Dark water in the clouds - what does it mean.


flew by,
hiding the sun
like various centuries,
like little fish
in the lake at the bottom,
like holy thoughts
Visions, seeing promises,
written with the brush of the breeze,
in Greece, Egypt,
people love clouds.
Dressed in white clothes
returning home from afar,
keeping wonderful hopes,
clouds were taken for comparison.
whitening with snow,
the appearance of a shadow in the heat,
Ascension and Transfiguration -
clouds were everywhere...

Hieromonk Averky (Belov) offers us such a description of the water cycle in nature, the spiritual and poetic perception of clouds. To be honest, in colloquial speech I have never heard this, so I started with a poem by Father Averky, which also concerns clouds.

- The lyrics are wonderful. And the fact that the phraseologism is dark water in the clouds is not used in modern Russia, to be honest, I was surprised: our grandmothers and great-grandmothers said so when they wanted to talk about some secret, about something unsolved, unknown to us. For example, even in a domestic situation, when it was a theft or a bribe and it was not really clear what happened, they could say: “Well, what happened there ... You know, the water is dark in the clouds - we don’t know, we don’t understand.” This is a very deep expression, and its roots lie not in folk speech and not in fiction, and in Holy Scripture.

It is in the context of the 17th psalm, which opens the third kathisma of the Psalter. This expression directly refers to the description of God's condescension to earth, this is a figurative description - as is usually the case in psalms - of the Nativity of Christ. Psalm 17 was written by David when the Lord delivered him from the hands of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. First, David says that there was trouble - the invasion of many enemies, and the Lord heard his voice and delivered from them. And suddenly, further, as it were, an insert that biblical scholars who study the psalms as literary work, is considered the most ancient. If, as they say, one can doubt that David himself wrote the psalm, then about the middle part, which just includes the phrase "dark water in the clouds", there is no doubt about the antiquity of the text written by David himself or his contemporaries. This is the most ancient part of the psalm.

After David reports that he called to God, and the Lord heard from the temple of His Holy One (a phrase, also probably known to church people), and saved him, some kind of phantasmagoric scene is described, it seems that this is from the prophet Ezekiel - about the descent God's on earth. Here is how David writes: “And the earth was moved, and the earth was trembling, and the foundations of the mountains were shaken and moved, as if God was angry with me. The smoke of His wrath goes up, and fire is kindled at His face, coal is kindled from Him. And bow the heavens, and from below, and darkness under His feet. And vzde on the Cherubim, and fly, fly on the wings of the wind. And lay down the darkness of Your shelter, His village is around Him, the water is dark in the clouds of the air. Clouds, hail and coals of fire came from the sheen before Him. And the Lord will thunder from Heaven, and the Most High shall give His voice” (Ps. 17:7-13).

This description seems to us just an Old Testament description of bad weather - storms, thunderstorms, but there is also a feeling that with a storm, with rain, the Lord could help David overcome his enemies. This is a rather superficial interpretation, which, by the way, is limited to Professor Lopukhin's Explanatory Bible.

If we turn to the holy fathers (in particular, I really love the Interpretation of the Psalms by Athanasius the Great), the mystery of these words will be revealed to us - there is some kind of deep mystery here. The Monk Athanasius the Great, holy father of the 4th century, explains these words, and we find out that the described mountains are false prophets and false teachings, which were in abundance before the Coming of Christ, people who commit all kinds of sins, who are in the darkness of paganism and idolatry. The Lord was angry at the wickedness of the people, and this preceded His Coming to earth, as Athanasius the Great explains. With the fire of His Divine Coming, the Lord ignites another fire – the fire of passions, sins.

As we have already said, Divine Light and Divine Fire are one and the same. Simply, as St. Gregory the Theologian says, for some it is light, and for others it is fire, depending on what the Lord finds in a person: for people good life it is a light that enlightens all, but for the evil, for those who gravitate toward sin, this same light turns into fire. Here is just a description of how fire descended on the earth from the Face of God and consumed everything sinful. The coming of the Lord was a test for the people. That is, what will this Coming be for you? It turns out to be light - and you will follow it? Or will it turn out to be a fire that will burn, burn your passions and unrepentant sins?

