Silver Age. Poets of the Satyricon


The truth has long been known: whoever laughs a lot, lives long. And who are these people who prolong our lives? Whose jokes make you laugh to tears? Comedians of Russia (the rating of the most popular names will be presented below) have become for each of us a real salvation from the gray days.

The following categories are offered to your attention:

  • Comedians of the new generation.
  • The richest comedians.
  • Veterans of humor
  • Women who know how to laugh.
  • Shows and duets that make us happy.

Comedians of Russia - a new generation

Who will make the next generation laugh? Whom does today's youth bow down to? What are these people? We present you only the most famous names:

  • Timur Batrutdinov - humorist, resident of the Comedy Club. Timur tried to find his destiny on the show "The Bachelor", but, unfortunately or fortunately, nothing happened.
  • Ruslan Bely performs in the StandUp genre. This is a talent that came to humor from the military.
  • Mikhail Galustyan - KVN, actor, presenter.
  • Semyon Slepakov - bard, comedian, jury member in the Comedy Battle show.
  • Vadim Galygin - Comedy Club, actor.
  • Ivan Urgant - humorist, TV presenter, actor.
  • Alexander Revva is a showman, actor, humorist, TV presenter and just a wonderful person.
  • Stas Starovoitov - StandUp.
  • Sergey Svetlakov is an actor, TV presenter, humorist, screenwriter, jury member on many humorous shows.
  • Andrey Shchelkov - KVNschik, film actor, beat-boxer.

The richest satirists and comedians of Russia

It is interesting, but which of our artists of the comedy genre managed to not only win fame with their talent, but also make good money. So, the list of comedians-satirists who made their capital on laughter:

Veterans of humor

The names of people who stood at the very origins of Russian humor and managed to keep their fans to this day:

  • Mikhail Zadornov.
  • Evgeny Petrosyan.
  • Arkady Raikin.
  • Gennady Khazanov.
  • Yuri Stoyanov.
  • Alexander Tsekalo.
  • Yefim Shifrin.
  • Lyon Izmailov.
  • Mikhail Evdokimov.
  • Yury Nikulin.

Women who know how to laugh

If earlier among comedians female names met quite rarely, today the ladies announced in full voice about being able to joke worse than men. The list of women who really know how to make laugh and understand what humor is is presented below.

So, comedians of Russia (surnames) - a list of female names:

  • Elena Borshcheva - KVN girl, film roles, participant in the Comedy Vumen show.
  • Elena Sparrow - a parody.
  • Natalya Andreevna - KVN girl, participant in the Comedy Vumen show.
  • Ekaterina Varnava - "Comedy Vumen", the recognized sex symbol of the show.
  • Clara Novikova - colloquial genre.
  • Elena Stepanenko - colloquial genre, wife of Evgeny Petrosyan.
  • Ekaterina Skulkina - "Comedy Vumen".
  • Rubtsova Valentina - actress, the main role series "SashaTanya".
  • Nadezhda Sysoeva - participant of "Comedy Vumen".

Shows and duets that make us happy

  • Quartet I has been bringing joy since 1993.
  • Comedy Club is a youth show that has existed since 2003.
  • "Comedy Wumen" is the female answer to the Comedy Club.
  • "Comedy Battle".
  • "New Russian grandmothers".
  • "False mirror".

Of course, these are not all Russian artists who give us a smile, cheer us up and entertain us in the evenings. But these are the names that are most often heard and deserve respect. We hope that their jokes will be heard for many years to come!

Satire is a sharp manifestation of the comic, when laughter becomes a weapon in the fight against various human vices. Since ancient times, satirical writers have played a special role in society, they were called accusers and truth-tellers. Through the allegorical and ambiguous nature of their works, they tried to talk about what was forbidden to take out on people and what was sometimes punished by law.

Short story

The genre has its origins in Ancient Rome. It was then that an understanding of what the role of a satirist writer in society is born. The first authors of a special form literary word- Aristophanes, Menander, Lucilius and others - created small poems in which they ridiculed the policy of this or that ruler, the life of the nobility and other social facts.

The public role of the satirist writer began to take shape in the Middle Ages, when the classics of humor were created in Europe - Giovanni Boccaccio, and Miguel de Cervantes. The first accusers of ecclesiastical inertia, the feudal system and romantic views significantly influenced the minds of a poorly enlightened Europe. Forced to see, evaluate and fight the vices of the century.

Genre feature

Satire deliberately distorts reality in a special way reproduces reality, where all the characters and events are conditional images that reflect the vices and life individual people or segments of the population. Distinctive feature this genre - a sharply negative assessment of what is happening. The main weapon of satire is the grotesque and hyperbole, ridicule and denunciation is built by introducing an implausible or greatly exaggerated phenomenon into the text.

Often, satire becomes very subjective, which is why satirical writers themselves are often sharply criticized. All of them can be called in one word - enlighteners, through ridiculing social shortcomings, people learned to look deep into the problem, see imperfection and, as a result, look for new guidelines. This is the essence of satire - the assertion of high moral ideals, truth, love, honesty and freedom.

Origins of satire in Russia

Back in the 19th century, A. S. Pushkin derived a formula that is true for all our people - "a poet in Russia is more than a poet." Until recently, it was literature that shaped self-consciousness and civil position Russian people. And a special role here belonged to satirical writers.

