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The main purpose of the code of ethics is to create comfortable working conditions, a suitable psychological climate in the company. With the help of the code of ethics, it is possible to unite all members of the team, to form corporate culture. It is easier for employees who have learned the laws of the company to understand difficult working situations, and it is easier for a newcomer to join the team and understand what is expected of him here.

The code necessarily provides an explanation of the main purpose of the existence of the company, i.e. her mission. Each employee must know why the company was created.

The code of ethics highlights the following points:

  • - corporate standards: well, if the company can be recognized by the traditionally correct answer of the secretary;
  • - continuous development and improvement: increasing professional level, exchange of positive experience, search for new solutions; - reliability: responsibility, dedication;
  • - teamwork: respect for each other, open discussion of problems;
  • - the order of internal interaction: an established exchange of information increases the speed of processes, which favorably affects financial indicators companies;
  • - rules of conduct in non-standard situations: the risk that an employee is confused when communicating with a partner, client, etc. is reduced.

Western firms have long recognized the need to implement an ethical code that characterizes the foundations of business conduct, which allows them to achieve business advantages. In our country, due to insufficient state control and established traditions, the ethics of business behavior at the enterprise are not given due attention.

“A code of ethics arises in a company when it expands and the General Director needs to develop a coordinate system so that employees know ethical corporate values. In addition to all this, the Code of Ethics perfects relations with partners and investors. The Code provides partners with a guarantee that all obligations will be fulfilled. For investors, the code is an argument in favor of the correctness of the decision to invest in a company for which honor is more important than profit.

It is also known that in the labor contract of any enterprise there are sharp corners that are hidden. On the other hand, there is the Labor Code, a document that makes both the employee and the company vulnerable to the authorities. To resolve this contradiction, the company creates a list of ethical standards. Taking it on as a new employee, or an employee renewing labor contract knows what is accepted and what is not accepted in the company. By signing the document, they know what to expect from work in the company.

Companies can choose one of three ways to develop and implement a code of ethics.

  • 1. Engage external expert consultants who will lead the draft code of ethics from start to finish and accompany the company after its implementation.
  • 2. Develop and implement a code of ethics with the help of external experts, and maintain the system independently.
  • 3. On our own develop and implement a code of ethics.

In fact, some companies turn to consulting agencies, whose consultants collect the opinions and proposals of the team, analyze them, and after 1-4 months offer the company's management a "corporate constitution".

Other companies borrow standard codes of a particular industry (codes of doctors, psychologists, personnel officers, teachers), edit them and get their own set of internal corporate rules.

When preparing an ethical code, top and middle managers of a company get acquainted with similar documents that are in force at other enterprises, identify the traditions that have formed in the company, the ethical factors that exist in the corporate culture bring what we would like to see ideally.

Stages of development and implementation of an ethical code.

It is recommended to develop and implement a code of ethics in four stages.

  • 1. Research. The company is diagnosing the situation: they identify potential areas of conflict of interest, contradictions within the organization and in its external relations - with customers, partners. Areas of possible violations are determined, related, for example, to the rudeness of personnel, theft, etc. The goals of the program are formulated.
  • 2. Concept development. The company's management creates an "image of an ideal employee" - describes his desired behavior in conflict and difficult ethical situations. For each organization they are individual. Depending on their features, the structure of the code is formed: content, chapters. At the same stage, a draft text of the code is drawn up.

Thus, a base of own ideas about ethical standards in the company is created.

Further work is entrusted to the personnel service, which formulates the main provisions of the ethical code. When developing a code of ethics, it is advisable to involve employees at all levels in the discussion of its provisions. At the same time, problems of a professional and ethical nature that arise in the daily activities of employees are clarified, and desirable and undesirable behavior of personnel is described using specific examples. That. the unwritten rules that exist in any company are fixed: from the requirements for clothing of employees to the norms of relations with customers, competitors, etc. When developing an ethical code, it should be borne in mind that its provisions must be achievable.

  • 3. Discussion, adjustment and acceptance. All employees are introduced to the draft code, clarified its necessity for each employee and the company as a whole, receive feedback about the draft code. Then the text is corrected and the document is finalized. The Code is approved by the company's management.
  • 4. Implementation. A system for the implementation of the code of ethics is being created. It includes four elements: 1) promotion of ethical standards of conduct within the company; 2) training of employees (how to apply the norms fixed in the code); 3) monitoring the implementation of ethical standards and possible violations; 4) response to violations.

Whole vault ethical rules fully accepted by the president of the company, who is the guarantor of their implementation. Starting with himself, he can demand the same from others.

After the adoption and implementation of the code of ethics, if necessary, it can be amended. For example, a company has a new line of business or opened a branch in another country. The code of ethics needs to be supplemented to reduce the likelihood of conflicts and ethical problems associated with new activities. Changes are formalized as an appendix to the main text of the Code of Ethics.

There are no uniform standards in the preparation of an ethical code. It usually contains common goals and principles of the company, norms of behavior, work schedule, uniform, rules for working with clients and partners. The Code may include the company's obligations to the team, management policy in the field of labor protection, confidentiality provisions and other nuances of organizational activity. Each employee faces problems that are difficult to solve on their own. How to resolve these issues is prescribed in an internal document. The essence of this document is to help employees to match the image of the company and maintain its credibility.

As a rule, a corporate code of ethics consists of two main parts:

  • 1. Ideological, including the mission, goals and values ​​of the company.
  • 2. Normative (behavioral), which describes specific, common for all employees, standards of conduct, the company's obligations to employees, social and disciplinary responsibility, and features of handling internal corporate information. It also regulates the behavior of employees in certain situations, for example, when communicating with customers, partners, as well as safety standards, environmental standards, and much more. To comply with the principles of the code of ethics, it is necessary:
  • 1. Communicate the principles to all employees;
  • 2. The Human Resources Department should organize a discussion of corporate ethical standards (anonymous surveys, discussions on Internet forums);
  • 3. Establish a department for dealing with ethical service quality complaints;
  • 4. Periodically (once a year) review the Code of Ethics to eliminate or change outdated rules.

It is not always possible to achieve compliance by the staff with all the norms prescribed in the corporate code. So, if the boss violates the code, it makes no sense to demand its implementation from ordinary employees. Therefore, the code of ethics is one of the levers of personnel management.

