Smoke on the water by deep purple. "Smoke on the Water" (Deep Purple) - writing history


Salting is an ancient way of preserving meat for later use. With just a few ingredients—salt, nitrite, and time—meat goes from watery and firm to supple, dry, and tough. Over time, its taste develops. Getting rid of excess water, jerky acquires a rich taste, both appetizing and satisfying. Learn how to make dry and wet curings for your own meats for much less than the cost you would normally pay at a restaurant or gourmet food vendors, paying attention to the right safety standards to ensure you don't buy tainted meat.


Dry salting of meat

    Decide what kind of meat you want to use. Ham is considered a popular pickling choice, but you can also use anything from beef and venison and more. With a good cut of meat, you really can't go wrong, although the first time you salt it, you might want to choose a softer cut, such as pork belly or pork back.

    Trim excess fat, tendons, or meat if necessary. Tell the seller that you want to cook Capicola smoked meat. You can buy boneless pork shoulder and then cut off the top edge of the pork shoulder, dividing the meat into two pieces. The upper part of the shoulder blade, for example, can be used for sausages, and the lower part for dry cured meats.

    For large pieces of meat, it is advisable to prick the meat with cloves to better absorb the salt. You don't have to prick the meat before dry rubbing, but for single cuts, large cuts or tenderloins, like pork belly, which is often covered in fatty layers, pricking helps the salt and nitrite mixture penetrate deeper into the meat, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the salting.

    Decide if you want to use a ready-made pickling mix or make your own. Dry salting draws the juices out of the meat and enhances its flavor, but this still does not rule out the possibility of botulism and spore germination. To combat botulism, pickling often uses sodium nitrite in combination with salt as "pickling salt", "Instacure #1" and "pink salt". Botulism is a dangerous disease that threatens paralysis and problems with the respiratory tract caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

    Use ratio 2 :1000 sodium nitrite to salt if you make your own preservative. If you want to make your own jerky, be sure to keep the ratio of sodium nitrite to salt. For every 2 g of sodium nitrite, for example, there are 1000 grams of salt. Another way to calculate is to take the total weight of the salt, multiply it by 0.002, and use that much sodium nitrite for your mixture.

    Mix your spices with salt. Spices add a rich hue to the taste of salted meat. While you shouldn't go too far and spice the meat immensely, a good spice blend will enhance the flavor and add a variety of flavors to your jerky. In a small spice grinder, grind your spices and add salt to them, creating a salt mixture. Here are some suggestions for choosing spices:

    • Black peppercorns. Black, green, or white pepper is essential for most spice blends. It's not for nothing that pepper is called the "master of spices".
    • Sugar. A little Demerara sugar gives the salted meat a caramel flavor.
    • Coriander and mustard seeds. Add smoked flavor to the meat.
    • Anise. Silky and slightly sweet, long-lasting fragrance. Slightly nutty.
    • Fennel seeds. Adds a pleasant green or grassy flavor to salted meat.
    • Zest of citrus. It gives the meat a light, pleasant sour tone that penetrates even into the fatty layers of the meat.
  1. Rub the entire cut of meat with the salt and spice mixture by hand. Line the tray with parchment and sprinkle the bottom generously with salt and spice mixture. Lay the meat on the resulting preservative layer (fat side up if possible) and top the meat with the rest of the mixture for an even coating. If desired, top the meat with another piece of parchment, then place another tray on top, and finally add a couple of bricks or other heavy object to press down on the meat.

    • At this stage Not use metal trays without parchment. The metal reacts with salt and sodium nitrite. If you are using a metal tray for salting, always line a piece of parchment.
    • If you have a round piece of meat and want to keep it (more or less) round, you don't have to press it down. The salt will soak into the meat naturally. Pressing is more recommended for salting pork belly, which you will then roll into a roll.
  2. Refrigerate the meat in the refrigerator for 7-10 days. Provide a strong enough air flow, leaving at least a small part of the meat open. After 7-10 days most of moisture will be drawn out by the salt.

    After 7-10 days, remove the meat from the refrigerator and rinse off any salt/spice mixture. Under cold water, rinse off as much of the salt/spice mix as you can and let it hang to dry. Take paper towel, for reinsurance, and wipe off excess moisture before moving on to the next step.

