Scenario game program 100 ideas for friends. Sports collective creative affairs


Sports KTD are aimed at strengthening the health of children, educating them in endurance and discipline. Motor activity of children is one of the main activities in the camp.

"One Hundred Things for Friends"

Breakdown: Participants are given one card each with numbers written on it. Time is given for the participants to form teams so that the sum made up of the numbers of cards is equal - for one team 21, for the other - 16.

Competition 1. "Archery".

The target is a bucket. Onion - onion.

The bucket is placed five meters further than the finish line. The bulbs lie on the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants. The first participant, on a signal, begins to move from the start to the finish line, takes the bulb and throws it into the bucket, and so on until the last participant.

Competition 2. « Figure skating».

Teams are divided into pairs. Couples join hands (right to right, left to left). Both raise on signal left leg and start jumping from start to finish and back.

Competition 3. "Pencil pull".

Two participants take hold of opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent's hands. Participants' hands are smeared with something greasy. You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most "sticky-armed".

Competition 4. "Night orientation".

One person per team participates. They go to the start, there is a chair in front of each, they are blindfolded. They must reach the obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can prompt players.

Competition 5. "Synchronized swimming".

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. The first player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, then he takes one step back, and so on. The winner is the pair that, without bursting the balloon, dispersed from each other to the maximum distance.

"Those Funny Animals"

Breakdown: participants are given cards on which animals are drawn. All herbivores unite in one direction, all carnivores in another.

Competition 1. "Penguins".

Penguins walk very interestingly, and they also manage to carry the eggs of their cubs between their legs so that they do not freeze. The players hold the ball between their knees and carry it to the mark and back (you can’t jump, you have to go). In order for the “cub” not to freeze, it is necessary to pass it to the next player from foot to foot, without the help of hands.

Competition 2. "Turtle".

The brightest distinguishing feature this animal - a house on its back and graceful slowness. Relay participants need to "turn" into turtles. Their shell will be the pelvis, put on the back, and so that it does not fall, it is necessary to crawl on all fours, and very slowly!

Competition 3. "Spider".

This relay race involves 4 people from the team at the same time. They depict a spider: they are fastened with their hands, turning their backs to each other, then they run to the mark and back, passing the baton to the next four. (The path of the "spider" may not be straight, but winding - along a line drawn on the ground - a "web".)

Competition 4. "Centipede".

The centipede, as you know, has many legs and therefore, runs fast. The first member of the team runs to the mark and back, then takes the second member with him (the second holds on to the belt of the first) and makes this journey with him. Then a third, fourth, etc. is added to the pair.

Competition 5. "Caterpillar".

Unlike the centipede, the caterpillar moves slowly, in “waves”. All team members run at the same time, holding hands. (On the path of the "caterpillar" movement, 4 - 5 obstacles are installed, under which it must crawl or climb over them.)

Competition 6. "Boa".

The whole team participates in this relay at once, except for three people. They stand on the relay line at an equal small distance from each other and do nothing, just stand. And the players of the rest of the team at this time turn into a "boa constrictor". Participants need to line up in a column and all players put their hands on the shoulders of those in front of them. The captain will be the "head of the boa constrictor", closing the column - the "tail". "Boa" is ready to move, and it moves, as you know, wriggling. Our "boa constrictor" will also have to wriggle, that is, go around the players on the relay line. The winner is determined by the "tail of the boa constrictor", that is, by the last participant.

"Higher, Faster, Stronger"

Breakdown: cards with various sports attributes.

Competition 1.

Each team comes up with a name and a chant. All teams receive the same score (initial points).

Competition 2.

It is necessary to put as many inflated balloons as possible into the clothes of one of the team members.

Competition 3.

Each team becomes in one line, each person puts his hands on the shoulders of the one in front of him. Two "snakes" are formed, which, on command, begin to move forward, skirting obstacles (skittles).

Competition 4.

Teams are given light lumps of cotton. On command, they toss them up and blow on them. The goal is to keep the cotton in the air for as long as possible.

Competition 5.

Imagine, a sculpture gallery with the name “Victims of Sports” has opened a hundred. Create for this gallery sculptural composition with title:

v to a weightlifter who did not have time to jump off the bar;

v the goaltender who caught the puck with his teeth;

v a skydiver who forgot to open his parachute.

Competition 6.

