What are the dances in Cuba. Cuban dances


Cuba is an island of freedom, hot sun and passionate temperament! Only here could incendiary and rhythmic dances known as common name"latino".

In these dances, a mixture of cultural traditions peoples of different continents. Rhythmic fight African drums complemented by the melodic sound of the guitar. Music is born that excites the blood and makes you dance. The dances of Cuba are well known to everyone:

Cha-cha-cha - inimitable and popular
- danson - a rhythm with a special charisma
salsa - dance of love
- sleep - incendiary and exciting
- rumba - awesome and amazing
- mambo - conquered the whole world
- tango - a dance that has become a classic

Even the rhythms of the hot Brazilian carnival are Cuban.

The history of the emergence of rhythms

The roots of incendiary Cuban rhythms should be sought in Africa. Its native inhabitants, brought by slaves to Europe and North America, remained true to their own in a foreign land, protected traditions and passed them on to future generations.

Latin American music and Cuban folk dance have religious overtones at their core, while drumming was meant to please African gods. To this day, there are secret communities on the island that preserve and carefully transmit hundreds of drum beats that were used in religious ceremonies.

In the 19th century, the American military came to Cuba, who were very imbued with the culture of national rhythms and introduced them to all of America. Prohibition in the United States also contributed to the spread of rhythmic movements to music in the Latin style - Americans came to Cuba en masse, where alcohol was freely available. Cuban music was soon broadcast by American radio stations. And soon dance rhythms known and loved by the whole world.

Varieties of the Latin style

It is difficult to say which dance is Cuban folk. All Latin American styles intertwined, complemented each other, gave rise to new dance movements. However, despite this, it is customary to consider Cuban: merengue, samba, tumba, mamba, cumbia, bolero, rumba, Cha-Cha-Cha, salsa, tango and bachato. The dances of Cuba are diverse, but united by sensuality, passion and a clear rhythm.

In the 20th century, Latin American rhythms entered the program of dance tournaments and competitions. It is considered prestigious for participants to win prizes in these competitions, showing their skills as a real dancer in emotions and incendiary movements.

Cuban salsa- it is incredibly popular all over the world social dance. In addition to a crazy mixture of energetic rhythms and emotions, Cuban salsa impresses with its plasticity, which is typical for all Cuban dances.

merengue The hot, incendiary merengue dance originated in the Dominican Republic, but almost immediately won the respect of the Cubans. Erotic hip movements, flirting and elements of improvisation are all an integral part of the real Cuban soul. According to legend, this dance was invented by slaves, but now it helps to feel really free.

Rumba Everyone in Cuba knows how to dance the rumba. This is the most interesting Cuban dance, which has nothing to do with the ballroom rumba. The real Cuban rumba is religious dance, his movements imitate either harvesting or worshiping the sun.

Each movement is named after a patron god. With outward simplicity, this is one of the most difficult Cuban dances. If you choose between a fitness room or a Cuban rumba, feel free to make a choice in favor of the rumba - the result will not be long in coming.

reggaeton Relatively young dance of Cuban youth. The dance became popular due to its wild energy and sexuality. If bachata and merengue leaves some kind of understatement between the partners, then everything is possible in reggaeton. It was reggaeton that gave rise to the famous twerk. It is performed both in pairs and solo.

Bachata so hot and passionate dance could have been born, perhaps, only in the same hot and passionate country of snow-white beaches and the azure sea. Bachata is a dance of love with which you can express all your feelings.

Cuban cha-cha According to one version, cha-cha originated in Georgia during the reception of a delegation of Cuban communists at a winery. Wine and chacha flowed like a river and soon the guests began to dance. And the more they drank, the faster they danced. Very soon, sensual salsa and bachata developed into energetic passionate cha-cha, which is now danced all over the world.

Guaguanco Guaguanco is a variation of the Cuban rumba. When Cubans talk about rumba, they mean this particular dance. This is a kind of competition between a man and a woman. The man tries to distract his partner and make a wakunao, which literally translates as “injection” or “inoculation”.

In dance, the wakunao symbolizes sexual intercourse. Outwardly, wakunao looks like an unexpected sharp gesture with a hand, foot or a wave of a handkerchief directed towards the partner. The partner, on the other hand, should flirt and interest the man, but not allow herself to be “pricked”.

