Drawing decorate the Christmas tree in the second junior group. GCD for drawing in the second junior group "Herringbone fluffy


Synopsis of an art lesson in the first junior group in kindergarten using non-traditional drawing techniques "Christmas Tree Elegant" (drawing cotton swabs)

Author: Akhsenova Elena Alekseevna, educator MBDOU CRR Kindergarten"Story" municipality Tsilninsky district of the Ulyanovsk region with. Big Nagatkino
This material is useful for kindergarten teachers.
Target: Development of artistic and creative abilities of younger children preschool age through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques.
- Teaching non-traditional drawing techniques with cotton swabs;
- To consolidate the ability to decorate a drawing using drawing with cotton swabs;
- Maintain interest in drawing;
- Fixing colors (red, yellow, blue).
Materials: picture of a Christmas tree, album sheets with a picture of a Christmas tree, cotton buds, gouache in three colors (red, yellow blue, napkins.

Lesson progress:

Children, soon we will have a holiday, New Year. And guests will come to us for the holiday. And who will come, you have to guess. Hear the riddle!
You will always find me in the forest
You go for a walk and you will meet:
I stand prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress.
- Of course, guys, the main guest will come to us - a Christmas tree.
- Why is the Christmas tree prickly like a hedgehog?
Why is she wearing a summer dress?

That's right, it does not drop leaves like other trees, but always stands green.
Show a picture of a Christmas tree.
- Children, please consider the Christmas tree and tell me what it is?
- Yes, she is beautiful, green, slender, fluffy.
- Previously, the Christmas tree was decorated right in the forest, but now it is brought home.
- What do you think, what can be thought up so that the Christmas tree is not cut, but the holiday is celebrated with a Christmas tree?
- Yes, guys, you can decorate an artificial Christmas tree, or plant a Christmas tree in the courtyard of the house and decorate it for the holiday.
Conducted Physical Education with children with elements of movement.
Our Christmas tree is large (circular movement of hands,
Our Christmas tree is high (stand on your toes,
Above mom, above dad (sit down and stand on toes,
Reaches to the ceiling (stretch).
Let's dance merrily. Eh, eh, eh!
We will sing songs. La-la-la!
So that the Christmas tree wants to visit us again

Children, so that our fingers work better, before we get to work, let's do the finger gymnastics "Christmas Tree Decorations"
Our Christmas tree Santa Claus (children bend their fingers on their hands, listing the gifts of Santa Claus)
Jewelry brought:
Crystal balls
silver sequins,
stones are transparent,
The stars are radiant.

Fluffy snow gave (simultaneously unclench all fingers on the hand)
I quickly decorated the tree. (and turn your hand to the right - to the left,
demonstrating the "decorated spruce".)
Let's get to work on paper with the image of a Christmas tree. The teacher reminds the children that you need to decorate the Christmas tree with different cotton swabs. Demonstration of drawing with cotton swabs on a magnetic board. If children find it difficult to change the stick, it provides individual assistance, fixes the color of the paint.
- Well done boys! What did we do today (Answers of children); What colors did we decorate the Christmas tree with (Children's answers); What has the tree become (Children's answers); What did you like the most? (Answers of children).

Practical part of the lesson

Christmas tree painting
Gouache diluted with water in three colors (red, yellow and blue)

Album sheet with a picture of a Christmas tree on a magnetic board

Demonstration of drawing with cotton swabs on a magnetic board

Children's drawings

Draw the children's attention to the picture "Christmas trees in the snow":

What is in the picture?


These are my sisters - forest Christmas trees.

Where do they grow?

Bilingual component: fir-tree - shirsha, winter - қыс.

Winter has come and a lot of snow has fallen. Snow covered all the trees. Look, the Christmas trees are all in snow coats. They are warm, well, the frost does not freeze them.

But suddenly a strong blew - strong wind.

Show how the wind blows.

A strong wind blew and blew all the snow off the trees.

Remove the picture "Christmas trees in the snow", silhouettes of Christmas trees remain on the board for drawing. There are Christmas trees in the forest without snow coats, they are cold. Without a snow coat, they will not survive the winter, they will freeze. They need to be warmed up. Christmas trees need to wear snow coats.

Can we help them?


Yes, guys, help me and my sisters. And then we will freeze in the winter in the forest.

And what should be done to make the Christmas trees warm?

What do we wrap them with?

Bilingual component: snow-kar

Where will we take it?

That's right guys, we can draw snow.

What about snow?

