Tale of three heroes. A fairy tale based on Russian epics and legends of three heroes read


A long time ago there lived a man, neither rich nor poor. He had three sons. All three beautiful, like a moon, learned to read and write, gained intelligence, bad people did not know.
The elder Tonguch-batyr was twenty-one years old, the middle Ortancha-batyr was eighteen years old, and the younger Kenja-batyr was sixteen.
One day, the father called his sons to him, sat him down, caressed each, stroked his head and said:
- My sons, I am not rich, the property that remains after me will not be enough for you for a long time. Do not expect more from me and do not hope. I brought up three qualities in you: firstly, I raised you healthy - you became strong; secondly, I gave you weapons in your hands - you became skillful shocks; thirdly, he taught you not to be afraid of anything - you became brave. I also give you three covenants. Listen and do not forget them: be honest - and you will live in peace, do not brag - and you will not have to blush with shame; don't be lazy and you will be happy. And take care of everything else yourself. I have prepared for you three horses: black, brown and gray. I filled your bags with provisions for a week. Happiness is ahead of you. Go on your way, go see the light. Without knowing the light, you will not be able to go out into the people. Go catch the bird of happiness. Farewell, my sons!
So saying, the father got up and left.
The brothers began to gather on the road. Early in the morning we mounted our horses and set off. The brothers rode all day and drove far, far away. In the evening we decided to rest. They got off their horses, ate, but before going to bed, they agreed as follows:
The place here is deserted, it is not good if we all fall asleep. Let us divide the night into three guards, and let us take turns guarding the rest of the sleepers.
No sooner said than done.
First, the elder brother Tongu-ch began to watch, and the others went to bed. For a long time Tonguch-batyr sat, playing with his sword and looking at moonlight in all directions... There was silence. Everything was like a dream. Suddenly, a noise was heard from the direction of the forest. Tonguch drew his sword and prepared.
Not far from where the brothers were staying was a lion's lair. Smelling the smell of people, the lion got up and went out into the steppe.
Tonguch-batyr was sure that he could cope with the lion, and, not wanting to disturb his brothers, he ran to the side. The beast chased after him.
Tonguch-batyr turned around and, hitting the lion with his sword on the left paw, inflicted a wound on him. The wounded lion rushed at Tonguch-batyr, but he again jumped back and hit the beast on the head with all his might. The lion fell dead.
Tonguch-batyr sat astride a lion, cut out a narrow strip from his skin, girded it under his shirt and, as if nothing had happened, returned to his sleeping brothers.
Then, in turn, the middle brother Ortancha-batyr stood guard.
Nothing happened while he was on duty. Behind him stood the third brother Kenja-batyr and guarded the rest of his brothers until dawn. Thus passed the first night.
In the morning the brothers set off again. We drove for a long time, drove a lot, and in the evening we stopped at a big mountain. At its foot stood a lone spreading poplar, under the poplar a spring made its way out of the ground. There was a cave near the spring, and behind it lived the king of snakes, Ajdar Sultan.
The heroes did not know about the king of snakes. They calmly tied the horses, cleaned them with a comb, gave them food, and sat down to supper. Before going to bed, they decided to keep watch, as on the first night. First, the elder brother Tonguch-batyr went on duty, followed by the turn of the middle brother Ortancha-batyr.
The night was moonlit, silence reigned. But then there was a noise. A little later, Azhdar Sultan crawled out of the cave with a head like a trough, with a long body like a log, and crawled to the spring.
Ortancha-batyr did not want to disturb the sleep of the brothers and ran to the steppe, away from the spring.
Sensing a man, Ajdar Sultan chased him. Ortancha-batyr jumped aside and hit the king of snakes with a sword on the tail. Ajdar Sultan spun in place. And the hero contrived and hit him on the back. The seriously wounded king of snakes rushed to Ortanch-batyr. Then the bogatyr finished him off with the last blow.
Then he cut a narrow strip from his skin, girded it under his shirt, and, as if nothing had happened, returned to his brothers and sat down in his place. It's your turn to be on duty younger brother Kenja-batyr. In the morning the brothers set off again.
They traveled for a long time through the steppes. At sunset we drove up to a lonely hill, dismounted from the horses and settled down to rest. They kindled a fire, had dinner, and again began to take turns on duty: first the elder, then the middle, and finally the turn came to the younger brother.
Kenja-batyr sits, guarding the sleep of his brothers. He did not notice that the fire in the fire had gone out.
It is not good for us to remain without fire, Kendja-batyr thought.
He climbed to the top of the hill and began to look around. In the distance, a light flickered from time to time.
Kendzha-batyr got on his horse and rode in that direction.
He drove for a long time and finally reached a lonely house.