On the floor face down are scattered in chaotic order cards with numbers, for example from 1 to 18 (according to total members of both teams). The facilitator assigns serial numbers to all participants. Task: as soon as possible, each of the team members find their own serial number, but finding on the floor is not your number - it is forbidden to transfer! You must return the card back to the floor face down.

"Always Together"

Breakdown: atoms and molecules. All players randomly move around playground, at which point they are all "atoms". Atoms can turn into molecules. There can be two, three, or five atoms in a molecule (depending on how many commands are needed). Players on the leader's command will need to create a "molecule", i.e. multiple players will need to grapple each other. If the host says “a molecule of three atoms”, then this means that three players - “atoms” merge into one “molecule”. The most recent number of connections of atoms into molecules should be the number of team members.

Competition 1.

The first team members must run around the chair, while hitting the ball on the floor and pass the ball to the next participant. He repeats the actions of the first. And so on until all team members run.

Competition 2.

At the command of the host, all participants take off their shoes and put them in a straight line with their socks to their heels. The team with the longest snake wins.

Competition 3.

The team lines up in a column near a chair on which there is a plate of water and a spoon. At a certain distance from this chair is another chair with an empty glass. It is necessary in the allotted time to transfer with a spoon as much as possible more water into a glass.

Competition 4.

Each team occupies one corner of the room or playing field. On a signal, each team tries to move as fast as possible to the diagonally opposite corner of the playing field, having previously announced exactly how they are moving. The group whose members are in the opposite corner first wins. You can move like this:

v just run across;

v go backwards;

v jump on one leg.

It is necessary to warn the participants about the observance of the rules of mutual courtesy.

Competition 5.

The ball is tied with a long rope to a peg driven into the ground. The player stands against the ball, he is blindfolded. Task: go forward 6 steps and kick the ball. It is quite rare to do this accurately.


Breakdown: children draw out cards on which two types of shoes are drawn - sneakers and sneakers, so there are two teams.

Competition 1.

Pairs of guys compete in the run for 20 - 30 m. Pairs, holding hands, run, touching each other's backs. Having run to the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, and moves backwards in the other.

Competition 2.

The guys stand one after another at intervals of up to 5 steps. You need to bend your head and bend yourself, leaning on a leg bent at the knee. The latter runs up and alternately jumps over each person standing in front, leaning his hands on his back. The players gradually straighten up, increasing the height of the jump. Each jumper gets ahead. The one who fails to jump is out of the game.

Competition 3.

And in this relay team is divided into pairs. In each pair, one will be the "horse", the second "rider". The “rider” sits down on the “horse”, like - it's all the same, as long as the legs do not drag along the ground. Start! And the "horse" rushes forward, trying not to drop the rider. Turning around, going back, passing the baton ... The team whose "horses" are more "fast" and whose "riders" are more "persevering" wins.

Competition 4.

This relay also needs a pairing. One of this pair will have to become a "wheelbarrow" - a relic cargo transport with one wheel and two handles. Only here instead of a wheel there will be hands, instead of handles - legs. So, the “car” player lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, at this time the driver of the “car” takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the “car” is parallel to the ground. "Wheelbarrow" is ready to move. The signal, and the “wheelbarrow”, moving on its hands, “reaches” the turning flag and returns back, where a new “wheelbarrow” is already ready for movement. The strongest and fastest win.

Competition 5.

Siamese twins. “Grow together” the players, like the Siamese twins will have their backs. To do this, stand with your back to each other and firmly grapple with your hands. You can only run sideways in this position. Therefore, the first couple stands sideways on the start line, runs sideways and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next “fused twins”. The backs of the players throughout the run must be tightly pressed against each other. The most coordinated and fastest team will win.

"Forward, people!"

Breakdown: team captains are appointed and they, in turn, choose their team members from all participants.

Competition 1. "Running with a hoop."

All team members take turns running to the turning point and back, twisting the hoop on the belt. The most flexible and fastest win. The following tasks can serve as a complication of the relay race: twist the hoop around the neck; twist the hoop on the hand; jump through a hoop like a skipping rope.

Competition 2. "Three jumps."

To complete this relay race, it is necessary to put a rope and a hoop at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the first participant, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and rushes back to pass the baton to the next one. The second participant, having reached the lying objects, takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it (as through a rope). The third participant again takes the rope, etc., there is an alternation. The arrival of the last team member at the start line means the end of the relay. The victory goes to the fastest.

