True love never ends.


« Real love never ends in marriage.” This is Bunin. What then? Loop or dreams. That is, nothing. Oblivion, finite or toy, is given as a panacea for misfortune. Is it really impossible to be happy in love?

Mom came into the room and began to say something about the weather. It's been raining for the fifth day in a row, my joints are swollen, the nerve in my leg has turned into a fiery boil, and when, when, when will all this end?

“Why does mom have such a calm voice? - thought Perukaryev. – Maybe pain is also a dream into which you fall, like into a trench? And on top there is shrapnel and tanks. Holes-holes-holes, death and horror. And you are in a trench, waiting it out and complaining about fate. In safety. You can whine, but they won’t kill you.”

Your face is like that of a sick person. Didn't sleep well again, son?

Perukaryev is 52 years old. Mom is 76. My father lives in the next room, he is 75, he has ruined himself with endless depression. The only exits from the room are to the kitchen and toilet. At my father's yellow hands, hanging from the shoulders like dry branches. He tucks his hands to his stomach, as if he’s afraid to crap himself. The eyes are always frightened, the voice of a dying man and the suffixes “ochk”, “echk” during a conversation that looks like a dying will. “Ninochka, give me something to eat,” “Don’t be angry, please give me some pills for constipation.” If the mother herself screws the light bulb into the chandelier, the father looks down for a long time, then, as if coming to his senses, whines: “You know, Ninochka, I don’t have the strength to do anything,” and, pecking his head like a chicken, disappears into his room.

Perukaryev has lived separately from his parents for the last twelve years, in his wife’s apartment. They had a ten-year-old daughter, a cat, a hamster and fish in an aquarium. After Perukaryev was injured in a car and became disabled in a wheelchair, his wife divorced him and sent him to her parents. “They will look after you there, but I need to raise my daughter.” Logical. And we’ll bury our previous life in a grave and sprinkle it with fresh sand.

How does true love end?

Loop or dreams?

And suddenly at night Perukaryev returned to school. In a dream. He was told that he had to pass one subject. Take the course and pass. Without this there is no way, like blood before an operation or a passport for registration. Perukaryev never protested against demands, even the most idiotic ones. He is 52 years old, what school and what the hell subject? But he didn't protest.

I came to class, sat down at the first desk, and laid out my notebook. The teacher is at the blackboard, writing something with chalk and talking and talking. Board Green colour, they had brown materials at school, and now they have new materials. “Galvanized steel with anti-reflective polyester coating,” he read on the Internet. South Korea, maid in...

The teacher is young, about twenty-five years old, a neat black dress, a figure, legs shining with rays, brown eyes, like those of a sad little imp - well, in a still water, and so on.

She finished tapping the chalk and looked questioningly at Perukaryev:

Why aren't you writing?

He was silent. Happy and helpless. As in childhood, as if they were caught stealing candy, caught, but won’t kill, because they love, love, love...

Why do not you write? (And this is her signature: “Well, huh?” - and her eyes burn with brown coals. They burn somewhere inside.)

In the place of the teacher stood Rita-Margarita. Classmate. Perukaryev didn’t even get up, but why?

I have bad sight. I don't have time.

She walked over and sat down at his desk, on the chair next to him. She pulled his notebook towards her, bent down and began to write. Serious and responsible.

Was the class empty, or was there no one there? Perukaryev was silent, suffering from mild tetanus, and Rita-Margarita scribbled and scribbled in her notebook.

After a few seconds, Perukaryev became helpless, like a puppy. He suddenly smelled her: a warm body, hair and a warm dress. One summer he got lost in the forest, wandered for several hours, stupefied with helplessness. And by nightfall he went out into the freshly mown meadow. Far away in the village, dogs were hooting, and the smells of housing and human activity wafted here. Perukaryev bumped into a small haystack, dug it up and fell into a straw hole. It was salvation, it smelled of heated straw and something else sweet and sultry, such a native land, human palms, cows, something feminine and maternal.

He remembered the aroma of that happiness and was warmed by this memory. And Rita-Margarita sat so close that Perukaryev felt that he was happy again.

Then... Then he sat at a round plastic table in a summer cafe. Some guys were giggling nearby. Their leader, a red-haired seven-by-eight hilo, lounged opposite Perukaryev. They waved their arms and shouted:

Get out of here! Fuck off!