Kenja-batyr dismounted from his horse, quietly tiptoed to the window and looked inside.
There was light in the room, and stew was boiling in a cauldron on the hearth. About twenty people sat around the hearth. They all had grim faces, bulging eyes. Clearly, these people were up to something bad.
Kenja thought:
Wow, there's a band of robbers here. Leaving them and leaving is not the case, it is not appropriate to do so honest man. I’ll try to cheat: I’ll take a closer look, I’ll enter into their confidence, and then I’ll do my job.
He opened the door and entered. The robbers grabbed their weapons.
- Sir, - said Kendzha-batyr, addressing the ataman of the robbers, I am your insignificant slave, originally from a distant city. So far, I've been doing small things. For a long time I have wanted to stick to some gang like yours. I heard that your grace is here, and hastened to you. Don't look that I'm young. Your only hope is that you will accept me. I know a lot of different tricks. I know how to dig tunnels, I know how to look out and scout. I'll be good in your business.
So skillfully led the conversation Kendzha-batyr.
The ataman of the gang answered:
- You did well to come.
Putting his hands to his chest, Kenja-batyr bowed and sat down near the fire.
The soup is ripe. Ate.
That night the robbers decided to rob the shah's treasury. After dinner, everyone got on their horses and rode off.
Kenja-batyr also went with them. After a little while, they rode up to the palace garden, dismounted from their horses and began to consult on how to get into the palace.
Finally, they agreed as follows: first, Kendzha-batyr will climb over the wall and find out if the guards are sleeping. Then the rest, one at a time, will climb over the wall, go down into the garden and gather there in order to immediately break into the palace.
The robbers helped Kenja-batyr to climb the wall. Batyr jumped down, walked around the garden and, finding that the guards were sleeping, found a cart and rolled it up to the wall.
Then Kenja-batyr climbed onto the cart and, sticking his head out from behind the wall, said: The most convenient time.
The ataman ordered the robbers to climb over the wall one by one.
As soon as the first robber lay down with his stomach on the fence and, bending his head, prepared to get down onto the cart, Kendzha-batyr swung his sword around his neck, and the head of the thief rolled.
- Get off, - ordered Kendja-batyr, stretched out the body of the thief and threw it down.
In short, Kenja-batyr chopped off the heads of all the robbers, and then went to the palace.
Quietly passed Kenja-batyr past the sleeping guards into the hall with three doors. Ten servant girls were on duty here, but they, too, were asleep.
Unnoticed by anyone, Kenja-batyr entered the first door and found himself in a richly decorated room. Silk curtains embroidered with crimson flowers hung on the walls.
In the room, on a silver bed wrapped in white cloth, slept a beauty, more beautiful than all the flowers on earth. Quietly approached her Kendzha-batyr, removed from her right hand gold ring and put it in his pocket. Then he came back and went out into the hall.
Well, let's look at the second room, what secrets are there? - Kenja-batyr said to himself.
Opening the second door, he found himself in a luxuriously furnished room, decorated with silks embroidered with images of birds. In the middle, on a silver bed, surrounded by a dozen servant girls, lay beautiful girl. Because of her, the moon and the sun argued: from which of them did she take her beauty.
Kenja-batyr quietly removed the bracelet from the girl's hand and put it in his pocket. Then he came back and went out to the same ail.
Now you need to go to the third room, he thought.
There were even more decorations here. The walls were covered with crimson silk.
On a silver bed, surrounded by sixteen beautiful maids, a beauty slept. The girl was so charming that even the queen of aiszd herself, beautiful morning Star ready to serve her.
Kenja-batyr quietly took a hollowed earring out of the girl's right ear and put it in his pocket.
Kenja-batyr left the palace, climbed over the fence, mounted his horse and rode to his brothers.
The brothers haven't woken up yet. So Kenja-batyr sat up to shri, playing with his sword.
It's dawn. The heroes had breakfast, saddled their horses, sat on horseback and set off.
A little later they entered the city and stopped at a caravanserai. Having tied their horses under a shed, they went to a teahouse and sat there to rest over a kettle of tea.
Suddenly a herald came out into the street and announced:
Those who have ears, let them listen! Tonight, in the palace garden, someone cut off the heads of twenty robbers, and the Shah's daughters lost one piece of gold. Our shah wished that all the people, young and old, would help explain to him an incomprehensible event and indicate who the hero who committed such a heroic act was. If anyone in the house has visitors from other cities and countries, you must immediately bring them to the palace.
The owner of the caravanserai invited his guests to come to the shah.
The brothers got up and slowly went to the palace.
The shah, having learned that they were strangers, ordered them to be taken to a special room with rich decoration, and instructed the vizier to find out the secret from them.
Vizier said:
- If you ask directly, they may not tell.
