muscles, you will have problems such as back pain. Plus, you'll look like a King Kong caricature with tiny legs, a large chest, and weak shoulders that will pull strong chest muscles forward.

To stay forever young, you need to know how to restore vital energy, to feel energetic and cheerful internally, regardless of age, to believe in it yourself. Then all the surrounding people will see and believe. And all this can be achieved by volitional efforts, the fundamental rules of which are relaxation exercises, they help restore lost energy and strength.

One training does not take too much time - it is good time. After strengthening, stretch well. After training, the muscles shorten and become stiff, stretching exercises stretch. This will help them maintain the flexibility that prevents injury.

However, if the pain is severe or your joints hurt, take the exercise immediately and see your doctor. Strengthening builds muscles and strength, but this does not affect endurance. Therefore, to fully improve the condition, it is also useful to participate in some kind of endurance movement, such as running, cycling, or some kind of collective sport.

The ability to relax, academician N.A. Amosov, strengthens the physical flesh and rejuvenates it. Tibetan medicine has accumulated vast experience in restoring the energy of life, which provides for physical activity, physical exercise. Exercise is different from our understanding of how to exercise. Famous naturopath of Japan Katsuzo Nishi, the best way adapted the postulates of Tibetan medicine for a European person. He created a methodology for restoring health and energy, developed the conditions for their flow in Everyday life and set them down in six rules.

People often like to work out at home with dumbbells, which can be dangerous for the joints. Machines must only be used under the guidance of a trainer. Rely on your body. However, be careful before you start watching exercises with own weight, it is good to consult an expert.

Chest muscles - handles. Abdominal muscles - light sessions - jumpers - mirror. Lower legs - skipping over a stool with light hips in place or jumping over the skipper - squats. Upper limbs - handles - Shiba. He works as a trainer, consultant for both youth and adults. She is a college scriptwriter and organizer training courses for the fitness center.

Tibetan rules and exercises for the restoration of vitalityenergy:

Rule 1The bed on which a person sleeps should be flat and firm., spring mattresses are not welcome.

Such a bed aligns the spine, and this is the most important thing for health, because spinal curvature affects the functioning of internal organs and even causes various diseases. On a hard bed, the body weight is evenly distributed, the muscles are completely relaxed, blood circulation improves, the internal organs take their natural position, their functions and functions improve nervous system.

It's good when sport becomes an absolutely exciting thing for you. But instead of enjoying it, you go home at almost four. Are you worried about what might be wrong? This question concerns Janet Hamilton from America. He is the ultimate in the industry and an expert on the word. He is one of the best physiologists and trainers in the country. She has also published a book on unmanaged sports and her clients follow her for advice from four continents. This Queen of Endorphins shone on the five delinquents who usually impede high speed in the sport.

Rule 2 The pillow should also be firm. In Japan, you can often hear such a phrase "A crooked neck is a sign of short life». Nishi recommends a firm pillow - a roller, which should be located under the 3rd and 4th vertebrae. Out of habit, a person may experience some soreness and discomfort from such a pillow.

Prevent them and do your next training like Superman! While this may sound like a cliché, it is naked truth. If you have spaghetti-like nerves and haven't slept in a while, your body will pay for it. And the level of exercise will not be great! “When someone is in the midst of a workout with a lack of energy, the first thing they should do is think about how their lifestyle is in last days" says Janet Hamilton.

Therefore, experts advise you to get a study diary. Write down your feelings, how much you “put on”, and whether you tense up. When you look at the values ​​two weeks later, you may find an imaginary crash stone! Rhinitis, stuffy nose, cough or wheezing? Currently allergic person or asthma are second. Janet Hamilton believes that this "joy of spring" has the trick of constricting the airways. And, of course, it's not exactly optimal when you work a lot. You should consult with your doctor about how to help your airways expand, she says.

But the pillow - then, has a healing effect. Headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx, eyes and ears disappear. The blood supply to the brain improves significantly, which means memory will improve, mental capacity and brain longevity.