    Wrap the meat (optional). Most types of jerky don't need to be rolled, but some do. If you are cooking pork belly and trying to make pancetta, for example, start with a rectangular piece of pork and roll the long end very tight. The tighter the roll, the less space there is for mold or other bacteria.

    • If you're rolling jerky, it's best to work with a square shape, or even usually a rectangle. Cut the meat on all four sides until you have a neat rectangle. Set aside the soup trimmings and separate the fatty veins.
  3. Wrap meat tightly in cheesecloth. Carefully wrapping the meat in cheesecloth will help protect it from the moisture that builds up on the outer skin of the meat, keeping it dry during the aging process. Fold the cheesecloth over both sides of the meat, bundle the cheesecloth at both ends, and tie the ends into knots. If possible, create a second knot at the top of the gauze into which you can pry your hook.

    Tie your meat to help it hold its shape as it matures (optional). Especially if we are talking About a rolled piece of meat, wrapping will help the meat stay tightly rolled and hold its shape. Use butcher's twine and just wrap every couple of inches of meat until you wrap the whole piece. Use scissors to remove any broken pieces of rope.

    Mark the meat and hang in a cool, dark place for two weeks to two months. Refrigerator storage is ideal if it is cool and dark. It should be a place where it will not get a lot of light, and the temperature will not exceed 21 degrees Celsius.

    Serve. After you remove the wrapping and gauze, cut the jerky into thin slices and enjoy. Store any jerky you don't use in the refrigerator.

    Wet curing of meat

    1. Choose the right piece of meat. Wet salting is great for both ham and other recipes. For example, try wet-curing your Christmas ham and then finishing it in a smoker for incredible flavor.

    2. Mix your pickle brine. Prepare a simple brine and then add the nitrites to the salt - that's all that's needed for a wet curing of the meat. Try this basic brine recipe or experiment with nitrite brine for a completely different taste. Bring 4.5 liters of water to a boil, add the following ingredients, and then let the brine cool completely:

      • 2 cups brown sugar
      • 1.5 cups kosher salt
      • 1/2 cup spices for pickling
      • 8 teaspoons pink salt (not to be confused with sodium nitrite)

Ambassador is one of the most effective methods of storing meat products for future use. Usually pork is taken for salting. You can also salt lamb, beef and horse meat, you just have to choose the fattest, juiciest pieces.

Do not try to salt all the meat in one container. Hams and loin are always salted separately, they need a different amount of salt. If the neck part is thick - salt it with hams, thin - only with the loin. Also, never salt different meats together.

The meat ambassador does not kill the microorganisms contained in it, but only dehydrates them and stops their development. Therefore, before salting the meat, be sure to make sure that the slaughtered animal was healthy.

For salting, you can take cooled meat within 1-2 days after slaughter. It is impossible to salt a product that has been frozen. In order for the meat to be salted evenly, it is necessary to cut it into equal pieces.

The optimum temperature in the room where the meat is salted is not higher than 2-3 degrees. If it is warmer, the meat may spoil. Lower, even negative temperatures are allowed, but the salting period in this case will need to be significantly increased. Freezing meat is salted much more slowly. The larger the pieces, the harder the optimum temperature must be maintained. Large hams at temperatures below 0 degrees will be salted very unevenly and will be of poor quality.

Ambassador of meat in brine

There are several recipes for making brine.

Ingredients for a simple brine (per 100 kg of meat):

  • water - 18 liters
  • salt - 8 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • saltpeter food - 64 g

Ingredients for complex brine (per 100 kg of meat):

  • water - 20 liters
  • salt - 3 kg
  • sugar - 200 g
  • spices - bay leaf, cumin, allspice, coriander, anise, garlic, cardamom or other spices - to taste
  • saltpeter food - 30 g