It was a threat. Rita-Margarita retreated deeper into the cafe and became invisible. Perukaryev stood up, deftly grabbed Hilo by the collar of his shirt, hit him in the face, dragged him to the cement balustrade and threw him over the barrier. Hailo fell down somewhere. The types rushed at Perukaryev, but he snatched a board as if out of thin air and began to attack the types with it. They fell down as if they had been knocked down.

Call the police! - Perukaryev shouted to Rita-Margarita and continued to smash the board left and right. Inside he felt indifference and superiority. Ants scurry about below, and he crushes them and crushes them. It's cold and scary. And they, powerless insects, die and die. And he, a soulless giant, tramples and tramples. There is not a drop of sympathy in the eyes. Chuck Norris. Van Damme. Steven Seagal.

He knew he wasn't like that. Polite and modest, maybe sometimes unjustifiably impudent, but it’s just a complex. Lack of courage and self-irony. He will call the girl stupid, and then he keeps following her and apologizing, trampling and trampling, nagging and nagging. But with a board to the head? Fist in the face? Have you gone completely crazy, or what?

However, after a couple of minutes it was all over. There was, however, no blood or corpses. The reptiles crawled into their holes without a trace. And Rita-Margarita flashed her brown-eyed smile and cheerfully:

Well, I'm off.

And he didn’t even see her leave. Big deal!

And he turned away.
x x x

Don't be offended, son. If you haven't gotten enough sleep, turn away and go to sleep. I'll go to my place.

I slept well, mom. The mood is below par. Sorry, dear! As Father?

Whines. It's all the weather. And my legs just hurt, they hurt. Nerves are on fire.

After getting dressed, Perukaryev climbed onto the wheelchair and rolled into the kitchen. Mom made him coffee, just the way he liked it, with a sprinkle of pepper and a pinch of salt. After breakfast, he sat down at his laptop, remembered the dream and decided that he would write a short story. The name came up naturally.

He listened to the rain pattering outside the window and wrote, wrote, wrote. Two pages came out. I didn't re-read it. The story worked.

Lord, forgive us for unhappy love and happy dreams...


I really liked it! Suddenly I felt either sincerity or compassion. To Perukaryev, to himself?.. Or perhaps to Bunin, who never completed his version of the ending of true love.
With sincere warmth, Julia

The best friend is mom. She never envyes, does not wish bad things. And love and pride for her child sparkles in her eyes!

Love is when you want to take a person not into your bed, but into your life.

Love is like chocolate. First "Bounty" - a heavenly delight, then "Twix" - 2 sticks... And then - "Kinder Surprise"

Everyone dreams of their own - Get enough sleep... Grow up... Find love... Start a family... Relax... Become famous... A lot of money... How many times throughout our lives have we changed our dreams... And in the end - we all dream of being simply happy!!!

Love never dies if it's true

I will give my loyalty to my husband, love to my son, beauty to my daughter, and respect to our parents.

First love is not what

was the first one, this is the one
love we are more into
invested themselves in total,
your soul.

You know, it happens that it’s not love or friendship, but you want, you really want to communicate with this person. And when you catch yourself thinking “I miss him”, a negative reaction is sharply triggered: “how? How can you miss a person if he is no one to you?” Yes, no one, but it seems so close that it’s embarrassing to admit.

Have you noticed how quickly we have grown up? How did relationships cease to be the first, how did phones become filled with other people’s names, how did mothers stop scolding you when you went out for a long time? How can we joke without blushing? We learned what death is, what it means to lose, forget, throw away, leave behind and lock the door. On VKontakte, everyone is no longer “everything is complicated”, no longer closed friends. I had to admit that everything was either simple or not at all, and there was no point in portraying drama. Now you need to be responsible for your actions and make decisions. You wait for phone calls less and less often, you turn off your phone more often, and you become more and more accustomed to being disappointed in people. Now someone already has their own children. It's getting harder and harder to enjoy the sun. And it’s easier to hate rain, because it ruins everything, gets dirty. Summer is not “no school”, but our native land, mountains, sea. So many appeared interesting words: university, exams, session, stress, diet, love, use, forget... but they got boring so quickly. Sincerity was lost somewhere.

They didn't notice... no one noticed.

In Judaism we are encouraged to enjoy the world because we know it is God Himself. But there are limits, and the Ten Commandments that Jesus gave to Moses on Mount Sinai express this. The Ten Commandments are pearl of great price Judeo-Christian heritage to help us know what to do and what not to do to glorify God in our daily lives.