Energy Recovery Exercises: At exercise " gold fish»

Your body can't do without oxygen or squats. Every cell in the muscles needs air to do its job, explains the athlete. The reason why you immediately go to allergology and book a consultation in the shortest possible time.

We understand that you have decided to take the right step. But this determination to train every day in the final will do more damage than good. After each physical activity there should be an appropriate time for recovery and relaxation. “If you go too fast and you don't have enough rest, you will feel exhausted at the beginning of each exercise,” warns Janet Hamilton.

This exercise only takes 1.5 - 2 minutes a day! But these 2 minutes over time will put in order the coordination of the nervous system, normalize blood circulation, the work of the intestines, kidneys, liver, brain activity. This exercise gives a much better result if it is performed in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, to disperse the blood, and in the evening, lying in bed, shake a little so that the internal organs fall into place.

There is one Golden Rule which you must comply with. Don't do more than two extreme workouts behind you. Then book yourself a minimum of two days to recuperate. And if you don't want to miss it, choose the easier option to calculate. There is nothing to exaggerate here either.

Hands on heart how you drink? Inadequate irrigation increases the workload on the heart, which is not the case in sports, understandably. Plus, muscles are made up of 70 percent water, so if you're dry, you don't have the means to get the full power. Janet Hamilton knows how to find out the truth. Consider only before and after the exercise. If you have lost more than two percent of your body weight, you are wasting it on fluids and need it. When two or three liters of water evaporate from the body during the "faecal vent".

Exercise Goldfish is performed lying on your back, preferably on a hard surface. Crossing your fingers together, put your hands behind your head, or rather behind your neck, at the level of 3-4 cervical vertebrae. Keep your legs together, toes, along with your feet, pull perpendicular to the body. Imagine that now your legs are the tail of a fish. Begin to perform vibration movements with your feet to the left - to the right, and after your feet, your body, head, hands will also begin to vibrate.

This is not easy to take lightly! It is clear that now you are reducing your intake of fats and carbohydrates in order to lose weight. But there is no smoke without fire! To have energy, you need to drive. And you will find it in carbohydrates. Their income will allow you to burn calories, although this may seem crazy.

If you're on a diet, maybe you're gearing up for those "kickers" and that's the reason you feel like a snail after a while. So, what's the point of keeping you in the sport? And you don't have to be ashamed to acknowledge color, which can be awkward at times. We have funny jokes for you.

Look at the video on how to properly perform the Goldfish niche video exercise:

Exercise for capillaries.

This exercise improves blood circulation in the capillaries of the whole body, sets the lymph in motion, thereby eliminating its stagnation. You have probably noticed that small children, lying on their backs, very often raise their arms and legs up, performing intricate movements with them, thereby dispersing blood and lymph throughout the body.

Mary Magdalene via Assistant. We are allied souls because we are all walking the same path together, each in our own way. There is a need for a balance between male and female energies both in the world in general and in life. individual people. The feminine energy has long been suppressed, destroyed and wounded, and this has led to the dominance of the one-sided masculine energy. At first glance, it may seem that the balance has already been shown: women in many countries have almost the same rights as men. In these parts of the world, a woman can act freely as a human being, enjoy an education, a career, a position of power, and is able to accumulate wealth.

It is necessary to lie on your back, put a pillow under your neck - a roller. Arms and legs should be lifted up like babies, feet should be held at a right angle, and vibrate them up and down for 2 minutes.

Exercise the connection of the feet and palms.

This exercise performs the function of coordinating the muscles of the abdomen, thighs between the right and left parts of the body, in addition, it regulates the work of internal organs, the circulatory and nervous systems.

However, for more deep level something is missing and out of balance. What really happens when women strive for equality in this way is that they embrace the male energy of dominance and control and begin to use it for their own interests and ambitions. But the question remains whether this action really fills female soul. Then the question arises whether the soul of men is filled with power and dominance.