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Moscow State University instrumentation and informatics

Essay on "Ethics of business relations"

On the topic: "Code of Ethics of Organizations"

Moscow 2013


1. History

2. The concept and types of ethical codes of organizations

4. Functions

5. Development and implementation of the ethical code of the organization. The need to implement the ethical code of the organization

6. Code of Ethics: Compulsory or Voluntary?

7. Analysis of the ethical code of the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development




The main task of the "Code of Ethics" is to find and designate the ethical principles and moral positions of a person, specialist and society in the course of their interaction in meeting the social needs of the client, the implementation of non-standard highly moral requirements, norms of behavior in relationships in professional activity. IN Lately codes of corporate ethics have appeared in many reputable domestic firms. Practice shows that codes of ethics actually contain resources for solving a fairly wide range of problems. At that moment, there is no general methodological layout for the creation of ethical codes at the moment. The first step in building such a methodological base may be the classification of existing codes of corporate ethics done in the article. A study of the ethical codes of major foreign and Russian firms has shown researchers that they are often too dissimilar. The codes they reviewed have a different format, a different style, and, not to mention, perform different tasks. It directly depends on the tasks set, what this document will become, and how it will work in a particular organization.

1. Story

A code of ethics in business is a set of moral principles, moral norms and rules of conduct for one person or a group of persons that determine the assessment of their actions in terms of relationships with other business entities, relationships in a team and in society based on the observance of moral norms and principles that are shared by them. With the help of the code, specific behaviors and general stereotypes of relationships and teamwork are set. One of the first professional codes of ethics was the Hippocratic Oath - code medical workers. They say that the very first universal codes, which were a set of universal values, were sets of religious rules (for example, the 10 commandments of the Old Testament). Later, codes began to emerge that characterize the behavior of certain social groups in society (for example, the Samurai code "Bushido"). actions on the battlefield, how much behavior in everyday life. The need for private codes (codes of associations, specialties) was formed due to the fact that there were few universal norms to regulate human behavior in non-standard situations. Private, professional ethics used common moral principles for the distinguishing features of any activity, having previously concretized them and supplemented them with the necessary.

The origin of the first professional ethical codes dates back to the period of the handicraft division of labor in the conditions of the development of medieval workshops in the 11th-12th centuries. Immediately then, already for the first time, the presence in the shop charters of a number of moral requirements regarding the profession, the nature of labor, and partners in labor is ascertained. However, a number of professions that are of vital importance for all members of society were formed in the deepest antiquity, and as a result of this, such professional and ethical codes as the "Hippocratic Oath", the moral instructions of the priests who performed judicial functions, were famous much earlier. It is believed that Japanese companies became the founders of corporate codes. The first "moral code of an employee of the company", called "Seven Spirits", appeared in 1930 in the Japanese company Mitsubishi Electric and combined the ideas of effective management of that time and the principles of the samurai code of Bushido. These "spirits" are: Matsushita's contribution to industry; honesty and devotion; harmony and cooperation; struggle for quality; courtesy and modesty; adaptation and susceptibility; appreciation. After the defeat in World War II, Japan was looking for such management models that would allow the country to get out of a severe economic crisis.

Worked in the 50-60s. over this problem, the Keizai Doyukai voluntary association of businessmen developed management principles that began to be introduced in Japanese enterprises. This was the Japanese managerial revolution, which meant the transition from production management to "the production of man and his industrial relations", the transition from the status of employees to the status of "worker-entrepreneurs". In the Japanese management system, the company does not have the opportunity to be present in the absence of specifically prescribed norms of corporate ethics, in the absence of a mission and a clear understanding by the employee of the role of his own company in the market and in society, in the absence of an understanding of his own role in the company.

In the United States, corporate ethics and corporate codes have been at the forefront of corporate governance for decades. The United States vigorously adopted the experience of Japanese firms. "...Corporate codes, which are a set of foundations and rules of business conduct, are considered a central element of corporate ethics. "Ethics cards" are a set of ethical rules and tips that specify the company's code of ethics for any employee of the company. They also contain the name of the company's ethical consultant questions. This method is used in Japanese companies. " Russian business began to pay attention to business ethics relatively recently: domestic companies began to think about creating an effective corporate governance system in the late 90s. In the 90s, a number of professional codes of ethics were adopted: the Banker's Code of Honor (1992), the Rules for the Good Practice of Members of the Professional Association of Stock Market Participants (1994), the Code of Honor for Members of the Russian Guild of Realtors (1994), the Code of Professional Ethics for Members of the Russian Society of Appraisers ( 1994). Before the direct relationship between the value of the company and its reputation in the market became clear, it became clear to Russian clerks that their business was considered not only by the size of the benefit, but also by the quality of corporate governance, considered as an additional risk factor.

The first among Russian businessmen to bring corporate ethics to life were the oilmen: 1998 - Sibneft and Yukos have their own corporate stands, in 2001 - RAO UES of Russia, a year later - LUKOIL, Gazprom and Norilsk Nickel. In 2002, with the participation of the Federal Securities Commission, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Businessmen, a unified Code of corporate governance for domestic business was adopted, which declared the transition to major standards of economic reporting and protection of shareholder rights. Currently, most domestic firms, to one degree or another, take into account the norms of this code when developing their own corporate codes.

2. conceptAndkindsethicalcodesorganizations

IN economic concept This is a set of explicit norms in the team, which all employees of the company must adhere to. The Code of Ethics regulates interpersonal relations in the company, and gives moral meaning to the joint work of people. The main task of creating an ethical code is considered to be the formation of a positive attitude towards the company or profession in society. Another no less main task of this document is to support each employee in the team within the framework of the “correct” behavior in relation to colleagues or/and clients. With all this, another task of the code of ethics is the ease of managing the team in general: as soon as employees understand what and how to do, adhere to common standards of service, it is much easier to steer such a company than one where chaos, confusion and hesitation reign. Currently, two types of ethical codes have become popular - corporate and professional, regulating relations within these groups. Depending on the features, identity, relationship of a professional (with an organization or with a professional community), the most significant for him will be the code of corporate or professional ethics, respectively.

There are several types of ethical code. These include:

1) Professional and ethical code.

2) National ethical code.

3) Worldwide code of ethics.

4) Corporate ethical code.

Professional codes regulate relations within a professional society and are effective for "independent professions", where professional ethical problems are more pronounced. One of the first professional codes of ethics was the Hippocratic Oath - the code of medical professionals.

