Salsa classes. Salsa training in groups and individually


salsa training is now very popular, dancing in Moscow is fashionable, healthy and fun, so in modern society successful people try as much as possible to join this art.

salsa dance is pair dance, which is based on the most common steps. The only thing that makes him stand out is their staging. For example, at every fourth step an unusual accent is made, which looks beautiful from the outside. The emphasis may be a small pause, a transfer of the body from one place to another, or in another "chip", which depends on the particular style of salsa. It is the spectacle and simplicity that help salsa to remain one of the most popular dances today.

Such a dance was originally an element of flirting when meeting. With his help, the man showed his partner his intentions. Therefore, in salsa it is so important to be able to feel not only your body, but also the body of a partner. Dance involves active movement, so this dance is great alternative gym. It has long been noted that dancers for the most part have excellent health and live to an advanced age.


Education in Moscow for beginners

Where can you get dance skills? Learning how to dance salsa is not difficult at all, training for beginners takes place both in group and in individual classes - come in your free time from work or study and dance!

Salsa training in Moscow will help you learn to control your body and feel the body of a partner, dancing will help you stay in good shape even after the hardest day at work. After a few sessions, you will feel lightness throughout your body. Dancing has a beneficial effect on a person, his health and psyche.

Salsa is very popular in modern world. In various cities, various competitions (including international ones) and parties dedicated to salsa are held. At such events, you can feel connected with the people around you, as if you are exchanging your positive energy with the help of salsa dance.

salsa training

One of characteristic features learning salsa is a feeling of “inseparability” of the partners’ hands, while the couple themselves are constantly improvising, circling around the dance floor. The dancers are literally "on the same wavelength", their bodies themselves understand each other. Everyone without special efforts can adjust if a partner makes a mistake - after all, and salsa is an improvisational dance.

Dancing is not only dancing and active pastime. It's also about socializing interesting people, among which, of course, there are several people who share your interests. In the modern world, simple live communication is so lacking, let's fix this problem with the help of salsa dance!

salsa has a lot different types. Maybe you want to dance in the popular style Los Angeles? Or try the cheerful and very close to the person living in Russia style of salsa Casino? Never be afraid to try, because salsa dance is based on your own inventions, raisins and improvisation!

Do you still think that salsa is not for you? But in vain! After all, today dance is a hobby successful people who know how to adequately relax and spend their free time. Such people can express their feelings not only with words, but also with body language, which is useful not only on the dance floor, but also in everyday life.



Four measures, three steps, movement-decoration... Passion and flirting, freedom and dynamics, plasticity without borders - let's dance salsa!

Salsa - cuban dance containing interesting combinations, relaxed movements, fun and flirting, flirting with each other.

It is a social couples dance that provides ample opportunity for improvisation and is a reflection of body language. salsa training will immediately capture you and immerse you in the world of enchanting Latin America.

Many people strive for pleasant and useful leisure, they want to be plastic and musical, to communicate with cheerful and friendly people. In order to achieve this, it is enough just to sign up for the first lesson in dance school in Moscow and start learning salsa and pair dancing for beginners.

The training will be entertaining and fruitful. You will have an original hobby and many new like-minded friends. You will be able to dance on the salsatecas and visit them in different cities where you will always be welcome.

Salsa lessons in Moscow are available to people different ages and various physical training.

FROM national dance Cuban talented Cuban choreographers will make friends with you. These are rhythms available to everyone, dance without age and restrictions!

Prices for salsa lessons at Ritmo Latino school

* The duration of one lesson is 60 minutes
* It is possible to freeze the subscription for a week.

Salsa dance lessons are held in group and individual format. You choose the schedule of school visits yourself: 4-8 times a month by subscription. If you want to take a break, just "freeze" your subscription for a week. And to get started, sign up for a trial lesson to get to know the teachers and immediately begin your acquaintance with the enchanting salsa.

Take advantage of the unique opportunity: right now our school is recruiting a zero-level group to learn salsa in Moscow in the center of the capital. Have you always dreamed of dancing salsa but didn't dare to start? Come and choose the options of classes to your taste.

What types of salsa classes can I choose at Ritmo Latino?