All commandments speak of love and understanding. Jesus gave his disciples the commandment to love God with all their being and to love their neighbor as themselves. The First Epistle to the Corinthians says: “Love is long-suffering, it is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, is not proud, does not behave in a rude manner, does not seek its own, is not easily provoked, does not think evil; does not rejoice in untruth, but rejoices in the truth.” This is very close to the teachings of love and compassion in Buddhism.

“Love endures everything, love believes in everything, love endures everything.” Love has no boundaries. Love never ends. Love is reborn and reborn and reborn. The love and care of Christ is reborn in each of us, as is the love of Buddha. If we invoke the name of Buddha, or pray to Christ, but do not practice love and understanding of ourselves, then something is wrong. If we love someone, we need to be patient. We can help a person transform his or her negative seeds if only we are patient and kind.

Take care of yourself and take care of living beings and environment- This The best way love God. This love is possible when there is an understanding that you are not separate from other beings or the environment. This understanding cannot be simply intellectual. It must come from experience, an insight achieved by deep touch and deep gaze into daily life prayer, contemplation and meditation.

“Love does not rejoice in wrong.” Love teaches us not to act in ways that cause suffering now or in the future. We can recognize when something that seems pleasant has the power to ruin future happiness, so we drink alcohol, don't eat junk food, and don't hurt others with our words. True love never ends. It will be reborn and reborn.

Practice and share

Peace activist Mahet said: “There is no path to peace, peace is the way.” He "meant that we can become aware of peace right in the present moment with every look, every smile, word and action. Peace is not just an ending. There should be peace, joy and happiness in every step we take. The commandments help us to be at peace, knowing what to do and knowing what not to do in the present moment. They are values ​​that lead us along the path of beauty, integrity and truth. They contain the wisdom of our spiritual traditions, and when we practice them, our lives become true expressions of our faith, and our well-being inspires our friends and community.

Our happiness and the happiness of others does not depend only on a few people becoming aware and responsible. The whole nation must have understanding. The commandments must be respected and practiced individually and by all nations. When there are so many broken families, the fabric of society is torn. We need to look at this deeply to understand the nature of the commandments. Everyone should get involved in this work. In order for our world to have a future, we need basic leadership for action. This is the best medicine available to us to protect us from the violence that is everywhere. Practicing the commandments is not a matter of suppressing or limiting our freedom. The commandments offer us an amazing way to live, and we can practice them with joy. It is not a matter of forcing yourself or others to conform to rules.

No tradition monopolizes truth. We must collect the most best qualities all traditions and work together to ease tensions between traditions to give peace a chance. We need to come together and take a deep look at how we can help people find their roots again. We need to offer best plan gaining physical, mental and spiritual health for our countries and for the whole earth. To make the future possible, I encourage you to study and practice the best qualities of your religious tradition, and share it with young people in a way that makes sense to them. if we meditate together as a family, a community, a city, a country, we can identify the causes of suffering and find a solution.

Kazanfirst offers an overview best books about love, published in the 20th century

Farid Karimov, Kazan

KazanFirst presents to your attention 5 great works about love, written in the 20th century, which showed us the most striking manifestations of this feeling.

Ivan Bunin

"Dark alleys"

The collection of stories “Dark Alleys” is united by the theme of passionate, all-consuming love, which, according to Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, is always doomed to tragic ending. It belongs to him famous aphorism"True love never ends in marriage."

Bunin worked on “Dark Alleys” for about 10 years, from 1937 to 1946, and quite rightly called this collection his best work.

For writers, it is an axiom that writing about love is the most difficult thing. The risk of falling into banality or vulgarity is too high. But Bunin’s talent allowed him, even at the age of 70, to write a true masterpiece about love, which still has no analogues, either in Russian or in foreign literature.

As Alexander Kabakov rightly noted, “exactly” Dark alley“represent Bunin in all his unattainable greatness as a master and in all the human charm of an eternal fighter against death, making everything in this world that his gaze falls upon eternal.”

It's amazing that no matter what mood you're in when you start reading these stories, they inevitably have an impact on you. state of mind, making you forget about the bustle of everyday life, and think about truly important things. The effect of presence is sometimes so strong that you have to put the book down so as not to completely soften along with the characters and fall into melancholy.

