Combinations of sounds perceived as chaotic chaotic. Cacophony



In music

In modern musical avant-garde, elements of cacophony can be used purposefully: “sound clusters” by G. Cowell and J. Cage, a heap of sounds by P. Boulez and K. Stockhausen, etc. If the structure of music does not correspond to the musical experience of the listener, he may experience the impression of a cacophony. For example, listeners may perceive as a cacophony the music of another culture or era; Thus, the Yakut folk polyphony (meaningful and natural for the Yakuts) will seem like a cacophony to a listener brought up on the accordion of a tertian structure.

famous example the use of this term is the article "Muddle instead of music", where he characterized the opera "Katerina Izmailova" by Shostakovich:

If a composer happens to get on the track of a simple and understandable melody, then he immediately, as if frightened of such a disaster, rushes into the jungle of musical confusion, sometimes turning into a cacophony.

In philology

Cacophony in speech can be created due to the annoying repetition of the same sounds, if their accumulation does not serve stylistic tasks. In this sense, the term was used by Pushkin: ““ To whom was Phoebus from Russian affections “- the unexpected rhyme“ Kheraskov ”does not reconcile me with this cacophony.” ()

Use in other areas

The term can be used in other areas of art as well.

In psychiatry, this term refers to speech perception disorder with sensory asemia, when everything heard is perceived by the patient as a chaotic and meaningless stream of sounds; as well as continuously emitted nonsensical sounds produced at the peak of speech arousal.

Figurative meaning

Cacophony sometimes used in figurative meaning to indicate discord and disagreement. After German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in December 2002 criticized politicians from his coalition who talked about raising taxes with the words "This kind of cacophony is absolutely not conducive to joint politics". , word Cacophony in the choice of "word of the year" ranked 4th in Germany in 2002.

  • Word cacophony used by Nikolai Nosov in the novel " Dunno in the Sunny City" to refer to the "music" that was performed by the hooligans who appeared in the city - "wind runners": several of them made their way into the concert hall

... and with a large gathering of the public, they began to give a concert on upset and spoiled musical instruments. It was such wild music that no ear could endure; but the carminers spread the rumor that this is the most fashionable music now and it is called cacophony.
This cacophony began to spread throughout the city, and soon several more orchestras appeared, playing broken and out of tune instruments. The Vetrofon cacophony orchestra was considered especially fashionable at that time. It was small and consisted of only ten short men. One of these short men played a tin can, another sang, a third squeaked, a fourth squealed, a fifth grunted, a sixth meowed, a seventh croaked; the rest made other different sounds and beat the frying pans.
Music lovers came to the concerts of these fashionable orchestras, listened and returned home with their ears tormented to the point of pain, cursing all the cacophony, windfall and their own existence to boot.

see also

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  • Cacophony // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Cacophony / Yusfin A. G. // Gondolier - Korsov. - M. : Soviet Encyclopedia: Soviet composer, 1974. - (Musical encyclopedia: [in 6 volumes] / ch. ed. Yu. V. Keldysh; 1973-1982, v. 2).
  • - an article from the Concise Philosophical Dictionary.

An excerpt characterizing Cacophony

- All obstacles to the Russians are in vain, let's go! Petya shouted.
“But you shouldn’t be: mother said you shouldn’t,” said Nikolai, turning to Natasha.
“No, I will go, I will certainly go,” Natasha said decisively. - Danila, tell us to saddle, and Mikhail to ride with my pack, - she turned to the huntsman.
And so it seemed indecent and hard for Danila to be in the room, but it seemed impossible for him to have any business with the young lady. He lowered his eyes and hurried out, as if it did not concern him, trying somehow not to inadvertently harm the young lady.