  1. Beginner level
    In the classroom, basic dance movements and positions are mastered, counting and musical accompaniment, the setting of the legs and the plasticity of the hands are being worked out, the first mini-ligaments are being learned. This is the best option for learning salsa in Moscow for beginners, followed by a gradual complication of movements and ligaments.
  2. Advanced level
    New stage perfection in the art of dance for those who have successfully passed initial education and wants to learn more complex variants of salsa.
  3. Individual sessions
    Personal lessons guarantee the exceptional attention of the teacher to the student and, accordingly, a rapidly progressing result. During the lessons, dance elements are worked out, mistakes are corrected, and a unique style is created.
  4. Women's style
    Special Program for girls, allowing dance moves reveal all the charm of femininity, comprehend the sensual Latin American grace and plasticity.

Salsa lessons are conducted by our choreographer: Michel Lara is a professional dancer and an excellent teacher. Michel will reveal to you all the main secrets of salsa.

You come on any of the days of the beginning group, change into any comfortable clothes and shoes, buy a subscription for the promotion for the first 3 lessons and go to the hall. You warm up, working out all parts of the body separately.

Start learning basic elements cuban salsa casino. First on the mirror, then in pairs. Yes, all other people most likely also came without a pair, this is normal.

Regardless of whether there are more boys or girls in the class, Ruzanna will take time for everyone, you will not be bored and will not have to be dumb at the mirror alone. Let's be honest, we are ready to guarantee that you will enjoy the lesson with Ruzanna, because attention to beginners is the main key to the success and development of our school since 2010. ;))

We care about beginners

Latin American dances not familiar to a "white" person, some students do not get almost anything at all in the first lesson. In salsa lessons for beginners, we explain the basics of the dance: base step, turns, rhythm. These elements are repeated and practiced in each lesson so that you quickly master them and can move on to more interesting material.

Individual approach

All come from different levels preparation. Some grab on the fly, others need to be thoughtfully dismantled. In our school, the moment of transfer to next level depends only on personal performance, and not on the number of classes attended. There is only one criterion for translation - a confident knowledge of the base.


We teach guys to lead in the dance and be a reliable support. To be able to lead a partner accurately, confidently and always gently, regardless of her skill level. To reveal all the beauty and individuality of each girl, not forgetting about mutual comfort and respect for each other.


We teach girls to follow and fill the dance. The dance is like a diamond ring, where the partner is the setting: he creates the shape and direction, but all his efforts are in vain if the partner's diamond does not shine on its own. A real dance is possible only when the girl not only follows an obedient shadow, but also reveals the most important thing in the dance - herself.


Timba is the modernity of Cuban music and dance. Here we not only twist complex connections, but also add style: elements of rumba, afro, reggaeton, dance both in pairs and solo, turning the dance into a real communication and game between partners.


Musicality is the pinnacle of the skill of Salsa dancers. It is the art of visualizing music: following it in mood, movement speed and accents, playing with the body of the sound of individual instruments. We do not just dance to the rhythm, but also change it, play with it, creating more and more new musical interpretations.

Cuban dream, cha-cha-cha, pachanga, New York salsa

Boombox is the only dance school in Moscow where the world's best salsa dancers regularly come to give master classes. Terry "SalsaAlianza" Tauliaut, Super Mario, Osbanis y Anneta, Reda, Karuk Gregoire, Marta Khanna, Grupo Alafia, Yoandy Villarutia, Inaki Fernandez, Yoanis Meneses, Fedor Nedotko, Vyacheslav Zaslavsky, Andrey Korzun and Dasha Reut, Stanislav Shvetsov, Sergey Timofeev , Alexander Maneev.

These names are known to the whole world, or at least the whole of Russia. They are regular guests of the largest international or domestic festivals, and hundreds of people always gather for their classes.

Maximum comfort

If the time of group classes does not suit you, or you are shy a large number strangers, we offer to start learning salsa in an individual mode.

The most effective way to improve dance

The fastest way to learn as a couple

If you want to start dancing as soon as possible, impress your dancing soul mate or learn how to dance together, then this is a 100% option.

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