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve these products in 18 liters of boiling water. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of saltpeter, otherwise the meat will turn out spongy.
  2. After preparation, filter the brine and cool to a temperature of 2-3°C.
  3. Put the prepared pieces of meat in wooden tubs or plastic containers and fill with brine. You need to pack as tightly as possible. Pour in the brine gradually as the container fills with meat. Carefully pour each layer so that not a single piece is left unwetted with brine.
  4. Cover the tub or container with a wooden circle on top (so that the meat does not float to the surface) and set the weight. Cover the top with a lid or tie with a thick cloth to protect the meat from flies.
  5. Once every 10 days, the meat must be shifted. Lower the top pieces down, and lift the bottom ones up.
  6. Control the salinity of the brine with a hydrometer. The salt is absorbed by the meat and the brine concentration decreases over time. If the density of the brine is less than 12%, the meat may rot. To increase the density of the brine, add salt if necessary. All other ingredients of the brine do not need to be added.
  7. Salting, depending on the size of the pieces, lasts 6-8 weeks.

The salinity of the brine affects the taste and aroma of the meat, but also its shelf life. There are three levels of brine salinity: lightly salted (14-16% salt), normal (18%) and salty (20% and above). Salted meat is better preserved, but becomes drier and less tender.

Saltpeter is needed not so much for conservation as to preserve the color of the finished meat. Corned beef cooked without saltpeter takes on an unattractive gray tint.

The brine can be used several times, it will only need to be boiled and filtered. The meat gives extractive substances to the brine, therefore, in the repeated brine, corned beef turns out to be even more aromatic.

Dry cured meat

This method is simpler, but the requirements for the pickling mixture are much higher here.

Ingredients for pickling mixture (per 100 kg of meat):

  • coarse salt - 5 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • saltpeter food - 160 g
  • spices - to taste, most often used black and red ground pepper, coriander grains, cumin

Sometimes a mixture of salt and ground pepper is used for dry salting, without sugar and saltpeter. The amount of pepper is selected depending on the desired spiciness of the product.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the pickling mixture. Mix sugar, salt and nitrate evenly.
  2. Salt is best to take the 2nd grinding. Fine salt should not be taken, it forms a salt crust, and the product does not salt out. Also, iodized salt or with any other additives is not suitable. You should only use salt that is absolutely pure, free from impurities and impurities.
  3. Saltpeter must also be chemically pure, best in crystalline form. Technical (garden) saltpeter should not be used!
  4. Thoroughly rub the prepared pieces of meat with the pickling mixture.
  5. If using spices, rub them over the meat over the curing mixture.
  6. Place a wooden grate at the bottom of the salting dish. Lay the meat on it in layers, pouring each new row pickling mixture. The quality of the finished product will depend on how tightly you put the pieces of meat in salting.
  7. Cover the top row with a clean cloth and put oppression.
  8. Once every 3-5 days, pieces of meat must be shifted. The salting process, depending on the size of the pieces, lasts 2-5 weeks.

Dry-cooked meat lasts longer than brine-cured meat.
Salted meat is hung on hooks in a cool place. In the presence of a smokehouse, salted meat can be smoked. Too salty meat is soaked in water before eating.

Autumn is the time for various homemade preparations. And for our case - almost the only one.

Indeed, most housewives probably do not have either oak barrels or special “cold” cellars, and the need for salted meat is not so high.

You can store it in the freezer, or just buy the required amount.

But to cook delicious homemade corned beef, and with a 100% guarantee of the absence of complex and harmful preservatives, is an honorable and necessary thing.

General principles of salting meat at home

The best choice of meat for home salting is pork ham. The pulp is quite fatty, well and quickly salted, perfectly perceives seasonings.

Salting can be subjected to the usual chicken breast, but such popular chicken legs are already a more complex product, however, we will try to pickle them too!

The main set of products and necessary utensils fits in a couple of lines: meat itself, salt, lavrushka, sugar, coriander, pepper (various); from dishes - a voluminous enameled, wooden, glass or porcelain container of 30 or more liters, or 10-liter bottles.

Two types of salting - dry and brine, differ radically, but there is not much difference in the products used.

Corned beef is canned food and table salt acts as a preservative in them. This must be clearly understood, since an attempt to salt meat at home, immediately receiving a lightly salted product, can end in failure. Food poisoning is extremely serious, it is not worth risking the health of loved ones.