How does Bunin achieve this? And his main skill is the ability to see and convincingly describe small, noticeable details of our reality to him alone. Here, for example, is an excerpt from “ Antonov apples»: «… black sky they draw fiery stripes on the falling stars. You look for a long time into its dark blue depths, overflowing with constellations, until the earth begins to float under your feet. Then you will wake up and, hiding your hands in your sleeves, quickly run along the alley to the house... How cold, dewy and how good it is to live in the world!

I bet your head is starting to spin as you read this too.

Quote:“Yes, from year to year, from day to day, you secretly expect only one thing - a happy love meeting, you live, in essence, only in the hope of this meeting - and all in vain...”

Margaret Mitchell

"Gone With the Wind"

Margaret Mitchell wrote only one novel in her entire life, but that was enough to get her global recognition and lifetime status as a “classic” American literature" In our country, Gone with the Wind was published only in 1982.

The writer herself recalls that, out of journalistic habit, she began writing “Gone with the Wind” from the last chapter. “She was unable to understand either of the two men she loved, and now she has lost both” - this was the first phrase. To accurately portray the historical background in which the novel unfolds, Mitchell spent time in libraries and archives, thoroughly studying newspaper files and other documents from the 1860s and 1870s.

The fact that the work of a simple housewife from Atlanta was published at all was a great success, because Mitchell herself made no effort to publish the novel, which she had been working on for almost ten years.

The result, as we all know, exceeded the writer’s wildest expectations. The novel entered the “golden fund” of world literature, and Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize in 1937.

Quote:“You were born to be someone's wife. So why not mine?

Alexander Kuprin


The story “Olesya” was written by Alexander Kuprin under the impression of a trip to the Volyn province, where the writer served for some time as an estate manager. Polesie endless forests and lakes, everyday life The villagers inspired him so much that he often recalled this period of his life with pleasure.

For Kuprin, the theme of love has always been of great importance. Since childhood, he dreamed of creating a work that could convey all the uniqueness, beauty and depth of this feeling. Starting work on "Olesya", in my notebook he wrote: “love is the brightest and most understandable reproduction of a person. Individuality is not expressed in strength, not in dexterity, not in intelligence, not in talent, not in voice, not in colors, not in gait, not in creativity. And in love. For all the above-mentioned props only serve as its plumage.”

This understanding of love as the highest measure of personality, ennobling and elevating a person above an unsightly reality, was brilliantly revealed by Kuprin in the story “Olesya,” which is still considered the standard work about love in Russian literature.

The story is included in school curriculum, so I won’t retell its plot to you. Better read it yourself, or at worst there is interesting adaptation directed by Boris Ivchenko in 1971.

Quote:“Separation is for love what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes small love, and fans the big one even stronger.”

Michael Bulgakov

"Master and Margarita"

One of the best Russian books of the 20th century - Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" - waited about thirty years for publication in order to remain in literature forever.

So many literary and philological works have been written about “The Master and Margarita” that a lifetime would not be enough to read them. Researchers offer all sorts of interpretations to explain the concept and super-idea of ​​this deep and multi-layered novel. The most interesting version was voiced by Bulgakov scholar Alexander Mirer. His book “The Gospel of Mikhail Bulgakov” contains a guess, thoroughly confirmed at the textual level: that Bulgakov always sympathized with the secret power, the secret force that protects the artist... sometimes, the secret police. And Mirer’s main guess: Bulgakov divided the real Christ against Yeshua and... well, yes, against Pilate. Yeshua received meekness and courage, Pilate received strength and authority.

However, Woland is with him with versions.

Regardless of the constantly changing “spiritual bonds” and guidelines in Russia, the novel is clearly not in danger of oblivion, primarily thanks to the brilliantly depicted love story of the Master and Margarita by Bulgakov. Well, who among us can forget the scene of their fateful meeting in Moscow?

Quote:“She looked at me in surprise, and I suddenly, and completely unexpectedly, realized that I had loved this woman all my life! That’s the thing, huh??”

Lev Tolstoy

"Anna Karenina"

If I were allowed to take just one book to a desert island, I would choose Anna Karenina (and I think I’m not alone). If it is not ideal, it is very close to it. It is no coincidence that the novel is still so popular all over the world. Every year new film adaptations are released, theatrical performances and reissues. Many of Lev Nikolayevich’s contemporaries were also delighted with this book, and Dostoevsky even called Tolstoy the God of art.

I can’t help but quote here a short quote from Dmitry Bykov’s recent public lecture on “Anna Karenina,” which, in my opinion, quite accurately reflects the main idea of ​​this book: “Anna bears within herself the features of Russia, as Tolstoy understood it. And Karenin is the government that cannot cope with it. And this whole situation leads to disaster.

