Solomon's decision, the meaning and origin of phraseological units. The meaning of the expression "Solomon's decision


Nicholas Ge. Judgment of King Solomon.

Solomon's decision - so we call a fair, wise and speedy judgment.

The Bible tells us about King Solomon. He was the son of the illustrious King David and ruled the kingdom of Judah in the 10th century BC. It was Solomon who built the first temple in Jerusalem. But this king was especially famous for his wisdom.

Once in a dream, Solomon heard the voice of God, who said to him: "Ask what to give you." The king asked for wisdom to rule his people fairly. And because Solomon did not ask for any personal benefits, such as longevity or wealth, God fulfilled his request, making Solomon the wisest of kings.

One day, two women with a baby were brought to Solomon's court. They lived in the same house and with a difference of three days gave birth to sons. But at one of them the child died at night. The first woman claimed that her neighbor switched children, taking her living child for herself. The second claimed that she did nothing of the kind, and at night the child of the first woman died. How in this situation was to figure out which of the two women is telling the truth and is the real mother of the child? It was impossible to establish the truth without witnesses, and genetic analysis did not exist at that time. Then King Solomon ordered to bring a sword and divide the child between two women, cutting it in half. Hearing about this decision, the first woman screamed that the child should not be killed, but given to her neighbor. The second one was satisfied. “Let it be neither for me nor for you,” she said.

Then everyone understood who real mother child. By order of the king, the son was returned to the woman who asked to be left alive. This bible story impressed many with a non-standard and subtle solution controversial issue. Hence the expression "Solomon's Judgment" firmly entrenched in our speech.

Expression "Solomon's solution " denotes a wise act, a decision, and if taken in a broad sense, then wisdom.

Who is Solomon?

Solomon was the king of Israel in 965 - 928 years BC. official history it is customary to consider this period of Israel the most prosperous and rich. Perhaps for this reason, first in the history of the Jewish people, and then in the history of other countries of the world, Solomon entered as one of the wisest rulers of the world. Even the very name of this Jewish king became a household name and means " wisdom"(see what the Star of David symbol means).

"Solomonic solutions" examples

Once, two middle-aged women came to the court of this wise ruler, who challenged each other's child.
These two ladies lived under the same roof and each of them had a baby. Recently, while going to bed, one of them accidentally crushed her child, and upon learning of this she decided to replace her dead child, taking a healthy one from her neighbor. Then Solomon exclaimed, bring the sword here , it is necessary to cut the child in half in order to give each part of it.
One of the women shouted: "Give it to her, just don't kill it," and the other exclaimed: "Chop it, let no one get it."
According to these words, the wise Jew understood who the true mother was and gave him to the first lady.

Researchers believe that Solomon wrote several works, including the Books of Solomon's Parables, the Books of Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon books.

Wise sayings of Solomon

  • A despondent spirit dries up the bones, but a merry heart is beneficial, like healing.
  • The prudent is attentive to their ways, and a fool believes every word.
  • He who sleeps during the harvest is a dissolute son; he who gathers during the summer is a wise son.
  • It is better to live in desert lands than with an angry and quarrelsome wife.
  • What happens to the wicked is what they deserve the righteous, and the righteous overtakes what the wicked would deserve.

King Solomon's Mines

It is generally accepted that King Solomon was fabulously rich. This was facilitated by his excellent household skills. He bought horses in Cilicia (according to Wikipedia, this place is located on southeast Asia) and sold them profitably to Egypt and Mesopotamia, and in Egypt he bought war chariots and resold them to other countries. almost a monopoly and received huge profits.

The events on the recalcitrant peninsula, whose people sincerely, with love and hope, turned their gaze towards Russia, stirred up Ukrainian “patriotic feelings” like a storm. Some should be reminded that a patriot is a person who loves his homeland, is ready to make sacrifices and deeds for her. The patriot carefully preserves the fatherland: “We love the Motherland like a bride, we protect it like an affectionate mother!”

But patriotism in the "Ukrainian" performance went off scale with the "ninth wave":
“Crimea will be Ukrainian or deserted,” Kiev TV presenter Danilo Yanevsky said on the air of Public Television.
“Either Crimea will be an autonomy within Ukraine, or it will be a scorched and impoverished territory for a long time,” deputy Inna Bogoslovskaya confirms her tender love for Ukraine and its people.

“Patriots” threaten to turn Crimea into a scorched desert?!… Decoration, joy, fairy tale of our life is Crimea. A piece of heaven on earth. “And if we really want happiness, we will go to the Crimea,” wrote the poet silver age Ilya Selvinsky. Maximilian Voloshin is buried in Koktebel...

Understand the simple lesson of my land:
How Greece and Genoa passed,
So blow everything - Europe and Russia.
Civil unrest is a combustible element
Disperse ... Will arrange a new century
In the backwaters of life there are other gulfs ...
The days are fading, a man is passing by.

But heaven and earth are always the same.
So live for the day.
Bless your blue eye.
Be simple as the wind, inexhaustible as the sea,
And saturated with memory, like the earth.
Love the distant sail of the ship
And the song of the waves, rustling in the open.
All the thrill of life of all ages and races
Lives in you. Always. Now. Now.
December 25, 1926

And they threaten to take IT away from the "beloved people"?!
In my opinion, such statements (“Do not get you to anyone!” A.N. Ostrovsky, “Dowry”) speak about the new government no less than the law on the ban on the Russian language, which, by the way, was urgently canceled: it’s not time yet until, later, when the turmoil passes and everything is "stable", then "we will settle accounts with them later!" (Forgive me, Bulat Shalvovich, that I used the lines from his poem "Ah, war, what have you done, vile ..." used in such a context).