How to pickle meat at home - simple corned beef, "Rustic"


Pork pulp (back part) - 2 kg .;

2 spoons, with a slide, refined sugar;

Salt, not iodized, large - 8 full tablespoons;

Black pepper - 2 tablespoons of small peas, or 1 spoon of large ones;

Coriander and white pepper (not ground) - 1 dessert spoon each;

Nutmeg powder - two pinches of freshly ground, or three pinches "from a bag";

Hot pepper - 3-4 large pods;

50 ml brandy;

2 medium heads of garlic;

A spoonful of paprika powder;

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Salting container - enameled or porcelain, suitable size, rinse hot water with soda, wipe and dry. You will also need a linen or cotton fabric 30 cm wide and about a meter long, it is better to stock up on two such canvases.

2. Without cutting the pulp into separate pieces, cut so that the individual slices are about 300-400 grams of weight. Rinse and wipe off moisture.

3. Mix salt and sugar thoroughly, crush the coriander and both types of pot pepper in a mortar, not too finely. The grains should break up into 5-7 crumbs.

4. Combine spices with salt and sugar in a bowl. Dip the meat chunks in spices, rubbing a little in the process. Part of the spices will remain in the bowl, they must be scattered over the canvas, leaving 2/3 for further sprinkling.

5. Lay the meat slices on top of the salt and spices, leaving 2 cm gaps. Place garlic cloves in them. To do this, they need to be divided, and the upper, rough layer of the husk removed, this will take 1 head. Sprinkle the rest of the salt and pepper over and in between.

6. Tuck the wide edges of the cloth over the top of the pulp, trying to pull them as tight as possible. Next, fold the resulting "stocking" in half, along the length. We put the resulting workpiece in a container for salting and press it on top with a load of about 2–3 kilograms (a two-liter can of cold water is just right).

7. Future corned beef must be placed in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. After the allotted time, we take out the meat and unfold it. There will be a lot of moisture in the bowl - do not pour it out!

8. Shake off and clean off all the spices and salt with a spoon, do not throw them away, but pour them into a bowl. In their place, rub the slices of meat with a mixture of paprika, cinnamon and nutmeg. Again, as tight as possible, wrap the pulp with a cloth in one layer. From above, right on the fabric, rub with crushed garlic and distribute hot pepper pods. They must be solid, uncut, free of rot and damage. Once again, wrap the entire workpiece in a cloth, put it in a bowl and put it in the refrigerator, under the load. Pour cognac into the brine.

9. We stand for a day, turning the workpiece over every 6 hours and watering it every 2 hours with the released brine. After 24 hours, we clean off all the spices from the chunks of corned beef with a knife, no salt crystals should remain. We also remove all crumbs from the fabric. We wring out the fabric and wrap it with pieces of corned beef, two in a portion. You can leave garlic cloves and pepper between the pulp. They give mainly aroma and almost no effect on taste.

10. Place the pieces of corned beef in a sieve or plastic colander, they must be turned over once a day. It is recommended to drain the brine into a jar under the lid and leave it in the refrigerator for now. After 3 days, cut and try a piece of corned beef. Maximum term exposure - 10 days, further exposure in the tissue may be accompanied by the addition of brine, if you want to add salinity. You can add another 75-100 ml of cognac - this will add flavor to the corned beef.

How to salt meat at home in hot brine

In order for the meat to be salted well and evenly, it is better to take medium-sized pieces, up to 4 cm thick.


One kilogram of meat;

One and a half liters of filtered drinking water;

A full glass of non-iodized salt;

Four peas of black pepper;

Two large cloves of garlic;

Lavrushka - two leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the required amount of drinking water into a large enameled container, add salt, lower the lavrushka.

2. Crush allspice in a mortar or place in a tight bag and crush with a rolling pin and send it to the saline solution.

3. Put the container on a strong fire and quickly boil. Dip the meat into the boiling brine and boil it for five minutes.

4. After that, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool in a warm place for at least 10 hours. Make sure the meat is always in the brine.

5. Then remove the pieces of meat from the brine, rub them with chopped garlic on a grater and put them in a plastic container or bag for three hours in the cold. This is done so that the meat absorbs all the garlic flavor.