We'd better leave them alone and listen to what they're talking about.
In the room where the brothers were sitting, there was no one except them. Here a tablecloth was spread out in front of them, various dishes were brought. The brothers began to eat.
And in the adjoining room, the Shah and the Vizier sat in silence and eavesdropped.
- They gave us the meat of a young lamb, - said Tonguch-batyr, - but it turns out that he was fed by a dog. Shahs do not disdain a dog. And here’s what I’m surprised at: the human spirit comes from bekmes.
- That's right, - said Kendzha-batyr. - All shahs are bloodsuckers. There is nothing incredible if human blood is mixed into the bekmes. One thing surprises me too: the cakes on the tray are stacked in a way that only a good baker can stack.
Tonguch Batyr said:
- It must be so. Here's what: we were called here to find out what happened in the Shah's palace. Of course, we will be asked. What do we say?
- We will not lie, - said Ortancha-batyr. We will tell the truth.
- Yes, the time has come to tell about everything that we saw during the three days on the road, - answered Kendzha-batyr.
Tonguch-batyr began to tell how he fought with the lion on the first night. Then he took off the braid of the lion's skin and threw it in front of his brothers. Following him, Ortancha-batyr also told about what had happened on the second night and, having removed the braid from the skin of the king of snakes, showed it to the brothers. Then Kenja-batyr spoke. Having told what happened on the third night, he showed the brothers the golden things he had taken.
Then the shah and the vizier learned the secret, but they could not understand what the brothers said about meat, bekmes and cakes. So they first sent for the shepherd. The shepherd came.
“Tell the truth!” said the Shah. “Did the dog feed the lamb that you sent yesterday?”
- O sovereign! - the shepherd pleaded. - If you save my life, I will tell.
“I beg you, tell the truth,” said the Shah.
The shepherd said:
- A sheep died in my winter. I felt sorry for the lamb, and I gave it to the dog. She fed him. Yesterday I sent just this lamb, because I didn’t have any others besides him, your servants have already taken all of them.
Then the shah ordered the gardener to be called.
“Tell the truth,” the shah told him, “unless in bekmes
mixed with human blood?
- Oh, my lord, - the gardener answered, - there was one event, if you save my life, I will tell you the whole truth.
“Speak, I will spare you,” said the Shah.
Then the gardener said:
- Last summer, someone got into the habit of stealing every night the most best grapes.
I lay down in the vineyard and began to guard. I see someone is coming. I hit him hard on the head with a baton. Then he dug a deep hole under the vine and buried the body. The next year the vine grew and gave such a harvest that there were more grapes than leaves. Only the taste of the grapes turned out to be a little different. I did not send you fresh grapes, but boiled bekmes.
As for the cakes, they were laid on a tray by the shah himself. It turns out that the Shah's father was a baker.
The shah entered the room to the heroes, greeted them and said:
- Everything you said turned out to be true, and therefore I liked you even more. I have a request to you, dear guests-heroes, listen to it.
- Speak, - said Tonguch-batyr, - if it suits
us your request, we will fulfill it.
I have three daughters, but no sons. Stay here. I would give you my daughters for you, arrange a wedding, convene the whole city and treat everyone with pilaf for forty days.
- You speak very well, - answered Tonguch-batyr, - but how can we marry your daughters when we are not Shah's children, and our father is not at all rich.
Your wealth is obtained by kingship, and we are brought up in labor.
Shah insisted:
- I am the ruler of the country, and your father brought you up with the labor of his own hands, but since he is the father of such heroes as you, then why is he worse than me? In fact, he is richer than me.
And now I, the father of the girls, before whom the amorous shahs, the powerful rulers of the world, cried, stand before you and weeping, begging, I offer you my daughters as a wife.
The brothers agreed. The Shah arranged a feast. They feasted for forty days, and the young heroes began to live in the Shah's palace. The Shah fell in love with the younger son-in-law of Kendja-batyr most of all.
Once the shah lay down to rest in the cold. Suddenly, a poisonous snake crawled out of the ditch and was about to bite the Shah. But Kenja-batyr arrived in time. He drew his sword from its scabbard, cut the snake in half and threw it aside.
No sooner had Kenja-batyr put his sword back into its scabbard than the Shah woke up. Doubt entered his soul. He is already dissatisfied with the fact that I married my daughter to him, - thought the shah, - everything is not enough for him, it turns out that he is plotting to kill me and wants to become shah himself.
The Shah went to his vizier and told him what had happened. The vizier had long harbored enmity towards the heroes and was only waiting for an opportunity. He began to slander the Shah.
- Without asking me for advice, you passed off as some
rascals beloved daughters. And now your favorite son-in-law wanted to kill you. Look, with the help of cunning, he will still destroy you.
The Shah believed the words of the vizier and ordered:
- Put Kendzha-batyr in jail.
Kendja-batyr was imprisoned. Saddened, saddened the young princess, the wife of Kendzha-batyr. For days on end she cried, and her ruddy cheeks faded. One day she threw herself at her father's feet and begged him to release his son-in-law.
Then the Shah ordered that Kendzha Batyr be brought from prison.
- Here you are, it turns out, how insidious, - said the shah. - How did you decide to kill me?
In response, Kenja-batyr told the Shah the story of the parrot.
parrot history
Once there was a Shah. He had a favorite parrot. The Shah loved his parrot so much that he could not live without it even for a single hour.
The parrot spoke pleasant words to the shah, entertained him. Once a parrot asked:
o In my homeland, in India, I have a father and mother, brothers and sisters. I have lived in captivity for a long time. Now I ask you to release me for twenty days. I'm flying to my homeland, six days there, six days back, I'll stay at home for eight days, look at my mother and father, at my brothers and sisters.
- No, - answered the shah, - if I let you go, you will not return, and I will be bored.
The parrot began to assure:
“Sir, I give my word and I will keep it.
- Well, if so, I let you go, but only for two weeks, - said the shah.
- Goodbye, I'll turn around somehow, - the parrot was delighted.
He flew from the cage to the fence, said goodbye to everyone and flew south. The Shah stood and looked after him. He did not believe that the parrot would return.
In six days, the parrot flew to its homeland - India and found its parents. The poor thing rejoiced, fluttered, frolicked, flew from hill to hill, from branch to branch, from tree to tree, swimming in the greenery of the forests, visited relatives and friends and did not even notice how two days had passed. The time has come to fly back into captivity, into a cage. It was hard for the parrot to part with his father and mother, brothers and sisters.
Minutes of joy gave way to hours of sadness. Wings hung. Perhaps it will be possible to fly again, but perhaps not.
Relatives and friends gathered. Everyone felt sorry for the parrot and advised not to return to the Shah. But the parrot said:
- No, I made a promise. Can I break my word?
- Eh, - said one parrot, - when did you see
for kings to keep their promises? If your shah were just, would he have kept you fourteen years in prison and released you only for fourteen days. Were you born to live in captivity? Do not let go of freedom in order to bring someone entertainment! The shah has more ferocity than mercy. It is unwise and dangerous to be close to the king and the tiger.
But the parrot did not listen to the advice and was about to fly away. Then the parrot's mother spoke:
In that case, I will give you advice. The fruits of life grow in our places. Whoever eats at least one fruit immediately turns into a young man, an old man becomes a young man again, and an old woman becomes a young girl. Take the precious fruits to the shah and ask him to let you go free. Perhaps a sense of justice will awaken in him and he will give you freedom.
Everyone approved of the advice. Immediately they brought forth the three fruits of life. The parrot said goodbye to relatives and friends and flew north. Everyone looked after him, holding in his heart big hopes.
The parrot flew to the place in six days, presented the shah with a gift and told what property the fruits have. The shah was delighted, promised to release the parrot, gave one fruit to his wife, and put the rest in a bowl.
The vizier shook with envy and anger and decided to turn things around in a different way.
- While you do not eat the fruits brought by the bird, let's try them first. If they turn out to be good, it is never too late to eat them,” said the vizier.
The Shah approved the advice. And the vizier, having improved the moment, let a strong poison into the fruits of life. Then the vizier said:
Well, now let's try it.
- They brought two peacocks and let them peck at the fruit. Both peacocks immediately died.
- What would happen if you ate them? - said the vizier.
“I would have died too!” exclaimed the Shah. He dragged the poor parrot out of its cage and tore off its head. So the poor parrot received a reward from the Shah.
Soon the shah became angry with one old man and decided to execute him. The Shah told him to eat the remaining fruit. As soon as the old man ate it, black hair immediately grew, new teeth erupted, his eyes shone with a youthful brilliance, and he took on the appearance of a twenty-year-old youth.
The king realized that he had killed the parrot in vain, but it was too late.
"Now I'll tell you what happened while you
slept, - Kendzha-batyr said in conclusion.
He went into the garden, brought from there the body of a snake cut in half. The shah began to apologize to Kendzha-batyr. Kenja-batyr said to him:
- Sir, allow me and my brothers to go home to their country. With checks it is impossible to live in goodness and peace.
No matter how much the shah begged or begged, the heroes did not agree.
- We cannot be court people and live in the Shah's palace. We will live by our labor, they said.
“Well, then let my daughters stay at home,” said the shah.
But the daughters spoke with each other:
- We will not leave our husbands.
Young heroes returned to their father with their wives and healed happy life in happiness and work.