Competition 3. "Lifebuoy".

The lifeline that will help you cross the "river" in this relay will be a hoop. The start line will be one "shore", the line opposite - the other. The team captain puts on a hoop and, holding it at waist level, runs to the set mark. Returning, he captures with a hoop next participant commands and runs with him, "transporting" him in the "lifebuoy" to the other "shore". So, in turn, the captain “transports” the entire team to the opposite side. The team that quickly crossed to the other "shore" wins.

Competition 4. "The eye of the needle."

Two or three hoops lie on the ground along the relay line. Starting, the first participant must run to the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself (like a thread passes through the eye of a needle). Then, having reached the next hoop, do the same exercise with it. And so with all the hoops on the direct and return paths. The team wins, all the participants of which will pass the “thread” faster, that is, they will do all the operations with hoops.

Competition 5. "Running with a rope."

The first member of the team runs on a signal to the turning flag and back, jumping over the rope. Then he passes the rope to the next and so on until victory or failure.

Family sports holiday for children from 5 years old and their parents

"One Hundred Things for a Hundred Friends"

Traveler: Dear friends! Our today's sports holiday is dedicated to the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to see grandfathers and fathers in the hall. Here they are in front of us - peppy, fit, collected. We sincerely congratulate our brave, sympathetic men and wish them to continue to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in our common affairs who only benefit from their participation.
Fans and guests, let's greet everyone who will start today. We wish our teams success and victories!

Children are divided into teams. Joke, Counting and Riddle come out.

Joke: Queen of entertainment, mistress of games ...
Mystery: With his cheerful retinue, he wants to be at the feast with us.
Rhythm: It's time for you to meet her
Let's all shout "Hurrah!"

Disturbing music sounds. Runs Out Focus

Wait, don't make noise
Don't call the queen!
For us to call her
You need to know the spell.
So let's hurry
You go through all the steps.
Try! And then
The game will come to us here!
Leading: Teams will be invited in turn. At the end of the relay races, each team will receive a spell word. When the relay races have passed all the teams, it will be necessary to make a spell from the words.

Teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Building in a team in pairs: an adult - a child.


1. Adult and child hold hands. The child must run along the bench (an adult holds his hand). Then they run together to a chair, go around it and come back (the child again runs along the bench, holding an adult by the hand). The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.

2. Running with balls.
In each pair, dad throws the ball on the run, clap his hands, catches the ball
etc., and the child hits the ball on the floor (running to the chair and back). Then the balls are passed to the next pair.

3. The child stands in front of an adult, holding his hands. Both jump to the chair right leg, and back - on the left. The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.

Teams 1 and 2 get their words.

Leading: Teams numbered 3 and 4 are invited.


1. The child must crawl along the bench (in any way). The dad from his couple jumps over the bench as best he can. Then both run around the table and return back in the same way. The bench is passed to the next couple.

2. Dad must climb through two large hoops. The child must put on 4 hoops in turn.

3. Cheerful relay race "Garden".
Children stand at the start, adults are waiting for them on the opposite side. Between them are laid out "bumps". Suddenly, it starts to rain heavily. The child should put on a raincoat, take an umbrella and run over the bumps to the "garden". There, his dad picks him up and runs with him back over the "bumps". The raincoat and umbrella are then passed on to the next child.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education Children Center children's creativity"Constellation"

municipality Ust-Labinsky district



Developed by: Methodist,

additional education teacher

Chirichenko S.I.




Participants resounds By one card, on which the numbers are written. given time, A participants must connect V groups So, to sum, drawn up from numbers on cards, turned out equal 21 - For one teams, 16 - For another.

Competition "Shooting from Luke"

The target is a bucket, the bow is an onion. The bucket is placed 5 meters further than the finish line. The bulbs lie at the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants in each team. The first participant, at the signal of the leader, runs from the start to the finish line, takes the onion and throws it into the bucket. So until the last participant.

Competition "Figure Skating"

Teams are divided into pairs. Couples hold hands - right with right, left with left. Both participants raise their left leg on a signal and start jumping from start to finish and back.

Pencil Pull Contest

2 participants take the opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent's hands. Participants' hands are smeared with something greasy.

You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most "sticky-armed".

Competition "Night orientation"

One person per team participates. They go to the start blindfolded, in front of each of them there is a chair. It is necessary to reach the obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can prompt players.