The codes of ethics of those specialties where important ethical problems are set by the content of activity (lawyers, psychotherapists, correspondents, realtors, etc.) are better known. In a similar code of ethics, the highest standards of the specialty are constantly set, the basic rules of ethical conduct are stipulated and moral guidelines which the professional must follow.

The codes regulate the behavior of a specialist in difficult ethical situations typical for a given specialty, increase the status of the professional community in society, and form confidence in the representatives of this specialty. In addition, the code increases the importance of belonging to a specialty, its adoption can indirectly be a rite of initiation, an act of “conversion to the profession” (for example, taking the Hippocratic oath and admitting doctors to medical work).

The existence of moral codes of specific specialties is evidence of social progress, the gradual humanization of society. medical ethics urgently demands to do everything for the sake of the patient's health, despite the difficulties and even personal safety, to keep medical secrecy, under no circumstances to contribute to the death of the patient. Pedagogical ethics obliges to respect the personality of the pupil and show due exactingness to him, maintain his reputation and the reputation of his colleagues, take care of the moral trust of society in the teacher. The ethics of a scientist include the requirement of disinterested service to the truth, tolerance for other theories and opinions, inadmissibility of plagiarism in any form or deliberate distortion of the results of scientific research. The ethics of an officer obliges him to wholeheartedly serve the Fatherland, to show steadfastness and courage, to take care of his subordinates, and to protect the honor of an officer in every possible way. The ethics of the professions of a journalist, writer, artist, the ethics of television workers, the service sector, etc., contain their requirements.

Recently, codes of corporate ethical conduct have become widespread. Almost all such codes aim to help the company's employees behave ethically by clarifying or explaining how the common principles of morality apply to the company's activities or to its products. Despite their name, they are practically not considered moral codes, since no one person or group of people has the opportunity to act highly moral or immoral by order. Therefore, each code should be properly assessed from a moral point of view. Some corporate codes simply list legal requirements that employees may not be aware of but need to know. Other codes set out specific requirements against abuses such as bribery and illegal political contributions. Some firms have developed codes to serve as a guide to the organization's accepted practices. Some companies consider it unacceptable to accept gifts from suppliers, others allow gifts up to $25 or $50.

Some companies prohibit giving gifts to suppliers or customers. Others hold back the volume of contributions to funds political parties, the acquisition of shares in firms with which they have economic ties, and other methods of work that can cause or look like a conflict of interest. There are two types of corporate code of ethics:

Declarative - this is only the ideological part of the code without regulating the behavior of employees. IN specific situations employees themselves must navigate how to behave, based on basic ethical standards. In order for this code to actually work, firms resort to the constant transmission of principles through the singing of an anthem, constant discussion, and other corporate rituals. The declarative option solves, for a start, the tasks of the formation of a corporate culture;

Expanded - contains a specific regulation of the behavior of employees. Usually, as a rule, such codes include the following claims: to comply with the advised style of clothing; avoid drug use; follow in the footsteps of the decisions of the superior manager and immediately execute them; observe confidentiality; do not accept gifts from interested parties; comply with laws and regulations; not use the property of the organization for its own purposes; not discriminate on the basis of race, age or sexual orientation; report cases of illegal or dubious activities of employees, etc. For corporate codes of ethics, significant dilemmas are set by the management of an organization or enterprise, they are needed in order to establish priorities in the relations of the entire team and regulate their interaction.

3. Contentethicalcode

Obviously, the abundance of corporate codes also establishes heterogeneous structures of their contents. These contents depend on several reasons: the size of the firm ( small company or a solid holding company), the structure of the firm (for example, a single office or a whole network of branches), the nature of the work of the firm (intensive trade or a research university), the number of employees (40 people in a team or several thousand), the number of rules , norms, routines. For a complexly structured company, as a rule, a code with a complex structure will also be created.

When working on the content of the corporate code, first of all, it is necessary to clearly define the readership and the expected result from reading. In most cases, the code is now understood as an internal document that enables employees to obtain all the necessary information about the company. Although, among other things, it is also possible that visitors, guests and guests become readers of the code. In this version, it can be issued in the form of a booklet containing information about the company, its mission and history, visitors, the most bright plans, but internal norms and rules in such a situation may have a secondary meaning or not be covered at all.

Typically, ethical codes of companies consist of 2 parts: ideological, which describes the mission, goals and objectives of the company, and the usual, in other words, normative, containing precise norms of behavior within the team. This is how managerial tasks are solved, and the part describing the mission of the company is aimed at instilling a corporate culture and building a common team aimed at a large-scale goal. In professional codes of ethics, the ideological part may be absent, and the entire document may contain only a description of the content of the ethical norms of a particular profession, regulating the behavior of employees in difficult situations. The creation of an ethical code is based on the following basic principles:

determination of the interests of all employees and customers of the company;

reflecting these interests in the document in an understandable form;

creating a plan and draft code;

creation of specific criteria for evaluating the actions of employees in accordance with the points of the code;

creation of systems and methods to encourage employees who clearly and competently fulfill all the points of the code;

creation of preventive measures that contribute to the prevention of violations of the code;

creation of penalties for violation of norms and rules of conduct

4. Functions

Codes can perform important functions and contribute to the solution of specific problems faced by adherents of a certain specialty or employees within a company. If, for example, the firm has for sure established how much a present can be accepted, then the employee already understands not so much that bribery is immoral and unacceptable, but also what his employer directly considers a bribe. The root cause of ethical problems in business is contradictions in the interests of interest groups. A business involves financial relationships between many groups of people: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, competitors, governments, and community stakeholders. Consequently, the ethical code of the company is a separate area of ​​management. The root cause of ethical problems in business is contradictions in the interests of interest groups. Business involves economic relationships among many groups of people: customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, competitors, governments, and communities - stakeholders. Thus, the ethical code of the company is a separate area of ​​management.

In labor relations, situations periodically arise when people's ideas about morality collide, i.e. each individual has his own understanding of good and bad, justice, duty and responsibility. The code of corporate ethics should be built into the business system and act as a carrier of the company's ethical values ​​and ethical standards that determine the actions of an employee and ways out of difficult situations.

A code of conduct can perform three main functions:

1) reputation;

2) managerial;

3) development of corporate culture.

The reputational function is to increase the confidence in the company on the part of potential investors (shareholders, banks, investment companies) and business partners (clients, suppliers, contractors, etc.). The presence of a company code of business ethics is already becoming a kind of sign of its success and necessary condition high business reputation. As a result of the adoption and implementation of the code of business ethics in the company's activities, its investment attractiveness is growing, the company's image is reaching a qualitatively higher level.