6. If you do not use garlic, then it can be consumed immediately after soaking in brine.

How to salt meat at home in cold brine

The "cold brine" method is used to prepare meat for the purpose of canning, and for consumption immediately after salting. The meat in it will cook longer than in hot brine.


Two liters of clean drinking water;

A glass of coarse salt;

head of garlic;

Peppercorns - 4 peas.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute the salt in water and boil the solution, remove the container from the stove and cool.

2. Rinse the meat with cold water and cut it into equal pieces, up to five centimeters thick. Cut the pieces so that later it is convenient to put them in a container prepared for salting.

3. Disassemble the head of garlic into cloves and peel them. Cut each garlic clove lengthwise into four cloves if large. Cut smaller ones in half.

4. In the meat pulp, make punctures with the tip of a knife and insert peppercorns into them.

5. Then put the pieces of meat in the prepared container, shifting them with garlic cloves, and pour over the brine.

6. Put the container in the common compartment of the refrigerator for a week.

How to salt meat at home for subsequent smoking

Meat is salted not only to extend the shelf life, it is also a way to prepare the product before smoking. In this way, you can prepare not only meat, but also lard.


Three liters of water;

Five large cloves of garlic;

One full glass of salt, without a slide;

A tablespoon of granulated sugar;

Fifteen peppercorns;

Two large leaves of lavrushka;

Three spoons of seasoning "For barbecue";

Carnation umbrellas - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare saline solution. Add chopped garlic, spices, spices to it and set to maximum heat. As soon as it boils, remove from the stove and leave to cool. While the brine cools, all the spices and spices will open and give off their flavor to the liquid.

2. Cut the meat into rectangular layers, 5 cm thick and put the pieces in a suitable container, pressing them firmly with your hands.

3. Fill with brine and press down. Then remove the container into the common refrigerator and soak in it for five days.

4. Remove the salted meat from the brine, rinse well under cold water and hang for two hours in a draft so that it dries well before smoking.

How to salt meat at home in a dry way

dry salting they are used mainly for salting fatty meat or lard, since salt is able to draw out moisture, making it hard and excessively dry. But this does not threaten the fat, rather, on the contrary, it will absorb the salt itself and take it exactly as much as required - no more, no less.


coarse salt;

Garlic, spices and spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat, well dried after washing, into pieces 4 cm thick. It is desirable that they be rectangular in shape. Make cuts on the pieces, without cutting through to the end about 1 cm.

2. Cut a part of the garlic into slices, and pass a part through a press.

3. Pierce the meat over the entire surface and in the slots with the tip of a knife and insert garlic slices and peppercorns into the holes formed.

4. Then generously sprinkle the meat with a mixture of salt and ground pepper and coat it on all sides with chopped garlic, place a little garlic in the slots.

5. Pack the meat in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and leave it warm overnight, and put it in the refrigerator in the morning.

6. After two days, pieces of fatty meat salted in this way will be ready for use.

How to salt meat for long-term storage in a mixed salting method

Salting meat is done in two ways - first, the meat is salted in a dry way, and after it, the so-called wet. Most often used for preparing long-term storage of fatty pulp on the bone. We will use it for salting chicken legs.


For dry salting:

150 gr. table salt;

A teaspoon of granulated sugar;

One kilogram of legs or pulp on the bone.

For brine:

Five liters of water;

250 gr. non-iodized salt;

Two tablespoons of white sugar;

Tablespoon of ascorbic acid.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces 5 cm thick and place them tightly in the prepared container, sprinkling the pieces with a mixture of salt and sugar. Just pierce the chicken legs with the tip of a knife to the bone. Put a load on top and put the pan in the cold for four days.

2. After that, drain the released liquid from the meat container.

3. Dissolve salt and granulated sugar in five liters of water. Add ascorbic acid, stir well and pour the meat in a saucepan with the prepared solution.

4. Put the corned beef under oppression for five days, covering the container with gauze.

5. After that, soak the salted meat for two hours in cold water and hang it up to get rid of all the moisture.

Ways to salt meat at home - cooking tricks and useful tips

Dry salting is great for bacon, brine is ideal for salting bacon - pieces of lard with meat streaks. For salting hams, loin and brisket, it is best to use the combined salting method.