We do not like Karenin because the motives of Russian statehood, which he personifies, are vile. And they are vile not because they are repressive. But because they are fake. State people They don’t know what to do and are just trying to be good. In their heads they understand that they should act in such and such a way. But they don’t understand the spirit of Russia. And most importantly, they don’t like her. They are terribly proud that they got it. But they cannot love her. And that’s why it slips out of their hands.”

A curious detail: Sofya Andreevna, speaking about the novel, once said to Tolstoy a phrase that greatly offended him: “Your will, Lyovochka, but Levin is you, but without great artistic talent. And you are completely unbearable without artistic talent.”

This year they will begin to fight siltation of the reservoir, bottom sediments will be removed, so the authorities are asking local residents be patient bad smell hydrogen sulfide. After Fresh air will return, they promise

Ilnur Yarkhamov - Kazan

404 million rubles within three years will be allocated for the restoration or, in other words, for the eco-rehabilitation of the Admiralty Pond (this is the old bed of the Kazanka River). The main work will take place next year, at which time the lion's share of funding is expected to arrive - 360 million from the federal and regional budgets. The 1st Deputy Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan announced this yesterday Rustem Kamalov on round table V Public Chamber RT.

In 2016 Main Investment and Construction Department of the Republic of Tatarstan(GISU) will begin to “partially remove” the bottom sediments of the pond and clear the coastal area. The authorities hope to eventually turn this place into a tourist center.

Despite this, industrial enterprises continue to have a detrimental effect on the pond.

GISU in the summer of 2015posted a tender worth 17 million rubles on the government procurement portal for the development of a corresponding conceptcleaning up the Admiralteysky Pondand assessment of his condition. The documents note that the water is hereheavily polluted , the condition of the pond threatens living organisms and human health.

“The waters of the Admiralteysky pond are classified as water quality class 5 - extremely dirty. Excesses of the maximum permissible concentration are regularly observed. Bottom sediments formed in previous years, when untreated industrial, domestic, and wastewater were discharged into the pond, deposited [accumulated and stored] a wide group of heavy metals and petroleum products in quantities many times higher than the background content, and exhibit acute and chronic toxicity,” notes in the document

“Out of 16 enterprises, including industrial ones, we have only two registered enterprises that report. These are Vodokanal and Kazan Helicopter Plant,” she complainedIrina Mustakimova, and about. Head of the Water Resources Department of the Republic of Tatarstan, Lower Volga Basin Water Administration. However, a “slight decrease” in wastewater discharges is noted on the lake.

As KazanFirst learned ( full list polluting enterprises are at the disposal of the editorial office), over two years, by June 21, 41 protocols on administrative offenses on the Admiralty Reservoir were drawn up. For example, on February 29, 2014, the city Vodokanal discharged “domestic fecal wastewater” into a pond. Also, the municipal unitary enterprise “City Improvement” discharged storm water from the city sewerage into the pond.

Kamalov told KazanFirst that a black list of pond polluters will be prepared in the near future. It will be given wide publicity to cause public censure.

“The eco-rehabilitation project does not take into account the problems associated with the receipt of groundwater from the sludge dumps of the Powder Plant (waste product that makes up dust and fine parts during ore washing -KazanFirst)," stated Irek Zigantdinov, representative of the freelance assistant to the President of the Republic of TatarstanNatalia Fishman. According to him, because of this, the water in the pond is now highly oxidized.

The problem of sludge groundwater at the Powder Plant has been going on for a long time, says corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and expert of the Public ChamberVenera Latypova. According to her, experts have still not been able to find official confirmation that the dumps belong to the plant. “[Representatives of the plant] tell us that they don’t have any sludge, but we see strong oxidation in the water,” the scientist complains. She notes that experts are not allowed access to the areas where the sludge is supposedly stored: “no one is allowed there.”

Since the project is mainly financed by Federal agency water resources of the Russian Federation, then to implement eco-rehabilitation everything must be officially and strictly confirmed, says Latypova. Therefore, the problem of “unofficial” sludge pollution by the Powder Plant is excluded from the project.

“The gunpowder factory has existed for several centuries; it began under the tsars. They make excuses that before, under the empire, under the USSR, things were different entity, but now it’s different, so there are no documents and no one is to blame,” explains the performer of engineering surveys on the reservoirOleg Nikitin.

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