Let's turn to biblical wisdom - let's resort to Solomon's decision (the meaning of the phraseological unit "Solomon's decision" is a wise and simple solution to an intractable issue, named after the Hebrew wise king Solomon).
Let me remind you a parable:

One day, two women came to court Solomon, who was known for his wisdom. They lived in the same house and were neighbors. Both recently had a baby.

Last night, one of them accidentally crushed her baby in a dream and placed the dead child next to another woman, and took the living one from her. In the morning, the women began to argue, each arguing that the living child was hers, and the dead one was her neighbor.

They also argued before the king. After listening to them, Solomon ordered to bring the sword.
The sword was immediately brought. Without a moment's hesitation, King Solomon said:

May both be happy. Cut a living child in half and give each half of the baby.
One of the women, hearing his words, changed her face and pleaded:
- Give the child to my neighbor, she is his mother, just don't kill him!
The other, on the contrary, agreed with the decision of the king.
“Chop it, let it not get either to her or to me,” she said decisively.

Then King Solomon said:
- Do not kill the child, but give it to the first woman: she is his real mother.

So who is the real mother for Crimea: Ukraine or Russia?
Here are some opinions from the Internet (profanity removed):
- Here it is, hypocrisy in pure form. And after that we are told that no one will oppress Sevastopol and Crimea.
"This land belongs to Crimean Tatars… This land is, was and will be Ukrainian territory,” the TV presenter added. Did they rewrite this part of history?
- And Admiral Ushakov is the founder of the tactics of the Ukrainian Cossacks at sea.)))
- No matter how the wolf tries to dress up in sheep's clothing, the true intentions still slip through ...
- Kyiv became a fascist city - that's a fact. I'm wondering: will Kyiv veterans be able to go to the parade on May 9?! Or we will see a Nazi parade in Kyiv.

Solomon's solution

Wise was King Solomon. More than once he acted as a strict but fair judge. His very first trial of two women immortalized his name through the ages. One woman said: “My lord! This woman and I live in the same house, and I gave birth to my son in her presence. And three days later she gave birth. In the morning I got up to feed the baby, and behold, he was dead. And when I peered into him, it was not my son, whom I gave birth to. But the other woman answered: “No, my son is alive, and yours is dead!” So they argued before the king and shouted at each other. Then Solomon said, "Give me a sword." And when the sword was brought, he ordered: "Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other." And that woman, whose son was alive and who accused her neighbor of forgery, rushed to the king and began to beg him to save the child's life. And the second woman said: “Let it be neither for me nor for you ... Chop!” Solomon listened to both women, and then pointed to the one who asked to save the life of the baby: “Give this a living child and do not kill him: she is his mother.”

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Decision of the people After the pacification of the Philistines, Samuel became the judge of Israel until the end of his years. From year to year he went around Bethil, Gilgal and Missifat, judging the people in these places, after which he returned to Ramath, where he had a house and an altar erected by him. There he also judged. When

Judgment of Solomon - wise and fair trial. Solomon's decision is a witty decision, a clever way out of a difficult or delicate situation.

Solomon - famous ancient king Judah (son of King David). Like all the rulers of that time, Solomon administered justice. Solomon was famous for his fair and smart decisions. For example, according to legend, two women were arguing over which of them the child belonged to. Solomon proposed to cut the child in half and divide it among those who disagree. The deceiver willingly agreed, and the mother, crying, said: "It is better to give him to her alive." Naturally, the king gave the child to a woman who refused to cut it.

This story is described in the Bible, in the Old Testament (1 Kings, ch. 3, st. 16-28):

16 Then two harlot women came to the king and stood before him.

17 And one woman said, O my lord! I and this woman live in the same house; and I gave birth with her in this house;

18 On the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth; and we were together, and there was no stranger with us in the house; only we two were in the house;

19 And the woman's son died in the night, for she slept him;

20 And she arose in the night, and took my son from me, while I, your servant, was sleeping, and laid him on her bosom, and laid her dead son on my bosom;

21 In the morning I got up to feed my son, and behold, he was dead; and when I looked at him in the morning, it was not my son whom I gave birth to.

22 And the other woman said, No, my son is alive, and your son is dead. And she told her: no, your son is dead, but mine is alive. And they spoke thus before the king.

23 And the king said, This one says, My son is alive, but your son is dead; and she says: no, your son is dead, and my son is alive.

24 And the king said, Give me a sword. And they brought the sword to the king.

25 And the king said, Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other.

26 And the woman, whose living son was, answered the king, for all her inward parts were agitated with pity for her son: O my lord! give her this child alive and do not kill him. And the other said: let it not be either for me or for you, cut it down.

27 And the king answered and said, Give this living child, and do not kill him: she is his mother.

28 And all Israel heard of the judgment, as the king judged; and they began to fear the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to execute judgment.

IN work of art A.I. Kuprin "Shulamith", the writer gives other examples of witty judgments of Solomon.


"Fedot, but not that one" (1943): "The practical mind of a familiar policeman and his solomonic solution did not stop Kotov in his legitimate desire to unravel the case."

"The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik" (1923, translated by P.G. Bogatyrev (1893 - 1971)), part 2, ch. 1. Schweik did not have money for a ticket to send to his military unit: "The lieutenant did not reach into his pocket for Solomon's solution difficult question.
- Let him go on foot, - he decided, - let him be put in the regiment for being late. There's nothing to mess with him here"

"Teenager" - main character argues:

"Uma, or what, is there so much needed here? What the Solomon's wisdom! There would be only character; skill, dexterity, knowledge will come by themselves. Just don't stop wanting."

"Demons" (1872) part 3 ch. 1, 4: "On ships Solomon's sentences, and jurors take bribes only in the struggle for existence, when they have to die of hunger.


Judgment of Solomon. Unknown artist, Italy, first half of the 18th century. Museum foreign art(Yaroslavl)

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