“And bow the heavens, and from below”: the Nativity of Christ is the union of Heaven and earth; Heaven bowed to earth, and the Lord descended. "...and darkness under His feet." Darkness, which in Russian is called darkness, is a state where there is nothing and the Lord is present there. The holy fathers, ascetics, elders, not only ancient, but even modern, say that if you seriously engage in the Jesus Prayer, there comes a moment when you feel emptiness - all thoughts go away. After all, when we pray, our thoughts swarm like mosquitoes and flies. By the way, this can be used to determine what you are spiritually ill with: if a person likes to regret the past, then during prayer he will most likely receive some thoughts, associations from the past, sometimes even pleasant, but distracting from prayer. If someone is very worried about his life, about the future, then he will most likely have thoughts that he needs to urgently call somewhere or do something. But when the holy fathers, ascetics, elders purify their hearts with tears, repentance, prayer - these serious spiritual exercises, then they come to a state when they have no thoughts during prayer. There is silence, and they seem to sink into darkness, not darkness. In Russian, this is precisely darkness - a state where there is nothing, the Lord descends in that silence (but not “darkness”, denoting something sinister, including in Russian) ...

"And put down the darkness of Your shelter, His village is around Him ...". Athanasius the Great says that around His village His is the Holy Church, and in this he refers to the apostles. “...the water is dark in the clouds of air” - all this we have not experienced, not understood, wonderful, we can only believe in it and give thanks for it.

Let's go back to our phrase "dark is the water in the clouds of heaven." Why exactly the image of clouds? It is clear that the image of clouds, clouds that bring us water, which gives life, is also an Old Testament symbol. But even in the clouds the Holy Spirit often descended. We know that He descended in a cloud on Tabor, and a cloud also covered the top of Sinai. Athanasius the Great calls the clouds of the apostles and prophets and says that sometimes the teachings of the prophets are obscure for us, but by the Coming of Christ they are revealed to us and many of their words are explained, which we did not understand before. That is, the saint offers a very multifaceted understanding of clouds.

I didn't come up with this phrase by accident. I read this psalm three days ago and saw “waters in the clouds” (besides, we recently had rain), and for some reason I immediately had the idea of ​​the Baptism of the Lord, because the life-giving waters of the Jordan are also an amazing symbol: the Jordan is not lives without water falling from these clouds, rain water nourishes it, otherwise it will dry up. It floods a lot in winter and dries out a lot in summer. In addition, the very image of life-giving water, which, although dark, is present. Indeed, we know that in church hymns, stichera and troparia of Baptism, the Jordanian waters are called flowing into eternal life, and the Lord said: "I am the source of living water."

Water, a symbol that is completely understandable for our region, receives a completely different meaning in the Holy Scriptures, mysterious, mystical.

Julia Podzolova

Dark water in the clouds

Learning language clichés
at school lesson

Often, it would seem that the simplest topics and concepts present a certain difficulty for studying at school. This is the case, for example, with the study of proverbs, sayings and language clichés, with which the Russian language is so rich.

At first glance, there seems to be nothing complicated here, but it is enough to look into some special study to understand how complex this area of ​​literature is. Let's start with the definitions themselves. What is considered a proverb, what is a saying, and what is just a set phrase?

In serious literature, to study these language units, methods of structural analysis are used, typological studies are carried out. All this, of course, can only add to the difficulties for schoolchildren, who for the time being need to be taught only the very basics of knowledge.

And therefore it is reasonable to build a lesson dedicated to this difficult topic in a special way, to build it on the principle of a quiz, so that students independently try to figure out how certain artistic units function.

We will divide the lesson into three parts. In the introduction, we will offer students the definitions of proverbs and sayings, as they are given in the literary encyclopedic dictionary.

“A proverb is a short, rhythmically organized, figurative folk saying that is stable in speech. Used in a figurative sense - by the principle of analogy - to its literal meaning ... the proverb contains an aphoristically condensed expression of some facet of folk experience; the subject of the statement is considered in the light of the universally recognized truth expressed by the proverb.

“A proverb is a figurative expression that accurately defines and evaluates any phenomenon of life. The proverb is often based on a metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, idiomatic expression, paradox. Unlike a proverb, a proverb is always monomial, always represents a part of a judgment, and is usually devoid of a generalizing instructive meaning.

Having this initial knowledge of the subject, you should proceed to the second, main part of the lesson. The teacher offers the class proverbs, sayings and language clichés from other languages, and the students, in turn, must choose their Russian equivalents. Immediately warn the class that first you need to pay attention not to the external form, but to the essence of expressions, so it is easier to choose the appropriate “guess”. (But, after the work is done, we still invite the students to answer the question: what is the difference between proverbs, sayings and phraseological units?)