However, the managerial function of a code of business ethics should not be underestimated. It consists in regulating and streamlining corporate behavior in complex and ambiguous situations in terms of observing the principles of ethics, honesty and good faith.

The management function is provided by:

Formation of ethical aspects of corporate culture between stakeholders within the corporation (by shareholders, directors, managers and employees). The Code of Business Ethics, by introducing corporate values ​​within the company, crystallizes the corporate identity of this company and, as a result, improves the quality of strategic and operational management in it.

Regulation of priorities in relations with external stakeholders (suppliers, contractors, consumers, creditors, etc.).

Determining the order and procedure for developing and making decisions in complex ethical situations.

Enumeration and concretization of forms of behavior that are unacceptable from the standpoint of ethics.

The Code of Corporate Ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey the values ​​of the company to all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity. Corporate ethics is also integral part corporate culture. The Code of Corporate Ethics is a significant factor in the development of corporate culture. The Code can convey the values ​​of the company to all employees, orient employees towards common corporate goals and thereby enhance corporate identity.

5. DevelopmentAndimplementationethicalcodeorganizations.Necessityimplementationethicalcodeorganizations

The main purpose of the code of ethics is to create comfortable working conditions, a suitable psychological climate in the company. With the help of the code of ethics, it is possible to unite all members of the team, to form a corporate culture. It is easier for employees who have learned the laws of the company to understand difficult working situations, and it is easier for a newcomer to join the team and understand what is expected of him here.

The code necessarily provides an explanation of the main purpose of the existence of the company, i.e. her mission. Each employee must know why the company was created.

The code of ethics highlights the following points:

Corporate standards: well, if the company can be recognized by the traditionally correct answer of the secretary;

Continuous development and improvement: professional development, exchange of positive experience, search for new solutions;
- reliability: responsibility, dedication;

Teamwork: respect for each other, open discussion of problems;

The order of internal interaction: well-established exchange of information increases the speed of processes, which has a positive effect on the financial performance of the company;

Rules of conduct in non-standard situations: the risk that an employee is confused when communicating with a partner, client, etc. is reduced.

Western firms have long recognized the need to implement an ethical code that characterizes the foundations of business conduct, which allows them to achieve business advantages. In our country, due to insufficient state control and established traditions, the ethics of business behavior at the enterprise are not given due attention.

“A code of ethics arises in a company when it expands and the General Director needs to develop a coordinate system so that employees know ethical corporate values. In addition to all this, the Code of Ethics perfects relations with partners and investors. The Code provides partners with a guarantee that all obligations will be fulfilled. For investors, the code is an argument in favor of the correctness of the decision to invest in a company for which honor is more important than profit.

It is also known that in the labor contract of any enterprise there are sharp corners that are hidden. On the other hand, there is the Labor Code, a document that makes both the employee and the company vulnerable to the authorities. To resolve this contradiction, the company creates a list of ethical standards. When accepting his new employee, or an employee renewing an employment contract, he knows what is accepted and what is not accepted in the company. By signing the document, they know what to expect from work in the company.

Companies can choose one of three ways to develop and implement a code of ethics.

1. Engage external expert consultants who will lead the draft code of ethics from start to finish and accompany the company after its implementation.

2. Develop and implement a code of ethics with the help of external experts, and maintain the system independently.

3. Develop and implement a code of ethics on our own.

In fact, some companies turn to consulting agencies, whose consultants collect the opinions and proposals of the team, analyze them, and after 1-4 months offer the company's management a "corporate constitution".

Other companies borrow standard codes of a particular industry (codes of doctors, psychologists, personnel officers, teachers), edit them and get their own set of internal corporate rules.

When preparing an ethical code, top and middle managers of a company get acquainted with similar documents that are in force at other enterprises, identify the traditions that have formed in the company, the ethical factors that exist in the corporate culture bring what we would like to see ideally.

Stages development And implementation ethical code.

It is recommended to develop and implement a code of ethics in four stages.

1. Research. The company is diagnosing the situation: they identify potential areas of conflict of interest, contradictions within the organization and in its external relations - with customers, partners. Areas of possible violations are determined, related, for example, to the rudeness of personnel, theft, etc. The goals of the program are formulated.

2. Concept development. The company's management creates an "image of an ideal employee" - describes his desired behavior in conflict and difficult ethical situations. For each organization they are individual. Depending on their features, the structure of the code is formed: content, chapters. At the same stage, a draft text of the code is drawn up.

Thus, a base of own ideas about ethical standards in the company is created.

Further work is entrusted to the personnel service, which formulates the main provisions of the ethical code. When developing a code of ethics, it is advisable to involve employees at all levels in the discussion of its provisions. At the same time, problems of a professional and ethical nature that arise in the daily activities of employees are clarified, and desirable and undesirable behavior of personnel is described using specific examples. That. the unwritten rules that exist in any company are fixed: from the requirements for clothing of employees to the norms of relations with customers, competitors, etc. When developing an ethical code, it should be borne in mind that its provisions must be achievable.

3. Discussion, adjustment and acceptance. All employees are introduced to the draft code, clarified its necessity for each employee and the company as a whole, and receive feedback on the draft code. Then the text is corrected and the document is finalized. The Code is approved by the company's management.

4. Implementation. A system for the implementation of the code of ethics is being created. It includes four elements: 1) promotion of ethical standards of conduct within the company; 2) training of employees (how to apply the norms fixed in the code); 3) monitoring the implementation of ethical standards and possible violations; 4) response to violations.

The entire set of ethical rules is fully accepted by the president of the company, who is the guarantor of their implementation. Starting with himself, he can demand the same from others.

After the adoption and implementation of the code of ethics, if necessary, it can be amended. For example, a company has a new line of business or opened a branch in another country. The code of ethics needs to be supplemented to reduce the likelihood of conflicts and ethical problems associated with new activities. Changes are formalized as an appendix to the main text of the Code of Ethics.

There are no uniform standards in the preparation of an ethical code. Usually, it prescribes the general goals and principles of the company, norms of behavior, work schedule, dress code, rules for working with clients and partners. The Code may include the company's obligations to the team, management policy in the field of labor protection, confidentiality provisions and other nuances of organizational activity. Each employee faces problems that are difficult to solve on their own. How to resolve these issues is prescribed in an internal document. The essence of this document is to help employees to match the image of the company and maintain its credibility.