» Three heroes

Well, so... A long time ago there lived one man, not rich, not poor. He had three sons. All three beautiful, like a moon, learned to read and write, gained intelligence, did not know bad people.
The elder Tonguch-batyr was twenty-one years old, the middle Ortancha-batyr was eighteen years old, and the younger Kenja-batyr was sixteen.
One day, the father called his sons to him, sat him down, caressed each, stroked his head and said:
- My sons, I am not rich, the property that remains after me will not be enough for you for a long time. Do not expect more from me and do not hope. I raised three qualities in you: firstly, I raised you healthy - you became strong; secondly, - I gave you a weapon in your hands - you became skillful warriors; thirdly, he taught you not to be afraid of anything - you became brave. I also give you three covenants. Listen and do not forget them: be honest - and you will live in peace; do not boast - and you will not have to blush with shame; don't be lazy and you will be happy. And take care of everything else yourself. I have prepared for you three horses: black, brown and gray. I filled your bags with provisions for a week. Happiness is ahead of you. Go on your way, go see the light. Without knowing the light, you will not be able to go out into the people. Go catch the bird of happiness. Farewell, my sons! So saying, the father got up and left.
The brothers began to gather on the road. Early in the morning we mounted our horses and set off. The brothers rode all day and drove far, far away. By evening they decided to rest. They got off their horses, ate, but before going to bed, they agreed as follows:
“The place is deserted, it’s not good if we all fall asleep. Let us divide the night into three guards, and let us take turns guarding the rest of the sleepers.”
No sooner said than done.
First, the elder brother Tonguch began to watch, while the others went to bed. Tonguch-batyr sat for a long time, playing with his sword and looking in all directions in the moonlight ...
There was silence. Everything was covered in sleep.
Suddenly, a noise was heard from the direction of the forest. Tonguch drew his sword and prepared.
Not far from where the brothers were staying was a lion's lair. Smelling the smell of people, the lion got up and went out into the steppe.
Tonguch-batyr was sure that he would cope with the lion and, not wanting to disturb the brothers, ran to the side. The beast chased after him.
Tonguch-batyr turned around and, hitting the lion with his sword on the left paw, inflicted a wound on him. The wounded lion rushed at Tonguch-batyr, but he again jumped back and hit the beast on the head with all his might.
Tonguch-batyr sat astride a lion, cut out a narrow strip from his skin, girded it under his shirt and, as if nothing had happened, returned to his sleeping brothers.
Then, in turn, the middle brother Ortancha-batyr stood guard.
Nothing happened while he was on duty.
Behind him stood the third brother Kenja-batyr and guarded the rest of his brothers until dawn.
Thus passed the first night.
In the morning the brothers set off again. We drove for a long time, drove a lot, and in the evening we stopped at a big mountain. At its foot stood a lone spreading poplar, under the poplar a spring made its way out of the ground. There was a cave near the spring, and behind it lived the king of snakes, Ajdar Sultan.
The heroes did not know about the king of snakes. They calmly tied the horses, cleaned them
with a scraper, they gave them the stern, and they themselves sat down to supper. Before going to bed, they
We decided to keep watch, as on the first night. First, the eldest brother Tonguch-batyr went on duty, and after him came the turn of the middle brother Ortancha-batyr.
The night was moonlit, silence reigned. But then there was a noise. A little later, Azhdar Sultan crawled out of the cave with a head like a trough, with a long body like a log, and crawled to the spring.
Ortancha-batyr did not want to disturb the sleep of the brothers and ran to the steppe, away from the spring.
Sensing a man, Ajdar Sultan chased him. Ortancha-batyr jumped aside and hit the king of snakes with a sword on the tail. Ajdar Sultan spun in place. And the hero contrived and hit him on the back. The seriously wounded king of snakes rushed to Ortanch-batyr. Then the bogatyr finished him off with the last blow.
Then he cut a narrow strip from his skin, girded it under his shirt, and, as if nothing had happened, returned to his brothers and sat down in his place. It was the turn of the younger brother Kendzha-batyr to be on duty. In the morning the brothers set off again.
They traveled for a long time through the steppes. At sunset we drove up to a lonely hill, dismounted from the horses and settled down to rest. They kindled a fire, had supper, and again began to take turns on duty: first the elder, then the middle, and finally, the turn came to the younger brother.
Kenja-batyr sits, guarding the sleep of his brothers. He did not notice that the fire in the fire had gone out.
“It is not good for us to remain without fire,” thought Kendzha-batyr.
He climbed to the top of the hill and began to look around. In the distance, a light flickered from time to time.
Kendzha-batyr got on his horse and rode in that direction. He drove for a long time and finally reached a lonely house.
Kenja-batyr dismounted from his horse, quietly tiptoed to the window and looked inside.
The room was light, and stew was boiling in a cauldron on the hearth. Twenty people sat around the hearth. All of them had gloomy, bulging eyes. Clearly, these people were up to something bad.
Kenja thought:
“Wow, a band of robbers has gathered here. To leave them and go away is not the case; it is not befitting to do so to an honest person. I’ll try to cheat, I’ll take a closer look, I’ll enter into their confidence, and then I’ll do my job. He opened the door and entered. The robbers grabbed their weapons.

Nomination "Prose" - 12-16 years

about the author

Alexey - student 6 "A » class MOU "Secondary school No. 9 , lives in the city Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia.

His interests are sports, tourism, literary creativity. Alexey is the winner school stage All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Russian Language and Mathematics.

Diploma winner (1st place) of all-Russian, regional, city competitions in orienteering. Participant of the competition based on the traditional plots of Charles Perrault "Old new fairy tale» Petrozavodsk city district. Laureate of the city competition of creative works "How do I see Petrozavodsk in 2025".

"Three heroes against Yaga, Koshchei and Gorynych"

One fine evening, after a hard labor day, three heroes set off on their horses through the forests, take a walk through the meadows. You never know, how much they traveled, it didn’t matter to them, they sang their heroic songs to the glory of the Russian land.

The road shook from such heroic steps, trees fell from such heroic songs, and then the three heroes stumbled upon a wonderful, bright meadow, which spread under the very sun. The three heroes immediately wanted to place their mighty bodies on the soft grass. The heroes hitched their horses to three oaks, and they themselves lay down in the very center of the clearing.

So they would have lain until late in the evening, but only Alyosha noticed a blue spinning circle near the trees. A man came out of it, all in armor, like three heroes. And then another, and another, and another.

Look, brothers, - says Alyoshenka, - new heroes appear from nowhere. Let's get acquainted, shall we?

The bogatyrs stood up, thanked their native land for helping the young men to rest, giving the young men unprecedented strength. They took their swords and went to get acquainted.

Before the heroes had time to approach the strangers, they were already throwing their thick spears at them.

What are you doing, - shouted the heroes, - we are ours, we are ours. Let's get acquainted, my name is Ilya Muromets, and this ...

Before Ilya had time to introduce his brother-heroes, he was hit on the head with a club, so much so that he completely lost consciousness.