In Russia, sharp accusatory humor originated in the Middle Ages, but then it still wandered among the people in the form of fairy tales and jokes and was transmitted to oral. The authors did not name themselves, preferring anonymity, but the Parable of the Hawk Moth, The Virgin's Passage Through Torments, The Tale of Ersh Yershovich and others went around for a very long time. The influence of these stories was very great, because they showed the truth of life and allowed people to see a different point of view, different from the church one.

The first professional satirical writers appeared in the 18th century. A. P. Sumarokov, A. D. Kantemir created works in the image and style of ancient Greek authors. Truly Russian satire began its ascent from the fables of I. A. Krylov and the play by D. I. Fonvizin “Undergrowth”. Last piece literally blew up Russian society, up to this point no one had tried to ridicule the representatives of the nobility so sharply. The popularity of this genre is becoming extraordinary, dozens of weekly magazines appear, on the pages of which pamphlets, fables, comedies, epigrams are printed, revealing one or another side of reality.

19th century satirists

With the beginning of the golden age of Russian literature, satire receives a new development. Laughter becomes a truly formidable weapon, aimed not only at the vices of individuals or classes of society, but at the state and the emperor. The feuilleton genre prevails, but comedy also receives a special sound. The play by N.V. Gogol "The Government Inspector" gained immense popularity among the people and furious indignation among the authorities.

satirical writers 19th century were forced to constantly be under the close supervision of the country's leadership. The emperor and his ministers felt the power of laughter and how the people trusted the authors, therefore they were afraid of them, arrested, exiled and put constant obstacles in literary activity.

And as time has shown, this fear was not groundless, satire and other areas of literature for several decades shaped the consciousness of Russian people, showed them real situation cases and called for the struggle for another life. What was the cost of Nekrasov's work "Who Lives Well in Rus'", it is still called a direct call for revolution.


A huge role in the formation and development of this genre in our country was played by the satirist writer Saltykov-Shchedrin. Critics called his work a chronology of events Russian Empire XIX century. All the most important reforms and transformations in the state are reflected in his works. The writer observed the grinding of people and morality in the highest structures of power, the dominance of corruption and nepotism, which could not but cause in smart person protest and outrage.

Satire in the books of Saltykov-Shchedrin acquired a particularly cruel, punishing meaning. Images of two stupid generals or a governor with an empty head have become part of Russian culture, relevant even now, after 200 years.

Satire of the 20th century

The new century brought new, unusual artistic and moral ideals. In our country, first the political structure broke down, then the social and literary one. Writers-satirists of the country of the Soviets worked in harsh conditions of censorship and fear for their lives. In the first half of the century there were still free humorous magazines, but gradually they also became predictable in subject matter and denounced predominantly bourgeois ideals of life.

This period is associated with the appearance satirical works I. Ilf and E. Petrov "The Twelve Chairs" and "The Golden Calf". New and old world clearly reflected in the images of the swindler Ostap Bender and the former nobleman Ippolit Vorobyaninov. If these novels had been written a little later, they would hardly have seen the light of day, so strong was the pressure on free creativity. A striking example to that - M. Bulgakov, censorship haunted him all his life, and one of his main creations - “ dog's heart"- saw the light only after the death of the author.

new time

Modern reality establishes completely different laws for the formation of humor. First of all, the way of presenting information has changed, paper is no longer The best way talk about your vision of the world. Now communication with people takes place on TV or directly at concerts. And the format of the arbitrariness itself has become more capacious, specific and targeted.

But the role of the satirist writer in society has remained the same - to ridicule the vices of society and proclaim the true ideals. Today there is another problem - the amount of information and texts in this direction is simply huge, they write and speak to anyone and not always on high level. Therefore, it is not so easy to find among this rubbish a really valuable observation worthy of being called satire.


Humanity will never become perfect, vices, evil or envy will never disappear. This is the choice of each person, which way he should go through life. But this choice is often formed under the influence of external factors: examples of parents, the negative influence of friends, improper upbringing, etc. Not everyone can see and notice negative inclinations behind themselves, and in this case it is simply necessary to meet some kind of “mirror” that reflects individual traits of thought and behavior.

This is the role of the satirist writer, his work allows you to see yourself in a distorted form. Nothing whips so hard on conscience and pride as laughter, sharp criticism makes you think and reconsider the usual ideals.

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  • - writer n., m., use. often Morphology: whom? writer, to whom? writer, who? writer, by whom? writer, about whom? about the writer...

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  • - cm....

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  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - noun Fast. eg: nav.; shower; concr.; m. r.; 2 fold. Famous writers2 LZ A person who is professionally engaged in literary activities ...

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  • - humor/st-bytopis/tel,...

    merged. Separately. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

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  • - writer m. A person who writes literary works ...

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  • - humor"...

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  • - WRITER I, m. dépecer, dépicéer cut. 1. corner., they say, joke. A killer wielding a knife, a razor, an awl. Mokienko 2000. 2. angle, mil., joke. The same as a scribbler. Mokienko 2000...
  • - HUMORIST a, m. humoriste m.1. Author's literary works. BAS-1. Gogol - alone, par excellence, can be called om in full meaning this word. Pisemsky Concerning Op. N. Gogol "Dead Souls"...

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