At this time, more and more people are looking for deep satisfaction. He wants to live by inspiration and connection with the Earth and neighbors, he wants to trust his heart and not react to fear. These are the ideals that now touch the hearts of young people. Old male energy control and coercion has already outlived its age, the old direction. There is a new generation that thinks and feels differently. This is an opportunity for a genuine resurrection of female energy, which not only involves the restoration of the social and political rights and freedoms of women, but also the actual healing of deep internal trauma caused by female soul.

How to do this exercise? Lying on your back, join your palms at chest level and press your palms together with force. Connect the soles of your feet to each other, make several movements, trying to straighten your knees a little, stretching your legs forward. Do not open your feet. Now lie still in this position for 5 to 10 minutes.

Exercise to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen.

What happened to the feminine energy in the past? He was humiliated in many ways, both mentally and physically. This story has been written down, so I don't need to solve it now. My attention is primarily focused on how this internal feminine energy suffered from this violence. When you look at the collective female aura, as shown in the energy field of the average female, you will see a wound, a hole in the abdomen. This area of ​​lower energy centers? the root, navel, and solar plexus chakra were weakened and emptied.

Before doing this exercise, you must a little warm-up for the torso, performing tilts to the right-left, forward-backward.

Sit on a chair with your hands on your knees. Relax for 1 minute. Now straighten your spine and begin to swing on your buttocks to the left and right, keep your balance on the coccyx. Breathe into your belly as you draw in and inflate your belly. Performing the exercise, repeat several times, you can silently say that your health and energy are restored, you are healthy and you are getting better every day. The exercise is performed in the morning and evening.

Many women in these centers experience feelings of shame, fear and uncertainty and are usually only half conscious. The abdominal strength of the original woman is vital and anchored. Women are by nature connected to the Earth, to the rhythms of the seasons, and the wisdom in their hearts is based on a natural sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, it has disappeared over the centuries, and without this base, this natural force in the belly, women cannot connect in a balanced way with the outside world. They easily give too much to others and lose themselves in this gift, and they cannot keep their personal space and set boundaries.

This exercise combines abdominal breathing with the movement of the spine and self-hypnosis, which helps to restore metabolism and the acid-base balance of the body.

Additional exercises:
☻ I.P. Get down on your knees so that the buttocks touch the heels, keep your hands arbitrarily on the hips. Straighten your spine and tilt your head: left - right, back and forth.

When you were hurt at the core by rejection, abuse and humiliation, there was a change in your energy field: your consciousness left your belly, which is the seat of emotion, connection and intimacy. If it is too difficult to be present in this area of ​​the body, separate yourself from each other and withdraw your consciousness from the abdomen. Then your consciousness rises and occupies the upper part of your aura. As a result, the city is boring and can be depressed or tired without full access to your energy. In addition to this traumatic trauma of abuse and deep emotional confusion, now it's the sadness and emptiness of losing yourself.

☻ I.P. Do not change your position, stretch your arms forward, parallel to the floor, now look over your left, and then over your right shoulder back, try to see your toes. Perform the same movement with your arms up.

☻ I.P. Raise your arms up, now bend them at the elbows, at a right angle. Clench your fingers into a fist. Tilt your head back, stretching your chin towards the ceiling. Pull your elbows back, pull your chin up even more. Keeping this position, swing the straight spine to the right - to the left. Abdominal breathing with retraction and inflation of the abdomen. The exercise is performed for 10 minutes. The exercise is aimed at stretching the spine.

It shortly became a woman's soul. Although not all women exhibit this model in the same way, it is still general trend, which can be summarized as follows. The belly, which is home to emotions, sexuality, and intimacy and is naturally and strongly connected to the Earth, is relatively empty. He feels threatened here, whether it be from the pain that remains here in the form of memories, and also because it is terrible to resist the power that is hidden here.

A receding trend is a gap in the energy field between the lower and higher energy centers, between the heart and the abdominal region. The energy of the heart, the center of inspiration and love, cannot express itself, flow out and connect naturally with the world and other people. This flow is blocked by both excessive fear and uncertainty, as well as the need to connect with others so much that you lose that person and become emotionally dependent on them.