Salsaton This is a wild mix of reggaeton and salsa that was popular in Cuba. The incendiary dance that once united Cuban youth quickly fell out of favor due to its low musical value. But in Cuba you can always meet someone who will gladly dance salsaton with you!

Dream This is one of the oldest and most famous Cuban dances. Most new dance directions that appeared in Cuba, came out of sleep. An important part of this dance is interaction with a partner. And yes, you won't be able to fall asleep!

Cuban music is distinguished by its richness of styles, which are constantly developed by talented folk musicians and composers.
Dance and music are in constant unity, despite the fact that they continue to develop independently of each other. Their harmonious union we can enjoy in the theatre, opera and cinema, or give preference to one of these elements of folk art.

Cuba is the country that gave the world the largest number of dance genres, which later became international dances, such as: danzón, mambo, rumba, cha-cha-cha, casino and others. Without a doubt, it was not without a significant influence of foreign genres on musical heritage Cuban people.
On the one hand, in Satiago de Cuba, folk dance is being actively promoted by teachers and artists, but at the same time, there is a lack of a learning culture, which has significantly halted the introduction folk dance into modern everyday life Cubans.
Many works have been written on the subject of music and dance world Cuba. A huge field for research is Cuban rhythm, genre music and dance variety and their development. It should be noted the works of Victoria Ely and Zoila Gomez ("...haciendo Musica cubana"); Caridad Santos and Nieves Armas ("Danzas Populares Tradicionales Cubanas"); Barbara Balbuena ("El Casino y la Salsa en Cuba"); Elio Orovio ("Diccionario de Musica cubana"); Alejo Carpentier ("La musica en Cuba") and many others.
Dancing, being for Cubans their essence and original folk way expression, now have the status of a world cultural heritage.
It is very important for Cubans to revive the youth's love for the national dance, a sense of pride in their native culture, a desire to learn its history and return to the people admiration for its dancing capabilities, to feel the true unity of the nation.

Cultural, musical and dance identity of Cubans

The very word "culture" (from the Latin "colo") means cultivation, the result of human social activity. Scientists argue that the term "culture" was originally associated with the agricultural activities of the population: tillage, growing food; and then began to relate to the acquired complex social behavior within a certain society.
As a result of human interactions social group, a culture is developed, a manner of behavior in the environment.
A person himself determines the components of his own culture and uses all kinds of technologies to transfer cultural information to the entire social group. Identity, for its part, is a socio-historical phenomenon, directly related to the roots and traditions of the people, with its identity, social exchange and a special form of interconnection of members of society, based on inherited experience. The term nationality also comes from the concept of identity, which means cultural complex social group that is passed down from generation to generation, as well as the development of new traditions in a particular populated region. Identity cannot be considered separately from the concept of culture. Every nation has its characteristic traditions, adverbs and dances. The concept of identity is studied by researchers as an integral part of every nation. The word identity comes from the Latin "identitas", "identitatis de idem" and means "the same", "same". Thus, identity is the same and distinguishable features of each people, something that simultaneously unites and separates into separate social groups. This is the main wealth of the people, created in everyday life and during creative self-development. These are those spontaneous actions, habits and everyday elements that, over time, developing, take the form of rooted traditions.
The identity of the people is created in the process of joining a certain social group of each person, with a sense of responsibility to society, attributing oneself to a certain class and stratum of society, recognizing one's identity.
From the cultural Cuban identity come various cultural forms, which the researcher Rolando Zamora has characterized as the following:

1. Language
2. Folk traditional culture
3. Racial crossing
4. Religion
5. Cuban thinking
6. Education
7. Collective consciousness
8. Creative and literary culture
9. Theoretical concept and popular consciousness
10. Life
11. Rest and leisure
12. Culture, class struggle and racial conflict