The old count, who always kept a huge hunt, but now transferred all the hunting to the jurisdiction of his son, on this day, September 15, having cheered up, was about to leave himself too.
An hour later, all hunting was at the porch. Nikolai, with a stern and serious look, showing that there was no time now to deal with trifles, walked past Natasha and Petya, who were telling him something. He inspected all parts of the hunt, sent a flock and hunters ahead to the race, sat on his red bottom and, whistling the dogs of his pack, set off through the threshing floor into the field leading to the Otradnensky order. The horse of the old count, a playful merenka called Viflyanka, was led by the count's stirrup; he himself had to go straight in a droshky to the manhole left for him.
All the hounds were bred 54 dogs, under which 6 people left as dodzhachim and vyzhlyatnikov. In addition to the gentlemen, there were 8 greyhounds, followed by more than 40 greyhounds, so about 130 dogs and 20 horse hunters went into the field with the master's packs.
Each dog knew the owner and nickname. Each hunter knew his business, place and purpose. As soon as they went beyond the fence, everyone, without noise or conversation, evenly and calmly stretched out along the road and the field leading to the Otradnensky forest.
As if horses were walking on a furry carpet across the field, occasionally splashing through the puddles when they crossed the roads. The misty sky continued to descend imperceptibly and evenly to the earth; the air was quiet, warm, soundless. From time to time one could hear the whistling of a hunter, then the snoring of a horse, then a blow with a rapnik or the squeal of a dog that was not walking in its place.
Having driven a mile away, five more riders with dogs appeared out of the fog towards the Rostov hunt. In front rode a fresh, handsome old man with a large gray mustache.
“Hello, uncle,” Nikolai said when the old man drove up to him.
- A clean march! ... I knew it, - my uncle spoke (he was a distant relative, a poor neighbor of the Rostovs), - I knew that you couldn’t stand it, and it’s good that you were going. Pure business march! (That was my uncle's favorite saying.) - Take your order now, otherwise my Girchik reported that the Ilagins were willingly standing in Korniki; you have them - a clean march! - under the nose they will take a brood.
- I'm going there. What, bring down the flocks? - Nikolai asked, - dump ...
The hounds were united in one flock, and uncle and Nikolai rode side by side. Natasha, wrapped in kerchiefs, from under which a lively face with shining eyes could be seen, galloped up to them, accompanied by a hunter and a bereytor, who was assigned by the nanny with her, who did not lag behind her, Petya and Mikhaila. Petya laughed at something and beat and pulled his horse. Natasha deftly and confidently sat on her black Arab and with a sure hand, without effort, laid siege to him.
Uncle looked disapprovingly at Petya and Natasha. He did not like to combine pampering with the serious business of hunting.
- Hello, uncle, and we're going! Petya shouted.
“Hello, hello, but don’t pass the dogs,” my uncle said sternly.
- Nikolenka, what a lovely dog, Trunila! he recognized me,” Natasha said about her beloved hound dog.
“Trunila, first of all, is not a dog, but a survivor,” thought Nikolai and looked sternly at his sister, trying to make her feel the distance that should have separated them at that moment. Natasha understood this.
“You, uncle, don’t think that we interfere with anyone,” said Natasha. We stand where we are and don't move.
“And a good thing, countess,” said my uncle. “Just don’t fall off the horse,” he added, “otherwise it’s a pure march!” - nothing to hold on to.
The island of Otradnensky order could be seen a hundred fathoms away, and those arriving approached it. Rostov, finally deciding with his uncle where to throw the hounds from and showing Natasha a place where she should stand and where nothing could run, headed for the race over the ravine.
“Well, nephew, you’re becoming a seasoned one,” said the uncle: don’t iron (pickle).
- As it is necessary, answered Rostov. - Punish, fuit! he shouted, answering this call to the words of his uncle. Karay was an old and ugly, burly male, known for that he single-handedly took a seasoned wolf. Everyone got into place.
The old count, knowing his son's hunting fervor, hurried not to be late, and before the arrivals had time to drive up to the place, Ilya Andreevich, cheerful, ruddy, with trembling cheeks, on his crows, rolled through the greenery to the manhole left to him and, straightening his fur coat and putting on hunting shells, climbed onto his smooth, well-fed, meek and kind, gray-haired like him, Bethlyanka. The horses with the droshky were sent away. Count Ilya Andreich, although not a hunter by heart, but who knew the laws of hunting firmly, rode into the edge of the bushes from which he was standing, took apart the reins, straightened himself in the saddle and, feeling ready, looked around smiling.