Your current state of health is the result of yesterday, what you did yesterday, the day before yesterday, in the past. Whether you will be healthy tomorrow and in the future depends on you and your faith. These simple and effective Tibetan exercises help restore vitality and health.

Each of us wants to live full life. Often this means going your own way, fulfilling your mission, knowing what you want. It also means having enough strength to do what needs to be done. Have enough resources to achieve what you want. Have the ability to move forward.

Why does it so often become impossible and difficult to access? We will consider only one aspect - the system.

In my work, I often encounter lack of vitality and difficulties with self-determination are associated with "separation" from the generic flow of energy.

Each of us has an initial flow of forces, energy. Paolo Coelho said that not a single dream is given to us without the strength to fulfill it. A living spring beats in each of us - for someone it looks like a geyser, for someone it looks like a waterfall. The important thing is that everyone has it.

And if we know about its existence and use it, then we have enough strength and resources, we know exactly our path and our desires. We can come to him and drink - when necessary.

But if, for one reason or another, this source remains hidden for us, then there is nowhere to quench our thirst. Then we save the available moisture - that is, our strength. And this state can be called laziness.

It happens that we ourselves refuse our source. You can fill it with stones, fill it with sand. Or hide under a bush. We may also seek our source elsewhere—perhaps in another forest. And then, instead of fullness, we have inner emptiness, loss of strength, unwillingness and impossibility to live. A desert that craves rain - that is, some kind of energy coming from outside. This state of affairs is characterized, for example, dependent relationship and energy vampirism.

Some systemic causes of this condition are:

Live someone else's life

Very often in constellations a person does not understand where his place is. He does not see his own life, his own place. And he tries to stand somewhere where it seems to him "a more fishy place." For example, if I feel that my mother is connected with someone and looks back, then I will seek her attention. And then I can stand in the place where she looks.

So the child begins - out of love - to replace for his parents their parents, dead brothers or sisters, the first love. And in a sense, it gives the child the attention it needs. That's just him own life stays away and passes by.

Masha always felt responsible for her mother. It seemed to her that her mother could not cope on her own. And despite the presence of a father, she continued to patronize her mother. At the same time, the mother behaved like a child. She was capricious, threw tantrums, pouted her lips.

Is it strange that Masha did not have her own family - no husband, no children? After all, energetically she already had one child - very capricious and requiring constant attention.

Of course, she did it out of love for her mother. After all, her grandmother died very early, and her mother always looked for her in people - in her husband, in her children.

And it was very difficult for Masha to find her place in the arrangement - she tried to stand up here and there, but everywhere it was uncomfortable - either they kicked her out, or it was too hard. Although her place had existed in the system all these years, it had taken a lot of work to find it. And from there it was already possible to see that life was standing in front of her. Her own life. Forgotten by everyone. But so beautiful...

To be associated with someone who has died

It often happens that we find ourselves connected with someone who has gone. For example, with an aborted older brother or an early deceased parent. And then we seem to die with them. We may look alive on the outside, but our soul goes with it. Very often, those who are connected with the dead try to unconsciously leave after them. So there is alcoholism, drug addiction, extreme sports, depression, suicide.

Olesya devoted her whole life to a dangerous occupation for a girl - motorcycle racing. In her early twenties, almost all of her bones had already been broken at least once. Several times doctors literally got her out of the other world. But she couldn't stop. Until I realized my connection with early dead father, crashed on a motorcycle almost immediately after her birth.

Run other people's programs

Sometimes, out of loyalty to our system, we continue to live with old attitudes. Who once saved someone from our loved ones. But now they are rather problematic.

This often happens with the program " strong woman". Which appeared as a result of wars. When so many men died, and women were forced to save their children and themselves. They needed to survive, and they became strong.

Now is a completely different time. There are men, and many of them are ready to be strong. But women continue the programs of their grandmothers and great-grandmothers. And this prevents men from revealing themselves. After all, in order for them to become strong, we must become a little weaker.