Material for the game:

Foreign proverbs and sayings
and their Russian counterparts

1. Walking steppe will cross (Finnish).
The road will be mastered by the walking one.

2. There is no person without flaws (Turkish).
A horse with four legs, and even he stumbles.

3. He who carries water breaks the jug (Turkish).
He does not make mistakes who does nothing.

4. And kings are wrong (Vietnamese).
Enough simplicity for every sage.

5. Everywhere bread with a crust (Lithuanian).
There is no rose without thorns.

6. The water in the new jug is cold (Persian).
The new broom sweeps clean.

7. If the cat had wings, the sparrows would not live (Lezginskaya).
God does not give horns to a vigorous cow.

8. A hurrying cockroach will get into the soup (Udmurt).
Hurry up and make people laugh.

9. There is nothing to scold the cat when the cheese is eaten (French).
They don't wave their fists after a fight.

10. As you make bed, so you will sleep (Gagauz).
As it comes around, so it will respond.

11. I drew a dragon, but it turned out to be a worm (Vietnamese).
He shot at a sparrow, but hit a crane.

12. There is a lot of black on the sea, but not all of it is seals (Finnish).
Not all that glitters is gold.

13. Wife and husband are like chopsticks: always a couple (Vietnamese).
Husband and wife, one of Satan.

14. If two cooks are busy at the same stove, dinner burns (Assyrian).
Too many cooks spoil the broth.

15. Separation is the death of love (French).
Out of sight, out of mind.

16. Fight like a fish on the kitchen table (Vietnamese).
Fight like a fish on ice.

17. Drunk like a lord (English).
Drunk as hell.

18. When the pigs fly (English).
After the rain on Thursday.

19. In the goat's mouth - sweet grass (Persian).
Every man to his own taste.

20. The resulting vinegar is better than the promised halvah (Persian).
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

21. If my aunt had a beard, she would be my uncle (Persian).
If wishes were horses beggars might ride.

At the end of the lesson, students say own opinion about the material covered, share their observations on how proverbs and sayings function in the Russian language environment.

The teacher summarizes the lesson, draws the necessary conclusions. By the way, one should not forget that many Russian proverbs and sayings have almost verbatim equivalents in other languages.

The teacher can also expand the material for comparison from a variety of sources, not only special dictionaries, but also collections of aphorisms, just fiction.

St. Athanasius the Great

And lay down your darkness, that is, the invisible and invisible stay of the Savior with people. His village is around him. In words: His village- means the holy Church, in which he promised to settle down. Around Him, as said: where two or three gather in my name, there I am in the midst of them(Matthew 18:20). He says this because of the darkness of what was said about Him by the Prophets, who are also called clouds.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

Rev. Nile of Sinai

It is said in the seventeenth psalm: "Put down your darkness" (Ps. 17:12), - means that the depths of the judgments of God are incomprehensible, unsearchable and not understood.

Letters to different topics. Marcian.

Rev. Simeon the New Theologian

And put your cover on darkness: around him is his village: dark is the water in the clouds of the air

But lest you should think that just as you are sitting in darkness, so the Lord entered the darkness and hid himself (covered himself with darkness), for this Saint David also says: around his village. village but this is what St. Paul calls light: in the light of the living impregnable(1 Tim. 6:16) . However, both of them, and the Prophet David and the Apostle Paul, when, wanting to show that His Divinity is incomprehensible, they say alone that around his village and the other that He lives impregnable in the light, they do not show that God is somehow limited and described, but they use such a figurative expression for the inquisitive, saying as if to them: O foolish inquirers, do not think that the Lord and our God, having ascended, entered into some kind of darkness and hid . He always abides in the glory of His Divinity, which fills everything and is more (more spacious) than everything, in which glory He dwelt even before everything happened; but may we not perish completely from the lightning brilliance of His Divinity, He laid darkness for His shelter, which covered not Him, but us, for our God, says the Scripture, eat the fire(Heb.12:29) not righteous, but sinners.

Words (Word 45th).

Blzh. Theodoret of Kirsky

And put your cover on darkness: around him is his village: dark is the water in the clouds of the air

Evfimy Zigaben

And put(did) darkness for blood(spread) mine.

By darkness we mean that which cannot be seen. So, the Lord arranged an invisible cover for himself or around him, that is, having ascended to heaven, he hid from the eyes of the apostles. Or by darkness one can also understand the human flesh of Jesus Christ, since His Divinity was hidden in it.