Another almost unchanged preservative component is food sodium nitrate. They must be used with the utmost care. If, by salting the meat, in the worst case, you slightly spoil your reputation as a cook, then by “missing” with the amount of saltpeter you risk more seriously - the product will become unusable and can cause serious poisoning. Just in case, such recipes are not included in our selection, simpler ones are chosen. Let the corned beef turn out not so beautiful, but you don’t have to fear for its edibility.

It is quite difficult to distinguish between salting meat and marinating it. Most recipes almost imperceptibly go from one to another. In general, corned beef is meat cooked with a minimum of spices, or with their complete absence. Corned beef, as a rule, is more salty in taste, besides, acids are usually added to marinades - lemon juice, vinegar, sour wine. But dry marinades almost correspond to ordinary salting.

Ian Gillan
Roger Glover
Jon Lord
Ian Paice label Deep Purple singles chronology

Smoke on the Water("Smoke on the Water") is a song by the rock band Deep Purple, recorded in December 1971 and first released on the album machine head in March 1972. It was released as a single only in 1973; the second side of the single was occupied by her live version from the album Made in Japan.

History of creation

The song describes real events. In December 1971, the band traveled to the Swiss town of Montreux to record new album in a mobile studio rented from the Rolling Stones and known as Rolling Stones Mobile. It was decided to record in the entertainment complex of the Montreux casino (in the song - "the gambling house"), in which they had already been to concerts. On the eve of the studio session, on Saturday, December 4th, Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention played a concert at the Casino Theater as part of their European tour. It was last concert in this hall, after which he was to be made available deep purple to record an album. In order to avoid misunderstandings, the group decided not to unload the equipment for the time being, which later turned out to be a happy decision.

About an hour into the concert, during a synth solo on King Kong, sparks appeared from behind the suspended bamboo ceiling and then a fire - apparently, one of the audience (who could not be found) fired a flare gun at the roof ("some stupid with a flare gun"). Zappa calmly said “don't panic, we're on fire” (maybe they didn't notice anything and told them themselves), after which the musicians left the stage. Spectators were evacuated in a fairly organized manner, there were no casualties. The song mentions "funky Claude" who "ran in and out" - this is the director of the Montreux Jazz Festival Claude Nobs, who helped the audience out of the hall. Among the audience were members of Deep Purple. According to Glover's memoirs, the fire was initially so weak that during the evacuation he managed to re-enter the hall during the evacuation, get closer to the empty stage, examine Zappa's equipment with the band, and be impressed by the two newest synthesizers.

As a result of the fire, the entire multi-storey casino complex burned to the ground, along with concert hall and The Mothers' equipment (which was insured, but concerts in France and Belgium had to be cancelled). From the Europe Hotel where the members of Deep Purple were staying, the musicians watched through the restaurant's large window as the casino was engulfed in flames (helped by the wind blowing from the mountains) and saw a curtain of smoke over Lake Geneva.

The group, which had already rented an expensive studio, had to look around the city for new premises. Nobs soon found The Pavilion Theater for them, located in the city center. The equipment was moved there and work began in the middle of the day on an instrumental track with a new riff prepared by Blackmore, still without lyrics, under the working title "Title # 1". Debugging the equipment and developing arrangements took the rest of the day, and the actual dubs began to be recorded already after midnight. The third double was successful, and they stopped on it. As it turns out, all this time service staff tried to keep the police squad behind the locked doors, which was called by the neighboring residents because of the noise. It was thanks to the fact that the police were detained that the recording of the track was completed.

Since working only during the daytime did not suit the musicians, they had to look for new hall. There were many requirements for the premises, and its search took 5-6 days. On one of these days of waiting, Glover woke up in a hotel room, uttering the words at the moment of awakening smoke on the water. When he later reported these words to Gillan, he said that they sounded like “drug” (“sounds like a drug song”), and, referring themselves exclusively to “drinking” groups, they initially rejected these words.

Gillan performed the song with Black Sabbath during their Born Again Tour 1983 (English)Russian in 1983-1984. In 2011, a recording of the song, made during one of the concerts, was released on a reissued CD. Born Again.