As a rule, a corporate code of ethics consists of two main parts:

1. Ideological, including the mission, goals and values ​​of the company.

2. Normative (behavioral), which describes specific, common for all employees, standards of conduct, the company's obligations to employees, social and disciplinary responsibility, and features of handling internal corporate information. It also regulates the behavior of employees in certain situations, for example, when communicating with customers, partners, as well as safety standards, environmental standards, and much more.
To comply with the principles of the code of ethics, it is necessary:

1. Communicate the principles to all employees;

2. The Human Resources Department should organize a discussion of corporate ethical standards (anonymous surveys, discussions on Internet forums);

3. Establish a department for dealing with ethical service quality complaints;

4. Periodically (once a year) review the Code of Ethics to eliminate or change outdated rules.

It is not always possible to achieve compliance by the staff with all the norms prescribed in the corporate code. So, if the boss violates the code, it makes no sense to demand its implementation from ordinary employees. Therefore, the code of ethics is one of the levers of personnel management.

6. Ethicalcode:forciblyorvoluntarily?

Almost all companies polishing corporate culture and building a reputation have already gone through the development and implementation of codes of corporate ethics. And they faced a new problem: employees do not know the code, they are burdened by it, or they simply ignore it all together.

The creation of Codes of Corporate Ethics has become a common practice for many domestic firms. It seems like the code is considered an element of the international standard, the importance of which increases for firms entering the IPO. Looking from a different angle, with ethical management, the key components of which are directly the code of corporate ethics and the system for its implementation, expectations are associated with increasing the productivity of HR management and strengthening the image of the company. The subject of ethical management efforts is the identification, formulation, implementation, maintenance, modernization and modification of ethical corporate standards and principles that make up the company's business ethics system.

In 2002, one of the first reputable firms in Russia to create its own Code was the Tyumen Oil Company. Now many organizations have gone the way of creating a code, and almost all of them are faced with the problem of implementation, with the question: “How to introduce and maintain the declared ethical standards?”. At present, the practice of creating ethical codes themselves is becoming well known, but, unfortunately, it is still rare to find examples of building a system for the implementation of these ethical standards in a company.

Having clear and enforceable ethical standards in an organization helps employees navigate difficult situations, reduces the risk of possible violations, helps to form the commitment of the company's employees. code of ethics business conduct

And, if the code of corporate ethics defines the ethical principles, norms and rules of business conduct prescribed for execution by the company's employees, then the execution system:

Supports and encourages such behavior of employees that complies with accepted ethical principles, norms and rules;

· Prevents deviations of behavior of employees from the set ethical standards;

Helps to timely reveal the facts of ethical violations;

Helps to respond appropriately to facts of ethical violations.

ethical norms: performance Necessarily?

Ethical norms occupy a special position in the system public rules. On the one hand, they do not provide for such a rigid system social control, as, for example, judicial for legislatively approved norms. On the other hand, ethical norms can significantly limit the personal freedom of a person, more or less strictly regulating his thoughts, feelings, and actions. The "engine" of this system of internal self-control are such motives as self-affirmation, self-identification, superstition, social approval, etc.

The effectiveness of the implementation of ethical standards in the directive is extremely low. To make them individual life rules, they must be deeply inscribed in the daily practice of human relations with the outside world. The voluntary adoption of these standards is based on actual human needs.

Learn more about possible motives for ethical compliance.

Fear of punishment

This is one of the simplest and most ancient motives, which is aimed at satisfying the need for security. It is common in codes of universal ethics that are the essence or elements of religious teachings. In particular, in Christianity for non-compliance with the commandments, penance and Last Judgment in the afterlife

Another possible driver of ethical behavior is the fear of condemnation (moral censure) by other members of the reference group, that is, the one with which the person relates himself and whose values ​​he is guided by.

Group affiliation: professional and corporate

For a person, belonging to a community (professional, social) is often significant. Compliance with professional precepts emphasizes the inner belonging to the community. The fear of exclusion from the ranks of the community for failure to comply with professional ethical standards, which in some cases means the loss of the opportunity to work in the profession, is a strong lever for the fulfillment of these commandments and norms. Professional codes of ethics operate most effectively in communities of "free" professions, where belonging to a profession means more than belonging to an organization (for example, lawyers, journalists, psychologists, etc., especially honor their professional codes).

American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg defines three levels of development of morality (moral judgments):

pre-conventional (the driving motive of moral behavior is the fear of punishment);

Conventional - social approval (from a significant community - including a professional one);

postconventional (principled) - self-recognized moral principles (regardless of their social significance).

The above levels of development of morality (moral judgments) are usually correlated with the stages of maturity of the individual, organization, social system. A natural question arises - to what level is it advisable to develop business ethics in an organization? The obvious answer - to the postconventional one - is not as unambiguously positive as it seems at first glance.

Let's imagine that an employee has reached the post-conventional level and began to accept the ethical principles and norms of the organization as his own. life principles. This means that, on the one hand, he will fulfill them (most likely), on the other hand, he will perceive himself as an integral part of the organization, and the organization as his family. As long as an employee works at this place, it is good for him and for the organization. But imagine that the organization has a change of leadership, restructuring, merger, etc., or that an employee has moved to work in another organization. In both cases, he will have the problem of quickly changing his own ethical system, an integral part of which has become the former corporate norms of correct behavior. Therefore, only in the conditions of lifetime employment practiced by many Japanese companies, the level of acceptance of the ethical standards of the organization by employees can be arbitrarily deep.

In Russian organizations, it is most acceptable to dwell on the level of social approval in the adoption of organizational values ​​and ethical standards. For employees who intend to change jobs during their labor activity, it is personally safer to perceive the norms of the organization as a limitation (and a condition for achieving success) for the period of work in it. From the point of view of business ethics, the situation is especially successful when the ethical systems of the employee and the organization are close.

Implementation ethics V organizations: restrictions And possibilities

The basic limitation of the implementation of ethical standards in the organization is the impossibility of their direct administrative regulation. The area of ​​individual moral attitudes is too delicate an area for direct intervention with the help of directive levers.

Therefore, as a rule, the code does not provide for legal liability for its non-compliance. At the stage of creation, it is proposed to adopt the code voluntarily; if desired, and if there is an appropriate procedure, each employee can make their wishes to the text and the execution system. For new members of the community, the document is already a given that must be accepted. If a person aspires to work in a company, then knowledge and understanding of the principles of life in this company will help, on the one hand, a new employee to adapt faster, and on the other hand, the company to maintain integrity, a “single face”.

