Merging with nature. Merging the human body with nature - photo


Swedish artist Filippo Ioko paints nude bodies to match the colors of nature, be it rocks, trees, waterfalls or the desert. The result is such an innocent landscape in which you can’t immediately see a person without clothes.

“I began to develop an interest in the naked human body, but I did not know how to use it until one day I disguised the body in my painting,” says the artist.

It takes from 1 to 8 hours to create one photo with body painting, depending on the complexity of the landscape.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTUREDPainted into rocks using body paints at Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy.:) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realise all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED:Painted into a tree using body paints in Dry Forest in Piones, Puerto Rico.) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of landscape prettys, but take a close look and youll realize all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED:Painted as a Joshua Tree using body paints, body glue and dried cut palm leaves in Joshua Tree National Park, CA.) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realise all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED:Painted into sand stone using body paints at Blacks Beach in San Diego, CA.) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realize all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED:Painted into a rock wall using body paints and raw pigments at Point Dume-Zuma Beach, CA.) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realize all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED:Painted into a tree using body paints in Guanica, Puerto Rico.) – At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realise all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS — (PICTURED:Painted into rocks using body paints and raw pigments in Valley of Fire, Nevada.) — At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures pretty of landscapes, but take a close look and youll realize all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA. SEE CATERS COPY.

PIC FROM FILIPPO LOCO / CATERS NEWS — (PICTURED:Painted into rocks using body paints and raw pigments at Bouquet Canyon, CA. — At first glance youd be forgiven for thinking these were just pictures of pretty landscapes, but take a close look and youll realise all is not as it seems Hidden amongst the pictures are a series of nude models painted to blend so seamlessly into their surroundings its almost impossible to spot them. From a woman disguised as a tree to another as a rock or cactus, the models have been painted by talented artist Filippo Ioco, 47, so they appear completely camouflaged against a series of idyllic landscapes. So far, the artist from Switzerland has created stunning works in locations such as San Juan Island National Historical Park, in Puerto Rico, Cala Rossa in Sicily, Italy, and Point Dume-Zuma Beach, in California, USA.


Achieving such an orgasm will require maximum liberation from you. Try to provoke your loved one so that he is unable to refuse the plan you have conceived.

On one of the hottest summer days, go to the dacha and announce to your partner in advance that something incredible awaits him upon arrival. Let him suffer a little, but don’t reveal the secret. It is best to choose a weekday for such a trip, when your neighbors will be in town.

Arriving at the dacha, torment him a little more, and then leave him for a minute and appear in a stunning tiny robe, put on his naked body. You can smear yourself with delicious butter or wear his favorite perfume.

Let your partner know that there is nothing under the robe. As soon as he understands this, start undressing him, and this must be done right on the street. Then slowly remove the robe. Let the foliage of the trees hide your nakedness.

Sexual intercourse of this kind can continue day and night. It is recommended to bring each other to exhaustion, and then get enough of the fruits from the trees growing nearby.

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I thoroughly decided to merge with nature and for this purpose I rummaged through my entire simple wardrobe, fishing out of it things in pastel and green, protective tones. Dressed up and wearing a cap olive color Having grabbed, just in case, a scarf, the color of young foliage, in full combat readiness, I went out into the morning trembling with a light fog. I had a bag with a seat, pruning shears and a camera with me.

On the way, I almost stepped on a black snake that looked like a thick rope. We shied away from each other at the same time different sides, leaving each other with a slight, mutual annoyance: she told me that I didn’t have time to take a picture of her, I told her that she didn’t have time to bite me.
A lizard darted under my foot. I bent over its hole, waiting, but the lizard did not appear again.
Deciding to be more prudent and careful, I began to merge with nature immediately and for this purpose, throwing a scarf, the color of young foliage, over my head, over my cap, carefully, stealthily, and silently began to move towards the river.

Carefully descending to the river so as not to attract the attention of the inhabitants of nature, she found a suitable place for an ambush. I had to sit my backside down on a hard stone, having first laid down a foam rubber seat.
So, having sat down, taken the pose of an old stump, wrapped myself in a scarf and pulled the visor over my eyes, I began to vigilantly peer at the opposite bank of the river and keenly listen to the sounds around me.
Somewhere above, fieldfare thrushes were calling to each other anxiously, from which I realized that I still failed to penetrate their domain unnoticed...