Under the name "Smoke on the Water" in 1994 Shrapnel Records released a tribute to Deep Purple, which featured vocalists Joe Lynn Turner, Glenn Hughes and Jeff Scott Soto, as well as a group of guitarists (Yngwie Malmsteen, Winnie Moore, Don Dokken, Paul Gilbert, Tony McAlpin, Dean Castronovo) and keyboards (Jens Johansson and the same Tony McAlpin) virtuosos. The song itself is the seventh track on this album.

Numerous late cover versions of the song are known, including from Iron Maiden, Yngwie Malmsteen, Dream Theater, Sepultura, (Joe Satriani, John Petrucci and Steve Way "Live In Tokyo", 2005), Jon Bon Jovi with Bruce Springsteen, Soulfly, Six Feet Under, Vains of Jenna, Santana, Brian May, Buranovskiye Babushki. The song has been reworked into country, thrash metal, black metal, and power metal folk songs among others.

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  • (English) Roger Glover. Machine Head Remembered… Machine Head Anniversary Booklet, EMI, 1997
  • Seva Novgorodtsev's programs about Deep Purple


An excerpt characterizing Smoke on the Water

Princess Mary, sitting in the drawing room and listening to these talk and gossip of the old people, did not understand anything from what she heard; she only thought about whether all the guests noticed her father's hostile attitude towards her. She didn't even notice special attention and the courtesies that Drubetskoy, who had been in their house for the third time, had shown her throughout that dinner.
Princess Mary with an absent-minded, questioning look turned to Pierre, who, the last of the guests, with a hat in his hand and with a smile on his face, approached her after the prince had left, and they were left alone in the living room.
- Can I sit still? - he said, with his thick body falling into an armchair near Princess Marya.
“Oh yes,” she said. "Didn't you notice anything?" said her look.
Pierre was in a pleasant state of mind after dinner. He looked ahead of him and smiled softly.
- You've known this for a long time. young man, princess? - he said.
- What?
- Drubetskoy?
No, recently...
- What do you like about him?
- Yes, he is a pleasant young man ... Why are you asking me this? - said Princess Mary, continuing to think about her morning conversation with her father.
- Because I made an observation - a young man usually comes from St. Petersburg to Moscow on vacation only with the aim of marrying a rich bride.
You have made this observation! - said Princess Mary.
“Yes,” Pierre continued with a smile, “and this young man now keeps himself in such a way that where there are rich brides, there he is.” I read it like a book. He is now undecided whom he should attack: you or Mademoiselle Julie Karagin. Il est tres assidu aupres d "elle. [He is very attentive to her.]
Does he visit them?
- Very often. And you know new style care? - Pierre said with a cheerful smile, apparently being in that cheerful spirit of good-natured mockery, for which he so often reproached himself in his diary.
“No,” said Princess Mary.
- Now, to please the Moscow girls - il faut etre melancolique. Et il est tres melancolique aupres de m lle Karagin, [one must be melancholic. And he is very melancholy with m elle Karagin,] - said Pierre.
– Vrayment? [Right?] - said Princess Mary, looking into Pierre's kind face and not ceasing to think about her grief. “It would be easier for me,” she thought, if I decided to believe to someone everything that I feel. And I would like to tell Pierre everything. He is so kind and noble. It would be easier for me. He would give me advice!”
- Would you marry him? Pierre asked.
“Ah, my God, Count, there are such moments when I would go for anyone,” Princess Mary suddenly said, unexpectedly for herself, with tears in her voice. “Ah, how hard it is to love a loved one and feel that ... nothing (she continued in a trembling voice) you can do for him except grief, when you know that you cannot change this. Then one thing - to leave, but where should I go? ...
- What are you, what is the matter with you, princess?
But the princess, without finishing, began to cry.
“I don't know what's wrong with me today. Don't listen to me, forget what I told you.
All Pierre's gaiety vanished. He anxiously questioned the princess, asked her to express everything, to confide her grief to him; but she only repeated that she asked him to forget what she said, that she did not remember what she said, and that she had no grief, except for what he knows - grief that the marriage of Prince Andrei threatened to quarrel her father with son.
Have you heard about the Rostovs? she asked to change the conversation. “I was told that they would be coming soon. I also wait for Andre every day. I would like them to meet here.
How does he look at the matter now? asked Pierre, by which he meant the old prince. Princess Mary shook her head.
– But what to do? The year is only a few months away. And it can't be. I would only wish to spare my brother the first few minutes. I wish they would come sooner. I hope to get along with her. You have known them for a long time, - said Princess Marya, - tell me, hand on heart, all true truth who is this girl and how do you find her? But the whole truth; because, you understand, Andrei risks so much by doing this against the will of his father that I would like to know ...
An obscure instinct told Pierre that in these reservations and repeated requests to tell the whole truth, Princess Mary's hostility towards her future daughter-in-law was expressed, that she wanted Pierre not to approve of Prince Andrei's choice; but Pierre said what he felt rather than thought.
"I don't know how to answer your question," he said, blushing, not knowing why. “I definitely don’t know what kind of girl this is; I can't analyze it at all. She is charming. And why, I do not know: that's all that can be said about her. - Princess Mary sighed and the expression on her face said: "Yes, I expected this and was afraid."
- Is she smart? asked Princess Mary. Pierre considered.
“I think not,” he said, “but yes. She does not deign to be smart ... No, she is charming, and nothing more. Princess Mary again shook her head disapprovingly.
“Oh, I so desire to love her!” Tell her that if you see her before me.
“I heard that they will be in the next few days,” said Pierre.
Princess Marya told Pierre her plan about how, as soon as the Rostovs arrived, she would get close to her future daughter-in-law and try to accustom the old prince to her.