The option of introducing the code as a local normative act is also possible. To do this, variants of specific violations are more carefully prescribed and a system for their detection and prevention is being created. This approach, adopted more in the United States than in Europe, supports pre-conventional ethical standards (due to fear of punishment and due to group pressure). However, the focus on social control over the ethical behavior at the same time reduces the intrinsic motivation to comply with norms and rules. In areas where social control is difficult (violations with a low risk of exposure), the likelihood of violations remains high. This is indirectly confirmed by the situation with Enron, when serious ethical violations were committed, despite the presence strong system ethical control. Russian legislation currently does not directly address this issue.

Returning to the possibilities of introducing ethical norms not by administrative, but by recommendatory procedure, it is worth focusing on methods for translating ethical norms. A partnership approach to their implementation implies voluntariness and individual motivation of an employee to comply with ethical standards. This approach is based on the understanding by employees of the need for the existence of ethical standards in the organization and the possibility of harmonizing them with their personal ethical principles.

Thus, the resource of the organization becomes a voluntary initiative, universal ethical responsibility and respect for the personal ethical standards of employees.

Formulating the principles of translation of ethical norms, allowing to implement such an approach:

1. Dialogic and maximum transparency of the entire process of development and implementation of the business ethics system in the company (based on the code of corporate ethics or in another form).

2. Voluntary acceptance of ethical principles and norms by the employees of the organization.

3. Equality of all employees in the implementation of ethical standards. Particular emphasis is placed on the actions of leaders at all levels - they must set a kind of standard of ethical behavior.

Conclusion: the main resource, and therefore the way to regulate business ethics in an organization, is the freedom to adopt ethical standards. Freedom of acceptance provides for the possibility of rejection of the proposed ethical standards. At the same time, if refusal is punishable by dismissal, then we are already dealing with the phenomenon of “forced ethics”. Therefore, real freedom is the ability to work in an organization, even if the employee does not fully share the corporate ethical standards. At the same time, it is obvious that he will have fewer opportunities for promotion and development in the organization. But the choice, to leave him because of this or to stay, he makes himself.

7 . AnalysisethicalcodeAll-RussianJardevelopmentregions

The reputation and future success of JSC "RRDB" to a large extent depend on compliance with not so much evidence of commitment to the fundamentals of civilized business.

In addition to the requirements of the legislation, the Charter and internal documents applicable in the Bank, the Code establishes the foundations and rules for doing business, created on the basis of moral and ethical values ​​and professional stereotypes. The Code is an internal (local) document that is mandatory for all members of the management bodies, managers, officials, employees and shareholders of the Bank. This Code was developed in accordance with the Letter of the Bank of Russia “On modern approaches to the organization of corporate governance in credit institutions” dated September 13, 2005 No. 119-T, taking into account the provisions of the Code of Business Ethics, “NC “ROSNEFT”, the Code of Ethical Principles of Banking , approved by the Association of Russian Banks, the Code of Responsible Consumer Lending adopted by the Association of Regional Banks "Russia", the Code of Good Business Conduct in the Stock Market, adopted by the SRO National Stock Association.

The actions of the Code apply to any movements of members of the Supervisory Board, members of the Management Board, officials, employees and shareholders of the Bank, committed or in connection with their participation in the implementation of the statutory tasks of the Bank.

All documents of the Bank, including those aimed at establishing, changing legal relations with customers, business partners, state and municipal authorities, competitors and employees of the Bank, are developed and approved subject to the provisions of this Code.

The acceptance by the Bank of additional obligations to comply with the principles of professional ethics in certain areas of professional activity is regulated by special regulations Jar.

Tasks of the Code of Ethics:

* Definition on the basis of common values, principles and rules of business conduct and ethics aimed at improving the efficiency and culture of banking, financial stability of the Bank, strengthening mutual trust of participants in the banking services market;

* Development of a unified corporate culture based on high ethical standards, maintaining an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect and decency in the team;

* Identification and provision of potential risks, resolution of problems that have ethical aspects;

* Increasing and maintaining the Bank's confidence on the part of the business community, strengthening the reputation of an open and honest market participant.

The Code is based on the corporate values ​​and principles of the Bank. These perceptions define patterns of behavior that all employees of the Bank should be guided by.

Corporate values:

1. Professionalism and improvement as a condition for the successful fulfillment of our obligations to our stakeholders;

2. Efficiency and integrity as a constant benchmark for our actions and as a guarantee of a high reputation;

3. Initiative and responsibility as ways to ensure the development and competition of the Bank

4. Trust and respect as the basis for constructive interaction and mutual support.

Ethical principles Jar:

Ensuring profitability and efficiency.

The Bank considers the profitability and efficiency of its activities as its duty to shareholders and all interested parties and uses all legal means allowed to it to fulfill it

Compliance with laws and regulations. Compliance with the requirements of Russian and international legislation, industry and corporate rules, standards, procedures.

Social responsibility. Professional staff health management, timely pay taxes and wages.

Good business conduct. Ensuring and maintaining high quality products and services.

Reliability. The Bank strives to become such partners for its customers, cooperation with which helps them to develop sustainable development and achieve their goals.

Versatility. The Bank is constantly improving its product line in order to provide clients with the type and volume of financial services that the client needs and most effectively.


The Corporate Code is a set of norms and rules that describes those patterns of behavior and uniform standards of relations and collaboration that are present in the company. The development and adoption of a corporate code is considered a matter of honor for any company that claims to have a high reputation in the market. The presence of a corporate code in a company and, what is essential, its observance greatly increases its investment attractiveness. With all this, it is important that it be a living document created by the firm without the help of others. And not rewritten in someone's image and likeness.

The corporate code is the embodiment of the company's philosophy. In particular, it fixes voluntary promises to employees and the outside world, which the company takes on in excess of those prescribed by law. The Code declares the highest level of business culture, implies compliance with high ideological principles and norms, contributes to the specific positioning of the company in relation to its own customers and employees.

Codes regulate relations within the professional community and are effective for "independent professions" where professional ethical problems are most pronounced. One of the first professional codes of ethics was the Hippocratic Oath - the code of medical professionals. More famous are the ethical codes of those specialties where important ethical problems are set by the content of the work (lawyers, psychotherapists, correspondents, realtors, and so on).