It is cold in the winter in the forest for a small Christmas tree, but then a snow cloud appeared in the sky and snow fell on the Christmas tree. Guys, let's show how from white clouds snowing?

Physical education "Snowflakes"

Blowing, blowing breeze

And flying, flying snow

Twisted, sparkled

He flew over the fields.

The wind died down, the snow fell.

Show how to draw:

Guys, today we will draw with magic wands.

I will be a wizard, and you will be my assistants - little wizards.

See how we will wrap the Christmas tree snow coat.

What paint will we paint snow with?

I take a (large) wand, we have it magic, I lower it into white paint, just touch the paper, it will leave its mark - a snowball.

What snow flakes fall on the Christmas tree, large or small?

I take a (small) magic wand, dip it in white paint, just touch a sheet of paper, and it will leave its mark - a snowball.

What flakes of snow fall on the Christmas tree?

And now a lot of snow has fallen, we apply snow all over the sheet.

This is how I will draw a snowball on a Christmas tree: I stick it - I remove it, I stick it - I remove it. This is how the snow falls on the Christmas tree. I've run out of paint on a stick, I'll dip it in a rosette again. And again I'll stick it - I'll take it away, I'll stick it - I'll take it away. You need to draw a lot of snow on the Christmas tree, cover it all with a snowball so that it does not freeze.

What kind of snowball do I get on the Christmas tree?

I'll take it - I'll take it away. I'll take it - I'll take it away. Here is my Christmas tree covered in snow.

What do you think, did our little Christmas tree become warm or cold?


Yeah, you covered only one Christmas tree with a snowball, and look how many more sisters I have left without fur coats. (points to the silhouettes of Christmas trees).

Guys, let's cover the rest of the Christmas trees with a snowball.

Now you are all turning into wizards. Now we will prepare your hands for magic.

Finger gymnastics"Christmas tree"

green fir tree

Prickly needles.

Branches fluffed,

Powdered with snow.

Herringbone:“Oh, how cold it is for me and my sisters - Christmas trees!”

We will wrap them up now, draw snow to make the Christmas tree warm.

Guys, take your magic wands and start the magic.

In the process of drawing

I provide individual assistance, remind about drawing methods, how to hold a wand correctly, monitor posture, call children “wizards”.

Integrated lesson "Decorate the Christmas tree" ( unconventional technique drawing) 2 junior group