Marrying a rich bride in St. Petersburg did not work out for Boris and he came to Moscow for the same purpose. In Moscow, Boris was in indecision between the two richest brides - Julie and Princess Mary. Although Princess Mary, despite her ugliness, seemed to him more attractive than Julie, for some reason he was embarrassed to look after Bolkonskaya. On her last meeting with her, on the old prince's name day, to all his attempts to talk to her about feelings, she answered him inappropriately and obviously did not listen to him.
Julie, on the contrary, although in a special way, peculiar to her alone, but willingly accepted his courtship.
Julie was 27 years old. After the death of her brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; but I thought that she was not only just as good, but much more attractive than she had been before. She was supported in this delusion by the fact that, firstly, she became a very rich bride, and, secondly, that the older she became, the safer she was for men, the freer it was for men to treat her and, without assuming any obligations, enjoy her dinners, evenings and lively society, gathering with her. A man who ten years ago would have been afraid to go every day to the house where there was a 17-year-old young lady, so as not to compromise her and not to tie himself up, now went to her boldly every day and treated her not as a young lady, but as a a friend who has no gender.
The Karagins' house was the most pleasant and hospitable house in Moscow that winter. In addition to parties and dinners, every day a large company gathered at the Karagins, especially men who had dinner at 12 o'clock in the morning and stayed up until 3 o'clock. There was no ball, festivities, theater that Julie would miss. Her toilets were always the most fashionable. But, despite this, Julie seemed disappointed in everything, told everyone that she did not believe in friendship, or in love, or in any joys of life, and expected peace only there. She adopted the tone of a girl who has suffered great disappointment, a girl who seems to have lost a loved one or was cruelly deceived by him. Although nothing like this happened to her, they looked at her as such, and she herself even believed that she had suffered a lot in life. This melancholy, which did not prevent her from having fun, did not prevent the young people who visited her from having a good time. Each guest, coming to them, gave his debt to the melancholy mood of the hostess and then engaged in secular conversations, and dances, and mental games, and burime tournaments, which were in vogue with the Karagins. Only some young people, including Boris, went deeper into Julie's melancholy mood, and with these young people she had longer and more solitary conversations about the futility of everything worldly, and to them she opened her albums covered with sad images, sayings and poems.
Julie was especially affectionate towards Boris: she regretted his early disappointment in life, offered him those consolations of friendship that she could offer, having suffered so much in her life herself, and opened her album to him. Boris drew two trees for her in an album and wrote: Arbres rustiques, vos sombres rameaux secouent sur moi les tenebres et la melancolie. [Rural trees, your dark boughs shake off gloom and melancholy on me.]

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