Any firm defines its own tasks, for the solution of which it is going to use such a tool as a code of corporate ethics. Although the creation of the code, of course, is not limited solely to writing the text of the document. There is a peculiarity in the execution of similar documents: it is impossible to force compliance with the code of ethics. As a result, in order for it to actually work, even at the turn of its creation, it will be necessary to provide for procedures that include, as far as possible, all employees of the company in the process of developing a document. Only if every employee accepts a code of corporate ethics will it be actually implemented.


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6. Labudinsky L.V. "Fundamentals of Management" - Chelyabinsk, 2007.-p.339

7. Petrunin Yu.Yu. "Business Ethics" - M, 2001.-p.563

8. Polukarov V.L. "Fundamentals of Management" - M, 2009.-p.239

9. Pugachev V.P. "Personnel management" M., 2005.-p.280

10. Reznik S.D. "Organizational behavior" - M, 2006.-p.429

11. Sergeev A.M. "Organizational behavior" - M.2006.-p.282

12. Solomanidina T.O. "Organizational culture of the company" - M, 2007-p. 624

13. Tretyakova E.P. "Organization Theory" - M, 2009.-p.222

14. Ulyanovsky A.V. "Corporate image" - M, 2008.-p.398

15. Shane E.Kh. "Organizational culture and leadership" - St. Petersburg, 2008.-p.330

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Sample Sample

Ethical code of the company "MART-WORD"

1. Appeal of the head of the organization to the employees.

Dear Colleagues! Our main task is to work professionally, honestly and conscientiously! We value our reputation and the reputation of our customers, we care about the environment and people to whom we are socially responsible.

That is why it is important for us to remember the ethical side of our actions.

By embodying our values, we have created a code of ethics for our company.

2. Ethical principles and values ​​of our organization.

Respect for the rights and interests of our employees, the requirements of customers and the terms of cooperation put forward by our business partners and society.

Honesty in dealings and in providing any information necessary for our work.

Courage to confront what is unacceptable and take responsibility for the consequences of your decisions.

Care manifested in the protection of people from any harm or threat to their life and health and protection environment.

Trust in employees, which allows us to delegate authority and responsibility for decisions and how they are implemented.

Living by our values ​​will allow us to maintain and develop the corporate culture that is necessary to achieve the highest level in all our business endeavors.

3. Attitude to the law.

We must comply with laws and regulations and follow professional standards. In this way, we contribute to strengthening the trust in us from customers and other interested groups.

4. Relationships between employees in the company.

4.1. What should be the employee of the company.

Personal Behavior: We are required to know, understand and follow the values ​​and principles set forth in this Code. Employees should raise and express issues that arise in the course of work regarding the ethical side of their interaction. It is necessary to show personal organization: do not be late for work and leave it only at the end of working hours. When leaving work, you must notify your supervisor.

Professional Behavior: We must fulfill our professional obligations, in accordance with technical and professional norms and standards, guided by our knowledge and experience. It is also necessary to report faithfully on the performance of our duties. Disclosure of confidential information about the company's activities, use of unworthy methods in work, such as industrial espionage, are unacceptable. As part of business professional communications, we must adhere to standards of work etiquette, whether we communicate directly, by telephone, or in writing.

Appearance of the employee: in a daily work environment, it is recommended to wear business suits, which allow for many combinations for various occasions and at any time of the day. It is not recommended to wear provocative clothes, jeans to work.

4.2. Fairness towards colleagues.

We must show respect and attention to colleagues, regardless of their official position.

We must avoid such phenomena as patronage in dealing with all personnel issues, such as promotion, development and change in the wage system, and other incentive programs.

We must have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

4.3. Respect for colleagues.

We must respect the religious, political and cultural freedom of our colleagues.

We must listen to the opinions of our colleagues, pay attention to them, and not resort to any form of pressure or actions that may offend our colleague.

Interaction with colleagues should be based on objectivity and courtesy in communication.

4.4. Cooperation with colleagues.

We must have partnerships with colleagues, share the necessary information and knowledge, which is extremely important to achieve a common result.

We must listen to the requests of colleagues.

At our workplaces, we must stimulate each other to fruitful work, help, complement each other.

In general, we must influence positively the working atmosphere in the team.

4.5. Trust in relationships with colleagues.

We must make reliability our style of work, always keep our promises, admit the mistakes made in the work.

4.6. Relationship between leader and subordinate.

Managers should treat subordinates with respect, clearly define the scope of their duties and responsibilities.

The business relations of employees with their management are based on the same principles that were written earlier. Both managers and subordinates must strictly follow these principles.

If problems arise in communication with the direct supervisor that cannot be resolved, both the supervisor and the subordinate should openly arrange a meeting with a higher manager.

The leader must control the work of each subordinate, single out and encourage anyone who deserves it.

If a manager is dissatisfied with the work of his subordinate, he should express dissatisfaction directly with this employee in order to eliminate the problem as soon as possible. It is unacceptable to discuss such a problem with other employees of the organization.

5. Business relationships with other companies.

We always fulfill our obligations and expect fulfillment of obligations from our partners.

We are interested in the sustainable development of our business and the business of our partners.

We are looking for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.

We focus on customer needs and guarantee the high quality of our products and services.

We do not accept illegal payments in any form and do not use unethical or unfair ways to influence our partners or competitors.

6. Health, safety and environmental protection.

6.1. We appreciate human life and health above any economic results and industrial achievements.

6.2. Optimization and improvement of labor safety systems is one of the key priorities of the company.

6.3. The company strives to comply with all officially accepted environmental standards and requirements and is fully aware of the need to develop production that is safe for the environment, and strives to:

Efficient use of natural resources;

Development and application of resource-saving and waste-free technologies;

Implementation of modern environmental management systems and ISO standards.

7. Gifts and services.

7.1. Gifts, services and entertainment may be provided at our expense or accepted from a competitor or individual or a firm cooperating with our company or seeking to cooperate, only if they meet all of the following criteria.

They correspond to the accepted business practice and do not violate applicable laws or ethical standards;

They are not too expensive (the cost does not exceed $100);

They cannot be interpreted as a bribe;

Public disclosure of the facts of the gift will not embarrass our company or employee.

7.2. Payments or gifts of cash (or equivalent money; (e.g., promotions or merchandise) to or from a competitor, person, entity, doing business with or seeking to do business with our company is never allowed and may not be solicited, offered, carried out or accepted by employees of our company.