Men were also affected by these programs, because the post-war generations were deprived of the opportunity to be brought up by their fathers. And mothers who lost loved ones at the front became more protective of their sons.

Often the sons were substituted for the mothers of dead spouses. And this burden is too heavy for any child. This can break the boy's psyche - to be responsible for the happiness of the most beloved woman. He will never be able to make her absolutely happy.

It was very difficult for me to live the state of shame because I have a husband. But my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother did not. For the fact that they had to raise their children themselves, not counting on anyone.

They had to be strong to survive. And I tried to be strong out of loyalty. Out of loyalty to them. Although in my life today it is useless. I would be much more useful innate skill to be weak and be able to listen to her husband. And so you have to develop it yourself 🙂

Broken stream of love

It happens that a child is born prematurely. And then mom will be able to take him in her arms only many, many days later. Or the child may be born with some kind of disease, and he will need urgent hospitalization. And it happens that the mother needs hospitalization, and the baby waits at home until she recovers. It used to happen that mothers died during childbirth. Also happens and postpartum depression of the mother, when the baby also does not receive mother's Love.

These are just a few examples of how the flow of love can be interrupted. A stream that flows naturally from mother to baby. The flow is not always interrupted in our generation. After all, in order for the mother to be able to transmit the flow to the child, she must also receive it. And if she and her mother have already had this flow interrupted? Can we get something from a faucet that has no water in it? Or do you first need to find a blockage in the pipe, clean it, and only then open the tap?

Denying your roots

Sometimes in our breakdown there is also our personal responsibility. When we cycle on our childhood grievances, constantly chewing on everything that we don’t like about mom or dad, we turn off the tap. And we do it ourselves. With my own hands.

Parents may want to give us love, but we proudly turn away and say, "I can do without you."

This is how we give up our roots, and a tree without roots is not viable. Then we have nowhere to take the energy of Love and the energy of Life.

Until we can gratefully bow to our kind that gave us life, we will not be able to get our resources. Which are ours by birthright.

We will deal with all this at the “Me and my resources” group. We will look for everything that prevents us from living our lives, loving and getting what we want.

Each clan has resources

Very often in constellations and when compiling genograms, we also get hung up on the negative. We only see hard fates- dead in the war, shot, aborted, divorced.

And we absolutely do not notice all the power that is in every family. We do not see happy and large families, parents with many children, continuity of generations. We do not see the true power of single women of their kind. We do not want to notice the strength and courage of men in their kind.

We see one divorce without noticing a dozen strong families. We see one miscarriage and do not look at dozens of safely born children. We look at single mothers and ignore the wives and mothers of the family.

There is such a parable.

The teacher brought the students a white sheet with an inkblot on it. And asked them: "What do you see"

"Blot" - the students answered.

The teacher was silent, and then they began to interpret the inkblot:

"This is a bear"

"No, it's the sun in the clouds"

"It's a flower in the morning meadow"….

For almost half an hour they bombarded the teacher with ideas. But he got up and just as silently left.

And one of the students decided to catch up with the teacher and asked:

“Master, are you dissatisfied with us? Did we give you the wrong answers? What's wrong?"

The teacher sighed heavily.

“Maybe I'm a bad teacher. Since all of you saw the blot, but no one noticed white sheet»

Also in our lives. We easily see the shortcomings of others, we see the weak points of our loved ones. We see negative events in life, bad omens, difficult planetary periods.

But we do not see the main thing - a white sheet. We do not see our life. Life is like a gift from God.

A life that already has enough of everything. Enough resources and energy to achieve the intended goals. Love is enough to pass it on.

When we realize that each Genus is a resource, when we learn to see and feel it…. Then so much energy and Love will flow from our ancestors to us that it will be possible to warm all the hungry and needy with them.

In each Kin there are always enough resources for everyone. Each of us has this spring, which can completely quench our thirst. But you can find this spring only in its place, living your life. And with respect to all those people thanks to whom I was born.

I wish you to find your spring - I am sure that you will be very surprised at how much water it contains.


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