Sitting like this for some time and listening to their roll call, I clearly understood what they were talking about: “Sitting?” - “Yeah, sitting!” Doesn’t move?!”, “No, he doesn’t move!” “Well, let him sit!”, “Yeah... let him sit,” calming down more and more and shouting less and less, the birds decided peacefully...

A muskrat swam out from under the snags, she swam in my direction and, looking sideways at me, pretended not to notice me... Slowly and smoothly, I brought the camera to my eyes, biting the scarf with my teeth so as not to reveal my face, I began to take pictures of her.
Since I pretended that I was not there, thereby giving her a certain message of safety, she pretended not to notice me, although she saw me immediately, and I understood this because she, it turns out, was swimming towards her family nest, where she hid, and only periodically looked out of it, with undisguised curiosity...

A cuckoo sat on a tree above, I didn’t have time to take a picture of it, because the blackbirds made such a noise and hubbub and, having flown on the cuckoo, drove it away from its nest. And again a slight annoyance fluttered over my head and disappeared after the birds.

When everything calmed down, new inhabitants of nature appeared:
A duck couple smoothly swam out of the river channel, swam past me along the river flow, she in front, he behind. The duck came ashore and looked around, waiting for the drake, who was clumsily waddling up, and she looked at this process critically and appraisingly. Then, she let him go ahead and walked behind him, harmoniously and proudly stretching her neck. “Love is evil...” I thought, looking after them.

The dipper appeared unexpectedly. This cautious bird did not notice me. She was busy underwater fishing and vigilantly peered into the depths of the clear water. Later, when I looked at the photographs, I realized that she still saw me, but perhaps she did not perceive me as a person, but only as something new, appearing where there was nothing before...

A drawn-out call sign came from the right side and I looked back. Eh! Thus, she scared away the kingfisher that was perching on a branch. Now I definitely can’t wait for him here! And I decided to change my location. As I got up, I realized that from the long period of immobility I had sat on both the “seat” and my legs...

Making her way through the thickets, she caught her foot on a snag and shook heavily, dropping the entire mass of her body, disguised as an old stump, to the ground like a heavy sack. Raising her head, she saw a huge, sharp boulder in front of her eyes. “It’s good that you didn’t hit your head on a stone!” - I thought with relief. The blow fell on my sore knee, which was bothering me all the time. last week. When I got up, I was surprised to find that the pain in my knee had gone...
Hmmm... Something similar has already happened to me: once, having fallen, I hit my sore back against a tree trunk so that something crunched in it and my back stopped hurting...
“It seems that I am merging with nature so intensely that she decided to heal me,” I thought, carefully making my way through the jungle, in search of a new place of camouflage.
Finding a log lying on the ground, I sat down on it. Disguise and merging with nature at that moment focused on the fifth point, since at the moment of landing my favorite shorts cracked at the seam...

In a pose rotten stump, in torn shorts, shaken on the path, I humbly sat and thought about the vicissitudes of fate. Consoling myself with the fact that by taking off my shirt, I can “gird my loins” with it and no one will notice my shame...

“Perhaps that’s enough adventure for today?!” - I suddenly decided, complacently going over in my memory everything that happened to me in one morning. "Who seeks will always find!" - I thought encouraging myself, standing up and tying the sleeves of my shirt at my waist.

Suddenly I heard someone’s laughter and looked back, looking at where it was coming from: a little squirrel, black as an imp, was sitting on a tree branch and joyfully tapped its tail on the tree trunk, as if inviting me to play with it. He made sounds similar to laughter. After talking a little with the little imp, I changed my mind about going home and decided to continue the “successful experiment.”

It should be noted that Grigory Maslennikov is engaged in construction and design exclusively country houses. In his understanding, human life in nature proceeds according to completely different laws than in the city. Having settled in our “local Switzerland”, on Rublevskoye Highway, he derived this from his own experience.
Regularly, on his way home, Grigory drives through picturesque corners of the Moscow region and watches in horror as roads grow on the sides similar friend gloomy fortified houses with loophole windows look at each other like brothers. Why, I wonder, do people who have deliberately chosen a romantic place of residence under the canopy of a forest or on the banks of a river build powerful walls that tightly fence them off from the pristine beauty of nature? There can be many answers to this question. Here is the reluctance to demonstrate one’s wealth to outsiders, and the legacy of the totalitarian past, when a “closed” society dictated its harsh laws to house building and everyday life. Rarely smiling people are unlikely to get by on their property without a high concrete fence hiding them from prying eyes. Perhaps, in some cases, involuntary fear of nature itself, the mysteries of which remain unsolved by man, is also important. And also - fear for yourself and your loved ones, fear of being more open than others, etc.