Competition "Synchronized Swimming"

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. Firstthe player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, then he takes one step back, etc. The winner is the pair that managed to disperse from each other at the maximum distance.

Competition "time - money"

Teams must divide the clock face into 6 parts so that the sum of the numbers on each part is the same.

Competition "ABC"

Instead of dots, teams need to insert a letter so that they get a word:

M…zgi, ...m,, u...enie and others.

Competition "letter"

The teams need to write as many words as possible, starting with the same letter - M, L, D. Each subsequent one should be 1 letter longer than the previous one. For example:



















Competition "In happy math"

The teams are given cards, where 6 words are given, under which there are numbers. We need to define a new word. For example, the original words with numbers:

ear house code wave niva pier

52143 321 3214 321 3214 321

The resulting words are falcon, dock, fashion, fishing, wine, scrap. To draw up cards, you can use the following words: bar - slave, saw - linden, variety - growth, sickle - Persian, salt - elk, tire - niche.

Competition "Questions"

All teams receive cards with questions that are the same on all cards. The speed and correctness of the answers are evaluated.

Question options:

    The inscription on the envelope that indicates to whom to send the letter. (Address.)

    Fruits and berries boiled in sugar syrup. (Jam.)

What stands between day and night? (AND.)

Competition "Changeling"

Teams need to guess the proverbs-shifters:

    The cat is the enemy of the monkey. (A dog is a man's best friend.)

    Butter is nobody's feet. (Bread is the head of everything.)

family sports holiday for children from 5 years old and their parents

Leading: Dear friends! Our today's sports holiday is dedicated to the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to see grandfathers and fathers in the hall. Here they are in front of us - peppy, fit, collected. We sincerely congratulate our brave, sympathetic men and wish them to continue to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in our common affairs, which only benefit from their participation. Fans and guests, let's greet everyone who will start today. We wish our teams success and victories!

Children are divided into teams. Joke, Counting and Riddle come out.

Joke: Queen of entertainment, mistress of games ...
Mystery: With his cheerful retinue, he wants to be at the feast with us.
Rhythm: It's time for you to meet her
Let's all shout "Hurrah!"

Disturbing music sounds. Runs Out Focus

Wait, don't make noise
Don't call the queen!
For us to call her
You need to know the spell.
So let's hurry
You go through all the steps.
Try! And then
The game will come to us here!
Leading: Teams will be invited in turn. At the end of the relay races, each team will receive a spell word. When the relay races have passed all the teams, it will be necessary to make a spell from the words.

Teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Building in a team in pairs: an adult - a child.

1. Adult and child hold hands. The child must run along the bench (an adult holds his hand). Then they run together to a chair, go around it and come back (the child again runs along the bench, holding an adult by the hand). The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.
2. Running with balls.
In each pair, dad throws the ball on the run, clap his hands, catches the ball
etc., and the child hits the ball on the floor (running to the chair and back). Then the balls are passed to the next pair.
3. The child stands in front of an adult, holding his hands. Both jump to the chair on the right leg, and back on the left. The baton is passed to the next couple with a handshake.

Teams 1 and 2 get their words.

Leading : Teams 3 and 4 are invited.

1. The child must crawl along the bench (in any way). The dad from his couple jumps over the bench as best he can. Then both run around the table and return back in the same way. The bench is passed to the next couple.
2. Dad must climb through two large hoops. The child must put on 4 hoops in turn.
3. Cheerful relay race "Garden".
Children stand at the start, adults are waiting for them on the opposite side. Between them are laid out "bumps". Suddenly, it starts to rain heavily. The child should put on a raincoat, take an umbrella and run across the bumps to the "garden". There, his dad picks him up and runs with him back over the "bumps". The raincoat and umbrella are then passed on to the next child.

Teams 3 and 4 get their words.

Leading: Teams numbered 5 and 6 are invited.

1. The child must crawl through the tunnel. At the exit, dad meets him, puts him on his shoulders and runs with him back to the starting point. The relay is passed by a handshake.
2. An adult dribbles the ball between posts or chairs. At this time, the child jumps from hoop to hoop (4 pieces) on two or on one leg. On the way back, the same movements are performed.
3. "Funny train".
The whole team, holding hands, needs to run between the pins back and forth.

Teams 5 and 6 get their words.