Of the Cuban cultural identity, the main elements are creative and literary culture, dance and its predecessor, music. With the development of the Cuban nation, these basic forms are in constant process of improvement, being the pride and wealth of the people.
For Cuban musical history characteristic is the influence of waves of colonization and capture of the island, the imposition of foreign trends and synthesis with the original musical traditions of the local population. As a result, the world has received an amazing shape. dance music with unusual motives and rhythms, in which the Cubans displayed their character and identity, creating a universal heritage of all mankind.
All recognizable Cuban rhythms make anyone admire. One need only name a few of them: "punto guajiro or cubano", "rumba", "conga" "bolero", "guaracha", "danson", "mambo", "cha-cha-cha", "sleep", "" and various variations such as "pylon", "mosambike", etc.
Many researchers divide Cuban music into popular and traditional, depending on the performers used. traditional elements and places of work.
Popular music has an author, is preserved in writing, its distribution is massive and often with certain commercial purposes. This is a socio-historical phenomenon associated with the roots and traditions of the people, using the heritage of many generations.
For a better understanding of the concept of Cuban music, it is advised not to consider the concepts of popular and traditional separately. That is why we are talking about Cuban popular and traditional music and dance.
Traditional music is creativity that is created, developed and passed down from father to son. This music has its own features, depending on the region and a particular country. In turn, dance identity is the choreographic part of each musical rhythm, result cultural activities person. It is the gradual accumulation of traits created in everyday life, such as religious beliefs, creative expressions and knowledge, which change their image with each generation.