8. Monitoring compliance with the norms, rules and procedures provided for by this code.

8.2. Control over compliance by employees with the rules and procedures provided for by this code is assigned to the heads of the company's divisions.

8.3. The implementation of control provides for:

Tracking based on available information transactions and other operations that cause a conflict of interest;

Carrying out official checks on the facts of violations by employees of the provisions of this code;

Respect for the confidentiality of the information received;

Other actions aimed at ensuring control over compliance with the provisions of this Code.

The festival is intended to become a model for the cultural and tourist renewal of Russia.

The main objective of the festival is to unite small towns on a common platform in order to jointly promote a positive image of the Russian provinces and consolidate resources for the further development of tourism.

The theme of the III Festival of Small Tourist Towns is "Small Town Gastronomy". At the stand of Uglich, there was a tasting of fermented milk products of the agricultural holding "AgriVolga", Russian cheese of the Uglich cheese factory.

The event was held at several venues: a festive fair of cities, a gala concert and a festive procession of AMTG representatives with the participation of creative teams at the Trade Square.

The novelty of the festival this year was its design, a new corporate identity of the Association of Small Tourist Cities "Great in small" was presented and adopted. Training seminars were held on the use of the new brand of the Association. Stands of cities, stage, videos, booklets - everything is done in the same style according to new concept AMTG. Each city has its own unique style, together the cities form the "Constellation of Small Towns of Russia"

At the solemn meeting of the festival dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Association of Small Tourist Towns, the new President of the Association was introduced - the Head of the Uglich municipal district- Kuritsin Anatoly Gennadievich.

The festival was attended by 13 member cities of the Association of Small Tourist Towns. The delegations of the cities of the Association included creative teams, chefs, representatives of folk art crafts and tourism specialists from city administrations and TIC, as well as business representatives interested in developing the gastronomic brand of their cities.

The business program of the festival included: a round table with famous experts in the field of gastronomy, a seminar on territory branding, culinary master classes. The program also included a gastronomic competition " Form style in a small town". Uglich was represented at the competition by the chefs of the restaurant "Avenue" Maxim and Dmitry, who prepared "Pike perch in the Volga style". The main goal of the competition was to develop and form a gastronomic brand for each city of AMTG and the Association as a whole. The competition included several nominations : the first - the presentation of a hot dish, which in the future could claim to be the signature dish of the city, was connected with the history of the city and was prepared from local products.

The second is the presentation of an apple dessert, which will be sold in every AMTG city in the future and serve as a unifying brand of the Association. Apple strudel was offered as Uglich's apple dessert. Dessert had to be prepared from apples, with a cost of no more than 80 rubles. The third is “a gastronomic souvenir of the city”. It had to be small in volume and weight, interesting in design and name, non-perishable and low cost, made from local products with their own history. Gingerbreads painted with glaze with images of the coat of arms of Uglich and the Chambers of appanage princes became a gastronomic souvenir of Uglich.

Representatives of Yelets, Kargopol, Myshkin, Kungur, Gorokhovets, Azov, Solikamsk, Tarusa, Yelabuga, Borovsk, Uglich, Tobolsk and Suzdal took part in the competition.

Vice-President of the Association of Small Tourist Towns Igor Kekhter introduced the chairman of the jury Olga Syutkina, culinary specialist and culinary historian.

Russian cuisine is not just sitting down and eating, - said Olga Syutkina. - It is rich and diverse, like the territory of Russia.

Olga Syutkina and her husband Pavel are not only the authors of a series of cookbooks. Recently in Paris culinary competition gourmet they took second place. The jury also included Sergey Tkachev, the brand chef of the Academy of Restaurant Business, who works in Rybinsk in the pier restaurant of the same name and the owner of his own cheese factory, and Leonid Gelibterman, the host - President of the International Ethnogastronomic Center, Vice President of the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia.

By the end of the first festival day, the results of all three nominations were summed up. In the nomination "Main Dish" won the chefs of Kargopol with pike stew and blueberry pie. In the nomination "Desserts", the winners were Suzdal residents - Yuri Kovalchuk (chef of the "Ogurets" restaurant) and brand chef Maxim Rybakov (hotel complex "Pushkarskaya Sloboda"). Suzdal also won in the Gastronomic Souvenir nomination.

As part of the festival and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the AMTG, representatives of the official delegation of the cities laid the apple orchard "10 years of AMTG" on the territory of the Spaso-Efimiev Monastery, and the Association of Small Tourist Towns received gratitude from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for the development of tourism in small towns of Russia. Gratitude was presented by the Deputy Minister of Culture A.Yu. Manilov at the 5th Congress of Mayors of Small Towns in Suzdal.

13 creative teams took part in the gala concert of the festival. Uglich presented dance group"Confetti". At the closing ceremony of the festival, the city that will host the 2018 event was announced. The city of Tobolsk took over from Suzdal.

From 16 to 18 June will be held III festival of small tourist towns Russia. The venue for the event was the ancient Russian city of Suzdal, which is both one of the cities of the famous "" and a member of the Association of Small Tourist Cities. It is noteworthy that Suzdal will host the festival in the anniversary year for the Association. The festival itself will be held for the third time, in 2015 it was held in Uglich, in 2016 - in Yelabuga.

The festival program has already been fully formed by the joint efforts of the city and regional authorities, together with the Suzdal branch Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The program turned out to be rich, but its details have not yet been disclosed. It is known that in Suzdal several sites will work simultaneously, where each guest will be able to find something interesting for themselves. However, the focus of any venue will be the culinary brand of a particular region. The main theme of the festival will be the cultural and gastronomic diversity that can be found in, as well as folk crafts. Many of them are almost lost and are more of a tourist attraction than a real craft. A large and noisy fair will operate in the central square.

Residents and guests of Suzdal are waiting for a colorful carnival procession along the main street. In it, each of the cities of the Association will present, as brightly as possible, their favorite city. The mayors of all cities will take part in the solemn landing " Orchard of Small Towns of Russia».

Help from Suitcase

Association of Small Tourist Towns(AMTG) of Russia was formed in 2007 for the joint development and promotion of tourism in provincial towns. All cities of the Association have a rich historical past, were founded no later than the 18th century, have a population of less than 150 thousand people, and have a developed tourist infrastructure. At the moment, the Association includes such cities as Azov, Kungur,

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