(from the Greek kakos - bad and ponn - sound) - combinations of sounds that are perceived as meaningless, chaotic, chaotic and produce a repulsive, anti-aesthetic. impression on the listener. K. is usually formed as a result of a random combination of sounds or dec. melodic excerpts (e.g. when setting up an orchestra). However, some representatives of modern. music avant-gardism consciously uses elements of k. ("sound clusters" by G. Cowell and J. Cage, a heap of sounds by P. Boulez and K. Stockhausen, etc.). The impression of K. may also arise due to a discrepancy between the musical experience of the listener and the structure of the music. Combinations of sounds, to-rye for a certain national. cultures and eras were meaningful and logical, they can be perceived by the listener of another country or other era as K. (for example, the Yakut folk polyphony may seem K. to a listener brought up on an accordion of a tertian structure).

A. G. Yusfin.

Watch value Cacophony in other dictionaries

Cacophony- cacophony, (Greek kakos - bad and - I sound) (book). Disharmonious, ear-cutting combination of sounds, dissonance (in music, in poetry). "To whom was Phoebus from Russian caresses" ........
Dictionary Ushakov

Cacophony J.- 1. A non-harmonic combination of sounds that cuts the ear; dissonance (in music, poetry).
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Cacophony- -And; and. [Greek kakos - bad and phōnē - sound, voice] A combination of sounds that cuts the ear, dissonance (in music, in poetry).
◁ Cacophonic, -th, -th. K music.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Cacophony- (from the Greek kakos - bad and phone - sound) - combinations of musical sounds, perceived as chaotic, chaotic.
Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Cacophony— - combinations musical sounds perceived as chaotic, chaotic. In a figurative sense - a strong noise, a roar, drowning out each other's sounds.
Historical dictionary

Cacophony- (from the Greek kakos - bad + phone - sound) - combinations of musical sounds perceived as chaotic, chaotic and unpleasant.
Psychological Encyclopedia

A cacophony is a haphazard, unharmonious combination of sounds, usually prompting the listener to wince and immediately plug their ears.

Meaning of the word

The origin of the word is ancient Greek. The root - φωνή is translated as "sound" and is involved in the creation of many lexemes associated with sound characteristics: megaphone, gramophone, tape recorder, telephone, phonogram, phoneme, music library and so on. The root κακός in Russian translation means "bad".

The meaning of the word cacophony confirms the synonymic row in which it is located: dissonance, dissonance, disharmony. Any sounds that cut the ear are perceived by the human ear as a cacophony. This is the crazy choir of March cats, and the sounds of instruments tuned before a performance or concert, and the urban dissonance of noises, and dissonant lines of other poetic verses. The word opposite to this lexeme in meaning is the term "euphony", which means euphony.

musical dissonance

Cacophony is the concept most associated with music. In modern avant-garde art, a random jumble of sounds is sometimes used on purpose, with a specific ideological and aesthetic purpose. Back in 1936, domestic critics angrily condemned the "conceptualist" Shostakovich for the intricate sound organization of his opera Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district”, calling his work a confusion instead of music. The works of the American pianist Henry Cowell, distinguished by his own peculiar style, contain musical polyphony, characterized by dissonant sound. The same can be said about the composer John Cage, famous for inventing the so-called “prepared piano”. Before the concert, the musician prepared the instrument, placing small objects between its strings - coins, pieces of paper, paper clips, pins. As a result, the sound unusual colors and timbre. Cage's technique for composing music was based on the principle of chance. The method of chance was brought to perfection by his followers - the German Stockhausen and the Frenchman Boulez.

"Metal" band

Heavy metal fans will gladly tell you that "Cacophony" is also the famous american group, musical compositions which are a bizarre mixture of Japanese, Arabic and new European melodies. During the three years of its existence (1986-1989) the band released two quality albums in the style of thrash metal and neoclassical metal.

In other areas

The noun "cacophony" is applicable to other areas of human activity. In stylistics, they say this about an ugly and unjustified combination of sounds in speech. Psychiatry keeps this term in service when referring to such nervous disorders in which the patient perceives audible sounds as chaotic noise. Metaphorically, the word "cacophony" means disagreement and lack of agreement between people. Sometimes they are determined by the inconsistency and inconsistency of the thought process, feelings and desires of the individual. Then one speaks of the cacophony of the mind. Cacophony in fine arts and architecture, one can name bizarre and piercing combinations of shapes, lines and colors, unusual for the perception of a person brought up on traditional cultural patterns.