But I really want to build not a bulky and pompous house, but a cozy small cottage from some not just natural, but “native” material, such as amber-colored pine that breathes the warmth.
Install, if not glass walls, then at least large windows, the entire height of the facade. I want to fill it with streams sunlight not only the living room, dining room and kitchen, but also the most intimate nooks.

To ensure that the house is permeated with light, all obstacles in its path are eliminated as much as possible. The possible objection that climatic conditions do not allow Russians to open their arms to the harsh northern nature at home does not stand up to criticism in our case. The heating equipment installed by the builders and the latest insulation materials allow you to live in complete comfort all year round. glass walls and fully enjoy the seasonal change of landscape. Technical difficulties can be overcome, the main thing is that the customer is ready to overcome internal inertia and find himself not close to nature, but as if directly in it.
Light not only floods the entire house, it also multiplies inside, reflecting off the white surfaces adjacent to the wood trim. The author of the project considers the successful combination of wood with white planes of walls, beams, and ceilings to be one of the main advantages of this house. An interior made entirely of wood (and this style - “Russian country” - is now becoming very popular) would look slightly simplified, reminiscent of an improved hut - traditional home our ancestors. White color is absolutely necessary in any interior; it is the color that gives the room sophistication and at the same time does not impose unnecessary emotions, does not carry artificial drama, but serves only as a kind of screen for a person’s own experiences. If a house can be called a statement by its author, then White color- ellipsis in this statement.

In principle, the designer likes to decide the fate of the interior individually, without interference from the customer. But it is white walls and a minimum of decor that allow the owner to subsequently create his own environment, a special atmosphere, think out the details, fantasize, and develop ideas left unsaid by the author.
White color appeals to a harmonious personality who is not afraid to be alone with himself. Wood makes the interior “warm”, unobtrusively promoting the already mentioned basic idea of ​​getting closer to nature. Pure white does not “kill”, but on the contrary, emphasizes the texture of the materials: the sunny shade and pleasant texture of pine boards, the folds of the corrugated lampshade of a floor lamp, the wicker patterns of the banquette in the living room...

“Being famous is not beautiful, this is not what lifts you up...” wrote Boris Pasternak. A perfect person, living in harmony with himself and with nature, does not think about absolute uniqueness, uniqueness (of his or her home), and does not strive at any cost to make his interior extravagant, and therefore stand out sharply among others.

Indeed, coziness and comfort are not always synonymous with “high fashion” and “ high price". Therefore, dear trade marks interior items did not become an end in themselves for the owners. If this or that item suits the style and quality - you are welcome, we do not spare money, we select " famous names"in accordance with the functional and aesthetic qualities of things.
But at the same time, a fabulously expensive sofa is not embarrassed to be next to a lamp from a “people’s” store, because this less famous character has been deservedly “adopted into the family” thanks to the purity of style and beauty of lines. A person who has become a part of nature, or strives for this, is alien to vanity. There are often guests in the house, noisy companies gather, but its design was not created to show off to guests. He exists on his own, without regard to others.

This is not to say that there is not a single original detail here. The master bathroom, for example, is notable for its unusual layout: in the center there is a block consisting of a washbasin and a mirror in a niche specially designed for this purpose, trimmed with traditional black tiles and pine, unusual for a bathroom. And in the bedroom there is another unusual item - a stove-stove, which, thanks to its elegant design, can be called a mini-fireplace, warming the room and creating a special coziness.
The hot “breath” of this stove is contrasted with the cold flicker of the TV screen in the opposite corner of the bedroom. Such designer finds are interesting and unusual, but the secret of the charm of this interior is that the original looks natural, and expensive things do not look provocative or pretentious.

It is clear that the return of a person from the bustle of cities to their natural habitat is not a momentary process. Any self-improvement takes time and some effort. In this sense, the house itself can help you get used to a new way of life - it will “pull” the owners to its level and dictate a certain way of life. The main thing is that a person, waking up and falling asleep, sees the forest very close to him and constantly lives in the rays of the sun, even if it rarely shines in our area.

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