Dobrynya and Alyosha sensed an unclean force here, and how they rush into battle. They beat enemies, and they all appear and appear from this wonderful blue circle. Our heroes are tired, they threw their swords aside and say:

All right, all right, Alyosha and I are tired, take us, lead us into captivity or wherever.

And the enemies began to disappear one by one, and they all disappeared altogether. And this wonderful blue circle remained.

The fellows were surprised, raised their heavy swords and began to peer into this blue miracle. Suddenly this blue miracle was spoiled by the terrible face. The heroes were frightened, they already fell. And this terrible face turned out to be Baba Yaga.

Oh, you are still called heroes, not only mine beautiful face frightened, and even surrendered to my warrior.

So is this your job? - Ilya Muromets, who had just woken up, asked.

Of course, but whose else? Yaga replied.

Well, why did you do all this? Alyosha asked.

Why, - Yaga began, - we are going here with Gorynych and Koshchey to take revenge on you. We want to destroy your village.

The heroes got angry, shouted at the old woman, threatened with swords. After the frightening words, the nasty face disappeared and carried away the blue miracle behind it.

The mighty heroes raised their bodies and went on their horses to the village.

The subservient earth did not tremble, tall trees did not fall, only the fast wind met sad heroes on its way. As soon as they arrived in the village, the heroes gathered the people and how they began to tell what had happened to them. The people were upset, they began to come up with a plan how not to let the enemies into the village.

In general, they dragged all the heavy stones and began to build an impenetrable wall, indestructible houses. In the end, they built a city protected by walls, with stone houses and a church in the center. The fortress is complete. Not afraid more people nobody.

Everyone in the city sleeps, except for the good fellows. Yes, as the good fellows knew that an evil attack would overtake them. The heroes heard a strong clatter. They looked out the window and saw warriors. Enemies are already approaching the strong wall, and behind them are the main enemies. The warriors stopped. A nasty Yaga flies up on a mortar and says with her decrepit voice:

Come out heroes, now you will see the forces of darkness, and if not, then we will burn your wooden village.

The evil enemies did not know that the village had become a fortress. Warriors rushed to the stone walls, beat them with all their might, and they stand to themselves, as if nothing had happened, and they beat off the evil warriors, and they fall and disappear in gray smoke. As soon as all the terrible warriors disappeared, Yaga herself set to work. She undertook to destroy the wall indestructible with her sorcery. The Serpent Gorynych helps her with his mighty strength. Koschey also did not stand aside, with his charms Yaga helps with all his might.

The heroes think how not to ruin human lives. We thought a little and decided. They gathered the brave people near the church and began to tell the plan.

The people gathered long boards, fastened them together, a cross turned out. They dragged a sheet, tied everything up, and a huge, clean, white coverlet came out. They threw this veil over the cross, cut out holes, and got eyes. Candles were placed in those eyes to burn.

The people with heroes raised this cross over the city. The enemies of the ugly monster were frightened.

Who are you? shouts the frightened Yaga.

I am the most evil villain in this whole wide world, - Ilya answers with his heroic voice.

Why did you come here? Gorynych asks.

I came to destroy this stone village, and you ruined everything for me, now I will destroy you, not the village.

The enemies did not answer anything, they disappeared in an instant, and for a long time since then no one has heard anything about them.

Long laughter and a holiday stood over the stone village. The heroes understood that not only by force, but also by ingenuity, it is possible to drive the enemy away.

That's the end of the tale, and who listened well done.

Depicts three Russian knights on powerful horses, standing on the borders of their homeland. These characters are well known from Russian fairy tales and epics. All three heroes are dressed in military armor and at any moment are ready to join the battle to protect their native borders.

The most powerful hero is in the center, we all know his name. This, of course, is Ilya Muromets. He vigilantly looks into the distance from under his arm, so as not to miss the enemy, not to let him into his native land. Of the weapons he has in his hands a spear and a heavy club, which he easily holds in his hands! From epics we know that Ilya Muromets peasant son from a village near Murom, the oldest and mighty hero. Therefore, his clothes are simple and coarse! His black horse corresponds to Ilya Muromets, he is handsome and strong.

To the left of Ilya Muromets, of course, is Dobrynya Nikitich. He became famous for his knowledge, ingenuity and experience. He is a prince's son, so he is beautifully dressed. He is wearing rich chain mail, the shield is decorated with jewels, the golden scabbard of the sword is visible, and embroidered boots are on his feet. At this moment, he takes out his sword from the scabbard and is ready for battle. The harness of the horse is also beautiful and rich. And the horse itself is very beautiful, white.

To the right of Ilya Muromets is Alyosha Popovich. He is the youngest of them, a handsome and lyrical young man. We judge this by the harp attached to the back of the saddle. In moments of rest, he can please his friends with a good song. Alyosha Popovich is armed with a bow. Alyosha Popovich is from a priest's family, you can guess from his nickname. Therefore, his clothes are neither poor nor rich. His horse is red, beautiful and well-groomed, with a white spot on his forehead.

All three heroes have helmets on their heads, reminiscent of the domes of Russian churches.

We see that all the heroes are armed in different ways and each in his own way will crush the enemy. The Russian people really hope for their heroes, compose epics and fairy tales about them, about their invincible and just defenders.