Or: put down the darkness, i.e. made his Divinity inaccessible to our knowledge, so that darkness strikes all who try to penetrate with their minds into this depth of divine knowledge.

around his village(canopy) His.

The prophet calls the village our flesh accepted by the Lord, which the Lord Himself called his temple (John 2:19), because He lived in it not only illusory, but really, indescribably dwelling in it, as almighty. And the prophet said this here in order to show that Christ ascended into heaven along with his flesh and did not leave it on earth, as some false teachers unjustly claimed. Or: the prophet calls the village of God the impregnable radiance of His Divinity, since God in St. Scripture is described, among other things, as dwelling in the impregnable light that surrounds Him, in the light that closes the being of God from us and makes Him inaccessible to those who wish to contemplate Him with their own eyes.

Dark water in air clouds.

The prophet names the mystery about Christ as water, the prophecy about Him as clouds; thus his words take on the meaning that the prophecies relating to Jesus Christ and contained in the Scriptures of the prophets are generally obscure and not easy to understand at the time of their fulfillment. The prophet calls this mystery water because it has a refreshing effect on those who have hitherto been mired in error. He called prophecies clouds for the reason that, as if in a kind of fog, they usually hide in themselves what they are talking about. Word air added to them in order to express by this the purity of their contemplation. However, in St. The scriptures of prophecy in general are sometimes called clouds, and not even rarely. So, for example, the prophet Isaiah, calling the house of Israel a vineyard in one place, immediately mentions the clouds, to which the command of God was given, so that they would not give more rain on this vineyard (Is. 5.6 and 7), that is, that the prophets stopped their prophecy among the people of Israel.

Prot. Sergiy Ternovsky

Art. 12-14 And put thy shelter in darkness: round about him is his village: dark is the water in the clouds of the air. Clouds, hail and coals of fire came from the sheen before Him. And the Lord will thunder from Heaven, and the Most High will give His voice

You see a dark, thick cloud; it seems that it crushed your feelings, the life of nature lurked in some kind of mysterious silence, everything is gloomy, you want to see, you do not see and, as it were, indulge in lulling. Suddenly lightning flashes and thunder shakes the air; it awakens the life of nature, softens the air and fructifies the earth; awakens you too. You see a light that calls you from the earthly to the heavenly. So it is in the matter of our salvation: faith, like an impenetrable cloud, closes the secrets of heavenly life from you; as if lying on your mind and suppressing its activity; everything seems gloomy to you, everything is incomprehensible, but suddenly, like lightning, some extraordinary feeling flashes in your soul; it both awakens you, and leads to fear, and gives rise to joy. Then that which seemed incomprehensible to you is revealed to you more clearly; as if you see the Lord before you, then you can say: we know, we believe in him! Some kind of light shines on you; he together and creates meek your heart and awakens in you the power to do good. Hold on to this feeling; by the grace of God, it will be repeated and lead you to the blessed vision of the Lord.

It seems that this was the position of St. the prophet, when he says: put down your darkness, dark is the water in the clouds of the air; And the Lord will thunder from heaven, and the Most High will give His voice.

Put your darkness closed, around His village His, the water is dark ... His village is surrounded by gloomy air water, or gloomy clouds. This prophet depicts the incomprehensibility of the being of God. According to Theodore, bow down the sky means the condescension of God to the earth; fly, fly on the wings of wind, the sudden appearance of the Lord: from the shedding of the clouds, the clouds were gone. Athan. Alexander. words: dark is the water in the clouds of the air, from the shedding of clouds before Him, clouds, hail and coals of fire, explains as follows: dark water in clouds of air- says this because of the darkness of what was said about Him by the prophets, who are also called clouds. From the sheen before Him, the clouds passed- the light of His advent made the prophecies clear. Hail and coal fire- and inasmuch as there are threats in the prophecies, he also presented this under the image of hail and coal. Just as from the illumination of the sermon, like clouds, the apostles passed before Him and watered the world, so the city serves as an image of various executions, determined by unbelievers, which, after the ascension of the Lord, actually overtook His enemies, I mean mental enemies. For just as, delivering the Israelites from Egypt, he rained hail and fire, so, freeing all nations from the work of demons, he rained hail and coals of fire. And these were the punitive forces with which he overthrew the mental Egyptians: Tv. Holy Father, Part IV, Art. 89. Art. 46. The sons of need are obedshash and lame from their paths. Calling themselves my sons, they made themselves alien sons, they became weak and strayed from the path of righteousness.