Speak right

You can often hear such a thing as "cacophony of sounds." It is incorrect because it contains a tautology: in the noun "cacophony", as we have seen, there is already the meaning of the word "sound", thus the above expression means "dissonance of sounds". Let us use words and concepts correctly so that cacophony never arises in our thoughts and statements.

Kakos - bad and - I sound) (book). Disharmonious, ear-cutting combination of sounds, dissonance (in music, in poetry). ““Who was Phoebus from Russian caresses to” - the unexpected rhyme of “Kheraskov” does not reconcile me with this cacophony. Pushkin .

Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


See what "CACOPHONIA" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek, see the previous word). Inharmonious combination of sounds: bad pronunciation, cacophony. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. CACOPHONIA Greek. kakophonia, from kakos, bad, and phone, sound. Evil… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    cacophony- CACOPHONIA, CACAPHONIA and, f. cacaphonie f. Non-harmonic, ear-piercing combination of sounds; cacophony. BASS 1. kakophonia bad sound. Bad sound. Sl. 18. The mentioned ending of adjectives on and in the example: true ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    An unpleasant combination of words in poetry (or sounds in music). Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 x volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek. kakos bad and phone sound) combinations of musical sounds, perceived as chaotic, chaotic ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    CACOPHONIA, and, wives. (book). Deprived of any harmony, a chaotic combination of sounds (in music, poetry). | adj. cacophonous, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Cacophony- CACOPHONIA - an unpleasant combination of words in poetry (or sounds in music) ... Dictionary of literary terms

    CACOPHONY- (from the Greek kakos bad + phone sound) combinations of musical sounds perceived as chaotic, chaotic and unpleasant. Big psychological dictionary. Moscow: Prime EUROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

    - (inosk.) discord, disagreement, stupidity; allusion to cacophony, bad consonance (of words), unpleasant clash of sounds, dissonance Cf. If all those sitting here were invited to express their opinions ... what a cacophony it would be, what a nonsense, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    cacophony- and, only units, f. In music, poetry: inharmonious, devoid of euphony, chaotic combination of sounds. To sound exactly symphonic work, and not a cacophony of sounds, the orchestra must be controlled by the conductor (Kazakovtsev). ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language


  • Truth is symphonic, Balthasar HW The fact that Christian truth is symphonic should be said publicly, conveyed to the heart of everyone - today, perhaps more necessary than ever. But a symphony is by no means...

Dictionary Ushakov


cacophony, cacophony, female (Greek kakos - bad and - sound) ( books.). Disharmonious, ear-cutting combination of sounds, dissonance (in music, in poetry). ““Who was Phoebus from Russian caresses to” - the unexpected rhyme of “Kheraskov” does not reconcile me with this cacophony. Pushkin.

Dictionary of linguistic terms


(Greek kakopbonia - bad sound). Discordant, ear-piercing combination of sounds. Often, cacophony in speech is created by the annoying repetition of the same sounds, their accumulation in a sentence, not related to the stylistic task. They are being heard. sounds that gradually build up and turn into an annoying noise coming from everyone. sides for each person in the room. What river is as wide as the Oka?

Glossary of musical terms


(from gr. kakos - bad, and phone - sound) - a chaotic, chaotic combination of sounds that produces an anti-aesthetic impression. Some representatives of avant-garde deliberately use. cacophony (“sound clusters” by G. Cowell and D. Cage). The impression of cacophony can also arise due to the discrepancy between the musical experience of the listener and the structure of the music.

Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology


dissonance arising in speech from a combination of certain words.

* Wed Information on ethnography and history (four I give an unsuccessful sound); We went toe to toe, etc. It is necessary to take care that such phrases do not arise in you, since this is a greater or lesser marriage of speech. *

encyclopedic Dictionary


(from the Greek kakos - bad and phone - sound), combinations of musical sounds perceived as chaotic, chaotic.

Ozhegov's dictionary

KAKOF ABOUT NIA, And, and.(book). Deprived of any harmony, a chaotic combination of sounds (in music, poetry).

| adj. cacophonous, oh, oh.

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