« Casino» - the result of the synthesis of folk and traditional Cuban dances

For Cubans, as for other peoples, music is the most important cultural aspect equal to any other system of social communication. Music is a carrier of information and conveys people's knowledge, experiences and emotions. Cuban music is rich in a variety of genres and rhythms, which was made possible by the significant influence of the cultures of the conquerors and the Spanish colonizers, as well as the African roots of the black population of Cuba.
During the centuries of stay in Cuba of representatives of various nationalities, the local population got acquainted with various foreign dance genres, such as french country dance, minuet, waltz and others. Without a doubt, this influence of a foreign culture was reflected in the Cuban national dances, and the development of updated dance variations led to the birth of the casino dance.
Among the popular and traditional Cuban dance rhythms, the Cuban son and cha-cha-cha were fundamental. It is also worth noting that foreign dances left their significant mark: country dance, dance and rock and roll.
The country dance, which came to Cuba from England and Normandy during the Spanish colonization in the second half of the eighteenth century, had the greatest influence on the creation of the casino style, using a step forward or backward with a change of foot in four musical measures. This step is preserved in all Cuban dances: danson, sleep, cha-cha-cha and others. It is the open social position of this rhythm that becomes noticeable in the casino.
One of the most important elements of the casino is the "bastonero" ("bastonero" - dance leader in Spanish). This is the lead dancer or dance master, the creator of fashionable dance choreographies. Bastonero establishes the order in the dance, the change of figures and the place that the couples should occupy.
The Cuban danza dance is considered to be a simplified version of the country dance, which has kept it musical form, but the dance began in a closed social position, which is also reflected in the casino.
contradance absorbs the dance combinations and rhythmic figures of the original Cuban origin, which ultimately contributes to the emergence of the danzón dance.
The creator of the danzón is the composer Miguel Frailde (1852-1921), who presented to the public his first work from the danzón genre, Las alturas de Simpson. It is important to know that the danzón from a musical point of view includes mambo And cha-cha-cha.
The danzón dance consists of squares and is the only dance genre that, in its choreography, alternates dance fragments, the so-called "cedazo" ("cedazo" - the national Cuban variety of waltz - transl.) with fragments of "rest" to the musical beat. The dance starts from a social position, which is very important. Among the main figures, we can distinguish “paseo” (“paseo” - passage from Spanish), “cajon” (“cajon” - box from Spanish), “vuelta de tornillo” (“vuelta de tornillo” - turn of the screw from Spanish .) and other figures that later evolved into casinos.
The dream dance, in turn, appeared in the mountainous suburbs of the eastern cities of Cuba, such as Guntanamo, Baracoa, Manzanillo and Santiago de Cuba, and at the beginning of the twentieth century it was brought to Havana by soldiers of the Cuban army, where they began to dance the dream in the annexes of buildings, halls and academies.
There are two main types of interpretation of this dance genre: son montuno (“son montuno” - mountain dream in Spanish) and dream urbano ("son urbano" - urban dream in Spanish). The dream becomes a popular dance of the Cubans with a characteristic feature for it: base step to the rhythm of the clave (“clave” - the sound of the clave instrument - Cub.) or to the counterrhythm of the clave.
Dream montuno more mobile. This dance is characterized by an accentuated movement of the torso from side to side, deep bending at the knees with a constant rise and fall of the body and the movement of the shoulders up and down. The musical rhythm of the dance consists of four counts, and the choir enters two beats between each solo. In the sona genre, there are such varieties as changui (“changui” - a folk dance in Cuba - approx. translation.), “bitch-bitch” (“sucu-sucu”) and others.
In the urban dance, the movements are more measured, soft and elegant, the social position is more aligned. The flexion of the knees is not as pronounced, the shoulders do not move, as previously described. The common basic step for the son is danced in 4 counts, the first three are the same as 3 steps, and on the fourth count there is a pause during which the couple moves into a closed social position. It was this special style of dance that the dream subsequently received. greatest expression at the casino.
In turn, cha-cha-cha is another fundamental rhythm of the casino dance. The composer and conductor Enrique Horrin is considered to be the founder of the cha-cha-cha rhythm. Cha-cha-cha arose as a result of the search for a creative alternative to the danzón rhythm. The name of the dance imitates the sound made by the dancers in the halls of the Prado, Neptuno and other places in Havana when performing the steps of the dance. It was the structure of the dance that determined the structure of the cha-cha-cha rhythm.
From the cha-cha-cha, the casino dance borrowed choreographic figures. Dance casino in pairs or dancers separately. In the late 50s, rueda (“rueda” - circle in Spanish) appeared as a variation of the cha-cha-cha dance, and was popularly recognized as cha-cha-cha in rueda (in a circle - approx. translation.). In rueda, couples danced in synchrony, performing the figures of the dance, being in a position at the back or side in a circle, moving clockwise or counterclockwise. It is worth mentioning that the son was also sometimes danced in rueda, but not as popularly.
In the 1960s, the dance of couples in a circle, accompanied by music from other genres and fashionable folk trends, became more and more popular, which soon became known as the casino. This type of dance began to be danced in the Sports Casino Club. This creative approach to group dancing was approved by the youth and adopted by other clubs. In the process of popularization, the phrase "Let's dance in a circle, like in a casino" or "Let's dance the casino rueda" was famous, which abbreviated the dance, and later a new style- casino.
Some musicologists emphasize the special influence on the origin of the name "casino" famous group"Collective Casino"(1940), who performed jazz with Cuban percussion instruments.
Without a doubt, rock and roll dance left a significant mark on the Cuban casino style: characteristic acrobatic elements, turns of couples, constant turns with interlaced hands and a similar implementation of counting steps.
Casino as a variant of salsa in Cuba, it absorbs a dynamically developing variety of musical and dance genres, popular among the Cuban population, adored by young people and infecting with energy all the dancers, as well as the spectators of this action. The casino originates as an anonymous form of dance manifestation among the population, and does not correspond to any particular genre or musical key. Casino is a style of dance among the people of Cuba that combines individuality and collective dance. Casino does not represent any religion, and its figures do not carry any hidden meaning.
The casino is danced for 8 counts, divided into two parts of 4 counts - three steps for three counts, and the fourth is a pause. Steps are carried out with moving forward or backward, or with fast or slow turns around the axis. In all cases, the legs alternate. In rueda casino, the couples become in a closed position: the right shoulder of the woman and the left shoulder of the man are inside the circle. The steps of the figures are danced in sync.
In the process of developing the casino style dance groups used a variety of choreography from many dance genres to allow the basic step to be danced. We can see borrowed figures from mambo, pylon, rumba. This proves that the casino is a phenomenon that could not isolate itself from popular dance genres and various innovative choreographic elements of the development era. this style.
With revolutionary triumph casino turns into a custom and took root among Cuban folk traditions, constantly improved by the local population, passing true character Cubans. The casino has absorbed a wide variety of characteristic features Cubans. Its popularity and recognition among the Cuban public for decades has been made possible by the fact that the casino is part of the cultural heritage of the Cuban people. Thus, we can say who casino is a synthesis of all folk and traditional Cuban dances.