It was a difficult and stormy time for Rus', from the east they were approaching Tatar-Mongol yoke, from the west there was no rest from the Germanic tribes. And such heroes were very necessary for Rus'.

Around the heroes and in the distance, Russian nature is well shown, which creates a good contrast to the figures of the three heroes. Cloudy weather, heavy clouds in the sky.

The weather also characterizes the time, the moving clouds are symbols of enemies approaching the Russian land, from which the heroes depicted in the picture protect the Russian land.

The painting was very difficult for the artist, he worked on it for almost 30 years, but what a masterpiece it turned out to be.

Currently, this painting by Vasnetsov can be admired in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Overtaking the speed of light
Reason rushes through the ages;
In the depths of the poet's soul
A line follows a line.

And lay down on the pages
Shaking off the gray dust,
Miracles and fables
And a mysterious story.

Somehow, arguing with the ocean,
Glorious Russian hero
He scooped up water with a glass;
And the earth was cracked open.

And the other strong man is quiet,
I dozed off at the shore,
Thirsty, waking up,
I drank the sea in three sips.

The third - barely fit
in the middle high mountains
And the people called it -
Terrible knight Svyatogor.

He wielded a sword and a pike,
He had no equal;
And the country was great
And the Darkness was kept in check.

The Russian spirit reigned everywhere
As it was at first.
No Miracle Yudu
There was no peace here.

What bastards will crawl
Or a bird will fly -
Svyatogor will not give mercy -
Only the bones are cracking.

For many years I went on patrol -
Guarded the mother earth.
Rus' lived beyond Svyatogor -
Don't hurt, don't break.

All Raids of Basurmans
Reflected Batyr Mountain.
And in the country of the great khans
They disliked the god Ra.

This god served as protection
Giant of Rus'-land.
In a fair and open battle
They couldn't compete with him.

They took by bribery, deceit,
Evil charms, wine;
We went to attacks by ramming,
They burned Rus' with fire.

Every mother earth was tortured,
Lots of arrows fired.
Days and years flew by
The formidable knight has grown old.

It became difficult for Svyatogor
Fight in your declining years
Rest with honor at the right time,
And he has no rest:

That Rostov asks for protection
Those are ambassadors from Kyiv.
But the earth no longer wears
And the armor is heavy;

Don't put your foot in the stirrup
Don't get on a horse.
Bogatyr with a prayer to God:
"Would you let me go

Over the seas, over the oceans,
For dense forests
For wide glades -
To blue skies.

In your distant country
The soul was exhausted with longing.”
And, frozen in a high mountain,
The hero found peace.

They say that the power of God
Since then, she has gone into granite;
Good stone at the foot
Keeps the secret carefully.

Many good fellows sweated,
Move the pebble of grief
But to master this business
The rich man was not found.

Who did not approach him
And the navel did not tear -
He did not succumb to anyone -
Century almost stood.

Rus' then, changing God,
Waiting for new joys
And the road to the holy mountain
dark forest overgrown.

Talismans, amulets
Cross pushed a little,
But fires and raids
new god did not cancel.

Faith is not strong enough
Trouble followed.
And it happened that from the ashes
Cities rose up again;

The infidels were taken away
Full of Russian girls
And the princes in foreign camps
They went to pay homage.

Only in rich Kyiv,
On the banks of the Dnieper
Pure silver and gold
Redeemed from enemies.

Rus' did not know a century of rest,
But didn't give in at all.
Fought over the seas
In a dispute with the khans, she agreed.

For a long time she was annoyed
Nomadic tribes:
And the fields around suffered
And the squads, and the treasury.

And with the sorcerer's curse
In Rus', another evil -
Fire Breathing Serpent
dark power skidded:

The monster has three mouths
Three huge heads.
There was no worse misfortune
According to rumor.

The goblin wanders through the swamps,
The forest is teeming with mermaids -
He casts spells on the strong,
The weak are frightened by rustling.

And near the city of Rostov
Someone met with Yaga.
She says she is alive and well
Only leg problems

Yes, it sways in a mortar,
And the head is spinning
And from old age in a sheepskin coat
The sleeves were worn out.

I myself can not lie,
But there was a rumor among the people
What did she bring to Koshchei
Heavy bag.

A girl was sleeping in that bag -
White-faced and slender;
And Koshcheev's dungeon
Without that, full is full.

Likes different kinds of fun
Semi-dry skeleton;
There is no fierce control
And there is no power on the Serpent:

Not one carried the girl
He is for the blue seas.
Stand up for Rus'
Two heroes stood up.

Alyosha volunteered first -
The son of a Rostov priest.
For him, any burden
Lighter than a small bug.

Not a single dashing boyar
Will not resist him;
Under the sword of his tugarin
Lost spear and shield.

Since childhood, he has been to a tight bow
Teaching was a father
And, loving to dispel boredom,
He was known as a cheerful young man.

Cherishing a dream in my mind
To marry a princess,
Sworn to Defeat the Serpent
And he went to war.

Equipped with a high saddle
heroic horse,
Himself - under a wide belt
rawhide belt,

On the left, a damask sword hangs,
Behind the shoulders is a tight bow ...
And I would like to back down,
Yes, he became a foot in the stirrup.