Interpretation of special sayings in the church Psalter, set out according to the guidance of the holy fathers of the Church.

0 People every day face incomprehensible phenomena that often baffle them. Generally, in Lately the popularization of all kinds of psychics of witches and sorceresses is gaining and expanding, while normal person understands that they do not exist. However, this is not about this, but about the fact that people simply adore everything strange and mysterious, and this has been "stretching" since ancient times. In general, it’s not the point, and I won’t go deep and tell you “f*cking stories” for the night, since this article is not about that at all. Today we will decipher another curious saying that worries the souls of many young people. As you have already figured out, we are talking here about the expression Dark water in the clouds which means you can read a little below. Add our useful, but courageous resource site to your bookmarks so that you can visit us from time to time.
However, before I continue, I would like to show you a couple of our interesting publications on the subject of sayings and phraseological units. For example, how to spell Devil what; what does good intentions mean; the meaning of the expression Boys are bloody in the eyes; which means Burnt in milk, blowing on water, etc.
So, Dark water in the clouds, meaning?

Dark water in the clouds- this ironic statement is used if something is incomprehensible or unclear to a person, and he states this.

Synonym Dark water in the clouds: this is a great mystery; shrouded in the darkness of the unknown; history is silent on this.


Yesterday my wife left me, today she came, asked for forgiveness, the water is dark in the clouds.

You didn’t see where my sock disappeared, yesterday it lay on the battery, well, the water is dark in the clouds.

Yesterday Lenka sent me to ignore, and today she herself wrote. Oh, these women, the water is dark in the clouds.


This phrase is first mentioned in the Bible, and is written in Church Slavonic ( closer to Bulgarian than to Russian). If we open the Old Testament, then in the Psalter ( ps.17, art. 12) you can find the following text: " And put your cover on darkness, his village is around him, the water is dark in the clouds of air"(And they put covers of darkness on the village and its environs, air clouds filled with water).

After reading this short article, you finally figured out the meaning of phraseology Dark water in the clouds, and now you can explain this tricky saying to your relatives and friends.

Dark water in the clouds

Dark water in the clouds
From the Bible (Church Slavonic text). In the Old Testament, the Psalter (ps. 17, v. 12) it is said about God: “And lay down your graves, his village is around him, the water is dark in the clouds of air.”
Russian translation: “And he made darkness his covering, the darkness of the waters, the clouds of the air, hovering around Him.”
Allegorically: something incomprehensible (iron.).

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .


See what "Dark water in the clouds" is in other dictionaries:

    Unknown, this mystery is great, covered in the darkness of the unknown, obscure, history is silent about this, a mystery shrouded in darkness, unknown, incomprehensible, this mystery is great is the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms. dark water in the clouds of adverbs, number of synonyms: 9 ... ... Synonym dictionary

    DARK, oh, oh; dark, dark, dark. Dictionary Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    See obscure ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999 ... Synonym dictionary

    Book. Shuttle. iron. What l. incomprehensible, tricky, obscure (statement, text, idea, etc.). F 1, 69; BTS, 139. /i> Turnover biblical origin. BMS 1998, 87; FSRYA, 73; DP, 849 ... Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    dark water in the clouds- bookstore About what is unclear, incomprehensible, mysterious ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Dark water in the clouds (heavenly)- DARK WATER IN THE CLOUDS (HEAVY). Book. Express. Absolutely incomprehensible, unclear. Dunya spoke about the Khlyst faith, without mentioning, of course, either Saint Martin, or Ton, or others. mystical writers. She knew it was all for Agrafena… … Phrasebook Russian literary language

    Dark water in air clouds. See TRUE KNOWLEDGE... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed As it pleases the ministers to pay attention to this later or not, I will present the facts to them. This, brother, is still dark water in the clouds, what the ministers will tell you... Pisemsky. Forties people. 4, 21. Cf. Why was the road built, how much in ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Dark water in the air clouds. Wed “As the ministers later wish to pay attention to this or not, I will present the facts to them.” This, brother, is still dark water in the clouds, what will the ministers tell you... Pisemsky. Forties people. 4 … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Yup, wine. water, pl. waters, waters and waters, waters and waters; about the waters and about the waters; and. 1. Transparent, colorless liquid that forms streams, rivers, lakes, seas and is chemical compound hydrogen with oxygen. River in. Maritime c. IN.… … encyclopedic Dictionary


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