Cuban dances originated on the street and therefore they do not have complex lifts, choreographic connections, but they have amazing music, plasticity and speed of movements. Dancing is ideal for everyone who wants to try dancing from the first class and not wait for competitions or tournaments.

What do you associate with the island of Cuba? Island of Liberty, black rum and quality cigars, a portrait of Che Guevara on all available surfaces. The traditional Cuban dance vividly reflects all these motives, it is, first of all, the motive of unspoken, forbidden freedom. From this we conclude that dances should be as simple as possible, but very energetic in order to convey the mood of a revolutionary-minded people.


If your heart is begging for Cuba, but now there is no way to escape, we invite you to real Cuban parties. Bright and incendiary melodies, rhythmic and simple dances absolutely everyone will love it. Come and experience Cuban culture, feel the spirit of freedom and revolution from the inside!

Cuban dances in Moscow

Like all Latin dances, Cuban dances in Moscow are now at the peak of popularity, we teach the following dances:

  • salsa,
  • bachata,
  • reggaeton
  • solo latina
  • kizomba

Now they are danced everywhere: in many nightclubs and discos. There is no person who has not heard of them and more less people today, who has never tried to dance them! If you haven't tried your first dance moves- highly recommend to try. Our school has a free trial class.

Dancing is the best and simplest antidepressant that gives you a great figure, mood and lots and lots of communication. And if you consider that all Latin dances are famous for the small distance between partners, you can be sure that you will come out happy, fresh and truly rested.

Cuban dance training in Moscow, despite their popularity, is now danced not in every school, our studio gives you the opportunity to try what kind of dance it is in a trial lesson. Our trainers are true professionals in their field, they will help you master the technique, develop a sense of rhythm and technique, and those who continue their dance path will be taught new tricks and tricks that will make the dance a dance, and not just a set of movements. This is what will give you looseness, mood and teach you to open your emotions!

The method of teaching Cuban dances turns any training into a holiday and a real party. No - harmful and tedious coaches, monotonous and long workouts in the gym, monotonous movements and exercises! Yes, fun good mood, excellent figure, informal communication and the atmosphere of a friendly club!

The Cuban dance school in Moscow trains beginners and professionals who have been practicing their chosen dance style for a long time. We will help overcome stiffness, supply the basic equipment and train complex feeling rhythm, teach improvisation and perform complex connections and lifts to make your dance a real masterpiece. Know that when you come to our school, you do not stand on the sidelines, do not leave with bad mood. You dance already from the first lesson, enjoy and enjoy the result! There is no need to wait long to check your progress. The school regularly organizes parties and parties for students and potential clients, where you can easily show your skills, participate in master classes of invited guests and surprise your friends. Start dancing with us!

Currently, there are many hot and erotic dances, but what is their origin? The country of passionate temperament and scorching sun is Cuba. It was here that all rhythmic and incendiary dances which are now simply called Latin.

If you watch people performing this dance, you can trace the mixing different traditions and cultures of the inhabitants of different continents. Latino dances are usually accompanied by melodic guitar playing and African drumming. Hearing such music, you want to move, after which all movements develop into a dance.

Popular dances of Cuba

Among the most common dances that originated in Cuba, you can find cha-cha-cha. This dance is the most popular.

In addition, this list is complemented by Salsa, which the Cubans themselves call the dance of love. This dance can sometimes be seen in clubs, which can be found on the website https://spb.tomesto.ru/categories/nochnoy-klub.

Tango is a passion-filled dance that has now moved on to "classic". This also includes the amazing and stunning rumba.

Worldwide acclaimed, the dance is the mambo. And also unusual - danson. Exciting and incendiary - a dream. Those who have been to Brazil and got to the carnival can easily say that even in these dances there is a touch of Cuba.

History of origin

The roots of all incendiary and amazing Latin dances go to Africa. It is believed that Cuban dances spread in Europe because of the brought slaves who loved their traditions and culture and never betrayed them.

Folk dances and, by the way, music itself was not developed as an object of entertainment and was of a religious nature. The music contains drumming, which was performed according to a certain technique in order to appease the gods.

Since the 19th century, everyone who has visited Cuba has been so imbued with local dances that they must have taken their memories and skills with them. And since the 20th century, all Latin dances have been included in the American program.

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