Program content:
- improve skills unconventional image subject.
develop speech, imagination, Creative skills.
- to give children the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle loads by imitative repetition of the movements and actions of the teacher.
- to form a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.
- develop the articulatory apparatus and fine motor skills hands, develop speech, imagination, creativity, develop and improve communication skills.
- to create a situation of success, an atmosphere of joy and kindness, to create a sense of group unity.
Material: diluted gouache, baths with water, napkins, plates, illustrations, whatman paper with the image of a Christmas tree, Stuffed Toys, health tracks, audio recording Seasons, tape recorder.
Receptions and methods: game, conversation, story, visual, verbal, game.
Dictionary: circular movements of fingers, priming, birch
Ind.work- to fix the concept of forest, garden.
Lesson progress
1. Organizational moment"Hello" (formation of emotional contact).
To quiet music, the children enter the group. The teacher reads the poem:
Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky
Hello, free breeze,
Hello white snow!
Hello, kids: girls and boys,
Hello, I'll tell you, I welcome you all!
Today we have guests, let's welcome them.
2. Psychological training:
"Zimushka - winter" (development of the transfer emotional state, positive emotions, development of imagination).
An audio recording of "The Four Seasons" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds
Educator: What a wonderful tune, right guys? What does it look like, how can you say about this music? (Light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter). This is a winter tune, do you like winter? What do you like, Alina? And you, Valeria? Why does Kostya like winter, and why does Vlade like it? I love winter too.
Tell me, guys, what do you like to do most in winter, what games do you play? (Ride downhill, sledding, play snowballs, wallow in the snow, sculpt a snowman ...).
Educator: I invite you for a walk winter forest do you want to go with me? Well then, let's go! (background music playing)
3. Simulation exercise"We're walking on snowdrifts" (emotional discharge)
We walk through the snowdrifts
Let's raise our feet high
On steep snowdrifts.
Raise your leg up.
For a long time we walked
Our legs are tired.
Now let's sit down and rest
And let's go for a walk again.
Look, guys, what a winter glade we went to.
Oh, look at some pictures here, what is shown on them? (tree, tree)
What is the difference between a tree and a Christmas tree? (tree branches grow up, tree branches down).
- Where do trees grow? (in the forest, garden). (illustration display)
- What kind of trees grow in the forest? - What kind (birch, rowan, Christmas tree).And how did you guess that this is a birch (white stem), Christmas tree (needles, bumps), Rowan (fruits of rowan).
- In the garden? (trees that grow fruit). Name these trees?
- What forest tree came to visit us recently? (Christmas tree).
- And who can read poems about the Christmas tree? (reading poetry).
4. Physical Minute
5. Surprise moment
- Bunny comes to visit the children.
I came to visit you at the request of all the inhabitants of the forest. They are very upset that all the guys had a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree. And there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest, but we all don’t know how to dress her up beautifully, can you help us? (takes out a drawing paper with an image of a Christmas tree).
- Guys, what can you hang on a Christmas tree? (balls, beads, icicles, flags).
- And now I want you to turn into artists and draw decorations for the Christmas tree.
Bunny: But you don’t have brushes, what will you use to paint decorations for the Christmas tree?
Come to the tables, sit down. Before starting work, let's say what color we will draw balls, icicles). Will our icicles be round? (long), remember how to properly use paints on plates.
(wet your finger in water, then in a plate of paint, and after we draw a ball, you need to wash your finger and pick up another paint).
Let's prepare our fingers for work, warm them up.
Bunny: Guys, can I decorate the Christmas tree with you?
6. Finger game- massage "Boy - finger"
Finger-boy, where have you been,
Where did you go with your brothers?
- With this I rolled in the snow,
- With this, I rode down the hill,
- With this I walked through the forest,
I used to play snowballs with this.
We are all fingers-friends,
Where they are, there I am!
7. Doing work.
- top row red balls, bottom blue.
And the work is amazing! It's time for me to praise you!
They did everything so beautifully, What a miracle - masters!
Look what a wonderful tree we have turned out. It looks like our Christmas tree, which we had in kindergarten. And now let's take it to the forest and give it to the forest animals, they are already waiting for us. And we will go along the path. Blue is fast, green is slow. Well, let's go, and the bunny will show us the way.
(children walk along the path to the magnetic board, animals are waiting for them there).
8. Reflection. Lesson analysis.
- Did you like our lesson?
- How did Alina remember it? What about Costa?
- How do you feel now after our lesson? Choose from the proposed pictures (funny, sad, joyful).
What is the mood?
- In! (show thumb). Let's give our good mood our guests. (Children blow the mood from their palms).

Theme: "Christmas tree for the holiday"

Program content:

Preliminary work:

Concept formation:

Surprise moment;





Examining spruce;

Artistic word;

Showing the finished sample;

Pictures of the Christmas tree;

Show work progress.


Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part:

Creation of a problem situation;

Surprise moment;

2. Main body:

Showing the progress of work;

Completion of the task;

3. Final part:





Synopsis of GCD in the second junior group"Artistic and aesthetic development" (drawing).

Theme: "Christmas tree for the holiday"

Integration of educational areas:

Artistic creativity(drawing), cognition (FEMP), communication, socialization, physical culture.

Program content:

Clarify children's knowledge of spruce, repeat the concepts of magnitude: "high", "low";

Continue to learn how to use paint and brush carefully;

Continue to teach how to paint over the object completely, without leaving white spots and without going beyond the outline of the image;

Continue to learn how to apply paint with pokes;

Encourage others to help, be responsive;

Preliminary work:

1. A conversation about winter, about the New Year holiday.

2. Learning poems and songs about the New Year, about Santa Claus;

3. Examination of pictures on the New Year theme;

4. Observations on a walk behind a spruce;

Concept formation:

"High", "low", "prickly", "fluffy", "odorous".

Methods and techniques: (visual, verbal, practical)

Creation of a problem situation;

Surprise moment;





Reception of a planned error;

Examining spruce;

Artistic word;

Showing the finished sample;

Pictures of the Christmas tree;

Show work progress.


Artificial spruce; finished sample big size; a picture of a decorated Christmas tree; pre-prepared spruce templates; colors of green and white color; hard brushes; napkins.

Lesson structure:

1. Introductory part:

Creation of a problem situation;

Surprise moment;

2. Main body:

Showing the progress of work;

Comparison of Christmas trees in height;

Physical education "Pinocchio";

Completion of the task;

Setting a task for the next lesson (decorating Christmas trees);

3. Final part:



Lesson progress:

AT: -Hello guys! (children greet in response)

D: Hello!