In the tower, the girl is crying,
Grieving nights by the fire;
The hero gallops through the forest,
Ringing with a copper stirrup.

The forest is getting thicker and darker
And there is no path to be seen.
Where is there to think about the villain -
I wouldn't hurt myself.

Here the horse shoots with its ear,
Maybe he smells where the trouble is?
Knight of tears, gathered his courage,
The horse followed suit.

Night wandered, as if drunk,
Breaking through.
In the morning we went out into the clearing;
In the clearing - a house is not a house -

Crooked hut
No windows, no porch.
An old woman sits at the door
Inconspicuous from the face.

There is a cat, an owl, two geese in the house ...
The hero did not cheat,
Says: "Tell me, grandma, -
How long has the kite flown?

I would like to find a path to him
We got a little lost
Yes, eat some crumbs
And two sips of water.”

Grandma snorted at first
Getting up, walking back and forth,
Grumbled for order
But in the end, she gave in.

“For kindness to me, wretched one,
I'll help you, honey.
You went the wrong way;
You take a ball.

He is you on the tenth day
Will lead to great sorrow;
There and the Serpent - my sworn enemy -
Hiding their heads in a hole.

But you can hardly
Miracle Yudo to overcome
And, it will happen - you will overcome -
Do not survive yourself.

How will the strength not fight -
Let the dove into the sky -
A friend will rush to the rescue,
Soaring the horse's flanks.

But together against the Serpent
You can hardly resist -
The villain has three heads
Know, three and fight.

Alyoshka did not listen,
Even though he wasn't stupid.
Flickered path - path
Following the grandmother's ball.

On the tenth day of the trip
They approached the mountain
Black smoke billows from the entrance
The snake moves in the hole

Skulls around yes bones;
The horse does not stand still.
“Guests are good for breakfast, —
Miracle Yudo says -

Forty days did not eat meat,
Even the belly failed.
And the hedgehog would eat alive
If it wasn't so lucky."

“I would be silent, I’m still alive, -
The hero answered him, -
You, Chuda Yuda,
And there are no teeth.

Like a mole, huddled in a hole -
Come out for a fair fight!”
Shaking a big mountain
A howl sounded from the hole.

A three-headed asp came out -
There are two wings on the back.
Bogatyr - for an oak bow,
Only the arrow is small -

Do not get her the heart of the Serpent -
Gets stuck in scales.
Protecting yourself from the villain
The knight remembered the spear:

Having dispersed the horse, he will jump,
Aim for the enemy's head
Yes, the nostril barely tickles.
Didn't lie, you see, Yaga-

And the spear can't reach
And you can't get it with an arrow;
Not for life, but fight to the death,
The Serpent began to overcome.

Won't get up, tired
Heroic hand.
He, as the grandmother punished,
Threw a dove into the sky.

The dove shoots like an arrow
For help in Kyiv-grad,
And Popovich kept cutting himself,
But he himself is no longer happy:

Do not beat him the villain,
Do not have fun with the princess,
And why did he go to the Serpent,
For the war-damned?

In Kyiv-city princess
The dove took
Glorious fellow Dobrynya
Soaped the horse's sides,

straight road
Defeated in four days
And rushed to help
Not having driven a horse.

Glory about his victories
In Rus', it has been thundering for a long time;
Ran in, hit right
I put a shield under the fire,

Pushed the Serpent to the cave;
Then Alyosha jumped up -
Ran into the villain
Gaining strength from the earth.

That strikes with a sword,
Then he strikes with a spear in a big way;
But the enemy does not ask for mercy,
It also doesn't let go.

Ten days the earth burned
Under the feet of the horses.
Damascus steel rang
And you can't see who's stronger

And friends are tired of fighting
And the Serpent lost power.
Decided to talk
Do no harm to each other:

The serpent will fold its wings for a while,
(Promised - on whole year),
And he won't be disturbed
Neither the squad, nor the people.

Having decided, they grieved,
What a fight in vain.
Having rested, they saddled the horses;
Saying goodbye, they parted ways.

Near the city of Rostov,
Returning from the war
Popadya - Popov's wife -
Invited for pancakes

She brought a cup of kvass
In one and a half large buckets,
For mother earth to wear
And today, like yesterday.

The guests raised the cup,
Treated to everyone
Yes, the horses were saddled again,
Going to Kyiv-grad,

Tell about the contract
A prisoner in the war;
Although the princes lived in a quarrel -
Everyone dreamed of silence.

Prince of Rostov, parting,
Daughter Alyosha promised
And turning to Dobrynya, -
Invited to the engagement.

With that they rode off,
Kicking up dust.
Soon the towers flashed
In a clear blue sky.

Behind the high wall
Between the gardens - a tower,
Bridge high above the water
At the gate - the people of darkness.

Good fellows met
We were escorted to the palace.
Prince, forgetting your sorrows,
Gave them both a ring

Offered intoxicating cups
Under granular caviar
Yes, I gave gifts.
I was at that feast

But nothing stood out
No luck this time
I drank beer, but I didn’t get drunk -
Past the mouth, you see, flowed.

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