Leading: Have you played? Not tired? Did all teams get spell words? Show them!
And now let one representative from the team come out. They must make one common phrase out of these words.
We have chosen all the words
The spell is known.
Let's pronounce them in chorus
We'll call the queen.

Casts all spell. Fanfare sounds. The Queen comes out.

Queen : Hello guys! Hello adults!
The retinue brought me news,
What clue do you have
I see you are not bored here.
Did you like the game?
Found the spell
So it's time to meet.
And so now
I bring games for you.
I offer you fabulous relay races in which you will portray fairy-tale heroes.

Relay "Baba Yaga"

All participants under numbers 1 and 2 are invited.

What fairy tales does she appear in? Well done. And now we will try to portray Baba Yaga.
For this we need a bucket and a mop. You put a bucket on your leg, pick up a mop and, pushing off with it, jump on one leg to a chair; there you change your leg and jump back.

Relay "Snake Gorynych"
All participants under numbers 3 and 4 are invited.
Now you need to show the Serpent Gorynych. Your task is to stand up in groups of three, join hands and jump together to the chair and back.

Relay "Turnip"
All participants with numbers 5 and 6 are invited.
The first participant runs to the chair and back. The second one joins him, now they run together, and so on.

Relay "Puss in Boots"

One dad from each team and three moms from fans of each team are invited.
We now have 6 dads and 6 hats.
Your task is that you must bow three times to your ladies, but the bow must not be repeated.
And we'll see which of you will play the role of the most elegant Cat - though not in boots, but in a hat.

Queen: So my fabulous relay games are over. While we were playing here, my retinue summed up the competition. Now you will be solemnly awarded the title of "most-most". Teams, line up!

"The fastest"!
"Most fun"!
"The most dexterous"!
"The most restless"!
"The most resourceful"!
"The most friendly"!

Teams are awarded prizes.

I see you are having fun.
I hear you sing songs.
Well, it's time for me.
Promise, baby
Always be obedient
And play pranks only sometimes!
Do you promise?
It's fun to live in harmony
Love all kinds of games.
We wish you success
And boisterous laughter.
If you are friendly
You will find a hundred friends.
And now it's time for all of us
Goodbye friends!
Now it's time to say goodbye
Our speech will be short:
We say "goodbye"
Until happy new meetings!

Sports entertainment for older children preschool age in the style of a quest can be carried out with the participation of parents
The course of the event "One Hundred Things for a Hundred Friends"
Dear participants of the holiday, today we have the opportunity to have a fun and useful evening together. We are waiting for different surprises, but we are ready for it!

1 Child:
entertainment queen,
game mistress
With his cheerful retinue
Hurry up to us for a feast
It's time for us to meet her.
Let's all shout out loud - Hurrah!

2 Child:
Wait don't scream
Don't scare the queen
For us to call her
Need to know the spell

3 Child:
All stages you go through
But come on, hurry up
Try and then
The game will come to us here.

To get the spell, you need to win the competition, we will be divided into two teams, the participants will be invited in turn. At the end of each stage of the competition, the winning team will receive one word. When all the relay races have passed, we will make a spell from the received words


  • Run
    Adult and child hold hands. The child runs along the bench, the adult is nearby, then they run around the cone together, and also return
  • Running with the ball
    An adult and a child each have a ball in their hands. The adult throws the ball up, the child bounces off the floor, so they move together to the cone, run around it and also come back
  • jumping
    An adult and a child, holding hands, jump on one leg to the cone, jump back on the other leg
  • crawling
    A couple of adults and children. The child holds the hoop, the adult crawls into it, they run to the cone, the adult holds the hoop back, the child crawls into it
  • Run
    The whole team, holding hands, runs like a snake, running around the cones to the cube, they just run back to the place, all also holding hands
  • Task for two
    In pairs, the child and the adult move towards the cone, on the way there, the child lays out the cubes, on the way back the adult collects them

As a result, the winning teams receive cards:


Let's make one common phrase-spell out of these cards

4 Child:
All the words we read
Spell learned
Let's pronounce them together
We'll call the queen

Children say a spell
The queen enters (a girl from the group is put on a crown)

I see you are not bored here
The spell was guessed
I am therefore now
I will play games for you

Mobile games are played:

  • "Homeless Bunny"
  • "Trap with a hoop"
  • "Salki-rescue"


I see you are having fun
Well, it's time for me to go home.
Promise goodbye
Always be obedient
And naughty only sometimes.
Do you promise?

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