AT: - Guys, this morning, when I was going to kindergarten, I met Santa Claus! Can you imagine?! But for some reason he was, sad, saddened. I asked him: “Grandfather Frost, why are you not cheerful? Soon the holiday, the New Year, the guys are waiting for you to visit! And he answered me: “How can I not be sad, the New Year is coming soon, I need to decorate Christmas trees for matinees, but I don’t have time at all! There are a lot of children and kindergartens, but I can’t cope alone, I’m afraid the guys will be left without a Christmas tree ... "And I answered him, guys:" Don't be sad, Grandfather Frost, the guys and I will help you - we will draw a lot Christmas trees and you can do it all! Our kids are always happy to help!”

Santa Claus was delighted with my words, because I promised to help him. After all, we will help Santa Claus, we will draw beautiful Christmas trees?

D: yes.

AT: - to make the Christmas trees beautiful, a Christmas tree came to visit us, look at her! We will look at it and draw the same beautiful Christmas trees! (the teacher opens a pre-prepared artificial Christmas tree, standing on the table, covered with white cloth):

Christmas tree

On furry prickly paws

The Christmas tree brings the smell to the house:

The smell of warm pine needles

The smell of freshness and wind

And the snowy forest

And a slight smell of summer.

Y. Shcherbakov

AT: - True, guys, the Christmas tree is very beautiful? What color is she? And what about the Christmas tree instead of leaves?

D: green. Needles.

B: Well done!

See what beautiful Christmas tree I drew. You like? (display finished work on a large sheet). Now I'll show you how I drew her, and then you draw yourself, do you want? Then watch carefully and remember!

I take Blank sheet I'm positioning it correctly. Then I take in right hand brush. How to take it correctly? Like this? (shows incorrectly, children answer) Or maybe that's right? (again takes the brush incorrectly, the children answer) is that right? (takes it right, the children answer) Well done! I will draw with a poke. I dip the brush into the palette with green paint, I dip only the pile, like this. (shows). It is necessary to draw a little paint on the brush, only on its edge.

When applying a poke, the brush should be in a vertical position, then the pile is flattened and a large one is obtained. fluffy dot.

Guys, where do I start painting my Christmas tree? That's right, from bottom to top, like this. Am I going outside the loop? Not! I draw carefully, I don’t go beyond the contour, I paint over everything, I press the brush from left to right in rows, I don’t leave white spots. And now I wipe the brush and take white paint, sprinkle our Christmas tree with fluffy snow.

So I drew a Christmas tree, look guys! Beautiful? And now look at what Christmas trees I got (it has a freshly painted template to the previously drawn Christmas tree, they are different in size) Guys, are they the same or different? (children's answers) Why did you decide so? (children's answers) That's right, guys, they are different. One tree is high and the other is low. What is this tree? (shows high) Right! And this? (shows low) Good guys!

Guys, let's get some rest and then we'll get to work. Let's all get up and do a fun physical activity:

Physical education on the poem "Spruce"

Spruce stands under the blue sky,
where the stars sleep.
(We are in a standing position, arms outstretched below - we spread our arms and legs a little to the sides, we hold our palms parallel to the floor - we depict a spruce. We raise our head up, stretch our neck - we try to see the stars "in the sky")

Frost painted it all over
From head to toe.
(We raise our outstretched arms up above our heads and, making smooth movements with our palms from side to side, we slowly bend over and lower our hands in front of us to the floor - this is how we “painted” the entire Christmas tree with frost with “brushes-palms”)

sparkling with pure pearls
In a prickly, ringing silence,
(We depict pearls with the fingers of both hands - large and index fingers We connect each hand into small circles. Making jerky hand movements different sides, bending and straightening our arms, we show how brightly our tree sparkles)

Spruce is so elegant -
Like a fairy tale in the moonlight.
(We return to the starting position, depicting a Christmas tree: legs slightly shoulder-width apart, outstretched arms slightly apart, open palms facing the floor. We do small squats and at the same time turn the body to the right and left, raising and lowering the outstretched arms a little - this is such an elegant our tree!)

Shoulder touching the clouds
(We stand again like a Christmas tree. We raise the right and left shoulders in turn)

She catches the snow thick.
(Jump as high as possible and clap at the same time arms outstretched overhead - "catching snow")

Even stood up on the paws of a hare
Before this beauty!
(We depict a bunny standing on its paws: we squat down, keep our hands at chest level. Being in this position, we look up and tilt our heads alternately to one side and the other - we show how the bunny admires a beautiful Christmas tree)

AT: - Well, did you rest? Sit down! Then we sit down correctly, the back is straight, the legs under the table sit quietly. Now I will distribute leaflets to everyone, and you can get to work. Here Santa Claus will be delighted! Children start painting Christmas tree patterns, meanwhile the teacher constantly reminds how to hold a brush, how to use paint, constantly encourages and praises children, makes comments, if necessary, helps.

What good fellows you all are, you are trying so hard for Grandfather Frost, glorious Christmas trees are obtained!

Guys, what did we do today? Whom did they help? Did you like it? You are great! Admire your Christmas trees, how beautiful it turned out! Now Santa Claus will definitely do everything thanks to you. And how carefully you worked, everyone had clean tables, hands, no one got their clothes dirty. Our lesson has come to an end.

Synopsis of the GCD for the NGO "Artistic Creativity" (drawing) in the second junior group "Herringbone - green needle"


Topic: "Christmas tree - a green needle!"

Program tasks:

To teach children to convey the image of a Christmas tree in drawing;

Learn to draw objects consisting of lines (vertical, inclined);

Develop the ability to use paints and a brush (hold the brush correctly, dip only the bristle of the brush into the paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, rinse the brush well, dry it on a rag);

Cultivate independence in work and a desire to help the Bunny.

Preliminary work:

Looking at the Christmas tree for a walk, looking at illustrations, guessing riddles, reading poetry, singing songs.

Vocabulary work: crown, trunk, branches, short, long.


Hare toy, car, sample in an envelope, paper silhouettes of bunnies, a sheet for each child (1/2 album sheet, green paint, brushes with a stand, jars of water, rags according to the number of children.


The children stand next to the teacher.

There is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in a car with a toy hare, he has an envelope and silhouettes of little bunnies.

Art specialist: Guys, look who came to us?

Children: Bunny.

Bunny: Hello children! (Children say hello).

Art Specialist: Why, Bunny, are you so sad?

Bunny: There are a lot in the forest different trees but few trees. And under them it is very good to hide from the cold and from the wind. Draw for me and my friends - Zaychat (takes out the silhouettes of bunnies from the car, please, such Christmas trees (takes out a sample from the envelope).

Art specialist: Guys, let's help the Bunnies and draw Christmas trees for them! Each of you will draw a Christmas tree for your bunny (paper silhouettes of little bunnies are handed out to children). Come and sit at the tables.

Course progress.

Art Specialist: Now we are going to draw. Let's take a look at the tree.

What color is she? - Green.

What does she have? (points to the trunk) - Trunk.

What trunk? - Straight, high.

What else is on the tree? (points to branches) - Branches.

Where are the branches going? - Look down.

What branches? - Short at the top, longer at the bottom, lowered down.

What is the top of the tree called? - The crown.

Art Specialist: See how to draw a Christmas tree:


We collect paint on a brush, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar, like this. We retreat a little from above, apply the brush and lead without tearing it from top to bottom. This is a stem.


Now, at the top, at the very top, we draw branches: first on one side, then on the other side, they are short, looking down.


We step back down and draw more branches, they are longer, looking down. Branches are friends - keep in pairs.


We retreat and draw more branches on one and the other side of the trunk, they are the longest.

It turned out to be a tree.

I wash the brush, dry it on a rag, the brush “jumps” over the rag and put it in the stand with the pile up.

Fizminutka. (Children stand near the table).

Art specialist: And now we will play with you.

The fir-tree lived in the forest,

The tree was small.

And then it grew, grew

Rising up to the sky.

Branches tilted down

They are friends as a couple.

Bunnies ran to the Christmas tree,

They jumped on the lawn. Children stand near chairs.

They squat down.

Gradually stand up, raise your hands up.

Shake hands from side to side.

Children put their hands down - to the sides.

They press their hands to their chest, depicting the paws of a bunny.

Jump in place.

Well done. Sit down at the tables.

Art Specialist: And now you will draw a Christmas tree yourself. Take the brush in your right hand, show. Let's draw a Christmas tree in the air. (Verbal reminder of the Christmas tree image). And now pick up the paint and draw the trunk first, then the branches.

Independent work by children.

In the course of work, the art activity specialist and the educator provide assistance by drawing a spruce on their sheet.

The educator and the art activity specialist hang out the finished work on the board.

Art specialist: Look at what kind of forest your Christmas trees turned out to be. Children, "plant" your bunny under the Christmas tree that you liked the most.

Bunny: Well done, you got beautiful Christmas trees, with straight trunks, fluffy twigs, now all the bunnies will be warm under your Christmas trees.

Art Specialist: I liked the way you did today. And you, Bunny, stay with us, play. (The game "White Bunny is sitting").

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